HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-16, Page 3THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BBWAKB OF IUITA• TION8 SOLD ON THE MERITS ON EINIRD'S LINIMENT MEDICAL DR. (*BO. HEILEMANN, O81'13O PATH, specialist in women's and call drp'. di.ea.,.. acute, _hronlc and nervoue dim Of eent. eye, ear. none and throat. jjsrtled deaf sets. lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ade- noids removel without the kelt*. Omoe at .oideuce, corner Nelson and 8g, Andrews Steeta At home °Moe Moodsye, Thursdays a4 eatardays:any evening by appatata>•L DENTISTRY liK. H. 0. MatDONELL-HONOR 11 Graduate 1 °root° University. Graduate ey • *range of Dental 8ureea..B�• �� Spooee..rr to W. late Major fuer rows and West street. 0oderirh. AUCTIONEER THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIUNinR: Box Q. Uodericb.AL Ing ructions by mall .r lett at Banal once will be promptly .1 ailed to. 1t.rldeocr*telephone 119 LEGAL Q . HAYS RR1t1TER, ti(ILI('ITOR, NOTARY 1'CHLIt, ATL. Jillee-SterlIng Hank Block, Madelegi Lz.st, etYrioa. Telephone MI. Raaf grate Loops and ra.Y•aia. PROUDFOOT, KILLOAAN 1'000HE atIt1u rELB, SOLICITORS, NOTARIK8 PUBLIC. STC. (]aloe on the Square...00nd door from Ram Mira street, Uoderkh. Private fund. to lora at lowest rats.. W. Pam proem. H.C. J. L. KILLoaaM H. .1. 1). COuli O. CAMERON, K. C. BARRI8 ER, solleitor. notar7 pablla. °aloe. Street. Otderlek. third door fr. At Clanton 1 burday of each week In Albeit Street occu� by Mr. °nice hour. a a.m. to km. LH mower °ARROW, LL.B., BAR- RISTILIt, attarney, solicitor. oU to.. ed.• Yooer to lend et lowest rater 11 SKAOSR, BARRISTER, SUL- V leiter. Notary Public and Coeve .peer, ► l�so.e Goderl.. eebm HINDRANCE. LOANS. ETC. IJo3ILIOP MUTUAL FIRE IN e U R A N c a CO. -Yarm and I.olated taws property insured. Om core -Jas. Connolly. Pres., Ooderich P.O.; Jae. Evans Vim -Pres.. Beechwood P. 0.; Thoma. 1 Hays. 8eo.-Tres., 8eeforth P. O. Directors• -U. F. McGregor, Seefortb ; John 3.Orley e. Winthrop; Wil .am Rion Constance; John Itennewel$, Rrodh.gen ; Geo. McCarLOey, 8e.fow t b : Robert Ferris. Harlook ; Malcolm Mckwen. Brumfield. Gude rice Al...Agent+ : J, W. Yeo, Leitch. Clinton ; William Chesney, 8e.fortb L Blnchlel. 8e.torth. Policy -holders sen pay eaws.men1a and get their garde' reo01pt.d at B. J. Morrish s Clothing 8tbre Cliato.. R. EL juRUeeoaA.Of B. ddd. ur� Stree. *trete. MOOPRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Apply to M. G. CAM. N. Banister Hamilton street. Oodertoh. w ' R, ROBERTSON. DifiGRANCE AOKNT. Fvaa arm .TM's* t British. tanmaism and goo Dwrr 81oa1w AND hartor.sa' Wait [TT AccidentGuarantee Corporation, Limited, London. Eng Yrnaury AND (ioaaa*Tx Boone : The U.B, Fidelity and Gum -antes Company. °Moe at redden, .ortheaat corner of Vic- toria and 8g, ()avid'. .tr•setw. 'Phone 1701. TILE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917 8 A round Town. 8t. Patrick's Park looks very pretty •t the present time, after the welcome showers on Monday last, and is a credit to the mbabitaets of the ward who take so keen an intermit in their little park. Their example might well be followed by residents in other wards, where pieces of land are simil- arly situated which could be made to add to the beauty of the town and surroundings. Another Improvement. The town council, too, might add W the beauty of the lake front, if tbey were to terrace the banks. The planting of flowerbede and keeping the grass in good shape would not be a very expensive undeitakiog and at the tame time would be an attraction for visitors as well as for the town people, A New Town Hall. 1 believe some years agolplan. were got out for the building of a new town hall on the site of the one that doe. duty at piesent. It is well known that this buildlog is far too small for the town officials to perform their duties in, and they are considerably cramped for room. Probably the present is not the time to urge the council to commence building opera- tion., but after the war, and in the .lack times which we expect will follow it, the building might well be commenced and and empioynwnt for a number of men, and also fill a long - felt want. There's Another Reasoo, Considering the size of this town, It Is badly off for a building in which to bold public meeting.. As • matter of tact there hi no place at all that would hold a good-sized audience. Witb the buildi'tg of • new town hall containing • large meeting -room this regrettable state of affairs would be overcome and • lasting benefit con- ferred on the citizens. If our worthy Mayor wants to put a feather in his cap. here is an opportunity for him to do so. Cruelty to Animists. Patents, Trane Marts, Designs SeIured in All Countries. Writs for free book "PATENTS PROTEC- TION. 1.11. all about and how to getpat sot. HA 11( & SONS, e,tabll.hed Ig/7 formerly Patent (flim Examiner, Haste of Patent Ione, Registered Patent Attorneys eta, 9111 8t. Jame* Street. Montre.L Breacbes-- Ottawa sod Washington. Representatives in an foreign countries. Brophe3 Bros. (iODERiCH Ise Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours. eight or day. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario the t onbon ttbverttser All Mail Editions SP Per Year The shocking cruelty to • hone which occurred in town a few days ago would cause a savage to blush with shame. The offenders should be pun- ished with the utmost rigor of the law as a warning to others. We don't want any of the Berman "kul- tur" around here. Tbere are others, too. who are none too kind to ''the friend of mac." and they, too, may find themselves in an unpleasant pota- tion ora day, and in a place where they will have lots cf time to reflect on their cruel acts. The Curfew. An old-time institution which still finds • place with us is the curfew bell. Now, 1 am not going to advo- c•tte that it be done away with, for it serves the purpose of scaring a few children off the stream ; hut what I want to say is that itdoee not entirely clear the streets of the majority of the youngsters, flu tbey take no notice of It whatever. If they happen to beton the Square and see the police around they scurf off to the side -streets and rorume their play. Of course, parents are moth to blame for this, to chil- dren of tender years should be in bed •t the latest by 9 o'clock and not run- ning the streets. Bad Water. The drinking water bas rather • bad taste just now and is also a little thick. As far as I know it has no harmful effects, but at the same time it is very unpleasant and everyone would be glad to gee it remedied. Hero is another improvement Ow should receive the attention of the town council. Potatoes in Abundance. According to all report., the potato crop is exceptionally heavy, some yielding as many as twenty or thirty to a hill. The price of this commod- ity should corne down with a rush this fall. The reporm from the Niag- ara fruit belt say that there is ws abundance of peaches, grapes and plume. That is somewhat different RHEUMATISM WAS MOST SEVERE Dreadful Pains All The Tinto Until He Took "FRUIT.A.T1VE5". MR LAMPSON Verona, Ont., Nuv. lith., 1915. "I suffered for a number of years with KAre,naticen and severe Paint in Side and Bath, from strains and heavy lifting. When I had given up hope of ever being well agaia,afriend recommended "Fruit -a -ti ves " to me and after rine Olefin, box I Jell so s.MsA better that I;oontinued to take them, and now I tenjoying the beat of heath, thanks our remedy ". lI W. M. LANIPSON. Il you -who are reading this -have, any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In file Back or Stomach Trouble -give "Fruit - a -fives" a fair trial. Thiawonderful fruit medicine will do you a World of good, u it cures when everything else fails. 50c. a box, 6 for V.50, trial size, 2:ie. At dealers -or sent postpaid on receipt of price. by Fruit-a-tivee Limited, Ottawa. nul adARIanS 'resold.° titanium& 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • TORONTO, Aug. 1 4. -Tb. Board I of Trade official market gao{atluoa - for yesterday: Manitoba Wheat (Store. Fort WtSIONII). - No 1 norther•, 82.40. seasaan1. - b o. $ northern, 82.40. nominal. I No. 3 northern, i2 311, nominal. - No. 4 wheat, $2.30. notional. Manitoba Oats (Track, Bay Porta). I No. 11 C.W.. Ilk Amer4oan Corn (Track, Toronto). No. 3 yellow -Nominal. • Ontario eau (According to Fretted. Outside). No official quotations. Ontario Wheat (According to Freight& Outside). No. 3 winter. per ear lot, 12.56 to $2 OS. No. 3 winter, per car lot. 13.53 to 22.61, No. 2 (new crop), {2.31, nominal. has (According to Freights Outside). - No. 2 -Nominal. Marko (Accordlne to Freights Outside). • Malting -Nominal. Rye (Accerding to Fr.Ighto °guide). Manitoba Flour (Toronto). First patents. In jute bags, 412.90. 8ecgnd patent,. In jute bags. $12.40. Strong bakers'. In jute bags, $13. Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment). W:oter, according to sample, $11 20. fa bags, track, Toronto. Mllif.ed (Car Lots, Delivered, Montreal Freights, Bags Included). Bran. per tun. 636. Shorts. per ton, 645. Middlings, per ton. 047 to $48. Good feed flour. per bag, $3.31. Hay (Track, Toronto). Extra. No. 2, per ton, $11.50 to $131 • Mixed per ton. $9 to $10. Straw (Track, Toronto). • Car lots. per ton. $7 to $7.60. • WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. • - - • •• • •• Winnipeg, Aug. 13.-Tnere were a id of buyers In the market today for cash wheat and oats. but sellers were few and far between and as a consequence very little busiceas was done. Buyers say they would pay ■nY reasonable price to g`et groin for their requirements, but t`holders are hangotg back. It 1s said that stocks owned by elevator c0.npan(M ars pretty well exhausted, and if then 1 Is a considerable quantity of wheat 1a the market for sale, ft must be held by farmers. Prices were a little better to- day than Saturday. Oat buyers were IN the market during the early part of the session. but dropped out later, and trade In this centre was neglected, .ellen finding It hard t0 get quotations. Trade In barley and flax was vwy small. Oats futures gpened easier and manifested a downward tendency. The May delivery was traded In for the first time this reason, the opening price being 46c. Cash wheat closed at the maxlrnum of 42.40 for No. 1 northern.. No. 2 northern also closed at the maximum. and other from these parts, for there is hardly • grades were one to two cents higher thm peach or plum on the trees here. If Saturday'. close. October ebred 12. 09, the cropcomes upto expectations we elz cents bower. Oats closed down 1* pe all options. and Rex and barley free• may yet get a plentiful supply. Clonally higher. WALKER ROUND. i Wheat - High. Low. C1o. Ice cream melts more feminine Oct. - 216% 209 209 Oats - hearts than hot words do. Oct. Dec. The First LineDec. I CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. 6614 65% 65'4 62% 61% 6251 • .... .,.. 339% .. .... 333 of Defence. Pure blpod is the body'e first line of defence against disease. Strong, healthy blood neutralizes the poisons of invadieg germs, or destroys the germs thettlselvee. That it why many people exposed to disease do not con- tract it. 1' lose whose blood is' weak and watery and therefore lacking in defensive power are most liable to in- fection. Everybody may observe that Wealthy. red-blooded people are less liable to colds and the grippe than pale, bloodless people. It is the blood- less people who tire easily, who are short of breath at dight exertion, who have poor appetites, and who wake up in the mornin as tired es when they -J. P Blckell & report the follow - Ing on the Chinas:- Hoard of Trade: Prey. Open. High. Low. Close. Close Wheat- 8 _ 21' 216 204 204 216 May .... 111% 1122% 111% 11214 1191�(( Dec. .... 114 1145k 1139] 114%114f� Oatr- eep. ..., 678( 51 67 5714 5814 Dec. 677e 6774 1, 67 57% 68 Pork- Sep. .... 43.45 43.50 13.30 43.45 43.1. Oct. 43.26 62.30 02.20 43.30 43.00 Lard- Sep. .... 22.83 22.85 22.5f 22.70 20.73 Oct. .... 23.00 23.00 22.72 22.02 22.37 Ribs - Sep. .... 23.53 23.72 23.50 23.70 23.46 Oct. .... 23.40 23.45 23.25 23.40 23.20 LIVERPOOL MARKETS. • Live oral, Aug. 13. -Hams, short cut, 14 Bto 16 Ibs., 176.. went to bed, Vhile women and Forint Bacon. Cumberland cut. 45 to 66 Ib., cbiefly suffer from bloodlessness the i 143Ntillshir cut. 148s. trouble also affects both boys and' Clear bellies. 11 to 16 lbs.. 144s. men. It simply affect. girls and wo- Long clear middles. light. 28 to 34 lbs.. men to • greater extent because there is a greater demand upon tbeir blood @apply. To renew and build up the blood there is no remedy can equal Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills. They tone up the entire system, make the blood rich and red, feed and strengthen starving nerves, iocrease the appetite, put color in the cheeky, give refreshing sleep and drive away that unnatural tired feeling Plenty of sunlight and whole- some food will do the refit. You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 112.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. To Conserve Canada's Food THE Canadian Pacific Rai: way Co. has played an Myer. tent part 1n the Interests of Cas tda In the world war In a great many ways, and has arain been b000red by the recent e.pIOlnt- mt'nt of Mr W. A. Cooper, one of 1t3 prominent of f I- clals, to the Food Co"servation Committee. Mr. Cooper has had considerable ex- eerler,e In deal - Ing with food% baying been con. fleeted with the dining cars of tt:r Canadian Pacific for twenty years, and his wide knowledge will be of much value to the Committee In the conserva- tion of Canada's flog stuffs. On i F, r-. i'emmtttpe Mr. Cooper Is as. aoclated with Judge Rosa, Toronto; Mr. W. Wright, Toronto; and Miss Watson of the Guelph Cortege. MT. Cooper was born In 1871. After leaving school he commenced work with the Grand Trunk Railway as a junior clerk ender the late William Wainwright, for whom later he acted as Private Secretary.' Leaving that company in 1891 he Joined the Canadian Pacific Railway ser'viee as Chief Clerk to the Oanenl Reperltt$Ddent of the rast- ers Division and suhseouently ae aramet tba duties of haslet e d e •, N A. COopLrn. • a it- Sleeping and Uin1Ag Gra from Welt be graduated In 1897 to Assistant General Superintendent. and In 19011 was appointed Superintenaen*. 1s 1910 Mr. Cooper was promoted to General Superintendent, and during 1 th. pest fmrr years leas been filename. of the Dining. Rleeping, and Parlor !Cars. operating also the station rem tent -ants. and train news service rot the years 1908. as, and Id, Mr. Conner ?Merl the isolation of Pre.t dent of the American A..oclatioa 01 alillaL ai fitte0illIGR iMilk -...-- 149s. Longclearmiddles. beery, 36 to 40 Lha„ 148e. Short clear hacks, 16 to 20 Ib... 138s. Shoulder.. square. jJ1 to 13 the., 126a. Lard prime west4rn In tierces. 114e; American refined, 117■ 3d; In boxes, 116.. CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK TARDB. TORONTO, Aug. 14. -The enorm- ous expansion of the live stock trade to Ontario was never better illus- trated than in yesterday's run at the Union Stock Yards, a record one for this season of the year aqd totaling nearly 5.000 head. While the trade was fairly active the bear receipts had the effect of forcing down the 1 prices for some classes of cattle. I KART BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. East Buffalo, N.al., Aug. IE. -Cattle - Receipts. MM. Strong; prime steers, 313.50 to 314; shipping steers. $12.50 to Td 60' butchers, 39.50 to $12.60; )(air- ings,$e.26 to 313.50; butchers, 49.50 to 60; yearlings, $9.26 to $13.60; heifers. 3 to $11; cows. $5 to 49.50; bulls. 16 to la; stockers and feeders, M to .50. Freh cows and springers steady. Veala-Recelpts, 1350. Active and steady': $5 to $16.50. Hogs-keeelpts, 3200. Strong; heavy. 017 75 to $17.85. mixed, $17.70 to $17.85; yorkera, $17.66 to $17.76: light yorkers. 416.60 to $16; pigs, $15.50 to 315.75; roughs, $16.60 to 115.76; .tags 112.50 to $14.60. steep and Iambs -Receipts. 1400. Strong; lambs, $10 to $16; yearlings. 19 to 812.50: wether., $10.60 to 110.75: ewes, 86 to {70; mixed .beep. 110 to $10.25. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. • Chicago, Aug. 13.--Cattle-Recelpte 13.- 000 Market ]Ian. Beeves, 18 to $14.50• dockers steers. $7 to 813.50dockers end feeders, {6.90 to $$.25; cows and heifers, 116.60 tO $12 25: calyee, $9 to 144. Hogs-RecHDts 26,004. MArket 'm - settled. Light 115.85 to 417.46; mixeJ, $15.96 to 417.46; heavy, $15.80 to 517 50; bulrough. 416k or .80 to `.55; pigs, 17.M. to 11.60; Sheep--Roeelpt5 11.000. Market .crone. Lambs, native. 01.90 to $16.66. Not Bowed to Pests tee. LONDON, Aae. 14. -It is asserted that areas Henderson did not re- present aenes•9a4y the vim► now P0- lbatatend M illegal Russian circles astal'rtng the Socha/Lai contterence at tlteekbohn_ Tbs Keening Standard say Premier Eeerensky Gant his views to Landes Fridy for the I n- Of flee BgtLI1 Govern - ,i sr?•iefOl i -r lira - Rumbas Premise made K t111 a 1Mtwe5etp•r MIs, 'that. Wassion M►erra1lss may attend the Stecdrhalm eheAseeneee, the (M- delees d that body would fn no wily bled the Roafden Oowremant-" tibiae to Seed Army. PEKING, Aag, 14.- The sews - papers say Ohina will useeeetedb shed troops to iCerape to Sght agalaat Germany. • • • • t • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • D.MILLARuSON f New Silk Sweaters New Wool Sweaters A large shipment of Silk and Wool Sweaters just received and our stock is now better assorted than at any other time. Ladies' Silk Sweaters from $6.75 to $17.50 Special value ladies' heavy Wool Sweater, in colors of navy, melon, Copen- hagen and cardinal, with white striped roll collar and cuffs, and sash. Special $5.00. • Very serviceable ladies' Union Sweater, in colors of navy, cardinal, grey aryl brown, roll collar. Special $3.50. - • Ladies' handsome all -wool Sweater Coat, extra long, in colors of melon, Copen- hagen, cardinal, white striped roll collar and cuffs, long sash. Special $9.75 each. Our special Turnbull's Cee Tee Australian Wool Shaker -knit Coat. in colors of white, navy, cardinal, brown and grey. Wonderful value. Special $5.50 each. Special slues in Household Requirements Imported circular Pillow Cotton, 40 and 45 inches wide, nice fine even weave, heavy weight. 39c and 45c yard. English Bleached Sheeting, excellent quality, firm and even weaves, 2 yards wide, 45C. 2 1-4 yards wide, 50c yard. Our best quality imported Sheeting% heavy weight, even weave, free from dressing, 2 yards wide, 75C yard. 2 1-4 yards wide, 85c yard. Special Value in Turkish Towels Turkish Towels are advancing considerably in price. All cur stock at old prices while they last. Wonderful values at 25c, 29c, 39c, 50t, 75c, $1 and $1.25 each. NEW FALL GOODS NOW ARRIVING DAILY PHONE 56 J'Vlillars Scotch Store PHONE 56 • • •• - • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • •• •• • • - • - • • •• • • •• ••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A The Western Fair Program. The amusernent progreme for the coming western Fair ere ready,.for distributiupn h'urLythnusand of them will soon he dirtritut d throughout Western Ontar.u. There will be an --ezeellent ;Irmo ion this' year. The feature act will tie (scar V. Babcock, in his noo=t wonderful ' n 1 daring act "Looping the Death Trap Loop and Flying the Flame." He starts at a height of fitly -five feet and coming down an incisor rf 1111 feet loops a loop twenty-eight fee], in diameter, finishing with a key of forty feet in the ab 1'hie performance is on a nlotoreycle and will without doubt he • wonderful bpd thrilling art. Other ae%ie4a_ere Drilerzn and Ladies in their rom►dy ere diode act.-Apdate'a Zoo and Circus, Ameriee'e beet c,nu- hitett ion animal act. The Rose troupe. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As WeII As Men Glass of hot wailer each morn- inp)helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. nappy, bright, alert-vlgoroue an vivacious --a good clear skin; a nat- Ural. rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by, clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could reallzo the wonders of the morning Inside bath, what a gratifying change Would take place. Instead of the thonsands of sickly, anaemic -looking men, women sad girls with pasty or muddy completl• ions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brill fags" and pessimists we should gee virile, optimistic throng of cbeeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glans ell real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in It to wash from the stomach, liver, kid- neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- vlous day's indigestible waste, sour terfnentatlons and poisons, thus aleansfng, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bile aotunees, nasty breath rheumatism, colds; and parUeulary those who bave S pallid, sallow complexion and wbo Ole • oonstipated very often, are arged to obtain a quarter pound et limestone pate at the drug store which will mato but a trifle but fs eulsctent toedemonatrate the quick ffid remarkable change in both bealtlf and appearance awaiting tboee wbo practice internal sanitation. We must remember that inside cleanliness is more important than outslde, be- cause the skin does not absorb Impur- ities to eorltaminate the blood, white the parse In the thirty tee8 of bowel. db! the.funny people, the greatest laugh- seasonable character. producers on the stage today. Man- ley, the patriotic singer, who is al. ways popular with an exhibition audience. The Juvenile Pipers and Dancers band have heeu engaged for the entire week, two peri( rwancea daily. There will be an a Sundance of music this year by;all the local hands and 'several of the very hest outride - FALL FAIRS -1917. hands obtainable. In addition to all --- this there will bel two speed evints Toronto Aug. °5ept. 10 daily for which large purses are nf- London Sept.e7.15 fered. The Rutherford Carnival Co. London ....Sept. 17. 18, 19 will fill the Midway with good clean Palmerston Sept. 18.19 shows and will furnish amuseruent fqr Atwood Sept. 18-19 Zurich Sept. 1941) Listowel. .. .. S. 38.21 KrdSepeptt. d0 21 fleaincaforthine. Sept. 30-21 Ripley Sept. 2-K(1 OODBRICH...... ..., Sept. 26, 21, ?JI Lncknow Sept. l? -25 Blyth Oct. 2.3 Teeswater Oct. 'g,-3 Dungannon . OcL, 4-t, CURRENT LITERATURE: BrusselsOct. 4.3 ening Oct. 8 Wingbaw • Oct. 9.10 THE CANADIAN MAOAZINR.-Besides Bayfield,.,...... • . Oct. 9.10 an *rtiole entitled "Canada's Amateur' moldier.," which tells- *Mtt the men who have helped to make famous the exploits of Canadian 'soldiers. Chr Canadian Magazine fur August con - twins s good variety 8f interesting and instructive contributions. • The piece that liquor has in the everyday life of the Old Country is described by Lacey Amy in an article entitled "l,`gnor and the War," and Auntie) Hari loon gives a splendid article on "How Long Will Hails Last ?" The work of the Royal Flying Corps in Canada is the balls of en article by Randolph ('ariyle, and "Alien Recoil in Russia" is the title of a timel`- article by Liens Denton. There are revered excellent short stories of a Kissing ass theory is ter less satis- fying atinfying than • practical example. Clothes do not make the roan, yet a man may owe • great deal to his tailor all. 1f space is required or wastes to be made, attend to the matter at once. The Internetional Fireworks Co., of London, will provide • new and novel program of firework* eaeb evening before the grand stand. All informa- tion regarding the Exhibition in any of its departments will he furnished by the .ern't•ry at the general offices, Dowiniop Savings Building. London. GiRLS WANTED For Mit.. o,ork to fill the ph,er, of min s hn oat.• gone o1 are going to the front. Young women can render the ....Wart real-.Srvice by preparing to take positions in banks and bu-inesr offices. Special Cour-es of training In Hook• keeling. sho,t1 1 and all other ntm- uu•rrh,l of hjert I, raw 1n oroer.o. St adcnt- ;Omit ltd any limo. 1(1 u.t rated I" CA lost OP free. Northern Busbies College, Ltd. Owp;N t. A. FLF:MINI1. Principal. For sixty-five Years Ye Olde Firme has had one definite object always in view -that has been to make the the Wonidts Best Piano. Those who know this piano best -artists, critics, owners -arty that the object has been attained.