HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-26, Page 22 Tau . r Mv, Jury 26, 1917
'19a SIGNAL is suet envy Thursday
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Veoant• nit nations Wanted. Hu uses for Sale
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r Pmt., etc., not exoeedlog eight !tee.,, Twenty -
eve Cent. each tu.ertoo : One Dollar for e..1
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Larger mdverti,emente to proportion. A.-
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To CosaxeeoioaNra-The cooperation of
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Laing the name and address of the writer. not
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of good faith New. Items should roach Tex
SIoxaL omos cot later than wedoeeday DODO
of each week.
TUCRSDAY, JUf.Y- lit, I817
Those who look the question square-
ly in the face admit that conscription
of wealth must accompany conscrip-
tion of mean -power. Yet, while the
country is being plunged in strife over
the latter part of the question, the
necessary ,concomitant, conscription
of wealth. is virtually neglected.
Among the working -people of this
country there is ;,onsiderable opposi-
Lion to conscription as a scheme to
save the country for the moneyed
classes by the sacrifice of the lives and
limbo of the common people. There
are. roughly, two branches of war
effort -one. the combatant service ;
the other comprising the varied ser-
vices of supplying the men at the
front with food and munitions and
furnishing the financial means of
prosecuting the war. The soldier goes
forth at a nominal wage and rinks his
health, his limbo and his life, The
people engaged in the other depart-
onent of war effort run no physical
Akita and are well paid for what t ey
do or for what they supply, an
who lends his money for the financing
of the war does not sarriflt•e hitt
wealth : 6e gets it, back with a good
rate of interest. And who will have
to repay them loans and the interest
on them ? The whole people of the
country. includiing the soldiers who
have risked their
Is it any wonder en are slow to
when they kno that. if they
t all after the r. they will
their lives ve to pay
repay the en who
lent their nary
Preen). dog
get back
for the rest o
heavy taxes to
stayed at home aid
to the Government f Is t
fair about. this ?
We tee that Clifford Bifton, a
who has made millions" out, of the
people of Canada. is mit with a letter
advocating cdnscription. The letter is
a strong one,\\giving cogent reasons
for the stand t6tat he taken and wishes
Parliament to take : but, it lacks one
thing. If Clifford Sift,on is as great a
patriot so he asks hie fellow -Canadians
of military age to be, he will say.
"Here, take my millions. every cent.
Not a dollar will i withhold except the
equivalent of the soldiers pension.
Use it as you think it can best be used
for the carrying on of the war."
What an effect such an example of
sacrifice would have ! We can imagine
men by the hundreds saying. 'Well.
if a plutocrat like Clifford Mifton can
impoverish himself for the cause. 1 am
willing to give up my job and risk my
life for the samP cause." Will Clifford
8ifton give such an example of
patriotism ? if he does not. what
right has he to seek to compel others
to sacrifice their lives and the happi-
ness of thole who are dependent upon
The question of conscription of
wealth must be dealt with fairly be-
fore conscription of man power can
with justice be brought into effect.
The Kincardine Reporter is of
opinion that power from Eugenia
Falls would be the right thing for
Kincardine. it says:
Kincardine needs Hydro power. and
it looks as it Eugenia Falb will be the
source of supply. the recant visit of
the county council to Oh.siey was an
eye opener to many. and easeng the
enjoyable and educational features
was the trip to We newly -developed
water power. The water at Rugsela
B rakes a descent of over BOO feet and
develops tremendous power. Only
Otto tweaty-i.rh water wheel has been
en far installed ; hut this single wheel
develops 4,00 btoreep.wer. The power
is being duplicated by the Installation
of s second wheel. watch, of routs..
rata he put in at taunt* less Dost Shoe
the first. The Silg.esaa River la bit &a
insigsifespt stream. heft the .clews
of water power development has be.n
es well applied that it can supply
throughout the year snmethi0R like
forty thatr.aad horsepower wham fully
Mseleped. A data Moore tie falls
coven about tightest' hundred acre..
and there is • maximum depth of sixty
feet of water. During the dry spell
Last summer the operation of the plant
never lowered the water in the dam
more than two inches. and generally
there is Inure going over the spillways
thau through the power wheel.
The people of Goderich have yet to
be shown that the Maitland River
cannot be profitably developed in sim-
ilar fashion, but the Hydro author-
ities et Toronto keep us tied at the
tail end of the Niagara system.
Au official warning has been issued
against the potato blight. Growers
should take the necese•ty action to
save their crops.
(Steps are bring taken in the United
States for the cotuwrvation of gasoline.
A lot of joy -riding may have to be cut
out in this country before the war is
There are slacken and slacker+.
There are thom who have failed to
come forward at the call of the re-
cruiting nether. There are also those
who have failed to do their fair share
in supplying money for war purposes,
The daylight-saving bill had scant
support in the House of Commons and
has been dropped. By the way, wasn't
this one of Lieut. -Col. 'Lewis' pet
schemes a few years ago ? Apparently
he had nothing to say for it when it
was before the House.
We notice' that some newspapers
that (opposed a referendum are now
bewailing the necessity of a general
election. It was not at all difficult to
see. weeks ago. that there ntuat be one
or the other. Sir Wilfrid Laurier'■
policy was d referendum ; the respon-
sibility fora war -time election teats
upon those who rejected the referen-
dum proposal.
The National Service+ Board has
recommended the reduction of the civil
service 'at Ottawa. to the extent of
fifteen per cent.. in the interests of
economy. This would reless 1,7:10
men if the Government follows out
the t?'ectm mendation. Over two years
ago a non-partisan paper published at
Ottawa stated that the civil service
was greatly (overmanned and that
>13,(100,00111 a year could be saved with-
out. impairing the efficiency of the
It is commonly stated that the
prices at which eggs. butter and hogs
are bought from the farmers are arbit-
rarily fixed by such companies as the
\\'illiam Davies Co. of Toronto. Thus
then- is practically amonopoly in both
buying and tolling ends of the business.
If the Government should take over
the business, during war -time at least,
neither producers nor consumers would
suffer. and the war -time profits would
(}n into the public treasury instead of
intopfivate poeketa.
Thus Government is great on com-
miwrions, When Judge Galt reported
unfavorably on Hon. Robert Rogers.
it appointed a commission to report
upon Judge Galt. It appointed Mr.
O'Connor a commissioner to investi-
gate the high coat of living, and when
he handed in a report which reflected
pon some of the Governinent's favor -
another communion was appointed
e•etigate and report upon the
report. It's a sort of endless
will not be broken until
it in a general elee-
chain ich
the peop . break
How President Wilson Hands It Oat.
Calgary Herald.
President Wilson wastes no valu-
able time in handling matters of this
description. in courteous language,
bot quite firm enough not to be non
taken for bluff, be informs ail pro-
ducers and manufacturers of supplies
likely to be needed either by the peo-
ple or by the Government during the
war that they are to sell at prices
which are reasonable. He gsarantees
tbetn fair profit, but warns them that
if they try to exact mon than is fair
they will he quickly and sternly dealt
with. His talk sounds good.
Looking in the Mirror.
Wall Street (New Yorks Journal.
It has more than once been re-
marked abroad that Americana have
an insatiable appetite for praise. We
cannot deny the soft impeachment ;
on the Contrary, it hal become our
settled habit to forestall a possible
shortage of imported appreciation by
turning out. a huge quantity of the
same stuff at home. Is ordinary
Glum the industry may have been
comparatively heroine.. blot it holds
no end of possible mischief for a na-
tion straining under the colossal bur-
dens of this war of wars. Americans
herr never had much use tot pessi-
mism, and they do well to despise it
more ,heartily today than ever. The
point is that their appetite for praise,
particularly for self -prays, Is sure to
get is their way, Its prevent their
speeding up to the necessary war pace,
unless they get it under rsstraisk
We need t o think lees about the mag
nitt:da of what we bare done, which
is atter all only a fair beginning, and
more about hat we have yet to de -
:Goddess:. is ourselves and our
leaden let us have by all mean., hut
there i. inch • thing ae the bli.dnees
of complacency.
Tis c.ld•ster.ge crime.
The CMtei•W Userdlan.
Theo repert presented last week to
the Minister of tabor by the (test of
Living Onmmienion.r, Mr. W. P',
Connor, relative to mold etorag. In
Canada sad its effort upon price*. Ism
not made very pleaaart trading. It
seems to give official and very positive I HusBAND S
proof to what has long . been a sue -
!Natio on the part of wany, that the
holdings of meat and produce in cold
storage in Coach during recent years
have frequently been excessive and al-
together aboorni J, with the result
that hinge dealer, bad a terribly effec-
tive weapon of .peculation in their
hands, which they were not averse to
using, and 'bet pe tees to the consumer
were forced up lar beyond where any
legitimate law of supply and dewand
would take them, We are scatooly
yet in poadessiou of the detail of facts
to enable us to say how much blame
.bould be attached to certain well -
knows" Erma that are charged with
making excess profits that rub into
witlwns, bit we cel fainly are iu a
position to say that uncos,tr,4ilad cold
storage as we have bad it in Oamide is
a crime against this peuple of too big
and brutal • kind to 1 any longer
tolerated, and we are In • poeition to
insist that t ha Government take action
of the wo-t drastic kind. and take it
at mice. The feelings of the public.
made specially sensitive for many
reasons, will sot stand such outrage
auy longer.
Clinton Wants Fish.
Cllutou Newwtteoord.
"We have been exhorted by the
Govrruweut and the newspapers have
luso urguug us to conserve the creat
supply by rating A,h," rental load a
citizen to The News -Record leu Mon-
day, "hut while we are within woe
miles of Lake Huron, which "bounds
with the best fresh fish known to the
world, it is only oc;asiooally that we
can obtain good fresh Ash."
"It is true,' he continued, "that a
man comes out from Bayfield ocoseion-
ally, once a week or gip, selling fish.
He goes to • few customers who buy
regularly and if you heppen to see him
passion your door you way be able to
buy a fish. But we ought to be able
to buy Ash any day without having to
sit down on the doorstep to watch for
the fiehwan."
There is something in this. Fish is
• wholesome and economical food
which nature has supplied us and it
ought to be in the market every day
so that the people would be able to
take adyantage of it. This would
serve the double purpose of conserv-
ing the housekeeping allowance of the
housewife in these days of the high
cost of living and also the supply of
beef, potk and mutton, which will be
needed much wore !.tenon sod which
is needed now to supply the soldiers
in the field. Why could not Clinton
dealers show their enterprise by ar-
ranging for a steady supply of fresh
fish tor the cue of their customers ?
The following story is attributed to
United State. FoodCoatrollel• Hoover:
"If food prices are not controlled
they mount to famine heights. Flour,
for instance, will mount to $20 a bar-
rel nett year.
"Ye., food prices must he controlled
against the profiteer, for there was •
lot of truth in the answer of the little
I. the world round 1' his teacher
asked biro.
'Nome.' he said.
"'Is it fiat, then ?'
" 'Nome.'
' ' )bild, are you crazy ? 1f the
world isn't, round and not Hat, what
in beaven's name, is it ?"
" 'Pogo says it's crooked,' said the
While scores of teachers are being
advertised for at the present -time foe
public and high oehools in all parts of
the Province officiate of the Depart-
ment declare that the situation is not
in the least alarming. "There is
notbing like the shortage of teachers
that there used to be," Hon- Dr. Pyne,
Minister of Education, states. "Ther -
are di?.rent rer.one for the large
number of teacher. being sought at
this perticul+r time (of year. Tor
chief of these is said to be that a large
number of the pedagogues moveabout
at the end of the school term, • none
kis. 25 - TOROI To _ Sept. 10
Mats Thee O.Msarny Prognosis+ kale
0. .
C.esteseCts. sad D..treeebv
Needs ter War
200—PERFORMERS-1 200
Cassia's atery hew Mute to g tts.besd
Drematleallr 1.11
The wry ices sf apereagdar rehire/oat
Judging Competitions s for Young
Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com.
petitions - - Extended Clasifcatiow
and Innovations in All Departmeals
ART—Italian, French, Persian.
AmericanandCanadtan Mssterpiteeee,
MUSIC _t—Iones' Famous Sdowts and a
score of other leading organisations,
raw MNOWDOCI (P NN/ Yl ,d
Greatly enlarged Government Mit
other Ezbibits . War M aY jpt
phases - - Halal Coma - - AsMity
Preen - - Aetta,i els natal - - istUaa
of aerpriaes ii gr fg
sled s thotltlt)r/ iv saws.
AIS '�..litlts Or Ate.m.klp impress leaves Toronto !
1. m. melt Wednesday and !Wordily.
scoots at Port
Stopped Most Terrible Suf
fering by Getting Her Lydia
K Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound.
Denison. Texas. — "After my little
girl was born two years ago I began suf-
fering with female
trouble and could
hardly do my work.
I was very nervous
but just kept drag-
ging on until last
summer when I got
where 1 could not do
my work. I would
have a chill every
day and hot flashes
and dizzy spells and
my head would al-
most burst I got where 1 was almost
a walking skeleton led life was a burden
to me until one day my husband's step-
sister told my husband if be did bot do
something for me 1 would not last long
and told him to get your medicine. So he
got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound for me, and after taking the first
three doses I began to improve. 1 con-
tinued its use, and I have never had any
female trouble since. 1 feel that low.
my life to you and your remedies. They
did for me what doctors could not do
and 1 will always praise it wh.rev.r I
go "—Mn- G. O. Loweav, 419 W.Moo-
terry Street, bison, Texas.
If you are suffering front any form of
female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
comm.ssee the treatment without delay.
of them during the summer vacation
endeavor to secure positions nearer
home, and others seek more remuner-
ative positions elsewhere."
Chicago's B »rd of Itducation has
ordered 40,000 new spelling books t)
take the place of • textbook which
contained a eulogy of Emperor Wil-
Not Lost, But Gone Hefors.
"Don't cry, Marjorie," • little tot
was heard consoling another, "your
balloon will go straight up to Dod and
when you dies you can doe up and det
Colborne Hed Gross Workers.
For the month ending July 17th
the Colborne Red ()roes Workers bave
given in the following work : Id
pairs of socks, 8 suits of pyjamas, 4
shirts, The knitting was done by the
following : Mn. 8. B. Potter, 10
pairs ; Mrs. Jas. McBride, 1 pairs ;
Miss Shephard, 4 pain ; Mn. Wm.
Walter. Mrs. R. Meliwain, Mrs. F.
G Idors, Mn. T. McPhee. Mrs. A.
Young, Mre, Henderson. Mn. Galla-
gher, 3 polio ; Bessie Clark, Mrs,
Geo, Clark, 2 pairs ; Mrs. John
Young, Nancy Gilder., Mrs, Scutt,
Mrs. A- Wilson, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs.
Fisher, Mis. G. Levy, 1 pair each. The
sowing was dome bMinerva Mc-
Phee, 3 suits; via McBride,
2 suite t Mr.. R. - Young, Mn
Fisher, Pearl Young, 1 suit each ;
Mu. Jarvi. McBri4e, 2 shirts ; Mrs.
IGen. (`lark. Mr.. Henderson, 1 shirr.
MRS. 11- FISHER, 8ec'y.
Ripley Boy Had a Hand is Ore et the
Most Stirring Eveata of the War.
A Ripley boy who left the farm less
than two year. ago. being in the em-
ploy of lir. W. B. Wilkinson, and has
since seen stirring events in the navy
an the North Des, including pa rtic,
nation in the heroic actioo of 11 M. 8.
Broke in ramming a German torpedo
Omit off Dover, reached Toronto a few
tags ago, in the person of Leading
seaman Lawrence Kirkham, form-
rly Of Huron township He has
been recommended for a D. C. M.,
and bas been discharged from further
Iuty following wounds in the hip and
.0 the hard.
"Yes, 1 was on the Broke," be said
Wand we hada pretty lively fight."
it will be remembered that the
Hroke and toe Swift, while off Dover,
,in the night, of April 10th last, en-
ountaeted siz ((jj
There was soon+
and the Swift
Broke made a
erman torpedo boats.
quick manoeuvring,
trier and later the
effort to ram and
,ick enemy craft. The Broke
smashed into a Gentian boat, made a
great gash in her side, and while the
o beats were thus entangled a
Darman* boarded the Broke
rid -to -hand fight ensued.
e andmy self,"saodSeaman
ht them with revolver.
steel gun shield for
se we could not
or eldest -ma
Tbere was
and a h
"Nix otbe
R ire nam,"fou
from behind the
twenty minutes, leu
trier these off we took
and went out after them.
• pretty warm time for a whit
those who were not killed jumped
the tea at the point of our sidearm-,
1 myself went too near the railing and
fell oven -board. I was in the sea for
twenty-nine hours, when f wag
picked up by a fishing smack off
Dover. 1 had two Ufeb.lts on, and
was unconscious when i reached
Dover, and afterwards spent some
time in the hospital. The wound in
my hand I received 'risen holding up
my hand to signal that the gun be
Beaman Kirkham relates that some
time previously the torpedo boat on
which he was serving rammed and
sank three German submarines in
one half-day. On another occasion
they brought down a Taisho off the
Kent noaet and found in it a German
who red been a harhee is Shawnee.
for Nve years hetero the war, sad
therefore knew hew to drop the
N4eeman K l(.ham
December, 19
left Ripley in
Delightfully Omit an the Great Lake•,
Port McNicdl, a abort, pleasant
journey via Uanadiae Pacific Railway,
• the gateway to the Great Laken
_sar>v . •
sna.kieR direct Meta
ra el
McNicoll with either steamship Kee-
watin or Aseibiboia for Sault `ate.
Marie, Port Arthur or Fort William,
Particulars fu•utu Canadian Panne
ticket agent. or W. B. Howard, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ont.
What Ne Thought.
llirs. Cody saw the street car ap-
proaching just as she left her bougie.
As dile was in a hurry to get down-
town, she frantic/04 waved tier band
toward it. It prised her, but halted
Wet below the corner and she ran to
get it.
"Why didn't you stop at once, con-
ductor," she asked angrily, "when you
saw me waving my hand?"
"Gee !" exclaimed the man. "I
thought yuu were throwing kisses at
A Stretests Move.
Jack—But why in the neve of good-
ness did you want to elope, anyway ?
Tom—Well, I was in hopes that her
fatuity would never forgive us.
Atlantic sea Coast.
Portland, Maine, and Casco Ba
front th. Utopia of those with
w oderste means; nowhere will a dol-
lar procure mon of seaside pieasutes.
Hotels in city and on the islands iu the
hay are numerous, and an unlimited
number of boarding-houses and cot-
tages are in evidence to suit all classes,
rates reaming from III5 per day to Otis
per week.V Day and night trains from
Montreal, Write or call for full in-
formation on any Grand Trunk ticket
agent, or Mr. C. E. Horning, district
passenger agent, Toronto.
Manager—The heavy van's going
badly tonight.
Stage Manager—Yes, be's trying to
get a free supply of vegetables thrown
at him, 1 think.—London Opinion.
Among the Islands of Georgian Bay.
Why not take a vacation at one of
the very desirable spots among the
islands of the Georgian Bay ? This
district is one of the wonders of a
wonderful region. The archipelago
consists of something like 32.01)0 is-
lands, ranging in size front several
square utiles down to the size of a din -
MA -table. Longe and bass fishing le
exceptionally good in the water of this
district, cud comfortable sod well.
operated botela and boarding-houses
are located at Hooey Harbor, Munni.
cog, Whalen's, Go -Home Bay. Sans'
Souci, Parry Bound and many other
points. The Grand 'Trunk operates
through coaches and parlor library
buffet can from Toronto o Penetatig,
where direct connection i* made with
.termer tor Gee.rgun Bay resorts.
Mull particular from Grand Trunk
t cket agents or C. K. Horning, dis-
trict passenger agent, 'l%rooto.
$11 INFO Ira bum
IIIIIE1S Il hum= ft?
laity lies s'1.e.riset.d - Assw4,efsm
Deer Raodwr-If 14aa do my good In
Ina world for others, 1 wtsh to do it, and
I fed that It is myduty to write about
OW . wonderful resut& I received from the
ms of • Anuric• 1 was suffering from
kidney and bladder ennobles, scalding
arias, backache sad rheumatism, and feet
amid ankles swelled so that at times I
Gould not walk without amtatanee.
ad lakes several different kinds_ot
medies for • bog of Dr. Pierce'all s newest 41.-
♦nnrlic,• which 1 received by
mall ti tablet form I soon got better
amid am coovlaoed that this popular
new medlclos Ls good. I wish to rec-
•matend ft to my neighbors and every -
lady suffering trout such troubles.
Mas M. J. BAraare.
Nota: You've all undoubtedly heard
of the famous [h. Pierce and his weil-
knowa medicines. Well, this prescrtpp
Mos Is sae that has been successfully
used for many years by the physicians
sod speclsUsta at Dr. Pierre's Invalid,'
Noted and
Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
IL Y.. for Woe, complaints, and dis-
eases arising from disorders of use kld-
be7a sod bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, emcees
tion of the kidneys, Inflammation of the
Madder, scalding trine, and urinary
UP lo this Vms, •Anortc• has not
been es sale to use public, bot by the
ppeenrtnasion M many patients and the
I..e.aasd demand for this wonderful
heak Tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally
derided to put It Into the stores, or send
10 cents for large trial package or 50
tents for fall tre•tmeul
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric
Tablets- Then can be no imitation.
Beery package of •Aserie• Y sere to les
Dr. Ptarrr.''.. Yoe win and the stgnatnrs
s's Favvorgite Pyeaciipon
,nth weer-
lemons friend to siltaogs women, and
Dr. Pierces's Golden Medical Discovery,
prove, by years Is be the greatest gen-
eral tonic end reeesstrector for shy
kooaw� 10d en aha hblood-maim
e very Meads, 1111 October mt11,
Alloyed* 144.00
ienaeetee , qAe
•fettle 47.00
Goners 10.73
North raeUNhea
INeiw.. 401040
Frward •, o• ..S
esskatome .
Dauphin .. w-73
Lorne • CaMemir; IMM
Harsh naorftwe 4440
Yeektee . , as.M
►Mites~yy JA wr 41.#
wwftert ALM
sestet... 17.a
Wtaet,.r , - • MAI
. Pee Ttelwts.itessrviitlens, Liters
&tun sad lnterwatIon, srply
J. w Cratere, zseanrtpe. (iet�.t-
sr write R. 1. Pairhatr..
ss iCMg et IL. Toronto.
July a Month of Sales
Wash Voiles, Muslins
and Organdies
Thirty-six to 41) inches wide, in a magnificent assortment,
all colors, in neat and stylish new patterns, also white
and white and black effects. Specially priced now, rang-
ing per yard 1 fan to 115e
Ladies' Sheer Silk Lisle Hose in black or .white, sizes ,;l
to 10. Regular 00c, at per pair Bae
Wash Dresses, Waists,
Middies, Skirts
A select choice and every garment at clearing price.
Summer Corsets
Of good quality white Contil, Crompton's make. Medium
low bust and long free hip style. Sizes 19 to 28. At per
parr bOo and Tao
Gossard Brassiers
We are agents for the famous Chicago Gossard Bra„ler,.
Beautifully made, and they are world-famous. Styles for
slight, medium or full figures- All sires 36 to 44,
Priced .,-....... 7B . $1.00, $1.50
Congoleum Floor Rugs
Select patterns just received in all sizes made in them.
is never questioned
the name is sufficient .�
Those who demand the best
footwear in either men's' ere
women's fine Shoes should
not fail to see the fine shoe-
making and quality of leather
that have so lotig character-
ized ?ell Shoes. The styles
are alwa ys up-to-date and the
pries most reasonable.
Geo. MacVicar
Northside of Square, Goderich
for 'Bus, Livery
and Hack Service
'Buses meet all trains. Passen-
gers called for in any part of the
town for outgoing trains on
G. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt attention to all orders or
telephone calls.
Good horses F est-dass rigs
Telepho.a1 Snrceaaotto T. M. MvI.
• ,•-w.... o • -sus, a,.ars..v...., eu.r.. roue,-,•,w.-
and all kinds of
are right in our line.
on't delay ordering ,
neogenary work done. 1t
will pay yon to have re-
pairs made promptly.
Orders entrusted to ns
receive expert attention.
Narntlten St,.et phone al
Why use coal oil when
yott can have Electric
Lights that will not cost
you ary more aril will
give more light and better
We know how to LET
and will cheerfully fur-
nish plans and estimates
for wiring your home.
JustPhone' 82 er 198
Pi* Tait
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