The Signal, 1917-7-12, Page 457:. 7'P,, '� ,! *75�1't,. " j^i°'PK►�al lft +t +x awd"1!`C4.° 4 THVkSDAY, jeiv 12, 1917 4.� Men's Palm Beach Suits $12.00 Just the thing for the hot weather that is coming. Made in a good strong Tight -weight cloth, will give several seasons' wear, looks well and will feel com- fortable. Special $I2.00. Genuine Panama Hats $4.50 Panamas are very popular this year.We are nearly sold out but expect another shipment this week. Star Brand Overalls x'1.25 •t Most Overalls are now selling at $1.75 and $2.00. We just got a shipment of Star Brand black bib Over- alls and will sell them at a very close margin of profit. Special $1.25. WALTER C. PRJDHAM Phone 57 Printingorder. The Signa, L would like to fill your next Phone 35 •1111111111111111i111i 111111111111 111111111111111111111 W /11/11111 N11L ■ 1 j Removal1 To last for the next few weeks 3 until we move in our new store 3 The majority of articles on this list purchased before the rise in prices and now GREATLY REDUCED a a r 3 Rotary White high LOOK! Runs one-third fiAter 2 79 than the common type 3 Sewing Machine. Fine set of steel attachments. Large bobbins, holding 3 half a spool of thread. Owing to the ;circular motion of the rotary • shuttle thislmachine is a almost noiseless. Reg- ular price 440. During sale 436. 4 A high-grade, four and six drawer Raymond Sewing Machine for *26.00 These Machines are finish- ed in beautiful Oak Cases. Attachments are the latest and beast. A ten years' guar- antee with each Machine. Manufactured by one of the most reliable companies in Canada. Ry far the best values ever offered in Sewing Machines in Goderich. speed, Sewing Machine MUSIC BOOKS REDUCED Empire Song Folio 75c, for OOc Mammoth Song Folio 73c, for 00c Church and Home Folin 7k, for CIOs Songs without Words 11.00, for O0c Chopin Waltzes 510c, for 35c Bach's inventions 50c, for 85c First Pieces for Piano 50c, for 35c 120 Scotch Songs 011e, for 45c Moore's Irish Melodies $1.00, for 75c Choice Irish Songs, 75c. forfiOc Popular Scotch Songs 75c, for 50c Sabbath Echoes 50c, for Mc Several hundred Song and Instrumental Folios for 46c each. Presbyterian Hymnals 20c edition l:,c 3& edition 'tare 40e edition 30e 00c edition 51M 90c edition 80c 11,26 edition 11.10 Victor Victrolas We have some choice machines in real Mahogany, also about 2000 records to choose from. Hobner Harmonicas have�a e n the good stock awstarted were which we aresellingrtuate enough to atn30c. 40C, 50c, 75c and 11.00. In almost all of the different keys. In addition to the above we have tnaiy' other lines at reduced prices which we will be pleased It/ lajx:ypt(, • • THE ESIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO KIPPEN. WItDN1t$DAT, July 11. Dr. end Mrs. Aitken are in London this week. Mr. Albert Johnston, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with hie friends here. Mrs. J. B. McKay and daughter, Mary, of (ioderich, are visiting Mrs. M cKay's cousin, Mrs. Johnston, Mr. d ow - Ick, and daughter, Misr Otara�are visiting their brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Melli.. Mrs. (Kev.l BArnhy, of Lucas, and Mrs. Sterling McPhail, of Porter's Hill. and daughter, Mary, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Win. Ivisun, The picnic held last Thursday under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Pre.¢yterian church was • sueceas, Hisses for the children and other aporia, including swinging in the woods, besides football and baaeball, were enjoyed by all. Rev, Mr. June., of the Varna circuit, oreacbed again last Sunday and as on the previous Sabbath made a wed iwpr sss9o, He believes iu short Ser- mons and services during the bot weather, especial) when the preach- ing service immediately follows the Sunday school Parton. Mr. dray, of Toronto, and daughter spent a few days last week with his brotbet •In -la w, Mr. William Moore. Mr. Gray, who is in the engineering business, paid an extended visit to a number of leading American cities be- fore coinisrg here mid noted every- where that ivany large waaufacturing plants were not turning a wheel. Munition plant* were busy se they are here. He thinks everything will be ao out of joint when the war ends that there will be • serious reaction. Ewen the large number of women em- ployed now. where formerly men were, may be somewhat of a problem, SHE IS ALWAYS READY TO TELL THE REASON WHY She Is Recommending Dodd's Kidney Pella, Hull, Que., July 11 (Special) - --Cured of chronic indigestion, sick headache and rheumatism, from which she had suffered for six months, Mies 8. De- mers, of 1911 Malsonneuve street, here, gives all the credit tor her cure to Dodd'. Kidney Pills. "I am always ready to tell what Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me," nays Misr Demers- "i am never without them in the house. My came was one of the worst. I had tried several medicines from the doctor and was getting no hetter when I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Niles. I took arisen boxes and all my rheumatism, sink headache and indigestion were gone, When my father saw bow nauch good Dodd'* Kidney Pills bad done me he began to take them for kidney trouble. He is better now," CARLOW. WYDNIADAY. July 11. Baseball is again the order of the day at Carlow. Miss M. Robertson is suffering from • n attack of poeumonia. Mew C. M. Johnston is spending her vacation at Whitby and Hamilton, Lieut. -Col. Young and his son. Mur- ray. have shipped a carload of horses to Cochrane. Farmers are getting very anxious, owing to the weather being so wet for hay•r.aking Mr. Owen Moore is building a cement foundation for his barn, which he will build next sustainer. Masers. Young, Mcllwain, Duras and Wisher were delegates to the Presbytery in connection with the call to Rev. A. Laing. Mr. Richard Levy is home for his vacation, looking hie old natural self. Mr. Levy has the principalship of • school at Mille Roches. Rev. A. Laing, who has accepted a call to Trowbridge, will preach his farewelSmith'sSabbath,Auburn sermon. at th . Hill next the 15th inst. Save the Children. Mothers who keep • box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot, weath- er. Stomach troubles, cholera infantuen and diarrhoea carry off thousands of little ones every mummer. in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby'. Own Tablets cure these trouble*, or if given occasionally to the well child will prevent their coming on. The Tablet* are guaran- teed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the new- born babe. They are especially good in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at `Ni cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine (1o., Brookville, Ont. PORTER'S HIM. Tummies', July 10. Norse. -Mn, W. Mair and chil- dren, of London are visiting at Mr. John Cox's.. , Mies Gentle Blair 1. upending a few days at Zurich ....Mr, Howerd Oox visited at London tact week.... .Mrs. A.McDougell, of Lon- don, is visiting a1 James Harrison's. Mrs. Sterling McPhail and Miss Mary are at aKippen for a few days. Mrs. Holdsworth spent a couple of days this week with her daughter, Mrs. (,has. McPhail Quite • num- ber from the neighborhood attended the service for the Orangemen in Holmesville last Sunday evening. 1eAYFIELU. TURA/MY. July 10. Mies Edith Spackman, of Toronto. is home for her holidays, Mrs. Holmes and Miss Lois, of Clin- ton, are holidaying at Mrs. Rouatt's, Baroness Herri and family, of Brit- ish Columbia, are guests et Mies Ferguson's. Mrs. Arley Atwood and child, of l Detroit, are widths( her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. King. Mr, and Mre. Cole and family, of London, arrived on Saturday and are out upyfng Mr. Martindale s cottage in Lakeside Park. The weather nontlaues very wet and cool, making it most unpleasant for m eaper. and cottager*. Everyone is sincerely hoping for sunshine and Sale James F. Thoi'son t � Re>rnoval S 1 WHEN USING WILSON'S FLY PADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND , rOLLOW THEM EXACTLY married lent Tuesday after the home of Mr. James C Rev. A. Macfarlane perfori ceremony, DKATR of GaoKaie I.A WK The death uccus red un Friday Mr. George Lawrason, of township, Mr. Lawrason bad of • which Ihet never fully recover his death was not unexpected- lI • wife and • sun and daught funeral was held on Sunday of the aerviae being cuuducted h A. Macfarlane and the 0 Order of Foresters, of which ceased was • meuaber, AN A(5IfKNT.-Mr. J1ck'A met with a severe accident u needay of haw week, while rid uaototcycle. While cooling at rate of speed into the village al Front road something went with the steering gear, and bo ehine and rider pitched into the Jack was stunned bythe fall a peeked up unconscious and b and bruised about the face and He was taken home •t once a Gandier, of Clinton, and Dr. Ti of Lakeside Park, were called iu suasion of the butte was feared fortunately the ryas ptoms passed and in two or three days he w and about again as usual. Duce AT 101 YRAtul or Au Sunday morning there passed the oldest resident of the nee hood and a pioneer of the distr the person of Mrs. Jane Wilt. the Goshen line, Stanley. Mrs. sec was born in Ireland, a hu and one years ago, but emigrate this country while still oompara young and so bee spent almost a ,Ing life on the same farm o Goshen line. Since the death o hushand she had lived with nephew, Mr. William Pollock, [resent owner of the farm. Mason had always enjoyed the health, being able to go about wait on herself until some th four weeks ago, when she at last to take to her bed, suffering fro special ailment, but just s gradual breaking up of the system and weak- ness. She passed quietly away et 3 o'clock Sunday morning and the fun- eral was held the following afternoon, being conducted by Rev. A. Macfat- lane. noun at awpbell, wog the last, of Stanley a stroke go from ed, and • leaves' er. The ternoon, y Rev, anadlan the de- tkin.on o Wed- ing his a high ong the wrong th ma- dircb, nd was ally cut hands. nd Dr, Ilman, . Con- , but dway as up x. -On away gb bor- ict, in on, of Wil- ndred ed to tively II her'. o the f her her the Mrs. best of and see or ur no ASHFIELD, Tuse[AY, July 10. PA'rhloric NoTzs.-A I•rge gather- ing of the Asitfl !Soldier.' Aid Circle met at the sof Mrs. Wm. &other., 9th, oon of Ash$eld, on Tueedky. July- to ..After the usual business w t the re- sult of the garden pasty held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Maize on July 4th was anounced. The net proceeds amounted to j'dpti. The Society will hold its next meeting et the home of Mn, Win. Blake, of the 9th concession of Ashtleld, on Ansnst 14th. Every- one is invited. These will be a towel shower, A GagAT Success. --A most success- ful garden part was that given by the Ashfield Soldiers' Ald Circle on July 4th on the grounds of Mn. W. H. Maize, 4th concession of Aahfleld- Supper was served on tables on the lawn. presided over by Mis, 1. Mc - (twain, Mrs. Jan'w Garvey, Mr.. John McKenzie. Mars Raestothrn and MiesII Evelyn Hayden, with • host or helpers. The supper say prepared by Mrs. Thos. Shackleton, Mrs. John Men.ry, Mn. Wm..Blake, Mea. J. B. Graham, Min '['ens Myers, Miss Hattie Hayden, Miss Bovie R -id with their aseistaots, the tea and coffee being prepared by Mrs. Thom. Dough- erty and Mrs. Jas. Olver, Needless to Pay, under such component direction everything was served in excellent 111.nner and the supper was greatly enjoyed by the large number rreeenr. A bazaar was in charge of Mn. Rt Higgins, Mrs. Jas. Hayden, Mn. W. H. Maize, Mr', Jas. Johnston and as- sistants. A special feature was the sale of quilts, one being dossed by Mrs. McKeith, sr., which brought 914.75. Another quilt, donated by Mrs. Will Johnston, brought 925. A beautiful centrepiece, donated by Mrs. John McKenzie, realized a nice figure. Valuable assistance was given by Mise Mary McKenzie, Mre. Will Finlay, rs and many other tladies which addledtothe success of the evening, Mesar'. Percy Graham, Ed. Olver, Dan. Mc- Kenzie end many utter young uaeo assisted the ladies at the table.., The booth was in charge of Earle Mell- wain and Auhrey' Higgins. For the program. Mr. Rn Davidenn occu- pled the chair, and ve a most inspir- ing chairman'. address, The Luck - now Male Quartette entertained and the progt•am included dim addresses by Rev. L McKelvey, Ren, G. Gomm. Capt. McKenzie, Reeve Stewart and Mr, John Purvte, The piwsentation of a wrist -watch to Pte, Densmore Willis, who leaves shortly for service overseas, was a notable feature of the evenings proceedings. A most enjoy- able time was spent by all. The Circle takes this opportunity of hest� ily thanking Mrs. Maize and eons foe. the use of their home. The total re- ceipt. were slightly over *185.. Beauty may he only silo deep, hat a lot of fellows can't art through it. GRAY HAIR 0.., T•oeitl,'s Mat., al Hole rlNtaarative„ " aid �`�ea"we-Y� MAW Or sung Led. is '. e. "se eat e w ratite. muss i A ease �1. M*MNTlwwwrl�M�T warm weathw farvssse xis. quos 1111touh�!�! ovii.0 ,w 6000 NT etra at Wok Borthwick and Ma, tag osis w ed soca .t i tt a.ea,R Otte saw, ��A'Re Ya.fmll, oti Port Ifrsak, wet» ftaNlersa a THE COLBORNE STORE BARGAIN MUSLINS Twenty-one pieces, but none of them full pieces, of light summer Muslins that must be cleared out, and to do so we offer them at prices lower than cost to -us. Most of them are on light grounds with dainty floral and figured designs. These goods are from 27 inches to 311 inches wide and are just what is needed for the summer dress or waist fur women, girls or the little ones. Be sure and see them before decidirg on your uew dress. They range in price from 2Oc to 35c, The Sale Price is I2c. CONGOLEUM RUGS What have you decided on for Floor Coverings for your room that is in need of a new floor covering? There is nothing so serviceable, so easily kept clean, nor has such beautiful patterns for the low price and good quality of the Rug as CONGOLEUM. Have you seen the new patterns ? For dining -roost, bedroom or kitchen nothing can take the place of Congoleum. Absolutely sanitary and is not affected by warm or cold water, and easily cleaned by either. Made in all sizes, at less than half the price of wool Rugs. SKIRT MATERIALS Now is the time for the separate Sport Skirt and we are prepared with the newest in Skirting Materials. Beach Cloths in plain colors, checks, stripes and- figured• designs are the best. We have them in small quantities, so there will not be many skirts the same. They are uew and serviceable. 36 ruches wide. At 40c, 45c, 50c a yard. NEW SUMMER COLLARS We have the newest, made by an exclusive manufacturer. The low Collar with points on the shoulders and the high Collar with a fichu front are the best. They range in price from 60c to $2.25. This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons at 1 o'clock daring July and August �'OI J. H. C S LBORN E occ LSENMILLER, WMDNERUAY, July 11. Weather permitting, the postponed ice cream social will be held oo the evening of Wednesday, July 25. Mrs. William Oke returned borne last week after a six monthr. visit with her sister, Mr.. Archie Dewar, of Plckfurd, Mich. The rain of Saturday night did eon-! siderable damage by washing out the road in front of the store so badly : that it had to be closed on Sunday - Several men bare been working all ' week to make it passable. The trouhle with scandal is that people are all so willing to believe it. i GRANR TRUNK RYS CM Attractive Trips TO MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Rome-tr p tourist tickets now on sole 1torn at.tione in Ontario at 41 very low fares, with liberal stop -oven, GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Herta reservations and fall Iafermauoe.t ail brand Trunk ticket olaoe. or write C. L HORNING. l)(atriot Pwooaer Agent, 4 T Ry. System. Tomato, Ont• F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 LET A L1TT1,E SUNSHINE IN. Why use coal oil when you can have Electric Lights that will not cast you any more and will give more light and better satisfaction We know bow to LET THE SUNSHINE IN and will cheerfully fur- nish plans and estimates for wiring your home. Just Piton. 82 o. lie Robt. Tait West Street, Next Postof!•,ce IR*Y Eavestro hing and all kinds TINWOR are right in our line. Don't delay order g necessary work done. It will pay you to have re- pairs made promptly. Orders entrusted to ns, re4eive expert attention. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Hamilton //trait Phone tx D 011,T444 -* 1 Here Is An Unusual Car The Gray Dort is more than a good car. It is an unusual car. Unusual in its tip -to -toe quality - La a. owingUnusual because it is so completely honthan other cars -unusual ause fbecauseit iis Westinghouse Storting end thoroughly de Lighting q Y pendable-unusualbe- cause of its powerful, faithful motor, famously strong rear axle, its oversize bearings, its Westinghouse Starting and Lighting, and a score of - other superlative under -the -hood virtues. The Gray Dort is far out of the ordinary run of qrs. Its individuality is in its absolute superiority. See the 1917 Gray Dort. You'll want it. T. H. MITCHELL, Dealer Goderieh N. A. TAYLOR, Distributor, Sivas TRE ORAT-DORT MOTORS, Luted, Chathsrs, Out. r' left /w Chatham**