HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-19, Page 4• 4 TnuaannV, A TLY 19, 1917 THEoSIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO tI Men's Negligee Shirts 98c, Special purchase of Men's Negligee Shirts, all good desirable patterns, sizes 14 1-2 to 16 1-2 9 Special / In view of the big advance in cottons we would advise buy- ing freely of the above shirts. 8c Men's Undershirts 39c Travellers' Samples, about two dozen, sizes 38 39 and 40. Price . 7 T • Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith 8 Ring 30 Eau Street. Opposite Knox Church Give Us a Trial National Service Positions are plentiful. There is work and good pay for EVERYONE, WHO IS QUALIFIED. This school is prepared to train, you to get and hold a good position. Would you not like to take the place in the business world that one of the boys left vacant, when.he went to fight fot Ott(, and earn for yourself a good in- come at the same time ? We have` trained Others -who are doing .this -let us train you. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. I'ITMr. Principal School Opens Tues., Sept. 4, 1917. BAYFIELU. TUESDAY, July 17. Mn. J. Brock, of Port Dover, was in the villege for • few days this week. Mrs. Laird and Miss Bertha Arm- strong, of London, are visiting rela- tives in the village and oeigbborhool. Miss Cecil McLeod, of McKellar hospital, Fort William. is visiting et the home of her grandfather, Mr. Jas. Thomson. Mr-. (Rev.) Ketoben, of Hemiltou, aed her mother, Mrs. McMahen, ar- rived last werk end are occupying • cottage on Sunset Heights. Another destructive rainstorm vis- ited this neighborhood ibis (ldesdey) afternoon, when several bridges were washed out and many Heide of beans washed away with the rush of water. Thule who have fields 01 hay lying cut are almost discouraged. Summer Beat bard on Baby. No seeson of tLe year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless ptontpt aid is et band the baby may be beyond all human help before the mctber realizes be is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea. cholera infantum, dysen- try and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly it not promptly treated. During the mounter the mother's best friend is Belay's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels. sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medieine dealers or bymail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. KIPPEN. TUESDAY, July 17. rt. Pope, of Vancouver. is •visiting her ppt•ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor. Miss Pearce, of W ellecetown, has returned home after a pleasant visit with hettcousin, %V. C. Pearce, Mrs. Witham Ivison bad a severe fall this week and broke three ribs. All hope to her around again soon. Mr. and Barry Whigs and son, of Stratford, isited in the home of that lady's bro her, Mr. W. H. John- ston, this week.\\ Mr. Henry Bison bought a new Chevrolet last week from McDonnell Bros., Hansall. This firm has sold over thirty can this season and it is rumored that Cook Brom of the sante town have sold eight \Fords. Mr. and Mn. Joh Gilmour, of Moose Jaw, are visittn friends here and in Stanley. They \report that farmers are prosperous in the West and that the cities are rapidly recover- ing from the recent bard tittles. CARLOW. WRDNEBDA Y. Jul Mr. George Clark hes purc \la Ford car. Mr. George Veal] is erecting • ntr steel barn, Mr. Ci arle• \Nilson, head engin on the C. N. R., is visiting at the WIIMOMIkeleassesameaseasse New Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for sale -three-burner and four -burner Stoves. Call and See Them - W. R. PINDER ilemilien Street 11) U,11,11/se 11f 111 lal Nl lb U/1lnlf 1111 ■ LOOK ! A high-Rradr. tour and six drawer Raymond Sewing Machine for $26.00 These Machines are fin- ishecl in beautiful Oak Cases. Attachments are the latest and best. A ten years' guarantee with each Machine. Manufactured by one of the most reliable Companies E in Canada. By far the best values ever offered in Sewing Machines in Goderich. Do not miss the bargains at 'r. 3 James F. Thomson's . . Removal Sale E. ■itorIM!TTT'1'l"OT f.+NTTT fl'l'11f1191TT61 T111 1 `A Pym Every IOc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS Alii KILL MOPE FLIES THAN S8`` WORTH OF ANY STICKY 1 lY CATCHER Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug- gists, Grocers and General Stores. home of his pat•ente; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wilson. Mrs'- (Ur.) Aenew and two children are visiting at the hnlue of her par- ents, Mr. and Mr.. John•'1' .Iter. Mies Floren"s Young. wno has been teaching near Port Elgin. hes re- turued home to spend her vacation. 13ENMILLER. TUESDAY. July 17. RED CROSS Wool:. -The last month- ly wertiug'of B-nwilier branch of the C. K. C. S. was held its the Temper- ance Hall July 11th. There was • good ,ttandanc,' of members, The Sbatiety is indebted to the following ladies for socks : Mrs. T. ('lerke, U pairs ; Mrs. E•l. Grigg, o pairs ; Mis. Jas. Fromm], Mrs. W. Straughan, Mrs. M. dluglord, S wire each ; Mrs. Ed. \Valtere, Mrs. H. Mew. Mks. J. AIItn, Mrs. C. Welters, Mrs. Hanes. Mn. J W. Gledhill, Mr's. J. J. Moore, M McClure, I pair each ; No Nath 3 pairs. The following ladies di hew- ing : Mrs. E. Walters, Mr*. J Allin, Mrs. W. Mtreughan, Mrs. J/t.. Long, Mrs. Blake, 6 pain pillowslips each ; Mrs. McClure, Mrs. J. Million, Mrs. A. Fisher, 3 pairs pillowslips each ; Mrs. E. %Vetters, 6 suite p jamas ; Mrs. C. Oke, Mrs. J. %V. Gledhill, 3 quits each; Mrs. E. Grigg. Mrs. W. Long, LI suits each : Mrs. S. Gardiner, 1 suit : Mrs. E. %Velters, Mrs, al. Gardiner, Miss L. Walters, Miss 1. Long and Miss Edna Walter.. 6 pairs each Turkish towels. Mae. J. W. GLEDNILL, Secretary. GC DERICH TOWNSHIP. TUESDAY, July 17. Mies Greita Maedel, of Detr.rit, is visiting her uncle. Mr. Bert Orr. Miss Pearl Edwards is speodine a week or two of her **cation at Claude - boys. Mises Gertruie Blair, of the 4th con- ceaeion, is suffering from an attack of appendicitis.. Mr. George Main, the telephone linetuan, has beeo busy all week re- pairing the damage done by the severe electric storm. A lurge_,crowd attended the patri- otic lawn social at W. Wises, Tipper- ary, on Wednesday last, when over $20U was realized. Mr. Geo. Mcllwein, of the Hayfield road, is again veering Is broad smile f welcome for the young soldier that s rived on Sunday, July 8,h. number of lodges and a large Oro d celebrated the Glorious Twelfth at yfield. The speeki,g was in Jowe 's grove. A number of genies were payed mod all picnicked in the grove. sin the evening a dance was given in he psvilinn. • KILLKD N A(-rtuv.-Word has been received tb t Pte. John D. Cos, of Red Derr, f. timely of the 8th conces- sion, wee kil d in action .the latter pelt of June. e enlisthd in the bind at Red Deer it the 187th- Battalion and hail been 00 v e •hut's time in the trendies. HP wen highly thought of by all who know h n : m member and diligent worker of •thel Methodist chins 'l'be Dien r and relatives extend tibeir sympatb to the bereaved fetidly. PATeurrIC ,‹NIIT1fa.-''he annual Meeting of the 6'lutrd P rinds Sari- ety of Goderich tUernship ill ire held et the home of Mee. Tho Cox ort Wednesday, July 25'b. T e yearly' report, will be given and rent ere fol th-coming year elect.ell. A Ii at- t'ndence is requested. At th last meeting this So sty donated $H a to wunnded French soldiers. Thr Sne-' ty realized $to bum sale of rep. ruhh e, etc ;'Sud would like all inrereeted til continue /taring rucl) articles for fu - UNCHARTED CASSIAR 0 RICH IN MINERALS Northern British Columbia R•II•d Up- on by Veteran Prospector for Gold and Silver A Vancouver journal says: "Jim - 1]y" Moore, the veteran prospector of British Columbia, whose hills he roamed for 10 years, would like to see the Pacific Great Eastern extend from Vancouver to the northwestern point In this province. "1 do so," he writes, "as I know the great mineral resources of this; northern country in gold. copper silver, sinc, Iron, coal and rare metals, as well as large stretches of bunch grass country. and 1 may say here that the Cssslar dls- trtct. when once opened up with rail- way transportation, will be the great - lode -mining district of British Colmar Ina." I Experts Know Values Mr. Moore writes: "In support of this view 1 may be allowed to call due attention to the report of such an eminent authority as Dr. G. M. Daw- son, who visited the northern district In 1878. He gives in detail favorable opinions on the great potential wealth of the whole territory and remark, able finds of rich ore. "Walker Creek le another unexplor- ed territory for mineral. I have seen at Telegraph Creek some very rich samples of copper ore from this creek. It the government of British Colum- bia would get interested in opening up this rich and extensive mineral strict of ('asstar with railroad trans- portation," continues Mr. Moore, "they would open up the richest and most extensive mineral district known in the province." Many Kinds ef Ons Seen "There Is an abundance of wood and water," says Mr. Moore, "matters of groat importance In connection wtth mining. Means of railway trans portatton once provided, mine -opera- tions should be carried on here at teas cost than In dry, woodless re- glons such as are great portions of Arizona. On my last trip to the Cas- sia: ar■lar dlstrtct (1907), I met at Tele- graph ('reek a very Intelligent pros- pector, W. P Ball, one of the very few prospectors in the Casstar district at that date, who said to me that 'east of Deese Lake and south of Baskin Mountain for 100 miles In extent the country is practically unexplored, but what 1s known of 1t has shown sur- face unface croppings of copper, silver and gold ores.' Mr. Ball also said that the head of tis lakoot River he consider- ed one of the best districts In Cali- star arstar to prospect for copper, gold, sil- ver, nickel\ and iron. The lower part of this river was formerly worked for placer gold, He also considers that in this section is a low pass that could be used for railway construction from Haselton to the Stikine River." MOST DANGEROUS HOUR Celebrated Scientist's Thesis on "Rush Hour" for Microbes A celebrated scientist, who has made a lifelong ',,,study of different forms of bacteria, cently made the interesting announc ent that there Iare more microbes 1 the air at 9 o'clock in the morning mad at 9 o'clock M night than during any otter periods of the day. Ile says that he has also discovered that the pereontag of mi- crobes In the atmosphere is les at 3 o'clock in the morning and at 3 d'r.. k In the afternoon than at any oth times. He has also noted that at o about 6 o'clock every morning and evenin there wereIndication of th g e • approach of the microbe "rush" hour. From that time on until 9 o'clock the atmosphere became more and more crowded with germs of all kinds, some bad, some good; and then, immediate- , ly after 9 o'clock the tide began to ebb; until it was always lowest round about 3 o'clock, UNTOLD MINERAL WEALTH Northwestern British Columbia Amar ed One British Nobleman- ' till's binl pini nn. he said: AUBURN. he Marquis of Qu- eensbury highly pra tied the resources of northwest Brl sh Columbia. Speaking of a tour, ' whit to N'il ipcg to 1917 'VRDNRMDAY, Jnly is. All maul. laud 1., Auburn August Itt. 4,•e petters. Mrs. Mroti ,end ehil.trr•n. est Torl.utu, bray' leen visiting their eeusin, Mime I •unit Fei•gn..fa the past week, lieu, a, Laing Attended the funeral of his father last week. ,Mr..'Vn1, Mntch and rhildri•n, of Clinton. 111.1• spending w' hot n, i btuga week with her neither. Mrs, W. Yiiie, tilitt.. Mrs. H de', -t Medd, .r., is very lose r s. small a fres , - and rr' AI n s h t f , tit her r-- 1 "atety et her advanced age. The eotnutittr'rs sir.- p,' -t in i rap flu• hill. tel the beg IL IL ('rima pi t'1 i.' tot august let. Remember the date and. Ile en hand. 1 .Hev. A.l.ning, who 1't�J&1 nl•aepteal tin' to Fer,lwieli and (it.n•ie, will Kite lib. (arca-eil here next Mahhnth. At:rit:RN Rico Cause HR.1vr•H.-It.. port toe Autumn Red Cores (;irelt for Beet land and.Tims for Beans +ix monthe. from January 1st to June #leld beans l:1.ulted in June n„Intra altth, 1$17 -Sent to headgnarter.: ,-tile. n Crop In ordinary seasons. \\'.11- II - palter of "Rieke. 4' i) day e,)urt., :47 hos. drained, limed lo,' m sone of utrdiutn ;titer shirts, 12 pyjama militia 1 pillnn, fertility prodaie floe best crops. "Th people of Canada ueed have no fear egarding Ole ability of the coun- try t pay their war debt. The min- eral wealth o't Co! northwestern Brit- ish Columbia malnlatid and islnud9 is sufficient to 1:ay the war debt of your splendid dwnlnlon end that of Great Britain as well, and still leave ample for gent-ratio:,s.. yet unborn. it is simply marvelous, in fact. 1 do not hesitate to el,y that it is tl a greatest mineral region In t :c world. There is everything 10 Oat region I speak of In the wily of minerale that the world requires.. It reminds inc of much of that section of the Ural Mountains. from wll'let: Cie grand dukes of Rus- sia have taken their fabulous -stores of wealth, wattlt-Would not surprise ate If It is of the came formation and connected by a dip below the sea." paile. Sixty-five per/tele Pent in t te.. shipments to runt Ietyaovereea., Trial value to date, notinstnding pr.atwpe- nn passel•. $024,10. Mita. W. '1', Ihut>kLt„ Secretary. COLBORNE. MONDAY, July 111. MAI'rt.AND CoNclISSI is Nt ITKa. Mr. and Mae. J. C. Dirt et resent the week -end with friend. at Hernial' Mies Verna Ohler has gene to Tea onto Ie tete a petition P. stenographer. Miss Older it m weediest.. of the (elfin- 1 in Ychnol lir (Com merce ....Mist W. Grigg. of Goderich. 'spent Wet week -end under the patteetal n,r.f • •, Mies Rnbv Truemner bag retie -reed to I her twine at Hertl.all atter e, vte{t of few weeks with her rosier, Mes. .1, f'. ihnret. if quality enunts, uw• itlaekgtene'• drib -b,uu see coram in bulk or bricks for all eec*Pionie. '('hone 21i1. Canada has ro source of wealth more dependnt'c, more profitable or more pnrtunnent than that represent- ed In her flocks and heras. To enable a man t -walk on an tlw dined roof spikes( meg, to be straw. =dander the toes, have been gat- Eiperttnents its Indo-China have shown that it 1. poPgible to make cMdagc and certain forme of toaltles from the tiller of the water hyaclat` in Denmark there is a two-story pig sty that will accommodate 1,600 ahi- mals and In whlrh nearly W the wort Is done by electricity, - e If the average farmer could see halt as much to farming as the average city man dices, ahat a difference there a Would ire! Although feeds are high, do not fall n to give outfit tent nourishment t0 We drat Um*. hetferaellen bagging ty 911. o THE COLBORNE STORE Summer Muslins on Sale We still have a few of the bargain Muslins, but they will not last very much longer. Be sure and get a few yards before they are all sold. Regular 50c, 35c and '2.5c Muslin, for 12c yard. Bath Towels This is the time to buy Bath Towels. Real bargains can be had here in -To eels, in either white or natural color, its all sizes and prices. They range in price from 25c to $1.00. Watch for them in the window. Goddess Laced in Front The new D. & A. Corset is the laced front and is called Goddess. Goddess is a leader and comes in several styles. Authorities on Corsets claim that front -laced Corsets will be the only style worn in a short time. We would like to show these new lines of front -laced Corsets to you and have you try a pair. Once used always used. Perfect comfort with added support to the back. Ask for Goddess laced -in -front. Skirt Materials Now is the time for the separate Sport Skirt and we are prepared with the newest in Skirting Materials. Beach Cloths in plain colors, checks, stripes and figured designs are the best. We have them in small quantities, so there will not be many skirts the same. They are new and serviceable. 36 inches wide. At 40c, 45c, 50c a yard. This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons at 1 o'clock during July and August as J. H. COLBORNE DUNGANNON. MR. N. P. WHYARD is the agent for TH[ ettaNAL at Dungannon. Orden+ len with elm tar enbecriptbos, advertisements or job printing will re. o,ive prompt attention, Telephone (Oodertch Rural) rat \VEDN[$DAY, July 18. v. I. McKelvey and family are camping at Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Loynes, of Napanee ale the guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Loynes of the Sterling Bank. The July meeting of the Women's institute will be held on Thursday, 2Cih inst., when the.program will be in charge of the school teachers. FARRw-[LL SRRvieg.-Rev, O. Gowen will preach his farewell ser- mon on Sunday morning at 11 a. m. The service in the Methodist, church hes leen withdrawn to give MI an op- portunity to hear his parting word.. Aft•. Gomm leaves on Monday Corn- ing for his new charge at Blackstock. A (soot) RVCoRD.-The success candidates from Dungannon school a the gradual ion and entrance ex•mitia- tions are to be congratulated. Of a claret of nine for junior graduation all acre eucreesful, with three obtaining honors. They are as follows : Belle Errington (hon.), MurielOrse'r (hotel, Margaret Pentland (hon.), Olive Finigan, Ilene McKelvey, Amber Mc- Kenzie, Nora Gomm,'Jean Di•her and Agnes Caldwell. Annie Elliott passed the entranrr examination. would 'ever acchlkspan r him in the new Held of labor. fRENT. G. GOMM HUNUagD.-One of the chief features of sue Presbyterian garden party last week was the pre- sentation of an addres. and peva to Rev. Mr. and Mr.. G. Gowen by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. (iomw were called to the platform and the following address was read by Mr. Root. Devidsoo, clerk of the erosion, land the cheque was presented by Mr. F.Roer, treasurer of Erskine church : Deas Ma. svo MRS. GUM M. -we. the them- • abet. end adherent. of It;r.eine church, reaps - ng that you are about to •ever ytur oathsc- i .lig us, deem rbi. e StUug opportumtl t0 reudnd bort that we an vary Ie1L to part with you from thl. psateral cause. whore we h .ve teamed to lore and re.paot you so highly. We often appreciated your effort., 1s' pro- moting the intereats and spirituel welfare of our people and ever keeping before w•• high standard of qualltiee pertaining to the rhurcb ; and it. various breeches, Not only we ea a church but the whole community feel Diet you have beeps very asefol ebur y, and r vrluable a...e( to (bit comuluuity In yo,1r .t,UidIle. to wi+t I , benevolent. moral and religious movement fur the uplift of humaulty and for the oomulon good of alL while we regret your depart ire tom our midst. yet we oanaot re- 1 monstrate, koowing tbaL you tssl tb urgent ell from another quarter of the Master's i lase yard. 1t would be m.chri.i inn and sele.h of 11. to uppo-r• the call tooter these circum dance,: We indeed ing)' .1 ,leis l he metre - ion which i. fortunate enough to assure .o w and eitt -cent a pastor. .--,fure bidding you fc,eweli we would a.k 1 lou to accept this cheque a. a nnali token of gratitude from your congregetio•, hoping •ttui, wilt remember us In prayer, and that i1 ; feture day.. wherever )-our lot may 1.e ca -t, ' 7011 WtllIalwry. bear tilea.aal reternibranees of your wallae chars. its 011141(aune,1, • Signed In behalf of the eungregat loft, . R. DAVIDSON'', F. Weld. ' Mr. Gomm re ed feelingly. being indaed r sit rise to hitt. could icercely find r'1s to expr'ea hie Idea Lire of g *tint+ . He always. fo 1 the congregation d cuminan- ity very kind to hnusell, wife end family end he wished et th'maiden opportunity to thank cue and'all for their great curtsidrrAtion andhru i kindnruu -s to hint dm -4,m his ti rid ' a -half years III theta ilii I.t. tie ar?J hi, family world all cu. Ilan plem.0,41 meinnriee of the time .pent. in Dun- ,ganLun. , ' SI l'1 ui.svt'L GARDIIN PA Wel The garde', party under the ausplees of the Preelyler.sn church on tVed- oeedsy.v g,July 11th, wasagreet success in every detail. Owing to the t day previous to this evening, the eu ser ani conceit were given in the Agi u&tural Hall. Atter supper was serve • he hall we. filled to its minced capacity 11• hrxr Mr- J. A. Ih.Ilr}, vents1111 .t and et.t'rteiner, of Tor- onto. lir ept the lar,(e audience highly enter toed throughout the Is' e evening. Rev. even. McKelvey and I Five cups of fialada tort only one cent. The economy in obvious when 1 compared with the yield from low-' pt iced, ordinary tea. Shaw, of the Me . Mist and English oitu.chem, gave bri %perches. Alias Hazel An,tu.tine ent.• tained with a number of Palos. e proceeds tl,tallest $174.. , . . The Methodist garden petty on th charrh leen on Monday evenin • iitly The 111th, wets very 'successful. went her was Ideal, the erowd 1 snit the entertainment good. splendid supper was provided on th lawn, Nftet' which an excellent pin- gr•ant west furnished. 1netru•nenLsl music was given by the Lie -knew nrehr*bra, under the leadership of Mr. Hende••on, Met. (Seo. Anderson And Mise Allis, of Lueknnw, sang tinet• and solos, while Miss Esther Huber, of (inelph, «loritrionist, entertained the andienre with is number of reading-. IhrtInee,dP Were 175. . i THE GODERICH MARKETS. i 1 l ilrtwior. July 14, t rat, pnr 11.1. $: it +, , to 92. ', K• 1.1 ter Mi -I,.. ... 7.. to 4' ' Hit ey paI l b .h. •..., . ,1!1 U. 1.25 lP9 .I,3N•t,'h,I, ,•11IN-rhu.h )JJs to 125 Hue 10,11, fondly. pct cwt .. . n,pP• o 11.11 NNut. VII 841. Net' ewe ILSs its'` 8.7.1per tots ..... .... ' :Nall to,ii.1.,1, , air.0 per. ton . .,. ....,, 111.11 re OA) H.y. Ion ... ..... pleb tb 12,... Yarrow. I. , parlors.. 'IA/ to e, I tt'nu,l, per • 411 roe t(,5 'tali r Flat tae terl1. . ,J. to ,,ai t 1 cutlery nae , .... ... .N1 te' .13 , 1 Ise., fresh, per ,111 to ,:rd 1 i 1 ..•-: r, I-i,t her -'ch, '-, pert el, s'.'4. to In 1111 t 111Ic. lou cher.' 1ut.0, 6P.•.net 04.5n to Orel! H".+, I1"P ivel,rht, per r '1. ti 75.tg IS.'n, lhd +. per Di .1.) to ,17' ' sallow-, reud.risl, per 11, 10 to to V. ,:I•$ -I•'s'I,, rbpp 1.. 9.01 10 s- .o, us- ipprd nam to 11. .. +kin- a I,t :i ' 51. I/ aI h:ETINii itN PRi'1tYTRRv.-A spec- ial meeting of the Maitland Pies- bytery wits held in the Preshyterian eteircb. Lneknow, on Tuesday, Jllly 111th, to consider A call ft Mil Hlack- roma( And Nestleton eungregatiortu ie Rev, G. (lonlm, of Ruing+neon. A rep. re•ewttivtl couuulotion f Dungan- non and Pot t Albs r:. charp;etwee pre-•. rot to otter tribute in the nowt glow- ing terms of prairie, and of regret at the loos of a imetor se able and Male. tent. Mr. (iron ii replied feelingly, and reviewed the huslory of hit. ex let wrier. for the past live and a half years in Dnngsnnon and Pert Albert, aP A histol y of pleasant ruwnnt•iei, one that would fotrver r-n)sin deny to himPelf, to his wife and family. He •p.,ke highly of is-. elite,., hi. ulanag- ng htuard,.r18 nil •nIi Ire rd .vith the great cause that fir reprnso.,t•. !b- elt very Iollt to lent, the people r f t ,i, n'', ,•h ,i I., ih w ..Ir.,t; pet 16, rn's Grocery Berry season has again arrived. We can supply you with Berry Boxes, Crates and Fruit Baskets. We have Pyrex Trans- parent Oven Glassware. Try it -it's fine. The use of Neal'aAloafa Bread means economy in the home. We have it fresh each day. W. HERN Corner Ham.iIonSt. and Square Oho,. 43 Eyestrain pecialists t.•e euflcrim; frotn es•estrun and , the me time enjoying good he. th ere then at a Ina. to . know wht to ct silt. The uptrrme 'st iv the eve.trein specialist -his k t. confined to the exatnith(Unn tit eye% and he.;urrcction of de In r s'isinn with ,roper gl:w.et, liere vlsi are 'assured o 011e awl eatable service. ri �` •fir-` forl AND M:d OP OPTICIAN!. 1 i AN f Pari Al Tat POST OrrICC GUELPH. over,: •••••••••••• 000.00.00000- - - SPECIAL for Saturday Only • • • o SMOKED - • • HAMS his maiden charge, hitt Ilkewi«wi he• telt the call was an urgent Amami from I - Hod and be could not refuge. It. was I not to better his own condition, but t , ' engage In mare active sorrier to up- I Ilrt a people wbn bad wide .strong appeals to hien. in speaking Inc his who and family, as well as for him - elf, be assured the meeting that their memories and )Mayers would ever he with the charges they are leaving be- hind. The Inini..t.r. and Iavmen m,reiu to spoke mos, highly of Mr. (immtl's hetoivm in taking held of a work in *high greater Activity wee required, nd in which the bettwinent of hie wn sondition was not eonsldered, they Would mime him tram the l'ree- byte,, meetings, where they had earfl(d to respect hien highly as ono f the fraternity. 'I'hetr prayers MILD -CURED AND LEAN, • • half or whole, per pound •• • • •• 30c •• • • • • • r • THOS. LEGG, •, • • • MEAT MARKET •• • Phone 2 • On The Square • •••••••••••••••••••••••••- •