HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-16, Page 44 THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917 ..._..r.-...+ THE 5SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO t f - i Straw Ha 'at Haif Price 1.44+++444+4444.41.44 : ing and threehiug will soon be the 'order of the dry. lir. J. A. Green law been looking over his thrrolong outfit / and will be ready at any time to si- t Sale Chas. Cottie with other friends Oto - tend to any ordersthatstay CO.nn, Mr. and Mrs.EdMyenl and fin. toted north and called on their friend, Mrs. Jerre 0'0 tenor, bringing Mies Cassie hack to rpend a few days with them by the water. Mrs. Coops is a first cousin of the latter. Commencing Saturday, August 4th, all Straw Hats, excepting Panamas, at just half regular price W alter C. Pridham PHONE 57 1 For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith a Ring 10 E. Scrcct. Opposite Knox Church Give Us a Tri)1 Hern's Grocery Hen's *Steel Cut Breakfast Coffee is put up in one pound tins, at 4& per pound It is good—Try it Our Coffee and Neal's Alofa Bread help to make a No. 1 breakfast Bread Comes in Fresh Every Day W. HERN Corner HamittenSt. and Square KINGSt1RIDGE. MONDAY, Aug. 13. Mrs. Mhlntosb, of Detroit, spent Sunday here. Urs. M. filmier, of Ooderiey, visited herr on Sunday. Mr. J. U. Dalton, of Detroit, is visit- ing his mother herr. Rev. Father O'Neil, of Parkhill, vis- ited his brother here. Mr. and Mrs. O'iirien, of London, are visiting at Mr. P. Auatiu'e. Mrs. T. O'Neil, of Odderich, visited her sots, Mr. J. O'Neil, on Sunday. Mr. Pwhp Austin, of Goderich, spent the week-ind with Mende herr. Mia Pauline O'Reilly lute returned to Toronto alter visiting at her home Isere. Mr•. J /roes Phela9,aod children, of Godrrich, are visiting the Lady's mother. Mr•. J. B S,:llitran. Mr. and Mrs. Will O'Loughlin. of Chicago. and Alias Ethel O'Reilly, of Detroit, are visiting friends here. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 16. Mrs. Drake. of Toronto. is the guest of Mr. and Mill. James Oliver this week. Miss Violet NVilson was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hugh McGuire, (iodericb. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbie. of Acton, and daughter, .Agnew, spent Suuday with Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett, of Chicago, are visiting the forwer's prrente,Mr. and Mre. John Bennett, sr. Rrv. W. B. and Nes. Hawkins and children, of Blytb, called on the form- er'+ sister. Mrs. Gray, one day last w. ek. Mr.. Chas. Cottie, of St. Marys. and Mr. Robert Myers, of Stratfor. were visitors at Mrs. J. Myers' cottage this week. Mrs. Wm. Gauley is under the doc- tor's care at piesrnt. Her many 'friends hope to hear soon of her cow- piete recovery. Mu. (Dr.) Thomas Hawkins, of Cameron, Wie.. and Mr.. Will Hawk- ins, of Chicago, have returned to their hooves thio week aft -r a plersant week spent with their relative, Mrs. W O. Gray, of this place. The farmers are all busy. Harvest - Phone 43 GRAND TRUNK SYs EM HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS. $12 TO WINNIPEG August list and 30th, from Stations' Lyn. Ont., and West to Toronto, inclusive. August Zird and 90th. from Stations Tot -onto. and Wert in Ontario. For particular* as to ticket* West of Winnipeg, ere., apply to any Orand Trunk Ticket Agent. 1'. 1'. LAWRENCE &"SONS Town Agents Thone 8 Thera b. more catarrh is this section of the couu:r) lbw all o: her diatom* put ?4.r,, bar• and for years It was sappoaed to be incurable. Doctor. pyrta,ca•ibtd local remedisw and by on, sta,.tly rallied' to cure with local treataae i1. pronounced it locurahle t' ,tarrh le a local dl -rare. greatly Influenced by oonetituti.laal oondItima.and therefor* toutdrew moat Vinton al treatment Ha1Pa Catarrh .'ure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney t Cu., Puled,, Uhio. te w coo. .Ututlonal malady. to taken internally and ecu through the blood os the muouue sur- facer of the sy-tem. 009 hundred dollars la oR.red for any cine that Halr'd Catarrh Cure fail. to cure. head for circulare and testl- moolala. I.. J. CHENEY it CO.. Toledo. O. :cold by drugri.te.75c. Hal . Family Pula for consultation. MULLETT. THE LATE JANES CARTWRIOHT.— On July 24, Mr. James Cartwright. one of Jul,/ pioneers. passed away at the age of eighty-tive years. Mr. Uartwrigut was born in Cbingue- couey township and tuoved, when a young man, with his patents, to Ashfield, where be spent the early pail of bis life. Fifty-one years ago. with his wife and stuall family, he came to the 9.h concession of Hullett, then a dense forret, where be hewed for himself and family a home on the fares where his son James now resider. Mr. Cartwright was a quiet man, tak- ing no active part in public affairs, but giving his time and thoughts to his hone and family. He was a good neighbor, astaunch Liberal, and when younger took a keen interest in the Political affairs of the community. It is several years since he retired frOm active fare life owing to declining health. He was a chatter member of the Canadian Order of Foresters at Londeeboro'. That he was much formerly ot the Bayfield road, who is loved by those who knew him now farming near (:onquest, Sask-, intimately was evidenced by the many encloses a head of wheat as a sample ; beautiful flowers sent by friends. He of what he is growing this year. The Ileaver to mourn his loss ode sister, bead is five inches long and contains Mrs. H. 0 ,eear, Dungannon ; bis wife, sixty kernels. Mr. Church bas 250 three eons and two daughters : John. acres in wheat, in addition to other of Lottoesh,an', and James and Amos, crops, and it looks astir it would thresh of Hullett. Mrs. Agent, of Clintoo, about twenty bushels W th., acre. He and Mrs. Attu,rw, of Auburn. The Iltatteral war held from hie late resi- dence on July 20th, the bra'•-rs being his sous and grandsons. 'Those from lit dl,tar.ce attending the funeral were : Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins, of Port Al - 36.000 HARVESTERS WANTED $12.00 to Winnipeg Plus half-a-cent'per mile beyond to an station east of Calgary, Edmon- ton or Burbaulc,'Alta. - Return fare half -a -cent per mile to Winnipeg till November REt'i''' 1917, plus $13.00 to original starting point: Special through *tains will leave Toronto Union Station 10 p.m., August 23rd and 30th The Best of Equipment and Lunch Counter Car; )' Electric Lighted Colonist Cars Special Accommodation for Women Vol tickets and for leaflet 511,ming nowt. .i to 1alnrfre r•er(niredat ear)) point apply to .1. W. CL'.t I. I i s Town Agent ..i ..1.11, t a ;tint l'astw'neet' 1' .. t _it.. Toronto. (Int. WHEN USiNG W I LSON.S \ FLYPADS�� tWNREAD DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY • 'Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Mrs. John Walter, has returned to Toson to. Mr. William Cunningham has pur- chased utchased a farm t:aar Walton and will move there nest. spring. Cottage prayer -meetings are being held at the different homes in the congregation of Smith's Hill during the time the pulpit is vacant. The tweeting this week was beld at the home of Mr. A. Jubumton. GARDEN PARTY.—The garden party held at Mr. J. A. Young's, Loyal, on Friday evening. last, under the aus- pices of the gibe C. E. D. C1198 of Smith's Hill church, was a meat en - j ,yable affair. There wee a good at- tendauce, the proceeds being over $100. An excellent supper was served at tables on the lawn, and afterwards there was an interesting program, for which Rev. John Young, of Pittsbur,i, Pa., acted as chairman. In addition to music by the Stewart orchestra, there were vocal solos by Mears. Elmer Rohertson, Melvin Tyndall and \Varner Walter. all of whom were heard with pleasure. P I BARGAIN DAYS I COMMENCING SATURDAY I8th and continuing until Saturday 25th WE have gathered together for these BARGAIN DAYS specials from every department, and everything that is put on sale will be a REAL BARGAIN. Read the following list carefully and then come early in the sale before the lines are picked over. Buying on these SALE DAYS means war- time economy. Harvest Help Excursions—$12 to Winnipeg. The Grand Trunk Railway System will cell harvest help excursion tickets to Winnipeg on following date. : August 21st and 90th from all 'Li - tions Toronto and east to Lyn. Ont., and north to Huntevilie, Meaford, etc. August 23rd and 80th from all ma - tions Toronto and west and south. Fare going, $12 to Winnipeg and half -cent per wile beyond, Returning, half -cent per mile to Winnipeg and $1$ from Winnipeg. Through trains leave Toronto for Winnipeg via Trsnscootinental route ab 10.45 p. w. on dates of excursion. For particulars as to tickets west of Winnipeg. etc., apply to any Grand Trunk ticket agent., or C. E. Hot wing, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 2t -- GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Aug. Ih. EXPECTS GOOD YIELD.—in a lett r to hie mother, Mr. Lester H. Church, expects to have 3,000 bushels at the bast. We ate glad to hear that Mr. Cnurch is prosprrtng. THE LATE Maw. McDoNAL».—One M t h• oldest native-born reetde. Ls 01 Ooderioh township passed away at bett : Mr.. John Cartwright, Strat- j Port—i', Hill on the nth inst., in the Lord ; Mrs. Richardson and Miss • person of Mei. Helen McDougall Mc - 1 Richardson. Stratford : Violet Ar- I Donald. The deceased was b.rn in !gent. Evelyn and Orrin Uartwriabt,'this township seventy years ago and i graudchildtru, of London, and Mrs. had lived all her lite in dm vicinity of Jack Richardson, of Stratford. Porter's Hill. Her death wee quite sudden: as she was at church the day Cholera Infantuni. before, apparently in good health. I She leavewflve sonsend•two daughters: William; Glen and Misses Alda and Cholera infantuw is cne of the fatal Florence, all of Intro' -t: Flank, at l ailmet.ts ot nbildhood. it is a troubleHohnesville: Jawec sad Oulin at home. I *hot. canes oh suddenly, erpsolally �Viu. M•-Dougsll,• of i't.•ufotth, and "during the summer nusuths, and units* Peter McDougall, of this eowns:,ip. pyowpt action ie taken the little one 'i,re brothels of toe deceased and there rw i Tab ing u Iib. ;alba- alt,, 1.1-1114,,44 Mr.. Fr i � rays : I saved t r Mi - -Aird eht ea in �1�t.y� R 4, , ,it tht 'essfeMV rue:Siena. 25 cents a hotIto Medicine Co., Buck soon be beyond aid. Baby s Own are two si-tete living in the t3tates is aur an ideal wedieinr in ward- Her husband died three years ago.' thus notable. 11rPy regulate The 'funeral rook place on Wedue.Jay P1. avid sweeten the stomach and was very -largely Attended, the j-r•vent• all the dreaded dn,.ra«rd having leen very hi n,plyintr. Coneerning them, die mPJ its the eotnmunity. Rghlyev. Rose, South Bay. Oct,. A, M.,rfwrlane w•.e the clergyman, and el LJabv'w ,Owu Tablets lite pa!Ibear.•rs wire the live *obit and qt „ail baht' when rile one daughei, Mie Alda. ntnut and f would utt' The 'l'abj4PtN alt' BENMILLIR. eiders or by nail at. Trio,DAY. Aut. 14. CARL WZDMIRDA Mie. M try Rolwrtoon i old acquaintance, at Wilt Wren. Mi. James Elliott, of Nile, b doing cement work in. this wig hood, - Rev. John Young. of Pittsburg, tvi.itntg his tutend, And relatives pit ria lint le cuwnit•ted turat Inset viz 1104 vi'inity. week.. Mr.. B. Moore, of Toronto. korTnt a; few day. at the home of M. U. ! 'Tyndall het week. �R! Mei=. ti•nall, who had been mending� of A the past two month, with her friend, I Matllt M'e. Marie: was the .erne of a pretty weddis,g on the evening of July 23rd. when their eldest daughter, ' f•,whrflw May. was nmtbd in 10+ri lege to Mr Law •nce Reii, of West Wx- walloeh. 'f Ceremony HAI pertnrnu•d by .v. Mr. Reil, of the Presbyterian c rch, SSntilt Ste, Marie. The tilde wort' a dues of pink silk chiffon ov • net and was at- tended by her cosset Mies An•lbel (:,.Ir. of Thenanlon. 1 e groom was +Opp, rted by Mr. Hugh Maer*It_]', of Stun Ate. Marie. uncle of the'fliVide. After congr.tnlatlons a wedding re- past wee served. Malty useful ghts este reeeiv.d. The grobin's gift' to I the hide witsa gold nrdkler•e with a diamond setting and is peat teen's ; art the htidesmtsid a rrsanttnt brooch and to the groomsman a set of gold cuff - ink.: Mr. and Mrs. Reid will be at borne • t .``th• tr friends alter August 16th, in `Trot Wawaaosh. HOSIERY Ladies' black cotton Hose, sizes 9, 9 1-2 and 10, plain weave, good black. seamless. Exceptional buying regular 25c. Bargain Days Ladies' tan Hose in all shades of tan or brown, silk Lisle, sizes 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, full fashioned leg. Regular 50c, for . Buster Brown's Sister's Stocking, in black only, in sizes 10, 9 1-2, 8. 7 1-2. • 7, 6 1-2, 6. This is a Stocking that for next spring will be 50c. Silk Lisle and the best ribbed Stocking on the market. Regular 35c, Bargain Days CORSETS Three broken lines of Corsets that must be sold. The s' are not all in stock, but here is the het : No. 50, only three pairs left, 19, 20, I, regular 60c, for 38c. No. 217. only four pairs left, three 19 and one 29, regulai $1.25, for 79c. No. 446 has 12 pairs left and these are the sizes : two 19, four 20, one 22, two 23, one 24, one 25, one 26, regular $2.00, for $I.49 r 20C nC • SILK SWEATER COATS In the best shades, pink, yellow and blue, with white or self Collar. Reg- ular $ 12.50, for $9.00. One rose Silk Sweater Coat. Regular $11.00, for $8.00 HOUSE DRESSES Ladies' House Dresses in all sizes, in light and dark colors, good sizes and well made. Regular $1.25 and $1.50, for 99C Ladies' Silk Crepe de Chine Waists In white, pink, Copenhagen, blue and maize. These Waists are perfect in every way, but must be cleared to make room for other goods. Regular $5.00, for $3.99. Regular $4.50, for $3.49. Regular $4.00, for $2.99 Ten Jap Silk Waists in white, to be sold at reduced prices. SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS Twelve summer dress lengths that must be cleared. They come in the best colorings, in blue, pink, ,mauve and combinations of colors in checks and stripes and combinations of both. Regular $1.00 for 69c, 90c for 64c, - 85c for 59c, 75c for 49c, 45c for ....29C Six ends of Summer Muslins that must be cleared. A good cloth for the little ones, at per yard I2C BEACH CLOTHS Id ue and natural, also stripes on rhogrounds and checks. Real for skirts. Regular 50c, for •,. 3oc a yard MIDDY BLOUSES All our Middy Blouses will be on sale and at prices that are cheap. They come in plain white with belt and pockets or with colored collars without belts. Regular $1.50 and $1.25, for 99c Children's Middies at reduced prices. I 1 Dr, s. tVihiadn Mr. Albert Oke nes gone t . Toronto lie, ODI to work on muottione, Miss Hazel Yoton, of Mitchell, Is visiting lies fri. udAtookAllr Walters. Aug. 15.I Mies Byer, tit (i.tderich. will take renewing cht(rgr of the Beniniller school at the ism this opening of the fall term. - 1, Mr. George. M4N.11 U busy putting been • in a large cement drain 125 feet long 1);,r. , in fi int of the hlkckstuith snap. The cement work b .s het n com- e menet d t the new lir dge, hut t he jolt WEST WAWANOSH. DDED .1T THE SAULT.—'1'11* bmus anti Mr.. Malt: las M'cRay, rat nes) Many Thousand Farm Labcirs Wanted for Harvestrigin Westorn Canada "Going Trip West" --f12.00 to WINNIPEG "Return Trip East"—$19.00 from WINNIPEG Angnwt and A ngn wt GOING DATES All sleben, to noted-, il•e,t of xmtt:i'. r'ntl• o; it. an4 tnelalin Snrnnto n, Ley rrly,�tarl. 9hnne lltet LIM mod ttarH.rY-reterhnM' Gin.: elan fin .•tn•Inne Det wren to ,tiro end Ittsdreir Jum lien. Dranek. From from atMneet,,nn on ItIn -I.3M ntRoan ager. �I freet irons.trinrinshe. FrEros om ne on sang station U.that.v Juna. o- wit I lien to Port MrNtrn'1 anduI on•Drabeayxron ng,ee Pram "*ration* Wept and Anntk of Toronto nu to and Inrlodini rtsmlitnn and WIndenr. Ont.. on and /(roan Sound. Walkerton.eeawe er tA'In hu4 fl Llnra, Lletowel, „derlrh, At. Mary's, Port Barwell Anginal lists i sad at- Thomas hraarhe,. sod Nation. Toronto and North to Itniton. lnetuel,P. RPFt'1A1t TTt1t()T1Off 'lrRAUSS Terther petit -glare from Canadian Patine Tlekrt Agents. W. R HOWARD. DlstNrt PIIIINSORee AReat, '.mite. GRAY HAIR Or. Treetain• Natural Hair Rseto-ati.a, used as d.rerted, r, marentead to ratan pry has to n, n.r,wil color or Mone, ,trfundsd iernrvely not(Ave end ,na ne,•,n..sPrice SLIM. wsw.asil WON Tremolo tt.My 1;.. Termite, 1e,,tt 0, .1..e Gederch u J A. Campbells Dns States ter NonhS, and Soar• Goddess Laced -Front Corset Never in the, history of the Corset industry has there been an improve- ment that has meant so much to womankind as the GODDESS laced -in -front Corset. , Goddess is the ideal Corset because it is well made ak%ng the correct lines of fashion. Goddess shows a big improvement in front lacing in the tongue that is placed beneath the lacing, making it more comfortable. Ask to see No. 410 at $1.75. also No. 502 at $2.00. These are two leaders at a low price. Corset comfort means Goddess laced -in -front. SPECIALS IN COTTONS Here is an opportunity to get Cot- tons cheap. Grey and white Cottons 36 inches wide and in a good cloth. Lay in a stock of Cottons now, for they will be much higher very soon. Reg- ular 18c. white and grey Cottons for..I 5C RUGS Here are Rugs that could not be bought wholesale for the price offered. The colorings are the best and the dyes are good. Every one perfect and in good order. Three Tapestry Rugs, 3x4, in the best quality. Regular $25.00. for $19.00 Three Tapestry Rugs, 3x3 t z,in good patterns. Regular `..22.00, for...S17.50 One Velvet Rug, 314, allover design in Persian pattern. Regular $30.00, for $24.0o One Velvet Rug, green ground. medallion pattern. Regular $25.00, \for $19.00 One Axminster Rug in a medallion pattern. Regular $26.50, for $21.00 Just a few Grass Mats left and they must be sold. 9x9, regular $7.00, for $5.99. 4 1-2 x 7, regular 53.00, for 42.49. 6x9, regular $5.00, for.... $4.0o LADIES' LISLE ()LOVES In all sizes, in black and in white. Regular 35c, for 19c COLLARS This is the time to get a Collar cheap. Our Collars will be on sale at following prices: Regular 51.50 Col- lars for 99c. Regular S1.25 Collars for 75c. Regular $1.00 Collars for 69c. Regular 75c Collars for 59c. Regular 60c Collars for 49C SPECIALS IN BATH TOWELS Lay in a stock of Bath Towels while they are reduced in -price. White Bath Towels : Regular 90c for 75c. Reg," ular 35c for 27c. Natural colored Bath Towels : Regular 60c for 49c. Regular 50c for 39c. Regular 35c for 27c. Regular 30c for 24c. Regular 25c for 1 9c. Regular 20c for...... 17c LACE CURTAINS A number of broken lines of Lace Curtains with one to three pairs in each lot will be s'•Id at reduced prices while they last, on these sale days. The lines mentioned above are real money -savers. Remember the days The sale will commence Saturday, 18th, H. ] and will come to an end Saturday, 25th. COLBO LNE 411111111111111111 • ==