HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-19, Page 1Printing
• THE SIGNAL, is ready to
handle your Printing work,
large or small, and give you a
satisfactory job every time. Let
us have your nett order.
Telephone 35 The Signal/ C Y Byltoq
ee Mottoplp I7
`x.. Tom. : 4 ePf' 171 "rITT. ,T a Ly >„ r
Ward w
Have You Forgotten
to pay your subscriptitm fur
The Signal for 1917 P We
nerd the money, and it you
are in torsion would ask
you to make payment.
SAVE, Because --
Limiting your pleasure will make your
pleasure more wholesome.
lately occupied by W.H. Harrison sal the
ether by James F. Thomson. Roth on the
aeeare. Apply J. P. BROWN. fta-tf
boles on Ulnuce.ler tTerraoe, Apply to
KPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 7u-tf
The following is s U.t of prat ecttee which 1
have for sale, and on inveetMaim promective
buyers will and that the price., are put down
where the propertle4 cu, t.e purcha.ed to
make .oats esncy
No. 1. Foe old brick honer. fully modern. 10
room.. full barsment. corner Fist ars( Victoria
treat.. T1.1.. le one of the moa de.er.hleprop-
erties In the town of Oodericb. Prier $k1011
No. Y Fine rod brick hones. fully modern,
with bot water beating. 7 tome. full basement_
dtaated wog. aide Victoria duvet. This is the
hes: buy In town. Price tiA7U.
No.3. New red brick hone, met built 19Me
electric light and hath. 7 mous.. two lase with
troll trees and good garden. more as tillable
land if desired. ',ousted eat Ode Hu,uo load.
Good buy. Pries In. list
No. 1. White brick. lietoey. 7 -room home,
lath and electric light... Good harm two foe
with fruit tree.. .Rusted on the owner of Cam-
eron and Raglan ..treat.. Price Stigma
No. N. White brick 9, room hours, all modern
mesveoleooea, bot water hreung, fireplace In
Eying room and parlor..lt tinted on the corner
of Nel.o. and Cambria: Pies $33.u.
No. it Frame bodes, 1 j Rory. a room., two
lots with halt tree. shorted oe the weal .id.
d W idder street .• 1'r ee Ince.
No. 7. Frame house, 7 morass and bath. two
ritch fruit trees, set9ated o Warren moat.
No, 6. Hlock of .Ix of the beet garden lots in
town. Olmsted on the wed side of Hume road.
Price t'tn
No. r One of the, choicest building lot. to
fawn. situated on the tree/cot. Full alae Id.
Prlos Bev,.
Several other listings c1k1 kabala on 'ignition -
tams at the ela>oe. _
N umber of bets.. to rent:
Famished and Unfurnished Slimmer Cot-
Warted to Rest.-6izs beaus, with alt
osavenisaces, at mace.
. - - 1. w. rift/nem
1nsEvaooeand Real RG,ate.
(Mix between G. T R. sod U. P. it Ticket
48mtle.. Phone Ye.
WOit=.-A number of good reliable men
can secure
p1.y.. tout .mpployment on munition
Got. E
FIED teacher for S. S. No. 6, Golbooms
township. Duties to commence land of Sep-
tember. 1917. Apply to C. A. ROBERTSON,
Regretsry, R. R. No, 5. Goderich. 71-11
1 CLASS pro(endonal for echoed .sctien No.
9, A..hfleid. Duties( to commence September
acd. Rues salary and experience. Apply a
W. W. CLARK R. R. 140..7. bucksaw 71-41
emplo newbe
t to • number of boy. at box-
British Exchange Hotel
( M
nate cheep, M. W. HOWLLL. 7$-34
CLASS Scondition ; large bood. wood
es Abe a baby -walker. Apply MRA. B. T.
C =edition. Apply at SiGNAL UFP1CL
capacity li tore. Suitable for exPreen
leery or hunt work. Pneumatic Un. 1n
front, roar axle. the Ramon interval gear -drive.
Speed, It to 20 mile, per hour.
One Jlteey auto car, c/o -el body : to carry
bt pu.eoaw . Pneumatic Urea all round.
wk a he sen at our Lamm y or drop u. a
postcard for full particular. and pricer of
5 -tf Goderich. Ont.
amounts with Mt W. F OALIA)W are
requested to can at his home and arrange for
the payment of mate without deer, as he ex-
• to proceed Overwew
• t wide. to have v
all acciuotr (rsighteti the near futare
u p before he leaves. 01-11
Payments for Water Rates are
now due, and on all payments of
rates from July 1st. 1917, to Deretn-
ber:ilst, 1917. 10 per cent. will be
allowed if paid during this month.
Those in arrears wen. advised
some time ago and if arrears are
not paid during thus month steps
will be taken to collect.
W. T. filleiry,A. Straiton,
Mainmast. Collector
The pastor, Rev. J. H. Owrbouts
will have charge of the services in
Victoria street Metboibt church next
Suoday. in the evening the service
will be of a patriotic nature and an
honor roll, containing the names of
!hope from the church who have •e -
listed, will be unveiled.
The services in North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday will be con-
ducted by the pastor. The subject of
I am In.truoted by
to sell by public auction at bee residence, Ret-
rial Greet. Uodencb, on
tommencipg at 1.30 o'clock sharp, all the oo-
teute of the hou0, consisting of parlor. dluiug-
room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, idctu.e.,
carpets rug.. china. cutlery, elaaaware, etc..
am mg which there are:
Tw large rug., a. gond as new, worth at.
lea.( tet; e.cb; 1 mahogany made cabinet. 1 11-
teu.loubookcase, 1 large t;berter geld, 1 dieing
table, 0 leathermated dime( chair.. 4 large
leatherupbol.tered oak chair.. 1 buffet (cod
$35).4 Dia.. bad., : largedrewere, 1 new sewing
machine. 1 kitchen range, and numerous other
This w111 be a .pleeidid chance to get good
furniture, a. it. in of extra qukiity, end hes only
been in um • ..bort time.
101 u.. o...b.
T. OUNDRY. Auctioneer.
LTA FAMILY deers to thank their nelghbore
and friwwl. for their kirrdnees extended 40
.hem 1n their m&d bereav etnent.
• I9. underwfgcrcl on Sunday, Mb Met, a
yellow. black ani white colliedog. with .host
tall owner may have lame On proving Owner-
ship and paying for thi. adverti.emest.
MRS. JAS. YOUNG. Port Albert
Tes.ber piano and theoretical work. Peelle
prepared for axamin►Coati. Studio, St. Davide
street. 37-11.
Having enlisted with t1 161st
(Htlton) Battalion for active ser-
vice overseas, I have made arrange-
ments with Mr. Nelson Yeo to
carry on my cartage business in my
absence, and I would respectfnlly
solicit from the public generally,
and from my old customers partic-
ularly, a continuance of their valued
patronage, until such time as I can
again restime my occupation.
Any business entrusted to Mr.
S'eo during my absence will be
carefully attended to and will be
thankfully appreciated by me.
Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo,
No. 167.
I111M11 I a
Large quantities of
Terms -Cash on delivery to
The National Shipbuilding Co.,
w ill .11 by public auction, at the farm of the
to.• lir. MacFarlaud. Bayfield road. Goderich
towu.hlo 1d! mase. mouth of Uodrrichl, uu
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp
Otic per of good draft gelding., 8 year. old; 1
che.tnut mare, 7 year. old. • good faintly mare Rai
n; lway
or worker, not afraid of ca1 roadster Oily,
n.ing 1 year., .trod by Montan. dam by Sid- •
ney: 1 newly -calved cow. 2 years old; good SUBSCRIPTIONS TU "FRENCH RED
Durham row os
milking well end .0 ped to he
the morwiotr sermon will be : "
fog and Getting." In the even.ug
"The Hands of Ood." On Tuesday
evening the Bpwor tb League will hold
an open-air service nn the tennis
lawn, where there will he • good pro-
gram of music, and addresses on
"Hoboes from Use Summer School."
Everybody will tie wade welcome.
Mr. F. C. Mabee's addresses in tie
Baptist and Presbyterian churches on
Sunday were hes.," by interested con-
gregations. In his addles, in the
evening at Snort ..uurcb he spoke of
• Present Conditions in China," and
enlisted the sympathies of his hearers
in the work of education in which he
is engaged as • member of the staff of
the baptist College at Shanghai. (An
extended repo. -1 of Mr. Maher s ad -
drew is unavoidably omitted this
Owing to the putting in of a new
dam and bridge at Pfrimmer's flour
mine, Brnmiller, the road will be
closed about July 180b. The work of
reconstruction will be completed as
soon as poeaible. The work will tie
largely of cement construction and
will be an added improvement to the
locality. Mr. Pfriwmer has a large
stock of Hour and mill -feed on hand
and all customers will be supplied as
usual. The mill win always be acces-
sible by the Stewart road or by way
of the Benmiller bridge over the ricer,
Economical Travel.
Whether feu are going West to
homestead or poly for a trip, the moat
economical method of travel is to take
advantage of our low homeseekers'
fat -e., good going on special excursions
evedy Monday. For tickets and full
particulars apply to J. %V. Craigie,
town agent, Canadian Northern
sic calf &gale. 4 year. old; 1 good cow. will
fre.be, In Augu.t; 5 needy -calved heifer.,
7ears old sod well broken and good milker.;
t heifer. 1 years old, due to calve in fall: 1 .tear.
., years old; 1 Durham goads bull, 4 year. old;
3 extra good early oche., 5 .mn l calves; 1
brood .ow. due in September: Ml white Lrg-
hornaod Rock bon.; es ..prlugch'clu.. barbered
1 set of berry team rbaroee., 1 heavy Pet costa
wagon. 1 .et ..loo leighs, 1 ombivatlou took
rack 1 I.metF Wood mower, 1 311a..ey rake, 1
[herbs/ bielrr, I Oliver corn and bean
cultivator, 1 Deering cultivator, 1
Deering 11 -plate dl.c with fore -t, uek
1 (too roller. 1 cutting box. 1 I,,Lernational
gasoline engine, 1 .et iron barrow-, 1 walking
plow (No. J1 Fleury). 1 .sed droll, 1 gang plow,
1 .et pletforns scaler. I democrat wagon.
pole, .halt+ and top: I covered buggy.
1 cutter. Vu lb.. Gold Medal binder
twine, 1 eat mingle baro,..... 2 good
harm blanket., el good water Gough, 1 Daisy
churn. I -cuffler, 1 .et of .hng., ditchingspades,
fora.. .bowl-, aug,,-.. 1 bay fork. ear end rope;
1 new DeLetal cream laperator. 1 Incubator
and hover. Teets wblfltetrees neckyokes, etc.;
teat bin., a quantity of eaah.:11 yar& poultry
wetting 72 -inch.
The above .tun and implements are of good
quality. Mea( of the implement. were bought
new wben Dr. MaeF.rland went on the farm.
?smut -All auras of 01. and under,osah:over
that amount. sox month.' credit will begiyen o0
furolebing approved joint note.. A deemed
0 4 per per cent..tralaht allowed for cash o0
Ca It amount..
There will ales be offered for rent. for the
behave of the imeaso ., 44 acre of good muskegs.
Heed wsserstq tenor.
Proprietor. AOcUouesr.
NICHOL. t.A7R Mims TOWN or GooniUCH,
I1. VIM COUNTY elo 'HI;aosr, CAaratrTga,
Maize is hereby given. pareua.t to Statute 1
Geo. 5. chap. 111, .ec. Li, that all peneon. having
claim. against the estate of the late Adam
Nichol. deceased, who diad on or about the
4649 day of June, 1917, am requemted to mend by
pp, t, prepaid, or deliver to Use undersigned.o-
licitor for John Nichol,the executor of the
.4.i a ate, at M. office, Hamilton street, Gode-
rich, on or before the 21.1 day of July. 1917,
their name.1 and addressees arid description..
and • tall statement of the particulare of their
Male. and the nature o the mecurlty (If any)
held by them, duly certified to. and that alter
the -aid date the executor will proceed to dis-
tribute the mmeet& of the decea.ed among the
parties entitled there•o, having regard\only to
the claims of which he .hall then have\notice,,
and that be will not be liable for the seem. no
distributed or any part tbereof to any hereon
of whose claim he shall no then have had
settee. M. G. CAMERON,
Solicitor for the Executor.
Datdkt to 3Dtb day of June, A. D. 1917. 71-3t
Ahmeek Chapter, 1. O. P. B....$ 35 00
Maple Leal Chapter, 1.0.D.E..., '25 00'
General Brough Chapter,
I. O.D.E .... 2000
Miss Agnes Donaldson .. 1 00
Miss Harrell 2 W
Mrs. Strang ,.' -1 00
Mr-. D. Millar 5 00
M.. and Mrs. W. L. Eliot 5 00
Mrs. Carrie 1 00
Mime Isobel Proudfoot .1 .00
Mee. P. Ma' Farlsne 1 00
Goderich Township Patriotic
Society 100 010
Miss Hays
Mr.. Shultz (Sanford)
1 00
1 00
Mum Cameron 2 (10
Mrs. Jordan 5 010
John Sowerby 1 W
Mrs. Burritt and family 5 W
Women's Inotitste10 W
Mn. A. H. Nisbet -s"---er a 5 0111
Mise Carey (Rita) 5 00
Mrs. C. Dunlop 2 010
Sheriff Reynolds .......... 1 00
Miss Bruce. .., -A-09
,Mra•r.0L. W. LriAiirft'....1/1W
Mrs. Hume ,,...,a. 250
Ref.ekah Lodge 20 00
Proceeds of card party (per
Mire Cameroo) •... 3 70
Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor; 5 W
Mr. J. H. Colborne 5 (el
Mrs. D. Ferguson 1 OU
Miss Babb 1 00
Miss Anstay 1 (N1
Miss McPherson 3 (N)
Mrs. McGaw 100
Colborne Red Crowe Workers
(Carlow) 10 00
Mrs. Slack .... 50
Miss Craig 1 (10
Mn. Jas. Clark 2 OU
Miss McAra 1 (N)
Mrs. Leech 2 (10
Mrs. Evans 1 00
Mn. L. H. Dickson 1 00
Mn. Oliver Clark 2 W
Mrs. Priddle 1 00
Mn. C. Thomas 1 00
Mrs. J. Buchanan 1 W
Mr. W. Coats 5 Oft
Miss M. Clifford 10 00
Star Printing Co 6 00
Signal Printing Co . 6 00
Miss Farrow 2 OD
NMICM TO CRl>SDITQRS. Proceeds of este of flags Ill 78
Proceeds of boxes 867
IN fps Errariee Demean - McLain, I.a10 O/
(TIE TOWN orOougalt r or TEE COUNTY
Or HuIto1, MZCIIANIC-DwCaaagD.
Notice la herebygiven, pur.uant to the ata -
trite In that behaf. that all person. having any
clime agaln4 1)unau Mcleod who died on
the ;Mt 9 Marr -h. 11117. aro required. on or before
2.519 Jnly. 1917, to s Ind by poet or deliver to
the underman Mc-
■olleitors for NorK. M
Leod, of Clinton. (mt.. administrster Of the
estate of the .aid deeeseed, t.11 particnlare of
their claim ; and that after the meld 20th July,
1117. the .aid admintarator will proceed to dis-
tribute the A.eet's of the aid deceased amo
the sermon. emitted thereto, having
only to the claim. of witch he .hall then eve
had notice, and I hat the mid admlnl.Gator
will not be liable for the said asete or any part
thereof to any person of whole claim he shall
not then have received notice.
Ioateld 3rd July, 1917.
7141 Solicitors tor the Administrator.
f,. TRE Ewra,w 011. JANxT 1101101 AWL LATE or
ME Tow,. or (IOnaniCR. ear TUE Comore
ov Rt,ao,., WIDOW. D.Caas*D.
Notice 1. hereby elven, put 'man. to the Re.
vised Statutes of Onterlo. 1911, chapter 111, that
all creditor., and other. having claims sealed
the estate of the said Janet Douglas.. der,sead,
who Alec on or about the 4th day of Jane,
1917. *re required. on Or teforo the 1311, day
Angost. 191 Mimed hy ppreakl, ear 4.11...
t o roudheitort p
, K Moran t, t oohs. eolidtnr. ser the
adminf.U-*;Mx of maid sedate, their ChM.tlan
And 'nrnsme-, addroaw, end derritelens, the
fall part hollers of their e1+1 a, sod the nature
of the .ecnrttlea (1f any) held by them.
And Mather take notice that after each 154-
mentloned Oats Gm mkt adman.stra rex will
proceed to di'trlbots the ss.et. of the deeea.sd
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gatd only to the claims of whtnt ahs shall
then have Douce, and that mho well net he
liable for the said &menta to any penton of
wham -lalm Notice shall not have Man re-
nelvsA by her at the dne of moth AWMbt los
.1llettors 00? Adminletnateir.
Mild July 111.8, 1917. 72
Expenses .... 12 00
$451 10
Which his been forwarded to head-
quarters hy Dr. Holmes, treasurer
Gnderich Red Cross.
Thanks are due Miss E. Miller, who
received the subscriptions, the press,
and the young ladies who sold the
Your Help Requested.
1 seam a candidate in The ia,n-
don Advertiser's great subscrip-
tion contest and should like all
my friends to help me win one
of the prize..
it you are not takin The Ad-
vertiser, you can me by
handing me a .0 tion, am
each subscription sent In by me
counts for a number of votes.
If you are now getting The
Advertiser, you can help me by
cutting out the coupon in each
bailie and handing it to me.
Subscribers to The Signal ran
have The Advertiser at the
clubbing rate and can .till give
me the benefit of their vote..
Hoping everybody will give
ms their assistance In this con-
Wore volabroly,
MAMir Wattilltlega.
Hamilton street, (lode h.
Mr. George Porter ham received
word from his son, Flight -Lieutenant
Ernest Porter, who has been flying in
active service with the Royal Flying
Corps in Fiance for the past two
months, that he has been ordered by
the doctor to cease flying fora while
owing to impelled nerves and is now
temporarily rarily attached se lieutenant to
an infantry battalion. He say. he has
met • number of the boys from Huron.
Word has been received that Pte.
Harry McCreath, who has been in
Fiance for some time, is in hospital
suffering from shellshock.
The death occurred at Milwaukee on
July 15th of James McCiesth, father
of Mr. Ww. Meurrerh ol town, in his
ninety -flirt year. The deceased was
for *bout Nye years, 18(114-74,•a resident
of Goderich, and worked as a miller
for the late Samuel Platt. He moved
from dere to Seaforth read then to the
Stater. He was &'native of the town
.1 Ayr, Scotland.- He is survived by
two daughters -Mrs. (anthem, of
Windsor, Cu1., and Miss Jrunie Mc-
Creath, who. kept. house for him at
Milwaukee -and one son. Mr. Wm.
McCreath,•of Goderich. _Last August,
when his eon spent two weeks with
him at Milwaukee, the decreer ti was
quite bright and active, in spite t.f his
(treat age.
in the death ' of Hugh McPhee,
which occurred .9n Friday in hie
eighty-seventh year• there passed
awry a veteran teacher who hes left
the impress of ie sincere and lofty
character upon coululees students.
Mr. McPhee war a♦ school leacher for
'over a third of a+ century. He had
charge of schools i the neighborhood
of Guelph and H iltoq for twenty-
five perste, and in 1080 came to this
county and taught in the Kings-
bridge school for five or six years,
atter which be was on the staff
of Berlin College( for five years.
After his tetireweut he lived in
Ashfield for a number of years and
fur the last fifteen years had made
hie home iu Guderich. He was of
Scottish birth, being a n sake of
Bonroy, Inverness-shire, and coning
to Canada when a young roan.
In politics be was a launch and ac-
tive Liberal and in religion a devout
member of the Catholic church. He is
survived by bis widow, four sons and
two daughters. The None are Allan
Alexander, of Detroit ; Hugh D., of
Chicago ; Charles, of Thessaion, and
Jamas Vincent, of Niagara -on -the -
Lake, and the daughters, Mrs. Fred
Robinson, of town, and Mts. M.
---of- Kiagehridge- All ez-
eniting .' hsrfes were home for the
feseral, which took place 'Neale
morning, from Use residence, Mont -
calm street, to Mt. Peter's church, acd
after celebration of mase by Rev.
Father McRae to tit. Joseph's ceme-
tery, Kingsbridge. The pallbearer.
were John Long, Wm. McCarthy,
Patrick Sullivan, Coo. O'Reilly, Peter
Austin and Hugh Murchison. Among
those who were herr for the funeral
were deceased's eon -in-law, Mr. Fred
Robinson, of Detroit ; lin. Wm.
Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Struthers, of Paramount.
Mr, Jam. Doig, of Clinton, was In town on
Dr. H. Roe., et Clifford, wee In tow0 for a
brief visit this week.
Miss Commence Weld. of London, is the guest
of Mien Edith Williams,
Mlr Mona Kidd 1. home from Harper hos-
pital. Detroit, for holidays.
31re. H, Knight. of Toronto, i. vi.ittng her
parents. Mr. and Mr.. H. Martin.
Muer Sadie It.te. and Mamie Down, of
Toronto. aro holidaying lo lowu.
Mrs. 1L Jay Huw.on, of Toronto, le vistting
her parents, 31r. and Mn.. John Knox.
Mi. Mary Mcluto.h, of l'linton..pout the
pant couple of week. with friend. In awn.
Mies Ella Diekeen. of Columbium, Ohio, i.'Om-
ittngatTheitome'etMr. and -Mrs: d. if, Tom.
Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Kilpatrick tied
children, of :Madden., are visiting relatives In
Mi. Ella Meta Wee, of Porter'. Hill. %lofted at
the borne of her utast Mr.. John Lacey, over
Sunday -
Mr. Veroe Alexander, of Chicago. 0-. ri-(ting
at thm buue of be Kra nd u,ot her, Yrs, W lld:un.,
Market .t reel.
M1.. Marjorie Kelly i- home from New York
to recuperate after an operation which .he re-
cently underwent.
Mrs. I. Hetheriogton and family. who. -bad
teen living to town .ince Cept, Hetherington
went over..ese, have returned to Nile.
Mr.. D. J. Hy.lop and family returned to
their home at Geneva, Ohio, after pending
t week.. with Mr. and Urn. Win. McCre.th,
St. David'. street.
Mrs. Jou F. Joyce and Ml. Agne.. Doyle. of
Chatham, have been spending the past rouple
of week. at the home of the former', paretic,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lacey.
Mrs, Jos. Kidd ham re:earned from Montreal,
after seeing her .on. Mr. Chas, H. Kidd. off
overseas.. tihmrlie In. colimted with the 1.49
reinforcing draft, Canadian Railway Tro.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. W,. etoddart, of ltoche.lur,
N. Y.. Is visiting her relative. in town. She Ie
accompanied by her throe children. Mises
Mary 1Gvelyn and Helen and Mater Paul.
Mn. W. Glenn Campbell, organi.t and choir
leader of Trinity Anelioan church. Aylmer.
and her'& eon, Gordon, have been vi.lt(ug the
termersister, Mos, S. H. MacMath, of Gode-
rich townrbip, and her father, Mr.:A. H. Good-
win. who is at premed a patient iu Aho hospital
Mies Henrietta Moore, who ham been for nine-
teen year. a missionary to India for the United
• Presbyterian (-hutch of the Untied Setas, ha.
Deem a ud h,g a weak with her brother Mr.
C. 1.. Moor., of the IronJnleu Itosd Machinery
Co.' rhe expert. to leave in September to con-
tinue her work i0 India.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 9. Smith. of Columbus.
Ohio, are vetting at the home of Mr. and Mr..
C. 1.. Moore, Fant .tree(. Mr. Moore 1. the
commercial agent of the Hc11 Telephone Co. at
the Ohio State capital. Thies is his lira rime to
Goderich and he expresso. bim.elf a. very
favorably iwpre..ud with the appearance o
the town.
Mr. D. Macdonald .rent the week -end at
l'obourg, vi..iting hl. friend, Mr. It. S. Chilton,
who 0. Dow re.rdlog there Mr. Chilton le a
.vu of the late R. S. t'hilton. who was for
many year* Uhit.ed States Condit at Ooderich,
and .Vent .everal y•',.r. in Goderich himself.
He made many en.ptirie.. of Mr. Macdonald
regarding old friend. here, ehowlng that he
still retained a lively interest In the town.
.:The Masque of Life."
On Friday and Saturday of this
week the great sensational picture,
"The Masque of Life," will be shown
at the Model Theatre. There will he
two performances each 'teeniest, at 7
and 0 o'clock. Admission, 25c ; re-
served orate, 35c. On Saturday there
will beOolmatioeelperformance-admis-
sion lac, children 20c. '"The Masque
of Lite" is a real thriller and will
doubtless draw large houses. 1
Miss Mabel Tom left on Thursday last tor
New York to report forduty aa membr of the
New York hospital unit which leaves, shortly
for service overseas. 111.. Jean Tom, after
spending a.hort vacation at hone. returned to
Toronto on Saturday to spend the remainder of
the school holiday tenet in the head office of the
Bank of ('omm..rce. MI. Mary Ton. I. at
Oakville aith a number of other Univer..ity
girl. helping to nave the crop un a barge fruit
farm. fluL'e a reou.
rdof wartime eful-ne..s.for
the three.daughtere of Mr, and Mr.. J. E. Tom,
Mr. and Mr. H. C. Monteith, the Ml..ea
Monteith ask kliaster Alex. Monteith, of Pow
assn. Ont.. Mere here for 'several Mayo and
were the ;rued. of Mr.. and Mn.. t', Leekte.
yy came by motor oar- from 19elr Immo 1u
ortherq Ontario to vast relative. at I'brt
Mlgin, Ripley, Brumfield and (iodeMrh end will
go am tar as Niagara Fa11. heron returnlog to
their home. Mr. and Mee. Mitchell and party,
of t'owa.wn, who acconapu.led them uo the
Trip In another car, met with a mishap near
Walkerton. Their car turned turtle and as, a
result they were in the hospital at 'Walkerton
for • week.
Eat Pure Ice Cream
and give your children none other.
Eche/tide' ie pure. Phone 200,
Attractive Dining -car Service.
Probably nothing helps more to
make a railway journey really enjoy-
able than a visit to the "dining -car,"
especially if it be a Canadian Paciric
dining -car, where the r.assenger in as-
sured of the highest forut of efficiency
in the culinary art, the choicest pro -
vie' that the market afford., pre-
wired on the ecientifi ,rind )lek
D I t nown
ss "dietetic blending." Your favorite
You can always tell whet a man
think, of money by the things he will
do to get it.
Fust Canadian Freight Vessel to Accom-
plish the Feat
Toronto, July 17, -To the steamer
Meaford of the Farrar Transporta-
tion Company, Limited, Toronto, be-
longs the honor of being the
first Canadian freight vessel to
sink a German submarine. Official
information from the Marine
Department of the Imperial authori-
ties, conveying the circumstances
under which Captain C. Dusting of
the Meaford, which has figured it)
several adventurou■ tripe, &zoom-.
pliehed the act, reached Mr. George
E. Fair, a managing director of the
company, yesterday_
So far as known, the Meaford is the
only Canadian freighter engaged in
the transatlantic service which has
sunk a submarine. The Meaford,
which is of diotensions fawillarly
known to the Canadian marine men
as of Welland (:anal size, is under
charter to the Fren_b Government
for twelve months, for trausetlantic
service and service .on the Mediter-
"Ant pleased to report that we sank
a submarine by gunfire fifty miles
eoutbwest of Scilly in the Mediter-
ranean." This was the substance of
the report of Captain Dusting, con-
veyed by the authorities at Gibraltar
to the Imperial authorities at London,
the latter, according to the inforina-
tion to hand, baying since officially
verified the repot t.
The Meaford was on her way front
Swansea...to Bona on June 12, when
the crew Alf the vessel righted a sub-
marine 'owe distance off. The sub.
'gave chase, and while inanueuvring
for poeition the gunners on the
freighter opened fire and sent the
treacherous undersea dog down to a
watery grave before she had time to
retaliate. The vessel reached Bona
the following day and discharged her
According to official reports, the
Meaford figured in a battle on May 5,
while en route from Bona to Swansea,
the report of the captain being as
follows :
•'The Meaford wag flred'upon by an
unknown vessel at about three miles
range. Some of the shells exploded
ear the Herford. We returned fire
d the third &bot seemed to find its
-k.' No other details were given
ruing this engagement, ezcert
e vessel reached Swansea safely
and without being damaged.
The steamer Meaford, of steel con-
struction \ was built in 19(3 at New-
ramtle-on- ear, for the le Trans-
portation Co pony of Toronto. `!ince
hee arrival on this side of the Atlantic
she has been operating almost con-
tinuouslyand exclusively on the
Upper akes.. ,i .the early pert of
last year she was drydocked, when
her hetcbea were altered to meet the
rel{uirementsof the trae."tlantict,-ade,
which she entered on August 20, 1910.
The Meafonl was well known at
tioderich harbor. wham she called on
several occasions.
Catarrhal Deafness
Cannot Be Cured
by local ,.pplteation.., as they cannot reach the
dieeneed portion Of the enr. There 1. only otic
way le cure ararrhal deafnes., and that 1s by
ron.tltutlon.l remedy. t atarrhal steatite.,
Ie cwu.cd by an ,,,flamed rodition of the mn-
eon.Milne of the eu.lnchien tube. When tit..
tuhe 1. Inflamed you hay, a rumbling .ound or
imperfect hearing. and when It i. entirely
closed, deafnr.s 1. the re.ult. Unle.. the lis-
fitimmation cite he reduced and thi. tube re-
tered to It. normal condition, hearingw111 he
destroyed forever. Many ace. of deaneass are
canoed by catarrh, which t. au h,fluned ondl-
tlon of the moon. ioirfaCw. UAW. Catarrh
Cum al'1., through the blood on the mucus
surfaces. of the .y$em.
We will sive one hundred dollar,. for an
.e of Mtarrhal domino. that oanoot be cured
by Hell'w Catarrh Cure. t. 'melon, fres, All
dr uggr.ta, 75c.
Y. J,CHENEYtCO.,Toledo, O,
dish, tie you like it, may I.e enjoyed at
reasonable cost, amidst ideal surround-
ings, while travelling on the Canadian
Pacific. 07-41
The Passing of a Great Teacher.
By one of his Old Hoye.
"Wanted -A classical master foil scholar and missionary of Shanghai,
China, and John C. Robertson, pro-
fessor and dean of the facuky of arts
of Victoria University, Toronto. Fol-
lowing these a. long line err scholars
look back to his teaching with %fec-
tiooate appreciation and acknowledge
how much they owe to Dr. Strang.
To what eztent there was any fell-
ing off in hie powers as ye► ad-
vanced it is not for me to say. Nature
school records of Ontario. has her limitation/1, but be is by no
From the days of the old Goderich means behind the times rip a teacher,
Grammar School, down through the Few men of his years have been so
years of i career as a high school, alert and receptive to new ideas and
and nn during ill• twenty -odd years as methods. He leaves behind him an
Collegiate Institute, the old school example that should be an inspiration
has had hot one teacher of classics. to all teachers.
Forty-six years ago, in the prime of It ie • question whether the present
bis young manhood, H. 1. Strang generation of students can fully *ppre-
came to Goderich as headmaster of elate Dr. Strang. One must go out
the Grammar School, For more then Into the world and mix with men and
a third of a century he was principal learn to compare values before he can,
of the .school and for nearly half -a- locking back, measure the worth of
century he has been in charge of the such a teacher. Hundreds of men
department of classics. How his and women today have no hesitation
work heti been done let the record of in rankin him as the old town's most
hie students answer. We used to say
Goderich Collegiate Institute." .
This simple ad. in the Toronto daily
papers last week was a commonplace
to most readers, but to old Ooderich
students it had a special significance,
for such an advertisement had never
appeared before since Goderich bad a
school, and it meant the close of a life
of teaching service unique in the high
that if Mi. Strang couldn't coach a
fellow it. Latin and Greek, or for that
matter in any other subject he under-
took to teach, it was indeed a hopeless
case. How he inspired to their best
those whom be taught and how be
joyed in their succour 1 Perhaps the
greatest of his man triumphs was
hack in the eighties when two of the
hoys whom be had trained for the
University won the graduation gold
medal In claurlca for two years in suc-
cession et Toronto University. i refer
to Donald MacOillivary, the eminent
distinguished citizen. What he has
done for the manhood and woman-
hood of his country and the impress
he has made upon Its citizenehip are
worthy of lasting remembrance.
Some day it will be .said of hint :
"BI.111. was gentle, sad the elements
Ss mixed In Ifim that Nature might grand np
And may te all the world, 'This was a
May there be many years of quiet
neefulnrea In store for him. Hosts of
friends he bas and ever will have.
May he close • long, faithful, honored
and helpfel lite in great penes. J. E.
Morningstar's gardens open after-
noon and evening. Ice cream served
on lawn. Sweet peas and other
flowers, also tulip bulbs for sale. 1t.
Self -Starter.
Son-Dsddy, what is a self-starter ?
Daddy -There are two kinds, my
eon -your mother, aid one of Prid-
halu the Tailor's suits.
New Canadian Northern Rockies.
If you do not know alrout the won-
derful mountain scenery, including
Jasper sod Mount Robson Parke, Cray-
oned by the transcontinental line of
the Canadian Northern Railway be.
tw__ern Rdmonton and Vancouver, get
a coppy of our handsome descriptive
brooklet, to he had for the asking from
.1. W. Craigia, town agent.
HATURDAT, July 21. -Auction male of Mum -
hold Neel -are and furnlehing., property of
Mr.. Sunbury, Neleoo .treet. T. OCNise•,
' TUEanAv, Jul 34 -('leaning anetlon male of
farm stock and Implement.. at .he farm of the
late Dr. MacFarlaud, Hayfield reed Ooderich
township 34 milsn mouth o Goderlci,, properly
of A. S. Gledhill. rnoa. Ucvrsy, auctioneer.
HAY. -At Detroit, on Jul 11. Mier. Mary Hey.
• titer of the late Capt. Hay, formerly
of l)oderich.
MCCREATH.--At Milwaukee, on July IS,Jame,
McCreet5, formerly of Goderich. In 91- Mat
McPHE:k:-in Ooderich, on Friday, July 13.
Hugh McPhee, in his 37th year.
Mw Wanted -Robs. Bell Engine t Thresher
Co.. itesforth....... ................. .... 1
Anotbn Sale -Mn. Nnabnry.
Auction gale --A. R. Gledhill 1
Shoe Repaint -Smith It Ring „ 4
Rtores to Rent- J. P. Brown
Cert of thank,. -Mea Hugh McPhee 1