HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-12, Page 7• • • i • • • • • , baby s armenis • THE BItiNAL • GOT)ERICN, ONTATtiO will be soft, spotless and snowy white if you use LUX. You can make the foamiest, creamicst lather, in hot water, with • few of these dainty silken little flakes, that cleanses oerfac'I- • ;t., ; r;:.)bing. l fence unshrunken, unthiciatu-d I,t!le earnlents that are a delight to fee!. "1 ry I. '`; your baby will be sure to appreciate the difference, • • • • • • • • • • • • • WONT soRisit WOOL.L.EM: • • Brutish leads, as Lever Brothers Limited, Tomato • •.......•4....•••.••.• Soil by .11 r..df g,.r.,, -mss w ssb,trrere. cS B DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND •...3 = MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 The Greet SM. 'SEEANDBEE' 'CITYOe e. ERIE ---CITY OF BUFFALO" ssedits IBUFFALO—Dail , Nay 1st to Nov. 15th—CLEVELFAAND Iwai. Bena.n t:w M. 1 .• LA.Taal ♦M•. l'uv•ueo 7111 A. M. ( bTusatti ?rite Anis. Bureaus - Its OISA enn. M e... 1.. O.4. Point, P .tn.5 y, ToI•dn, Detroit and all pointe W.•pmese...s ) ..l sad aoath.wot. Railroad lt.ket• roadie• b•t..en Dot.lo and CI.•elaad arstransportationsea for transportation on r ste..r►. Ask y . ticket aro t for 61 0.14 •I. C. a • 14 n.. tie. T.w i.N a..•. T with r day..•s. I'M I i fait. tore.,. not•r.sdiu• I/71a..bN1b... • •Ips of nr•t ant a. At ask forinor $1-p••• pl.art ••t0.r1.I : e d«•Ipu.. booklet trek The CI.v.l.•d & Buffalo Transit Company .>.+{r.. ser TM coat 11•1,••11111•10•1111.• — u. hwy. w ..r «.a, r•.r••.. •n••w •• Island .r•.. era. world. •I••H•r ...iamb 16111 p•..e/•••• 1 Ft11RE # 3 . • ' • • He Got It. In a Canadian tamp @an..where in England a sec end (i r.t. W sawnatnn bas been found. HP. in onnip.ny with .Pverel others, had been sit muted f • days' leave, Inc', ma usual, wirer! for extension. His telegram .vas so original that it has been freow. d and now hong in a prominent spot in the battalion orderly rnnm. 1t ran as f'•1Inws "Nobody dead, nobody ill ; still g. - ing strong, heving a gond time, and /got plenty of money. Please grant extension." And he got it!—Pitt aburgCbronicle- Telrgr.. ph. The "Little Pesch" Typewriter. Doctor'. Wife—"1 want to get A typewriter as s .urpri.e for my hue - be nd." !talesman—"Any particular make?" Doctor',, Wlfe—"Well, i overheard Di. Bachelor tell my husband that his typewriter was a 'Little Peach.' Have you that make ?"—Huffalo Commer- cial. ,nxI1.INIIIIiiellln11111I Si ., 1t ,404.-11-11111i14117440 ( 1 - ` v1111111naaa,Nn1111111t al First and Still First 4J No other tire can offer you a single feature not found in Dunlbp Tires—" Traction," - "Special" or "Plain.•• Q We are the founders of the tire industry in Canada, aiid our experience is treater than that of all otaher Can- adian tire.maheritcarr hero . _. • Ait4 jjjji i re ) t M r+1,` r ~ 1 a )' I COUNTY and DISTRICT Mrs. Jos. Hutchinson died at her home at Ethel on Friday, the 29th ult., in her fifty-sixth year. The marriage took place at Clean- ' brook on June lath of Mies Ethel Mac- hines and Henry C. Gorsalitz. Miss Ruby Duff, of Bluevale, has gone to Norwich, N. Y , where she has secured a situation as superintendent of the hospital there. Rev. A. L. Russell, of Hums Lake, B. C., a former pastor of 1Vrozeter Methodist church, paid a visit to old frieude in that viciuity recently. Jo". 11. Miller, of Belgravia has sold his 100 -acre faun on the 3rd line of Morris to Nelson Higgins, who will get possession in the fall. The price paid was $7,000. George Snell, jr., of Guelph, has Purchased Same 'n Garter's farm at Westfield, intending to start a poultry wench. Mr. Carter .Feaks of moving to Belgrave, Wm. Oke, of Usborne, recently re- ceived wind that his son, Pte. FA. A. Oke, had been wounded. Pte. Ernest, another son, is home at present, re- cuperating from wounds received in France. Mies Alice Hamilton, of New York, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Hamiltrn, of %Vrozeter. Mies Hamilton has jollied an American hospital unit and will ghostly leave for overgeu. On June 27th the house of Mr. and Mr.. John Steles, 9th concession of Grey, was the scene ofa very pretty wedding, their only daughter, Elsie E., being united in marriage toGeorge Henry Evans. On Sunday, July 1st, W.H. Humph- ries died at his home at Walton in i his silty -fist year. Deceased had I been a resident of Walton for this ty- two years. He is survived by three Sons and three daughters. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. nald McDonald, of Langside, on June 27th, when their daughter, Belle, 1 wea united in marriage to Dan ilk - Kinnon, of the 4th concession of Kie- 1 loss. The sad news of Trooper Manson Taylor's death in action in France has been received by his father, William Taylor, 9th line of Morris. Trooper Taylor belonged to the Fort Carry Horse and had spent two years in France. A very pretty wedding was solemn ized at the home of the bride's parents, , Mr. and Mrs. H. Oestreioher. "Clover- dale Farm," Crediton, on June 27th, when their eldest daughter, Anna Marie, was united in marriage to John W. Brown, of Zurich. A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian mange, Cranbrook, on the 4th inst., when Miss Annie Eliza- beth, daught r of Mos. K. Dickson, lltb eoncessson of Grey, became the bride of Percival Mitchell, of Kelfleld, Sask., formerly of the same township. A particularly sad event took place at the hone of Mrs. A. Munro, ot Wrozeter, on Tuesday ot last week when her hrother-tn-law. W. H. Bev Marton. of Cleveland, who, with bis wife and daughter, was spending hie holidays with her, passed away after a few days dimes. At the annual meeting of the direc- tors of South Huron Board of Agri- culture, held at Hensel! on June 281 h. It wag decided to bold judging courses thio year at Varna, Crediton and Kirkton, and meetings at Exeter, Hensall, Hrucellel,l, Zurich and Grand Bend. The question of a district rep- resentative wee considered, and it was derided to send a revolution again to the county council asking that body to reconsider the grant toward a district representative. The officers for the year are : President, George Penhale ; vier -president, Fred Eller- ington ; secretary -treasurer, A. H. Doupe: executive, Mrs. A Hastings, D. H. McNaughton, Jas. T. Keys, W.R. Elliott, Alex. Buchanan. One of Turnberry's oldest and most Ihighly respected residents passed to his reward on Friday, Jtane 21), when Alexander Porter died after a lengthy illness, at the good old age of eighty- four years. Deceased wag a native of Ireland but tied resided in Huron county for over seventy years, coming out with his (*wily and settling near Gudetich when Huron was simply a dense forest. His partner -in -life pre- deceased him about five years. HP le survived by four daughters and five sons, viz., Mrs. Robert Hogg and Mire. Wm. D. Elliott, Turnberry, Mrs, pavid Johnston, Dungannon, Nellie at home, Jaynes of Glamors, Man., Thomas in California, Samuel in Owen Sound, A. E. and D. B. of Wingham. He is also survived by his brother, Richard, who resides in Wingham. BEAFORTH. Mr. and Mts. A. Scott and Mw Clarissa Scott, of town, left last week for • trip through the Prairie Prov- ince.. Mrs. Ethel Mclean and two rens, Murray and Keith, left on Thursday last for Toronto, where they will in future resile. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on the 3rd Inst., when Margaret Catherine Duncan, youngest, daughter ot Mrs. John Duncan, of town, was married to Andrew J. Thiel, of Preston. EX E1'ER. Capt. Beattie Martin, of the Royal Army Medical Corp., youngest .on of Rev. W. M. Martin, of London, and an Elmer old boy, who has been stationed for some time peat near Gaza, In Palestine, has been awarded the b I Il Lary cross. D. .1 Melanin, asslstant postofflee Inspector, of London, was in town .at wash and made the transfer of the p sIoMee from E. J. Christie, who hag beret ecting postmaster sines the death of his father,'to William Russell, a returned soldier. (;Leh TON. Alis. Jewels ('Neil, who has been tiieseiling at Old., Il'tharta, has arrived hs*ie for her V$oatinn. `I Pry Alta., on lune ht.h, • ftweltt r (III ton young lady, Miss 1.•- h F'o•fk to trttbter cr th. WNIi•s. P nt known h. mi e t Weise of William Dougia. Eddy, wartier, of IOWE MY HEALTH • To Lydia E Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound. Washington Park, II1. — "I am the mother of four children and have suf- fered with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil- dren's loudtalking and rompin would make Inc so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would no t want anyone to talk to Fete at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ContFDttnd and Liver Pills re- stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth- ful looks. My friends say ' Why do you look so young and well?' I owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." —Mrs. ROBT. STOPIEL, Moore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkkam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass:, for helpful advice given free of charge. Lundbreck, Alta. On Wednesday, the 4th inst., at 8t. Jaseph'e 'church, the nuptials of Miss Elizabeth K. yhanshau, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. John Shanahan, of Hal- lett, and Francis T. McCaughey, of town, were eelehrated. Pte. William Been), Bon of Mr. .1• Benzo, of Town, who wen the first Clinton boy to offer himself at the be- ginning of be war and wh-o has been several times wounded, arrived home unexpectedly on Tuesday evening of Int week. Pte.3ezzo bad been pearly three years in the trenches. An interesting event took place at Toronto on June 27th, wben Miss Jessie Marguerite Potts youngest lat daughter of the e Dr. J. G. Porte, of Clinton, became the bride of Chas. Oakes Ertnrlioger, junior judge of F.Jgin county. Judge and Mr •. Erne *finger will reside at St Thomas. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications• as they 410111(4 reach the dn ased portion of the ear. There 1. only one way to an ..,.•:.r h.I .1,...f".-. ,,.1 !vs? 1. y a COnsti t.00sl h.wtel a, (,tl., rhal deaf. to' 1e canned oy an inflamed condition of the mu- ms' lint toot the eu'tachlan tube. When thio IoM L. ti flamed you have a rumbling round or Imperfect hearing. and when it io entirely cloesd, dealnes• V the renal. Unkeo the in - !lamination ce,, be reduced and this tube re- stored to it. normal condition. hearing will De de•troed forever. Ninny atreo of deafneol are claimed by catarrh. which Is au Inflamed condi- tion of the moron, ourfaces. Hall'.. Catarrh Cure ads through the blood on the mucous surfeoeo of the ayeten.. We will sive one hundred dollars for any awe of eetn•kal deatune. that ea moat be cured by Hail'.. Catarrh Cure. Llroulaty flee. All di uatla t , 7de. 1'. J. CHRTTLY k CO., Toledo. O. B RUAMELB. Miss Isabel Strachan arrived home after an ezt,nded visit with friends and relatives in ti a West. Mrs. John Ballantyne and Miss Lovette left Inst week for a two months visit to Oakland, California. A former resident of Brussels Inca'. ity, Miss Annie Glaa•i.r, was united in marriage on June 28 h, at Calgary, to Wm. R. Day, of that city. A hearty reception was given to Capt. (Dr) Edward Hr ane, son of the late Alex. Bryans, . f town, on his return after a year of service iu Orance. •_- Garfield Long is in town from tt e West, where he recently sold out his business. Mr . Long and children have been visiting here for the pact few month,. Little Boy Had Eczema On Face and Hands- Local Doctors Treated Him in Vain How Cure Was Finally Effected. Trenton, Ont., July 12.—This let',er will interest all mothers of young chil- dren, Fecause it tell' of the heat means obtainable of overcoming the annoy- ing and torturing skin troubles which come to so many children, Mre. Waldron had several doctors treating her boy for eczema, but all in vain. Finally she heard about Dr. Chase's Ointment and her letter tells of the wonderful reaulta obtained by the use of this soothing, healing oint- ment. Mrs. Samuel Waldron, George .l reet, Trenton, Ont., writes : "About tour years ago my little boy had a rash on hie fame and hands which the doctor caiiedeo•ema. Ne gave us a weak for it and Vane oistenent, which we used Mel orttthont benefit. 1 think we trim all t Anatp•e-hers. Finally we trod Dr, Chisel's 'Ointment, and gave it a geed Mehl. We wink' see the& it wee giudilly healing. At first it appeared Whom the ski., then this skin would pup. Finally he got rid of it entirely. I)I4ng the •totem of t hfe annett two dil setl akin, anh ells. we year, .u of the Nee'sflntwent, et) ring it high elicit...' Pi* flop last t.Io year, bele nseetad any r. turn ytiap.nate pt aso we think that be is now en• tirated," al •RIMsn m . 11<le a M: •j son, Hetes a (yo„ la suited. imitate. 'IIHCRSDAY, JULY 12 1917 r JJINUHAM. O. 1.. Brown, of Toronto, has been engaged ae principal of the Winghatu high school, au ►ueees.or to G. R. Smith, eta salary of 11,801. A vrt•y pretty event occurred at the home of Wray J. A. McNeil on June 27th, when beg daughter, Ho•elb, ttbd Rev. If G. Miller, of Beighton, Mach., were uftited in marriage. W..ed was received last week that another of %V iue hxin'• young met/ has made the supreme sacrifice, Pte. ado. Hayle., son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bayles, of tame,' tossing died on Juste AS h at the ce.ualiy clearing station, where he had been taken two days previously, suffering from gun- shot wounds. Much surprise and sort ow •was frit on learning of the death of * former wejl-known Wingham man, W. F. Brockenshire•. *t ehri.ty Lake, near the town of Perth. Soave thirty years alto deceased stetted in busines. in 1Vinghen, tie a ph. t.ogeapher. For many years he seeved on the town council and was Mayor of Wingham for severs; terms. Alter leaving Wingham he wet engaged in business at London until the death of has wife three years ago. The Fish Are Biting. Splendid sport is being enjoyed this year in AlMotiquin Park. '1'be fishing no better Ibis year than for Mian years past. Splendid catches of sail - mon trout and speared tiout are Nought in daily lay the guests at the "Highland !tan." The , baits season opened on June 18th, (et nutour fisbiug tackle and enjoy a few days' rest and pleasure. A pnhlio•tion tell - tag you all *flout the,place tient free) on xppltcst on to (. E. Horning, Grand Trunk Railway, Uuion Station, Torogto, 7Y -1t LUCKNOW, Miss Burgess has resigned her posi- tion as teacher in the Lucknuw public school and Maas Ada Webster has been engaged by the b ard to teach her room. Principal Doupe, Miss Rutherford inducing *wan to and Miss Frances Spence, of the Lucfi- now school staff, and Mies Ruby Gas- any' butt have gone to Toronto W takes course in art dor ng vacation. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? 411111Minn GSM =I MIND Miiii..1111111 Summer Underwear We have a complete range of men's and boys' Summer Underwear, in various grades to suit all demands. The different qualities and prices represent good value in every case. PALM BEACH SUITS Light -weight Suits in fawn and grey, Special $12.06 Just the thing for waren-weather wear. STRAW HATS We have the right goody. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors The Square L •a. u Coderich 41, Occasionally is vomsn will confess her imperfections . r tine purpose of ny that she bre Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restore that strength and stamina that is so eaegntial, nothing hag ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- cause its strength - sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distribute enervalue sharpens ththroughout t eappetitehe body while its tonic and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to -day. At any drug store. aostt a Dowse. Tomato, Out. nW by boy and girl an opportunityto maketheirhme study easy anal efediref Give them the game chances to win pro- motion and encore as the lad having the advantage of gr-‘--4"---mo WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final author- ity all kinds of puzzling gtiona in history, geography, biography. spilling, pronunciation, eporte, arts, and sciences. 405.550 Vocabulary Terms. TIN Psaes. Over SIISll1ustre tient,. Colored Plates. The •air dl...t,.ry .•It► tk. D1.10.1714. The type matter is equivalent to that of s 15 -volume encyclopedia. - More Scholarly, Accurate. Convenient. and Authoritative than anyother Eng- lish Dlctlottary. REGULAR AND INDIA - PAPER EDITIONS. WRITE for Uteri... pate., illustrations,eta. FREE. a set of Pocket At t ne If you name this Pair, S.&C.MEREMCO. aeonnorIELO. mag. FERTILIZER A car of Old Homestead Fertil- izer just received. It will in- crease the productiveness of your land. INCUBATORS Half -a -dozen Buckeye Incuba- tors—to be sold at reduced prices owing to the advanced season . DELCO LICHT Are von interested in the new system of lighting for farms ? All kinds of WIRE FENCE BUGGIES We handle the McLaughlin and the Gray Buggies -none better. Robert Wilson The Maury -Horns Shop Hamilton St. (:odevich 1 i ti JtarVaf Corner,Montreal Street and Squat.* HIGH-CLASS and SANIi ARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto -Cleanliness Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. Fall Term from Sept. 4th CENTRAL/ ;y G GLG ll > s STRATFORD. ONT.. COMMERC1:U„ SHORTHAND and ' TELEGRAPHY DIiPARTMENTS We have thorough cyur...es, ex- perienced instructors and we place graduates in positions. Demand upon s for trained help is many tierce the other graduating. Get our free higue, MCLACHLAN. Principal. In •'1 (mon tries. Ark r Our iNVL.'M. TU14'3 AUVIsk ,Wliirh I' Le seat grab MARION & !Oltt. 1114 Unlverslty Bt„ M.kotreal. The Signal would like to fill younext Printing e1. Phone FENCING Are you going to do any fencing ? We have several tons of No. -12 coiled spring steel wire, which was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give you at the price of No. 9 wire, --that is, 5c per pound -- and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We also haze a new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun- gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is put up in 25c packages. Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling % If so. bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we now have a man on that branch of the work. How about your Lawn Mower ? It is nearly time for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so. let us know and we will call and get it and put it in good repair. We do Plumbing, Ideating, Troughing, Electric Wiring. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed