HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-26, Page 5T}IE SIGNAL e GODERIGR ONTARIO
And "Ovntsizz 31x4
The Best is Airways
Cheapest in the End
Michelin believes that
most owners of Fords and
other small cars are good
business men, and as such
are willing to pay for
an article what it is
intrinsically worth.
Michelin Universals in these
smatiltler sizes are made of the
same high quality
rubber and fabric
as the larger sizes
and possess the
same unsurpassed
resiliency and
"Owned 'mut Operitted 1,,i I I'raeti.u1.i/.tu" ARTHUR M. GLOVER, Proprietor
Goderich, Ontario
gic Event in Morris.
outinucd from page 1I
round fa t with that. The week
previous t• the tragedy he 'pent
several nig .t home with ber.
Mete one eh' generally remained
with his lather.
MoUr•srken .tee ed that there lied
never been any qu trete of • serious
mature. He did not find fault with
his wife tor ening to uoeruents in
his.heence. H. did out • hject to the
persona with whom s went or
visited. She_ hadiattlya b n an ab
rtsctionate wife.
After telling of the arrival Ker.
Your Personal
Is a definite asset or liability.
according as you impress your
buoinese or social acquaint-
ances favorably or not.
Resiele% the keen. alert mind
which sharp. clear vision will
give you, the wearing of our
"Medi to order" Evt:ct.►ssi:s
will enhance your appearance
and incretee your personal
We grind oar own lenses.
A ,
g t71[ cost t1RICEt
Atasr/O SGueLP►s.Owvj
nosy on Sunday, bare, decline' to say
whether be objected to him. .lie
would not give any reasons, but said
he did not object merely because of
the et►to ride.
When the Harty bad pone he went
to his father's for dinner, returning
in the afteanooa without his boy. He
put a revolver in his packet to piotect
himself should tbe autolets attack him
when he spoke to them. They had
not threatened bin, he s id.
The tragedy noi•urr.d s1 et the de-
pa►tule of the auto. He acd his ,if.
were walking to the houses from tate
pigpen. He bad bee hetet on the re-
voleeein hiepnekst when he told her
if occurrences similar to the one of
the afteinen', took place he would do
away with himself.
Wanted the Pistol.
She turned when he said this, and
c ing "Let use have that," grehbed
his right writ with h.r Irfi hand.
Her ction poised the gen from his
p eg and ser he at emoted to wrench
bis wets free the revolver diseherge•1.
When h aw whet had iwpp-seed he
attempted , street himself, and idl-
ing r to over o his parents.
The intense eat of the court -room
and the strein f th• examination
brought the pyre•ration out on Mc-
Cracken in great v, and he seemed
tired when he took ht seat, seemingly
paying little atfenli to fh., re-
mainder of the inquest.
McCracken's trous•t•s; d the re-
volver were produced as evt, enc.•.
William Kerney. driver n be car,
told of calling at the McC ckeu
home on Sunday. There was ,nlv •
room for one more in the car, he s d,
and Mr•. McCracken seemvd anent•
to go. He beard ber husband ask her
net to do so. Af:er they had stertad
she remarked to those in the car that
the incident was a fair sample of her
life. end that t` er • would b • hell to
pay whether she w nt or .dyed at
Corroborates Evidence.
Jtines Thyne, who teas in the ear,,
eo. r. b orstt d Kerney's reit ends, 5s
A Definite Object
For sixty -Ave years Ye Oriole Pitrme has had one
dei Inie° otliect always m view—Stat has been to
make the
the Wetting s Beet Plane. Those who know
this piano beet --metritis. critics, owners—say that
the object has been asoinned.
James F. Thomson 1
.atasss �.
Ausir (Dealer I ��
GODERICH iSse►t.'�'f
did 'Mrs. Kerney.
James Kerney, a cousin of McCrack-
en, said tbst he had talked with the
man ors Sundry. He said then that
he disapproved of his wife going away,
but gave so reasons. He said he
would be a1 the farm wbeo the part
returned, but would do nothing fool-
Witham McCracken, father of
Jamas. testified tbat he had known
nutting of hie son's marriage at the
time it took place. H- did not re-
wetaltter hieson saying that he did not
wish hi: wife to return after she had
gone West. Wben his win cause to
the hosier on the day of the tragedy
he said that be had been eh, t and that
his wife might bave teen, --He handed
the revolver to hist:ether.
Mrs. McCracken gave similar evi-
dences When her sun had reached
the hawse that day he said. "I've shot
poor Mamie. but oh! I didn't mean to
do iL Get • doctor quick."
John McNeil testified that he had
peened the McCracken farm about 7
o'.elock and had seen Mrs. McCracken
crying. He stop and asked her if
sbe was sick. Her btisband replied
that sbe had been fur a long ride and
that her nerves were in bad condition.
He tbeo ordered her Tato the house.
James McCracken. sr.. testified that
conversation with bits on Sunday
bus nephew hal given as his reason fur
nbjeeting to the auto ride that he
didn't want his wife running about as
she bad been doing.
Threatened to Shoot.
He said thatif tba persons she was
with came to his farm again in an
automobile he would shoot them.
Wibbin the pest three months be had
threatened to shoot himself and had
seting in a curious manner for
e time, get.ing nut of bed and
we ng srnnind at unusual hours. The
wit had oken feared tbat the
' young an might do injury to himself,
but me
r thought of amoccurrence
similar to he treged'. He considered
the young uple to be on exception-
ably gond ter s when he visited them
two weeks b -1 e. He thought that
' there bad been arse occurrences than
the auto ride whic young McCracken
had list put witbou cowmiltit. He
Ihad three only by h rtes♦ and bed
neve! heard them dui• ry' from bis
tie hew.
John McArthur, who r- •es across
the road from the McCrack place,
told of finding Mrs. McCracke body
in the barnyard of er he h been
not • ied of the acrid«nt hy teleph
He had heard two shot. earlier in
evening. hot thought nllthing of them.
Robe's (ieddea, who wan visiting Mr.
M.Asebur, heard the mbota and later
went over to the farm.
Mee. John McAr, hair, called as a wit
nee', stated that she had received sev-
eral vies). from Mr,. McCracken.
Dieing one of theee the woman no-
ticed a revolver. She asked if she
aright have it, an the sometimes
thought she heard persons around the
house at night. That was twn year+
ago. Mrs. McArthur stated that Mrs.
McCraeken etas alone the greater pert
of this tints.
Dr. McRae recalled, stated that
the revolver had been discharged near
enough to the head to cause a burn.
The story of the ehnoting as told to
the dne•nr hy Mceraeken, he said, was
cub-tentially the same as that he had
told to the jury during the Inquest.
Civic Holiday August let.
His Worship this Mayor lois issued a
proclamation calling two citizens to
observe Wednesday, August lst, as
civic holiday.
M. C. C. Picnic..
The Menesettina Canoe Club held its
annual picnic on Wednesday afternoon
and eveuing at Meneeetuug Park.
There was a good attendance and the
ocession was much et.joyed. In the
evening there was an enforwal deuce
in the h,tel, Mr. Buckley presiding at
the piano.
Oodfellows' Picnic.
Next Wednesday (Godericb's civic
holiday) will be the occasion ot the
annual picnic of Huron Lodge, No. 62,
L O. O. F., for the members and their
friend+. The event will lee held at
Meneeetung Park and arrangements
are being made whicb promise a most
enjoyable day Mr all who attend.
To look into Sewer Conditions.
. The town council has engaged Mr.
Sidney M. Johnston. of Stratford. to
advise on sewer conditions. especially
in theNewgste-Victoria-Ne1.Qn streets
The wan who doesn't advertise tete
more dart sea his goods than in his
Bea -drawer.
the county on road and bridge work
done on the designated roads mince
the date mentioned the Government
will return a percentage as set forth
in the Act.
A Haven of Beauty.
The editor of The Mitchell Advocate
wits in Uoderich lain week and lune
this to say of one of the "iustitutious'
of the town :
Few people living in this part of
Ontario are ewa►e that there 1s io the
town of Godes ich a collection of rotes
ewbtaciug 214 species, and so artistic-
ally art.nged about the enchanting
grouuds of the resist* y office of the
county of Hurou,that visitors to that
town widow mire the opportunity of
calling on Mr. Wm. Coate; registrar,
who ie it tore specialist, and Ilse fath-
ered together a collection that is abs
amazement of visitors. Surrounding
there ground„ are about 700 hushes
loaded with beautiful blossoms of all
•6e colors imaginable, and ranging
from perfect little flowers about the
rite of a thimble to others that would
compare in size to the large chrysan-
themum. Me. Coats has Made a study
of rotes for is, Member of years and has
iwportedmany varietiesuf rare plants.
It eras after hearing of this beautiful
array of bloou, that the editor of The
Advocate, while in Goderich thio
section, where there has been a great week, visited this haven of beauty.
deal of trouble since the heavy rains. •rhie is not • money -making eoterpriee
Mr. Johnston is expected to arrive in
town tonight.
Effect of Meatless Days.
Mr. Andrew Porter bas been making
some cal-nletions as to saving@ that
may he effected by ford economy. He
figurine out that two meatless days a
week will save 3,12) head of cattle in
the county of Huron alone. It is
when one loot.' at these things in the
aggregate that he realizes what can
b� done by systematic, nation-wide
Donations to Hospital.
The following donations received at
Alexandra hospital are gratefully ac-
knowledged :
In May—Homeutsde bread, Mrs.
In July—Coal oil stove, three dozen
sheets, three dozen pillowcovers, Ah -
meek Chapter, 1. 0. D. E. ; jar of
pickles, Mrs. (iauley.
French Red Cross.
A further donation of $25 for the
French Red Crow fund bar been re-
ceived by the local treasurer and has
been forwarded. This is from the
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle, per Mrs.
In the list of contributions pub-
lished Inst week the name "Miss Baht,'
should have read "Miss Ball," and the
name "Miss Aoatav" ehould have read
••Miss Addison."
Died at London.
on the part ot the genial registr.ir, as
hundreds of these flowery are cut each
day and the proceeds are devoted to
the Red Croft Society of that town.
\Ve would recommend to the Mit-hell
citizene who may have an opportunity
of going to (Jodieich to visit the beau-
tiful r.,se garden surrounding the reg•
istry office.
Competitions for Boys and Girl's.
Through the action of tbd Minister
of Agriculun r. the Honorable Martin
Burrell, arrangement++ have been weds
to have the (' m,tdien Bonkers' Asso-
ciation co -operate -with the Depart-
ment of Agriculture it providing a
liberal sum of money to he 'dieted in
prises for calves and pigs exhibited by
boys or gills under seventeen year of
age, at county or township fairs.
Timers cowpetrtions are known as
the. "Canadian Banken' cotupeti-
tions•' and are linked up with the
activities of the live stock branch of
the Dominion Department of Agri-
culture. They represent an effort to
increase interest its live stock, and
coostituti a part of the active cam-
paign ter more and better 'Lock inaug-
ura•ed and, retitled on by the Hon.Me.
Burrell through him Department. The'
generous support • accorded to the
movement by the Canadian Banter,'
Association affords a practical deiuon-
etration of the attitude of the banks
towards the live /trick indent and
tbe settee participation of the Asso-
ciation in this -campaign is nd to
The death of John Hood, civil en- rtrengtben and create general ikiterest
minter, occurred at 8t. Joseph's ho9- in farm live smog.
petal, London. on Tuesday, after an "(%anadisn Bankers' cotnpettions"
illness extending over s year. The sill be held ay a large nuutber of
deceased was in his :Nth year and was shows thio year, includ•ng the ande-
the second son of the late John Hood,mr ch Industrial and Agricultural Exhi-
of Goderich. The
'remain. were Mason, and boys and gieis should lose
brought to town and Min funeral took no time in finding nut all about them.
place from the family residence, Que- The calves and pipe must he ted at
tam street. thin (Thur�av) morning toleast rix, weeks by the brise and girls
81. Pete... church and hence to the who ezoibet thew, eo that it it •try
Ronan Catholic Colborne. l'meet tent to act protnptly in scenting
I a copy of the rules and other informa-
An Old Resident Gone. tion.
The death of Mrs, Wm. Hardy oc- Pull information regarding tie corn -
cm red
ot-carred this (Thursday) morning at petitions can be obtained from the
Alexandra hospital. The deceased manager of any branch hank in Gude-
was eighty-two years of age and had rich.
been a resident of Uoderich for thirty Knox Church Picnic.
five years. She was twice married
and leaves four sons : David Max- Following are the names of winners
well, of Watford • John Maxwell, of in the raeee at Knox church Sabbath
town : James and Hugh Hardy,' of I 'ebuol picnic
Port Colborne. The funeral will take Girls, 4 yeses and under—A. Nevins,
plece.Saturday afternoon to Maitland B. Maclntyre, Jean Abell.
cemetery. Gale, 5 veare—Della Minns, A.
Nevins, L, Patterson.
North Street Methodist Pisnic. (;iris, i yenta,—iris Morgan, Jean Mc-
Lean, (leen Stowe.
Gide, 10ears—.T. McAllister, A.
Nevins, J. hinter.
tilde, 12 years—Violet Thompson,
B. Tutted, V. Ross.
Girls, 14 years—V. Ross, W. Black.
8, Arnold and T. McAllister (tie).
Girls', three-legged race—Worthy
BI k and N. McDonald, V. Hots •
B Arnold. H. Johnston and S. Hell.
Married women—Mrs. Latimer,.
Mre. C. Cott, Mr•. tee:smitb.
The North 'trees Methodist congre-
gation and S indry school selected
Olen Maitland as the place for their
picnic, held on Wedne.dey afternoon,
and were well pleased with their sel-
ection. A large number of children
and adults were conveyed by auto
and motor -truck to the spacious
grounds and in spite of the great heat
all enjoyed a pleasentafternoon and
Eureka Class Concert.
A eor ecrt under the auspices of the
Eureka Bible class will he given in
Victoria street Methodist chureh on
Thoredey Peening. August 2nd. The
program will include vocal and Instru-
mental music. a dialogue, "The :'rain
t) Munro," and a playlet, "The War
on the Western Front." Adrnission
I5c. A genetal invitation is extended
to the public to attend what promises
to be a very ibtereeting entertain-
Bylaw Approved.
Boys. 4 y.ars and under—K. Camp -
be 1, W. Saunders T. Oorrie.
Buys, 5 veers—Victor Elliott, Willie
McKay, H. Smith.
Bay -,7 yeast—Willie Webster, DJti-
ald McKay. Robbie Blae
Boys, 10 years—R. ciManus, J.
Townsend, C. Slowe.
Boys. 12 veare—Sheld n Ross, H.
Murray, L. McManus.
Boys, 14 years—C. Murray, B. Lan-
gridge, H. Edwards.
Boy.', thee -legged race—Eric W,I-
snu sod J. Tutford, F. Thompson and
County Clerk Lane has received Reg. Pinder.
word that the bylaw passed ruaently Married men—J. J. McKwen, E
hy the county council for a county
road system under the Provincial
Highway Improvement Act has re
ceived the approval of the Lieutenant -
Governor -in -council, under date of
July 13. Of all moneys expended by
4't a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor has said, "I never
yeimadea post-mortem ex-
amination in a case of dea t h
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the kidneys
wereatfault." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most suceew-
ful for Heart Dbsease and
all Kidney Treuhks, and
most widely imitated is
Sexsmith, C. Blank.
100 yards race—E. flexsmith, 1 J.
McEwen, S. Burkholder.
In a game of baseball the mat red
men woo over the single men In a
more of 7 to ft, and a game of foot sell
between the married nen and single
men was nut deoided.
The Recital.
ttIUY11sbLY, Jour 26, 1917 g
A Savings Account
Creates Capital
To rise above depen-
dence on the daily
earnings, Capital is essential, and the surest means of
accumulating Gapital is through a Savings account.
Face the facts as they are, figure where you can
economize, and save money systematically.,
Ga lerich Branch—F. WOOLLCO MBE, Manager.
treated. everyone present with the r
dancing. A Spanish dance in costume
was followed by way of eneore with
an Itish jig, and their second selection
was a charming minuet in which the
little maids appeared in the quat test
of Pompadour cast es.
The recital was given Under the •'a-
pices of the Maple Leaf Chept
I. O. D. E., who -extend their heart
thanks to Miss Elliott and 'Nti@s Yes
ger, to Mr. Ler for the um of the ho.
tel, and to all others who contributed
to the teatimes besets,
July Styles Now Ready
Waist 8764
Skirt 8159
Drees 8746
are indispensable to dressers of
-taste. If you have rued the
rest, now get the best.
Each pattern has as �m allow-
ance sod a uiostbelpful_ cutting
For ,ale liv
Films developed and printed.
Mail or leave your films tlrith us,
then yon won't pe disappointed.
Not Have Sone sl'; Tour Best
Pictures Edslgnr? -t
Not Too
Late Yet
to get a summer s it.
There will be a good I r
spell of weather Set On
year in which a light
weight suit will be com-
fortable. And then it
will be in good shape for
s long season's wear next
We have the goods ,and
can give you satisfaction
in cot and fit.
Come in and see its.
R. J. Armstrong
South Side square, Codes irk.
A small but appreciative audience
gathered at the Hotel Sunset on Tues-
day evening, to enjoy the recital given
by Mies Larva Elliott and Miss Grace
Seager, two of our town's most
talented atirtes, The large reception
room, wttbdoors and windows open
to the refreshing bteeses from the
lake, and artistically decorated with
flags and flowers. made a pleasant
setting for the high-class pmgram
that was provided. Mies F.Iliutt'.
piano selections showed a brilffkncy
of execution and perfection of tech-
nique that won the admiration of all.
while her accompaniments to Mies
Seeger s'violin numbers were exquis-
itelysympathetic. The sweet tours
of iss 9lagees violin were never
heard u, better advantage than on this
occasion, and both her selections, ren-
dered with a charm and power of ex-
pression characteri.tic of the player,
won unstinted applause. Enuores
were grssiously granted by both ar-
1is1.. MISS Kdith Moncur, of Rioter,
who sang twiee, wee heard for the
first time in O..dernch, but will he
welcomed hack ca fame occasions.
Her voles in • bleat• .weal soprano,
and her songs were admirably chosen
to suit It. Her met, peniraente were
played by Mrs. Allen Saeger, who
elan accompanied he. Iits's dsugh-
tare, Margaret and Gilds, who rep-
of Packages
of this famous War -time Sweetmeat are
sent to the soldiers, sailors and aviators
at the front. '
If you have a friend there, see that every
parcel or letter contains a few bars or a
package of WRIGLEY'S, the great chew-
ing confection that is used around the
Keep it always on hand. It
helps teeth, appetite, digestion.
Sealed tight"After every
Kept right�,��` �� mealy.
-44(0„, .et
The Flavour Lasts 19