HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUcvs'r 9, 1917 b Note Eatra Added Thickness of Teed MICHELA Universal Tread q The Unusually Heavy Long - Wearing Tread is Unique, Combining In One Tire All the Advantages of both the Suction and Raised Tread Types. q The Tread Bears Flat on the Ground. There Are No Projecting Knobs or Uneven Surfaces, Recognized Causes of Fabric Separation in so many Rubber Non -Skids. This is the Tire Everyone is Talking About THE EAST STREET GARAGE "(leaned and Operated by a l'r.tn tieaI ,Man" ARTHUR M. GLOVER, Proprietor Goderich, - Ontario ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cool of C s.Clinton, Ontario 0 Offers the following Courses: • • • • •• • • •• • t • • •• 6 • e BUSINESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL BUSINESS PENMANSHIP CIVIL SERVICE And arranges Special Courses for Students The following advantages: Highly qualified teaching staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions guaranteed Girls may room in the School Work sent in from this School in 1916-17 ranked second highest in Dominion of Canada. w omakeIt is the work and the pride of the School to--- make its students 100 per cent. efficient, -fix in every phase of life the demand is for better - trained men and women. • Phone 208 • • School opens Tuesday, Sept. 4th • Setf.61111/110**0411 •••••••0'•••••i ••••••••••••t For further particulars write to B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Vice -Principal ialist LOCALTOPICS \ Patriotic Fund Matters, Boy Killed at Stratford. William T. Penns', four and a -batt years old. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pellow, of Sault Mts. Marie Ont., and a nephew of Mr, W. T. Marie, of Goderich, wax totally injured at Stmt... ample which might well he imitated. At the regular meeting of the Pa• Iriotic Branch executive on Monday evening last, amongst the Interesting items of business un the docket was a letter from Mr. John Joint, of Luck- aow, enclosing him cheque for $[51111, being his eecooil yearly contributiou to the Patriotic Fund. This is an ex - fold Wednesday morning. He WO!' if not in amount at least in spirit, by riding ou a load of gaud with but many another coon in this Canada of outs. Mr. Joynt's generous contribu- tion has been acknowledged with a sincere vote of thanks by the execu- tive. Problems continue to arise in the work of the Blanch, some owing to special and unforeseen cal cuwrtan^es, and the correppondence which arises in the course of each month is by no means* small matter. It le gratify ing to be able to say that but few complaints are received by the execu- tive, and not a few of the families on the list have very substantial cash balances tc their credit in the savings bank account which is conducted by the executive. This retention of half the amount granted each mouth and invested in the savings account blur Proved in many cases a benefit which has been appreciated when Bowe • emergenc;- hes arisen which has been met by the amount saved. All reports of invalided and discharged soldiers are turned over from time to time to the county War Auxiliary, of which Mr. Win. Brydone, Clinton, is presi- dent, and are being looked after by the officials of the local auxiliaries. The officials of either the Patriotic Branch or the Auxiliary will be glad to give attention to any complaints or cousin, Jack Burrows, when be fell off and the wheel passed over his body, killing him instantly. Public School Board. The regular meeting of the public school board was beld on Monday evening. The resignation of the care- taker of Victoria school, Mr. Hog- gartb, was read, and ou motion was accepted. It was agreed that the board advertise for a new caretaker, swirly to be $[1110, and applications to be in by August 15. A number of ac- counts were read and passed on to the finance committee. The Saltford Heights Garden Party. The ladies of the Saltford Red Cross Society are making preparations for the entertainment of a large crowd at the garden oarty to be held on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bis- set next Wednesday, lath inst. A jitney service from the Square has been arranged, to commence at 4.3(1 o'clock. Tea served from 5.30 to 7.30 o'clock. Admission 50c, children 25c. Ladies are invited to take their knit. ting with thew. The Women's Meeting. A meeting called by the Woman's War Auxiliary was held in the court suggestions which interested poetise house on Matudey alterncoo. The may feel like making. report of the delegates to the recent food conservation convention at Tor- onto was read, and there was a leng- thy discussion on the preparation of food to the best ,dvantage and the relative nourishment values of many different kinds of food, (An extended report of this meeting was handed in at this office at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, too late for this week's Paper.) Death of Donald McLean. There died at Alexandra hospitals on Monday evening one of Oodericb's oldest citizens. in the person of Donald McLean. The deceased was born in Goderich over sixty years ago and bad lived here all his life. Mr. Mc- Lean wise porter at the British Ex- change hotel, and although he bad been in poor health all winter he pur- ged his duties until noon on Monday, when be was suddenly stricken. There are left to mourn his death one sister and tbree brothers : Mrs. Burke, in the West'; Alex., of town: Hugh, of Port Arthur, and Archie, of Sarnia. The funeral was held this afternoon from -Slee home of his brother Alex., William street,to Mait- land cemetery, the services being con- ducted by Rev. A. L. O. Clarke. The pallbearers were John Morgan, Joseph Mallough, Alex. McLean, \Vm. Tait. Victoria Street Picnic. The Victoria street Methodist picnic on Wednesday of Int week at Harbor Park drew a large crowd and all epent a good time. The winners in the races • were Girls unser 6—Alice Keating, Mary • McPhail, Della Randall. Boys under u---Artbur Hoggartb, Blllie • Girl sunder 9ott,- Rntb Oamelvin e on, Velma Young, Evelyn Fowler. • Girls 13 and under—Dolts Oster- . bout, Velma Brownlee, Rowena Jane. Young ladies—Minnie Brownlee. • Flo Coleman, Sadie Armstrong. Boys 9 and under—Carl Sbeardown, Kingsley Harris. Douglas Osterhout. Boys 14 and under—Stanley Wilson, Austin Harris, Jack Osterhout. Boys 15 and under—Fraser Newell, Stanley Wilson, Harry Leach. Married men—T. Hoggartb, Rev. J. H. Orterhout, W. Sheardown. Married women—Mrs. T. Hoggarth, Mrs. I. Gantry, Mrs. T. Hutchinson. Fat women—Mrs. T. Millian, Mrs. R. Ryan, Mrs. S. Sbeardown. A Pleasing Entertainment. The basement of Victoria street Methodist church was filled to capa- city tut Thursday evening. when the Eureka Bible class gave a concert, the proceeds of which went to pay the expense, of a delegate to the summer school at St. Thomas. The program, which consisted of songs, dialogues, etc„ reflected much credit on Mrs. Osterhout, who had charge of the preparations. The feature was a one - act play entitled. "The War on the Western Front," in which twenty girl, took part. The countries Belgium, France, Britain and Canada were each represented by five girls in costume. Little Elsie Rheinhart played the part of a Canadian girl and Jack Osterhout that of boyecout. A dialogue en. titled "The Rad to Maro,•' presented by Mrs. Match and Misses Helen Ford and Orace Duff, provided much amuse- ment. Other numbers were solos by Mise Maud Millian and Miss Plunkett, of Auburn, and three choruses by the • •• •• • • •• •• •• • • •• Li\ • • • • •• •• •• • • • • • •• •I • • • •• • \\'oman's \\Teakness A woman's reproductive organs ere in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. Thcslightest disorder in the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd'e KidneyPills, by re- storing the kineys to their prefect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your beat friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills dr • RED CROSS NOTES. Thr Goderich branch of the Bed Cross Society acknowledges with thanks from Miss Marion Lee, Masters Wilson hicklin and Philip Niles the sum of $10.311, proceeds of w(r marsh- mallow rout held on Sunset Hotel beach. The Goderich Red Coss Society has received from Mrs. Miner and the Misses Trainer, of Chazy, N; Y., twenty-four pairs of beautifully knit- ted socks. The interest shown by these former residents of Onderiab in the work being carried on here in the intereate of the Red Cross is especially appreciated by the members of the local Society. The Slacker's Prospect. Three years on the fighting line! Tired 1 Nix—lifeel just fine. What's that 1 Do 1 need a rest f Well, any, matey, you know hest. If you rhould come to our relief, 1t will never cause us grief : Bat, my lads, itb up to you -- The right and proper thing to do. Home can't fight : some men won't, 1 should worry if they don't. But those who won't. 1 know right well, Will some fine day feel like h— W hen some veteran Questions fair : "Where were you when I was there r Theo you'll wish, true as true, - The earth would one and swallow you, (Jarrett U't'oonor. firldgebm tr. Ont.. August et h. i Thrift, a Profitable Duty It Is not what you earn, but what you save that couhts. And remem- ber, too, that R is of little use to pare down expenses if the money so saved is not put to work. As a personal and patriotic duty, save every dollar you can, and let It earn interest In a Savings account. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. NO! We can't guarantee our prints against fire or care- less handling, but under or- dinary circumstances they will last, to bring hack to you, and your children, and your children', children, memories of how you looked today. THEY DON'T FADE. J. T. FELL. Photographer SUCCESSOR TO J. W. 'I'Rt'SSLLR. If we didn't try to uphold our blun- ders we should have fewer troubles, PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Laura Acbrao. orooto, i. visiting In Loved. Miss Helen Kidd has returned from a visit to Muskoka Mir Lottie Polley is home [coni Toledo. Ohio, for a few weeks, Mine Iva Bversoo, of Oshawa, 1s visiting Mlle Agnes Hamilton. - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. MoCrsath, of Toronto, are eiiting lo town. Mrs. Jos. Henle. of Toronto, 1e visiting her mother. Mrs. 8n -y¢. Mies Aileen Mchooagh, of Toronto, is vlslt• ins Mfrs Helen Kidd. Mr. .1 8. Platt is at Ton.r at the 1. O.0, Ir. Grand Lodge. Mrs. Brown. of Chlorin- been vldWtg her mother, Mrs. Baste Miss Margaret Galt. 1 the Bank of Commerce Dr, L M. Mabee is aw Gammon se and other ss Mies Dora Howie, of - o, le visiting at 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs.( Nairn. Mise Attie Johnston, of J r, Ia visiting st the residence of Mr, aua M.. . It. roma Mr. and Mr,. F. H. Martin ud doughtier, of Detroit, are visiting their rolat.vr in town. Mr. George Williams. of Chicago, is visiting. hies mother, Mrs, J. H. Williams. Market street Mr.. Ernest ease has gone to 8t. Joseph to spend a month a nth relatives at her old home Miss Kra Psmhley has returned to her home at S.rnla after a visit with Miss Minnie Camp - Mies Ruth Bamtlon, of the Massachusetts general hospital. Heston. is home on s vacation vl+It, Mr. John Elliott, B. A. principal of Mitahrll high school, is vi+ltlog fiends and relatives In town. Miss Mary Mackenzie, of Brandon. Man., has been visiting at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Win. lane. air. and Mrs. M. W, Howell have returned from • up in Brantford, Gravenhurst and other pleats. Mks Ethel Nairn 1s spending a few days with friesds who are spending the suwmtr at Long Brenoh. Mrs. L 11. Corcoran. of Duluth, visiting at the restdcnoe of her brother, Minn.,11tr. J. L. Killoran. Mra R. W. held and Miss Elva, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting at the home of the former's father. Mr A. Fat row. Miss Josephine McDougall, of Toronto, has left for Musk..km alter a v nen at the home of Mr. sud Mrs. Jos. Kidd, Mr+. 0._,Montague W Illlam+ and baby, ,of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Willikae, St. Vincent street. Mr. C. N. Stevens. of the Hank of Montreal, Is • on his vacation. In his absence Was Brad 1s working "on the cash." Dr. Mid Mrs. Baker and Ruth. of Toronto• were guests this week of Rev. and Mrs. Oster hour, at tits Virtorla street parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kidd and *,n have re. turned to their home at Montreal after a %lett at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Jos Kidd. Dr. W. T. Hamilton and fa,ttilr. of Toronto, were In town this week ere Y motor trip and visited the Doctor + brother, Rev. James Ham- ilton. Miss Lou Stirling, of Buffalo, and Miss Anole Stirling, of Detrol•, eye visiting Miss Ida Vanstene, Aoglesea street. and other rel- atives. el- atlvea Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacKwan and family were at Camp Borten over the weekend, where Pte. Ororge MaoKwan la in the Mechlin leal Transports Mrs T. Swards and Misr Edllh Camphell are delegates from the local Rebekah Lodge to the Orand lodge of the order, whisk W meeting et Toronto l hie weak. Mrs. (1 A. Blair. of Detroit, has keen vIsiUng her fr end, Miss Gertrude Scalefle. of Strat- ford, and will also •Is t Mr., J. Moor. of Kln- earalue. before returning to Uodsrich. WWI. and Miss WIgIa, et WIsrton, ave iip�ndlns a few day. 1•n WWII with with their so i sad breat Wm•, Mr. 1t. ti Wlata, tater retnrnln`` (from tfeneral of Use 1st* Su a Warts, at ledsor. m a position on holiday trip to Mrs. Charters and Mra. 3, Prank Muse chlktrsn and 'nurse, or:Oklahoma lily. Oaks hnma, motored to Roderick nod were . IM sneers of Mr. and Mrs. it. It. Wig le for a few' days this west. Miss Elizabeth I'roudfoot returned to Detroit last week after si'.,ingt two week+ al he home She wee srcuwpaninl by Mr sister Mie Qksinr, who will .prod • month yt Hngb- land Pink with her sister, Mrs. W. L POrbes. Not Too Late Yet to get a summer suit. There will be a good long spell of weather yet this year in which a light- weight suit will be com- fortable. And then it will be in good shape for a long season's wear next year. We have the goods and can give you satisfaction in cut and fit. Come in and see us, R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, Goderich. 1 • Go to the office with new vigor- throw off that feeling of weari- ness and fatigue with Dynamic Tonic For overworked tett u and women, for feeble folks of old age and for delicate children, this tonic is recom- mended highly Read the exact fortn- ula on the `label Let it help you- it surely will if prop • taken. 75c and $1 J. A. Campbell, Phm B. "Central Drag Stor North St. and Square, l;. '•rich He'll Be IIapp When He Gets This Whether "Jim" is on trench, he's going to joyment and a lot of b ar or in a acting etch, it aro.. WRIGLEYS "After every meals' The Famous we• 5t/i ale In Canelo Chewing Cum It's one of the out: standing features of the war with its tonic effect on stom- ach and nerves its welcome r e f re s h- ment in time of need The Flavour Caecal