HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-23, Page 4GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY
11) 410.‘.0
A TailIt$DAY, AUGUST 23, 1917
Sale of Men's Hosiery
On sale Saturday, August 25th, men's Silk Lisle
Hosiery, in black and tans, sizes 10, 10 1-2
and 11. Regular 35c, Saturday
Any Straw Hat in store, regular $2.00 and $2.50, for
$ 1 .00
Walter C. Pridham
PHONE 57 20th Century Clothing
ship. le visiting this week around Tay-
r1;ua Loithweite l• visiting
her uncle, Mr. Edward \Valises* sit
IMiss Ils. Moore, of Mitchell. Is visit-
ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Jobnston.
. Miss Mee Rogerbon. of Toronto, is
visiting Mimi Mary Davidson, of the
Bayfield road.
Mr. Howard tit iirdy delivered a fine
heavy horse to Mr. Wright, of Sum-
merhill, last week.
Miss hilla Rogerson end Miss Beth
Boyd, of Toronto, visited Mws Mar-
garet Yuill last week.
Large numbero from this township
attended the getrciel party at Seltford
Height. last Wedneedity.
The farmers of this township are
harvesting this week the most boun-
tiful crop for many year..
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich, arm -
ducted the service at Union church
last Sunday and delivered an excellent
The Taylor's Corner Patriotic Socie-
ty will hold • sewing meeting on
Wednesday, August 29cb, at the home
lof Km. War. Patton.
, Miss Violet Loithweite ha.. returned
I from Toronto. wbere .be spent two
1 weeks at the milliner.", openings. She
Igoe. next week to Mitchell to take
I cherge of the millinery department of
a tore there.
Misses Jena Hudie, Nina Driver
and Maud Thompson left tbis week
for Toronto on • inonth's visit to the
home of Mr.,. /3 -.110012 Willinge. They
will also vIsit Niagara, Hamilton and,
btber points.
Mr. Les. Cox, of the 7th concession,
had hard luck last week wheu • three-
year-old filly got tangled up in a barb -
wire (enc. and was cut up pretty
badly. ,Blood -poisoning set in and
toe animal died after a day or two.
the courtesy of Mr. George Leith -
waits. tbe 'iathers of the township"
had a pleasant trip on Monday, going
by motor car through the southern
part of the county to Greind Bend.
The perty included Ez-fteeve C. W.
TtotaDAT, Aug. 21.
CROP% AE G000, -The ferment) are
now busy cutting their bsrley and
oat and they hove the gratifying
ro t of one of the beet yields they
vs syer bad. The roots *leo are
looking IL but they are in need of
THE Vae'r .117DOESHie.- Mr. and
Mrs. Dudley Oltnee, Of Wingham,
were visiting Iqattlyth on Monday.
We understand >TIolmes' purpose
here ware to get t goodwill of the
leadiug Couservativ for the promo-
tion of his application rqr the vacant
judgeship in Hurou cows
New Doc -Tom -Mrs. (D.) Allison
was here this week and diiposed of
the aoctor's residence to Dr. Guest, of
Loudon, who will take. possession 8ep-
Umber 1st. This practice has been
closed since the spring, when Dr.
Allison enlisted for overseas work.
The new doctor is e young man and
should eventually build up • good
the C. P. R end G.T.R. stations have
been treated to • coat of paint, which
has improved their appearance won-
derfully, and not before it was needed,
especially the Grand Trunk, as it is
ome years since they brightened it up
before The Blytb btnd on Sun-
- day evening treated a large gathering
Of the citizens to an open-air eoncert
. which was highly appreciated. The
band has some splendid selections. It
%has an engagement to play at a learn
social at Brussels on 'Thursday even-
ing . Mr. .1. G. &Luigi'. who recent -
y bold his residence, is uow getting
dy move into a house he boo
ed. We are glad that be does not
to leave our midst Mies
pefford is spending e few days
mother here, before leaving
ioery openings at Toronto.
rence Uttley, of Kit -
with frienda over tbe
with he
for the in
chener, visi
weekosod re. Vt ea. Wiaiker and
family. of Goder spent the wrote -
end with her run er, Mrs. A. W.
Moran Mrs. Joh Ross and chil-
dren, of Elmonton. AIbrt., are visit •
Ing relatives in these pa ts Judge
Jackson, witb his *cm Jim, who hod
been visiting with his father at Eg-
noondville, returned here on Monday
to spend the rest of his holidays Is --
fore returning to Isis duties as judge
at Lethbridge. Alberta....Miss Gray,
of Acton, is visiting with relatives
here Mr. Alf. Toone left on
Thursday for London, where he ex-
pects to get a ',coition on the street
railway Mr. John Pett., of Niag-
are Falls, *peat a few days of this
week with his faintly here Dr.
fditne war on • business trip to Lon-
don on Friday Ur. 0. H. Beese
is baying • brick smokestack built at
the dour mills, as he thinks it will be
cheaper than buying iron st ticks every
few years Mrs. 0. K. McTaggart
and children, who have been holiday-
ing at Clinton for the past week. have
returned home Mr. El. A. Thom-
as, who receotly purchased a residence
from Mr. J. Coombs, is getting ready
to move into it and Mr. Binder. who
occupied the house, is moving into
the house he putchased Quite a
taking ip the lawn social on Mr. tVilliams, Es -Reeve Samuel Sturdy.
nuniber from town are figuring on
Ex -Warden John Cox and Ex -Warden
Tbos. Gosman'o lawn on Friday even-
JConnolly, with Mr. Laithweite.
ing. One of the satractioos will be a as.
baseball motels between the ladies' It was a most interesting time of the
year for suds a trip, and particular
teams of Herlcok and McGowan's.
The last time) farm conditions. The "fathers"
these teams played th attention was paid to the crops and
former team were the victorthis s, oo is
! L. thought they had left good crops be -
will likely be • bot game Mr.
the hind them at house, but found in the
0. Charleswortb, who has been
horse businese in Kincardine, has sold southern townshipthe finest fields of
out his busineas there and is stay.Og wheat aod barley they bad ever seen.
at present, but he expects to A very enjoyable day was spent. con -
in town
cluding with • dinner at the nome of
purchase a hardware business§ a000 In 1 Mr . and Mro. C. W. Williams, at
souse town in this locality Mr. Holmesville, where Reeve Lobb joined
Archie Bell motored to Ripley on Suo- the pat
day and returned with his family, who
have been holidaying there Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Gidley and Mr. and Mrs.
II. tlidley spent 8unday at Grand
Bend ....Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore
are spending a few days with their
daughter at Barrie ....Mrs George
Cowan and daughter, Grace E.. ere at
Port Colborne this week, attending
the tuner 41 of the former's Mame. Miss
Ruth Augustine.
August 21.4 and 30th, from
Stations Lyn, Ont., and West to
Toronto, inclusive.
Aneroid Zird and 30th. from
Stadion* Toronto and West in
For particulars as to tickets
West of Winnipeg, etc., apply
to any Grand Trunk Ticket Ageat.
Town Agents Phone 8
There le more catarrh In this section of the
casuutry than all other diseases put together.
and for 'eonit f.1411 *unposed to be incurable.
Doctors prescribed local remedies., and by con•
stantly falling to cure with local treauneut,
pronounced it incurable.- Catarrh l a local.
di -ease. greatly intioenoed by oOne Rational
oonditions.and therefore reqoii as 000s tu tion al
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure. man factored
by F. J. Cheney It Co., toted • Ohio. 4. a coo-
etitutional remedy is taken internally nod
acw through the blood ot" the mucous ser-
f/seem of La..y.tem. Oue hundred dollars is
offered tor any case that Holt'. Catarrh Onfill
fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi-
F . J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo. O.
Sold by druginets.73c.
Hit. Family Pill+ for constipation.
Mr. and Mrs. iodise. Tigert and son
Aithur, of Hanoilton, are visiting Mr.
Trireit'a sister, Mrs. W. B. Hawkins.
Pte. Wallace Cunningham. of Camp
Borden, spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Nathaniel Con-
Mrs. J. F. Andrew. of Lucknow, and
Mrs. W. H. Reid, of Dungannon,
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
T. Dickson.
Mrs. 'Wm. Birnie, of Ooderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Murray, of Detroit,
and Mrs. Allan and babe. of Ol •derich,
spent a day Metweek with Mr. and
Mrs. Thames Gouley.
. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turvey and
family and Mr. William W bodrow,
and son Howard, of Morris township,
I motored to Port Albert and spent the
week -end with their relatives, Mr. and
Mr-. Robert Hoy.
TUESDAY, Aug. 21.
Mr. Wm. Long has purchased Mr.
Hugb Hill'e threshing outfit.
Miss Gladys Eleackc. of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr. &Ott Mrs. C. A. Van -
Miss Reta Young, of Nile. spent the
week -end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Long.
Mr. Ray Moore, of the Sterling Bank
staff at Courtright, is home for two
weeks' vacation.
The greater part of the grain in this
vicinity iernow cut rand Witch ot it is
in the barn,. Threshing will corn-
imence at the beginning of next week.
Mr. Chas. Percival, of Buff do. is
, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Oswald Ginn. Charlie is employed so
• mechanic in a fectory making parts
:fo r aeroplanes.
Rev. P. 8. Banes is in the villege
agiain after two weeks' holidaying at
Crediton and Grand Bend. Mr. Banes
did not return with bins on account of
the serious illness of her mother.
411•-•'" „„ FOLLOW THEM
• ' - "-; EXACTLY/
Far more effective than Sticky Fly
Cotchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Druggists and Grocers everywhere.
are good and the grain is exceptionally
well filled, oats and barley especially
being somewhat better than the &vet -
age. The root crop is suffering for
want of rain, but corn 11041w1. to be
bolding ita own.
TUESDAY, Aug. 21.
NoTee. -Miss lia Moore. of Mitchell,
is visiting at WU1. Johnston's... .Miss
Nell McDonald. of London, is visiting
in the neighborhood Mr. Mc-
Lean, of Detroit. Is visiting at James
McDonald's Mrs. Sterling and
Nina and Veida Morgan returned to
Port Stanley on Saturday Mrs.
L M. Woods is visitiog at London.
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orders len with him for subscripOons.
advertisements or Job printing will re
olive prompt attention Telephone
(loderich Rural)
Miss Eva Cox Is visiting at Preston
l'and Galt.
' Mr. James McMillan haa purchased
a new Ford car.
Mr. Chas. Percival, ot Buffalo, is
Ivisiting Mr. Ger. Ginn.
Miss Marjory Andrews is visiting
her aunt, Mre0. 0. Sturdy.
1 Miss Reta Keys, Of Stanley t igen-
People Whom Kidney -ills Dodd's Kidney
Pills Have Cored.
$12.00 to
Phis half -a -cent per mile beyond to
any station east of Calgary, Edmon-
ton or Burbank, Alta.
Return fare half -a -cent per mile to Winnipeg till November 30th,
1917, plus $18.00 to original Starting point.
Special through trains will leave Toronto Union Station
10 p.m., August 30th
The Best of Equipment and Lunch Counter Cars
Electric Lighted Colonist Cars
Special Accommodation for Women
For actress and for leaflet showing number of laborers required at each point
apply 10 1. W. C1tAIOIE, rtowft Agent
or write General Passenger Dept., C.N.R , Toronto, Ont.
MONST st•reuso roe
Agent for Fire, Wiod and Life 1nm:trance in
the beet Comptuner only.
Live Poultry--eve4 week.
'Phone for prices.
Telephone No. 33.
Liverpool, Black Point, Queen's Co.,
N. 8, Aug. 20 (Speciall.-With his
pain in the hack all gone and his other
eYnnstotns of kidney ditease no longer
troubling hien. Mr. Charles E. Levy, a
well-known resident here. is spreading
the good news that Dodd's Kidney
etre the right remedy for kidney
"Yeo. I am feeliog quite well moths."
Mr. Levy eeye in an interview. "I
know Dodd'o Kidney P11. have done
me i great deed of good. I was mucb
troubled with pain in the back and I
know from my other Symptoms that
tile kidneys were the calms of my
tVouble. I need pills I got from the
doctor, but I only got worse. So I
mote for Dodd's Kidney Pills. They
fixed me up. That's why I advise on
sufferers from kidney trouble to use
Dodd's Kidney Pills."
TBOnsiciaY, Aug. 23.
"Wedding bells are ringing,"
Mies Marion Dreher is holidaying at
Mr. David Glenn is polishing up the
schoolhouse for the fall opening.
The crops in this diateict are looking
fine. It's a great year ler the farmer.
Mr. Samuel Pentland is having •
new verandah erected et bis residence
Int@ week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackman left on
Monde), on their annual month's visit
tr'Inirid Elliott, of Calgary, iu
here vieitiug his parent.. Mr. and Mrs.
Joh* Elliott.
Mies Aileen Miller, of Clinton. is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Errington.
Rev. Frank McKenzie, of Ashfield,
will occupy the pulpit of Erskine
cburch next Monday.
Mr. Bemney Benninger is doing a.
rusting business in the sale of cream
separators this summer.
Mr. Cullen Pentland and daughter
Helen, of Chicago. are visiting the
former's motion, biro. David G,rvin.
• Dungarmon would like some of
Hanna'', fish, especially after hearing
that live- bogs bave gone up to $18.90
this week.
Miss Minnie Dickson has returned
to her home at Port Albert after
spending a week here with Miss Mar
moot McNabb.
Mis. Alex. Dunkeld, of Goderich. is
here attending hr father, Mr. Win.
McGrattan. who is not improving as
rapidly as his friends would like.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Briber, of Crisditon,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ches. Girvin, of
Ooderich, came up by motor car on
Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. David
GU yin.
Isn't it time the county eouncil was
looking after the culverts oto the roads
recently taken over for the county
road system? Tim repairs are long
A valuable cow belonging to Mr.
John Savage had its leg broken the
other day by somebody going through
with a car. Something should be done
to put a dbeck on the speed fiends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Seldon, of Exeter,
Mr. Walter Berry and Mr. and Mrs.
E. Bowers, of Ingersoll, wade up a
motor car party that visited Mr. and
MI s. RJ. Crawford one day last week.
Mrs. John Thompaon and daughter
Rebecca, Mrs. Robert Finnigan. Mee.
Thos. Finnigan and daughter Pearl,
Mrs. John Mills and Miss Alice Clark
left on the excursion to the West on
Mr. J. C. McFarlane hes bought out
Mr. T. G. Allen's interest. in the gen-
eral store businese heretofore carried
on under the name of Allen it Mc-
Farlane, and Mac is now 11." .4 the
cornet. Mi. Allen is sufficiently oc-
cupied with the various other inteiests
of which he has charge.
Rev. John Younert preached at Kin-
cardine Mot Sabbath.
Mi. George Clark and family mo-
tored to Grand Bead huit Sunday.
Mime Gertrude Patrick, of Echo Bay,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Walter
Mr. Wm. Clayton spent a few days
at his oil home near Stratford last
Rev. J. R. Minn, of Port Elgin. was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Is vy,
Mot week.
Fat -niers are in excellent spirits
how. The weather is fine for harvest
171 crops are yielding well.
TUESDAY, Am. 21.
Stewart Burkholder, of tioderich, is
visiting at tbe home of Mr. William
Dora Mr. Wm. Walters, of Salt -
ford, opent Sunday_ with bus sioter,
Mrs. J. Allin Mr. Stephen Butt
spent the week -end with friend* on
'the Maitland ... Mr. J. C. Dunn and
, tensity motored to Heenan on Sunday
, to spend the day wkh friends in thist
vicinity Mr. M. Uhler is having a
new steel roof placed on his iaarn
; week.... .0...frosting operations are
under way In tbis vicinity. Crops
Saturday is the last of the BARGAIN DAYS. Come and supply your wants before
the sale closes. Space prevents us from mentioning all the specials.
but here are a few that are real money -savers.
Silk Waists
In Silk Crepe de Chine and liabitui, in all sizes, and in white, maize, rose an 1 Copenhageo. These
Waists aro good styles and perfect in iv,irktuan.thip Regular 0.00 for $3.99, regular 54.51) for 13.4 ), regular
14.00 for 114.99, regular 13 73 for $9.92, regular $3.00 for $2.30, regular 12.75 for E2.00. They are all gaol yaluus.
D. & A. is the recognised leading Corset in style, comfort, workmanship and moderate price. About
twenty pairs of Nue. 446 and 418 still to sell. They were regular $2.00, for $1-49- No. 444 la a lace(1-truni
Corset and a leader in style, ftt and finish. Be sure and see these lines before they are all gone.
A great number of people have taken advantage of the Bath Towel epodes, but there are still a few in
each line left. These Towel's are values that will not be again for a gool while, is the intrket is advancing In
cotton and linen every week. From 17c to 75c each, in whits) and natural isolor.
Just a very few of the gale Collars left, and remember all the Collars are on sale. The newest degig1111
are in this lot of Collars. They range in price from 2510 12.00. The high Collar with jabot is the new Collar.
A few have taken advantage of the sale of Rugs, but if I could only impress you with the values that we
have in Rugs they would all be sold in a very short trine. These Rugs are being sold at prices far less than
they can be bought today, but they must be cleared and cleared quickly. Anyone wanting itAio vriii vivo
money by buying at this sale.
Ladies' black Cotton Hose, sizes 9 1-2, 9. 9 1-2, 10. Regular 25 for 200.
Ladles' tan Hose in all sizes. Regular 50c for Mks.
Children's black Silk Lisle Hose. Regular 36c for II170.
We sell Goddess laced-infroot Corsets and they are the nisil comfortable Corset that hair ever been put
on the market. Front lacing he the leader in Corsets. Let us send a pair of each style in the correct size for
you to try. Goddess laced -in -front means Corset comfort with the correct lines.
voi J. H. COLBORNE oa
is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Stan -
Rev. J. G. Stuart., of Knox church,
London, has returned home after
spending • few weeks with his sister,
at "The Cedars."
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Miss M. Dunn
and Miss Malcolm, of Ingersoll, •ioited
at the home of Mr. James Campbell
over the week -end.
Rev. Mi. Torrence, of Detroit, who
is holidaying in "Hill Crest" cottage
on the Terrace, conducted service in
the Anglican church on Sunday even-
Anniversary services were held in
St. Andrew's church ois Sundity lest,
Rev. George Telford. of Blyth, losing
tbe preacher for the day. The church
was filled bath morning and evening
and the special offering amounted to
about $125. Mr. Blaikie, of London,
assisted the choir in tbe evening and
sang a solo, "Tell me :the old. old
story,- which wee very much en-
joyed. Rev. J. W. Boyd, of London,
will preach next Sunday.
Dr. Tremain s Natural Hair gsstwattive,
mad SS dkretted, eetranteed 0 rirlf0n, grey u,,,,u
natural color sr ononey refurviert..o.=,141,104111. Por• 14 ..
,..,., c.dwn.
o. 11411411 tf4 On.fortch 41 .1 A Camehatf Deo, Sera
ter Norrt.St and Spar.
field loot a much eeteerued resident in
the death of Miss Margaret Harriet
Gairdner, which occurred on the 81h
inot. The deceased was postmistress
of Boyfield for s. nuruber of years, and
filled the position most satisfactorily.
Shrill survived by ope sister and three
brothers : Mrs. Scrimgeur, of Mon-
treal ; Rev. R. ti. Gairdner, of Chi-
cago: Rev. J. C. Gairdner, of Roches-
ter. N. Y., and Mr. John Gairdner. of
Hayfield. The hineeal services were
conducted by Rev. A. Macfarlane, !
working itt. blacksmithing at Toronto:,
returned home on Friday.
Mies Elena Mutch. who has been em-
ployed at the millinery openings in
Toronto, Has returned borne.
Pte. Frank Straughan CAMP home
on Friday to visit his parents. Frank
has been in training in the Unimai
States army for several months. He
returns on Wednesday to the training
camp in Indians.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Plasitzer was invuled in friendly fash-
ion by the Harmony Bible class of the
Methodist :•hurch on Friday evening,
wben games and other arniusernenta
were indulged in to the enjoyment. of
all pre/sent.
Mr. Albert King has bought the
chopping mill from Mr. A. C. Jackson
and rakes poeeession Won. We wish
the new proprietor success in bis new
business. Mr. Jackson will move to
the village and will occupy Mr. King'
house for the present.
TutteDAY, Aug. 21.
Miss Mae Redmond visited Detroit
friends Mat week.
Miss Beckie Thompson left for the
West on Tuesday.
Mimi France. Reid is visiting her
aunt, Mee. Mason McAllister.
Mr.. Woi McAllister is visiting
Stratford end Shakespeare friends.
Mrs. 11. McGuire. of Toronto, is vis-
iting friends in this vicinityat present.
&lige M 'triode Leask and two
nephews, of Toronto, called cn friends
here Gist Thuraday.
Miss Alice Clark, of Brume», visited
her Rioter, Mrs. Win. Thompson, a
few days last week before leaving for
the West.
TUESDAY. Aug. 21.
Miss Anna !Mott be visiting her
uncle at Liicknow.
Rev. Mr. Maunders, at ()wham, is
summering in the village.
Mr. Gordon Rotor, of Whideor, it
visiting Mrs. Jas. Fergnson.
Miss Harriet Ciantelon, of ClintOn,
is visiting Miss Floy Edwards.
Dr. Woods and Miss Lucy have
retierned from Rattle °reek. Mich.
Mrs. Chas. Donaldson and family.
of Winglism, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jac DowalAssea fla week
Mr. Douglaa titanbury. of Toronto,
Miss Annie Sturdy is visiting friends
s,t Detroit.
Dr. Stendish. of Listowel, opeest two Wheat. per bash
days in the village haat week. We. Per bash ....
Hey. R. J. M400, of Port Elgin, has Bartel per bush
Peas. per bush
been visitinA here for a few der
spending a week's holiday in the vil-
Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, of Buffalo,
is spending her holidays with her
Rev. W. Webster, of London, oc-
cupied 1(110e rburch pulpit on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family. of
Toronto, are visiting their cousin, Mr.
W. T. Riddell.
Mrs. John Mille left on Tumidity
morning to visit her daughter at Sas-
kstoon, Sask.
Mr. John Ferguson, who bas been
TUESDAY, Aug. 21.
Mr. William Jewell and tensity are
moving into town this week.
Mies Virginia Williams, of Spring-
field. III., is visitiug ber aunt, Ifni
Chita. McNeil.
Misses ktella and Ruth Shaw spent
the week -end at the borne of the r
oousio, Mrs. Lawrepee. Grey, at Stret-
lithe Hilda Kirk, of Toronto, and
Misr Mamie Younostou of St. Mary.,
are spendiug pert of their vacation at
the home of Miss Jean Clutton.
In the absence of Mr. Hamilton, the
Rev. J. E. Ford, of town, preached at
Isieburn last ounday 10 $ fair-sized
congregation. Mr. Fold has not loot
any of his old-time vigor and fluency
and gave au iostructive and interesting
The W. M. M. and Red CroM aux-
iliaries held their tuonthly meeting st
the home of Mrs. James Clark on
Friday last The usual routine work
was gone through eLd • good numb ir
of oocks were censored and prepared
for shipment.
Hon. W. J. Hanna. Canadian Food
Controller, calculates that food wasted
In the garbage pails. of Canada each
year through carelesoness end lack of
kitchen econoouy amounts to 158,100,-
0W per year, or about $1 per head of
Tit ettatiar. Anemic*.
52.26 to $ 130
.79 to 73
Lt0 to 1.26
2.00 to 2.26
. 1.16 to 1.26
t Mar fami Y. Per olyt 6.0) to 6.26
Flour, ',steal. per cwt 630 to 13.75
Brain, Per ton • 34.00 to 26.00
Shorts'. Pet ton Viol to 41.110
Hoy, per ten 10.00 to 12.00
Straw, loose, per ton 5.00 to *de
Wood. per load 6.00 to 6.30
Dairy Butter. perlb - .56 to .40
Creamery Batter .4.10 .44
Elms, fresh. per dot .... .40 to .45
Potatoes. per bush 1.30 to 2.00
Cattle, butchers' choice. per 43 ot. 9.0 i to 140
Cattle, butchers' mediumper cart 8.00 to 8.00
Borg, 11Ve weight, per cwt. 17.75 to IRMO
H . .13 to .17
'Tallow. rendered. per lb Ail to in
Young sheep. clipped ... 0 30 to 11.3n
tiliciipped 11 09 to MOO
Woortnea..bed. per lb. ..... .30 to AS
2. 0 to 3 00
- erAished, per lb. .... 66 to .rt
Buck wheati per busts
Mr. 0. ellteen. of Wat ord, is
Hern's Grocery
Hem's Steel Cut
Breakfast Coffee is
put up in one pound
tins, at 48c per pound
It is good -Try it
Our Coffee and
Neal's Alofa Bread
help to make a No.'1
Bread Comes in Fresh
Every Day
Corner MornoltonSt.
and SCi..r.
Phone 43
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 Eau Street. Opposite Knox Church
Give Us a Trial
Annual Exhibition
(Aug. toth to Sept. KM)
1.41111 410 ruli
the convenient route from all points
in Canada
to and from Parkdale Stollen nod Exhi-
bition Grounds.
From Principal Points on Certain Dates
Particuisr, from any Canadian P•011111
Ticket Agent. or write W. R. HOWARD,
Dietrict Passenger Agent. Toronto
Many Thousand
Farm Laborers Wanted
for Harvesting in Western Canada
Trtp West" -$12.00 to WINNIPEG "Return Trip Zast" -018.00 from WINNIPEG
611 etatione is Ontario West of Smith's rails up to and Ineleding Toronto en Lake Ontario Sher*
Atligilift NM Dine and Havelock -Pistarboro' 1.loeM elan f TOatlases' betertiee Kingstos end Renfrew Jonetios.
111Ssi Incleales, and from 'tattoos on Tnronto Sudbury direct Itne From stations on Smolt SM Marie
Audeas Both1 brunets. From station* on Mani Lin*, R...... te Frans. Inclusive. From stations Bethany Jane -
to Port MeNicell and Rerturtos Robesygeon
Atonal ISM Tenni 'stations Peat and Smith of Toronto up to sad Melodist Hanalkes and Wiadser, Ont. ea
was4 Owen Senna. Ifelkerten, Teaeweter*Ingham. Elora. histowel, Oodeeses. St Miry's, Pert Semen
sad az Thorsen bronchia. and statiose Toronto and North to Bolton. Melanie*.
SPEqIAJ winstoccin TRAIN&
_peeMseliers tress risienittan Partite Ttellnot Agents * ft ROIVARO. Dietreet Passenger Agent, Termini, tf.