HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-9, Page 1ojt if1 Printing 16 THE SIGNAL, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your uext order. Telephone 35 The Signal SII(TY-NINETE YEAR -Ne Jf e Zhe GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 1917 Have You Forgotten to pay your subscription for The Signal for 1917 ? We need the money, and if you are in arrears would ark you to make payment pnnuptly. DO IT NOW THE e1GNA1.,-PRINTING 00., LIMITICD, Primness Poorhouses are populated by people Who did not provide for themselves. FOR SALE OR RMT. ACHOICE FIFTY -ACRE FARM for •ale. within one mile of Dungannon Gad qulldinge. 'everything In good shape. Poweswlou la March next. For particulars &pull W T. U UNLHY, Goderich. TWO STORES TO RENT. -ONE lately occupied by W. H. Harrison sol the other by Jounce F. Thomas. Both oo the aaare. Apply J. Y. BROWN, Va-t U OUSE TO RENT. -MODERN LSEPH GRIFFIN, Gaoler. bolas on Gloucester sTerrsos. Apply to OIntl CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS No. 1. Frame house, 11 -story, 6 rooms, stone foundation, good cellar, stable, fruit trees, situated on the cor- ner of McDonald and Rag- lan streets. Price 91, This property is put down to this price for a quick sale. No. 2. Fine red trick house. fully modern. with hot water beating. 7 room'', full bale - anent, situated west side of Victoria street. Thin pro- perty wadi Bold 4 years ago for fe2.8J . Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. Price $2.000 Several other listings can be had on application at the office. Number of hosier« to rent. Vaeniiad and uaftesalstred Suns. nae+ Cottages. J. W. CRAIOIE, isteunaN(-E AND REA1. R):TATE r - A SPECIAL FISH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY 4T THE British Exchange Hotel W. 1I. 11AiNFA, Proprietor. L ■ Your Help Requested. I am a candidate in The Lon- don Advertiser's great subscrip- tion content and should like all my friends to help me win one of the prizes. if you are not taking The Ad- vertiser, you can help me by handing me a nuhecription, ass each subscription sent in by doe counts for a number of votes. if you are now getting Tire Advertiser. you can help me by cutting out the coupon in each bete and handing it to me. Subscriber. to The Signal can have The Advertiser et the clubbing rate and can still giv inc the benefit of their voter+. Hoping everybody will gi,ie nu' their aeeietance in this con- test, Yours very truly, MAMIE \VARRENIII, Hamilton street, Goderich. WAIITIL. M- IDDLE-AGED LADY WANTEDI v eoenppwwlnn. MRII. CARLETON, Ea.11 street (next Kuox chore\). 7(11 IARKTAKER WANTED FOR VW{ V TORIA SCHOOL. 1 AppIIcation. w111 be received by the tars up to August MIL Salary Macper as A. BTL'.111YLN, It secretary. WANTED. --000 0 RELIABL__ girl, family of three children ; good home for the right Verson. Write or apply HARRY U. HILLIER, 1.14 Dundas street, Toronto, •tat lug wanes and when could come. TEACHTEACHER WANTED FOR 8.8. NO. ER SUCCESSFUL G. C. 1. STUDENTS. Results of Departmental Examinations as They Affect Local Students- The tudentsThe following are the names of the G. C, 1. students who have been suc- cessful in the various departmental examinations the resulta of which have been announced to date : LOWER 8k1 1004.. Michael Bowler. Wilma Dyer. Isobel Footer. Rieke Jones. Violet Kit kpatiick (honors). Thelma Laitbwaite, Eunice Lamb. Mary C. Leddy. Rets Levy. lack Marshall (honors). Edith Mogridge. Gladys MacKay, Lohel McKenzie. Violet McLennan. Melville McNevin. Irene McQuoid. Lily Newell. Caroline Tape (srith ). MIDDLE SCHOOL. 1. Cutt (with L. S. &rith.). Grace J. Dyer. Harold Jones (ant. bist.). Emily C. McArthur. Alice B. MacEwan. Jean M. MaeEwan (honors). Clementine A. E. Williams. Rets Worsell (enc. hist.). UPPER RCH(K)L, John G. Bowler (Pt. 1. ). Muriel C. Galt IPt. 11., honors). Flora 1. Hess (Pt.. I. and Il.). Edna Pridbam (Pt. I1., hhonour). If quality counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions, 'Phone 2441. 17. Aahllel d. Duties to co -..meta' Sep- tember Ota. Second-e)am prof..efonal osrtifl- a.'e preferred. Aptplleatim.. stating .mars _ sodualifloauon., received to August 13th by `AUCTION BALE OF FIRST-CLASS DA 1p11) Mea cILW i\, See H. It. No. 1. SlieppazdtoollCiederich NurabTeL, >a r. sl. td FUltN1fURt:. WANTED.-01Hu4 FOR DINING - ROOM and kitchen. Hf■be.t wages. W. H.HAIN}M, Britbh Exchange Hotel. \ WANTED. -A QUANTITY OF so (unripe) torrents: the white and re 1 Yln�rai Apply at SIGNAL OFFICL BOYS WANTED. -WE CAN GIVE employment to a number of ions at box - ma Ing�1 DERICH MANUFMMTURLYO (\IRLB WANTED. -APPLY GODE- lU RICH KNITTING CO. Wonted at the Canning Factory Rasphetries_.Ikons, Beets and Carrots. Highest prices paid. Come in and See Us. Heron Canning and Evaporating Co. n F NAMLINK Manager_ FOR SALE. Bred -to -Lay Barred Plymouth Rocks (0. A. C. Strain). A few choice Cockerels for sale. R. MCDONALD, Dunlop, CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- metits with Mr. Nelson Yeo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and 1 would respectfully elicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Yeo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Veo, No. 167. J ■ Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited Immo sow i AUCTION SALES. 1 MAR. OLIVE MASK ELL will fell by public auction, at {he residence of Mr. Freak Allen. corner of Victoria sad at, .David's SGeet, Goderich. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 11th, commencing at 2 o'clock .harp : One new black walnut bedroom suite Idre.. er. bedstead, mattress and .prior). oat 474 Irl 3' bedroom chair.. 1 rug. 1 dining -room aulte, cnnei.ting of pedestal table. 4 leather -seated chair., 1 buffet and 1 china cabinet. worth at least $41; 1 parlor table, 1 Bede • W, 20 picture,. 2new Ilemb'. wool comforter..4 newqutlta,: beds read", This furelture ie all practically new and will be sold withoutre-ores Term, cash. T. G UN DH Y. A uctbueer. DMINIS'1'RATOR'S BALE OF H01'SE AND Lord AND HuUSEHOLL b. 'F\:CTS. (The edminirt.ratw M the estate 01 the case DU?.CAN Act&)D will otter for Male by public auction on SATURDAY. the 25.14 AUGUST. 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the premise. on Rldoo . street. Dederick, the following property. namely : Lots 72 and,73 on the went Aldo of hldon et reest. in Reed's Survey. In the town of Dederick in the0oenty of Huron. On the..aid lots there In a flretciaas frame dwelling house. In good re- pair, with stone foundation and good cellar; eight room•, bathroom and modern couven• Unice.; fruit tree.:.table ; learden re.ervedt Posewrion can be had on September 1st. 1917. The sale of the house and tote will be subject 10 a reserved bid- _-- There will elso be soil the following house- hold effect., namely : One coal heater. 1 one -lamp oil stove, 1 elde- board• 1 couch. a considerable quantity of bed. clothing. 1 iron b. d, 2 mattreese•. 1 bedroom dresser, .tand ;and bed- 7 chair", 1 .eters ion table, 1 dreeeer, 1 washstand one wash - boiler, 1 sofa. 4 Tamp. 1 teakett e, 3 picture.., 1 gentlemaob silver watch, I pall, 2 window blends, diehes. eta rx RMd.-Ten per cep[_ of the purehaae money of house and lots to be paid down at the time of .ale. the balance to4be paid within 30 days thereafter. For chattels. terms cash. For further particulars apply to NORMAN MCLEUD. Clinton, Ont., Adminietrator, or to PROUDF(IUT. KIL LORAN ft COOS E. Solicitors for Administrator. THOMAS OL-NDRY. Auctioneer. Dated 2eth July, 1917. 73 -it PUBLIC NOTICE. FINAL WARNING TO DOG OWNERS. This is the final notice to owners of dogs that 'animals found without proper tags will be immediately de- stroyed, and the owner or harborer will he prosecuted. if you value your dog, get a tag. R. C. POSTLETHWAITE, 76-2t Chief of Police. FOR SALE to VOR SALE. -ROWBOAT, IN 0001) r eondiuuse. Apply at SIGNAL UFRICE. FOR 8ALE.-ONE AUTO TRUCK, capacity 11 Wns. Suitable for stores! delivery or farm work. Pneumatic tire.. in front, rear axle, the Rumen Internal gear -drive. Speed. 12 to 20 mile.. per hoar. One Jitney auto car. closed body ; to carry Mittpaengere. Pneumatic Wee all round. RotenWeeh can be peen at our ?Actewy or drop ua a postcard for fell partleolars and prinee el either. THE I'AOET GRAiN DOOR CO.. LTD., 16-11 Ooderlob. Ont. Threshing Outfit for Sale. including 18 b. p. MacDonald en- gine ; (oderirh separator with Jumbo cylinder, Pelf -feeder and blower ; No. 3 Blizzard cutting -ben ; 10•in..hopper; large water -tank. All in first-class condition and can he seen at any time at my former farm in Uolhr rne. As I am not remaining In Huron, 1 must dispose of this outfit and will sell at a reasonable figure. This is a gond n portunity for a man to procure a good outfit, or for a onmt r of farmers to clnh together and have their own thresher. HUGH HiLL, Goderich. THE TOWN COUNCIL REPORT OF ENGINEER JOHNSON ON SEWER PROBLEM. Advises a Commencement of Perma- nent Work on Victoria Street -Paget Orrin Door Co. Wants Whole of Wheel Higs FSC1ory-Other Municipal Matters Before Regular Meeting of Town Fathers. All the members of the town coun- cil were present at the regular meet- ing on Friday evening. A bunch of flowers iu a "vase" on the table lent en uowonted air of comfort and gaiety to the meeting, it it did not exaetly beautify the dingy old council cham- ber. Among the oommuoications re- ceived was one to the Mayor from the Joint Committee of Technical Organi- zations with reference to the work of that bddy and coking cu•uperatioo in its researches. This was sent to the special committee. A request from Chief Postlethwaite for the customary holidays for him- self and Sergeant Moore was sent to the special committee with power to set. A petition for a sewer on South street, from Britannia road to Blake street, endorsed by the medical health officer and signed by Mr. J. R. Orr and others, was referred to the public woe its committee. The Paget Grain Door Co. wrote stating that larger accommodation would be required for its bu•inesr and Proposing to lease the whole of the Wheel Rigs factory. Referred to special committee. A report from Sydney M. Johnson, C. E., of Stratford, on his examination of the sewerage system between Nel- eon street and Britannia road, was re- ceived and refer red to the public works committee. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied the Nelson street sewer is not wnrkiug to full capacity and ad- vises the building of an additional manhole on St. Andrew's street, so that the condition of the sewer might be determined more readily. Tnis sewer should take care of all sewage arising on Nelson street and north thereof. With regard to the larger scheme for the extension of the Brit - Annie road sewer from Cameron street to Victoria and lNelsoit streets, :gr. Johnson says that at the present junc- ture he presumes the town does not deter, to incur .large expenditure. sod for the (Arena he advtttee the construction of a pert only of this sys- tem, as follows : "Commencing at Brock street on Victoria street, lay a nine -inch tile to East street, a distance of 0110 feet, and from least street lay twelve -in. tile to St. Devid's street,a distance of 3JU feet, linking up there for the present with the nine -inch by way of Elgin avenue. I hesitate to advise that Newgate l.e diverted t,y way of East street alone. in case your system there should he - come overtaxed on the Square, where- as by the method advised all work is permanent and your system in this part will have the additional relief by way of Elgin until the remaining part of the Beitanoia system can be in- stalled." (There is Vit present no sewer on Brock street, and Mr. Johnson wittier that the part between Brock am. Newgate can wait until required) The finance committee recommended payment of a number of accounts and reported another payment fr the National Shipbuilding Co. on account of the purchase of the Doty plant. The special committee recommended that no action he taken on the com- munication from the Union of Cana- dian Municipalities with reference to joining the ('pion this year. The market committee recom- mended that Mr. Charles Thome@ be appointed market clerk, the town to get five per cent. of the fees. The public works committee recom- mended that permission be given fns the removal of the tree on 8t. David's street in frant of Mr. R. E. Wilson's. residence ; and that metal ill be sup- plied for a new poultry -house at the Agricultural grounds at a cost not to exceed =II(i. These reports were all adopted. A eeimplaint from Constable Pellow of discourtesy from Chief Post le- thwaite in connection witha young man whom the latter considered too young to handle an automobile, hut who, according to Mr. Pellow, had a license, was referred to the special committee. A discussion arose over the question of amounts owing the town from vari• one sources. it was decided to notify the fishermen in arrears for rental to pay up. and the chairman of the fin- ance committee was asked to inter- view the manager of the Ooderich Organ Co. with regard to arrears. in reply to an inquiry, the clerk said applications for dog -tags were corning in very well. The council then adjourned. Ice cream for the "poor man and his family" at his noon meal on Sunday is s thing of the peat. "What next?" Like the good elderly Soottl i lady, who told her boarders to go to Pridham the Tailor ard get • pair of "Palm Beach" trousers and he cool, but no whistling on the Sabbath. "Intolerance," D.W. Orifith'e great Production, said to surpass his "Birth of a Nation," is to he shown at Mas- sey Hall, Toronto, during the time of the Canadian National Exhibition. The production presents a coloswl spectacle of dramatic art. with an ac- companiment of a chorus and aim - phony orchestra of forty muddling. Seats Puy be ordered by mail. PERISHES IN FIRE. Dr. Bean ,Lose. His Ltte - His Wife and Babe Seriously Burned. A terrible tragedy occurred at Comecon. near Picton, Oot., oc Wed- nesday morning. when Dr. Arthur Bean was. burned to death in his home and bis wife and taby were badly hurned. Mrs. Bean was formerly Miss Kate Ford ; rhe is a daughter of Rev. J. E. F,rrd, of Goderich. Mr. Ford received a telegram yestenlaymorning telling of the disaster and he left for the scene un the afternoon train, ac- companied by two daughters, Miss Helen Ford and Mr.. Uavidruu. From the telegram first received it was feared 'het Mrs. Bean and her chili would not survive ; but later news i. more reassuring, though Mrs. Bean is to a very serious condition. It is not yet known here bow the fatality occurred. A newspaper despatch i« as follows : Picton-, Ont„ August 8. -Dr. Bean was burned to death and his wife and baby so terribly burnedthat they have slight chances of recovery, when their residence was completely destroyed by fire about Ir o'clock this morning at Con.econ. The cause of the fire is unknown. The house was all in flames when Dr. Bean and hie wife were awakened. They rescued the baby and put the child out of a window. Mn. Bean managed to get out of the house, hut Dr. Bean was overcome by the smoke and perished. The body has not been recovered this forenoon. ESSEX PIONEER DIES AT WINDSOR. - Simon Wigle, Aged Ninety, Dies at Home of Son -Was of Old U. E. L. Stock. Death removed, on Saturdey morn- ing. one of Essex county's most rj- tweeted and beet -known citizenr, in the person of Simon Wigle, fotmerly of Kingsville. Mr. \Vigil peered away at the home of his sun, Inspector M_rtinter M. Wigle, of the Windsor police force, 40 McKay avenue. Wind - ' or, atter an illness of several months. He was ninety years of age. Simon Wigle was the last of a fau.il of eleven brothers, all of whom were born in the vicinity of Kings- ville and whose oumerons deeceudante still reside there. " His father was an early settler in the EastunStates, hut remained loyal to England during revolutionary times. Granted a tract of land on Lake Erie by the Br,tirb Government, he was one of the original United Em- pire Loyalists, who tno'ved from the United States to escape persecution and also to enjoy the privilege of liv- ing soder the British flag. Mr. Wigle usually spent the aura - niers at hie old home but remained in Windsor with his son during the winter months. Owing to Illness he was unable too to his farm this summer. He failedgrapidly during the pest few months and his death was not unexpected. Surviving are four sons : De. Hir. sin Wigle, Wiarton. Ont. ; Garnet \Vrgle, New York; Mortimer S. Wigle, of Windsor, and Arthur \Vigle, who went overseas witb the first Cana- dian contingent ; and two daughters, Mrs. Melvin Armstrong, of Windsor. and Mrs. John Manes, of Charlestown, Ont. Ernest S. \Vigle, K. C., of the flrm of Rudd. Wigle & McHugb, barris- ter.. Windsor : Alfred Wigle, post- master, \Vlndeor, and Lambert Wigle, M.P.P. tot South Essex, are nephews. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. Service was held at 411McKay avenue, and interment wee made in the Wigle plot in the Kingsville cemetery. Mr. E. R. \Vials.. druggist, of town. is a "(random) of the deceased. SAVE THE CROPS. Provincial Authorities Ask that Every Possible Man Enlist for Tbis Service.' The following telegram has been re- ceived by Mayor Munising. ; Toronto, Aug. 4, 1917. Mayor B. C. 'Monologs, Uoderich, Ont. The extreme need for help to har- vest Ontario's crop lends me to appeal to you to release eve, y poaeible cor- poration employee for this work and to interest yourself in the immediate organization of pour municipality to secure help. W. H. HEARST, Prime Minister. His Worship is in receipt elan of a letter from the Provincial Organiza- tion of Resources Committee in which attention is urgently Gulled to the situation in relation tit the harvesting of Ontario's crops. ; ' He is asked to consult employe f latter and to see that evervthin Possible 1. being done to secure men or batvesting service. If such help ssot needed in this dis- trict. ietrict, the Provincial Government will pay therbturn railway fares of men who 'pato other parts of the country to engage in such work. Mayor Munnings ham called the Manufacturers together this evening for a discussion of the faun labor problem. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwards' le pure. Phone 200. Brown as a berry -this is the way fou are apt to be when you return rom your vacation or outing trip. Most people are proud of this evi- dence of a good time, but there is danger in negleeting to Dare for a sun- hurned akin. Go ahead and enjoy outdoor life all you ran -it is a healt help, but before and after exposure to the sun's rays use Seely's Vanishing Cream. It le a cream free from irri- tating qualities and Is readilyab- sorbed. 25e a jar. Sold by E. R. igle, druggist. Goderich. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Official notification wM received Yesterday morning by 1b1,r. George Williams, manager of the Bank of l)cmtserce, that his son, Lance -Corp. Clifford Williams, was severely wounded in the herd July 29th; and was in the 69th General Hospital at $t. Omer, Franos. The young man enlisted in the 35th Battalion (Queen's Oren) early in 1913 and after training at Niagara went overseas the same lear. He had lately received his first eave in two years and had just re- turned to the front after a ten days' visit to Paris when be was wounded. Sergeant-\Isjor Grant, of the Head - green ere statf,London, late bandmaster of the lelst Hurons, was in town for a day or 50 this week in search of muni. ciwns for the staff land. This band will consist of fifty-five men, of wt:om thirty-one hairs already been procured. Any Information may be secured by writing Syt.-Major Grant at the Headquarters office, London. A cablegram received yesterday by relatives in town from Rev. Father Hussey stated that he bad arrived safely in -England, accompanied by Rev. Father White. Both of these clergymen are from the London dio- cese and have gone overseas as chap- lains. Those in Goderich who remember Mr. J. Plunkett, who was accountant at the Bank of Montreal here score years ago, and who is now manager for the same bank at Alwonte, will be sorry to learn that his eldest .on, Lieut. Ed. A. P. Plunkett, was killed in France July l6th. The young man was attached to the artillery. A note to the editor from Corp. E. A. Varner, of the Hurons, formerly of The Signal staff, leas follows: Witley ('amu. July 23rd. DEAR MR. RoanRTRON,-You will see by the address that we are still in England. We are joist "carrying on" with training and have worked quite bard during the past few weeks. This week we shall be away from camp on manoeuvres practically all the time and will deep under the stars. The Battalion is still maintaining ire good reputation and I think we are inferior to none of the troops that have left Canada. Sonia day, bow soon none of us khowe,we nay have an opportunity to show of what stuff we are made, and i feel confident when that day comes no one in Huron will have cause to be ashamed of the representatives at the front. I have im be very careful what f write, es the pe'alt.y is very severe for disclosing the movements of troops, but three few lines will assure you that the Hurons, and particularly the Goderich detachment, are all O. it:. Am glad to know that the future prospects of Godericb are looking bright. I am in splendid health and trust you are likewise. Yours, E. A. \VARNISH. The Signal. When the weary week it ended And the marches all complete, The 'told len. alt around inonrs and twas . All awaiting for the mall man, ' And 'tie needless to repeat Chat The Signal is the paper with the news. Ti. the little home -town paper Often spoken of with Acorn - Hy the troy who stayed at b , and did refuse To don the "Klux's own knit* Hut to t home more nobly bor 'Tie The Signal. and it brnrgs ne all the news. We may smile as we peraee It And we read that Farmer Jones Has joined the Club and airs 6(s changing views. Or that Mrs. Michael Murphy Wen caught listening on the 'phone.; Hut we're grateful to The Signal for the Dews. Wbbn we roe the advurtlser. (re demandlhg grower specs We know the town that we so oft abuse Is coming to Ire own again In the great industrial race. And we bless 1'be Signal, for it broughtthe news. -F:.1. W. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The W. C. T. U. will meet at 3 p.m. on Monday, August 13th, in Temper- ance Hall. All are welcome. The front of Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke's office is being pulled down, to he replaced by a new front. 'Mr. D. F. Hamlink is making prep- arations tor the operation of his can- ning factory during the autumn season. Five rinks of Gnderich bowlers at- tended the Exeter tournament this week. They did not bringhome any of the trophies, though Dr. Hunters, rink made very good progress. Mr. W. T. Marney has presented Bert McDonald with a 810 gold coin in recognition of hid bravery and timely eaeistance in rescuing hie daughter, Edithe, from drowning, as reported in The Signal last week. A horse that had outlived its lisP- fulness was dumped over the river bank at, the head of Nelson street and was so terribly injured that Chief Postlethwaite had to kill it. The Chief is now getting after the owner i of the horse on a charge of cruelty. The corporation men have given the roadway around the Square a good cleaning the peat week. HOW LEO ELIOT DIED. Killed While Leading His Men in the Storming of Vimy Ridge. The following letter, signed by an officer who took part in the battle of Vimy Ridge, and written in Eocleston hospital, London, England, bas been received by Mr. %V. L Eliot, manager of the local braneh of the Bank of Montreal. The package mentioned in the letter also bas been received. Mr. Eliot and his family are very grateful to the oMeer, a stranger to them, who was so thoughtful anicop- siderete as to give them this intelli- gence regarding their hero son, who cos killed in that historic battle. The officer evidently was wounded himself and several weeks later, lying in hospital,sent on his letter, as follows Dear Mir, -During the advance over Vimy Ridge. I palmed through a line of dead Canadians, who had evidently been led by Lieut. Eliot, who was several yards in advance of his men and was killed in the attitude of lead- ing his mets. ( just looked at him for a moment and noticed that he had a cigarette in his litre. and the sem- blance of a smile on his twee. I noticed on bis little finger two rings which I thought might be of precious value to some of those who loved him. so 1 jolt took them off his finger and went 00. 1' am senling these two rings to you in a . separate package registered, and I hope you will get thew Any man who had the fortune to die on the Viwy Ridge did .o uphold- ing the oldest and greatest traditions of the British Empire. and nothing finer can be expected or desired of human men. Such men as your son, i take it, are the Wren who have carved the name ofCanada ,n the halls ()flame in every civilised country of the world and are astounding the ene- mies. Hoping to bear that you receive the little package, 1 am, Yours faithfully, (Signed by an officer commanding Motor M. G. Battery.) CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Dr. Meldrum. of Cleveland, 0., will occupy qhs pulpit of Knox church nest ahl,s. it an yoccasionatb at whohotbi h ie serviceeagerly lookeTbisd for each year, and Dr. Meldrum will doubtlee. he greeted by large audi- ences on Sunday. There Was • large nun.her present st the sacramental service in Victoria street Methodist church lest Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. J. H Osterhout, B. A., B. 0., received ten new members tutu the church. At the evening service a very appropriate and well -rendered solo was sting by Miss Weir, of London. The pastor, /tee. J. H. Orterhout, will have charge of the services in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Morning mhject : 'The Christian Ideal :' evening : "Almost, but Not Quite," Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. The W. M .8. will have charge of the League ser- vice on Tuesday night. Services in North street Methodist church on Sunday will be conducted bythe pastor. Morning subject : "I ill Trust ;" evening : "The Thirty Pieces of Silver." The Men's Sunday Club will meet at 10 o'clock. Subject : "Should one leave an old employer, who hes trained him, to go to another who offers more pay ?" The sermons by Rev. MacDougall Nay, of Elora, in Knox church last Sunday were heard with much inter- est and appreciation. Mr. Hay is an original thinker and hie sermons ase refreshing and inspiring. He will be gladly welcomed whenever be visite Goderich. Mr. Bert Cutt, also of El- ora, presided at the organ at there services and the congregations were delighted with his skillful and sym- pathetic rendering of the music. The services et 8t. George's church on Sunday had special reference to the anniversary of the outbreak of the war. The morning service es- pecially was a solemn act of worship and intercession on the part of the congregation. The solemn litany was sung throughout by priest and people, the new litany desk being used for the first time. The litany was followed by the celebration of Holy Common• ion, at which the whole congregation partook of the escrament. This part of the service also was wholly choral. The rector in a very brief statement printed out the great seriousness of the present situation and /inked the congregation simply to Itpresd out the whole matter before God. Rev. Dr. Seager. of Vancouver, B. C., assisted the rector. immediately before the service the litany desk was dedicated. Labor Day-Neptember3-will be the nextpontic ho)iday. AUG ION SALES. SATURDAY. Ang,let 26.-Adminlstratorefoie of hoose and Int. and household eflbcte, prop arty of the rotate of the late Duncan McLeod, at the promisee on Iddon street, Graterleh, at 2 ostock p. m. rrtoa. UusnuY. auctioneer. T unmoor, Aug. 14. -Austin Pale of fire[: elan. (limiter*. property of MM. Olive Maekell at :he reddenoe of Mr. Frank Alien, corner of Victoria and et. David's streets. T. UrNDRY, anetioneer. DIED. - M. ININALD At Porter• Rill, on Monday, aMAn et 51. Helen McDougall McDonald. 70 yearn. Mr1.EAH to Underfelt, nn Monday Almost a. __._ Donald Mcl.ean.aged Pi yearn and J menthe, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. R. Page Cockerel. for Rale --R. McDonald, Dunlop.... 1 Final Warning to Dce-ownen-Chief of Peltas:l Threshing[mtflt for SAM -Hugh Hill......., ('aretaker Wanted -A. Stratton 1 %Vented for Canning Factory-D.r. Hamlink 1 Auction Sale Mr*. Haskell 1 Farm Inc Sala-Tho..Oundry •1 Companion Wanted-Mrs,Oerlema 1