HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-23, Page 5THE SIGNAL - CODERICH ONTARIO The MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREAD Aro other Tie lake It For Al4round Service Note the Heavy Broad Flat Tread Combining All the Advantages of other Non -Skids of Both the Raised Tread and the Suction Tread Types East Street Garage Owned an) Operated by a Practical Man' ARTHUR M. GLOVER Goderich Ontario LOCAL TOPICS Caretaker Appointed. • Ata meeLiugg of the public ech,ol board on Thursday evening Mr. Charles Cook was eppofuted caretaker of Victoria school at a *allay of rkfl11,. It was arranged to advertise tor a kindergarten teacher to take the platy of Miss Dickson, who resigned to take a position at Dawson City. Death of Mrs. R. H. Hodgson. The death occurred at 'Toronto yes- terday, after a long illness, of Mrs. R. H. Hodgson, a sister -kr -law of Mr. W. 11. Robertson of town. Mrs. Hodgson was a daughter of the late John Smith, of (lode ieb, and lived at B. antplon for many years before the removal of the family to Toronto. TElvltfllaav, AuGusi f 29, 1917' : Cox Guest, of Winnipeg. The cer. - mony was performed by Rev. James Hamilton at 12 o'clock noon. The bride, who as given away by her father, wee vary pretty in ber travel- liug gown of brown velours with hat to match. She carried a bouquet of orchids, Killarney roses and waideu- bair tern. Mire Agnes Hamilton played the wedding march. After the oeremouy friends and relatives of the happy couple partook of the wedding repeat, and Mr. and Mrs. Guest left on the 2.30 p. w. train, showered with confetti, on a trip to Revelstoke and Nelson, B. C., before taking up their residence in Wiunipes where the groom is in business. Mr. Guest ie r forwrr Oodericb buy and hearty con- gratulations are due him on bis carry- ing orf one of (loderich'e most charm- ing girls. The good wishes of a host of friends follow thew to their bonne The Harvesters' Excursion. in the Western metropolis. Among those present at the wedding The West it not going to receive were Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Black and family. of much help from Ontario thie year, if other districts send no more men than Pasadena. Cal., Mrs. L. 0. Warnock and f►wily,of Brautferd, and Mise Clay- ton, of Listowel. Goderich. About half -a dozen left here on the harvesLers' excursions to- day. The next excursion will be on August 30 and, as the harvest here will be more nearly finished by that time, a greater number of men may then be free to go West. atter than Expected. ayor Munnings has been informed by r. Thor. Stutbere, trustee of the 0. . S. Railway, that the sold o the Proviucial Hydro Commis- sion s turning out better than was expec and that probably about PERSONAL MENTION. Mise Mabel Strang U holidaying at Listowel. Mr. Hao. Orabaw. East *tree., it on the sick list - Capt. ()allow, M. D.. was bouts from London for We week end. Mr. and Mi. F. W. Bropbey. of Wioolpeg. are visiting to town. Mies Sophie Strachan, of Winnipeg, is visit log fileud* lea towo- Mlw Juno Hugie, Trafalgar street, is visitIse atm brr aunt at Clinton. $ej110, will be realized from the sale, Mr. and Mr*. Jae 11. ?late, of HamllWu, urn hie weeY, is the guest of Mrs, expected and the information is very P. Gerrie. Motreal street acceptable. Rev. B. le. Armstrong. of Wingmm. Is spending bohdey' I'm town. Can't Fool 'gem That Way. Mr 1'has K. s.wuden' 1. around agate after Clifford Levy, of Clinton, pleaded lip 11IIler et elYra1 weeka guilty befo Magistrate Kelly on Miss Hence i. +woelux a few day with her Monday to a charge of bringing liquor luster, Mre. Medd. to Honett. into the comity udder a HCtitiour Princtp.,I and Mrs. Jobnetoo, Britannia road. name. The liquor, of which there was are visiting friends at I.tetowel. Miss Agnes Dickson, of Sarnia. is the guest ten gallons. was. condg0ed to Wm. at her dater. Mir W. roudloot Siogieson, at McOew station. Levy. ,d1i,, c. M. C.u.f ell Ir alteodlug the mil with a friend to identify him, went to ui cry openivae at th'trott tki week. McGaw to claim the goods, but was Mr. and Mrs. J. D Willson visited friends. at unable to convince the agent that it Brucetield on Sat.rdy and Sunda Last was his. Shortly afterwat•Ja Constable Mr. Cecil Mitchell of London, is slatting at Pellow visited the station and secured the home of Mrs Mc}JaLIy. Bruce street. the shipment. The aeiy trsed paid $5b Mr. Russell Fox. of the Union Hank. SL p ¶Jalbariuer, 1. rproding holidays in town. lied costs. In conneetlpn with the Mr and Mn. 'r. e. Roe have returned 10 same case Roy Graham,•. o[ Clinton, tows Irow Oue1Vh and will now re*Ide hero. was fined WOO and costs ter causing sow Emily McArthur in spending a few liquor to be brought into the county. days with the Mi es. Wood, of 'Dungannon. Prof J. (•. Roberton of Toronto, is visiting •'Nothing UOing." his father, Mr W. It. Robertson, who is 0l. The quarterly meeting of the Board Yrs T. Rand and son Stewart, of eruaaeld, of Trade was called for Monday, even. are vieidna at the home of Mrs. J. D. wits*. Wingham Advance: Ulm MCVIUfe. of i ing, but only • tew members aliened lloderlcb, it ereitux a the aoine of Mr' David up and nothing was done. boas Helt present included two manufacturers. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, of Toronto. spent Sum one merchant, one lawyer, one county day with Mr. ass Mrs. T. R. Wallis, Victoria official, one town official, one banker. •trbet. MW Isabel MrNevin and Mies Myrtle Rich - pent Um week -rod with timed* at roan." The merchants, wbo should be • Aubur' most interested in the maintenance of Mime L. Whiting has returned from • two a strong Board of Trade. apparently Meek, vacation spent with friends and rel - do not care .,enough end about it to t rt re JI L D. M. 0 Brleo and ,laughter.. Edson the meetings, and judging from re- and Elmo, arevl.itiog rel.ulvee hit:" marks passed on Monday night •num- ber of those who have been doing Mr., W..ernigie"of the r•uway mail else what tbey could to keep the Board vice, as home hem Sarnia lad, week on • alive have become discouraged end holder kdt. are inclined to let She organization die Wa 5 •vest the rt itAoe Hay.,oort Pair `cud Mrs. C v, amP on iw returned e'Weyburn. a'( Mitchell. of We baro, Two weeks ago we mentioned Rev. at wi,ail tiehct. Dr. Turnbull, of West church. Tor- Wingm..These. Mn,. F:urrene McDonald is 0010. was setting a good example by vi.iUug with relative, and (anod..e Brent - spending his vacation on the farm as- ford nod Ocderidl. aIle and Mrs. Walter Sharuman, who bad suiting in harvesting the crops. That lisle vwu trfenda nen for some doe, muse D Turnbull is an efircfeat farmhand returned u euoit visited in la t This is dousiderably better than was Miss Wilson. ofToro uto 1q1KIIOF CANADo BA bK Save For Investment War bonds and other attractive investments A are open to the man who systematically Asea his money. Such an investment represents what the thriftless man spends In unnecessary trifles. Open a savings account in the Union Bank of Canada. A great help to thrift. Goderich Branch—F. WOc.LCOMB E, Manager. ••••••••••••• ••••a••••••••••••••••••••• • • • School of Commerce i 0 • •Clinton, • Ontario • • •• • Offers the following Courses : • lu • •• • •• • BUSINESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL BUSINESS PENMANSHIP CIVIL SERVICE And arranges Special Courses for Students • The following advantages : • • • Highly qualified teaching staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions guaranteed Girls may room in the School Work sent in from this School in 1916-17 ranked second highest in Dominion of Canada. m/V • a natural death. lin P.6 Can Farm as Well as Preach. i n t ned I l.visit to Lir. and M .. It. M M N 7 4 Dr. u is demonstrated by the fact that with Mr and Mrs. F.J. Pridh•m were In loueon the assistance of a lad fourteen years tbI. week. Mr.. Prld irsdbwill rewaln over for of age be set up thirty-five acres of •woe visiting friends. grain in two days. This was accnmp- Mr. CI se. Tlehborne. or Detroit. is * riding bribed on the farm of his nephew, Mr. two weeks' vacation vel 5 his prrenfn ietr. and Mrs. Thos. Tlcaborne. Aogkeea street. Arthur Gardiner. While Dr. TurnbullMrs IC V. Pridham and lltt,b daughter. Jo . bas been assisting in harvesting the of 'Toronto, are ekd[Irr1 [herr Mnnt Mn. It il. crops be has also been conducting ser- John.t.00, Waterloo "greet, vices each Sabbath. \Vbether in the OU mewl's', we McAllister ons at Md norms of Rev. pulpit or in the flrld his work redound• s ; N M grid Mrs. Holmes this masa.\ to his credit.—Exeter Times. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. rand and fiptuy have This will be interesting to many in returned to Detroit. heeing •pe ut this summer Goderich who know Dr. Turnbull, at Root Lynn Cottage on the Crescent: wbo at one time was assistant pastor Mime Ven McNee, of Winnipeg, is •wending of Knox church here. ber vacation at the hove of ber patentf+. Mr. and Mrs. James McNee, Hiitannlr roan. Big Crowd at Ridgewood Park. MIss Lena Matheson, of Woodstock. and 51ias The garden party held on the Lilian berm. of Ewbro, wore visitors at Mr. grounds of Mr. U. E. Fleming at and Mrs. Samuel Sheardown • last week. Russell and Hendrrs •n Young, soma of ReY • Ridgewood Park on Wednesday even- Colin Young. of Caekatouu, are visiting al Uu lug was a marked success. The home of their uncle. Mr. Al,.. Young. at • grounds were beautifully decorated Loral. • for the occasion and the ideal weather Mr. and Mr. Donald Murray. of Detroit, len for mete home mm W'edno.d .y atter •pen 11. s end large crowds of peppleeontrihubd wens wile the latter'* parents, Mr. mvud Mrs. ii Rirnie, Hawlltou street. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. a,.mbell motored to Hamilton on Saturday, returning on Monday While at Nam - Ilton they were the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. K en. C'huweu. 11,y say the ern 'dry presents a maaag nifk rot. appearance, the grain and other cram being unusually tine. ♦., . .--mow w----- -- Better to wear Glasses today than be blind - tomorrow - Von may abuse your eyes for a while, but you won't get away with it all the time. Be on the safe Side. CONST' I,T 5 ANO FIFO. PI OPTICIAN RIGHT AT DK POST WIC( J#wel IOSll (. t [tern, Owe, His Guess. An old ben was pecking at souse stray carpet -tacks in the yaid "Now, what do you eupposie that hen is eating those tacks for r' said ' Henry. "Perhaps," rejoined his little sister, "she's goiug to ley a carpel." • • •• to a very dohghtf111 r ening. The re- freshment booths and fortune-tellers did a ruching business. A jug donated by Mr. George Porter was raffled and was won by Mies 1.. Johnston, of Stratford, who is staying at Ho el • Bedford. The lucky ticket was No. 12. A centrepiece given by Mrs, King. of Smith's Art Store, realized a nice • sum. It was won by Mrs. (Dr.) Hun- g' ter, who held ticket No. 134. The total proceeds were $22.5. The tnem- • hers of the Fleming family and all • others who assisted are to be congrat- ulated upon the success of the event. 1112 Guest—Warnock. • A pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William War- nock, Albert street. on Tuesday, when • their daughter, leobel Gras, was • united in marriage to Mr. Spencer • • • • • It is the work and the pride of the School to • • make its students 100 per cent. efficient, for in • 41 every phase of life the demand is for better- • trained men and women. • •6 1 •• • 2 For further particulars write to • a• B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. • Principal •• M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist • Vice -Principal •• School opens Tuesday, Sept. 4th • • Phone 208 Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in - c arable until Dodd'. Kidney Pills cured it. Doctors themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations— box, name and pill• are advertised to do so, but the medicine that does cure Diabetes is 11,41'1 Kidney Pills. D., chi * Kidney Pills are • H HRy cents •• box at all • I ,Illi druggists. "pedes••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••M NO! We can't guarantee our prints against fire 'or care- less handling, but under or- dinary circumstances they will last, to bring back to you, and your children, and your 'children's children, memories of how you hulked today. THEY DON'T FADE. J. T. FELL Photographer SUCCESSOR TO J. W. TRussLER. • p .:o to the office with J, new % Igor throw id • L that feeling of wrap ne„ Anil fatigue with Be sure to get your railway tickets Inc Toi Jntn during the Exhibition at F. F. Lawrence & Sons down -town office sod save time at the station. Telephone No. 8 All eugnirtse at- tended to promptly, Romance and tin ills abound in the startling and sensational film drama, "On Dangerous Ground," to be shown at the Model Tbeatte on Monday and Tuesday next. Dealing with the ne- on t service of the French and Ger- wan flovernnients at the beginning of the great war, the story givoe excep- tional opport unities for romance, and the best poseibir Use has been made of these opportunities. The town authorities should erect signs at the Hamilton .treat and Kingstonlitrteet corners on the Square for the direction of strangers desiring to find the roada nut df town. Parties travelling in motor cars are often at a loss to know ley which street to leave the Situate to get on the Huron or Bayfield road or the road to cross the river. Signs directing the way to the (1. T. R. and C. P. R. stations also would Ihe useful. Dynamic Tonic For overworked then and women, for feeble folks of old age and for delicate children, this tonic is recom- mended highly Read the exact :form- ula on the label Let it help yon -it Surely will if properly taken. 75c and $1:50 J. A. Campbell, Phm. B. "Central Drag Store" North St. anml S.1111:11,, I;..i.-iirh I• Harvest Help Excursions—$12 to Winnipeg. The (,rand Trunk Railway System sell harvest help excursion tickets to Winnipeg on following dates : August 21st and elth from all sta- tions Toronto and east to Lyn. Ont., and north to Huntsville, Merford, etc. August 23rd and 30th from all sta- tions Toronto and west and south. Fare /oiag. $12 to Winnipeg and half cent per mile beyond. Returning. half -rent per mile to Winnipeg and $18 from \p lnnip g. Through trains leave Toronto for Winnipeg via Transcontinental mote at 10,45 p. to. on dates of ezeursion. Fur particulars as to tickets west of Winnipeg, etc., apply to anyGrand Trunk ticket agent, or C. E. orning. District Paerenger Agent, Toronto. 2t Everywhere in work, study or play is a RIGLEYS The Gum of Gumption welcome help. The Flavour Teeth, breath, appe-` s So7 '` Lasts tite, digestion and spirits are the bet- ter for it. WRIGLEY'S makes the next pipe or cigar taste better. It pleasantly sweetens and soothes mouth and throat. Three Lasting Flavours gealwd tight Wept right B. aur. 11'o WRIGLEY'S V v "After every meal" ,