The Signal, 1917-8-16, Page 7THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO
It Cleans and Safeguards
Lifebuoy Soap is always on guard against dirt and
disease. In the home, at your work, for hands and
face, for shampoo and bath it will be found always
on the watch against germ and microbe. Withal,
the rich, creamy Lifebuoy lather makes it a real
pleasure to use this "super soap."
The old proverb "prevention is better than cure"
is another way of saying use Lifebuoy Soap. Start
using it today and see that the
children twc it.
The mild antiseptic
odor vanishes quickly
after use.
At All Grocers—
Mrs. 1) maid McD.lnald, of Kinc•r-
dlnr, oelebrated the one hundredth
anpivereary of ber birth on August
Pte. John Strang, eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Strang, of Udbnrne, 1e re-
ported killed in action. He eulieted
with the Huron B ittelioo.
Sylvester Fox, employed by %V. H.
Maunders on his farm in Morris
township, had his right arm broken
at the wrist by the running away of •
On Saturday, August 4th. at the
parsonage, Ethel, Melvin J. Slimmer('
and Mies Elizabeth V. Cheiuber- were
united in marriage by Rev. J. W.
William Hunter, for a nowhere of
year. Reeve of Kincardine, hes been
app rioted gond r Ind. commissioner
for the county of B uce, and has re-
signed the reeve.hip.
' Mrs. Henry Weielob, of Zurich,
died August 1st at the age of eighty-
three years. She was born in Gar -
t many but had lived in this country
I, newly fifty years.
i Tbe floods a few weeks am, caused
greet damage in the town of Kiuear-
dioe, and the council 1. under the
necessity of spending $17,000 to repair
the damaged rondo and bridge..
The'casualty list last week contain-
ed the names of J. G. Hunter,
\Vruzeter, and C. B. Furee, Biuevale,
ewung the wounded. Bolh went
overseas with the 161st Bat •lion.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, Turn -
to -fry, announce the engagement of
Itheir daughter, Minnie Trevene, of
Roebe.ter, N.Y ., to Raymond Revell
Darby, of Toeonto, the marriage to
take place the middle of August.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McArthur. of
I Hen.ah, have received word from
their son Sydney. oven, at, who was
reported so 'seriously wounded in ed-
ition that Mr life was despaired eta
that he is now improving after • veiy
leeriuus operation in the bead. \\
I An old resident of Grey township
has primed away in the person of Mi..
Catharine McDonald, at the age of
seventy-nine years. Deceased lived
for .finny years io Morris, but had
ie-ided in Grey township for over
twenty years previous to her death.
Pte. Wesley Moore, who is home
from the front on furl Hugh, was given
• warm reception at Hansell when be
r..4 arrived to visit hi. mother. Mr,.
Jame. H. Moore. Pte. Moore enlisted
at Moose Jaw, Peek., iu the second
month of the war and was in Fiance
for nearly two yesrs.
The IW acres on crgnceseion 13, Gray,
known_aa the Patric' Blake farm, ba.
been .old by Thomas Alcock to Dennis
Blake, of Minneapolis, a .on of the
former owner, for 416,0(I0, The
purchaser is coming beck with his
family attar an absence of twenty-
seven years.
Mr.. K. Pringle and Mies (ilady*
McQuarrie. ot tirey township, have
gone on a holiday trip to the West,
and will visit their sister, Mrs. L.
Wright, at Carberry, Mao., and their
brother, W. L. McQuerrie. at Sacks'
loon. They will return by way et
Denver. Colorado, Mrs. Pringls'r
former home.
On Wednesday, August iet, Sarah
Martin, widow of the late Jansen Mc-
Nair died at the home t.f her son,
Martin McNair, lath cnnce.aoo of
Grey, in her sevens -eizth year. She
wee • native of Scotland, but had
lived in Grey township for over sixty
year.. She is survived by tour sous
and four daughter., all living in the
same township. .
On Saturday. August 4th, in Knoz
church, Londesboto, the marriage
'like est yOUr RCZ took place of Gweneth Clark. daughter
WW011103W011103 Rif of Rev. James and Mrs. Abery, to
James Hamilton Wats, eldest son of
Often the Cheapest—
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
aad Undertaker
house Furnishings
The Store of Quality
STORE SS Stiff, 197
Corner Montreal Street and Square
We serve excellent meals
• la Carts daily
Private Luncheon Room
for Ladies and Gentlemen
Our Motto-Cleanlla.ssAlkrays
OPEN 9 A. M. TO I A. M.
The Signal
Printing order.
Phone 3
,.1.1..11111 I:l,niIII;
Q•1&.1 .NA).
Ii o. u innrouune
First and Still First
q No other tire can offer you
a single feature not found
in Dunlop Tires—" Traction,e!
"Special" or "Plain."
Q We are the founders of the
tire industry in Canada, and-
ndour experience is greeter
than that of all other Can-
adian tire -makers combined.
Mr. and Mrs. James Watt, Mullett.
l'he father of the bride of l mated.
After the ceremony luncheon was
served at the manse. Among the
wedding gate pas a silver tea service
from the congregation of Knoz church.
The Zurich Herald reports the fol-
lowing real estate changes: WVilllam
Stelck has sold his fine farm on the
14th concession, .Hay, consisting of
seventy -Aye ecree, to Edward Etire. of
Dashwood, for 58,000, possession to he
given nett November. Mr. Stelck was
obliged to sell owing to ill -health, and
will move to Zurich with his family
in the fall to reside. boning purchased
the house now occupied by Wm. Thiel
front Sol. Zimmerman. Wm. Mul-
holland tom sold his fine l00•acre farm.
being lot 24, concession 4,Hey,to Ervin
WVillert, who has bad it rented for the
past three years. The purchase prise
i. 116,000 and possession will be given
on April 1st, 1918.
E. Render has purchased J. '1.
Emigh's residence on Dinsley street
and gets possession September 1st.
The quarterly official board of the
Methodist church niet last week and
voted the pastor, Rev. R. J. McCorm-
ick, a substantial increase in salary.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alezaader
apd family. who were visiting Mrs.
Alexander mother. Mrs. James
Bentley, have returned to their home
in Saskatchewan.
A pretty wedding was solemnized M
Burling on Wednesday mornin of
'mat week. when their only daughter.
Miss Lena, became the wife of Janie*
It. Crawford, of Hullett. Tbe cere-
mony was performed by Rev, R. J.
M.Corieick, in rhe preseeca of more
than forty rglatives and invited guests.
After the wedding dinner Mr. and
Mira. Crawford left for a sher, visit to
Toronto. on their return taking up
reside in Hullett daring the abeence
of the room'. Parente in the Writ,
after w ich they will reside in Blyth.
'1'HUasnAY, AUcvs'r 16 1917 7
FCZEMA is not a disease of the blood, and therefore eau -
not be cured by internal treatment. The curative agent
roust be applied directly to the inflamed, itching skin.
I'o know this is to save much time and suffering, for it is on this
account that Dr. Chase's Ointment
has been able to establish such an
enviable record as a cure for eczema
and kindred diseases of the skin.
Chafing and irritation
of the skin Is the usual
cause of eczema. The
Irritation may be caused
by the clothing or as the
result of an injury of
some kind. in some
cases Where the skin is
extremely sensitive the
frequent application of
cold water or the use of
impure soap is sufficient
to set up an irritation ot
the skin which resulta in
Rut whatever may he
the cause. of one thing
you can he certain. that
Dr. Chase'aointment wilts
efrw•t a cure It used per-
siatent>iy. You are not ex,
perlmenting when you use
it. fur It Is known the
world over as the most
err.., uve treatment for
e. ',Ina..
60c a box, all dealers,
Be suspicious of the
1 substitute.
Dr. Chase's
or Edmanson, Rates & (.o., Ltd., Toronto.
druggist wAp,tfies to talk you into accepting
by an electrical storm oo Sunday, the
6th, about five o'clock. Tu. rain fell
in torrenta but was very welcome.\
The wind did owe damage to shade
trees and corn.
A Targe hand of Indians from South-
ampton have camped near the town.
They are pulling flex for Messrs. Tipp-
ling Mill, who have an exception-
ally good crop.
Keeping Up With the
SIM =I 11111111111111111.1
We are ready with
a new shipment of
These are the correct goods
and you should see them.
We have still a few
which we will close out at HALF-PRICE
'he Semi -Ready Tailors
The �a. a Goderich
WM =II 11i
------ -- Winnifr'edWVoods, M. Anna
son (Eng. comp. to carry •vet),
ben of the els.s who got this eze
tion by exemption (-writing on f
are : W. Oliffoed Cannell, Doroth
Dough.. Mary. M. Durniu, M.
Greer, Ethel M. Yowe, Msryfaret
McDiarwid, S'ee Mackenzie, Bal
Stewart, Vedette .. 1fn, Clara M.
railing on the hall ktairway. The
family are very highly respected and,
no doubt the sad event oecuried when
Mrs. Hardy was not in her normal
Miss Donalda McIntosh is await on
a months visit to relatives at Dululb.
Mr. and Mrs. Steel Hunter have
gone to;their new home at Calumet,
Mire Annie Blvd is borne atter a
month'• vieit with her sister at Fort
Monday, 13th inst.. was Seafort
civic holiday. u
C. Eckert left rt week for Minne-
apolis, where he will undergo a course
of treatment for rheumatism.
Mrs. W. four children,
fit Lethbridge. Alta., are visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. John
Judge John A. Jackson, of the
Supreme l' u' t .1 Alberta is visiting
his father, Geo. . Jackson, ot Eg-
A largely attended and irnpreesive
memonei ...vice for the I4te Pte.
Arthus Neely was held in the Metho-
dist church on Sundry, August 5th.
aNews came lest week that Lieut.
Randall Rose, an old 8esforth boy.
had been severely wounded and had
b -en admitted to the Red Crow hos-
pital at Etapler, France.
Dr. Roes, assisted by Dr. Davis of
Mindeloya, removed a ceteract from
the eye of Mr. Davis, father of the
I latter, two weeks ago. The operation
ha. proved quite successful. and Mr.
Davie, who we• blind, hes now every
hope of regaining bie right.
The death of Mrs. Muodie, formerly
Miss Nettie Johnston, daughter of the
late William Johnston. occutred at
Buffalo after an operation. The re-
mains were brought to tbe old homeof
the deceased in Seaforth and were in:
screed in Maitldteink cemetery.
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chari
Mr. and Mr.. R. A. Lane have moved
to Paboeriton. Mr. Ione was hook-
j�egss•Jor the Wes. Davies Co. while
i {Vttt*h[►m.
Mee. Atter Operand, hag returned to
beet honor at Warman. Sash., after
s engine nevem]nevem]weeks with relenves
tlr'isgele't�inabam and district.
] r, J. Bg.� pF .00, of all ni I
•.fuelolbleeds hare. • F'
held tbo oeltien of to n carr In
Wingham for • number of year*.
Winghaand vicinity wets whited
Smth, of Regina. was here lest
week visiting his mother, bis brother,
Geo. H., and sisters.
Chas. Whiles bas returned home'
sifter spending four months with his
brother it. Algoma.
Mrs. 1. Wetater and daughter
Gladys came up from Detroit drat
week to vleit friends here.
Mrinan Johnston, J. E. Agnew, T.
Watson and Wm. Arlin (rapt wade
up a Lucanow tie.on which k wk part
in the receot bowling tool ...went a:'
Hanover and won the con-olation Sint
prize—four handsome electric stand -
William A. Hood, • well-known
citizen of Lucknnw, pawed away
Tuesday of last week in his sixtieth
year. The greater part of bis life was
sent in Lucknow. He was not oi..r-
tied, be and an unmarried sister mak-
ing their home on Havelock street.
Pte. Fraser Paterson. son of Dr D.
Paterson, has returned home, dieahled.
from the front. Pte. Peterson and
two comrades were buried by the
explosion of a big German shell. The
three were dug out, but Pte. Paterson
wag the only one of the trio to survive.
The following students from Luck -
now were successful in the middle
school examination for entrance to
normal school.: Al, z. M. Nicholson,
ichol- I
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ssanbury are -
away on a wootb's trip' to Edmonton.
Rev. A. E. and Mts. Johns, mission•
aries to China, are home on furlough.
A very successful tournament was
held on the grounds of the Exeter
lawn bowling club lest week.
Mrs. S. gunfire and her daughter,
Miss Olive, are proving to Toronto,
where they will .sake their home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson have
removed to London, where they will
reside in future, the city being a more
convenient residence for Mr. Thomp-
son as traveller.
Mies, Horton and Miss Pearl Levi-
evehave been engaged as teachers in the
public ecboot, taking the places of
Mise Quackenhneh and Mies A. Dow, I
who have resigned.
Mr. and Mr.. David Mack, of town,
announce the engrytement of their'
eldest daughter, Elisabeth Mary, to
P. H. McEwen, of Toronto. the mor-'
riege to take place August 1&h.
Major W. J. Heemse, who went
overseas with tate 181.1 Battalion, bas
taken • commission with the Imperial
forces. retaining his rank as ms jor.
lie expecte to Ieaveshottly for France.
Miele Margaret Mahaffy hasi takes a
position on the postoftice .tag.
Miss Olive Cole, daughter of W i Iliam I
('ole, of town. was the sncces.tul ape
plicaot it 8. 8. No. b. Hullett.
In St Joseph's church, on August
8th, the marriage was solemnized by
Rev. Falbrr Hogan of BUa Louise,
daughter of Andrew M.Guire of
Goderich township, and John
Eugene ReehIll, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil have re-
turned friun a six weeks' trip through
the Western Province*. They report
the crops not looking particuliaely
well. seperielly In Saakatobeeran and
Alberta, owing to i he late and dr y
season. Mit the farmers are optia►i.ti: .
In a letter toThe News -Record, John •eke why the conndl of the
village of Rapitaid does not protect
the lives of era at that popu-
lar resort by • hg offa ware bathing
piece. ft coo he done with 1'tlite
trocar**, he says. aha at • very trifling'
An unfortunate event oeenrr•d ei}t
the hoer. of William Hardy. of the
London road near (lentos. Mrs. Mila-
dy hell bison in poor health for severs!
months end when she was akin. In the
home .he took her own life. Mho was
tot.nd Ay her husband banging to Lbw
It les grave mistake for mothers to
lect Asir aches and pains and wiei in
sa.northis wily leads to chronic sick-
ness and often shortens life.
It your work is tiring a your nerves are
ezdtabie' if yea feel- languid weary or
dammed you should know dint Scott'.
$mliot overcomes just such condition`
It peesesees in 000centrated form the
e1eseats to invigorate the blood,
�p the tisanes, nourish the nerves
and bcr .trength.
Scott's is strengthening thousand. art
may- Ind will•help you. Try It.
arena acerae. Toronto. oat.
A car of Old Homestead Fertil-
iner just received. it will in-
crease the productiveness of
your land.
Half -a -dozen Buckeye Incuba-
tors—to be sold at reduced
prices owing to the advanced
Are you interested in the new
system of lighting for farms?
All kinds of WiRE FENCE
We handle the McLaughlin and
the Gray Buggies- none better.
Robert Wilson
The Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton St f:,slerirh
4n all countries. A=lt for our iNVER..
Ton.a AI,VISElt,which wit' tesent treb
11114 University at.• M.,ntrdal,
11ar w••a
BUFFAL'1—Daily, May 1st to Nov.lSth—CLEVELAND
t.. r.e ,, ...•faux■ • tie P. M.
... ai FOAM LW P. P •
u .i
Arra.. ,' o x Arrive n. t >r A. Y.
,.avo .• tart A. Y. 1 br••a.a Tr ■ � ♦ boreal.*
Con n.r non• a ileeeland 1... CrAer Point, Put-le-Bay,Toledo, Detroit ..d all pori•
wr•t ••d a tamest. Railroad thkrts nestle( beween Buffalo sad Cle,elaad
aretkvdacCnas.e.LLiano •a ourGmer•.M4e.4,
Mr.oyr•.tNlekMet• sra,
W. tdays return limit, Cereals ant ant sonata( In le.wkeelb•hole
0.11-7171, - ea nerd .eetroe.i pawl, shallot Th. Great Pkip "Cola■nee" eset eve
moist lee •..nt.. Alan •.k ter nor Mears plrterial and dev•lative bootie* free.
The Qeve4t d & Buffalo
Tr.asrt ( bias.
(1...4.. . eel•
tea Fwei •alp • sr r • a lie t r•'
— u• I.rr..t • twee( ,•.uy
pe•••.5... •,muse e• What
1.,• total, world. ,deeply
.trent,, 1•• peer.
FARE 432,
Are you going to do any fencing ? We have
several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which
was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give
you at the price of No. 9 wire,— that is, 5c per pound -
and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a
good fence and cheap. We haye a quantity of No. 9
coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call
and see the goods and get our prices.
Time to Spray
Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime
Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We also have a
new preparation. Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun-
gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is
put up in 25c packages.
Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc.
Does your Bicvcle require overhauling ? If so,
bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we
now have a man on that branch of the work.
How about your Lai 1 Mower? It is nearly time
for it to be used. De require sharpening ? If so.
let us know and we v ill and get it and put it in
good repair.
We do Plumbing, Heating Troughing, Electric Wiring.
All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed