HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-2, Page 7.... ......... ..e..►...se ,.a wnw, 4 TETE STGNAL - GODERICH, ON`I`AR,IO rt(Uee0te. AvovsT 2 1917 ri "LE vhen ict riC cost. will etter LET IN. f ur- nates ie. P8 — it toffice RN, :T SUflIg!aP lma There is pleasure at every • stage in the use of Sunlight. In the washing—for the - work is greatly lightened. >ervice 1'aseen- irt int the ,t:n, on In the iron- ing --for the clotheshave such a fresh, sweet air of = newness. In the wearing —for the s clothes have l inherited the exqui- site purity of Sunlight itself — and are clean indeed. A 55,000 guarantee attests the purity of Sealigkt Same. AU grocers soil it 1 Thdeer. Signal or would COUNTY and DISTRICT Herman will observe its civic holiday on August lith. Bemoan Presbyterian. Wave extended a nail to Rev. M'. McConnell, of Tor- onto. Thomas Ryan, of Mount ('armel, died July 21•t at the age of seventy year.. Dr. H. G. Malloy and family have removed from Honerll to make their home at Stratford. Thomas McMillan has returned from Rochester, Minn.. where be was un- dergoing tre•tweut. Rev. Wen. Ashe-Everest, of Thed- fotd, has been appointed rector of the Anglican parish of Bayfield. Mies Jean [McIntosh, of Holvrood, has beeo engaged to teach in S. I9. No. 2, bikini*, at a eal•ry of 1160U. Miss Henrietta Denman, of Grey township, be. 'incepted • position as teacher at Kincardine at a salary of $150 0. Miss Edith Goyealock, daught.r of J. M. Govenlock, Winthrop, has ac- ceoted a position as teacher in the Nest. 1 Usborne, left tut week for Salvador, Mrs. Wtu. 'diluter and children, of l Sask., to join Mr. Hunter and make their home there. James Cartwright, an old and re- spected resident of Hallett township, died on Tuesday, July 24th, at the age of eighty-five years.. Mr, and Mr.. N. Dehms, of Mild- may, were visitors at Zerich for a few days. Mr. Dahill' has been :appointed prtocipal of the Zurich public school for the next term. Sol. Zimmerman bee sold his M - acre farm- on the Bronson line, Hay township, ty Wm. Thiel, of Zurich. 1 the deal Mr. Z wmerutao wall take over the dwelling and lot in Zurich owned by Mr. Tbiel. �t • gathering held at the home of James Roberton, Hullett, Gunner A. Manning, who was home on leave from Petawawa. was preseet-d with a signet ring w a token of the goodwill sad esteem of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnwell, form- erly of Verne, have rec.titly ret trued from the Nest Mr. Harnwell has disposed of his [s,* in Seek•n hewan Itkei.)to fill your RCI and i• taking a poeitiun at Windsor Printingv bookkeeper and office manager for a wholesale grocery. Mary Nichol, �.e� f 111:11:._ Willis.1 hone 35 class rigs 7. M. Usvi, Often the Cheapest-- Always the Best W. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker House Furnishings IONAL al Meet 'CM Rah Le F7crs- shot pro- of others. ry Term L Mem INN Namo sines of • for skies ete. a art of et MAP* if nano Me r. NMI CIL The Store of Quality Corner Moetreal Street and HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent mita* a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private LuncheOn Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE rs Is 00 411.50 47.00 39.75 43.75 40.50 40.23 42.25 . Vete 48.10 sae so 1111.28 37.6 WOO Liter DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO &CLEVELAND Th. Great etee'SEAEANDREIr —"CITY OF ERIE"—"CITY OF BUFFALO" BUFFALO— Daily, May lit to Nor.liStb—CLEVELAND l'oanectiona • Cleveland ter Oreinr Point, Pet-le•Bar, Told., Detroit end •Il point. are geed ter trannnertallies on oar steant•ra Ask value, ticket sone for elan ewe return limit. feerinre not eureoling in.wheelbadro. re, -.11,2 of eve relit, Ale* mak tor et, Wood. pictorial aed des•rirridre booklet free Transit COMINNI, Tee Amer libleellitta.m.r. y, 1100 plodwayen. 1 • The Ultimate Verdict qTaken in the aggregate Dunlop Automobile Tires— "Traction," "Special"—uni- formly give the highest average of general satis- faction. 40 GO of Grey township, died July 20th in her sixty-second year. Sloe is survived dren. Mr. and Mre. Willi, made their home in Jamestowe vicinity for ttre past twelve years or more. A peetty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McGrettor, Kippen, on Wedneeday, July 18th, when their second daugbter. Amaran- tha, became tbe wife of Basil Cey. mony wee performed by Rey. Dr. Aitken. Afterwards the happy couple motored to their home in Hay. Thomas Mialcolm Keys, who waa killed in action in France July 2nd, was well knowo at Verna. having 'peat his boyhood there. When war was declered he was working at De- troit. hut he returned to Canada dur- , ing the formation of the 16Ist Hurons, and aft•r the Battalion arri•ed Keys. formerly of Varna but now of Niagara. • rnernoriisl service for the i deceased soldier was held in the Varna. leresbyteriau church. A• exciting and udfortunate run- away occurred at Hensel! • few day. ago. It appears that Mrs. Herman Wslters and children had driven up to R. Cudoore's lime house to get some lame, and while there the boy who waa driving thought be would water the horse, and was taking toe bit out of its mouth for that purpose when the horse, which wee quite a opirited one, took fright and dashed for the main street.. Mrs. Walters, seeing the danger, that fazed them, threw her little c Id out of the buggy into the ditch, w ere the little one lee stunned for a toe. Further on the boggy created into the ditch and Wm Wal- ters and the little boy were thrown out. Mrs. Walters suffered"! • frac- tured wrist and the little hot had his arm broken. Dr. Peck was summoned and after attending to their injuries took them to their home beyond Zurich in his auto. Mrs. W. H. Willis was at Toronto' Gat week attending the Provincial! eathering of women to consider tbe; Mire Nellie M. Wade, a former well- known Wingham young lady, was merried at Detroit on July 16th to Gordon Wondley, of Brantford. They will make their home at Foronto. It is reported that A. Schette, who led the Wingtrain band for • few months during the wInter of 1915. and who was held in the armories here as a auspicious eheracter, is now being sought by the Dominion authoritie., who have reason to believe he is • German epy. At the home of Mrs. Therese, White, Detroit, her eldest daughter, Lilian May, was uuited in marriege to Percy L. Stepleton. of Detroit, by Rev. 0. E. Maxfield. After a visit to the home of the groom's parent.; here. Mr. and hire. Stapleton will return to Detroit to make their home. Mrs. J. A. Stewart while on a visit to London had the misfortune to twist nkle, breaking one of the small AlliaPherson, son of Mr. and Mee. hellIt *travelling tiros roalesman, wed is • gredtuide druggist, has enlisted et Mr. mod Kra elateraol Persona re- ceived oresed. hot week. that alter son. Pte. Earl Parent's, had landed at Hali- fax na amoral weeks' hulnugla Pte. Perseus hes loose rst. the freest sines eVasermild Plot. Before Nay log Fowles be visited some of the Exeter boys of Rae idle* RattaBon. Rev. Reseed Grigg, a missionary in India free • number of years, and • ECZEMAHas Staijed(urcd for I5YEARS • r41111141111011 SIND =I 4IED !a• .Rete THF.'ketchesone are well known as plonees settlers of }last- ing' County, and none of them probably has a wider ac- quaintance than Mr. W. D. Ketche- son, who was formerly Division Court Bailiff of the Trenton Court. and is now living at . i 8 Front street. Belleville. Ont. Over fifteen years ago Ketcheson was cured of an tremely severe cake of eczema piles by Dr. C'hase's Ointment, he writes now to say that the cure proved a permanent In 1897 Mr. and and and one. Summer Underwear We have a complete range of men's and boys' Summer Underwear, in various grades to suit all demands. The different qualities' -and prices represent good value in every case. PALM BEACH SUITS Mr. Ketcheson wrote as follows :—"1 was troubled for thirty years with itching piles and eczema. I could not sleep at night, and when I got warm the Itching was terrible. Eczema covered my lege down to the knees, perfectly raw. I ha.e tried every pre- paration I Could hear of. Fleeing Dr. C'hase's Ointment advertised, I procured a box, and this Ointment effected a complete cure." On Sept. 28th, 1912, Mr. Ketcheson wrote as fol- lows :—••I had suffered for many years from eczema and piles, and hail tried doctors and everything I could hear of in vain. Beading about Dr. C'hase's Ointment,. 1 purchased it at once, and was soon completely cured. That was nfteen years ago. so there can be no doubt or the cure bring a perenanent one. I have met a great many people who have been cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment." In this year of 1517 Mr. Ketcheson again confirms his cure, and expresses hie wishea that others may benefit by his experience. Refuse to accept aubstitutes. Light -weight Suits in fawn and grey, Special $12.00 Just the thing for warm -weather wear. Dr Chose's Ointment returning, with Mre. Grigg. on fur- lough. They left India in April, visited in Smith Africa, and reached Liverpool in June. Betore returoing to Canada Mr. Grigg will spend a few France, and is now, for that purpose, taking preparatory traioing in Eng- land The family of the late Wm. R. ' Hyndman have received further word from Edmonton regarding his death It appears that be and • friend were crossing • small lake in a rowboat and t in some manner Mr. Hyndrnan fell out, and was drowned. The accident happened on July 4, and the body wae recovered oh July 6, taken to Ed- monton and there given a militery funeral, as he bad been • member of the overseas forces. Baby's Great Danger Through Hot Weather. More little ones die during the hot weather than at any other time of tbe year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera without warning, and when a medi- cine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in homes where there are young children. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach end bowel trouble*. or if tbe troubles come suddenly the prompt use of the Tebleta will cure the baby. The Tab- let,' are sold by medicine dealers or by meil at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Sedioiao Ca.. Brockville. CLINTON. Monday, August Oth, will be Clin- ton's civic holiday. Miss Ritter, oft Toronto, hes beee engaged as teacher for the fall Model School term. Capt. 'Rev.) and Mts. Fairfull and Miss Lillian left last week to make their home at Kingston for the pres- Isaac Barr has disposed of hie reoi- deuce on Victoria street to ti.H. David and coneetnplatera removing to Toron- to in the autumn. Cadet George Sanderson of the Royal Flying Corpe, now •drillang at Camp Borden, epent the week -end in town with his relatives. HMV% son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne hfurch, bad his arm broken whole play- ing at the Ontario street kfethodist church picnic last week. Mr.. A. Beacom, Mrs. E. Munro and Mrs. J. Seeley sere at Toionto week ettendine the meeting called to (topsider food cot.sea vation. R. C. Willis has resigned hie poet. tion with the Doherty Piano Co. to take the management of A piano and phonograph business at. Otto a. Word has been received town that Lieut. Fred Brewer has been severely wounded in France. Lieut. Brewer is a son of • former wel.- known Clinton citizen. Of the candidates at the recent en- trance examination, Eleanor McTeg- gait and Harry Bell took higheet marks, 519 each, thereby winning the h onor of the Diann cup for the term. listed as • private and went overeats last autumn, has been given his com- mission. Shortly after reaching Eng - lend he was promoted to the renk e seeteent. and the other day his wife received word from Franc• that he is now lieutenant. Mr. David C offelon hes received olicial notice from 0.taws. that his 11eved killed. Thle is the first official notice Mr. fientelon bar had, though letters his•vi been reeeived fermi other members of the battalion reporting the death of his son. As Mr and Mrs. A. T. Cooper and rem were motoring. nn Sunday. July was to dellear oddest/1e, the car, striking onaii.. ',Es. remind. swerved s▪ H6e IMO was aerfneelly hurt. Ur. Cooper, though shekels sod heerieeil, waa able to continue the yeurney in another ear. and to keep his sinew - brother of Mlle M. Grigg of tows. to mom STRAW HATS We have the right goods. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors Square Goderich END =I 40ED J stroain his coin ankle and iv now mock and children left Monday morn - BRUSSELS. ing for Kingsville. where the God- win family meet for e reunion Mina Louise Hetherington left on Mon- day for • visit with Detroit, friends. ....Mies Merritt, of London. is •isit- ing at the horx.e of her uncle, Coun- cillor J. M. Cutt- John Ben- nett, who had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle. is doing as nicety as poreible... Messrs. Moore and Dr. J. M. Moore, who recet tly re- turned from overseas, hea gone lo Rochester, Miran., to consult Mayo Bros., the eminent surgeons. P. R. Mulheron has beeu eogaged as orgamist mud choirmaster or Knox church. Kincardine. He has had is similar position in Melville church John Nivins, who bias been in charge of Brussels electric light i moving with hie family to Lucknow to take a positmn in connection with. the waterw;rks system of that town. name of Geo. Grieeoldhy, of Toronto, appeared in the list of woundtd. He is a former resident of Hrtnisele and married Misr Addie Rohh. Hie friends ere hoping that his injuries may not prove very serious. After • period of about thirty-two years in the implement hiasinees end -Gilpin has dispoeed of his intere.t.; Fletcher Sperling and John Saunders.; both well known in BrilirePla and lonal. Re, who ate LOW in posseesion at the old stand. The partnership existing between Messrs. Naegele & Logen. as ',rept ie - tors of Brussels choppieg mill, has been diesolved by mutual consent and the business will be continued by the latter, who is now in possession. Wei have not heard where Mr. Neenele in. tends locating. He may .go West foe A trip. • lInteeded for 184 week I WICHNRIADAY, July 26. Batges.--Mr. and Mrs Charles. Bur- )ing announce theentragentent of their daughter, Lena, to Mr. fames liotiert Crawford, of lointletiboro', the wed- , ding to take place next month ....Mr. I R. H. Robinson had the misfortune to OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget dust neglected colds, or careless treat- ment of alight aches and pains, simp/y undermine strength and bring chronie weakness for later years. To he stronger when older, keep rem blood ware and rich and active with the strength -building and blood -nourishing properties of Scott's Emulsion which isa hood, • tonic and a everlicine to keep your blood rich. alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. At any drug store. aeon & Solana. Tarcarto. Oat. FERTI LIZER A car of Old Homestead Fert- il- izer just received. It will in- crease the productiveness of your land. INCUBATORS \.„ tors—to be sold at reduced prices owing to the advanced season. DELCO LIGHT Are you interested in the new system of lighting for farms ? All kinds of WIRE FENCE BUGGIES We handle the McLaughlin and the Gray Buggies --none better. Robert Wilson 71;. Massey-Hcrrris Shop Hamilton St Goilerich Attractive T r,i p s TO MUSKOKA LAKES MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHALAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round-tr.p tourist tickets now on rude from .tetinns in Ontario at very low wee, with liberal Ott YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Berth reiervations and hill in format Ion at all Brand Trunk tkket °Mee. or rite C. E. HORNING. Diatrict PIL,Minliter Agent, G. T. Re. %atom. Terre, Orit.1 F. F. LAWitENCE St SONS Town Agents Phone 8 Taylor will take over the local agency tor the Ford car 0111 A IIK11/4 let. Mr. Brown's resignation telltale effect on that date... . Pte. fl. Taylor. of Exeter, who, atter sixteen 111100i kW 4,11 the firing line Kane., ie home ow leasve: is agueet sit the home of Mr. Wm. Johneton ...Major °Beale Jew- itt, of Springfield, a guret Mr. 51. H. Bennie, reseed the lepworth League on Tam...14y eveninx. The Major, whom, addrene woe meek ap- precieted, open,. ausis• month'. in the trenches, and is DUW hese on leave. Some men are engaged trance too ask dour and some once too often.' Fall Term from Sept. 411s CENTRAL COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND end We have thorough roursia, es- perienceil iustroctors A11111 WY place graduates in positions. Deenandupois us for trained help is twiny limes the number grailtediug. I :et our free D. A. McLACHLAN, PnoripaL FENCING Are you going to do any fencing ? We have several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give you at the price of No. 9 wire,—that is, 5c per pound and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We Aso have a new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun- gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is put up in 25c packages. Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling ? If so, bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we now have a man on that branch of the work. How about your Lawn Mower? It is nearly time for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so, •let us kno sind we will call and get it and put it in good repair. We do Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed Chas. C. Lee Phones • Store 22 House 112 The Square Cloderich » NOM e ms s the ✓ an e of ston leen ager k of id in red. very e to con- e111 - who :tie. ded ring ,ws aver line ytly was yen a tm- .wo of rho his ng ate on to Id- es og of ,I ed rie he re ig is