HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-26, Page 3•
1 HE
JJ PATH, sp•dali.t in women's and chit
tree'. dl,sa.w, acute, �hrortic and nervous Ms
orders. eye. ear, nose and throat, partial deaf
ea., lumbago and rheumatic condition*. Ade
wild. remove] without the knife. Office at
residence, corner Nelson and St- Audrew'a
Weise. At home office Mondays, Thursdays
sad Saturdays: any evening by ap olotowat.
unduate Twooto U iversity. Graduate
OO�y s k.dlsso of Dental
8.0sea,ar to the let
roar Berme and W
M� Pete. Offices
street. Ooderieh.
Boa R.!fe licit. All Instructions by mall
or left at/'l8sltfsnal omce will be promptly at
ended to. Residence telephone 115.
' Starling Hank Block, Hamilton 8.rset,
e�mtot Telephone let
Seel timate Leans arta lawraaee.
donne on the 8yaere. second door from Ham -
B iro .1uMt Godericb.
Yrivate funds to loan at lowest ratan.
W. Picot:nruter, K.U. J. L Kli.1ORAN
H. J. D. Coutts
solicitor. notary public. lidless Strew. Oodertcb, third door fr.
Snuare. At Clinton Murcia; of each week ke
sone, on Albert btreet occupied by Mr.
H ooper. Uma hour. U. a.m. to ` p.m.
RISTut attorney, anlielter. etc-. Gods
Meer/ to lend at lowest rates
O.). Rime tary Public and Conveyancer.
a (: R A N C• li u 0.-rarm and ieoleted
tewo property insured.
Um mere -Jas. Connolly, Pres.. Ooderleb P.O.:
Jae. Kraus,Vine-Pier.. lieethwood P. 0.;
names it. lays Sec.-Treas.. Heefortb P. 0.
Dlreore-D. Ir. McGregor. Seatortk ; John
1, ureive. Winthrop ; « swam Rion Constance;
John Heuneweie, lirodhegec ; Geo. McCartoey,
Oeafor tb ; Robert Ferris. klarlock ; Maloolin
Meg;weu, Brumfield.
Agent.: J. W. Yeo, (ioderirb : Abs.
Legal, Clinton ; William Cberne , Seatertb :
L Blnchley, Seatorth. Policyholders con pay
aresemente and get their Dards reosipted at
R. J. Mortirk's Ulotdlnit Ston, Clinton, ft H.
CaU.'s Grocery. gler.too etrse4 Oodortob, or
J. H. field's General Store, Bayfield.
20,000 PRIVApATplEy to MFU, 0, NTO
loan. DS CAM -
• N. Barrister Hamilton street Goderlcb.
Irma AND LIUMTSrwm 1 British, Cumuli/in and
Aoourawr 81011/116111 A/10 M
n EPIATW' Lraan.
rrr : T81011/116111 he Ocean Aoctdeot and Guarantee
Corporation Limited. of London. Eng.
!FIDELITY awn tIULIUwraa Bosons : Tee U.S.
indent, and Gua -twee Company.
(Jmos at rsaMsnoe, orthe•st isomer of Vic-
toria and at. David's streets. 'Phone 17r1
Patents, Trade larks,
Secured in All Countries.
Write for fres book "PATENTS PROTTA'-
THAN, Tells all about and how to get. pat
nota BABCOCK it SONS. e..tabtlehed 1,.17
formerly Patent Umes Izaminsr, Masseof
Patent hews, Reai,tered Patent Attorneys
rte., CB St. James Street. Mont. real. Branches -
Ottawa and Washington. Representatives In
all foreign countrlm.
Brophe) Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders direfully attended to
at all biome, night or day.
Around Town.
The clearing of the wends and
"docks" from the side, of the sweets
has made • great improvement and
with the lawns looking neat and green
the streets have taken on a tidy ap-
The Town Band.
What hes become of the weekly
band concerts in the Square ? So far
this season none have been held. The
band is Mill in existence, although de-
pleted in numbers, but I believe there
are a sufficient number of members
left to he able to hold these concerts.
The concerts were very much aperel
elated by the townsfolk. as well as by
vieitors, as evidenced by the large
numbers that turned out to listen in
former years.
Hint to tie Musical Society.
If the reason for the discontinuance
of the concerts is through lack of
musicians, may 1 suggest to Iba Mus-
ical Society that more players be re-
cruited and trained ? There must be
quite a number of would-be musicians
who would be only too glad to learn
to play some instrument and bythis
means the band could be brougt up
to full strength. It is a pity to let this
institution drops, for even in war -time
music still holds • charm. At the
battlefront the soldiers welcome the
sound of the band after • spell in the
Augwt 4th.
This date, the third anniversary of
the war, is to be a day of natiocal re-
ligious observance all over the Do-
minion, when the churches will hold
services for thoee who have fallen and
for the safety of our forces on land
and sea. So far no program has Leen
outlined for the event by the 1o0a1
churches. but it is certain they will
take part. '
An Eye-opener.
The recent report of the commission
on the high cost of living has
brought out some glaring facts which
should not go unheeded by the Gov-
ernment. The alleged five million
dollars' profit on bacon alone should
be enough to start them on the tracks
of other "profiteers." No one objects
to bearing some of the burdens of
war, but people do object to filling the
pockets of unscrupulous companies
who play havoc with the people's food,
A Necessity.
The letter from Mr. Keith Revell in
a recent issue of The Signal, urging
the appointment of a district represen-
tative of agriculture, is one which
should meet with the approval of the
county council. The appointment
would wean &whole lot to the farmers
of the county in solving the problems
with which they are continually con-
fronted, troth on the land and in the
raising of stock. it is to be hoped that
the county council will discuss the
matter at lee next meeting and if poe
slide reconsider its previous decteron.
The Beat Newspaper
In Western Ontario
the bonbon
All Moll Editions SP Per Year
The Story of the Stairs
Every time you go up stairs you can
test your state of health -the cond i t ion
of our blood.
o you arrive at the top of the stain
breathless and distressed? Does your
heart palpitate violently? Do you
have • pain in your side ? Perhaps
you even have to stop half way up,
with limbs Li -enabling and head dizzy,
too exhausted to go further without
renting. These are unfailing signs of
anaemia. As soon as Your blood be-
comes impoverished or impure the
staircase becomes an instrument of
tot tore. When this is so you are unfit
for work ; your blood is watery and
your nerves exhausted. you are losing
the joy of an active life and paving the
way for a further breakdown and de-
cline. In this condition only one thing
tan save you. You must put new,
rich. red blood into your veins without
further delay and so build up yotlg
health 'anew. To get this new, rich
blood give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
fair trial, and they will give you new
vitality, sound health, and the power
to resist and throw off disease. For
more than a generation this favorite
medicine has been in use throughout
the world and has made many thous-
ands of weak, despondent men and
women bright, active and strong.
Yeu can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine,
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
hones for $2 50 from the Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Oot.
Atter Taking Only One Box 01
EAR Sale Haasoca, N. S.
"It is with great pleasure that I write
to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1
have received from taking "Fruit-a-
tives". For years, I was a dreadful
sufferer from Coeslipalioe and Head-
aches, and 1 was miserable in every way.
Nothing in the way of medicines seemed
to help me. Then I finally tried
"Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was
splendid. After taking one box, I feel
like a new person, to have relief from
those sickening Headaches".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.5O, trial size, 250.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
s -Hoes Limited, Ottawa.
(honors). Inez McNichol, Howard Mit-
chell (honors), James Nolan, Cecil
Somers (hr-norel, Archie Stewart. An-
drew Turnbull (honor.), Mae Vodden,
Marguerite Wilton, (bonore.
Marjorie Ashton (honors), Orma
Corbett, Anson Demmerling, Milton
Dewwerling, Catherine Foster, Harold
Kranicb, Huth Leonard, Ruth McKen-
zie, Freda Williamson, Esther Hard-
ing, Harry Rogers.
Harry Allen, Beryl A.hton, Lillian
Dane (honors). Violet Day, Elsie
Doubledee, Fred Doubledee, Jennie
Eerie, Leslie Fortune (honors.). Ches-
ter Gilkinsen, Alice Herrie, Gordon
McDonald, lima Nash (I...rrorb), Mar-
garet Page (honors), Williaw Roes
(honors), Emerson Sherri. James
Thomson, Harold Weir (honors),
Kathleen Westlake, George Wylie,
Annie Musgrove, Lillie Vittie.
Henry Aitchison, Mary Allen, James
Allen (honors). Archie Anderson, Ev-
elyn Angus, Maud Bell, Hide Bennett,
Nellie Boardman, William Currie,
Jack lievideon, Ella Dobie, Doris
Fells (honors), Alba Galbraith, Harry
Gannet (honors). 01110 Hamilton,
James Hardie, Vietta Hill, Gaviu
Holmes, Sydney Holwes, Oswald Hut-
ton. Alice Imlay, Gordon Irwin, Ma-
bel Johnston, Velma Johnston, Aileen
Kennedy (honor*), Editb Kew, Jervis
Lutton, Irene McDowell, Annie Mc-
illwain, Edwin Martin, Harold Mille,
Harcourt Mundy, Allan Munro, Mary
Nether by. McIntyre Pierson (honors),
'David Perry, Clarence Pocock, Mentit
lReid, Eul•lia Rever, Margaret Robert-
son, Mary Robertson, Stanley Robin-
! son, Thelma Sanderson (bonors),Aggie
Mtonebouse, Laurette Sturdy. Rett's
Turvey, Jean Vanatone1honorsl, Mary
R• *Ionian, Kathleen Wilkinson, Ag-
nes Williamson (horn~), Clayton
More Than One Way.
"When the Indian gets hungry be
tightens hie belt."
"So do 1. My belt is ever so much
tighter after I've eaten.'_
- Or a Plate of Beans.
Beggar -I don't ask for money, mis-
ter -what 1 want is food. I. suppose
er haven't got a hot dog about yer ?
Tflfs(la the Life.
A New Yorker has received from his
younger brother, who ie serving kis
couutry in the Ofirerz Reserve Corps
at Madison Barracks, the following
succinct but highly descriptive letter :
"Dear Bill, -This is the life. Noth-
ing to do between 10 o'clock at night
and 5 o'clock the next morning. Yours
affectionately, JoHN."
Of the separate school candidates
Mary O'Leary stood highest with 542
marks, ; of the Public School candid-
ates Ernest Edge was highest with
532 marka ; Grace Kerr, of McKillop,
was highest in the inspectorate with
662 marks to her credit.
Fred Archibald, Malcolm Arm-
strong (honors), Anna Atkinson (hon-
ors), Beth Barton (honors), Florence
Beattie, Melvin Blanchard (honors),
Evelyn Oaidno, Anona Dale (honors),
Gretta Dennison (honors), Adam
Dodds, (honors), Lloyd Dodds, Ernest
Edge (honors), Reid Edmunds (hon-
ors), Ivan Forsyth. Billie Greig (hon-
ors), Velma Hoist (honors), Gordon
Hays. Jennie Hogg (honors), Mary
Hogarth, Grace Kerr (honors), Susie
Latimer, Fergus Mackay, Grace lc -
Lean, Cyril Mervyn, Harold McNJfh,
Florence McQuaid, Davis Morrison
(honorel, Bertha O'Connell, Mary
O'Leary (honors), James Scott, Garret
Hillery, Elva Staples, Eva Strong, Ger-
ald Stewart, Myrtle Tasker, Ruth
Thompson (honors), Jame, Upsball,
Muriel Wankel, Lawrence Webster,
Blanche Wheatley, Edison Wright.
At this centre Marguerite Wilton
made the highest marks, 684 ; Mary
M,:Nab, No. 8, Morrie, made the next
highest. 535.
Clarence Anderson, Harriet Bolger,
Harry Bolger, Eesa Burgess (honors),
Islay Crawford, Cameron Dennis (hon-
ors), Margaret Hanna (honors). Mur -
lel Hoover (honors). Grace Knecht'',
Helen MaeQuarrle, Lillian McArter,
Verna McCall, Margaret, McDonald,
Mary McNab (honors), Sadie McNair
Toronto Cattle
Toronto Cattle
Moto* heavy steers ...$11.00to$11.60
Butchers' choice handy .11.00 11.76
do. good 9.60 10.00
do. common 8.60 1.00
Butchers' bulls, choice9.00 0.60
do. good 7.00 8.00
d9. medium 7.00 7.60
Butchers' choice cows8.00 8.35
do. good 7.00 7.50
do. medium 0.26 7.00
Feeders, 500 to 1,000 lbs. 8.60 9.26
do mrd., 100 to 800. 7.1$ 8.26
Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs. 7.00 8..6
do. medium 0.00 6.60
Canner( " 6.00 6.00
Milkers, good to chotce90.00 120.00
do. com. and med40.00 80.00
Springers . 40.00 120.00
Calves, veal, choice 13.00 15.60
do. medium 10.60 11.60
do. common 6.00 8.60
do. grams 6.00 7.00
do. heavy fat 8.00 10.60
Spring lambs, cwt. 15.00 17.00
Sheep, yearlings, choice
clipped . . 10.00 11.00
Sheep, ewes. light, clip-
ped .. 8.50 9.60
do. heavy and bucks. 6.60 7.60
do. culls 4.00 6.60
Hogs, fed and watered.16.75 00.00
do. off cars 16.00 00 00
do. f.o.b. 15.00 00.00
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesalers are paying:
Eggs -
Current receipts, cases
turnable .. $ .36 to $ .86
Butters: -
Creamery solids .34 .35
Creamery prints .36 .36
Dairy .. .28 .30
Live Poultry-Bupfng price deliver-
elivered Toronto.
Chickens, spring.. .20-.22 .25-.30
Hens; under 6 lbs. . - .26 .20
Hens, over 6 lbs. ,,,-, .18 .20
Roosters .. .14 .16
Duck, . . i .10 .00
Ducklings .. 15 .26
Turkeys . . x.16 .18
Wholesale prices to, the retail trade:
Eggs, ex -cartons :40 to .00
Butter -
Creamery solids 37j% to .38
Creamery prints, freshr€8 .39
Choice dairy prints .34 .36
Ordinary dairy prints .32 .33
Bakers' .. .28 29
,Cheese -New. large, 23c; twlni,
3314c; old, large, 30c to 31c; twins, 31c.
, Beans -Japanese, hand-picked. bush-
el, 97.60 to $8; Canadian, hand-picked,
bushel. $9.25; prime, $8.78.
Peas -Dried, bushel, $4.50 to $5.
The Restless Sex.
Robert W. Chambers' great new
novel in Cosmopolitan is making a hit.
Everyone is talking About it. 1f you
haven't started 'The Reette.s Sex,"
begin with the eerond instalment in
August Cosmopolitan.
You 11 find the story of Stephanie
Quest o e of the most abet rbingnovels
you bar ever read. it is one of Mr.
C'hamb rs'_Ueet works.
1t ie not only a novel of ingenious
plot construction, but it is a great oar-
rative of a girl's struggle against man-
made conventions.
Get August Cosmopolitan today.
It is full of great stories and great
pictures by the foremost writers and
artists of today.
The Whole Gamut.
Mayor Mitchell said at a dinner in
New York :
"insurance rater, now that we're at
war, will naturally go up. i hefted
the other day about a young fellow
who went to an insurance agent and
said :
" 'i'd like to bake out a policy,
Very good, sir,' said the agent.
'Sit down and have a cigar. Now,
thou, what kind of • policy do you
want to take out -life, fire, huiglary,
accident. murder, drowning, assasstn-
ation or marine ?'
"'1'11 take the whole caboodle of
them.' said the yo.mg mar.. 'ism going
to try to cross to (3ngland through the
U-boat blockade."'
Toronto Grain Markets
Toronto Board of Trade market quo-
tations: -
anitoba Wheats -Track. bay ports,
No. 1 northern, $2.64,4, nominal; No.
3 northern, $2.61%.
Manitoba Oats -Track, bay ports,
Mb. 2 C. W., 87%c.
American Catas,es No. 3 yellow,
Ontario Wheat -50 2 winter, 62.65
to $2.60, according to ft -1010w atlteide;
No. 3 winter, 91.53 to 12.68.
Ontario Oae-No Quotations.
Barley -Malting, nomtaal.
Rye -Nominal.
Manitopa Flour --First patents. in
Jute bags. $12.90; second patents,
$12.40; strong bakers'. $12.
Ontario Flour --Winter, mew, track,
Toronto, prompt shipment, according
to sample, 111 to 911.10.
Mllifeed--Carlota, de1.We:ea, Mon-
treal freights; Shorta, %40 to 941;
bran, $35; mladltf1r4 $44to 946; good
feed flour, per bal. $3.56.
Hay -Track, Toronto, extra No, 1,
$12 to $14.60' mlztd. $9 to 911.
8trair-L'a lots, 19.50 to $9.
THURSDAY, JAW( 26, 1917 3
• •
• •
• ''.�-�' } •
• - - - •
• •
• •
:Dr.1iaeger Woollen System •
• gyp, .l
• r V6'e have taken the agency for the celebrated Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Woollen
• System and are showing a complete range of these high-grade goods, including
• adies', men's and children's Undergarments, Sweaters, Spencers, Scarfs, Travelling
• Ruuglss,,~Bootees, Infantees, and all knitted goods. These goods have only to be seen to
• be appreciated.
Demme Meats-1Nhp'male
Toronto w lesale honare quot-
ing to,the trade e e ae tollowd:
Beef, forequarters, cwt$12.60to$14.60
do. hindquarters ... 118.00 30.00
Carcase(•e, choice -.r . 16.60 17.00
do. common ........ 13.50 16.50
Veal, choice 18.00 20.00
do. medium 12.00 14.00
Heavy bogs .. 17.00 18.00
Shop toga 21.00 22.00'
Mutton, tight 16.00 17.00
do. hear? 12.00 16.00
Lambe, yearling 21.00 22.00
Spring lambs, per Ib.28 .30
Cheese and Butter Market,
Cowansvtlle, Que.-Fifteen, factories
offered 1,190 packages of better, and
one factory 28 boxes of cheese. Elev-
en factories cold butter at 3fi%c. Four
factories did not sell. Cheese sold at
8t. Hyacinthe, Que.-126 packages
butter were boarded, and sold at 35r;
1,225 boxes of cheese were boarded;
all sold al 20'4c.
London, Ont. -1,950 boxes of cheese
offered; six hundred sold at 201fac.
Vankleek Hill, OnL-1,663 boxes of
white and 60 boles of oolored cheese
boarded. Alt sold a t20%c.
Belleville, Ont. -2,030 boxes of
wnite were uttered; 1,000 acid at 21c;
balance at 20 16 -Ile.
Mont Jon. Que-100 boxes of butter
were sold at 3 e, and 260 boxes of
cheese were sold at 2044c.
Chicago Live Stook
Cattle -- Receipts, 2,000. Market
steady(. Beeves, 18.40 to $14.05; west-
ern steers, 98.65 to 911.60; stockers
and feeders, 96.16 to 99.40; oows and
heifers. 95.50 to 912; calves, 110 to
$14.76. Hogs -Receipts, 1,000. Mar-
ket steady; light, 914.10 to 916.80;
mixed, $14.06 to 91646; heavy, $14 to
$16.06; rough, 914 to 914.28; pigs.,
111.26 to 114.60; balk ot sales, $14.86
to 915.25. Sheep -Race$ ta, 7,000.
Market steady. Lambe. neialve, 110 to
Beet Buffalo Cadge
Oat tle-lieneipta, 6 ears. Mea*.
steady. Hogs Awaked. 30 care.
Market lower. Beetq, ria 70 to
116 704 pigs. 111. !Sheep-- Reoetpta, 2
can. Market steady Top limbo.
116 60 to 111.76; yearltags 911 to
912 84); wethers, $10 to 916 261 ewe
99 to 60.60. Cause--Rsr.ipta, 70
Market slow. Tops. $16.96; fair
good. 914 to 914.76; fed calves, 05
• r: Kayser Silk Gloves
• 1 Our stock of Kayser guaranteed Silk
• Gloves is new cc n,plete in every size, in
• black, white and colors, at
• i5c, $I.co and $I.25 pair.
• 71
Old Bleach Towels
ust a ft* dozen pairs of these ex-
• cellent Towels left. All pure linen with
• fancy damask ends. All marked at old
• prices. These are very scarce goods
• and cannot be rereated. Prices from
• $I.00 to $2.50 pair.
• F
• as;Clearinlg all Summer Parasols
▪ J All our Summer Parasols that are left
• are being cleared out at sweeping re-
• duttions for speedy sale.
• PHONE 56 ]'Vlillar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 •
•• •
Radium Ankle Silk Hose
Special value Radium , Ankle Silk
Hose, even weave, very sheer, in white
and black.
50c pair.
Infants' Socks
All sizes now in stock, in white, black
and tan and white with colored tops.
Per pair 25c.
White Skirts
Splendid showing of White Wash
Skirts, in Pique, Repp, Gaberdine, etc.,
in the very latest styles.
From $1.25 up.
Our store will close Wednesdays during July and August at 1 p. m.
A Poet From The Railwayl
Mr. C. J. Dennis and
Ttin; dangers of the Mediterranean
routs between Australia and
l6ngland have induced a large
number of Australians to pass
through Canada, who otherwise
might never have known thea coun-
try, and have brought Australia into
closer sympathy with the Dominion
than ever before. Canadians also
have learned to appreciate the An-
saca, and the inrreaeing trade ba
tween the.. two junior partnere d
the British Rewire, aa ehown in the
mooed traffic of the Canadian Awe
tralastan arouse. to one ret the bright
meas of this war. 1 There air many
pointe of r-mmmon touch --both are
vast ronntrtee melons for gseater
population and both are on the whole
sti11 mainly ag iwahurtb. The rout
varsity, Memo* of na6Md news from
Australia t. Canadian papers ta, bow`
ever. a baadfnap against the know-
ledge of each ether's social problem*
and program and L.Mtretlan autimee
are as little k'no'wn in Canada ati
Canadian writers ere in the And -
One Mat Of Australia 1a, however,
swag l NAL h610 6001 60/2r7111
his home In thebush at Toolangi, Victoria, N.S.W.
to be even better 100WD-00 viHd a
picture does be give of the Aus-
trallan larrikin in the terse vernacu-
lar of Adelaide. "Doreen and the
Sentimental Bloke," which In Its
own country hue run Into Mm hun-
dred thousands and has been pot tato
a pocket edition for the soldiers in
the trenches, threassoe to rival oven
Robert Service (who like hi=
owes much to Kipling) in the
tine of the Venadfao reader. and
thensgh 'The Monde of Qinwar Mick,"
whish has made a tremendous hit in
Anstrall•, hsa not yet been pttbtieed
in this nriontry, stray coolie pass
Nom Saud to hand sad ass greatly
treasured. Clanger Vick to a peddler
of rabbits' who vo*seess for the
♦root and dies lltos )sero at (tallf-
pelt. lasasls' ' 14.11.4,.,"
ye et *a p•airo d the Les-
boi era Me emeI le 1 eoaretry
dtstsk+t� M of eiea
il.eniart�mote "]bre,." to the bosh
d Ty 1• bar 1t Nanalttrietoriny tsakar he had
grown fled of being a Aoyerament
nAlrial sod a n•w,p.v0r editor.
Jolt Y the evly days of 000atrao•
tion of the Canadian Pacific Railway
attracted mea of all classes, some of
which, such as Marley Roberts and
Frederick Niven: have shros toads
their mark in IMervture, so the build-
ing of the Australian railways pro-
vided a job at one time of his career
for C. J. Dennis, who as • man handy
with the ase and saw was able after-
wards to draw pay m a rarpe•ar.
lite father was a setbed ma captain
and a ho$slkeeper with small appreci-
ation of poetry. At one of the rocki-
est periods of his earner tete post
wired the publerao "Send ten ,moues.
go�rg Became HSI," to witch hie
ether palled "Heading nothlsg, go
to Hen." in spite of this lack of
EtD•thy, Denote Mauna editor of
"Adelaide critic," wait& be left
to establhh the "Gadfly," • saucy
on the lima alt New Tack
Mr- ?tier paper wag mics seemed
by a etrrrsingra deet ,f esntariSa Met.
Dennis replied that the paper wee
controlled by an Anglfraa, a Roam
Catholle. a Weelyan Methodist sad an
Atheist and gave It as hie opiates
that the Athlete was "the soft ter
ilglo00 man of the lot- I