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S TIR1Illt3DAY, AUGUST 2, 1917
jarr000ck.s $2.50, $3.50 aud
Croquet $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50
Tennis Rackets $1.50, $2.50,
$3.50 and $5.00.
Ayers' English Tennis Balts
(best ball milk). Special
50c each.
Mapleware Lunch Sets, spec-
ial Friday and Saturday 25c.
Waxed Paper Drinking Cups,
5c per package of five.
Housekeeper's Waxed Paper,
10c per large package.
A report of the chin: holiday picuic
is Aloe', tioother volume.
ise Mary Fingland, of Revelstoke,
H. U., spent the civic holiday here
Rev. H. A. mid Mt% Miller. of Mil -
vitriol), are here calling on their many
trend 4.
Miss ZellallioDonald, of Toronto,
has heen spending the past week visit -
leg her Aubuiti fsiendv. She looks as
il .aty life agreed with her.,
The Michigan Special.
Particular Attention is railed to the
osevenient night train operated via
IM Osetadian Pecifie-Michigan Central,
route to Detsoit and Chicago. Leave
Toronto 11.30 p. tu., daily, ar-
OM. Detroit. 7.60 a. m. and Chicago 3
p. m. Elect' io-lighted standard leeper
is operated to Detroit. Further par-
ticulars from au, Canadian Pacific
ticket Agent, or W. B. Hoard,
Seidl Pamenger Agent, Toronto, Ont.
• MONDAY. July 30.
?Are arid Miss Treuniner, of Stephen,
ere vieititog et the home of Mr. J. (7 .
thirst Mi. arid Mre. C. Gledhill,
of boderich township, are speeding a
few weeks at the home of Mr. L. B.
SnyderMr. and Mrs. C. loictiwanz
are renewiug iild acqunintatices in thie
vicinity after' an absence of several
Goderich, July 31, 11117.
DEAR 8, -Now, son, I aut going
to tell you something about last tiuu-
day morniug-but remember that the
first pert of it is on the "4. T." You
know that ytitir mother aud I always
agree aia• ride, but on the occasion of
last Sunday I gues, the heat or some-
thing got the better of her. At any
rate. I was titling on the lawn wait-
ing for her to come out and we would
go to church. About ten to 11 out she
conies, and the garb she wore, good
tondo, son ! You never seen the likes.
She had caught the "'ben skirt"
fashiott when I was on the farm get.
ting kicked about with cows and
gored with goats and out she comes
with one of the most tidiculouit skirta
you ever seen in your life. 1 mid,
"Now, Ma, look here -this thine bas
lust gone far enough. You're not go-
ing to chutch with tue wearing that
coetunie, so .het settles it." 1 t. old
her that it, was bad enough for the
younger girla-when I bay "younger"
I mean th.ese from, well,say rixteeu to
torty-but whop it comes to a lam of
sixty-three wearing such attire it is
high time that the Kaiser had dropped
a bomb on the world'e leading fashion
house. Well, she said I could go to
church alone, and alone 1 did go.
It seettued that Sunday was a day
when "the fur Hew" all around. Mr.
McDerroid hes gone on his holidays -
even a "Scotchman" newt have recrea-
tion, you kuow-and Rev. Mr. Mc-
Kerroll tilled the pulpit. 'Pon my
soul, son, I came flow that kirk ready
to lick the Best profiteer I wet. Did
he go after tbe chaps ho wear the
"48" stomach turmoil.' pants ? I
should ray he did. Of courve when
he refei red to the guy getting the big
priceefor "bacon" and "the King con-
fering hi' boners upon ouch men"
that With, 611,111Cit to enlighteu rife ate 10
who he was hitting at.. But he didn't
stop at the "hieciat" dealers ; he went
alt..'. them h hammer and tong.
and delivered a discourse that will nut
soon be foot Nolte(' itsGiodo rich. some-
time. I wonder have we a•ky pr •flreers
in tit derich ; la there aoymie here
who is hotter off 11, socially today
than he vrould it have pewhad peac
continued to reign atid-but this i
getting personal and we mutt not It
tack our own townemen, to let tie ge
at sometbing rise. \,•
Spenking of tithe,. own, candirtiy I
&Junk the tune ie ripe when our
worthy King :mild rifted to draw, the
line In such matters. It he bas a
abundance id these decorations t
give away, let hitn adorn each re-
turned hero with the brand of "Sir''-
give honor to whkkru honor belongs--
let the man who has willed bis blood
on the drenehed and hlood-soaked
fields of France and Flanders be
known hereafter bv the t title. How-
ever, I ani not Etta King, uor do I envy
his job. I would even prefer to be
foremen of a "gait rancV, to his
position, but it does make tue a little
sick when I hear of hi, having con-
ferred his high title on some of Can-
ada's, well was going to say. in
many instancee, "thieves," but guess
I won't. Hosvever, whsh
y ould I
worry ? I can never hope for such 16
We anyway, the only title I ever le
s such as Bill (een-ored) gave we
when 1 had Iiiin bulled tinGer the hay.
We have had extremely hot weather
uring the past few dep. ; vet y hot.
ndeed. I beard a few of the older
haps who took in the June Grey -
mind excursion talking in tbe
*Square" beet night and you should
ave beard all the nice things they
aid about the trip and the city of
etroit particuat, One Wow said
e enjoyedit so much he wished tbe
reyhotind monagernent would run it
sery week -end. H14 'puke of-tbe
iagnifIceet acenete in Detroit, etc.,
ut pshaw ! son, be couldn't- Put it
ver DIP. 1 know the kipd of "acenery"
e meant, the scenery -that quenches
he thirst and not that dna setnifles
nd delighte the eyes. Stich, scenery
is rather Retiree around Goderich of
Fine Linens
on Sale at
Finest quality Linen Towel*.
large size, stamped or plain
hemstitched. At each 7$gaw485c.
Pure Linen Guest Towels. At
per pair stk.
One dozen. only Hand -em-
broidered Linen Serviettes,
very beautiful.
Embroidered Centrepieces and
Fancy Towels, etc.
Stamped Linens, Crochet
Threads and Embroidery
House is in the minority. It might
be argued along theisatue lines that
there, too, is hope for the Borden Ad-
minietrstion, but one year ago they
asked for extrusion and what in the
world hem the Government accom-
plished in that yea,? Very little time
tar save the appointment of several
Senators by virtue of which they now
have • majority in "the upper room"
also. There h. The poseibility, and the
great possibility at that, [bat If Sir
Wilfrid Laurier be returned to power
and givenithe„ reins of Obeerument
at Ottawa, his countrymen Would at
his bidding rally to the colors. The
people of tbe-Province of Quebec have
never been taught what they "must -
do for the nation's d-tbey are a
people who have been "led," ad there
is lout one man in all Canada- who ran
C lead the meu of his own nationality
aud that mar is Mir Wilfrid Laurier.
7 Limiter, even as leader of the Omen-
s duo, etences tuday in Canada a, be
has alwaye atued, "the bone and
anew" of the coubt. y. • We must not
' be too hard on Quebec, son, she is one
of Jureelves, and even though we
nowadmit that aa yet she has not
seen- her way so deer as brave her
Leru in the. struggle, yet, I relit -at,
bere there is lite there is hope.,
andAs many the man has gone to tbe
gutter in drunkenness while Ins neigh-
bor dreek in moderation, yet when
the tureing of the tide came the
orunkardlefortued was the "man of
the bout:" In September, 1911, you
will remember, •sou, how the Tories
ehouted, "Hate coaling te do with
the Yankees." ' Today, son, you and
the Yankee are side by bide tighttnir
the same conituon Cause. In 1911 Sir
iltrid Lawler*** the dawning of
another day, • day when the Yankee
and the Caouck Must keeds be %tied
neigbbors, and be asked his people to
fever reciprocity. Today we have in
a great measure what Lowder asked
for, and we have secured it Ruder the
rule of the very wen who cried,"Down
with the Yaukee." Today on the
blood -drenched fields of France and
Flatulent the best blood of the Canuck
and the Yankee flows together.
Now, son, be a good boy. Let tis
hope the struggle will emit be over
and the moan will he at hand when
universal peace shall ever reign. I
remain Your loving
. DAD.
DRAT'S 010A PIONZI114.-The death d
a Mr. Corrieliue Geaynor which oc
curved on Fiiday, July 20. removed c
a pi tttt err resident of Weat Wa- h
wanceli. lire deceased, although
eight y -tone years of rige,was remark. h
\ably active man and was ont in the
field when he was stricken by heart
failure and dropped deed. He was • h
'native of !rebind but had lived for 0
many yein the St. Helens
The funeral est; held on Wednesday
usernine. the ruh inst., service being h
held in the ft ttttt an Catholic church at 0
Lucktiow, after whit h the interment h
was made in the cemetery at Holy. t
rood: •
Your Votes and
nfluence Solicited
fraying been requested to 1* a
candidate in the mammoth sube
1 scription contest being conducted
by Tlf P3,1,0NDO'N A DV,,F,R TISER
the under.ig tied ask.' the assistance
of her frietids to hen her ithP the math
1 rneigle or one of the other desirable
prises offered.
copy of The Advertiser and either
/I Save the ballots every day in your
hand them to me or leave at or mail w
same to the Star office, Coderich.
Subscriptions to The Advertiser, it
ropinked election won't "ldd" h
late -and there is hut little "moaning
nt the Isar" these times in Huron, that
is, the hotel bar. Occasionally there.
is 'outs moaning at the "bar of jus-
tice." when Walter passe. settence on
• vie! Jur of the rye.
Yes, it looks like a general election,
but when, we know not. It is difficult
to say. Our worthy Pretnier jumped
off theAnat one bright May morning.
and hollered "conscription loreanada*
and nearly scared home slackers to
death, and it wait exactly four weeks
later when he F poke again in the mule
strain, HO joint when he will take
"another" and announce the date of
the election iv not for any of us 13
judge. In dealing with the Borden
Government we simply have to take
things it. they come- and that's the
ay Sam Hughes did : when Borden
old him to "Kit" he "got." But, son.
the (Jhit politicians who contest the
either new or renewal'., count for P
many voter. Von can help Int by ,
1 letting nit have your subscriptions.
All the aesistence you can give Inc
willbennwt thoroughly nppreciated
Subscribers to The Signal :rine, c
1 cure The Advertiser at The Signal's
eegular clubbing rate. and may if
they desire give me the benefit of
their votes.
Yours very truly,
The Star Office •Goderich
......,„...,..-,...........„--A--e- -
Goveetiment about "rotten leather"
and "beevy horses" -well, it's no-
hody'. btu i flees.
But laying all jokes aside, tbe situ-
ation at Ottawa tiuly ie serious. On
the one herd\ as The Toronto Star re-
emt ly etated in A front-page telitorial
e Bordpn Oneerninent hiss failed to
stand the test in war -timer, then on
the other we cennot deny the fact of a
reluetant Quebec. We niumt not criti-
cise too freely the rietions of others,
vet the fact ever remains thnt where
there ix life there is hope, and there is
hope for the Prtivince of Quiebee, but
Ilever so long an their voice in the
if you wear a pair of our low-cut
w*lkihgaboes, For they will
/never get tired. The shoes are
the acme of comfort without
the least sacrifice of style. They
are so perfectly modelled they
61 like gloves, yet do not pinch
at any point.Trike a look at
them and you'll take a pear
home with you.
Phone 158
-- -
Store closes Wednesday et 1
p.m. during July and Pinguat
Wm. Sharman
• --Cloderieh, Ontario
The Red Cross ciety gratefully
asknowledges the rec pt, through the
Ladies' Ad of Chi ist church, Port
Albert, of 10 sheets and one pair of
towelie made by Miss Har iet Hayden.
The monthly meeting o the Red
Cross Society took place in Ibe jury
ooni of the court house on Mnday,
titly :n, with the vice-president, Mr.
(i. otter, in the chair. The rePorts
of committees were es follow,:
Sewing committee-expendittire
$139.21/. Shipment, 17 beam -ohm 12
suits pyjama's, 5 day shirts, 2 Turkish
towels, 3 pillows, value $18&);
Maple Leaf Chapter -expenditure
$24.88. Shipment, 2 Turkish toweia
27 bandages, 44 niaoy-tailed bandages,
:is huck towels, value WA Yalna
committee -expenditure Il82.00. Socks
shipped to Hyman Hall, 11/2 pairs,
value 11192.00. Total value of ship-
ments $2U0.20.
The secretary'. report was as fol -
mw,: Balance from last Month
$103.89. Receipts -Mrs. R. Li. Rey-
nolds,$25; French RedCrose Fund (per
Mis. E. • h - . , Frencb ed
Crow Fund (per Mrs. McWhiuney,
from the Soldiers' Aid Circle, Ash-
field), 125 ; Mrs. Berryman. 60 cent.;
Master Jou Standerd,11 cents; sale of
flowers donated by Mr. Coats (per
Mr. G. Porter', *18.10; ward collet. -
tions -St. Patrick's ward. $75.40 • St
George'. ward, $30g; St. David's
ward, *55.55; St. Andrew'e ward,
$34.45; W. C. F. M. eurp/oveen.
$22.21) -total wardeollectione, $223.94.
Total receipts, 3741.75: expel) lies,
$398.21). Balance available for next
month. 1112413.34.
Purchaaes to the following amounts
were authorized : Sewing committee,
*100; Maple Leaf Chapter, *25; yarn
committee, $150.
The sewing committee make an
urgent appeal to the women of (+orie-
rich to oseeint then. in their sewing.
0/temente are all cut, ready to be
sewn. The Red Croms hospitals are
crying out for 'implies ; 11 1. up to us
to do okir part. Collectors who have
not yet handed in the names of those
not •giving to the Society would
kindly do so to the we'd treasurer se
mon as porksible.
A cheque for $IM was authorized to
be Cent to headquarters.
New Canadian Northern Rockies.
If you do not know about the won-
derful mountain eetinery, including
Jasper and Mount Robson Parka, trav-
ersed by the transeontinental lune nf
the Cenadian Northern Railsivey be-
tween Falmonton and Vancouver, get
a ropy of our handeome descriptive
booklet, th ti. had for the asking from
J. W. Craigle, town agent.
Waill011-011NBRAL LIPRI9TT.
Mae Meer Limauseisidis Third 1)1
ter the Tbird (Highland) Brigade
been compelled to retire, Colonel
egret held his position, thougt his
was in the air," until two Brit -
regiments, the Durhams and
mpshires, filled the gap.
Colonel Lipeett was one of the
Canadian officers who later In 1916
trodnoed something new on the ;
vreetern front, namely, the trench
d, which was later adopted by the
titbits, Freese -b, and other armies, i
played a big part in the Canadian
ry at Observatory Ridge and
Sanctuary Wood In June of 1914,
and when Major-General M. S. Mer-
cer of Toronto was killed in action
ng Use progresa of that fierce
tle be succeeded to the position of
petal officer commanding the
led Derision.
Mow of C. M. I",
Louis -awes Lima was a ma
when the wax started; he la now
ntaJor-general In commaed of
Third Canadian Division, which
eludes !be Princess Patric:4as. t
Royal Canadian Regiment, sem
battalions of the Canadian Mount
Rifles, the 42n4 Royal Highland
of Canada, the 49th (ffidmonto
Battalion, and other (...ntidian un
which fought so gallantly at St. E
and Sanctuary Wood.
Major-General Llpsett's rapid
moUon on, the battlefield testifies
his ability. In peace times it to
him from 1901 to 1913, twelve yea
tit dee from the rank of captain
the reek of major, one step.
two years of wartime he won h
way up from major to maJor-gener
several steps. When Canada se
her first contingent to the front
was gives charge of a thousa
men; he now commands over Ivrea
thousand of the beat fighters in Le
Canadian army. He s an friable
Which accounts for much.
Born on the 1 5tb June, 1814,
entered the regular British army
the age of twenty, when he w
granted a cornmlasion in the Roy
Irish Regiment. He must have bee
a born soldier, for while his prom
thous came slowly at lint, hiscareer
has been meteoric since he got 1
the rea/ test -the big war. Re g
a thorough grounding in millta
matters at the various schools 1
Brita:n, and practical experienee o
active tiers ice in India also. He Is
graduate of the Staff College, an
among his otber achievements b
qualified as an Interpreter in mode
languages. He saw fighting in t
operations on tbe north-west frontie
of India In 1 8 9 7-9 8, and la the ope
ations on the Samana. In Sout
Africa be ears for some yea
deputy assistant adJutent and guar
termaster-general. Upon returnin
tp England he became A.D.C. to tit
malor-general of the Second Levi
B ien, Aldershot Army Corp., an
later filled the same position wit
the army command at Aldershot
England's great military centre.
General- Lipsett came to Caned
on July 27 1 9 1 1, as general staff of
deer of the Canlidian Militia in th
Prairie Provinces, and when war
broke out he was given command a
ValcartJer of tfie 9 Oth Winnipeg
Ries (the "Little Black Devils")
and a company of soldiers from the
Port Arthur -Fort William dietrfet
At Valcartier he soon won the confi-
dence not only of his superior offi-
cers but also of 41sis men under him.
Eventhen he w considered one Of
the moat brilliant offloels in the Ole
Radian army, and the opinions ford-
ed of him by others at that time
were soon confirmed after he reached
. sone with his bottalben.
Promotions and honors came rapid-
ly. For his distinguisbed services in
the second batUe of Ypres the King
conferred upon him Use V.M.G., and
he was promoted to the rank of
Brigadier -General in oommand of
four battalions. It is officially re-
corded that at St. Julien, when the
Canadians saved the day, his bat-
talion, the Ilth, held the extreme left
of the brigade position "at the most
critical moment." They stood tlir
ground against German hordes and
German gas front Thersday after-
noon until Sunday afternoon, and
the Winnipeg men, for their bravery, !
were sinrJed out for special mention
by the Canadian Eyewitness. One of
the men in the ranks won the Vie -
tela Crass In that battle. On the
Friday morning the battalion was
expelled from the trenches by an
emission of poisonous gar, but re-
covered In three-quarters of an hour,
and In a counter-attack retook Use
trenches and bayonetted the enemy.
to -
New Wash Dresses
New White Underskirts
New Corset Covers
---at Factory Prices
The other day a maker of Wash Dresses wrote us as follows: -
"Do you want any Wash Dresses? We are clearing out our stock at
very liberal discounts from regular prices and will be glad to send you
an assortment if you want them."
Our stock was low and we immediately wrote him to send them on. They are just
in today. With them he sent 45 sample White Underskirts and 39 sample Corset
Covers, lines he was sold out of, saying we could keep the samples or not, just as we
wished. The values were so good that we kept them, and they go on sale
Regular Factory Prices
This is one of the newest and best lots of Wash Dresses we ever sold and it is a
splendid chance to get a summer Dress away below its actual value, for you can buy
one of these for the same money as they sold at in dozen lots all over Canada. All
are new and fresh stock and up-to-date in style.
The factory price of the cheapest Dre.ss was Ll }s -t 9o; Ott. We will sell Ibis lid
$3.19 to $5.75 apiece
of Dresses at prices running from.
Every Dress is a Bargain- -
The Sample 'Underskirts
TheseSkirts would sell in the ordivary wayat from COUTO. $500 each. There are some
exceptionally handsome garments in this lot. We pia them on sale 69c to $3.75
wich the Dresses on Saturday morning at prices that range from ...
The Corset Covers
The Corset Covers are mostly sizes 36 and 38. There me some low-priced lines and some
exceptionally good ones, some better by far than we ever think of keeping in stock, so if you
wart a particularly dainty Corset Cover at a bargain price this is a good chance to get it. Every
garment at or below factory prices.
This is not an ordinary cheap lot of garments, but bright. new, fresh stock, and the only
reason we are able to get it at these prices is the backward season, the cold, wet weather of June
and the early part of July. The quantity is limited and we strongly advise you to see them as
early as possible, The selling starts Saturday morning.
Clearing the Last of the flillinery
We want to clear out the last of the Sum-
mer Millinery at once, as we want the Mlow-
room for other pnrposes. Our milliners have
trimmed up another lot of bargain Hats, and
Saturday morning we give you your choice of
25 Trimmed Hats, every one worth the price
over and over again, for only $1.00
Ladies' and children's Hats in the lot.
Special Bargains in Panamas
We cleared a lot of sample Panama Hats at
a big bargain and will put them on sale
Saturday morning with the clearing lot of
trimmed Hats. If you want one of these
popular Summer Hats and want it at a bar-
gain, this is your chance. All new and up-
to-date Styles and splendid qualities.
New Sweater Gab
just in this week, silk or
wool. Styles a little dif-
ferent from thaw yon
have seen before.
Direct Importers Goderich
Hotel Assessment Decreased -No Me -
duction in Canada Company Lots.
I His Honor Judge Dickson has given
judgment in certain assessment ap-
1 peals which have come before him.
t he Canada Company appealed
against the assetement of its lots in
boderich at $200 • lot. Judge Dick.
stri diemisses this appeal. A reduc-
tion of 112,000 is made in the assess-
ment of the Britieh Exchange hotel
operty. The aseessruent of the Bed-
ford property is rather complicated.
'I he hotel property, HI. Honor holds,
is assessed at too high a figure, while
the stole property is aseessed too low.
For the present year the hotel APPPIIth
went la reduced from 59,0110 to $8,000
and later the asseestuent of the whole
propel ty will be revised.
Judge iDickson's findings are as fol-
I dismiss the appeal Of the Canada
Ciatipany. From the evidence I muse
find that the assessment is fair and
equitable. While it is difiicult Upon
the evidence to flx any definite mar-
ket value upon the Iota in question,
this is due to the fact that there DI
at preiwnt a very or stag-
nation in the real estate market in
Goderich as elsewhere, due no doubt
in a large nicsaure to war conditions.
There is evidence, however, of the sale
of a lot very similarly situated, vac-
ant, unfenced and unimproved, as the
lots of the appellants are dew ribed,
within the pieta year at the price or
wok The appellant' are only assessed
for UM per lot. The assessors evi-
dence shows that there te prospe..-t of
a shipbuilding btudness for Ooderich
and he expensed his belief that real
estate would improve in value. I
think I must not be guided in my
estimate (kf value simply by the offer
made in court by the appellant/P. com-
missioner to accept for the tote _prices
below the ateressiment value*. A pur-
chaser (kr purchaserki may turn up who
will he willing to pay double the price
which appellants put upon the lote,
but the town is not bound to provide
Canadians in totted States.
Thu Amerieari census shows that
there are 1.199,000 Canadians living
In the United States, menY oe wham
use, of course, naturalised sons ef
/Inch Sam. It will be seen that the
Cenadian-born population of the Re-
pubiie is to a great egtent centred
in three Sr.tswi, namely' New York
Naesachusetts, and Michigan. /n
ion Le so .mLi that it does not
figure fn tbe table;
Massachusetts... ... • . • . 300.6041
Itichigan ..... 1 50.004
New York... rico*
Mali ..... 75,10,
Mew 64,11011
Californfllinota ia... . • • • • • . WAIN
Rbodc Island.... 40.84).
Minnesota... 40.1400
Waahlrlaiton. . 27,501
Connecticut... 26.4.41
Vermont... .. • 14444
..... 14AM
Worth mete
Pennsylvania: Waal
Montana 20.941
tubeho Southern States the foreign pop-
Colors:do- .....13,501
New Jersey... 10A40
..... &SOO
Rooth 1.0011
...... tired
..... 1.0*/
A Illtreight L.
The runway HOP between Myna=
end Roark*. New Routh illakm, oaks
hundred and thirty -Mx maim ka
beinutk. is said to ba tha inageot
straight Deese at sathamg ana In the
• . •
1 Dr. Trereete 4 Nature' Melr Iteetoestlare,
‘ewl w throthod og fporethiloed Oa niesIsow heir h. ID
r....rol color ty georsey rotWaied Peek net =mend
firenagrouo. rneoll .144.0:-Z1 Ow
0. ..lo ION Geder.rb .,J. A. Cassaffir Dive tom
gro. North..16. .ed3,.
purchasers. There were no coeds i
.•iirred by respendente with which
can charge appellants, so that the at
peal is dientissed without coatis.
'•In the appeal of Clarence L. Sweets
I have come to the cunclusion tha
there should be a reduction in thi
assessment. Every pereonknowetha
that there has been& sharp decline i
the value of hotel property and hote
businesis throughout the. Province
owing to the lose of the prollte on th
sale of liquor. The..BrttiehcEamitedtainngto
hotel f
fort* was assessed at 1118,000 and for
softie reason which cannot under-
ment has repiained tbe
same, thoug it is well known to every
person, and tile evidence here shows,
that the valu of the hotel as it hotel
h d y per ceuL o not
consider that replacenitmt value has
anything to do with determining
ameessment value. If that principle
Wel* carried into the fixing of ()thee
aasemenients in the town I venture to
eay that. the totel assessment would
double or treble its present figure. I
do think that rental value has • very
important bearhog and should be
taken into consideration by the Mitiels•
nor. I think a reduction of *2018,10
this tuwesiiiiient for the present year
would far it proper disposition of thin
appeal and I so direct. The business
asoieesnaent will be reduced accord-
ingly. I have no power th exempt
appellant from businese tax. It does
wenn an anomaly and injustice that
Ooderich hotel prnprietors should he
compelled to pay this business tax,
while hotel proprietors in distrietti
where the Provinc;a1Temtwrance Act
is in force are exempt from the tax.
"In the appeal of .1. ff. Bedford it
appears that appellant is the owner of
the hotel property which im the sub.
ject of appersh and of several store
properties all of Which are /milt upon
Iota 1Z2 and 123. In view of the PVi-
dem* of the appellant and what wne
disclosed in the sameador's evidenee,
there (should apparently be ot readjust-
ment of ameessnients upon these sever-
al properties. cannot kiafely make
the changes', as the evidence, while
satisfying me thet the emblem plaeed
by the asosensor upon the store proper-
ties should he materially increased,
is not mufficieetly definite to enable
me to fix the increased asonesament at
any eertain amount. For the prenent
year I will therefore eonfine myself to
a conaideration of the arremnient of
reed resupectIng the Ftritish Rxchenge
hoteroperty. The IN 411111011tM 1 IIAVP
hotel apply equally to the Bedford
hotel. 'Phia hotel property and thhe
n- hotel husinees bar depreviated in a.
1 very marked degree and in the nierin-
e tinte and until there is a readjust-
ment of the ameemsment of the lietifmme
block I think there *should be it 'ethic -
tion, if not commensurate with the
deprerietion in the value, at hetet waf-
t ficient when the other aeseesments in
the appellant's block are taken into
account to make the matter right for
this year. Forth.' present year 1 fig
e omit assemement 118,01/0. Fluminesde
aseemsment will be reduced according.
ly. No mete."
• August has five ‘Vednesdays this
year, so there will he four more Wed-
nesday half -holidays.
County Treasurer Holmre has beers,
rather set Mindy ill the last two days.
An improvement is reported today. .
Mrs. Swanson and Mien Wilson were,
the delegates from Goderich at the
food .to tion convention at
1Toronto last week
The Toronto evening papers have
again reined their prices. The star
and The New. are now $3 a year. The
clubbing rate of The Stigma senile
either of these papers in now 11i3 €10.
1101reekeepeeti are asked to preserve
fruit and vegetables in as large quote.
titles am poesible thie mason, in order
that nothing may he warded. This
in patriotic work of a practical nature,
aMr. and Mrs. Wilkam NVernock an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Isabel (irace, to 11r. spencer
C. 0tiest, of Winnipeg, the marriage)
to take place in the latter part of
TRURRII• Y. tura* 2.
Wheat.. per beriti 2.26 to 11 II)
0141., per bugh . to ,78,
Barley, per bush . 1.10 to
PIMA por An.h *10 10
Hark w bent , per ...... • • I.14 M LIR
Pinto, family. mewl 11.00 to 6.2111
Fleur. patenn. per cot
pOr t011
Shorts per too
Hay. per LOU 101E00
litres,. loom, glir ten ..... 6.00 tO 4.00
Wood. nor load .00 to
Ithilry Rutter. pall) .:1010 .1115
Creamery Ruttier .4141 to .4*
, fresh. pot dm .Vi to .40
eV, potato*, me hem.. .• tfe to Set
, tehars'eteeke. perewt, Itan ta
Cattle, 1
batehere' meditimaeer owt tnn
Ho.., live weig5t. pot ewt.
Idea, per lb to .17
4 .13 60 to 1ti
ane.. r.pOrietirl. per lb ...... .10 10 .1
Ythluar alleges. clipped. . 9.80 00
nu.• '• enamored 11.40 be 1
LSO te
Wo -or unwashed. poltlf• • • .0 to Oil
" wreaked. ..... te .711
to Cm
64.001. Ildra
Vol to am,