HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-26, Page 1Printing
THE SIGNAL is ready to
handle your Printing week.
large or am•A, and give you a
satisfactory job every time. Let
us have your nest order.
Telephone 35 The Signal
NIITT-N14(Ere TIMI -Ne rpt
SAVE, Because --
With the thrifty man there le\prosperw
ity for the present and comfort for the
claw peiatursge, with goeQ war, .u/ ble
fete Aprdy ti IL IICMATB, g 74Pv r'
1 Imo'y occupied by W. H. Harriree ant the
other by Janet. F. Thomson. Both-arthe
Hasan. APO" J. P HItOWN. lett
on Gloucester, Terraes, Appl toLPH GRIFFIN. G.oler. 70-14
The following la a lid of properties which 1
have for sale. and on invetoration pre.pecti re
beyere will enol that the prim aro put down
These the peopertled can be perchaaed to
make some money ;
No. L pine red brick house fully modern. In
ssaewm. fell basement. corner Fast and Victoria
• eerests, This I. one of the mon deslrehle prop.
.atter In the town of (lolericb. Pr ire WOO
N► 9. Flee red brick !meas. fully modern,
Ida hit water heating, 7 ro,rm., fell Mermen t.
detemeel wet side V lctarla ellAferie TUM la the
best bey In town. Prim II&
No. 3. New red trick bane, lust b.11t 1919.
electric light end hath. 7 rooms, two toes with
fru trees ked good garden. more available
load 11 desired. situated east side Hence road.
Yeel hay. Pewee/sloe
Ikk.4. Whits Irick. li-story. 7 -roam
ttwd electric light. Good bars. two let.
tMth fruit treee situated oa, t he career of Cam-
eron end Reglan .treele. Prole Vela
No. 5. White brick emote house ea re
�•venleo.e, hot water Sealing. titu sin
living room and parlor. filtrated on the owner
of Nelsom and (4mbna. Price Meta
No. a. Frame souse. I] tory. a ream, two
IOW with fruit tree. Ntemed on the west ode
of WelderM..t. Pricea70e.
No. 7. home, 7 mooed ..d bust*. two
Prim entuated w Wanes street.
Ns, e. Meat w six of the e ee Mtn M
town. -- seselMM/ ear the west sides"
s! Ewn read.
No. A flee of the. e1We0 bendiest 1n(a In
=situated on tio Reemot. Fun eke let.
Several other Inkings ran he had on appllm•
them at the oatee
Number of houses to rent.
Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot-
Wanted to Rent. --Six houses, with all
convenient**, at once.
loanreoce and heel Estate.
(Moe bet wise O. T. R. and C. P. R. Ticket
(Hems Phone 24.
ROOM and kitchen. Hsxbere wane.
W. H. HAINES. British Exchange Hotel.
driving bone for one worth. WILLIAM
green (unripe) currant. �• the *1411e aid
set kinds. Apply at SIONA!. °rm s.
WORK.—A somber of good reliable men
can 'mute 'steady employment. on mutinies
de•forth, 0.1.
+iED teacher for R. S. No. d, boas
townehlp. iutles to oummwre 0aose of Sep
,.ember. 1917. Apply to C. A. Nt) TION.
secreerr. R. R. N0. 5, Goderich. 7144
fCLAM profeprofess.eo
el for hool section No.
p, Aeblleld. Duties, eom nen. September
Slats .al d experience. Apply to
�m�d wry pe
W. W. CLARE. A. R, Se 7, L.okrtow 7411
employment to a number of boys at box -
i -
Teaeker gleno and theoretical work. Pupils
prepared for examination*. Studio. Rt. David's
street pRt
FOR SALooLpppp—dGO-CA1•rR'r, INkriRtiolr--
cLASel ed
sides Also • ashy -walker. Apply EIRE. H. T,
EDWARD& tutu
condition. Apply at IIONAL unglue.
if ton.. Suitable for express
severe or hum work. Pneematk tires In
front. roar axle, the Roswell internal goardrive.
epeed, 11 to a, selln per boor.
One Jltoey auto car. closed body ; to carry
ht pee eneen. Pneumatic tires all round.
Both can be Peen at ow factory or drop u. a
postcard for full particulars and prime of
55 -if Ooderlch. Oo t.
1x 'rue Lamar, or JANET I)OCoLAe . uric 07
ow Hunan. WIDOW. DICILA9*D.
Notice is hereby gives. pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes et Ontario, 1914, cbaptet ILI. that
all creditors and others having clams agalest
lbs .mate of the said Jaeet I loegla..e, deceased,
who died on or about the 4,h day of June,
1917. are required, oo or before the 13th day at
Aper�ieant. 1917 to send by pt prepaid. cr deliver
to Pruudtool Elllorau pot,
solctlots for the
t'dminisrrau x of said estate. their l brlsttan
.urease•,.44,,saee aid de.crlptioos, the
hill particulars of their cl .tm.. and the nature
of the scour it teeny enyt held by the.
Aird farmer m
sot*. that after such tag -
mentioned dale [be said ad'oln'.tratrlx will
Proceed W dis-tribute the resets of the deceased
.moo, the p.,0- enduedlaim. et whichbaving re -
then have uot,oe, .rid foal she willsrotk he
(labia for the Bald a..ets to any persue of
whose 'Wm notice shall not have been re -
eel all by her at the time of ewe dltieb floe.
Dated Jul aelfottor. for Adteinlatratrlx.
July 1 iM.1917. 74-31
To the Citizens of the Town
of Goderich
having been fixed by By-law
No. 21 of 1903 as
All Citizen—Pi are requested to govern
themselves accordingly. -
L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk
Payments for Water Rates are
nbw due, and on all payments of
rates from July 1.t, 1917, to Decem-
ber31st, 1917. 10 per cent. will be
allowed if paid during this month.
Those in arrears were advised
some time ago and if arrears area
not paid during this month steps
will be taken to collect.
N. T. Marney, A. Straiton,
Chairman. Collector.
British Exchange Hotel
• Required
Large quantities of
Terms—Cash on delivery
Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. -
The National Shipbuilding Co.,
■ � H 7 1l
Have You Forgotten
Y �g xI1
to pay your subscription n fur
The Signal for 191'+? We
need the money, and if you
are in tureens would ask
you k, make payment
James 1° cCracken Shoots and Instantly Kills His
Wile—Now in Cloderich Jail Awaiting Trial.
A tragedy occurred in Morris town-
ship on 8uuday evening, when James
MuCracke., of the 5th litre of that
township, shut and loetantly killed his
wife following an altercation between
the two. Mrs. McCracken had gone
for au auto ride with her neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. William Kerney, two
children and James Thynr, a cousin
who lives out the $rd coucession of the
same township,
After McCracken had shot hie wife,
which he maintains was accidental,
he turned the weapon upon himself.
inflicting • treaty but not serious
scalp wound on the right side of hie
brad just abovs the temple. He then
went to Lis parents' borne and advised
his mother of what he bad done.
Medical aid was summoned, his
wound wise dressed and be was taken
to Brussel., where he gays himself
over to justice : John Leckie, J. P.,
placing him f" charge of the local con-
An inquest was ordered by Coroner
Milne and Crown Attoroey Seager
took charge of proceedings in behalf
of the Crown. Constable Ouudry
took °barge 01 the prisoner on Mon-
day and un Tuesday night placed him
In the comity jail here to await trial
at the fall assizes,
What McCracken Says.
Blyth, July 23. (Loudon Adver-
tiser report.) -James McCracken, the
young Morris township farmer who
shot and killed his wife at their tarn
on the 6th concession Sunday evening,
stoutly maintains that the whole af-
fair wee an accident and that he had
not the .lightest intention of taking
her life. To an Advertiser reporter
tonight he made the following state-
ment :
"Ort Sunday morning i was down
by the river lack for a walk with my
wife and little boy, when au auto
drove up to the house. We went up
( Tl Dl asdet please return at once W
til! 11cNEiL. It. R. Nn 5, Goderich I
I. O. O. F.
Huron Lodge will hold a
(civic holiday)
Conveyances will teiye Oddfellows'
Hall at 1 and 2 p. m.
Members are requested to come
, with their basked and bring their
friends. Baskets left at Hall by
o'clock will he conveyed to tbe.Park.
'Visiting brethren are cordially in-
vited to join in the pitting.
Dance in the evening.
Committee : W. T. Moore, C. A.
Reid, L. L. Knox, H. T.
Edwards, J. W. Newcombe.
YourHelp Requested.
I am a candidate in The Lon-
don Advertiser's great subscrip-
tion contest and should like all
my friends to help me win one
of the prize..
if you
not taking The Ad-
vertiser, you an help me by
handing me a subscription, as
ea(h subscription gent in by me
counts for a number of votes.
If you are now getting The
Advertiser, you can help me by
cutting out the coupon In each
issue and handing it to me.
Bubecribere to The Signal can
have The Advertiser at the
clubbing rate and can still give
me the benefit of their votes.
Hoping everybody will give
me their Desistance in this con-
Yours very truly,
Hamilton stree$,.Ooderich.
Having enlisted with the 161st
(Huron) Battalion for active ser-
vice overseas, I have made arrange-
ments with Mr. Nelsou Yeo to
carry on my cartage business in my
absence, and I would respectfully
solicit from the public generally,
and from my old customers partic-
ularly, a continuance of tttelr valued
patronage until such ti as I can
again resume my occuplltion.
Any business entrusted to Mr.
Yeo during tray absence will be
carefully attended to and will be
thankfully appreciated by ale.
Telephone orders to Mr, Yeo,
No. 187.
to are wbo it was. Those In the car
were Wo.. Ketue who hetet on the
4th concession of Morrie, his wife, two
children and Jams. Thur, a cousin
et -
who lives on the esd concession. K
ney said they had been out for a ri
end drove around this way. He a
be would take Abs. McCracken o
for a ride. She asked nil if she oho
gar sou I said I would 'rather that s
did not. She went in the house •P
began to get ready. 1 asked wh
they were going. Fleet be said
didn't know and then he said 1.
they were going to Alma and wou
be back about 5 or 6 o'clock
All the members were present al
the regular merging of the town
council on Friday evening.
In a letter to the council Collector
huntedCampbell stated that be had hunted
only fifty-three dog -tags this year, as
again -t veer one hundred last year,
mud he suggested that Powe action be
Councillor Clark said it seemed a
farce w have • third of the doge tagged
and the rest running around without)t
tags. He thought all should het ed
Cr the regulation should he dropped.
Word has been .received at Clinton
that Lt.-Ool.Oomhe, who was forw:erly
in command of the 161st (Huron) Bat-
talion, hes received an appointment
with the Imperial
perial army in France, re -
ting his rack.
Pte. Hugh McGuire returned last
week from London, having been given
de tag his discharge owing to the wound in
aid A mULIJD war passed that dt6e hishand which he received while serv-
ut P ing
0-M po
d h lice be itotruct.ed to enforce the by- —
law Dodoes thatdogs are either tagged-
or destroyerMr. Thomas Warrener received
ere A communication from Health Of- word tins morning of the wounding of
Meer Hunter called Dttent.on to the his son, Herold, who went overseas
he conditions result`ng (rum evettaxed with the 43rd Battery from Guelph.t d sewers and urged that action he taken It is a guushot wound in the right
to remedy the present conditions, thigh and way received July 71b. Pte.
Phis was referred to the public work• %I/greener has been in France since a
comDli;err. year ago last Thuredby.
ed A letter to the Mayor from the
to limon of Canadian M.tnicipalitiee con- Postmasters have received a circu-
ut erred an invitation to the annual con- ler notifying all reletiveN end friends
10 vection of the Associe. i in to 1'e held of soldiers at the front that when
Went with Kerney.
"lewentinto the house and ask
my wife not to go. Sbe was ready
go, but when I asked ber went o
and told Kersey she was not going
go, because I did not went her to.
remained in the house expecting h
W come back. L heard the auto eta
and when 1 went out found that th
were all gone except guy little boy.
took my little boy and went over to
tether's fdr dinner. My wife came •
back about five o'clock. I bad just
been hack a few minutes when she
ars ived in the car- I bed put a re-
volver in my pocket and went out and
spoke to Kerney, and told him that
be was not a man of much principle
angry and any wile hegeu 10 cry.
When I went in the house with her
ebe gave me s lee%.te for speaeiD as
I had. The car drove away. Later
Mrs. McCracken became hysterical,
but i got her quieted, and she and I
went out for a walk around the fat m.
i had my hand on the revolver in my
pocket, when we were down by the
pigpen, and told my wife that if any-
thing else happened that afternoon I
would use it on myself.
Claims Accidental.
I went to draw the revolver from
my pocket and she snatched my arm
and the revolver discharged. The
bullet went tbtough her head. I war
stupefied for time. butes soon as I
recovered 1 held the pistol to my bead
and pulled the trigger. The bullet
struck me on the ngbt si le of the head
and glanced off. 1 ran over to my
father's house and asked him to tele-
phone fora doctor.
My wife and 1 Dever had any *en-
nui; trouble w* never eeparwted.
Sometimes I to my lather's
to work, but it 's c .tire: al rea-
The McCrackens reside at lot 14,
concession 6, of Slorris, and young
McCracken hoe borne a good reputa-
tion. He is about 30 years cid. The
shooting occurred about 7:30 in the
evening and McCracken was placed
coder arrest today by Constable
Denies Quarrels.
McCracken absolutely denies stories
that he and his wife quarrelled and
bai not been living together for
months, owing to jealousy.
An inquest will commence at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, in charge
of Coroner Milne. The jury is com-
posed of John Clegg, foreman ; John
McArthur, Alex. McNeill, James
Clark, Frank Martin, James Crosby,
Thomas Clerk, Ed. Much and H. Wat-
eon... _ _
The funeral of Mrs. McCracken will
be held on Wednesday to Brussels,
to do such a trick as he had done.
said i would not have thought
(much of the affair if they ,.tad tisk
the little boy along. We both g
Coemitted for Trial.
Blyth, t
y July -lt. (London Adver
tieer report). -Jame. McCracken,
whose wife was killed by a bullet
from a revolver in hie bands Sunday
night, was committed for trial on a
charge of murder by Magistrate W.
J. Milne here tonight. Hie case will
be tried in Goderich at the tall as-
The inquest into the death of Mn.
McCracken Was held this afternoon,
the jury finding that ,'Deceased came
to her death on July 32 by a bullet
wound in the head, fired from a pistol
in the hands of her husband."
Immediately after the inquest Mc-
Cracken was brought before the
magistrate on information laid by
Constable Thomas Gundry.His law-
yer, Richard Vanstone, oW ingham,
agreed to accept the evidence given at
the inquest and the magistrate ac-
cordingly committed the prisoner for
The cruse evoked great interest
throughout the country, and the
courtroom was crowded to the doors,
The Postmortem.
Dr. F. P. Bryans, of leru*sels, was
the fleet witness celled. The post-
mortem examination, he said, showed
that death was caused by a bullet
wound below the lobe of the left ear.
The bullet went straight in, lodging
at the top of the spinal column. There
were no marks of violence on the
body. The flesh around the wound
was burned bywder.
Dr. McRae, of Brussels, corroborated
this evldenre,
Jame. Mc('racken was the next wit-
ness. His evidence was similar to his
statement made to The Advertiser.
He had been married six years ago, in
March, at Brussels, when he met the
woman, whom he had known since
January, there by accident. She re-
turned to her home in Manitoba the
day after the marriage. Later ar-
rangement* were made for her return,
hnt .he was not willing to live with
his parents, so he built her • house nn
adjacent property. He divided his
time between the ten plaiws. While
he eras at hle father's she wa. left
alone day and night, but .be never
(Continued On page 5)
Pte. John H. Bates
Died of wounds at the battlefront in France, July 1704.
The sad news has just been received at noon today (Yhuratlay) of the
death of Pte. John H. Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bates, Huron
road. On Friday last his father received official notification that he was
dangerously wounded, and today's.telegramtls�that he died at No. 7
casualty clearing station July lith, of gtinshof alae in the leg.
John enlisted is the winter of 1910 with the Huron Geist) Battalion,
and after training in Goderich and at London and Camp Borden he went
oversees with the Battalion, landing in Rnglrtnd in the month ofi4ovent)4r.
After a short time there he was drafted with others of the "Hurons" to
France, where he had since been on active duty. He was a fine strapping
young fellow, and had not yet completed his twenty-first year. He was a
printer, having learned his trade with The Signal and working in this office
up to the time of his enlistment. He was one of the most lovable of boys,
with the cheeriest of dispositions, and no doubt met his last enemy with
smiling face and untroubled eyes. He was devoted to hit father and
mother and his death is a great blow to them: In -the svmpAthy which
goes to the parents from all, understanding hearts, John's former comrades
in this office join with especial feeling. To eloderich'a Roll of Honor must
be added the name of another hero whose life has gone out in defence of
honor and right.
in August and requested payment o
the annual fee of $15. Referred to
special committee.
Attention was directed to certain
trees on St. David's and Newgate
streets that are in a dangernlls condi-
tine, end the chairmen of the public
works and harbor committees were
authorized to deal with them.
Mr. J. A. Fowler, secretary of the
Goderich industrJial and Agricultural
Exhibition, wrdle stating that the
poultrehouse at the fair grounds was
in such a dilapidated condition that
the poultrymen refused to place their
stock in it. The poultivyruen, how-
ever, were ready to tear down and
rebuild thebouse if the council would
supply the material. The matter was
referred to the public works commit-
The following rept rte of committees
were received and adopted :
The public works committee re-
ported the purchase of a two -horse
mower for $57.
The special committee recommended
that the letter of June 25th frons the
council of the city of Peterboro' with
reference to Government grants to
railways and the letter of June `Lith
from the Workmen's Compensation
Board with reference to medical aid in
ease of accident be filed ; that the
letter of June 8:.h from the Ontario
Municipal Electric Association (re-
garding Hydro matters) he referred to
the water and Tight commission ; that
the license of Joseph Bowman to
peddle coal -oil and gasoline be can-
celled from May 28th and be he al-
lowed a rebate of tis as settlement in
full ; in the matter of the letter of
July 5th from the National Shipbuild-
ing Oo., asking fora loan of certain
machines from the Wheel Rigs plant
that in the meantime these machines
be rented to the National Shipbuilding
Co. until prices are ohtaioed and that
then these machine* together with
machines at the Goderich Organ Co.,
the Paget Grain Door Co. and the
Dominion Road Machinery Co. plants
he purchased by these companies or
The finance committee passed a
number of accounts and recommended
that the payment of $67 for the two -
horse mower purchased by the public
works department be taken out of the
aecrtted Interest of the Cherie' Blake
fund. The committee reported that
the Ore insttrance policies on the
Manta of the Goderich Organ Co. and
the (4ederich Mfg. 0o.,' had been re-
newed, the town now holding $11,000
insrrratree en the -organ factory and
f writing to Ibenm or sending parcels
they must be addreieedeither "Battal-
ion" or "Battery," Many people have
got into the habit of siruply writing
"Batt." and failing to spell the word
out to its full length. This to a cer-
tain extent ahcrtens the address and
taker up less space, but it is impossible
for the postal authorities to determine
iwhether the letter is addressed to a
battalion or a battery.
Eat Pure Ice Cream
and give' your children none other.
Edwards' is pure. Phone 2200.
An ounceof prevention is worth a
pound of cube. This ie true if you
commence n and •pray your pots -
toes with th Bnrdewux mixlure;to prevent
blight. So alarming have the steno of
the blight become that Globe and Mail
and Empire have both had articles on
it. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich,
sells the ingredients for waking Bor-
deaux mixture.
"Up to Date "
We don't sell second-hand coffins,
or second-hand clothes, but clothes
that are nevi and up-to-date, Prtdban
the Tailor.
Keep Wednesday, Anguat 15th, in
mind as the date of the Red Cross gar-
den party at Saltford Heights.
$26,000 on the Goderich Mfg. Co.'s
There wan some diseuission with
reference to the position of market
clerk, and the lnarket committee was
requested to report on the matter.
A draft of the proposed agreement
.between the town and the Paget
Orwin Door Co. with reftirence to the
lease of a portion of the Wheel Rigs
factory wee read and approved in the
main and was left with the special
committee for consummation.
The Mayor said he was informed
that the Hydro people were removing
the 0. W. 8, Ry. rails from the Kin-
cardine end and would later commence
at this and, using the old oonstructt.on
engine for the purpose.
Councillor (;lark told of the trouble
the blocked sewer on Victoria street
had been causing at his residence and
moved that the council proceed with-
out delay to remedy all portions of
the sewers requiring immediate at-
tention and that the matter be re- G
(erred to the public work. committee C
with power to act. This motion was
adopted atter considerable discussion.
Miss Joao Sbauoon W weeniest to Wwu
Irmo Ottawa.
Miss 1tl.le Farquhar. of Clinton, is vleltlog
her relatives to Wwu.
Mr. WA Mr•. Amos ('ox, of Cblosao, are
speudina bollday. le town.
Mr. Ben. Smith. of Chicago, is v4lilng at
the old home. South street.
Ml.s Jes 1. rooter leave. tomorrow for Lon-
don for t eO reeks' holiday..
Mies .tnu1. Campbell, of Toronto, has been
visiting at thei Rid home here.
Mrs. lid, Coolf,, of Cllotoa, b the guest of
Mrs. J. K. Mulch, Victoria street.
Ripley Elena : Mrs, John Nicholson, of
Godencb, 1. ,eating* A. Morrison's.
MI.. Margaret Clark, of Uuelpb, wee the
guest of Mire Wbltingdt dog the pant week.
Mr. Harry Craig, of Ch is hereon • visit
to his mother, Mr.. Wm. Cr lg. West street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kidd, 04 Montreal ere
vbtHtng at the former'd parental home, North
Miss Dorothy Ntebolle, of Londoo• is the
gusset of bar comae, Mur, Leona Webster, least
C. H. Humber •od children are away on
a visa to relatives at Selkirk, Out.• and other
3/1.. Ida Vwstone has returned trout•
two mouths volt nitb friends at Chloao.
Illi not..
Miss Lily McArthur, deacone.s, of Toronto.
Is vtsttlug her pareute. Mr. and Nes. Wm. Mc-
Mr. and Mee.Ooveuleck, of Seaforth, have
been the goals of Mr.. (Rev.) James teaming.'
tb1. week.
The Missies Jean and Margaret Lawson have
returnee from • trip to Montieal,truebeo and
the Sarueuay.
Mr. J. L. Ratledge, editor of The Canadian
Grocer, 1'urunto, accompaeled by bL wife and
child. H visiting bis parents, Dr. W. L, and
Mrs. Rutledge.
Clinton New. -Record : Mi.. Marie Shinto -It,
of Oodericn. ts visiting her ,.•oust,,, MINA Mary
Mel ieoral, of town.
Mrs. Arthur Colborne and Mi.. Morel Col-
borne. of reroute, are Ute guest..t Mr. and
Mr.. J. H. Colborne.
Mr. and airs. Herbert Nicholl -,of London.
are vl.Hing the lar tern parent-. Mr. and Mr..
K. J. 'tumbril'. Es.t street.
Mrr.H. Hillier and chlldr en.ot Toronto,are vis-
iting at the parental bomu here. Mr. Hillier
will be up for the week -end.
Mr.. Martha •fhomp.on and two children of
Winnipeg• ars the Kli .t. of their aunt, Siwe
Ida L. Varutone. Augle.oa.trust
Mrs. H. C- Dunlop. Mr,. C. A.'l.lrn and tb
Mimes Delpniue end Adelaide Nairn aro
spending a week at Menominee Park,
Mev, Wm Downing and daughter, Mime
Alice. of Winnipeg, are vi.iting in town, the
guests of Mire Carrick, Newgate street.
Mho MeeTartsh. of the Toronto Conserv
story of Music, te a visitor with Mrs. E. J
Heelball and Mrs. WILL Webster. Kest streets
Mr. turd Mrs Thome K. Smttb, of Lucknow
accompanied by Mi. (Ni. and Mi.,. Margie
McDun.ld, of 'Irorooto, were vidwr. In Gude-
rich on Monday.
The Meee. Allen and Ora Bates. of Toronto,
and Albs Florence Meade'. of Detroit• all form-
edyi of Uodertcb, are spending their vacation
at Plnetanos, Laae Joseph. Muskoka.
Mr. J. B. Perd6yt, of Toronto. late chief en-
gineer of the steamer (lr.ham, WI. in town for
the week and visiting Mr 1'bos. 11Rord,fete
wed.tent engineer on the ,Arne steamer.
Mrs. Mclkteo tad her daughter, Hr.. A. E.
Challenger, and baby Jean• who wire vlel dog
the former'. mother, Jars, Montgomery, Keay.
.treat, Mee returned to their borne at &lent•
ton• Alberta,
Mr.. D. ,Wasson rwtmvned last work from a
/WI t9 401'4ao`1:,,er. Mrs. Darby,a1 Almost,
A, Her grandchildren, ('ufevh and Lola,
oeoornpanlef ber oo the trip and aro speeding
their bolidsye at Almont.
Mr, Graham Row, eldest tan of Rey. Geo. L.
Rosa, the former pastor of Knox church• wee
in town for roreral day. this week. He is In
training et ('amp Horden as an aviator an.d ex-
pecte soon toget his commo.sion.
Arrivals at Menerietung Park hotel: Mi.s
lee M. Moulton, Mies Mary L. -Htanahard. St,
Louie. Mo. ; Mie.. Jennie e. Ne.hitt. Windsor :
Well ngton,r On[. ;' London;
nidi Sybil+Duncan. Bram-
ford : Mr.. J. It. Bustard, Mies M. Hastard,
Salem. Ohio; Mb+. Ruth Shek•n, Bt, Cath•
Miss McClinton and Mies Little will
sing a duet, "I heard the Voice of
Jesus Say," on Ruoday evening at
North street Methodist church.
The services st North street Metho-
dist church on Sunder will be con-
ducted by the pastor. Subject of
morning sermon will be "Life's Open
Doors." Evening: "Old Passions
t New
Church Bible
elm* will 1* led by Rev. J. E. Ford, a
The pestor, Rev. J. if. Osterbout,
will hwve charge of the services next
Sunday in Victoria street Metho-
dist church. Morning subject : "The
Open Windows." Evening : "The
Great Refusal." Epworth League on
Tuesday evening. Duet, solo, choruses
and "Breese* froom the Summer
School." All welcome.
Rev. R. C. McDermid is leaving on
his holidays and the pulpit of Knox
church will he occupied next Sabbath,
at both servicee, by Hey. D. T. L. Mc-
Kerroll, of Victoria Presbyterian
chutcb, Toronto. Mr. McKerroll was
formerly the Presbyterian minister at
Lucknow, leaving there a fewears
ago to go to Toronto. He will -be
beard with much interest.
LINDSAY. -In OodeHcn township, oo Thurs-
day. July 2e, Mary A., daughter of the late
David Lindsay.
HOOD. -At London. no Tuesday. Jul 91, John
Edward Hood, emend son of the late John
Ho In his ARA year.
HRNDLRM)N - At Dungannon. on Sunday.
July 2'4 Robert Hender-on, aged 73 yean, 5
months and el day..
JOHNSTI IN. -In West W.w•nosb, on Fridays
July 20. James Johnston, need 92 roar., -2
month. and 1 day..
KOWARDH.-la 8a.katoon ho.pltel, on Mon-
day. July 2. Reginald %dwarde, hu.bend of
Florence Edwards (nee Turuertformerly of
HARDY, -in Goderloh, on Thunder. July MI
MaryAnn,.•rellct of the tete le illlam O.
Hary, In her Mel year.
The funeral w111 tete place from her late
resldsnee, Hence onset, on a.tuMay. July 2Re h.
at 490 o'olook p• m.. to Maitland cemetery.
!Nervier' at the bows at 2 o'clock. — —
Alleged Pointe-TheWilliam Davies Co‚
Limited.. . , e
Comedian National Exhibition 2
Horse Wanted-- Wm. Alden* ,• 1
Omen (,meta Wented--elgnal (toles 1
Civic Helldy-R. C. Mnnning*, Mayor 1
Pantos,. --8. R. 11ieMath
R. C. Shingle's -W T. Riddell, Auburn 9
hie Wanted -W, R, Haines. . .. ...... ., 1
lite HolMyPlonice Huron Ledge, 1. 0.0. r. 1
Leet -Arthur McNMI ...... .... 1
Locket IAA -Mrs. N.J. Treleaven, Dungannon 1