HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-16, Page 1Printing TU SIGNAL, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or mall, and give you a satisfactory Joh every time. Let tae have your next order. Telephone„35 The Signal BITTY NINETH TaJR-No M l GODERICH. ONTARIO TflURSDA Y. AUGUST 16. 1917 Have You Forgotten to pay your subscription for The Sigurd for 11117 ? We need the money, and 1f you me in atrears would ask you to intake payment promptly. DO IT NOW THE IIIONAL:PRINT3No Co., UNITED. Prst.;saxa PUBLIC NOTICE. MR. FARMER-iF YO V NEED harvest help apply to th ONTARIO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT MilDundee street. London, Oa', Ex's/tempos(' bele' at the rate of $13 per mouth. all per wtek or 0150 per day. FINAL WARNING TO DOG OWNERS. This is the Anal notice to owners of r doge that animals found without proper tags will be immediately de- stroyed, mud the owner or harborer will to prosecuted if you value your dog, get a tag. R. C. POti'1'LETHWAITE, 7e -2t Chief of Police. British Exchange Hotel "Thu Honse of l'lenty" SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Sunday Dinner from 12.30 to 2.30 W. H. HAINES, Proprietor. Your Help Requested. i ani a candidate in The Lon- don Advertiser's great suhecrip- tion contest and should like all my friends to help me win one of the prises. if you are not taking The Ad- vertiser. you can help me by handing me a subscription, ae each subscription sent in by me `Quntei for a number of votes. you are now getting The Adv tier, you can help me by cuttin out the coupon in each biome an handing it to me. Suhecribe(a to The Signal can have The Advertiser at the clubbing rate and ran still give nie the benefit of their votes. Hoping everyhndv will. give me their assistance in this con- test, Yours very truly, MAMIE WARRENICR:, Hamilton street, Goderich, FOR SALE OR RENT. A OHOg2E FIFTY -ACRE FARM for •ala within one mite of Dongaonos, load bulldl Itverytbing In good *hepe. "01•018/0111 le next. For particulars poly to T. OUN H 1Ooderiob. Two STORES TO RENT. -ONE lately ooeupied by W. H. Harrison and Ow ether by James F. Thomson. Both on the Itq„ere. Arpty J P, BROWN Nati 1]OU:,E TO RENT. -MODERN J bone on Gloucester Tames. Apply to U6EPH OKIrrlN, aaol0r. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Hot Water Heating System for Sale Good hot water heating system. in, first clean shape. Suitable for large house. Furnace. radiators, piping.. etc. WW be sot at a bargain if taken at once. Lumber for Sale Large quantity of hnilding lumber for sale. Most be removed at once. Several listings can be had on application at the office. Number of houses to rent. Furnished and unfurnished Sum- mer Cottages. J. W. CRATOiE, Ilestrtaxen mato-REAL ESTATE' POR SALE WAITIt1l. J 4ECOND-OLA18 TE•OHBR AA13 (P U jswanted foe R Na 7. Col - ply, evatlug .atary, 1). F. oueues Z, Seers- bores. em Lary, K K. Ido, 2, Clinton. 17 -ft ROTS tWANTED .-WE ('AN GIVEle at p tasking. $UMAMn aE ]SANIMALr of1 UsINO AO oz CO, LIMITED. IIRLI2 WANTED. -APPLY GODE- 11 RICH KNITTING co. Wanted at the Canning Factory Raspbeiries. Bevans, Beets and Carrots. Highest prices paid. Come in and See Us. Huron Canning and Evaporating Co. D F HAMLINK Manag.r, 5,000 Women Wilted in Saskatchewan. Five thousand competent dom- estic servants are required ion -- the farina of^, Saskatchewan. Married couples with not mote than one child,. also greatly in demand. Wages fur female help $30.0) per month with board. No ()atside work. Come on har- vest excursion trains and report to Saskatchewan Government Ag't, Railway Station, Winni- peg. "r to Sect eta.y, Bureau of Labor, Regina. AUCTION SALES. (ILE.\RING AUCTION SALE OF l/ FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTb. MIL D. 10. HAMLiNK I OR SALE. -ROWBOAT, IN GOOD 1- condition. Apply u SIGNAL &FFICL TOR SALE. -ONE AUTO TRUCK,' capacity li tone. Suitable for express delivery or fum work. Pneumetic urea lel trout, rear axle, the Newell Internal geardrive. Speed, 12 to til miles per hour. One Jitney auto ear, clo..d body ; to carry elghl muenster.. Pneuwatio tires all round. Both oan be teen at our (setory or drop me • pa.[eatd for full pnrleulus and prime of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD., 36-tf Goderlab:Ont. will sell by public suction at Menesetung Park Farm, on I WEDNEBDA r, AUGUST Sikh. oommeoriu( a L3so'cloM sharp One pair of good working berm,. 1 yearling eat. 3 mach cows: 1 mare, 22 feats: 1 bon,e, 8 years ; 1 bore., 5 years ; 1 bores. 4 years ; 6 pipe. 1 sow, bens and chiokeri". 15 kites of bees. 8 oak barrel. 1 large iron kettle, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sets double Menai-, 1 ret Ugh' single barns... I set heavy single Karnes-, 3 Barry oohibs, 3 brushes, 7 Stine fork-, 1 emery Bum. Sod Rea, ing, 3 root cotter, 1 fanning mill, 1 .praylt g outnt comple a 1 040 true' wagon. 1 straw -cutter, 1 root drill, 4 pairs homes sod ..bort tag', 1 binding cbalo, 1 pair -:ale.. I baggy, 11.ght wagon, 1 pair whifttetyees, 1 cut- ter. 2 robes, 1 pair home blaak.t.,, I niggle horse plow, I swam hor-e cultivator. 3 dq..ble plow.. 2 wagon, 1 pale hes 'pelage, 2 crbwcut saw., 8 noru.4014..,,1 these, 2 garden boobs.I tokc-hmridled ..boyo . 2 spade. -4 stovefa, 1 potato.preyer. 1 pruuhyt.Aw, 2 padre ellpper., I ..w. 2 pain abeam. l Ineub,t.'r. 1 brooder, 1 creem separator, 1 corn -pis 'ter, 1 new neck - kc. 'beets w are --t reicher.. 38 bot -bed sisl. ,tie ttg� ht}k.n wire. 3 jointer plowtpelnte, 3 lal'xe lorivolnte, 1 wagon platform And box, 1 set bob.)eghe, 1 eat spike -tooth harrow.. 1 two- iiteedi ..rse rultivetor, I mowing machine. 1 roller. 1 drill, 1 bayrake, 1Idisc harree. 1 twin Mow. 3 etepleddere, 1 12 -font ladder, 1 1S -foot ladder, 1 stooebeat, 1 road .caper. I beehive., 1 scythe and 'oath, wagon box churn, pails, eto, . erything will be diapered of, ae Mfr. Ham - 11 k he. sold the farm. xkMp.-All Kum. of 510 and under. melt ; over .hat amount. 7 months' credit will be given on turd -bine approvedoint notes. A ro leunt of / per tent. straight allowed for cask on credit amount., D. F. HAMLINK, THOS. (SUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. Threshing Outfit for Sale. Including IS h. p. MacDonald en- gine ; Goderich seperatonwith Jumbo cylinder, self-teeder and plower ; No. 3 Blizzard rutting -box ; 1Pin. chopper; large water -tank. All in first-class condition and can be seen at any time at my fotmer farm in Oolbrrne. Air i am not remaining in Huron, i must dispose of this outfit and will sell at a reasonable figure. This is a good opportunity fora man to procure a good outfit, or for a number of farmers to club together and have their own thresher. HUGH HiLL, Goderich, FOR SALE. Bred -to -Lay Barred Plymouth Rocks (0. A. C. Strain). A few choice Cockerels for sale. R. MCDONALD, Dunlop. Require Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited 1- - w LENTISMIlsaalai 4 DMINISTRATOR-8 SALE OF ti HOUSE AND LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD ILFFECTB. The administrator of the estate of the late DUNCAN MCLICOD will offer for Rale by public auction on SATURDAY. the 25th AUGUST, 1917. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the premise" on Eldon etreet. Goderich. the following property, namely : Lots 73 and,73 on the wee eldest Eldon Street, In Reed'. Survey. in the town of Goderich, in tbe county of Huron. On the sail Iota there 1. a drat -clave frame dwelling house, In good re- pair, with stone fonndation end good cellar; eight [rooms. bathroom and modern conven- iences; fruit trees :.table : (garden reserved 1. Poerewdon cite be had on September 1st. 1917. The gale of the bonen and lot. will be.ubject to a reeerved bid. _ - There will els. be Roll the following house- hold diode, uamely One coal heater, 1 one -lamp oil stove, 1 .Ida. board, I couch. a eon,ldeable q, entity of bed clothing. 1 iron bed, 2 mattresses, I bedroom drew.er, stand :and bed. 7 chain, 1 eves *ion table, 1 dreeeer, I wash'tand one wash - boiler, 1 .ole- L lamp. 1 teakett e, 3 pictures, 1 g,ntlomen's .ilver watch. 1 pall, window blinds, dshe., eta Taass,-Ten per cent. of the pnrnhtwe motley of house end lot" to be wild down atthe time of -ale. the balmiest to ,be paid within 30 days thereafter. For chattel., term. cash. Fur further particulars apply to NORMAN McLIiOD, Clinton, Ont., Administrator, or to PROUDTOOT. KILLORAN It COOKE, Solloitore for Admlolet ,tor. THOMAS OUNDR Auctioneer. Dated Nth July. 1911!. 7541 LOST OR FOUND. LOST-AO,MiiWHERE ON THE Sonere. a 55 bill. Finder will be rewarded on leaving 'rime at the SIGNAL OF F1CK CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again restlhte my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my 'absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. TeleZhone orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 16i. NSW TEACHERS FOR COLLRGI- ATE. Charles McKineen. B. A., and Miss Helen M. Dickson. The Collegiate hoard has secured the two teachers eiecessary to All the vacancies is the 114(11 caused by the resignations of Miss Fraser and Dr. Strang. The new wewhere of the staff hairs been highly recommended as efficient and agroDg teachers, both in academic erqu rewent. and in leech- ing anddisciplloop�ry powelr. Miss Helen 1f,Dlckeon, of Toronto, is the new commercial and art teacher, succredigg Miss Fraser, who resigued on aecouut of III -health. She holds • cum .ereiet specialist and an elementary art aortlfcate and has bad several years of successful experience in high school work. The inspectors speak highly of her worth and work. Mr. Charles McKinnon, B. A., takes up the work that has for long years been under the capable charge of the •enerehle Dr. Strang, who has so well earned the rest upon which he now enters. My. McKinnon h -Ids a specieli.t *snifter.. in classics and in physical eultup and cadet wtrk. He is an hotter graduate of Toronto University with full course honors in classics an0 two yearn honors in histiny au just completed a year's post-gr•doate wink iu Chicago University, obtaining flat -class honor etandiug in education and classic.. He has had a Roodly number of years of experience, teaching in taupe of the beet school. in Ontario and the West- ern Province., sod is spoken of as a strong discipli iiia and as one who has great po r to instil into the students the is it tat work. During e he was captain of the Toronto U iversity lacrosee and football teamsHewitt he well quell- Aed to train tit toys of the Collegiate in athletics andtgame.. his college coo CHUILH NOTES. Mrs. Gen, H. lug, of Peterborough, will .ing to N th Street Methodist church next Su ey. The services t Knox church next Monday will conducted by Rev. W. R. Molntos S. A.. of London. Rev. Dr. Sea er, principal of St. Bark's Tbeol al College, Vanc u - ver, B. ('., will conduct the setvicc of St. George'stchurcb next Sund both morning and evening. -Next Suodayl morning in Victoria street Methodist church, Mr. G. Jen- kins will preach. In the evening a special and interesting service will be conducted by tate young people with Mr. C. M. Robertson in charge. Miss Scott, of Seaforth, has been engaged as orgaglits of North street Metbooist ch' the position having been woman% since the removal of Mr. King to Peterborough. Mr. Harry Barker presided at the organ on sev- eral Sundays during the vacancy. Mr. C. J. Taylor, who has been ap- poiuted organist and choirmaster of Knox church, is expected to. take charge August :78th. In the meantime the organ is in the cap Able hands of Miss Pearl Good, whose playing is re- ceived with great acceptance by choir and congregation. The services in North street Metho- dist church will be conducted next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge. Mlrning subject : "The An- ointing at Bethany" ; evening : "For- bidden Fruit." The Men's Sunday Club meets at 10 a. m. Subject for discussion, "Is it sinful to want to do wrung things though not doing them?' All men welcome, strangers especially. Large congregatious heard Rev. Dr Andrew Meldrum, of Cleveland, at Knox church last Sunday, rhe ser- mons were characteristic of the preacber-clear•cut and forceful in expression, and appealing to that practical sense and the underlying good in hu hat) nature in which the Doctor holds unbounded faith, and which in turn are inspired and ele- vated by his appeal. At the evening service Mr. Bert Cutt sang the solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple." The services of the day were much appre' elated, not only by the members of Knox church congregation, but by many from other coogreestions of the town. if quality counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. 'Phone 240. Houses Struck Monday Morning, During the electrical storm on Mon- day morning considerable damage was done to the residence of Mr. J. P. Hume, principal of the Collegiate Institute. The lightning entered by the chimney, completely demolishing it. and descended to the attic. Here, After .plintet ing a rafter, it branched, one part neatly poring two holes through the veiling nodose end passing out a window that Miss Father Hume had closed only a moment before. The other part followed the stnvepipe to the kitchen and escaped. Consid- erahle plaster was knocked down, especially in the upper part of the haus*, and the lighta and telepho e were burned out. It is miraculous that none of the occupants of the hones was injured. The house of Mr. Walter Latimer; St. David's etre t, was *truck also. The chimney was damaged. several ratters were splintered and the lights burned out. Several of the electric light trans. formers in the south end of the town were rendered useless by the lightning. CARD OF THANKS. IT WILL BE iMPOSSIBLE FOR MB to thank Indlvldnelly all who extended their stesMtanoe and aympath tome In my nine w trouble through the � M my ton, and 1 take this means of 'uprooting my deep and shiners gatltode te one all WiLLIAM TTH MPBON. O. C. I. NOTES. The paw junior matriculation re- sults, announced last Friday, contain the names of the following G. C. 1. students : J. S. Bogie (anc. hist., ale., Lat. A., Lat. l'.) . IS. P. Hume (B. and C. hist., anc. hist., Lat. A., Lat. C.) E. C. MacArthur (Lat. A„ Lat. C.) A. H. MscEwan, J. M. MacEw R. M. Worseld(Lat. C.) Mise,Gertrude A. Hodge, of the Col- legiate Institute stall, was successful in the elementary examination for teachers of physical culture held at the close of the summer school course at Toronto. In addition to the list of bamss of suc"e.eful G. 1. I. students published in The Signal Wet week, the follow- ing wore granted their standing on account of their being engaged in farm work : LOVER S('H(AL, Mary E. Baechler•. Eva M. Cox. Norma M. Ginn. Frank \Vashington. J. FMner West. Katie E. Weston. MIDDLE SCHOOL. Lila M. Howatt. ' Elizabeth Mcli:eozie, Genevieve O'Connor. Isabelle Parker. Madelene Sullivan. Patricia Sullivan. Luella M. %Vaguer. JUNIOR MATRICULATION. Ernest M. Lee. Elizabeth McKenzie. Maitland F. Pridham. Madelene Sullivan. UPPER SCHOOL. Rae J. Mothers (Pt. 1.1 Harold E. Walters (Pts. I. and II.) WITH THE LAWN BOWLERS. Goderich bowlers captured two sets of prizes in a tournament at Scotch doubles held at Seaforth on Monday. Chas. Humber and T. McDermott took second prize in the first event, and J. L. Killoran and Fred Hunt won the second prize in the second event. The Exeter tournament lest week was a great success, forty-five rinks taking par'. The first event was won by Sawyer's rink from Mitchell, with McDonell's rink from Hensall in the Anal game. The second event was won by the London Thistle Club rink skipped by Bert Neaman, with E. J. Hovey's team from Clinton the run- ners.up. In the third event C. B. Snell, of Exeter, skipped the winning rityk, second place goiug to J. P. De- wan's London Thistle Club rink. in its notes on the tournament The Exe- ter Advocate says: "Judge Dickson brought down a legal rink from Gode- rich-being Lawyers Cooke, Oat row, Proudfoot and His Honor himself, Five rinks from the county town Showed that His Honor besides handing out justice did some mission - seg wort as well. We missed our cld friend Clerk Wm. Lane, however, as be has been a regular attendant for years." Three rinks of Lucknow howlers played a game with Goderich bowlers on the local green yesterday. Allis,, of Lucknow, beat Hunter, of (lode- ! ich, 4 points ; Gerrow, of Goderich, heat Reid, of Lucknow, 7 ints ; Johnston. of Lucknow, beat Humber, of Goderich. 7 points--.Luckoow being 4 up on the total. The Lucknow b,iwlere were entertained by tbe local wen at dinner at the British Exchange hotel turd Later by a visit to the "movies.' Drowned at Fort William.. Mr. William Thompsnn, We1M street, received word on Friday that his son, William, who was one of the stew of the steamer Mariska, bad been drowned et Fort William. The lad, who wee not quite sixteen years of age, went wiling in May and bad been on the steamer Metiska all sea- son, with the exception of the trip just previous to the fatal one. Up to the present time Mr. Thompson has received no plrticnlats as to how the drowning orcurred. The body was recovered end woe hrooght to Goderich by train nn Mon - dee, end on Wedneedsy afternoon the funeral took place to Maitland rerne- t-ey front the home of the boy's uncle, Mr. Herbert Copeman, Well* etreet. Hey. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of North street Methodist church, conducted the services. and the pallhea were Geo. Baechler, Berttiandereon, Herry Leach and F Newell, fellow - members of the clasein Victor,a street Methodist Sunday school which Willie Thompson attended. Besides the bereaved father, there le one brother, George, a returned soldier, who was at Fall River, MARC, undergoing medical treatment, and returned to town for the funeral. Much sympathy is felt- for the rela- tives in their sad and ur»npest ed loss. DUNGANNON. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 15. Miss McPherson, of Kincardine, is the guest of Miss Peerl McKenzie. Miss Ethel Case Is visiting friends at Blyth and Hensall. Mr. wed Mn. W. Elliott and Miss Margaret Ryan, of New Liskeard, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Ryan. Miss Shaw, of Bluevale, h* the guest of Miss Hazel Augustine this week. Rev. A. Thompson. of Toronto, preached very acceptablyin Erskin church last Sunday. e Rev. M. P. Craig, of Bothwell, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of Goderich, spent a couple of days in the village this week. THE LADS KHAKI. t r Oo Monday Mr, Wil 'am Erwin, of town, received, telegrastating that his son, Pte. Wm. Henry Erwin. had been admitted to the 13t , field hos- pital on August 1, sufferinfrom gas - poisoning. Pte. hrwin eat lard here in the 181st Battalion and went to France with the first draft of the Hurons. Gunner Allan Buc- hanan, of the Beth Battery, was home from Petawawa last week on a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Jetties Buchanan, of Saltford. Gunner Buchanan was working in the G. T. R. offices at Toronto wben he enlisted in May last. Rob, Clerk, son of4Dr. knd'Mr. W. F. Clark, enlisted at London last week with the 7th Regiment. Ho has received a furlough of six weeks for farm work and is twisting on the farm of bol uncle, Mr. John ('larks' at Loyal. Mr. George\ Williams has rece ved word that his 'tun, Lance -Corp. Clifford V. Williams, tibo was last week re- ported wounded,'bao been removed to A convalescent bo:-pital in London, England. Lieut. Chown O- 'rill, hrother of Mn. James H. O'Neil of Brantford, formerly of town, ham reported severely wounded. \\, ONLY A FEW DAY ..EFT For Men of Military Quali&c tions to Choose Their Unit. Sergt. T. Pritchard received .. some two o1• three weeks ago to clic: . the recruiting office in town. Yest day he received word from headquar term to the effect that Major G. W. Nelson, officer commanding 32nd Over- seas Company, bad been recalled to London and the office a• Walkerton had been closed since the 13th ilea. 'Sergt. Pritchard has instructions to continue recruiting for a few days prior to the final word which will put an end to a mat's choosing his own particularggyyo�it. Those men who are eligible Mirthe fleet draft would be well advised to wake their choice iw- mediately. Sergi. Pritchard is at prevent mak- ing a canvass of some 121.1 names sup- plied to hint by headquarters at Lon- don. 1f any whom this concerns will leave their names and addresses atThe Signal office they will receive prompt attention and boner advice. Some people insure their lives. others their ,houses, fqr protection. Why not insure your `tock against the fly pest ny using our Ay des- troyer ? E. R. WHILE, druggist, Goderich. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. At the Tetrameter race* last week Robert McLean's horse, "Royal Dun- dee," won third money in the 2.20 class. The jitneys for the garden party at Ridgewood Park next Wednesday will run from the corner of Hamilton street and the Square, commencing at 3 o'clock. Dar. and Mrs. T. (1,- Allen, .Dungan- non, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, ('ora J., to Mr. S. Marchant Wickens, of Sebringville, Ont„ the marriage to take place early in September. Chief Postlethwaite followed up the case of cruelty to an old horse, men- tioned in The Signal last week, by hringisg John McComb anti Chas. Hell before the magistrate, who fined theta 510 and costa each. The Goderich branch of the Red Cross Society ackncwledges with thanks the following further donations in aid of the French fled Cross fund : Beautifier Red Cross, $34.30 ; Leehurn Re Cross Workers, 510, making a cruel emu Goderich and district of $540. for French relief. Mr.,J. N. Kernighan, of 13e niiIier, who is a director of the United Farm- ers of Ontario, gave an addrees at a largely attended social gather ng held by the Farmers' Club of Thames Road on the 3rd inst. Mr. Kernighan'e topic was the need of organization and methods of securing it. it you have an item of news for The Signal do not wait until Wednes- day or Thursday to send it In. it taker six days each week to prepare the matter for The Signal. As soon as one issue of the paper is mailed, work ori the next issue is commenced. Sand in your items as early as pos- sible. Clinton New Era : We are sorry to report that Master Fred Schoenhal•, eldest son of Mr,and hire. H. Schoen - bale, of Goderich, had the misfortunes on Friday of last week tat break his nose while playing in the yard of Mr. Wm. Maeon. He was climhing on Mr. Mason's paint cart and bumped his nose against the edge of it. Fred has been shifting here for two months and is not likely to enjoy his holiday. The •welling is going down now and is on the fait road to recovery. During the severe storm of Sunday evening, 6th inst., the barn of Mr. Robert J. Thompson, of Trowhridge, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, with the contents, which included about thirty tone of bay, some grain, a hinder, cultivator, Deed drill and harpers, and a few hens. The building was insured. Mr. Thomp- son and his son were doing the even- ing chore* when the lightning struck one end of the barn. Both wore stunned. but recovered in time to help in freeing the cattle Mr. 'Thompson is • brother of Mrs. J. Ade. Fowler, of PERSONAL. MENTION. Mir Harry. of roronto, 4 vl Otto, friends In lowu, Mi.. Dora Howie recur ned to Toronto on saturdey. Mr. Tum Marks was up from etratfoid for the week -end. Mrs,Walter ,sunder., of Waterford, le vbdtl, In town, Mite Minnie Taucott is home from Toronto for holiday.. Miss Orad Jobnstou, of T oroute, Is speeding holidays in town. Mk. Dorothy Hopklu.4 It owe from Burling. ton, for holidays, Miss Jode eaunders Is bows from Torooto on a bollday v.eL Hz... Ethel bairn returned bowe from Long Branch on Turd-ty. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fillmore. of Loudon, are v tatting relatives, in town, Mr. Hoge Polley. of Toronto, 4 vitan/it Mend. in town and vicinity. 111.. ties Boyd, of Toronto, 4 viatica friend. in town and vdolnite. Mise Ids McLeod. of N-oodstock, M speeding holiday. in towu and A icwity. Mr. and Mr.. Harry Wor-e11, of Toronto, are doting their relatives to town. Meow, A. W. Robinson end Jas, Cutt. of Blyth, were in Lowe on Sunday. Rev. J. S. Folheringbam and family, of Brantford, an holidaying/ In town. Mir M. E. Fox. of Winder, le vl,iUdg at the home of Mrs. Fox. tieuth.urset. Itev. W. A. Shannon, of McEwen, Tennessee, ie m town on bls annual holiday vita. Rev. J. H. Ueterhout, B. A.. S. D., and family a.si holidaying et Grand semi. ails. Peail Lloyd ha. returned td Stratford ah. r a v 1.lt with .dr. end Mr.,. Roy Loyd. Mr. C. M. Elliott, of Calgary.tqho dining his , parent., Mr. and Alm G. M. 1.1110tt, Cubourg .1. tet. Mr, Fred Donee, of the Hank of Ttrnnto staff at Crwwore, is visiting his ouch, Mr. J. N'. fraise. Mr. Halliday Smith le et work again after a week .pant w bu.pital with u. attack of pneumonia. gibs Huidah Whitely, of New York. le deft. - Inc Al age bone tat bar aunt, Mr., A, 8ndtb, South str..et. Mr. Jte Kelly returned on Wedne.day night atter outing for two womb., on the C. P. K. -teawer UanItoa.. 116■ Aanee 8aunder. returned to town on Saturday ought After spending a few weme. wltb friend. a. Galt. Wr. and Mr.. Geo. H. King and daughter. of 'eterborcugh, are voat o.g at the bows of lir. d liana, Chas. H. Huiub.r. r. John A. Taylor. public school inspector. of , rhowa'. and 'Alm. Taylo: and caddren u town oil a holiday visit. Moe . rtram and Mie. Wagner, of London, and M . e Elisabeth Berry, of 'Iorouto, ate epeudiug . eir holiday. at "Lakeside. The Ali- . Gertrude and Marjotle R'bite• head, of To .oto. are visiting at the home of thn. W. 1, K., Deir ur, cle, 1) N''1111*.1. and 3lno,- Williams. of Cleveland. tab are visuin the Doo.or'e mother. lbs. J. , William , Market.treet. Klncerelne Rea 1. w : miss Belle McLeod, of er.cb, and Mow , awl Mo'.ilaw, spent the k-e..d at Mr. Jari, t retch's, Pine Inver. iss Marjorie AndreWarrived homefestu;• de, from reroute, whe.e .he h*d been oom pl lug her course at th Ontario ;:ullege of Art. sir. aud Mee. F. W. Doty' nnounes the en. rgemeut of their si-t.,, 11 I Amanda. to Mr. Gerald 31 Kidd, the weddi g le take ptacs the lattei port 4 t. Mte A. A. WI/Dams and daughter, 111.e Clementine, of Denbo% have refute d from a visit to,J.potiti, where 11n. N tliamy bee bees lug - some msetbrpset, 2)r. Archie 1Xck.uo, or New York, 'was In town over Sunday on a flying v4it to ►t� rel 4elver here. 1)r. Dickson 1s chief phydolak of e Willard Parker nuspita;, New York tit*, Mrs. Agnea Mcloto.h. of Detroit, her beep =ding .ewe time to Goderich. it beingR her, blrikplao. Aft., the death of het husMnd,' Mr. John at: tutosh, she toot up her bowe In Detroit ; her father, the late Christopher Shannon, at one time resided nu Maitlandvllle mew eatfondtaud was the proprietor of the aittandvwe hotel. Kincardine Reporter: Mr'. D. H. McIntyre Goderich, le on a visit to her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKenzie, Arwow .. Mr. H*r vey Gledhill find dau hter, lti.. Verna, tor - onto. Mrs. U. Ulm.. Goderich town -hip. nod 11 re. 1;chlin, bibnmiller, were the 'suede of Mr, and Mr.. I)..alledhill to- a weeg Silo, F. K. M. King. n.ttron of Goderich hospital, .pent Sunday with her parent' here., Do you know that your cow will give 25 per cent. more milk during the Ey season if yon can keep the flies Nom tormenting it ? Our Hy and in- sect destroyer will do the work ef- fectively. We have it in Uns at 33 cent., 110 cents and 51, and can sell you it sprayer for putting It on for o eeute. E. H. WIOLK, druggist, Goderich. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwardrj is pure. Phone:M. Pat--Dinty, didn't Jerry make a fine- looking corpse i' Dinty-He sure did, Pat ; he bad one of Pridham the Tailor's suite on. Both Hands on the Steering Wheel, Boys. "The young man who passsd our residence several times Sundt .even- ing steering his car with his left hand while he kept a firm hold on the young lady with his right arms ie requested to (lo his loving.tmit,. on some other street., after this, AM .ueh actions wake our wives nervous." Afternoon tea isset ved at theOener- al Brough tea rooms on the Num** each Saturday attert.oan, from 4 to ti o'clock. I AUCTION SALES. `Pa'RfMAY, Ammo, 23.-Adr0Inlet rator's sale of tones and lot. and ,household effect.. prop• arty of the estate of the late Duncan McLeod at the premises on Eldon street. (Roderick, at 2 o'clock p. m. rune, Uvsnsr. *uotlon.se, WIMILAiAv, August a I letting atyctioa sale of farm stook end Implements. property of Mr. D. 7. Handbill, at Meneeetune Park Farm, commencing at 1.3' oeto k 'harp. Tiniest; Ott Neer, suet looter. DIED. T aireole-At Fort William, on Friday, Amend IQ William Thompson. in hs' lath yea1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --Aug. 16. Page Towhee. Wanted -8.5. Na 1. Colborne 1 s,nnn Women Wanted-Baskatobwes Myr ernraest. ... ...... ........... .. ,.,, 1 Card M Thanks -wittiest Themes,' 1 Auction Sale -D. F. RaTnnk 1 at Form -tHeIp - Simnel meet t. Farm Relp - Government town . Bureau 11 M. .1.5