HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-2, Page 14 ---- McLLOD, Clinton. Ont., Administrator, or to PROUDFOUT, KiLIA/RA N k COOKE. Solicitors for .%dmin(etrator. THOMAS GUNDRY, Auctioneer. Dated With July, 1917. 1,1.It CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange. relents with Mr. Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. 1 Yeo duriug my absence will he } carefully attended to and will be • thankfully appreciated by me. Printing THL SIGNAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give yott • satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Sinal *IXTY.NINLTH TEAR -Ne 4116 THE SP?!& OF SAVE, Because -- Future comfort is determined by present thriftiness. FOR SALE OR REI. r o RENT. -BY MONTH. FIRST- /. Maas pasturere. with good water. suitable for cattle. Aptly B. R. McMATH, 0. H. No. f, Oaderiek. 74-3It TWO STORES TO RENT. -ONE lately ocoupled by W, H. Hatrl.en ant the other by Jame. F. Thomson. Both on the Square. Apply .1. P. BROWN. rS t f DOUSE TO RENT. -MODERN home on Oloueeeter .Terrace, Apply to LPH GRIFFIN, Gaoler. 71-1.1 CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS No. L Frame house, 14 -story. 6- \ta room*, stone t ne tutmdati > o n good cellar, stable, fruit trees. situated on the cor- ner of McDonald and Rag_ n atrreta. Price 11,000 This property is put down to this price fora quick sale. No. 2. Fine red hriekhouse. fully rnrsiern, with hot water heating, 7 rooms, full hase- inent, situated west side of Victoria strut. This pro- • w Wes salad 4 years ago for $2,501. Terme can be arranged to suit purchaser. Price S111.000 Several other listing. ran be had 1.m application at the office. Number of housee to rent. Nhrp alstek and DnfI1p ishltd'.bum4- rner Cottages, J . W. CRAIGIE, iN/URApo'F AND REAL ESTATE A SPECIAI, FISH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY AT THE British Exchange Hotel W. If. HAiNES, froP rietor. W WANTED. - GOOD foe t girl, It xidly memo. three or O. RILLIM 154 Dundas at aiming wage. and when could 00 RELIABLE eo ; woad home a ppply HARRY eet. Toronto, O. TEACHER WANTED FO 17. Asbd.ld. Duties to oornu towbar ttb. $snood -clan,. profe.m.tot ewe preferred. Appliratioun nett and a4uallaeatlnn., received to Aogu DAVID McILWAIN keg.-Treas., Sbeppa,dtotalt(aodotle` aeralnTeL,' WAN1'RD.-(JIBES FOR DiNI kOUM and kitchen. Highest w W. B. HA1NES. British Exchange Hotel WAgreen tNTED.-A QUANTITY 0 rill kind.. Apply at S) IGNAL UPTICK u and MRN WANTED FOR MUNITION w'Oltlt.-A number of good reliable men Oran secure steady employment on munition work. A ppIy 1O THE. ItOET. SELL b.NGINE & THRESHER C'O. LTD.. 8oaforth. Ont. TEACHER WANTED.: -SECOND - 1 profeeslonal for i.chool section No. ., Ashaeld. DnUe, [o ooarutence September Srd. RIs,. Awry and experience. Apply to W. W. CLARK. K. R lio. . Luokeow 71-11 BOY$ WANTED. -WE CAN GIVE maters. tOL)EBICs M %Uber fAl'TUat IONN0 00_ LIitrTgD. 11 TRU, WANTED. -APPLY GODE- T RICH KNITTING Co. 8.8. NO. oce See - 1 n.rtit- nalary t 13th by R. Nal. 13 r. td 0 - en. AUCTION SALES. DMINIBTRATOR'S SALE OF E ri gkoANDLOTBANDHOUSEHOLD The adpishtrate/ of 1.w estate of the let. >,c* wet son 7.111 caw Inv acts by public auction on SATURDAY, the Lith AUGUST. 1917, at 1 o'cloc k p. m.. at the premhtee on Eldon street. Uoderloh, the following property. namely Lot.. 72 and.79 on the went side et Eldon street. In Reed's Survey. In the town of Goderich, in the county W Huron. On dwelling h said lour [Dere I. a antclww,10 0 datiohouse.inwood r; pate, wlrh -to,.e foundation and Boost cellar; eight rooms, bathroom and modern conven- iences; fruit tree. ; ■table : (garden reaervedl. Po..serton can be had on September 4t, 1017. The sale of the house and lot. will be.uhjeet to a ra..r*ed bid. --- There --Thero will a1.0 be .ofd the followicg house- hold effects, namely : One coal boat*r. 1 one -lamp oil .Loyd. 1 side. baud, 1 couch. 8. considerable quantic Of bed- clothlna. I Iron -lad. 1 maitre...., aitre.., 1 bedroom dresser. stand :and bed, 7 chair.. 1 exten sion table. 1 dresser, 1 wa..hatand one wash - boiler. 1 sofa. 11 lamp, 1 teakettle, 3 picture., 1 gentleman's silver astch. 1 pall, 2 window blinds. db.he., eta Tamura. -Ten per cent of the purchase looney of house and lots to be paid down at the tante of -ale. balance folie paid within 311 days thereafter. For ch.ttel., terms rash. For further particular. apply to NORMAN Your Help Requested. I ate a candidate in The Lon- don Advertiecr's great subecrip- tion contest and should like all my friends to help me win one of the prizes. 1f you are not taking The Ad- vertieer, you ran help me by handing me a anbscription, as each subscription sent in by me onunta for a number of votes. If you are now getting The Advertiser, you can help me by nutting nut the coupon in each issue and handing it to Inc. Subscribers to The Signal can have The Advertiser at the clubbing rate and ran still give ore the benefit of their votes. Hopping everybody will give nig their assistance in this con- tt•at.. Yrnlrs very truly, MAKIN WARRENER, Hamilton street, Goderich. ALFRED It. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 167. [ i f r 1 11 r Required Large quantities of 1 SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited Win MEM OODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917 Have You Forgotteh to pay your subscription ler The Hignal for 1917 ? We need the money, and if you are in arrears ould ask ymu G, in ke payment proulptly. DO IT NOW -a THE MIONAL:PRINTING CO., UNITED, Preusasa PUBLIC NOTICE TO THE WOMEN OF GODERICH. Every woman in foderich and sur- rounding country is urgently re- quested to attend a meeting to be held in the court house on Saturday after- noon next, August 4113, at 3 o'clock, to hear the report of the delegates who were sent to the food couservation convention at Toronto last week, and to discuss the best wayof meeting the 'shortage of food whicmeeting we shall have to deal with this year. We are facing a crisis In the history of our country and it is 10 every Wt. - Mao's interest, and her duty also, to he present and aid as much as possible at this meeting. Our soldiers in the trenches roust have the best of food and in sufficient quantities or they cannot fight, and it is necessary that we should make sacrifices so that they can be well fed. The most that two can do is very .mall in comparison with what theyare doing for u.. it is hoped tere will be a !ergs At- tendance at this ng, I. 0. AMILTON, President Woman' ,War Auxiliary. E. W. CARRIE, Secretary pro tern. TALKS TO U. S. TROOPS. Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy Invited to Speak at Training Camps. \\ Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy, of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto (formerly of Goderich), has received an invitation to deliver lec- tures in the camps of the United States army under the auspices of the Y. M C. A. Mr. McGillicuddy will accept the offer in eo far as be is able nd will spend his vacation, without gemunerauoq, to give a series of his b'imorous and instructive addressee. H has in the past done n►ucb for the Ca ran army, baying delivered abo fourteen addresses in camps as well . making dozens o d os of recruiting rypThb. en • nation to Mr. McGillicuddy came f m Chautauqua, N. Y. the Trading entre of entertainmen t in the United States. Ll their letter the Y. M. C. k. officials state that by September t e United States expecte W have one million men in training camps, and by' ,January five millions. Each of these canoes will aceonlmodete about 28,900 men. The Y. M. C. A. will bave a large Mot in each, capable of seating 3,(IUO men. It is here that the entertainment of the men will be carried on and it is 1q these gatherings Unit Mr. Mc0illicuddy has been In- vited. He says he does not expect to make a start until September. So far he is the on)y Canatliin wbo is known to bave e@ceteadhaWan Invitation. Upper School Examinations. The tollr$wing list cornettist the name. of the candidate. \ from Huron county who bave sed on one or more pens othe upper school examination for ent nce into the faculties of education n a r tube University of Toronto and Quee. Uuivereity, Kingston. The 'manila tion passed is indicated after each name. The certificates of those who passed and the statements of marks of those who failed will he mailed to the principals and inspectors in due course. W. W. Autent (Pt. I., honors), W. T. Armstrong (Pt. 11.), J. G. Bowler (Pt. I.), K. P. Burrows (Pt. I.), LW. Churchill (Pt. Ii.), B. F. F. Cupp (Pt. 11.), M. II. Connell (Pt. 11.), M. F. Edge (Pt. I., honors), E. E. Freeman (Pt. II.), A. C. Fowler (Pt. IL), H. 1),A. M. C. Oak (Pt. Iiwh honorsy ). E. E Govenlock (Pt. IL), E. T. Garbutt (Pt. II.), ,H. C. Gray (Pt. 1.), F. 1. HewPt. 1. and Pt. II.), N. W. Rib- bert (rt I.), B. J. Larkin (Pt. I.), M. Larkin (Pt. f1.). J. Middleton (Pt. II.), P. B. Moffat (Pt. II,), L. A. MacEnv (Pt. i., honors), M. L. MaaKenxie (. 1.), H. K. McLean (Pt, I., honor 3. G. l► cKee (Pt. II.), P. 1. Pott (Pt. 1I.), Ire (Pt. II., honors) A. 0. Rankin (Pt. I.). E. D. Rive (Pt. 1.), E. P. Scott (Pt. I.), H. C. Scott (Pt II.), M. E. SnellPt. II., honors), E. H, Townshend (Pt. Ii.), A. L. Wilson (PL Ii., with phy.lcs), Talcum is a toilet necessity. There Is no other toilet requisite that has so much to du with relieving the trials which come with warm weather. It is god for the men who delight. In a cool after -shaving application. it is good for the nursery. It is valuable when sprinkled on surgical dressing,. It will keep your rubber gloves sani- tary and flexible. We have twenty- five different kinds, among them Minner's,Oolgate's, Lyman',, Corson'., Nyal's, Djerkiss, Seely's, Mint.y's, Squibb's, Park Davis, Roger & Gellet, Ingram',. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Godericb. I"Jimmie at Bedside." Little Sister -You're just wasting your time, Jimmie. 1 heard papa tell mamma that he couldn'tafford to get us a pony. He has got to get w snit and overcoat from Pridham the Tailor pretty soon. POR SALE FOR SALE.FIRST- "! IN FIR- CLASO oondrtlos ; large hood, weed silos. Also a babywalk.e. Apply MRA H. T. ED W ARDS. aq., f WOR RALE. -ROWBOAT iN 000D s 1' eMlUoe. Amity at BR'ONAL twiner. fOR SALE.-ONI3 AUTO TRUCE. capacity 14 rem. Suitable for mimeo urore nr farm week. Pneumatic U,e 14emt,rear axle, the Rowell Internal esardelve. Speed. 15 tell miles per hour One Jitney auto oar. dowel body ; to carry eight passengers. Pneumatic tinsel all round. Roth can he ..on at inn fwetory or crop u. • HARRY McCRHATH WRITES. Says John Bates Should Have a Medal for Courageous Act. The editor of The Signal on Monday received a letter from Pte. Harry Mc- Creath, of the "Hurons," who is in hospital in France uulf.ring from sbellehock. The letter was written before the death of Pte. John Bates, and he mem Mut, an act of courage on John's part which he thinks deserved omciel reoognitiou. The letter ik ar follows : Somewhere In France, July (1113, 1917. Dear Mr. Roberton, -It's nearly seven month*. since 1 last wrote you and 1 thought I would drop a line, as I have ties Cu spare at present, which is not always the cave. 1 pave beeu in some queer plates and bake seen a great deal since 1 last wrote; you. I have had the pleasure, or opporl unity 1 should say, of getting 'midi of a tank, as these mun.terre are closely attended so that no 'secrets regarding their inside working can get ,to the enemy. it is hard to get near them. I have ezploted the whole of Virny Ridge sinee the Canadians took it ifr April. We use the fine and secure dugouta now ourselves for comfort and safety. I am sure tbst if we had held the ridge in.t-ad of Frizzy he could not have Laken it tion us, as it was some stronghold. I met the PI•,nce of Wales a few days ego. He was around just like any other soldier and you would not n. tice hint at all if it were not far his youth. I had the luck of riding from the front line to the base hospital iq. the same train as the King was taken in when he fell front his h.•ree at the beginning of the war, and 1 am at present in the hospital to which Lord Roberts was Orton when be died. I must mention an act of bravery of one'of your Signal boys. I don't know it it goat home or not, but John Bete. sure does deserve a .cordal f r standing his ground and guarding hia gun after three of hi..euunade. bad been wounded: We here sine( put Fritzy hack a mile from the spot, ani he won't pother ns any more at that spot at least. As p.pwr is a little •carte, and money, too, 1'11 have to quit for this tit,»•. Hoping to be home soon, 1. • remain, Tours, HARRY A. MCGEEATDI. SCORES THE PROFITEERS. Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll Pours Scorn on Men Who Exploit Needs of the People. The pulpit of Knox church wo,4 oc- cupied la -t S ay by l(rv. 1). 1. L. McKwrvple tie churcb. Toron- to, who two excellent 1111r - mons. In the course of his morning bettor se he spoke at the need of great leaders and ref. rred in scathing terms to the operations of the food profiteers. Canada, he dead, should be one of the Chea 1 t countries' teed of Ps' the world to live in ; but instead the food of the people was held at high prices by men who did not hesitate Ic trade upon the miseries of the poor. Such men, though they bore a sanctimonious air and were merle the recipients of the ing's favors, were wor-e than Ger- i an spies and should he looked upon wt b ditd,tin by all honest men. in the cited States it was a criminal offe a to hold foodstuftlr at exorbit- ant p 'cgs ; but here in Canada. while our no a were shedding their lifeblood on the Ida of Pleader., men were hoardin wheat and making great profits out f bacon ann eggs, and then receiving nightbood. What WAS needed in 113 country watt Wore of nom o w p hon ty red s c uu mon , n n ,_ sten thorn, the leade ship of mete who would be as "the shad, w of a great ruck in a weary laud." LO L.. SOCIAL 1 EA. -K - the evening of August 10th clear for social tea to he held on Mr. John dung's lawn, Loyal, under the au , ice, of the C. E. D, clew of Smith'', ill church. Adults 35e. children 2lc. • roceede for Red Cross porpoise.. It quality (-mune, ase Asit.. delicious i.'e Cream in bulk o for all occasions. 'Phone 2411. FHURON LODGE PICNIC. I Oddfellows Have a Big Time at Menem- " tung Park on the Civic Holiday. I Hut on Lodge No. (1.2, I.-0. 0. F., :held its annual picnic on Wedowee- , day at Meneartung Park and the affair was a huge euccese• The gathering included tuewbers and their ftieode to the number of about 400, and all seemed to enjoy tie' day to tn. utwoet. Jupiter-Phrvine was kind and sent. only a few drops of rain, which did not Even put a damper on the pleasure of the big crowd. I in the afternoon- there .war a pre- , grave of sport, which created much r interest. The winners in the reeve were: Girls, 14 years and under-Tbeima ..McAllister. Gladys Thompson. Boys, 14 year and under -Fred Price, Donald McLeod. Ladies' race -Miss E.lith Murney, Mies Alice Nairn. Thread and needle rare -Mise Doro- thyiM*rehall, Mise M. Mi*kelt. , Married mend race -Flank Saun- ders, E..trxymith. In a game of baseball a team of Oddfellnwa from the Western Canada; Flour Mills was "dusted" by s learn from the rest of the lodge, the score . being 6-1.1 in five inning.. A [mg -of -Wer between teams cap- tah.ed by Noble limed Venerate* wed Vice Grand Bengough was won by the Lotter'. team. Another tug-of-war which crested great excitement was between two teams of ladies, three pulls bring required to decide, 1'heis p me lunch was eervEd on they grass and was not the least delectable part of thb day's proceeding., gond appetites being matched by the ex- cellent spread provided. In the evening there was a dance in the hotel, with mu.ic by an orchestra. A pleasant feature of this picnic was the presence of a considerable number of 1eturned soldiers and their families, on the special invitation of the lodge, Dungannon's Big Day. Wednesday next, August 8th, Dun- gannuo is to have a Red Cows field day, and it iv hoped that a large crowd will essential, from all surrounding points to help make the day a great success. It will be Durngannon's civic holiday and the people of the village will give up everything else for the day in order to give the patriotic ef- fort the hero ;it of their presence and assistance. The program, which w?11 he retried out at the Agricultural grounds, will iuclude a series of hese- ball tnetebee, and gauzes and races for ladies, gentlemen, boys and girl.. in the evening the Bslgrave Dramatic Club will give the play "Lodgers Taken In, and at 19 o'clock the hall will be cleared for an "old tyme" dance. Enlisted or returned soldiers ere invited to he present and will be admit ted free of charge to the grounds, the ploy and the dance. The t'ogtmit- tee in charge ie beaded by Mese - R. McNabb and G. J. 8. Loynee, w ch ensures that ever thing possible I11 he don to make the day an en joyab r One frr ellwbo attend. The Women's Institute will serve supperfrom 5 to -7 o'cluca, neo that Do - buoy need go hungry. Let all who can help to rooks this pAtriotic etturt the success it deserves 1 to be. Eat PurIce Cream and give your children none other. Edward,' is pure, one 2J). K leen • H at ale rye cleanser for n n lr straw hats. The uteri! hisre ra- D P A t ion still make an.old holy look like new. There is no trouble In its use, a few minutes' time will suffice. Fif- teen cent. a pacyaer. Sold sty E. R. Wigle, druggisft, Goderich. lhrre will be a good progra at the Rod Cross garden party et It - ford lleigbt. ou Wednesday, Angt t 15th, including music by the Stewar orchestra. Remember the date and be on mond to help the Red Cense. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Pts. Arthur McCluskeyy, who went overseas with tis 1111.1 $attaliou, and shortly afterwards left with • draft fou France, was wounded on July lst, Word bas born received from hiut by his sister, Mrs. R. Davidson, of Dun- gan , stating that the wounds were slight and he expected to be out of hospital before long. With some other soldiers be had been out burying two dyad comrades when a shell exploded near them, killing two of hie minions and wounding him in three places. It is reported that Harry Vallely, who left Gtde'rich in 1915 for overseas service, has been killed. The trews came to Clinton through a chum. He enlisted it the Med Battalion and after reaching England was transferred to the let Ilattal.on and had leen through LIEUT. HARRY V-ALLEL1 all the big engagements. it is boa that he received successive promotion until from the rank of private, he haul risen to a lieutenancy. He was killed May 7th. He was well known in Geslerich. having live) herr for a uuniber of years with Mr. end Mr.. H. Jane. GODERICH'S BLIND KNITTER. A Wonderful Woman Keeps Up Her asfrsliwrtt Record of Was Wind. The following complimentary and appreciative eomntunicatiod has been received by Mrs. ftrvoolde, Goderich's blind but indomitable knitter, fr the head office of the Canadian ]ted Grose Society, Toronto : Toronto, July t1,. 1917. Mr.. Reynold., Sr., Oodericb, Ontario. Dear Madsen,-informa tinn has reached this once of the fact that you have since the commencement of the war knitted 456 pairs of socks which have been a contribution from your- self to your country through the me- dium of the Canadian Red Crow So- ciety. At a meeting of the executive com- mittee held on Tuesday, the 17th day of this nmonth. I was requested to express to you the high appreciation of the Canadian Red Crow Societyy for the wonderful work you have drone, in aid of the sice and wounded, and to state that a copy of this Inter will be recorded upon the minutes ot the So- ciety's meeting. Fait hfull7 our., Nom. MARSHALL, Chairman Executive Committee. We ntay say that sine. F's'hruary let, 1915, to August 1st, 1917, Mrs. Reynolds has knittea 521) pairs of socks. All of which have been knitted y her for the soldiers, through the ediunl of the Red Cross and other e roe's. She knits regularly every uta It in requited that any nutetanding I week four pairs of socks, a wonderful stone's. accounts in connection with the Dom- shoserng for a blind *venom in her bricks r inion Day celehrat.on he handed in at, eight second year. Who can beat once to Mr. Knox at the ;town hell. it ? • 1 GROUP AT TI -IE KINTAIL DOMINION DAY PICNIC. NtDfee nnr 14'11 partienlare and Prim of The people of the western section of Ashfield here beautiful park on the lake shorn et. Kentail, where they prober THR PAOET GRAIN DOOR (v).. LTD., for plcnice and celebrations, The above e pir'ttre was taken by Photographer Sallow. at Lakeview Park on .holy tsar ooderleh, slot, on the occasion of the Dominion Day eelebratlon. THE AUBURN PICNIC. Successful Effort is Behalf of Use Red Cron . Yesterday (Wednesday) was Auburn's civic holiday, and the event of the day, for the village end sur- rounding country. was the Red Oross picnic, held on the flats of the River Maitland. The busy season on the farms no doubt prevented many from attending, but in spite of this the gathring was a fairly large one. Two or three times during the afternoon ram threatened to interfere seriously with the proceedings, but the showers were brief and did no harm. Some of the events 011 the program did not come off, but there was plenty to keep everybody interested. The winners in the children's race. were as follows : Ho7., 10 years and under -Ted Rodger, Malt Beadle, Elwyn Wilson. Boys, 12 years and updet-Earl Mc.Knig it,-Robt. McLeod, Elwood Stack- house,' Boy., 15 years and under -Glen Raithby, Hector McLeod. Boys' open race -Walter Washing- ton, Olen Raithby. Boys' three-legged race -Hector McLeod and Fred Wagner, (Jordon Taylor and Frank Washington. (Jirds, 8 ye re and under -Lite Yung- blut, Mary Rodger, Dorothy Robert - .n II .• Girl., 12 years and under -Julia Young, Viola 4Vilson, Leila Stack- house. Girls, 15 ',rare and under -Julia Young, Viola Wilson. There were two baseball games. The first was between two teams af ladle., one from Harlock, the other from East Wawanosb. The Harlock teem won with A score of 13 to 7. The trams were Harlock- J. McVi ' tote, c ; F. Wat- .nu, p : L. Knox, 2 h ; S. Fawcett, s. s.: A. Johnston, 1 h ; B. Cocker - line. fielder ; E. Ferris, 3 b. Sixth line East W.wanosh-E. Cook, 2 h : (i. Bone, a s : May Cook, 3 b : Z. Carter, 1 h ; Mary Cook, p ; V. Buchanan, c ; May Bone, fielder. The second gene of baseball was be- tween Leant. from Dungannon and Westfieid, the players this time tieing of She reale persuasion. Dungannon arrived two or three players short and the vacancies were supplied by Au - urn men. The Westfield nine won 16 to 6. The players wine : ungennon-E. Matthew., c ; L. Ki , p ; J. Anderson, 1 b ; P. Wig- gins, 2 h : W. Moon, s e ; H. M ens, 3 h ; Shackleton, 1 1 ; C. Lo•:khart, c f : J. talker. r f. West Id -P. Ooot, 2 b : A. Meth - pry. as; .Carter, p;H.Cook, 't b; C. Rodger, 1 ; W. Carter, r f ; T. Rodger, h f A. Ou:dtia, c ; J. Bu- chanan, 1 h. Pipers Ken. MacLennan and Roy MacKenzie, from Lochalsh, were pre- sent in Highland costume and made a r hIassnR feature e Lure of the program. In the evening the Kingsbridge Dramatic Club presented the play, The Burton Diamond Mystery," to a full house at the Foresters' hall. The players showed much talent in pre- senting their parta and the perform- ance was much enjoyed. The proceeds of the day were about POO. A Goderich Old Boy. itev, E. F. Arrnett'ung, who has just comanenced his work at. %Vinghaw as pastor of the Methodist congregation there, is it former Goderich boy, and his friends here are pleased to see bow he is advancing in the high calling to which he has devoted his life. His lest pastorate, previous to going to Winghant was at Essex, and The Eesix Free Pre.a recent) had the following document upon his ministry tbeee : "The citizens of Essex and vicinity in general place a high valuation on the splendid and succee-fol three years' pastorate of Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, who Revered his relation with Grace Methodist church to lake up hie new duties in W in$ham. Mr. Arrnatrong was not only a man of marked ability and of high character. but was absolutely fearless in (doing his duty when carrying out his con- victions. Mr. Armstrong was essen- tially a pulpit DIan. His sermons were studiously and prayerful) pre- pared. He was an encyclopediie on religions questions, as was evidenced my the masterly manner with which he handled many knotty problems propounded to hint in theprayer-meet- ings and Huey Men's Bible Class. The beet wishes of the community will go with both Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong to their new home," To the Public 1n obedience to the Lad's Da Act, we, the following ire creast dealer's, are forced to discontinue the delivery of Ice cream on Sunday+, (Signed) H. EDWARDS J. E. Rosails 0. BLACEe'foNle. Shakespeare, though no broker, fur- nished stock quotations. Why drink imported wine in order to drown domestic trouble ? AUCTION SAL ES. 0ATtratAT, Augnat G1.. A dm inlet rotor's .a le Of house and lots and hou•.,huld effect.. prop- erty of tads tate of the late Duncan McLeod, at the pe.vi 4..031 530o.,.treet, 1Joderinh. o clock A m. tiltp. t;rata v, niter ioneer BORN. ON0.-At * .hem, nn Jnty 11, to 1ir...d Br, IL J. Armstrong, • non NEW ADVERTISEM ITS -Aug. 2. HIS -R. O. Allller . Pear 1 N tac o hy lively -1m ('ream 1 lere.... 1 Ad Ie 's 8.1M-Prsdfoof. 'tetanal R reek* . ... 1 Teacher Wanted -S. 1. No. 17, A.hi.ld 1 Ice cream -H, Haydw, Pott Albert. d