HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-2, Page 5MIC THE SIGNAL - GOtERICA ONTARIO RedInnerTubes THIS picture illustrates an important difference in inner tubes. All tubes when inflated are ring -shaper like the tube in the background. But when deflated only the Michelin Tube remains curved. All others become perfectly straight. The Michelin Tube is the only tube that fits the casing naturally. All other tubes are merely forced to fit. THE ' EAST STREET GARAGE "Owned and Operated by (r Practical Malt" ARTHUR M. GLOVER, Proprietor Goderich, - Ontario LOCAL TOPICS Huron Old Boys Picnic 1 Not befog able this year to secure railway accoUiWOdatiuu for its auntie' excuraioo, the Huron Old Buys' Aae•i- elation of Toronto de.ided to bold • picnic at Centre Island, the date of which has been fixed for August 15th. All Hui oniunsin Toronto arecorddielly asked to attend, wh»the.• they revive formal invit'tam or me, and melte the outing a pleasant reunion of old ftiende. A program of 'sports will be arrwnard, and a genuine good time le looked for. 1155,000 for Harbor Work. sVord was received from Ottawa lath week chs[ an appropriation of $55,(») had been made for the work at Ooderich harbor required in connec- tion with the ehipbuikl.lug project. Mayor Muuoings Is perticu arty pleased, ar be considers that the wak- ing of this appropriation amply jueti- tlee the action of the town council in sending deputations to Ottawa to urge the importance of the work in ques- tion. it is not known just when the work is to be started. At the Harbor.. The steamer R. P. Fitzgerald ar- rived on Wednesday with a cargo of coal fur the Western Canada Flour Mille. 'Phe steamer Mariska called otP. Ft idey with 124000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich Elevator Co. The steamer North Lake mane in on Fri- day with 55,000 buwhels of wheat for the Big Mill and 183,0011 bushels of wheat and 01114 for the EIsYgtor Uo, On gaturday the steamer Graham ar- rived with lti),bll(1 bushels of wheat for the tloderich Elevator Co. Making His Way. Mr. James O'Neill, of Brantford, formerly of town, is making his way as a writer of special articles. lo addition to his regular work on The Brantford Expositor. he contributes to other puhlicat:uns. two of his recent articles being one on "The Indian and Greater Production," in The Toronto Star Weekly, and one in The Farmer's Magazine on"A Miry Farm in Brant." Tsv*s AY, Amway 2,1917 , iif clear. The members of the Woman's Ouild wish to extend their hearty thanks to all who assisted in any way ou that evening. Water and Light Commission. At the ideating of the water and light comuliesion last Thursday an ap- plication was received from the Paget brain Door Co. for a 30 h. p. service for the Wheel Rigs factory. The Na- tional Shipbuildin Go. applied for het h. p.-511 h. p� additional for the Hroek street plant and 50 h. p. for the Paget f443tory. A c irtuuuni •tion was re- ceived from Mesn•1. Proudfoot, Kil- loran & Cooke with reference to the water service arrears against the Doty house on Bruck street In•tt•uctions were given that Messrs. Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke be notified that "the water shall not again 1* let on except upon payment Of all arrears doe as per bylaw." A letter dat'.d Juno $ from the Ontario Municipal Electric Association forwarded from the town council (with reference to nationalize tion of railwave and other matters) was ordered to be filed. A letter was received from the Provincial Hydro - elect ric Commission enclosing • cheque for $500, being payment for a 75 k. W. generator (pert of the old plant) ship- ped t0 Huntsville. The public is warped against fake vendors and agents representing themselves as returned soldiers and so working on the sympathies of the people they approach. it would be well in all cases to require the produc- tion of credentials proving that the man who *ante to do business with you is what he represents himself to be. QHURCH NOTES. The union 'Orli, ee-Meeting of th• churches of Goderich will be held next Wednesday evening •t 8 o'clock, in the 'schoolroom of St. George's church. The Baptist Sunday school picnic was held yeetter.lwy at Glen Maitland. Tbere area a good attendance and the outing was h enjoyed. Rev. G. M. Holmen. pastor of the Baptist church, is having his holidays. Last Sunday the eervicee of the church Mr. O'Neill write. interestingly and were conducted by Rev. John Norton. with a knowledge of his subject and of Hagereville, who will occupy the his articles are a valuable contribution pulpit again next Sunday at both to current literature. service.. Death of George Sharman. Mr. C. J. Taylor, of Trenton, has After an illness of several years, Mr. been engaged as orgertiet and choir - George Sharman, son of the late Wil. absence of Knox church for the pericd ham Sharman, of Goderich, died at of Mr. $unbury'e aence nn military Yo.kton, Sask., on Thursday, July service. Mn Taylor played for the 28th. For many years Mr. Sharman i.ervicee in Knox church last Sunday followed his chosen profession, that of 'and made a very favorable impreu- teactiog, and before going out Westlaioo. he occupied positions as aseistant or .Rev. MacDougall Hay. of Elora, principal in several (Muria high and will preach at both services in Knox model schools. He geld positions on church next Sebhath. Mr: Bert Cutt, different occasione iii connection with who is organist of Mr. Hay', church the Goderich schools He was also for at Elora, and whole epeodiog holi- a time a resident 1 Clinton. He days with Me persate here, will haves is widoW and one son. Herbert, preside as the ostd at both thew at Yorkton. Seek. �acrvieea. Crops Are Looking Welt. The pastor. Rev. J. 11 Osterbout I .D., will have c iR of the services 'With the ceseat.on of the wet bezr Sunday. worn ng and evening, weather the turn and other hoed IBin Victoria street Methodiet church. ctups are growing splendidly. Oats Quarterly fellowetyp meeting ''it 10 and he.l•-v are better in thi• dist'ict o'clock. Sacrament of the rd's up - than ti.• -y have been for years. Much per in connection with the ng of the winter wheat was bunt -killed, service. Sunday school at Yvo'el • but what isleftitripening ewt week.Evening service as 7 p, w. ��••••••'•••••••••S••••••f�•••••••••••••• cutting will rnhal/l (legThe services at North street Metho- • 1 The farmers in this district have gone dist church next Sundav will be con- • in very eztensivelL,jor beans this ducted by the pastor Sacrament. a( • I year, a few of thew wowing as much the Lord's Supper after the morning • Ias 125 or MOAmes. On account of the service. The Men's Sunday Club Wet weather it was very hard to get meets et 10 a.m.Suhject'for discussion. these sowed. Indeed, one fer•wer "What can replase the motive of • sowed nearly thirty scree only last personal gain we an incentive to ar- • week. tivity7" to be introduced by Mr. H. R. • Swimmer Became Exhausted. Long. gEn ARK OF CANADA i Exceptional Banking Facilities The thorough organization of the Utiles Bask d Gude, covering the Dominion with over 300 Branches, and reaching the rest of the world thrcugh Agents and Correspondents, provides splendid banking facilities fur Its customers, whatever may be thelr business or private Deeds. Why not take advantage of thts service Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, wee knocked down b a motor whilst alighting ma .t. Vel oar on Kraut ,o enus a ,week or so ago, is &gain able to be out, friends will be glad to bear. He was quite bully shaken up. A visitor to town this week was Ur. Ld, Bryan.. of Brussel-, who has returned to Can- ada atter spending a year in France in the Army Medical ( ore" Ur. Bryan- 'speeded tioderlrh CollegiateInstitute ie him student dale and looked nap awe old (rienJs while in town. Lucknow Sentinel: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald CNet lot, of Ueda. brit, +pent the weekend tit the t.tteer parent •. Mr. and Mn., P. critter Mr. and Mrs. Victor humin, er- otical by Pte. Howard Young•oi., Mrs. r and Miss Fox. Motored over from ich op Saturday and visited .t the home Mr.. J. U. Howe,. Fr Uod. of Mr. Schoo1 of C Clinton, Ontario • • Offers the following Courses: •• • • • • • • f• The following advantages: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL BUSINESS PENMANSHIP CIVIL SERVICE And arranges Special Courses for Students 1 • • • .• 2•4141.00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Phone 208 Highly qualified teaching staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions guaranteed Girls may room in the School Work sent in from this School in 1916-17 ranked second highest in Dominion of Canada. a/V It is the work and the pride of the School to make its students 100 per cent. efficient, for in every phase of life the demand is for better - trained men and women. For further particulars write to B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. Principal • • • •• • •• • • A fet(lity was narrowly averted at the harbor last Thursday afternoon when Miss Edith M ne , daughter off St. George's Church. • Sunday nett, August 5th, being the ur an'biver wry of the entrance of the Mr. and Mrs. W. 'P. Muroey, Beit-_g.Jib Empire into the war, a solemn sonic road, was saved Isom drownTog choral litany will be sang and the by the prompt action of several young Holy Communion celebrated, with special reference M the oceaeion, at 11 a, m. Rev. Dr. Seager will assist the rector at tbie service. The eve or vigil of the Feast of the Trageftuzeration of our Lord will he observed at 7 p. m. immediately went to her aid and sup- Sunday school at 9.45 ported her until Bert McDonald. who Friday evening. August 3rd. the ser- wa. on the pier. dived in and towed vice of intercession will be at 1.30 p. m. her to a nett by launch, wheo she soon Special choir practice after. recovered. men. Miss MuroeT bad swum across from the south pier to the north pier and was returning when she Became exhausted. Reg. Tufford and Arnold Brownlee, who were swimming in the neighborhood, Manager. NEW DEA PATTERN S., July St�Redjj • St. George's Garden Party. • The garden party held on the resines •otg grounds of St Bee's church on Thursday last was a marked success • in every way. Ideal weather. beautiful • grounds and lenge crowds of people contributed o a most delightful even- • I fag. All the tables were well neuron- alized and the a;c.Jlent program in the evening wee listened to with great • pleasure by the large number in at - oh Itend•noe. Those who assisted in the program were the Misses Silvester, • Galling and Whitely. the Aliases Mar - *''r,.. I garetand-lfilda Seeger. Mr. Carthow, •1 Mrs. A. Seager and Mr. Buckley. The rector and Mrs. Clarke are to be con - di upon the success of this - their drat garden party in Go'lrrich. • The preened. amount l0 over $200 • isRheumatismoftheface- • Uric Arid sett in the blood by disordered kidneye lodge'. along the nerve • which branches from the • eye over the forehead, and • across the cheek to the • side of the nose. The •I cause is the ramr a'. in all • Rheumatism- - disordered kidneys. The cure is like- • wise the same— G. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist Vice -Principal •• School opens Tuesday, Sept. 4th • • • Dodd's Kidney Pills PERSONAL MENTION. , Woo 8764 Skew 8759 Dross 5.7411 NEW IDEA PATTERNS are indispensable to dressers of tante, 11 . you have used tho rest. now get the best. Each pattern has a seam allow Ilnot: and ra moat helpful -cutting t For -.Ili Lc .k A. CAMPBELL NOTICE Filets developed and printed. Mail or leave your films with us, then you won't be disaPpointed. Why Nel, Have Some of Your Best Pir,tures Enlarges'? J. T., ELL Photogra her SUCCESSOR t J. W. TRUSSLh' Not Too Late Yet to get a summer suit. There willbe a good long spell of weather yet this year in which 'light- weight suit wi 1 com- fortable. An then it 1 -will be in good shape for a long sea.Mlon's wear next year. Ve have the goods and c., t give you satisfaction in • ut and fit, Com in and see ns. Re. J. MERCH South Side rmstrong T TAILOR .•till i'e, til Mlrlll:b: Mi.. France- WViggle+ is home from Detroit on • holiday visit. Mar. Dickson, of Toronto. le the govt of Re...). E. end Mea Ford. itev. W. W. Stoddart" of Rochester, N. Y., Is visiting et the parental horse here. Mr.. W. R Gordon, of Mt. Helens. le visiting *Ph relsetves on the flaideld marl, Mn. B. Martin. of (/(tame. Is vl.lting her moths* Mile. Mclnlu,eb. West street. Mr.: K. P. Davidson of Vohourg, is vlslting her paseote. Res'. J. E. kedMr-. Ford. Mr. Iawwnce 1. flow net'. of Chicago. is bete to spend the redline! with bis relatives, Miss Nellie ('lessen, of Windsor. is the guest of Mrs. Revell at "Lighthouse t OUace." 'Exeter Mmes : Mrow w'Iggle+. of Dudes -lea. spent a few d tys In the village this week. Mrs. C Cobb. of (hill).. and Mn. J. C. Har ri.on, of fluocoe. were recent whiter+ in town. Seaforth N.W.: Mrs. Wilson, of Onderlch. Ie tislting her sister. Mn. George Aberhart. Rev. A. Meldrum. D. D.. and Mi.. Dorothy. of ( levelaod. are in tomo on their annual visit. Miss Meta Witter hes returned to her home at Kitchener atter visiting her friend. Miss ketelle (isrk. Miss Marltaret Strang. of Toronto. 1+ spend- ing holiday+ at the home of her parent., De. and 5r..nt.rang. Misre. Helen and l+ohel Millet of Sl. Helens. spent boliday. la -t week with their uncle. Mr. J, W. Salkeld. Hayfield road. Mr. and Mr. Walter J. Rrimicombe, of Detroit. are-pel•d.ng a few week. with the former. parent•. Mr. and Mr+. )'has. H. Hrlml- combe. Mr. 1..'E. tancey on Friday received a cable announcing the safe strive of his daughter, a.gr.iu, in England, where she rejoins her bu.oand. )'apt, C. r wgt'ntrn. Hey. J. K. and Mn. Ford aronow settled In their new home. corner of Lighthouse end w'etlingtnn street+. Mrs. Ford'+ erodible der is the efteend We tnreday In Heh month. The follnwine registered at Monesetnng Pnrk dering the past week : Capt. end Mr.. kwart, Mr. and \1r. Itnb.on. New York; Mr. and Mr.. John Kitten. Mies Helen RItteh, Mlubank. Krprdloe Review : Rev. J. T. LeGear, wile and eaughter Helen, Manseeld, Ohio. are .1 their pottage, Point Conifer . 1 hey were ac bmprnied from Goderich bl Mr. and Mr. Fred W. Inky. Mr. and Mr+. H. J. Horton, of Steelton flet., and their daughter, Mr+.K. 1. Kelly, n( London, are 10 toe n for a few . ass. It le sir or +eves year. since Nr. Horton, who wee forestal, in bu.ine . here, last visited Gode- rich Mr. sad Mrs. Chas W. Doty and Dimity ar rived on Wednredev night from Toronto and will agate hike uj, their to+Ideate here. Mr. Doty haying a po.l'ion with the Natlonwl ship building Co, NVe are mad to welcome thew forner realdenls bark to Urderlob Brantford twirler; ',Tepee W. K Wrlgtil- on, pewter of the Perk Papi1A, chi, eh, who He used a pebble keep his mouth moist— WE USE IGLEY'S' MADE iN CANADA 6i11, WRIGLEY gives us a wholesome, anti - septi refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and delicfously soothe mcu:h and throat with this wel- cotne sweetmeat. Chew It alter every meal Tha Flavour . Lasts!