HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-19, Page 7amended fur last west.) Wk»N=sDJ,1f, July 11. West Danby, N. Y.—"I have had A (loop SI'nerua.—The auditors nervous trouble all my life until I took who were appointed to examine the Lydia E. Pinkbam's accounts in connection with the termt- Vegetable Com- centennial celebration here en July pound for nerves Lod report that thetotrl receipts from and for female trou- all sources for the day amounted to blas and it straight- over $1,7W.W, which will leave • ened me out in good handsome surplus for both the Beal aha 1 work nearly (rues and the (lirls War Auxiliary, Pe MEltoaIAt. SEttvietc.—Quite a num- all us�t all the time, u we bar from here went out, to Jackson's live on a farm and I church on Sunday afternoon. wheel` have four girls. Ido Re.. H. J. McCormick preached a all my sewing and eon viol al lorselw o for r'Trooier killed Man - other work withri heir help, so it to active in lelnnders. The °botch was packed and at leant a third of shows that I stand it real well. i took those who were there were uoable to the Compound when my ten year old get inside the church. PERSONAL AND iigNEttAL.—Mr. 11. A. Timmer, U. P. R. agent here, is at present taking his holidays, he and his wife and family being in the Mid- land district... .. Mrs. 'ft. D. Dunbar, • statee is visittu •. :1! oniLop Tire Mileage Achievements motorists think ROME they have tires which are making great mileage records. Later these motor - meet users of Dunlop Tiros. Then they get a n e w conception of what is pos- sible tire mileage. VII ;=K1t.e A A A A r A rA •• 6 PBCIaII»: j TIRES"Ti" 7t, 0 1 COUNTY and DISTRICT A Chance for Those Going West. Mrs. Charles Stone, of Stephen township, passed away on July let, at the age of eI hty-fuur years. 1 Pte. Case R. Coulter, of Belgrave, 1 hate been reported wounded with gun- shot wound's in leg., arum and sides. Miss Christens Ellen McAllister passed away at bee home at Walton on the 9th inst. iu her fifty-third year. The marriage took place at St. CoI- umban un the 4th inst. of Mies Flor- ence G. Holland and John V. Flynn, of Beech wood . ' The marriage took plane on July 10, at Centralia, of two young p.wpieot Stephen township, John A. W 1's and Miss Idella Merle Willis. Hotuesrekers' exrur•inns to West-rn received word tort his eo0 Pte. Chas. Henry Riley, formerly of the ltllst Battalion, has been wounded. Mr. and Mrs. James Alien, of Tuck- er+with, received the Cod news on July 8th of the death of their eldest son. Howard Altera, wise was accident. daughter tame and it helped me • lot ally drowned while bathing at Tux -I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good. 1 keep it In the house all the time and recommend it."—Mrs. DEWITT SI14CLSAUGE, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil- ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen- sations, all point to female derange- ments which may be overcome by Lydia E. Plnkharn's Vegetable Compound - This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and berbs,''bas for forty years proved to be a slant bee tonic and invigorator of thief e organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi- mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia !L Pinkhsn 'e Vegetable Compound - Pte. Arthur Cecil Neely,was killed in section on June loth. Pte. Neely en- listed with the 161st Battalion. It is reported that A. A. Naylor, principal of the Srafw Lh public school, NERVOUS TROUBLE one of eVenl the pools sip b- one of the tVnndsor sr noir at a nob - has been increase in salary. Nr. Nay- lor has given exoelle t service here. Lydia E. Pinkhalm • Vegeta- ble Compound Helped Her. OLYT WOMAN NAD Vegeta- tord, Sask. Ted Signe, son of Jonib Sims. of Stephen. was severely kicked in the face and chest by a colt et the barn of 8. N. Scott. He was unconscious for several hours but is now able to be about again. The death occurred at the home of bar daughter. Mrs. Win. Winer, of (Stephen, on July 5th, of Mr". John England, who for fifty years had been a resident of the township of Stephen. Deceased was in her eighty-sixth year. Often the Cheapest-- CeutNte at . orrice ve f res each Tugs - W. WALKER Furniture Dealer aad Undertaker Clouse Furnishings The Store of Quality PRONGS TORE dfi RES 197 5 SAUSISFINEFOR KIDNEYS, QUEE MEAT ?lash the Lida.ye at mice when Dsek Inns er Bladder bethert.—treat gents aria acid. Ito era or woman wbo este meat rags lately can make a mistake by flushing the kida.ys eeeuionally, say. • well. vows a.therlty. Brat forms aria acid which elope the kidney pores so they .eltiggt ily filter or strain only part of the waste aad pekoes from the blood, Viten yes grit aids. Nearly all rheuma- tism, be.,dacbes, liver trouble, nervous - MOO, eons1[pation, didns.., sleepia.a.esk balder disorders eme from sluggish kid - The aossst yeti feat a dull ache in tha ,kidneys or yam beck hurts- or if the WOW ia dowdy, o6essys, full of wadi - moat. iv -reveler of passage or attended /by a sens•tiss of scalding. get about four -atetrsti. of Jad Salts brim any reliable •pk•nseey and take • tablespoonful in a gine of weber before breakfast for a 'Igo days and your kidneys will then sot Teas. Thin tains salts is made from the sold d and lemon juice, wen- �ieisd with IlMia and bas been used for �m.tions be leek clogged kidneys end eMsnlate eta M activity. also to nee- Mmlles the acids la tris. ss It no banger •ceases irritation, thus idles bladder die- •o•ls.a Jad Ralte is i.exp.n..ivs and can - net injure; maker a delightful effete vet Aida -water drink which all °lie sitars should take sow sad rove / ten ke the kidneys Mean and the blend emitting serious kid - +s7 1 October :ill L via Canadian •r agent or W. B. Howard, Itistrict Parwn`. rent, T. i onto, Ont. ?•1-4t Two Young People. "Pao afraid young nit° you're aw.o iaring with rather 14-1." "i If eoUuSS h 4., uiaunws. If he wa•u't h- w•nild *ever be able to keep up with me."—Life. Love -intoxicated Driver. "Jack proposed in an automobile." •'Iud.erl." ••And 1 accepted him in the hos- pital.,• A Real Optimist. "Pr, are women ever optimists ?" "Oh, ye., my son. The wewan who lriste to rnnvince bar husband that you can tate a vacation t aur as cheaply as you cat) •tar at houie is an op'itri.t." The wont kind of fathers Is the f•ilute that is the result of only half tryirg. lite- PacificExposifiss was ;traded fo 'WEBSTER'S NEVI INTONATION 3s�erisrity fit tdualrs..l Merit. This nem creation answers with Awad authority all kinds of ppnanJin questions such as "How is Prat pronounced?" "Where is dm?" •'What iA a eorttinudtu my - age" "What i:i a breritaerf" is white cool(" "How is skit p no nneed?" and thousands of others Mere Ikea NUSI Yeakelery T WSW idOste• Msgre/MMI Writs. Ow SIN trades. 27M Pages. Tbe eels mei* the divided pile—.0 strike Mewl mews. Writs for .p■ei- m.n papa U- I.utr•tton., eta • wt Poehet Mapo i you Dame Dater. a C. NEMO e.1 e es tat as- c ,F3 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAM�J 11.i er TM (Drwtttt>t!'1RFATiHnFE^-^CiTT OF trait^-"CrrY OF sITPlALO- ■■rw■■a 1UFFALO— bolt . May 1st to Nov. lith —CLLV BLAND L.s.• Brow.* • t el P. r i It•rotaw {{ 154.1 C,.v.uen • PM r. R. Ater,.• (`°.■.ron It,. A. l.. I era■uae Trim f Arrive Sweat' • /111A. r. l e,n•.tl..o M Cl...r.d 1.. 0.1.. Ml■i, Idol■•E�q.j�Toledo. Dente Cod •11 taro Cow/ •.4 s..uwwt lstlo..4 moat• Ned a --1- aig■1� ■ad Cot b.elw Cor• ■■sra•dd for C. •ert14 o. 1. .ate. 1r,. .k fir Meth wt ao,rnr rrekw vi. a. •e e u n.. ... v'•'^ •-$ 015 .' a .�.�• •y��y� serf v.Se.4n� tat asiptl ?cepa .e.s,, 41.etC lw..hM.i�kw.. oia) Rr.eAN NMd •of Tu •i.+r WS' .rwlytl•• kFII�eS'' ' M Y olio,„.a-yes N•ana tel ■� 3 — MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS — 3 Th. Climue .d t 1.1t■la Traa.lt Ce*r.•i rt••.•..+. sLi. - • 1•••••• w. w 171 prew., ave•.. w ..ac...w...M. r..p.it .pray, tree rr� lows M :v A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage. Centralia, oil July 4tb, when Miss Ada Rowe became the bride of Cecil Walker, of the 2nd con- cession of Stephen. Mr, and Mr,. Walker will reside on the groom's farm. Engineer Merner, of the nsall flour mills. was attacked by ter wo- men and • man one afternoon reoera , while engaged cleaning up the engine room. In the struggle they took $15 from his pocket and made their escape. It is thought they belonged to it gang of gypsies that were in the neighbor- hood at the time. The sad message came recently to the village of Brucefield of the death of one of its old residents in the per- son of James Jamieson, who died at the home of his daughter, Mn. (Dr.i Corey, of t)en,er, Colorado, where he had resettled for some time. The family are suffering from • double bereave- ment, as on returning to his home in North Dakota after the funeral John Jamieson. the only .or. wee struck by lightning ani instantly killed. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local apptk*Ll na, as they cannot reach the dle■ar■d portico .f the ear. There les only one way to cure catarrhal deafness. and that la by w eon.tttotlonal remedy. Catarrhal deaf.•.., I. canned by an Inflamed 000dltion of the mu- cous lining of the eu.tacblan tube. Whoa thin tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling[ .round or Imperfect hearing. and when It la entirely chard, dashers. le the result. (lobs... the in- flammation can be reduced and thea tube re- tored to It. normal condition. hearingwill be de.tro ed forever. Many ase., of dealness are coward catarrh. which 1. an Inllsmed condi- 110. o1 the .soon. .urtso•... Hall's Catarrh Cure PLC through the blood on the macmu au dace. of the .Tatem. We will give one hundred dollar. for any came of catarrhal dnwfne... t hat ow nnot be curd by 14.11'. Catarrh Cora circular, free. All d+ uggl.t.. 75e. . J. C H EN E Y t GO.. Toledo, O. WiN(3HA.M. The tax rate for Wingharn for 1917 will be thirty -live mills on the dollar. Pte. Leonard Adams. formerly of Wloghanr, was killed in action in France recently. Mr.. Jos. H. Carruth and family have removed to Luckoow, where they will reside in future. Mr. and Mn. Walmeley lett last week to spend • few days at Detroit prior to moving to Woodstock, where they intend residing in future. Jes. laird, of town. received word last week that hi. eon, Pte. Bert Isard, had reoeived gunshot wounds in his right arm. Pte. heard is a member of the "Hurons.” A branch of the (Jeotral Business College, Stratford, will be located in Wingham in the near future, with A. of Samuel (J. Lamport, in his fifty sixth year. Mr. Lamport vies born in Stephen township and lived in this district all his life. keeping store+ at Crediton, Devises, Ilderton and Far- quhar successively, finally retiring through ill -health and residing in Exeter. 8. C. Hanna, manager of the Exeter Manufacturing Co., has received word Frena the Predenctoo factories. of which Exeter is a branch, that • man will be sent to Exeter in the near fu- ture to relieve bio. Mr. Hanna ex- pects to remain in town until • short time after tbe new manager arrived, after which he will locate in Cleve- land. ammo am =I amo ammile el Summer Underwear We have a complete range of m and boys's���.,�,�. Underwear. in various grades to We have a range of men's and Summer Underwear. in various to suit all demands. The different qualities and prices represent good value in every case. PALM BEACH SUITS troes the Southe , g' with her mother, Mrs. H. McQuarrie. •Misses )clary and Jean Mc. Murchie and Iona ■father, lett last week for (iunubby, where they are engaged by a fruit -grower to pick berries. They are doing their bit to assist in production, or rather in say -1 ing the crop that is produced Mr. J ap. Cook has moved his house on Queen street and is going to bare a foundation put under it, which will make • great improvement.... . Dis- trict Deputy Brand Minter McV ittie, of the 1. (j. O. F., and Past lieand Master Popleetone were a( Wroxeter on Monday night and Brussels on Tuesday night, installing the officers of these lodges for the next rax months. ....Messrs. Bainton Brom. shipped a car of wool t i Boston this week Mr. Thos. Kelly has improved his house greatly by paintwg both the outside and the anterior dies Edith Oidley, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her parents bene.... Miss Ella Metcalf, who has been on I the 'sick lint for some time, is grade• Dr; H. K. Hyndcan has received word that his brother, \ViIliase Hynd- man, of Edmonton. was drowned by the upsetting of a boat on8outh Cook- ing Lake on July 5th. The deceased had lived in Inc West for many years. When the war broke out he enlisted and weot to England, but being over age he was returned to Canada over a year ago. He was a eon of Mn. yod.n..n, of town, and Cow rimy - eight year.' of age. CLINTON. Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Allen and three children, of t reelenan, Bask., ere visit- ing Mrs. Albert Seeley, of town. The wedding was eolemoized a Toronto on July Ilth of Miss M. Eva Sperling and E. Dean Courtice, B. A. 8c., of Hamilton, eon of Mr. and Mn. E. (i. Cuurtice, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Crich and two daughters, of Macklin, Sark., are visit- ing with Mrs. Crush's mother. Mrs. deo. Nott, of town. it is nineteen years since Mr. and Mrs. Crich lett Olin too. Melvin O. Elmsford, .on of John Raasford of Stapleton, had • narrow escape ooeday lately from • horrible death. He was attacked in his own barn by • bull, and single-handed fought off the enraged animal for over • quarter of an hour. Mr. Hansford was making some repairs in the barn and while working iu a long passage- way be was suddenly attacked by hie Jersey bull. which in some way had got loose. There was no way of es- cape and the unequal struggle began. Finally, being pushed to the end of the passage, Mr. Ranafond managed to drag himself through • small ventilat- Ing window, barely large enough to Hsvilwcd, who h at present secretary allow for the passage of his body, and of tbe Y. M. E. A. at Stratford, as reached the out,id.,. Some men who were working nearby saw hum emerge principal. and seeing that there was eothing A highly esteemed resident of Wing wrong gushed to his assistance. ey herrn passed away on the 7th inst., l assisted biro to his car, cranked �h} up when Mrs. John Dlnsley diet( at the I for him, with ogee hand he man - home of bar brother-in-law. J. A. Mit aged to drive the machine house. It Lean, in her sixty-eighth year. Mrs. was found that his shoulder was Dinsley had lived in Wishner, for up- .ererely injured, some booty being Wet de of forty years. rour sons and broken, and he was badly bruised, hut one daughter survive. it is hoped that a few weeks' nursing coo - BRUSSELS. will restore bim. It is generally coo - ceded that had it not been for his J. E. Nieto', of Moo•ejew, is visit- strength and activity Mr. R•nsford ing his parent. in town after an all -I would never have emerged alive from Bence of five years. the terrible encounter. Mri. Allison. of Glenboro'. Man., is visiting at the home of her father, John Budd, of town. One day recently Edith, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keys, while getting into an auto, had the rnisfoi time to break her left leg. one that had hewn broken twice before. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. A. Lowry. of town, receival word that their only son, Pte. i.eslie, of the Hurons, bad received a gunshot wound in hie thigh. He was • member of the 181st Bat- talion. EXETER. Mrs. T. W. Appletna rvoedved word that her hushard, Pte. T. W. Apple. am, of the 1111+1 Battslioe, had hoes wounded with gunshot wooed in the heed and had baadmitted to • I se French military ho.pital. Mrs. George Reiner and her niece, Miss Marry Dumfsetd, of (laliforrda, sty vbidei% their asosawd mels. Me and Mrs Wm. lisseefnrd. d foram This is Mrs. Rplcer's first visit to Rtes. w sisoe she left over twenty -Ave years •gra. J4lskW1 Taylor received word lad sgpa thao.als Mn. Gordon, • trafi pgrt.drip'• in the Imperial .ervla4 h,d ..dv.ddn Toronto seed would M in Rioter nn Thursday for a abort Move of .1wueet eeeantala mnnt-hi .erviol at the front. Aftweast iMus•sa of swan Mach a she aperted citizen of Broker, le the person ally improving and is now able to cit' up . A number trove here attended the races at Kincardine last week, HE KNOWS JUST WHY HE ADMIRESTHEM, more especially to see Mr. Charles- 1 worth's horse race. She did very • well, but only got second place .. Light -weight Suits in fawn and grey, Special $12.00 Just the thing for warm -weathers wear, STRAW HATS We have the right goods. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors The Square 11 1 0 111 Goderich j covered with water for some time DOW, and there is no doubt that the rain must be suffering. Generally At this time of year a great deal of the hay is cut and in the barn, but it is not w this year, as, although there is • splendid crop of hay, it will he some considerable time before the farmers will be able to get on tate laud to cut it Mies Aouie lrylor, wbo is engaged as teacher at W nidsur, is spending her , holidays with bee mother here Miss Helen Coming, wbo bas been spending her braider' with her par- , rota here, lett on Wednesday morn- ing to reeume her position in Tor- onto Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Elder' left on Wednesday morning for a few weeks' visit with friends at Montreal, Toronto and other places, to visit scenes of their early life Mr. Isaac Brown, wbo bas been agent for the Ford automobile sines there was ten agent herr, is quitting the bitai- nes. the end of thi. loon.', and it is expected one of the other garages in town will take ihe agency for this popular car U.. Thos. McElroy was in London on Tuesday to see hes wife, wbo has been in the boepital there undetgoing an operation. trwu which we ate glee' to say she is am- peoving..Mr. Wm. Co , who is en- gaged as carpenter on the lirend'1'runk sweet 8unuay with hie mother herr... .Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and family, of Clarerhnhn, Alberts, are visiting with relatives in this part. Mr. Bell repot t+ that in bis section of the IVeet they have bad no frost and things' were looking well when he left. Omit. CONIITh)Ne.—The heavy rain- atows we have had of late have causrd much bavoc to 501011 of the roads winery they have badly washed out. A great many field. have been Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs. Mercredi. Fort Snaith, Alberta, July 16 (Spec- eid.)—Among .11 the thousands of Canadians who praise Dodd's Kidney Pith for the good they have done, there ia no more fervent admirer of the great kidney remedy theta Isidore Mercredi, of this place. "Yes, it always gives me • pleasure to say a good word for Dodd's Kidney P91., Mr. Mercredi says. '•My wife was sick for two years. We could Dot find anything to restore her to health. Then we found a pamphlet tallies of several perms, who had hewn cured by Dodd's Kidney Pitt.. "My wife used just two horse of them and she i, perfectly well, to the ��ffaa**tt surprise a all mar ne - 'TYey sari tell you the inose t senna r.'oowe/aeid Dodd's Kidney Pills enough." REAP'OETH. MIes.Jean ()ovenloek, of O.I*ary, b the reit tat her brother, R. (ioven- leok. Alovi ftawfM. of (ailfopnte, le what- wools hit- w lel•hetlf.lt•ve, Jaynes and John, of $ S IL, is thirty-thenyears sires Mr. Rankin left Mee evrth and this is tlmLpr/L tltit beck to the old hoes._ Mn. RIm. Neely rseei*edi the •mad message last week that her eldest eon, WNY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm syslens of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of roves, but when health is ebbing, whit strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreeafut steep, irritability and unless corrected, lends straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion is exactly what you shosld take; its ricbasatriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -tells while the ',bole systems responds to its refresh - hag tonic torte. Pree from harmful dregs. sent w..a. Terata 0.11. FERTILIZER A car of Old Homestead Fertil- izer just received. It wiH in- crease the productiveness of your land. INCUBATORS Half -a -dozen Buckeye Incuba- tors—to be sold at reduced prices owing to the advanced season . DELCO LIGHT Are you interested in the new system of lighting for farms ? All kinds of WIRE FENCE BUGGIES We handle the Mci.anghliss and the Grey Bvfggirs--tutee better. wM•. Robert Wilson The Massey -Harris Shop HaariltbI flit. Goderich i StarlageaF Corner Montreal Street and tsar. HIGH-CLASS end SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PHLS TO TAKL OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto--CManlinsie Alwar• OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. it takes • 1 woman with nerve t• carry a file) purse with nothing io it hut a safety•pin and adore° drygoods samples. What a lot of things 'you wouldn't, do if you thought your friend,. wont& lind out about then ! Fall Term from Sept. 4111 VEadi NC �G�GCC' • STRATFORD. ONT.. COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND end TELEGRAPHY DEPARTMENTS We have thorough courses, ex- perienced instrnetors and we place graduates in po..itious. Demand tepee us for trained help is many tunes the number graduating. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. PATENTS, ROMPTLY SECUi I' In , l .• A a for our IVVY.N- TO1:.- .u. ISEIt...I,ub will be seat (nee. AlIRION Jt MAR1OI11. 264 Uriv■rity a.. Mtntrdal. FENCING Are you going to do any fencing ? We have several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give you at the price of No. 9 wire,' that is, 5c per pound -- and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of Na 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We also have a new preparation. Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun- gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is put up in 25c packages. Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling ? If so. bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we now have a man on that branch of the work. How about your Lawn Mower? It is nearly time for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so, let us know and we will call and get it and put it in good repair. We do Plumbing. Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed Chas. C. Lee Phones - Store 22 The Square House 112 doderich 001610