HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-12, Page 5TAE SIGNAL
A new shipment just arrived
Owned and Operated by a Practical Man
k ttItMtta►ta _ ....
Domestic Shortening 25c lb.
• Our own Home-made Lard--
IIthe very best . . 30c lb.
Homemade Pork Sausage 20c ib.
Try our Pickled Pork and Corned Beef.
Fine avor -none better.
Cash pai4 for ail kinds of Hides and Tallow.
for Saturday Only
_ •
• THOS. LEGG, ••
Phone 2 On The Square
Model Theatre
GEO. E. KiNO. Proprietor
WEEK OF JULY ' 16, 1917
Monday and Tuesday
A Vitagraph Feature
The Great Popular Serial
"The Secret Kingdom"
Wednesday and Thursday
KANE j Arthur Ashley, Montagu
, Love and Muriel Ostriche
—IN -
"The Men She Married"
A play with a hig dramatic "punch" and yet one which is
filled with humorous incidents which liven up
tbe dramatic situations.
Friday and Saturday
"The Masque of Life"
See special ad. oe page 6 of this paper
Admission to matinee --25c, children
! Nig
July 21st, 1917, 3 o'clock
tT 5 Fi."-
I T pOf.,OfVT'C'
•r $ rxCiv,NC—
on admission to Saturday
This coupon and 15c
will admit to matinee.
Coupon and IOc will admit
Don't miss seeing this great picture
Model Theatre
The Glorious Twelfth.
This is the 12th of July and the local
Orettgerueu are oelehrating at Strat-
ford, where a large uutnherof lodges
are taking part in the runnel walk.
It is expected that Goderich will have
a monster celebration next year.
Not Much Fun in This.
Three young men—Oordgla Calfas,
Henry Atkins and Edward Hartman
—were before Judge Dickson on Mon-
day on a charge of obstructing the
highway in such a manner as to be
dangerous to the public. Their of-
fence consisted in placing some fence
rails, at night, across the road on the
Goshen line in Hay township. The
pleaded guilty and were Hued $50 and
eacand in addition were bound
over to keep the peace.
Flowers for the Red Cross.
The rose garden at the county reg-
istry office is again la its glory and is
attracting many visitors. Reghstrar
Coats has always been very generous
in distributing the flowers from his
garden and this year his generosity is
taking the way of practical and help-
ful patriotism. He sends the fresh
blooms daily to Mr. Porter's book-
store, where they are sold, and the
entire proceed. ate contributed to the
Red ()roes funds:, The flowers are
sold at reasonable price.. and many
people are finding this a delightful
way to assist the Red Cross work.
An Interesting Visitor.
Mr. Fred C. Mabee, professor of
chemistry at the Baptist College,
Shanghai, China, is in town, visiting
hie brother, Dr. L. M. Mabee. Pro-
fessor Mabee has spent six and a -half
years in China. and will return to his
work in that country in the fall of
next year. He ie spending the sitm-
tner visiting relatives at various
points in Ontario and will then devote
himself to study for a year. He
speaks very interestingly of condi-
tions in China, and says that the
people of that vast country are grad-
ually awakening to a sense of their
great opportunities, nationally and
otherwise. The people of Goderich
will he afforded an opportunity of
hearing Professor Mabee next Sun-
day, when be will speak at the Baptist
thatch in the morning and at Knox
church in the evening.
There are great patches of weeds
alongside the roads in some parts of
the town that should lie attended to
by the corporation men before they
go to seed. -- --
Mr. Jame. D. Stewart, haggegeman
on the G. T. R., had his shoulder
crushed while •rncoupling care at the
station one day last week and has
since been unable to work.
A number from Goderich attended
the Kincardine races on Friday. Mc-
iean's "Royal Dundee" took third
money in tbe 2.20 race, and McManus'
"Eva Dillard" won fourth place in the
250 class.
io spite of the threatening weather,
there was a good attendance yesterday
at the picnic of the Rebekah Lodge.
wbieh was held at Mr. Phillip.' place
In Goderich tgwnahip, and a good
time is reported.
In connection with the Victoria
reboot promotion exeminations pub-
lished in last week's issue of The Sig-
nal the nems of Roland Walker
should have appeared among those
who passed with honors into Junior
On Tuesday evening a pleasant stir -
[wise party was given at the home of
Mr. and Mr.. J. Youngeon, St. David's
street, for Mims Meta Youngson, who
recently returned from Toronto,
where she was taking hospital treat-
menL The affair was arranged by
some of the young lady'. friend.. In-
cluding the Misses Ethel and Elide
Elder, Isobel end Anna McLeod, Ada
Jnhnaton and Oertie and Martha
This evening the strawberry social
on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Pridhem, under the auspices of the
lanes of North ,street Methodiet
church, is in hitt swing. An illeai
evening, the hand in attendance, the
ground. beautifully lighted, Dr. and
Mrs. Rutledge smiling at the kind re-
ception given them—all combine to
make a most pleasant occasion. Mr.
and Mr.. Pridham are an ideal pair of
The water and light commission at
its last meeting had before It an are
Nitration from the National Ship-
building Co. for 101' h. p. additional
power, fifty for the I3rnck street plant
and fifty for the plant purchased from
is never questioned ;
the name is sufficient
Those who demand the pest
footwear in, either men's or
women's fine Shoes should
not fail to see the fine shoe-
making and quality of leather
that have so long character-
ized Bell Shoes. The styles
are always up-to-date and the
prices most reasonable.
Geo. MacVicar
North side of Square, i odgrich
Clearing sale of Goods at the
Specials thii week -
Children's Vests and Draw:rs
10c, 124c and 25c
Women's Underwear, 15c,25c
and 50c ,
Large size Knitted Combina-
tions, 50c
Fine Nightgowns,55c, 8.5c, Il
Stamped Gowns, 75c, $1,11.15
Stamped goods of all kinds,
Linens. Ribbons, Crochet
Threads, Embroidery Silks,
Baby's Wear,Ladies' Middies,
Ladies' Neckwear
the Paget Grain Door Co. The engin-
eer was instructed to purchase the
necessary equipment and install the
service. This will make a total of 180
horsepower taken by the National
Shipbuilding Co.
Maw Florence Stowe 4, home from Detroit
for a vial.
Mr. and Mr,.. Will Marsh, of Toledo. are
visiting friends In town.
Lila Lillian MacVicar be home from Welland
for the school vacation.
rhe Misses Lillian and Marion Fraser have
gone to Muskoka for the summer.
Mir Brune Is here from Montrose. Pa., on a
visit to her sister, Mrs, J. H. Colborne.
Mies Mary
Clerk aod Masse r Ethel
e visitors atratfo d thisweek
Nairn were
The Mires Florence and Nina Graham
are horn. from New York on a holiday visit.
Mr. H. H. MacKay, who has /been teaching
at Walter's Falls, le home for the summer
MIs' Mary Salkeld- Bayseld road, and Mitt
R. K. Muter have lett for a trip West ss tar as
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Black and family. of
Pasadena. California, are visiting their rela-
urr hue.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cott Land family visited
at Guelph and Elora last week, making the
trip by mow, oar.
Mrs. F. R Redditt and two children. of
Brantford are vlsitlag the way s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. MacVicar.
Mires Nellie and Evelyn Jenkin. of Brant -
fore. Oot, are 'Wtlog their uncle. Mr. J -
Jen kin, Colborne township.
Mita Downing gad daughter. Roth, of Tor-
onto are •(siting Mrs. Downing's parents. Mr.
mid Mrs. J. S- Plan, Victoria street.
Mise Nellie Graham. of the teaching staff of
Da Toronto public ao►oott 1. .pending the
vacation at the parental home here.
Kincardine Reporter• : Miss Nessa King,
lady superintendent of the Goderich Marine
l. qtKing.visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mir Margaret Mac Vicar, of Paisley, and
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name—Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated imitations are
dangerous. The original is safe. Dodds
Kidney Pill, have a reputation. Imita-
tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original. Dodd's is the name to be care-
ful about—
National Service
Time is your moat valuable
possession. England would have
saved millions of dollars had she
had a few days' notice of the
German attack on France.
The unpreparedness of the
allied nations is costing them
every day millions of dollars.
And YOU are still} wasting
There are hundreds of good
POSITIONS awaiting the per-
son who is READY.
Lincoln said,—"I will study
and get ready and perhaps my
chance will come."
It did—and he was ready.
Are YOU ready if your chance
comes now ?
Write us for hill particulars of our
Courses—to make you ready for
School of Commerce
111. WARD, B.A., M- Accts.
Pion BS Priad-ipal
Selma Opens Toes-,
Sttpt. 4. 1,17.
MMary Mac Vicar. of Portage 1. Prairie, are
slatting at the horns of their parents', Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Maerlcar.
Mn,. Charles Lane and three children. of
Detroit, are visiting at the bons of Mr and
Mr.. W ui. Lahr. 1)r. lane brought them up in
his motor car and .atter spending a few days
with has parents returned to iletrolt,
Rev. J. H. Detorhout has been .t Bt, Thoma,
this week attending the annual sessions of
Alma Coll «.+ gee summer school. of which he is
ptesideu., MWre.. Hese! Reicher, Maud Mlllian
and Annie Jenkins ei.o are .ttendlua the
IvMr. A. M. Polley celebrated his eighty-third
birthday by leaving on Monday Len to reviett
hie old home at Ftanwai,., New Hauy..bire
Mrs. Hector Mc Fsdyen aocourpanieo her
father. Sud they will -pend horns Lime with re
naive. iu Roston. Mae.., and other eestera
"The Masque of Life."
"The Masque of Life," the big pic-
ture feature which Marcus l.oew
showed in some of his theatres in New
York last week, proved one of the
biggest fila sensations he ever showed
in his tbeatr-. Crowded boilers. wete
the rule in every theatre where the
picture was shown, and record-break-
ing business resulted when it war
shown at Loew's New York Theatre
and Roof on Wednesday. Rita Jolt -
vet, the interuationel star, who as-
sisted in the production of tbepicture
and brought it to this country, ac-
cepted Mr. Luew'e invitation to talk
to the audience at both the theatre
and roof Wednesday evening. Sev-
eral thousand people were turned
away. Both as a thriller and as a
human interest story it excels every -
'thing shown before in Loew theatres.
Mr. Loew, who owns the New York
state rights for the picture, will make
a fortune with it in New York City
alone When the picture was shown
at Loiew's Palace Theatre in Eaat New
York nd Miss Jolivet appeared in
person, squad of twenty police had
to be ca ed out to handle the huge
crowds a protect Miss Jolivet from
her hoot of wirers. Her talk to the
audience ex inrd how some of the
hair-raising unts in the film were
arranged, and she particularly em-
phasized the sac that there wax abso-
lutely no fake w at.oevet' in any of
the big scenes eh n in the picture.
One of the scene* s owe a girl climb-
ing a chimney :i50 fe t high, and tirir
was actually dodo, fterwerds Ibe
girl leaped from the c mney into a
fire net and broke her le The picture
will be shown in several o the Marcus
Lower houses during the co iog week.
—New York Journal, Dec ber 16,
1916. This picture will bee own at
the Model Theatre, Goderich, my 20
and 21-
LAWN SOCIAL.—li:veryone is invited
to attend the garden party to he bel
on the lawn of the Dungannon Metho-
dist church on Monday evening. July
16th. under the auspices of the Ep-
worth League. Supper served from 6
to 8 n'clock, after which there will he a
good program, the talent including
the Lucknow Ladies' Quartette., the
Lucknow Orchestra and Min Esther
Huber, of Guelph, elocutionist. A
baseball genie will be played between
Oodericb and Dungannon on the Ag-
ricultural grounds. Admission -35c,
children 21)c.
TUKMDAY, July 10.
with much regret that we t ec.•rd the
d.aLb of Mn. Duncan McKay, of
Sault St*. Mane. She died in the
hospital there on June 27. atter a
lingering and painful ilineae. She
bad been in the hospital for toter
months, but in',pine of all that medical
skill could do she gradually sank until
her gentle spirit took its Hight. She
was very patient through all her
sufferings and bore them all with be-
coming Christian resignation. in ad-
dition to the kind attention of hospital
nurse., loving friends did what they
c odd to comfort her though her lung,
err.• t.. ial. The remains were brought
to Kintail and were buried in the
family plot in Kintail cemetery, beside
those of her father, who died in March
last. The deceased was born iii Ash
Held about forty-five yeah" ago. She
was formerly Mis. Annie McLeod, e
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc -
1 sod, of Kintail. She was married to
Mr. Duncan McKay about twenty
years ago, and had lived, since then et
Duluth and Sault Ste. Marie, Besides
her husband she leaves two sone,
Roddie and John.and two daughters,
Chr ietine and Margaret Florence, all
of whom have the sincere sympathy of
their litany ft lends in their loos so
early in life of a kind, and loving wire
and mother. Mrs. McKee is survived
also by her mother, Mrs. McLeod. of
K mail, by three brothers—John, Mur-
doch and Donald—also by three die-
ters : Mies Maty McLeod, at home;
Mrs. Wait. Allan, of Csntlschie. Ont
and Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson, of Kintail
The funeral service was conducted at
her mother's home by Rev. J. 8.
Hardie, of Ashfield Presbyterian
church, and web largely attended. Tbe'
remains were laid to rest in the quiet
graveyard neer by, just amid the
scenes where she had spent her child-
hood days. The pallbearers were her
brother'', John and Murdoch McLeod,
Dr. Simpson, Roderick McKenzie,
Duncan McKay and her own son
'I'UEHDAY, July 10,
MIse Cora Ferguson is home for her
Mn. W. T. Riddell is home after a
visit to Ripley friends.
Messrs. John Hoare and John Raith-
hy have each invested in a new Ford
The Anglican congregation held a
bee on Wednesday, gravelling their
church shed.
Mr. and Mn. Joseph Carter, of Port
Elgin, are .pending holidays with
the former'• parent*, Mr, and Mrs.
Miss Alf Nitta Killough was the guest
of Mr, and Mn. E. Render, of Myth,
for the past ten days, taking in the
sprats of July 2nd.
Mrs. Munro received word on Thurs-
day from Ottawa of the wounding of
her eon Roy in France. His many
friends here hope for his speedy re-
Our teacher, Miss M. B. Blyth, left
for her home !eat week, The trustee
hoard was anxious to retain her ser-
vices for another tern, but she de-
clined to return.
The committees are burly arranging
for the Rai Cross picnic to be bold
August 1st. There will be a full pro-
gram of sports etc
K ., and i. the *ve.-
ing the ngebridge Dramatic Cleft
will give enc of the plays in which
,eery have been an sueosa.trl.
X'IUUltSDAV, Jtrl.v 12, 1917 •
Save For Investment
War bonds and other
attractive investments
are open to the man
who systematically
saves his money. Such an Investment represents
what the thriftless man spends in unnecessary trifles.
Opena savings account to the Union Bank of
Canada. A great help to thrift.
God erich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
To Our Patrons
A. D. Savage is attending
the American Optical
Association Convention
being held in Columbus,
Ohio, this week, 9th -15th
Back to business Tues-
day, the 17th inst. -
Lens Grinding and Repair
Department running as usual.
Add!! Fin
C._ RIM AT tat PGE1 °MCC,
Now IOJ4!' GUELPH:o..J
r Rubbers
10c Doz.-3 Doz. for 25c
Parsiff3ne Wax
Corks of all sizes
Jas. A. Campbell
Central Drug Store \,
Films developed and printeel.
Mail or leave your films with ns,
then you won't he disappaateek
Not Have Some of year Best
Pictures E.largei?
Phtg pater
J. W. TRt1SSI.1?R.
of Clothes
Like everythias tail-
oring prices ad-
vanced somewhat'. bot
we are trying to
them within reachi
distance, and at the samev_
time maintain the stand-
ard of quality which
marks the clothing turned
out of our shop.
Now would be a good
time for you to order your
summer suit. L '
R. 1 Armstrong
South 'aide '(quare, ti.alerieh.
The Password to
pleasure,for the
and workers at
home is
The name of the famous
Chewing Gum that has
won its way everywhere.
in cost
Bis in
It is a Sweetmeat. a Stimulant and
a Health -help all in one. It benefits
teeth, breath, appetite and diges-
tion. It steadies stomach and
nerves. It is ever -ready refresh-
ment when you're fagged.
Made in Canada
Sealed Tit—Kept Right
The Flavones lasts