HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-19, Page 3TIIE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO
JJ PATH. specialist to women's sod ahl
dren'a diabase*, acute, 'brook mod nervous dim
Steen, eye, ear. nom old throw., partial deaf
ass, lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ada
aside remove] wttbout the toils. OMoe at
residence, corner Nelson sod St. Aodrew's
trona At home officio Moody.., Thursdays
sad Saturdays: any evening by appointment
nit. H. 0. MAt'1N)NELL.-HONOR
11 Graduate Toronto University.OrWwte
4q7y a College of Dental Su r meow.
a.00ea.or to the Nle Malar Sale. Offices
raer egos(' and West street.
lbs 67, Uodericb. AltlastrecUoas by Will
se len at Signal cmce will be prosirstlY at
esd.d to. Ksafdeere Wishbone 119.
R. u, HAYS
aies-Sterllog Bank Block. Medallion 81wt.
'Aortal. Telephone tb.
Real liaise. Loma and Amore/we.
Ctrs. m the Square. mound doer from Ham-
let/re .Meet. Goderich.
Private fuods to loan at lowest ratite.
M. Paocorour, Y.C. J. L Ktu,oaae
H. J. D. Coons
rt0. CAMERON, K. C., BARRi&
1 CK. solicitor. notary pabtto. Offices
Moo Street. Guderica. Wird door Ir"
Er. At Chntoe 7 burvdey of weak In
silos on AIbe.t 'Irret emu by Nr.
HHHHaaww..par. oma hunt. U. a.m. to pm.
asixow, LL.B.. se
lffl, atJrruey, solicitor. et. .
Cade -
to lend at beset rates
lottor, Notary PuUodblleerlcb. onI
Mud Cve sne.
so. -court Hous. u►ner
e C R A N C E CO. -Yarns and isolated
n property ln..ured,
( ween- J... l °molly. Pres.. Goderiob P.O.;
J.a. hyena, Vloe-Piga, Beechwood 1'. 0.;
Thomas L. lyn, Bea-Treas.. e.aforth P. O.
Dt»otas-D. F..NcUrroeggoorr 8satort ; Jahn
3. Orissa. Winthrop; W IIIWu Rion Constance;
John Bennewela. Brpdbagen ; Geo. b ccsrtem.
8eafortb ; Robert Ferris. Matlock ; Yalodm
Mctwen, Brumfield.
Agents: J. W. Yeo. Godt rich ; Ales.
Leitch. Clinton ; W thlam Chesney, Seaf.rth ;
L binchley. deafen-Gt. Policy -hoidens eau pay
.rnents and get their Dards reoutptid at
R. J. MorTMb's Clotbir.g 8tors. Clinton. R. L
Culla Grocery, Kingston Amt. (lode/rich, or
J. M. Reldb General Store, Bayfield.
O 000 UCAN-
lf ldD loan. Apply to U. G. CA-
N.Berrister Hamilton street. Gadsden.
✓ um AND LI0HTNINU 1 British. Canadian and
Iry : The Ocean Accident and Guarantee
Corporation ( Limited. of London. £.g.
67dent, and Oto 'ntee Company.
Ogee at resldenoe, ortbeast corner of Vic-
e nte
lo-ente and et.. Bavld s streets. 'Phone 176.
Patents, Trane larks,
Secured in All Countries.
Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC-
TION. Tells all about and how to get. pat
seta BABCOCK t 80N8. established 11117
formerly Patset t.Mos Examiner, Maate of
Patent Laws, Reglwtered Patent Attorneys
eta, 04 M. James Street, Montreal. Branches -
Ottawa and Washington. Representatives In
ell foreign countries.
Brophe3 Bros.
'Ise Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at .11 hours. night or day.
The Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
the tonbon
all Mall Editloae BP Per Year
The municipal council of Colborne
township met July 4th in the township
hall. Members all present except
Councillor Currey. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted, on motion
of Messrs. Snyder and McCann. Moved
by Snyder and McCann that we pay
$4.26 per day for man and team, and
to inspectors $1.75 per day, the council
to pay $1 and the contractor 75c.
Carried. Moved by McCann and
Snyder that we advertise to gravel
Benmiller hill, Kuntz- hill and
Dunlop hill. Moved byMcCann and
Fisher that we let te contract of
building the abutments and wing
walls at Benneiller bridge to E. T.
Ptrunmer at the sum of $6.50 per yard
measured io the wall. Abutments to
be flgured up as at 2 feet at top of dean
wall, and 18 inches on top of wing -
walls, on north to be A feet at bottom
and 18 inches on top, to be 10 feet
long; wing wall on south of east abut.
went to be 3 feet at bottom and 18
inches on top, to be 10 feet long.
The following accounts were passed
and ordered paid : Mrs. R. M. Young,
Mrs. Jas. Long, Misr McManus, Mr..
(Rev.) Hamilton, $71.00 each, for Red
Crow branches ; Jobn Clark, repairing
col...ts, $7.00; C.P,R., freight on tile,
$10 40 ; E. Good, inspecting, $2.00;
Oeo. Ashton, 10 cords gravel, L. It.,
$37.50; John Taylor, tile culvert on
Division line. $2.3U; repairing culvert,
con. 10, 118.00; A. Morris, gravelling
and drawing tile, $8.00; D. Bogie,
team on grader, $4.25; Jos. Thompson,
grading, $4 25, putting in culvert,
$3 (0, $7.'2. , ; E. Shaw, inspecting,
$3.50; D. F. Sctwrens, 106 loads
gravel, $15.90; John Barker. cleaning
gravel pit and grading, $40.00; G. Mc -
Nell, cleaning ditch. north boundary,
$13.20; G. McNeil, arawing tile and
putting in file culverts, $8;.110; A.
Mugford, work in gravel pit, $9.00;
W. W. Fisher, gravelling. con. 1,
$14.80, 28 loads gravel, $4.20, $19.00;
Henry Fisher, repairing Benceiller
bridge, $3.50; Oirvin Young, repair-
ing road north of No. 3 school house,
12.00. Moved by Fisher and Snyder
that we adjourn to meet on AegueL 14
at 1.30 p.m. R. MCILWAIN, Township
Meat. .
Minutes of council meeting held on
June Z(tth. Members all present.
Minutes d( last meeting were read and
passed.Communication from the Q'tren
Alexandranitarium, London. ;taking
for a denatld i in aid of that institu-
tion, received and filed. V. Potter
present,d a bill or sheep destroyed by
dogs lately. Action In this matter de-
ferred till next met1ting. No appeals
being received again assessments on
the Kelly drain, the court of revision
on the wine was closed end the bylaw
finally read and plumed. Regarding
the question of purchasing( tuoreirowd
machinery. it was eoneideredadvisable
that, owing to the leteneee of the m -
son, no more graders be Parch -. at
present. The Reeve and clerk ere
instructed to prepare a Tetter of , n-
dolenee to Councillor and Mrs. -
chanan on the death of their son, r
cently killed in action in France, and
also to forward a similar letter to the
widow of this gallant young soldier.
The following accounts %sere paid :
Blyth Standard, ad., drain contract,
$1 ; The Exeter Manuf.teturing Co.,
g rader. $05 ; A. Porterfield, rent of
road allowance, $'L : R. Chamney,
poets for fens at river bridges,
$10.20; McClenaghan, work with
_ .
grader, 10 ;' commutation statute.
labor tax, $5 :
. A. Currie, repairing
eelverts and widening road, concession
12, CCS, rebel grading ou concession 13,
$5 ; D. McGill and J. C. Stoltz, ger-
vices as sheep valuatorv, $2 eacb ; A.
Porterfield, bylaws andclerk's fees o0
the Kelly drain 430 ; J. C. Stoltz,
shovelling gravel, $2.40. For gravel,
P. King, $4.50 ; W. Halter, $3.00 ; S.
Frisby,- $3.511 ; J. Pfeffer, $7.201 ; Ed.
kwin, $9.511. For Red Cross -bel.
grave, $70; Whitechurch, $61;
Auburn, $01 ; Westfield, $80 ; Me -
Gowans, IR30. Next meeting of the"
council will be held nn Monday, July
30th. A. PonegeeIELD, Clerk.
'TRUiT-A-TiVES' Brought The Joy Of
Heald Atter Two Year: SoHeei.g
85 St. Rose St., Montreal. April 4th.
"For over two years I was sick and
miserable. I suffered from constant
Headaches, and Aad Artpitaliow of the
Heart so badly that I feared 1 would die.
There seemed to be a lump in my
stomach and the Constipation was
dreadful. I suffered from Pain its the
Back aid A'idtsey Disease.
I was treated by a physician for a year
and a half and he did me no good at all.
j trne.l "Fruit-a-tives " as a last resort.
After using three boxes, I was greatly
improved and twelve boles made me
well. Now 1 can work all day and there
are no headaches, no Palpitation, no
Ileart Trouble, no Constipation, no
Pain or Kidney Trouble and .1feel like
a este/sting-and it was "Fruit-a-tives"
that gave be back my health".
50c. a -box, 8 for V.50, trial size, lac.
.AE all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -
a -thee Limited, Ottawa.
report not being to hand, this matter
lies over for next meeting. Jas.
Anderson was paid $25 for one sheep
killed by dogs, on the report of in-
spector L. Grant. Bylaw No. 5, 1917,
was read three times and passed.
This bylaw provides for a line of
credit in the Sterling Bank to meet
necessary disbursements until mph
time as taxes are collected. Motion
by Messrs. Aitchison and Johnston
that township rate be two mills on the
dollar and that bylaw be prepared in
that behalf. Carried. The county
rate will be 37-10 mills and one mill
added for war tax. Reeve Mallough
reported that he bad secured Mrs,
MzDougal to act as nurse for Mrs.
Kelly at St. Augustine at $7 per week.
Motion by Aitchison and Purdnn that
s recommended by Dr. T. E. Case,
M. H. O., this nursing be continued in
o.eeenrime and that Masers. Mal -
and Johnston be committee
wer to act. Carried. Motion
Ston and Wateon that trees-
;ide county grant to Red
by Jo
Cross Jo sites on the same basis es
prevailed i February last. Accounts
for work . •ne and salaries to the
%Mount of $ , .24 were passed end
paid on motion y Pruden and Wat-
son. Council journed to meet
August 25 at 1 p. W. A. Wii.8oN,
When Your
Color Fades.
When a girl -or awoman -fitter
color fading, when her cheeks nd
i s grow pale, and she gets eht
breath easily, and her heart pa
pi tea after alight exertion, or un-
der the least excitement, it means
that she is suffering from anaemia -
thin, watery blood. Headache and
backache frequently accompany this
condition. and nervousness is often
The remedy for this condition is to
build up the blood, and for this pur-
pose there is no medicine can equal
Dr. Williams' Pink Palle. They build
up and renew the blood, bring bright-
ness to the eyes, color to the cheeks,
and a general feeling of renewed
health and energy. The Only other
treatment needed is plenty of sun-
light, moderate exercise and [good,
plain food. The girl or woman who
gives this treatment a fair trial will
soon find herself enjoying perfect
You can get, Dr. Williams Pink
Pills from eny dealer in medicine, or
by well postprid et 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., H. ockville, Ont.
Municipal council met on July 7 es
per adjournment of May 26. Members
all present, P.eeve Mallough presiding.
.Minutes of last meeting and special
Meeting of June 10 read and approved,
en motion by Metiers. Watson and
Johnston. Financial statement read
by.treasurer, W. J. Thompson, show-
ing a balance on band of 1400.66.
This statement filed, on motion by
Metiers. Pardon and Aitchison. Dr.
7'. K. Case waited on council with a
petition signed by himself and ten
other ratepayers of Dungannon ask-
ing for relief fromm-surface water flood-
ing their beveral properties through
which an award drain now runs and
is inadequate for the purpose intended.
Motion by Messrs. Johnston and
Watson that engineer be *eked to
examine and report to council. Car-
ried. Messrs. Nlvin. and Culheet,
owners of lou N. 416, concession 2,
and lot 17, concession 2, respectively,
served council with the nece.eary
notice in writing asking that the Kirk
award drain be extended pbtiut 100
rods southward, also that the present
drain he deepened, widened and im•
proved. Council agreed to take this
matter up. at the same time asking
petitioners to bear with them, as some
difficulty was being found in getting
work of this kind done. Clerk read
letter from Geo. Pollock in which he
asked that A. Rivers and Wm.
Stotbere clean out their portions of
Pollock award drain, Mao that en-
gineer 'import the same when com-
pleted. Motion by John"ton and
Watson that, in view of the fact that 1
under present conditions council is
unable to keep pace with drainage
schemes as presented, clerk procure
advice as to what power council has
(if any) to employ another englneeer,
In order that the several drainage
e nbemea asked for may be disposed
of. at the same time retaining town-
ship engineer, who is engaged on
larger works for municipality.
Carried. Reeve Mallough reported
tha', no agreements had been arrived
st. during adjournment as to the
Woods, Stewart and Thomas McQuil-
lan drainages matters. Wm. McAllis-
ter asked council to pay one-half of
damages, he having three *beep killed
and two worried by dogs. The
owner of One dog has agreed to pay
one-half of damages ; the second deg,
although Bene, cannot be Ident.lfl4rd.
The neoereary aledavI$ argil inspector'
You can always tell what a man
thinks of money by the things he will
do to get it.
To live a decent life is not all that is
necessary ; a man can he decent and
not be particularly useful.
Money won't do everything, but you
can't run a war ageinit the Kaiser
without It.
When a woman gets a love letter
from her husband she appreciates it if
it has a cheque In it.
rMARr Quotnnoil
JULY 16th
Toronto Cattle
Choice heavy steers .. $11.00to$11.2$
Butchers', choice handy . 1 1 .00 11.50
do. food 9.50. 10.00
do. common 8.60 9.00
Butchers' bulls, choice9.00 9.50
do. good 7.00 8.00
do. medium 7.00 7.50
Butchers' choice cows8.25 8.7.
do. good 7.25 7.76
do. medium 6.75 7.26
Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 8.60 9.26
do med., 700 to 800. 7.76 8.26
Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs. 7.00 8.25
do. medium ' 6.00 6.50
Canners 5.00 6.00
Milkers, good to cholce90.00 120.00
do. com. and med40.00 80.00
Springers . 40.00 120.00
Calves, veal, choice 12 .00 15.50
do. medium 10.50 11.50
do. common 6 00 8.50
do. grass 6.00 7.00
do. heavy fat h 00 10.50
Spring lambs, cwt. 16.00 17.00
Sheep, yearlings, choice
clipped . . 10.00 11.00
Sheep, ewes, light, clip:
ped .. 8.50 9.50
do. heavy and bucks6.50 7.50
do. culls 4.00 5.50
Hogs, fed and watered .16... 00.00
du. oft cat a 16.50 00.00
do. f.o.b. 15.50 00.00
Wholessl. Produce
Toronto wholesalers are paying:
'Eggs -
Current receipts, cases
returnable .. $ .30 to $ .32
Butter -
Creamery solids .34 .36
Creamery prints .35 .36
Dalry .. .28 .30
Live Poultry -Buying price deliver-
ed Tordnto.
Chickens, aprfng.. . 20-.22 .25-.30
Hens, under 5 lbs. .16 .20
Hens, over 5 lbs. .19 .20
Roosters .. .14 .16
Ducks . . - .12 .00
Ducklings 20 .25
Turkeys . . .16 .18
Wholesale prices to the retail trade:
Butter -
Creamery solids 3714 to .38
Creamery prints, fresh.3814 .00
Choice dairy prints .34 .35
Ordinary dairy prints .32 .33
Bakers' .. .28 .29
Cheese -New, large, 23c; twins,
2314c; old, large, 30% to 31c; twins, 31e.
Beans -Japanese. hand-pleked, bush-
el, 87.50 to 88; Canadian, hand-picked.
bushel, $9.26; prime, $8.75.
Peas -Dried, bushel, 14.50 to $5.
Toronto Grain Markets
Toronto Board of Trade market quo-
Manitoba Wheat -Track, bay ports,
No. 1 northefir$2,' 4, nominal; No.
3 northern, $2.1511A.
Manitoba Oats -Track, bay ports,
No. 2 C.W., 81',4c.
American Corn - No. 3 yellow,
$1.99, nominal.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, $2.35
to $2.40, according to freights outside;
No. 3 winter, $2.33 to $2.38.
Ontario Oas-No Quotations.
Peas -Nominal.
Barley -Malting, nominal.
Rye -/Nominal
Manitoba Flour -First patentee In
jute bags, $12.40; second . patents,
$11.90; strong bakers', 111.50. -
Ontarlo Flour -Winter, new, track.
Toronto. prompt shipment, according
to sample, $10.46 to $10.55.
Millfeed-Carlota, deliveted, Mon-
treal freights; Shorts, $38 to 139;
bran, $34; middlings, $42; good feed
flour, per bag, $2.80 to $2.90.
Hay -Track, Toronto, extra No. 2,
$12 to $12.50; mixed, $9 to $11.
Straw-Carlots, $9.
Cheese and Butter Markets
Cowanevil'le, Que.-14 factories of-
fered 1,195 packages ot• butter. All
sold at 351.4c. Twenty-eight boxes of
cheese sold at 20%c.
Waterloo, Que.-Sales were 1,190
es of butter at 3614c, and 30 boxes
of eese at 20%c.
Lo on -Seven factories offered 907
boxes; 567 boxes sold at 21c.
St. acinthe, Que.-1,250 'boxes
were offe •d. All sold at 21e.
Bellevlll 2,450 boxes of white of-
fered; -870 s. d at 21 6-16c; 1,100 sold
at 21'µc, bale e refused at 214.c.
Vankleek Hil 1.665 boxes of white
and 60 colored w e boarded. Ml sold
at 21 6.16c.
Victoriaville - Abbot 3,000 boxes
cheese sold at 20 13.1
Troquote-1,140 chee were board*
ed- 970 colored and 1 white. All
add at 2114c.
Dressed Meats-Wholesk,e
Toronto wholesale houses art' quot-
ing to the trade as follows:
Beef, forequarters, cwt.$13.60to$14 .
do. hindquarters ... 18.00 20.0
Carcasses, choice 16.00 17.00
do. common 13.60 15.50
Veal. choice 18.00 20.00
do. medium 12.00 14.00
Heavy hogs 17.00 18.00
Shop hogs 21.00 22.00
Mutton, light 16.00 17.00
do. heavy 12.00 16.00
Lambs, yearling 21.00 22.00
Spring lambs, per Ib.28 .30
Chicago Live Stock
Cattle - Receipts, 700. Market
steady. Beeves, $8.30 to $14; stockers
and feeders, 16.26 to $0.26; cows and
heifers, $6.40 to $11.90; calves, 19.50
to $14.60 Hogs -Receipts, 9,000. Mar-
ket lower; fight, $14.40 to $16.65;
mixed, $14.46 to $15.80; heavy, 114.25
to $16.86; rough, 114.26 to $14.45; pigs,
111.26 to 114.60; bulk of sales, 114.75
to 116.75.' Sheep -Receipts, 7,000.
Market steady. Iambs, native, $10 to
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 900. Market slow.
Vesta --Receipts, 100. Market slow;
$6 to $15.75. Hoge -Receipts, 9.800.
Market slow. Heavy, $16 to $1610;
mixed, $16.90 to $18; Yorker/a. $15 75
In $16; light Yorkers, $16..26 to $16.60;
ttgs, 116 to $16.86; rongha, 814 to
14.10; stags. 112 to $12.60. Sheep end
lambs -Receipts, 200. Market slow
Lambs,, $10 to $1876; others unchang-
THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1917 3
Handsome Silk Sweaters
We are exceptionally well prepared to meet the great,4emand for the indis-
pensable Silk Sweater Coat which should form part of every lady's summer ward-
robe. They come in the most charming styles, in beautiful rich colorings, at extremely
moderate prices.
We feature the celebrated "Monarch Knit" Silk Sweaters
Special at $7.95
Ladies' Fibre Silk Sweater ' Cost.
"Monarch Knit." Heavy weave.' Latae
collar and sash. In colors of Copan and
white, gold and white, melon and white.
A very dressy garment, at
Our Special at $15.00
Ladies' exquisite pure Silk Sweater
Coat. Jersey weave. Deep sailor collar
and sash. In colors of melon, trimmed
white ; shell -pink, trimmed white; purple,
trimmed white ; black, trimmed white ;
Copan, trimmed white. One of the
season's handsomest styles, $15.00,
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Other styles at $6.00, $7.50. $9.75, $10.00, $12.50 to $17.50 each.
Children's white Silk Sweater Coats, very dressy, at $2.00 and $2.75 each.
See our handsome "Monarch Knit' and "Cee Tee- all -wool Sweaters.
Viyella Flannels
Popular for Sport Garments and all kinds of ladies' and gents' day and night
wear. Guaranteed unshrinkable and always retains the same soft finish after re-
peated washings. At 75c per yard.
%Automobile Rugs
Special showing of Scotch Tartan Auto Rugs, in great demand for automobile
wear and travelling. From $6.00 to $12.50 each.
Our store will close Wednesdays during July and August at 1 p. m.
PHONE 56 lVJillar's Scotch Store PHONE 56
Three more new Professors
equal to any in Canada.
Students can now [obtain as
. good an education in Arts and
Medicine at the Western. as
P. E. I3RA1THv1AITE, M.A.,1'H.D.,
The Cruel Thing.
"The flot ;walker called me down for
beina late this nit rein'."
"lie's got a vette • slut tin' us girls
to dance till 3 in the mei mai' aro get
here at 8."e -Browning'• Mega:int.
Had Terrible Pains
in Kidneys and Back.
- Dear Mr. Editor -I want to write yon
about "Anario." I wag very sick, could
hardly be up ; I was in bed most of the
time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys
and back, so much so that I had to
scream sometimes when I was sitting
down and wanted to Ret up, the pain
was so great. I had tried a well-known
kidney medicine but it didn't help me.
I heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablet
to I thought I would try them. I took I
only one box of the Tablet, and my
back is now fres from pain and I can
work and take care of my family. 1'
feel I cannot say enough for this melt.
eine. Sincerely, MRs. WM. KILLga.
For office work to fill the Oars. of
meu who nave gone m ere going to the
_front. Young women can render the
country real service try prepartt•g to
take positions in bank. and bu.iueas
Spatial Tonnes of training In 'Book-
keeping. Shorthand and all other Com-
mercial .ubjeet.. now In erngrew,..
Students admitted any time. I Uuwtrate.l
catalogue free.
Northers Business College, Ltd.
C. A. FLEMINO, Prloetpa.
1QoTR: This "Annric" is adapted
especially for kidney complaint and
diseases arising from disorders of the
kidneys and bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rhenmktism, dropsy, con-
gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, 'ceding urine and
urinary troubles. The physicians and
specialist at Dr. Pierce's great Institu-
tion, at Buffalo, N. Y., have thoronghly
tested this prescription and have been
with one accord successful in eradicat-
Ing these troubles, and in most eases
absolutely miring the diseased kidneys.
Patient having once used "ttnuriaa
1d Dr. Pierce's Invalid.' Hotel, have r.
peatedly sent back for mors. Such s
demand hu been created that Dr. Pierce
has decided to put "Anuric" in the drng
stores of this country, in a ready -to -nee
form. If not obtainable send one dime
by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package
Or 50 ants foe full treatment.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical THeenvwy
is a blood cleanser and alterative that
starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. It thus awaits the body to make
rfob, red blood, which feeds the heart,
n erves, brain and organa of the body.
You tool clean, woos andmoor.
The Saults Coal Co.
S uccessor. to Nit Donagh fi: Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hatd and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
B. ). Saults' :Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
Every Monday till October Oath.
Atbr.da 464.00
Athabasca 46.80
E dmonton . 47.00
*Mettler . 47.00
C 10.73
North Satttsford 43.76
Regina .. 40.50
Forward ... 40.56
* aerate/on , . 42.28
Dauphin .. 37.75
Lucerne .. 93.00
Cen• te
, .... 4.778
Hanna ... 44.00
n owtewn .. .... 41.50
Yerkton 15.56
Mese. Jew 41.00
Prins. Albert .. • ., 43.00
■ randsn... wti
W117711040 . s .......a..e16.00
14 For Tlokete, Rea.rvat3nns. i.Iter-
• afore and Information appply toe
J W. ('relgl., Insurah,e. fkMer-
loh, ng write It. I.. Fairbairn,
O P.A.. 40 King et. 16., Toeotrto.
MacEwan Estate
EzcTusive agen s or
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
TELEPHONES, office 911
residence 212 or 6$
Why use coal oil when
you can have Electric
Lights that will not cost
you any more and will
give more light and better
We know how to LET
and will cheerfully fur-
nish plans and estimates
for wiring your home.
Just Phone 82 or 193
Robt. Tait
West Street, Next Postoffice