The Signal, 1917-7-26, Page 44 TlairasDAY, JULY 26, 1917
Negligee 'Shirts
Special purchase of Men's
Negligee Shirts, all good
desirable patterns, sizes
14 1-2 to 16 1-2 98c
Special / v
In view of the big advance in
cottons we would advise buy-
ing freely of the above shirts.
Men's Undershirts
Travellers' Samples, about
two dozen, sizes 38 2n
and 40. Price ... -/ 7C
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57
MONDAY, July yd.
Mr. Lloyd Agnew has enlleted at
Toronto with the Royal Flying Corps.
Tills makes two of Mr. and Mr.. Ag-
new's sorts in military service.
A branch of the Cbildran's Ald So
clam of Bruce county has hren or-
ganized herr, with the following of-
ficers : President. Reeve R. Johnston ;
secretery tree-urrr, R. 1). Cameron
committee. (leo. A. Siddell, Rev. H.
McCallutu, Mr.. W. Mnrdie, Mrs. H.
T. Phillips, Mr. (Dr.) Elliott.
All of the ten pupil. rent up from
the Lucknnw school passed the high
school entrance examination. One of
these, Louise Gerhutt, took the high•
est nark in the inspectorate of West
Biuce, and another, )t,ralind Reed,
was third. The suecereful cendidatee
who wrote at Luckuow (including a
number from country school.) air :
Honors (Io order of m-rii)-Louise
Garbutt. Rosafud Reed, John Smith.
Pass (alphabetically) -Howard Agnew.
Harold Agnew, \Vinnifred Elliott,
Kiteda [ruin, Eldon Johnston, Alex-
ander M.tcNay, Ethel McDonald,
Irene McIntosh, Ir -bell• S, Moffatt,
Gdradd Rathwell, Annetta Towle,
Merle Wilson.
Sarni, u( New York. is visiting her
sister, Mr,,. Robt. Webster. and will
-remain tor the summer Mr.
Thos. Somerville, of Cargill. 'pent
several days last week renewing old
ryustutauces here ..Miss Irene
Holmes hal returned from Port
Arthur, where she repent several
mouths with her slater . ... Mrs. W.
Aiulay, of Toronto. is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Graham.
....Mist Helle McKay, of Vancouver,
fouurt•ly of Luckuow, is visiting
friends in town and vicinity'ibe
Mimes Grace, and Laura Newton, of
Toronto, ate•t.iting their relatives
bere....Mts. R Flock, of Brandon,
Man.. is visiting er another, Mrs, E.
Smith Mr. aodMr. W. J. Little
motored to Uriwsby last week ,and
spent several days \there Mies
Hazel \Vebeter has returned from a
visit to (Deride at Toronto... .Mi.
Robs. Pritchard, of Newmarket, is
spending holidays et his borne herr.
Miss Mary Struthers hetakeu
• position w •telegraph opera or at
Wiugbam !Lev. J. Reid an \Mrs.'
R -id are teking a month'. vacaiipn.
Mrs. Reid will go as far as Brandy Niit
Man., where her par rite live....Mi
Kathleen Alibi, ut Toronto, is holi-
daying with trtertdsin•trrwn and vicin•
ii Mise Evelyn Caswell, of
Totcoto, is the guest of her friend:
Mies Hazel Webster \Ins. John
Jojni and daughter. Misr Letitia, left •
last week on a trip to Duluth,.,,
Misses Edith and Genevieve Bicknell,
of. Toronto, are vi -it ne et the borne
of their aunt, Mrs. M. Mitchell.... Miss
Isabel Howe tar been engaged to I
teach in ttie P.r.wount ,ejloul. I
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith A Ring
)0 East Street. Opposite Knox Church
isigi Us a Trial
In a ernint-le,. AO( tor our INVL -
TOR d A DVI E1t,wh1ch w•,:! be sent f
efi.0 teen1tv n
et.. Mm t
Mrs. R,,brrt Blake received word on
bwulay n1 the death of her uuly lus-
ter, Mrs. Jas. Aiidreas, of '1'retiecona.
Men.. which occur. ed on Saturday,
July lath, a long illness which
wit. borne with p'dirnee to the last.
Mrs. Audrewe was the y gest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Baker and was much loved. by all who
knew her. Moon sywpathy'is felt fur
the Unsaved family.
Carload Il. C. Had Cedar :shingle+ for sale.
Get our pries. imbue buying. W. 1'. Hwuat.l,
Cotte and enjoy yourself et the big
Red t.r ow picutc next week.
Mr. John Phillipe uid ordered a set -refloat Mr. 1. Brown, agent
at Blyth. A
Pte. Alex. Manning stout the wrrk-
end at bis stows. He is training with
the ertillery at Petawawa.
Mits. Antos Jackman is house Lou.
1•urouto Cur bib uulidays and eecaplug
the 11.4. wn.ther of the city.
Official word has been received by
the pa.. -ii to t Priv .toe John Carter
..nd 0.r1 Hentiry of their being
Muttudry 111 France.
The C. Y.. H it giving a bpecial foie.
aud-e-Limit rate aur toe civic holiday
next were, .i..00 for Wtdneeday and
Thu,s,Aoy, Anglia( 1St sod Yud.
Pte. %% w. Carter has been spending
is Late Jays' le -.Le et home, before start-
ing uv. reras. He will take how
the best w,,hr, of his many frteu .a.
Rev. J. Atwry, of 1.e t1eeroru', who
is act ng . c model..tor ie uuz rumen
iu the v.cancy will eau et the Net.
vice twit.`.j.tu..jjtttty /nnruin and wilt
preach at Smith's Hill in the after-
SOCIAL Etasi u.-OuTuesdayeven-
ing the Young Penple'e Uwlu held a
social evening at the home of Mr..
Wm. Jackson. All enjoyed them -wheels
with games, atter wumctt s program.
mea given and sandwiches and coffee
were served. A collection was tekele
Yeu will find relief In Zani-ftuk 1
It eases tate burning, stinging
pain, stops blooding and brings
ease. Perseverance, Mei Za .
But( neanf cure. Why netsew
this 7 Aa DrvNteu .ae mires,-
7ani Bug
Clean to handle. Sold by ell Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
and $17 was contributed in aid of the
army Y. M. C. A. fund.
Rohrlt Medd departed this life un
Wednesday, 18,h inst., aft -r a linger-
ing diatom b,rne with Christian pati-
ence She wee iu her eighty-sixth
year. Three sous and three daughters
-ureter : John, of Fergus ; Robert, of
West \Vaweno eh ; James, Mrs. Ww.
Heaves, Mr=. John Sy,ttiogtou and
Mrs. E Phillipe, all of Auburn. The
funeral took place on Friday to Ball's
cemetery and mat largely attended.
The fuierel services were performed
by Rev. W. B. Hawkins On Fri-
day another of the pioneers, Mr. Jas.
Jobnstoo.departed this 'treat the good
old age of eighty-two years. He nod
been tailing tor sow. time. In his
younger days be took an active inter-
est in municipal affairs and
vas honored on many' occasion, by
election to public office. He leaver
three acne: Marshall, who is in wil-
it try service overseas ; Samuel and
Jewell, of West Wawauosh. The
funeral on Sunday afternoon to Dun-
gsnnnn cemetery wee largely at-
A FARR WELL O(•cesloN.-On Mon -
y evening tLe Women's Miwiouary
ety of the Presbyterian church
a tea et the home of Mr. J. D.
owe t. The mite -boxes were col-
lebted, lizu,g the sum of $20, end in
ad tion fid) was received as the ern-
e it of the tes. At the conclusion
Rev. A. Living was called forward and
the following address woe read and
present -d. accompanied by a purse
cuhteihl ubstantial amount ;
n.AK MRsYo Mtts. LArso. -It iv now near -
1y ave yesr,..ihoe you earn. atua.gxt u. a. our
{ a.tor. lruri,g that time you cud M -,. Laing
have made ming friends and taught ill to have
ani re -pest ynu ,pow that you are about to
leave u+ Inc .uwth •r field of l ibo•. we realize
more fully whir your minbdry h.. meant to
urdurior there y -aur. and what It will mein
to Uf thruughnut our future. w wehave a ked
you to to. with us this evening lb 0 we might
e dercor to Ian pre..., pas you that we are very
loo's to pet wash you. •
That oe have skwaye worked zealou•ly for
our .plual uplift, that you bare ever Rept
(1) The Cracks in a Glassier.
STAND with me en the ■ummk of
C.aaad .a Pacific Rocky Moto
taln What a wondrous pane
Lama Is unfolded. not only of peal
sad range,, Uer on tier, line oe 11
but of est fflittering nota. of
end lee. msikhtg a white world of in
upper ►dgbts. a raglcr of ebreal
for la .trQing rentrest M the new
covered beds of the valleys a mite
low as. or the greet of the alpt
meadows aad the • tercet depths
ws are standing Is a realm wh
riven of le. flow. for It Is ens at
ss feed wonders of nature User
In A Rocky Mountain Lakelet fed
roarked In so�p glactr. by scleatl&
pasty. Our. •• ferrying die year
when Ohs too the glaelar cowshed
that spot. etlth haler ssatklags Indl-
eatMg the raking pros.... The
r, for exalmple, re-
isy. betsrweo 41
aridNA�• aT.t4> i of so lees then
Oaf /set
Ties tllwrn get easier. 1e the NM
edvbs. h nes Elie largest rsmdel
glovisl d la the Owe.dlae
s•e • l� Ibayre
livor se gen
st4 d ebbe i vWaswerd with
mag.esLongfellow', •e -
moo saaky lies. of Ins are ,lowly lvfIsertptlds mad as pas gases
serwly nesseig laws the s..u.taiu,1 oe b. beam,ge `s slithering gaisiblet
oboes io busk death le a lrm/ual1 die . 1v king w ►
ng 1ebr le 1
geovelaa And wbflo they thus trowel , tame. of Ibe ape es it seams. as
lbws hal. they ass at tbs same shriek ft Iiinsitre realm* from its
eat e• ort .eel Mw wzesptbsss rl.� Mew Mid Ir 1111 1 meld -
Mar • /Mmai reosealae Which M _.....A.1...,,..... - -
by Glacial Waters. (3)
Or stand oe or Hnngabss, or
batter still. .n plc. In the Lake
Louise reties, agals the eye Is
held In noel' with the colosgel ruvsa
aad the by gtac(g� on every peak.
Who will ?or t tkat superb view of
thei VictoriaOI r from the lake
bombe orhh Me white muses as
t1is lofty resets of tb. Tea Peaks. whoa
• fan mese eosin them with MI..,
light? The oboes OA hundred meek -
nes era refetls nial a drapery. whips
at Use the Mr Is hombharded with the
erred of a midty avaisa t. tambtl.g
frees le neeehaWM
The weeder .f obs gl•rlar es sloes
holly realised wbm tb•v ars erlwlerod
at rises e.arter., when moofsehsur
envem sad swrrame Ilsesrss ars se -
tared et *rupee. witty Iles iseeatela
The iriasures
in a Glacier. (4) The Yoh*
climber pick, his way ever a masa d
lee maaar thrown up as 11 t. aortal
agony by tb. pressers .1 the unglue
de saftu that cause t►. dswaieavr
moremsnt Tender Is the blew g�
team which the glister Sews. Mrs too
a bsreackruad" s. the egtytodd m
crevasse V called thee .spar.ase the
glacier from tb• me.aeafa beds. bay
aeb---ea rioug 1r. tewees--issk wite
seseum*.ts of the goat, see this temps
or .torta the sad sit the 'farad
Siem wke.e. Is the meltseg wader.
that nark Ole brts et great revere.
I. this vest Caa.dle& Geellea et M
Gads. of 14eities sal Ifi41lAa. fah
wbieb abae'gg of Swltaaaysr AVM kill
/aR U M4 1b goer. iegnaifail Odin
Os greet Dadra ewer letwaseene te
taste snits edea, ewe £141J4 e..
watt Itis vslkli Moa,
are - - -vw..- • wtgo.r'aa1
TAFFETA SILK Ou Saturday we are putting ou sale all the Taffeta Silk in stock. The shades
are mostly in dress lengths, so be sure and get here early Saturday morning before the one
you want is sold. This cloth comes iu grey, slice, navy, nigger brown, light brown,
reseda green, bottle green and black. For Saturday only, regular 81.60 Taffeta Silk for
$1.39. 36 inches wide,
Special in black Taffeta. Heavy black Taffeta Silk, regular 82.00, 36 inches wide, for
:1.59, on Saturday only.
HOSIERY Fite dozen ladies' black Cotton Hose, in size 8fr only. Three pfirs for ZSc. These
Hose are better than we are selling of 25c regularly, but we are going to clear them out at
three pairs for 25c. This is good only on Saturday.
- I
FIVE DRESS LENGTHS Six-yard ends, at exactly half-price, ot) Saturday only. These range in
price from 75c to 81.00 and will be sold as a special on Saturday for one-half the regular
price. 81.00 for $1e or 75c for 374c. Be sure and see them.
GRASS MATS Saturday sale of heavy Grass Mats. On Saturday we will put on kale these
Grass Mats, They are exceptionally good for bedroom, porch or summer cottage. Reg-
ular 87.00 Mats 9x9 feet for ale. Regular 85.00 Mats 6x9 feet for $4.29. Regular
$3.00 Mats i}x7 feerfor $2.5I.
LACE CURTAINS A large quantity of Lace Curtains, up to 83.00, on Sat111rday at $1.29 a
This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons at 1 o'clock during July and August
before US those high Ideal* for which we att�ve to record this week the death
ought to strive. and pointed out by word and
example the straight path of duty we s.4 oughta well-known resident, in the person
to tread, we realize. and will more fully realize. I of Mr. James Griffin, of the 10th con
(+ we gore on. erssinn, who passed away on Wednes-
We know that the beat Inteewvtr of our
Wallies -
church. it. Sunday .drool and h. various u• day, 18Lh, at the age of seventy-three
Ilwe,sa.tlon. have had our oon+tont at• cotton. years. Mr. Griffin bed been taking
'be members or the Junior Bible eta• cannot treatment at London for about •
exprea their appr.clatfon ter their te.cner. I month, tut returned home a week be -
1 het f.d [bat they aura forever ludabted to Atm'
fur his start bete to thew. fore his detrth. He was a native of
Not oozy is our congregation loosing a salted I Ashfield and had lived here practically
les tor, but we owl that u. r co•nutunity L+ all his life. He is survived by his wile,
ostntacitiz•w who at all throes showed that
he had IU 104 iat.reM- .t scurf and who ac. one sou, Tiruuthy�asf the Lake Shore
ttvely participated in even moveweut that
would add to Its happiness. road, and three 1.ughttlM, Mitis An -
we oousttatulabe the congregation over IIIc. at hMauriceoe; Mrs. Maurice Dalton
whom you are to preside, and the community and Mre. %Vitt Clare, of Aehlield. The
tonerel service took place ut St.
are very fortunate, indeed. in obt.Inina your Jo.e h'. church on Fridaymorning.
particularly at thin time : for. when D
this awful war Is over and our Dominion las Rev. Pettier McCormick officiating
getber .Its the other nauou*iof the world. is The pallbearers wert•eI� Mere. Michael,
undergong reorganization. the communis Con. and JnbII O'Reh11 . John Court -
will have in yon a leader and teacher who willy
hold before them that high aloud aril of duty ney,John Griffin and John McNamara.
and those ideals its followiog of which will There was a large ettridaoce at the
a -I
make them of Brest ..ta,:ce in helping to K
di,ect the feture of our b loved country 10 the funeral, including the following from
sirs' court.*. (iodericb : Mr. and Mfg. Jae. Dalton,
�tefore we say !rood. bye we ask you to a 'ept Mr. and Mrs.. Jos. Griffin, Messrs. John
fre in u. as • small token of our e.teem and of
our best wiebe* Inc you and Mrs. loiter and Lavin/tn. John Griffin and John
naugnter In your new charge. this put -e. to be Murchison. From a distance came
isit *ted tothearst baby born in the new man...MarstatMr. Michael Griffin and Mn. U.
ihat et 0,rby L.l g. and our .me, . payer O'Connell, of Ma uette, Mich., hrnth-
IlAttiod my slimy. be with you end your..t'9
tense on behalf of the Junior Bible claw er and sister of the deceased, and Mre.
nd Kuotoongregation. Auburn. Jer. Flynn. of 8udt Ste. Marie, •
Torre was a large attendance at sister.
Knox oburch on Sunday morning to
hear- Mr. Leing's farewell .ertnon. DUNGANNON.
The departing pawn- gave an ex'xl• •■ OST. -ON SATURDAY, JULY 21,
lent discourse, wbicb was beard with t • child'. lock -t sed chain with the name
profound atteutiop. He leaves on "Edith' «,gn,.ee on the lock•c, stn tee
Thursdayfor his new home at Ford• leder vlra"" at the baks.nopp and be re
warder/ warded t MBA. N. J. TKELaAVIC N. 71-1.
wib,A and will carry with him toe 1wt'Ranar, July 2s.,
Anhyrs and vicinity. !
Ginnie heat;y good web.. of the people of RED Flit. DAT.-Werinee-
TILE 141D CROSS PICNIC. The- picnic =uponday as the dotAugust e hof Dunbeen
noon'., civic
grounds are being rounded pto shape• holiday, and the dwv will he observed
for the big event of Wednesdby next, 1,y a monster Red Orosr field day et
August 1st, and everybody is expecting the Agricultural grounds. The event.
a good time. The program includes of the day will include a oroerem of
something to pisses everyletxly, old or games and races, b tseb.1i matches,
young, and we•. expect to see a great etc., a Red Cries supper to he served
crowd gather t{oos all points a the I,y the Women's Institute, a play to
-Compiss D• rendered in the evening by' the
i.EEljt1RN. ( B•!graye Dramatic Club, aud, to con -
L8. elude, an Olde Tynie donee. Alto-
TaU.aDAT, July I wether it will he a day loo to be re-
Tffa GARDEN PANTY. -The grounds membered. Be sure to keep Wed-i1
of Mr.' Arch. Horton, of the Lalw' needay, Augest In. fret for Uungsn-
Sbore road, presented a pretty at11d non's great Red Cross field day. For
animated appearance Iasi everting, further particulars of the program see
when the garden party of Iwerburn the bills.
church was held there. There was a
fairly good attendance and it being
a hot night the retreshment booth
wee well patronised. The G.rderidb
band gave a lumber of belectiens
which were mt»h enjoyed.
in whicht
you are o lite, for wefeel that c they
WiDN*$DAY, July 26.
t1Mr. T. C. Trethewey, of Cobalt, is
visiting at Col. Varcoe's.
Mr. Ainsley, of Wingham, who has
just teturoed from Regina, is visiting
at the home of Mr: ano Mrs. John
Kenzie and Henderson, sons of Rev.
Colin Young, of Alberta, are spending
their vacation with Mr. H. M. Young
and other relatives in this vicinity.
The senior Bibb class of Smith's Hill
church met on Tuesday evening to
have • little farewell with Rev. A.
Laing, who leaves Wednesday for his
new appointment at Fordwich and
Oorrie. During the evening Mr. Gor-
don Young preee.ted Mr. Laing with
• purse of money as a token of appre-
ciation of his past work as leader of
the clam \Ve with Mr. and Mrs.
Laing every success la their hew field.
(JARDaN PAtu'T.-A patriotic gar-
den party, under the auspices of the
8t Au eetine Women's institute, will
Ise held at the home of Mr. Wm. Rob-
inson, rib concession of Etat Wawa -
nosh, on Thursday, August 2nd. Tea
will be served horn 6 to 8 o'clock,
after which a p' ngrwnt of music,
speecbee. etre„ will he given by flr.t-
class talent. Admission 25c and 15r.
Rverybody invited.
Mo mcAv. July 23.
A few from here motored to Brute
last Sunday, will' the usual pleasure.
Mr, and Mn. Mot Ran Dalton and
the Misses Helennd Antoipette have
returned home after spending a few
days at Whitley.
Vierroaa.-The following have re
nenil visited hers : Mrs.J.Flynn,Mrs,
D.O'Ooonell, ifr.M. Giffin, Sault Ste.
Marie ; Mrs. T. Griffin and baby, Ted,
Mies (iertie Joe, Mr. Win. ton.
Detro; Min Pauline O'Reilly, Miss
Rost O'Connor, Toronto ; Miss Rose
O'Reilly, Mr. Horan* O'Hearn, Strat-
ford ; lir. D. Do.0.11? D.evr ; Mn.
P. Ryan and Joan Griffin, Godsrinh.
Taa LAT' JAMES Uatrri,.-Ws
WED. DAT, July S.
Pte. Keith Rime, of the C. A. 9. C.,
was home this week oni, last leave.
Miss Elizabeth Prnud�t, of De-
troit, is visiting Mise Nina Driver this
We are pleased to hear tbat Clifford
Sturdy, the young son 0( Mi. and Mrir.
Reg. Sturdy, who has been on the sick
list, is improving.
Mise Farrow, Mir M. Cur en, Mies
M. E. Cameron. Mrs. Jas. C , Mn.
Alex. Davidson, Mrr. Goldtho . sr.,
Miss R. Aitken, Miss M. Aitken, Miss
Nellie Catling, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. . o
R.,twrtmnn, 2 pairs each ; Mrs. J • •
T•gertlfort Albert), Mr.. Souffle
firs, Jennie Mr Meth. Mr.. J.C. Milian.
hire. Wur. Mair, Mrs. D. Bell, Mies
McIntosh, Mi.. Lawrence, Mese 8.
Dark. Mrs. Rhyne', Miss C. Dark.
Mrs. W. Lee, Miss M. Dark, Mrs. J.
Newcombe, jr., Mrs. Hen Hoggartb.
Mn. H.J. A. McEwao, Mr*. Aitken.
Misr C. Leon,. Mt P. Leckie, 1 pair Saab.
Saltford Branch.
The Saltford branch of the Red
(:rose Society packed at Goderieb. ow
July Idtb, 87 pairs of wicks, knitted by
the following : M r.J Bown, 10 pairs ; _
Mrs. A. J. Goldthorpe, 7 pain; Mrs.
D. Connell, 6 pairs ; Mrs. Oliddo.. 5
rain ; Annie Bisset, 4 pain ; Mrs.
Sender.on, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Hulas.
Mrs. H. Morris, Mrs. f3. Bisset.. Mrs.
J. Bisset, May McManus, Mn. N. Bis-
set, Mrs. Correll.:i pain each ; Mn. J.
McLean, Mary Uliddon, Hrs. iiitjhs.
Annie Buchanan, Mee. W. McLean,
Mr*. J. Walter, Mrs. McRwen, Mn.
J. 8.11. Mrs. Daw, Margaret Bisset,
Mn, Bax 2 prix- each ; Haael
Syrnntonds, M,.. W. Syunuoode, Mr-.
Lipper. Mr.. Adams. Grace I1,wa,
Mn. P. W alter. 1 pait each.
t !
Hern's Grocery
Many thanker are due the following
contributors of socks : Mrs.. Miner
and the Mieaes Tr,iner, Chezy, N. Y„
24 pairs ; Mn. Jas. Uordon, 6 pairs;
Mrs. Henry Bonito', Mrs. 8. Andrews,
Mee. Ben Saulra. 6 pair. each : Miss
8hirray, Mrs. W. E. OrAhem, 4 pair.
each ; Mrs. 1M1-. 1. Horton, Mrs.
Wood.. Mrs. thinly, Mr.. Sher nen,
Miss Whitely. Mre, Jlnhn Sturdy, 3
pairs each ; Miss Bill, Mi -a B. Porter,
Berry season has again
arrived. We can supply
you with Berry_ Boxes,
Crates and Fruit Baskets.
We have Pyrex Trans-
parent Oven Glassware.
Try it -it's fine.
The use of Neal'sAloafa
Bread means economy in
• the home. We have it
fresh each day.
Corner Namilton6t.
and Square
Phone ss.
• •
for Saturday Only
• - - •
• half or whole, per pound
• ••
• Phone 2
Oa The Square :•