HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-12, Page 3r-+ .eras. s1. y^ s..a+•q► cu
...� •11 f;i‘rr,
I'ATH..peciahet In women'. and chi
ane'. dkea.e.. acute, :bronlc and uervou.db
order., eye, ear, now and throat. Partial deaf
ear, lumbago and rheumatic oondtUoor Ade -
mold. morel without the knife. Office at
ee kleuew, corner Neloon and St. AndreW'e
levet.. At home office Monday., Tbuteday.
sod Saturday.: any erasing by appointment.
K. H. G. Mat 1N,l;LL-HONOR
Orad new Toronto Untier•ily. Graduate
nye 11 oliege Of Dental tlurreuu..
81100011.4.11. to the late MiOur Yale. Onkel
'war kimono and We.t street, Uodetkh.
IjteoMAs\ iUNDRY
W. Ooderica. All instructions by mall
Of YR at 81arid tete will be peompty et
andel le. Reard.nre telephone 119
it U. MAYO
,S r- urians Rank Block. Ritesikee &vest,
odwbb. Telephone al.
Beal Estate Lama and las reaCa
PUBLIC. inc.
Moe on the Seems. aseoi 1 dem frees Masa.
ars street. Gedericb.
Private fund. l0 loan at b MM.
M. Psuunnwrr. Le. J. L. IUta,eaarr
• MrJ6-Dr40SO o
Tilt, ..lector, notary 'Mille Office.
too Strom" urd.rtcb, third door fr.
swa. Alt Clinton 1 bbd
rar of each week In
M�eeWsnoq •tbert t ,teat occupied by Mr.
41e.8A °ARROW, LL.B.. BA
rattorsey, sdblar. et*, data
Money ss lend at lowest rate.
• b/tor. Notary Public acrd Conre anoar,
loo -Court House Ou4.itc . *1'i
A U R •NCE C O. -Fars asd imbued
taws property insured.
Spar Jac (,moody. Pres., Goderlcb P.O.;
Ja.. grime,Viol-Pres., Beechwood P. 0.;
nameL en.-Treas.. Seatortb P. O.
IMreotors -U. ..Ycurne,gtoor. Heatorth ; John
]. Grieve, W inthrop ; W ills. Klou l'on.taooe;
Joan Reunewei., Br0dh.g.o; (leo. McCartney,
8aafo tl. ; Hobert Pori., Harlock ; Malcolm
Melweu, Bruosadd-'
Agent.. J. W. Too. God' rich ; Alex.
lntttch, ( ltot.un ; William Che.ne , tieaforth
L him, hley, b eeforth. Policy -hoiden can p.y
assel•meou and get their oar& reo.lpted at
H. J. Morelib's Clothing Store, Clinton, R. H.
(,alt'. Greeley, Elr.+Fos street( Uod.rbb, oe
J. H. hand'. Omani Store, Bayfield.
=JON. bad. Amity to M. G. CAM.
N. Barrlatar Hamilton attest. Uodwleb.
VIa11CD LIGHTNING t British. Canadian and
&00111E$T Swan e LCD arrLOTaas' LUX/I.
ter : 7'wer
The Ocean Accident and Guarantee
Corporation Limited. of London, tag.
EiDstlTy ,ND dt:ARLNTaa HONOR : The U,8,
Fidelity and Gue vrtee Company.
Gatos at reeldenoc, ortheart corner of Via
awia and 8L Dav id +.t reef. ' Pbone 176,
Patents, Traae Marks,
Secured in A11 Countries.
Writs for free book "PATENTS PItOTIC(
TION. Tells all about and how to get• pat
mita RARCOCK & BONS, e.tabllehed 1217
formerly Patent I,Mce Examiner, Matte of
Patent Laws, Regl.tered Patent Attorney.
sta. lath. James Street.. Montreal. Branehes-
UUawa and Wa.hington. RepreeentaUvee In
all foreign countrlee.
Brophe3 Bros.
1 ne Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
The Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
gtbiet *r
1. Au 4$d dont S?' m' Tar -.
Annual Gathering for Huron County Held
Last Week at Knox Church.
The county convention of the W.
U. T. U. held in Knox church
July 4th and btb was well attended.
A great awouot of successful work
done during the year was reported by
Superintendents of depatwenu, of
which there ere sixteen. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter, pre-
sided et all the .rasion.
A very pleasing pa rt of the conven-
tion was the ptewncr of Mn. Gordon
WI light, Dominion president of the
W. C.1'. U. She took charge of part
of the afternoon prugryw by conduct -
In g"a school of methods," She sug-
gested that each local Union ask the
Minister of Education to make seien•
tatic temperance • test subject in the
schools. She also ,poke of the awful
temptations that surround tbesoldiers
daily in English camps and quoted
words of an officer she wet while visit-
ing Ho Minh Columbia, who wiebed
the war would be concluded at any
Miss Marjorie Aitken sac* • solo
which was most delightful.
Rev. E. 0 Powell in giving his re -
pat 1, in law enforcement wade the
nlairwrnt that there was enough
whiskey in the county now to lest six
yrrrs. He pointed out that in ord. r
that every woman's name be on the
tweets' lint the Unions should begin at
onoe to take a crn.us of the mower of
the community and that they be edu-
cated to right voting,; not merely
following the pantie u of their bur -
bawds and fathers but taking -a stand
for the wen who will uphold right
and elevated ideals of ciiixenehip.
Mr. A. T. Couper, the newly ap-
pointed field secretary for Huron
county. was called so the trent and
asked to make a few remarks. He
was dependlug very largely on the
W. C. T. U. for eupporl, be said, atilt
would do his part in carrying on the
splendid work Hey. Mr. Powell bre
been doing.
Mrs. Wright spoke a few moments
at the close on woofer's I t•anchiee and
the splendid work -the Associated
Kin" of the Canadian expeditionary
forces is doing fur the relatives of the
soldiers at war. She Also solicited
suheeruhers for the periodical entitled
'The Kinsman." price 73 cents.
At the evening meeting the first
stew op the program was p sweet song
given by Mrs. Sunbury. A most in-
teresting double gold nsedal contest of
singing and reciting was presented by
nine girls and two bor. ' The selec-
tions were all tine and were given in
such excellent style that it war diffi-
cult for the judges to decide as to
those deserving the medals. Event-
ually the favor was given to Miss
Mildred Brower, of Blyth. for singing,
and to Master A1l4n, of «inghem, for
reciting. Mire Edith Reinhart, of
Ooderich. one of the competitors in
reciting, cave so close to Master Allan
that it wee decided by the convention
to present her also with a medal,
Mn. Wright gave an address in the
cour.e of which she said : "Let us
thank God that we face the world as
enfranchised citizens. NVoman has
now equal rights with her husband
and father." She believed that this
was (i'd's plan at the beginning, for
the Bible says, ••male and female
created He them," that they should
walk side by -bider neither 'tottering
which 1s ruling. but each with a de-
sire to help the other. The speaker
referred to the unfair laws that have
been existing in British Columba t, the
father having full control of his
children, and expressed her delight
that now the women have the vote
they will be able to improve the laws.
She Cleo called attention to the
btavt ry of the women of France.
Some have been seen ploughing very
near the firing line. A bullet would
occeeioneatly strike elle and she would
fail without it sound and another
woman would immediately tate her
Thursday morning Mr. O. M. El-
liott, agent of the Children's Aid
Society, erget! the women to help all
those in our 'town who are living in
unfavorable conditions and give com-
panionship 1t' wayward girls, showing
them genuine interest and striying to
lead them to a love for better things.
The organiser of Young People's
Circles of the Presbyterian church of
Huron county urged that the women
back up the education of children
along moral lines and that all organi-
zations he asked to take up a collec-
tion once a ye$r to catty on this work.
The oMcere elected for the coming
year are : President, Mrs. H. Hooper,
zeter ; vice-president, Mrs. Dark,
Brussels ; corresponding secretary,
Mr.. A. 7'. Cooper, Clinton ; recording
secretary, Miss It. 8. Allan, (ioderich ;
trer, Mre. (Rev.) Shp, Exeter.
A recommendation ruse passed that
a Children's Shelter he eetebllshed in
The member, of the W.C.T.U. wish
to thank all those who helped in any
way towards making the convention
a BUCCreel.
On account of the scarcity and high
price of feed the poultry industry
of this country is threatened by the
lrospect of the wholesale slaughter of
aying sto7k and a serious falling off
in the number of pullets to be ma-
The necessity for retaining for mill -
Ing every possible bushel of wheat
suitable for that purpose need not be
emphasized. To provide poultrymen
with feed for rearing their young
stock without unneaesstatily lowering
the supplies of milling wheat, the
Federal Department of Agriculture
has regieeted millers throughout
Canada to put on the market the
cracked and shiunken wheat removed
from grain before it le mined.
In addition to .small and broken
wheat thee" cleanings consist chiefly
of tate seed', of wild buckwheat„ a near
relative of the cultivated buckwheat.
The poultry division of the Central
Experimental Perm hate need wild
buckwheat in feedingexperimenta and
report. it to he a high) sats',factory
poultry feed and has ordered two care
of buckwheat screenings for the Cen-
tral and hranoh Experimental Farms
from the Ganadiaa Uevernment, ele-
vator's at Fort William. Fowls mood
to gond brain do nd1 take to it at first,
but w*Fp w. n
do o
fly e tlretl on It.
rIs►ina(atisge. from tonal MOOT
timerMedL. Iboludiejma
"Fruit -a -tires" Made Him Feel
As It Walking On Alt
Oscura, Orr., Nov. 28th. 1914.
"For over two years, I was troubled
with Coe liftalios, Drowsiness, Lack of
Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw
your sign which read " F'ruit-a-fives
make you feel like walking on air."
This appealed to me, so I decided to
try a box. In a very short time, I
began to feel better, and now I feel fine.
I have aguodappetite, relish everything
I eat, and the Headaches are gone
entirely. I recommend this /deems,
frail rwedtcirrr to all my friends".
50c. a box, 6 for 82.50, trial Ilse, 23e.
At all dealers orient postpaid by,Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
kinds of mustard*. Thee, however,
would not as a rule amount 10 more
than two or three per cent. of the
cleanings iri the case of the standard
grade, of 1Vestern wheat. This uu-
terial is 'pedally tecomruended for
backyard, suburban and prof esbifinal
poultrymen. On faints the cleanings
from yards end poultry houses where
it had been fed would have to he die -
posed of eo as not to disseminate nox-
ious weeds in grain fields.
Those intere,ted in obtaining tbts
clans of feed should immediately
arrange with local mills or feed deal -
ere for a supply. The will. cannot be
expected to keep thie materiel for
poultry unless it is demanded for that
purpose and that rest. with the poul-
trymen themselves.
How Is Your Appetite?
Lose of appetite during tbe!summer
month* to a common tuoutile, and in-
dicates that the digestive eyetetn is
out of order. Lacking a healthy ap-
petite many Oeople--eepeci•slly women
-go too Leg without food, or eat
sparingly because food seems to dis-
tress then, and it is no wonder that
they complain that they ,are constant-
ly tired and unable to stand the hot
weather. This simply means that the
digestive syete'w is not doing.ir. prop.
er work, and that the nutriment
that should come from the food is not
being distributed to the various or-
gans of the body. In other, words,
the blood i, growing thin and watery.
You need a summer tonic, and in all.
the realm of medicine there is no tonic
can equal Its. Williams' Pink Pills.
Take a abort treatment with these-
hesepills now and notice how promptly
your appetite returns and your power
to digest food improves. Your food•
will then do you good, your strength
will return and you will no longer
complain that the hot weather tires
7011 ..alt.
The best time to begin taking Dr
Williams' Pink Pills it for moment
you feel the least bit out of sorts. The
sooner you do so the atxoner you will
regain your old-time energy. You can
get these pills through any medicice
dealer or by mail at 50 cents a hc.x or
.ix Mixes for =22.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liami Medicine Co., Brockville, Una.
Capt. Luke Holmes' Second Experience
with Submarines.
Halifax, July 3.-A man who fought
an exciting duel with a U-boat ar-
rived here today on his way home to
Sydney. Tele way Captain Like
Holmes, whose st -aadr . was torpedoed
without warning, 11e is as game se
ever for War zone voyage..
The Scottish Hero, his steamer,
sailed fgow Sydney on May 31st with
a cargo of steel product-. for Havre
and Manchester. She carried it crew
of thirty-one men. Captain Holmes
took charge of her when she was pur-
chased by the Black Diamond Line
last year.
This ie Captain Holmes' second ex-
perience with U -Stats. H"' wee on
the *tomer Motwena, also of the
Black Diamond Liue, when in 1915 she
was torpedoed on her way out from
England in ballast_
The Scottish Hero before the war
sailed the- Great Lakes and was well
known at Goderich h -Thor.
The Canadian Rockies.
The best and newest sections and
highest peeks are seen from the trans-
continental Intone of the Canadian
Northern Railway leaving Toronto
every Mo rdav, Wednesday and Fri-
day. Por attractive booklet., through
iickete end tool information, apply to
.7. W. Craigia, town agent.
"Does your wife belong to all the
afternooe, elute, 7"
"Not all of them. She thinks six'
afternoon clubs per week is about
enough." -Kansas City Journal.
Children make sweet mitotic In a
home until they get old enough to
t aka manic lessons.
, 1 e
R YALt'�t-
'1 f1 +s.9arI,¶itn:a411
JULY 9th
Cheadle Markets
Cowansvllte, Que.-Fifteen factories
offered 1,240 packages of butter. All
sold at 365,jc. Thirty boxes cheese
sold at 20%c.
London, Ont. -Six factories board•
ed 906 boxes. 386 sold at 21c. Hal.
Ince unsold.
Vankleek H11I.-1,688 boxes of white
and 60 of colored offered. All sold at
Belleville, Ont. -2,352 boxes of white'
were offered. All sold at 21i„c.
Campbellford offerings were 1500; all
sold at 21%c.
Napanee, Ont. -2,155 were boarded;
all sold at 21 1.16c.
Iroquois -1,120 cheese were board-
ed, 860 colored and 270 white. Price
bid on board, 213 c; no sales. AU
sold on the curb at 2114c.
plcton-2,230 boxes were offered;
210 sold at 21%c. balance at 21 5.16c.
Cornwall offerings were 3.383 boles;
all sold at 21 5-l6c.
Perth -2,000 boxes of cheese offer-
ed; all.so!d at 21%c.
Brockville -4,460 white and 1.380
colored were boarded, 3,716 selling at
Kingston -615 white and 571 color-
olored were boarded. Abyut 700 Ibld at
21 1-16c. '- -
Alexandria -1,113 boxes of white
cheese were offered. All sold et 21
6-16 cents.
Toronto Cattle Market
Choice heavy steers ...311.00to$11.10
Butchers', choice handy .11.00 11.50
. do. good 9.50 10.00
do. common 8.50 9.00
Butchers' bulls, choice9.25 9.75
do. good 7.00 18.00
do. medium ..........7.10 7.50
Butchers' choice cows'8.25 8.7o
do. good -7.25 7.75
• do. medium 6.75 7.26
Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs8.50 9.25
do med., 700 to 3007.75 8.25
Stockers, 700 to 900 lbw7.00 8.25
do. medium 6.00 6.50
Canners . 5 00, 6.-00
Milkers. good to choice .90.00 120.00
do. coo, and med40.00 80.00
Springers 40.00 120.00
Calves, veal, cholee ..,12.00 15.50
do. medium 10.50 11.50
do. common 6.00 8.50
do. grass ' 6.00 7.00
do. heavy fat 8.00 10.50
Spring lambs, cwt;' ..-16.00 16.50
Sheep, yearlings, choloe
clipped - . 10.00 11.00
Sheep, ewes, light, c11p•
ped . . 8.00 8.50
do. heavy and bucks6.50 7.50
do. culls Coo 5.50
Hoge, fed and watered16.75 00.00
do. off cars 17 00 00.00
do. f.o.b. ...10 75 16.00
Toronto Grain Markets
Toronto Board of Trade market two-
$lanitoba Wh t -Track, bay ports,
No. 1 northern, 32.46; No. 3 northern,
Manitoba Oats --Track, bay ports.
No. 2 C:W., 80c.
American n7. -No. 3 yellow,
11.93, JlomlnaL
Ontario Wheat -No, 2 winter. 32.30
to 112.35. according to freights outside;
No. 3 winter, 32.28 to 82.33. •
Ontario Outs -No quotations.
Peas -Nominal.
Barley -Malting, nominal.
Rye -No... -,new, 32.05, nominal.
8iatthtoba .ours -First patents, in
jute bag4, 312.140,„ ..second patents,
811.90; eteong bikers', $11760.
Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track.
Toronto, prompt shipment, according
to sample, 410 to 810.10.
M!Ilt-ed-('arlote, delivered; Mon-
treal freights; Shorts, 338 to 3:39;
bran. 832; middling, 112. good fetd
flour, per bag, $2.80 to 32.90.
Hay -Track, Toronto. extra No. 2,
312.50 to 313.60, mixed, 39 to $1L
Straw -Carlota, 39.
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesalers are paying:
Cheese -New, large, 221, to 23o;
twins, 22% to 23%c; triplets, 23 to
23%c; old, large, 30c; twins, `•30' c;
triplets, 20%c.
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 33 to 34e;
creamery prints, 56 to 37c; solids, 35
to 35%c.
Eggs -New -laid, In cartons, 37 to
38c; out of c rtons, 36c.
Dressed po Rey -Spring chickens,
30c; fowl, 22 24c; squabs, per doz.,
34.00 to 34.50; turkeys, 25 to 30c.
Live poultry Spring chickens, lb.,
20 to 30c; hens, 16 to 19c.
Beans -Imported, hand-picked, 39.00
to 39.60 per bush.; Limas, per lb., 18
to 19c.
potatoes -Red Star, new, bbl., 38.00
to 88.50; North Carolinas, new, bbl.,
38.00 to 38.50; seconds, bbl., 37.00.
Dressed Meats -Wholesale
Toronto wholesale houses are quot-
ing to the trade as follows:
Beef, forequarters, cwt.$13.50to$14. 50
do. hindquarters ... 18.00 20.00
Carcasses, choice 16.00 17.00
do. t:ommon 13,60 16.60
Veal, choice 18.00 20.00
do. medium 12.00 14.00
Heavy hogs 17.00 18.00
Shop hogs 21.00 22.00
Mutton, light 16.00 17.00
do. heavy 12.00 16.00
Lambs, yearling 21,00 22.00
Spring lamhs. per Ib.27 .29
-, 4 •- Chicago Live Stock
rattle - Receipts, 300; market
steady; beeves, $8.30 t 0312.90; stock -
ere and feeders. 86.20 to 39.60; cows
and helfters, 86.40 to 311,76; calves,
310 to 314.75. Hogs -Receipts, 12,000;
market weak; light, 814.40 to 816.70;
mixed, 814.60 to 816.96; heavy, 814.46
to 116.96; rough, 114.46 to 814.60; pigs,
311 to 114.20; bulk of sales, 14.90 to
16.76. Sheep-Recelpts, 3,000; mar-
arket steady; lambs, native, 39.76 to
Bast Buffalo Cattle
Cattle-Recolpt., 226; market slow.
Vea1s-Receipyts, 60; market active
and (ower, $6 to 114.25 Hoge Ite-
osipts, 1.600; market strong; heavy,
118.36 to $146.40; mixed 816 30 to
16.401 yorkere, 116,116 to $16.30; light
yorkers, 816.25 to 04.76;.pIga, 316 to
816.25; roughs. fltio to 814.26; stage,
312 to$13. Sltbep and lambs -Roe
leapt., light; tumidly and unchanged.
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917 3
• 1 •
••�;��� D. �-LLAR SON ,�� i
•�-" .,. •
• •
• •
• •
• • jr
Special Values in Cottons and Sheetings
Buy Cottons now for future use
We are showing some splendid values in high-grade Sheetings, Pillow
Cottons, Longcloths, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Madapolams,
Lawns, Organdies, Etc.
The outlook of the Cottati-market looks as though we will not be able to offer such
values for some time.
Hig}-grade Anelior Brand Sheeting, 72 inches wide, 75c yard. 81 inches
wide, 85c ya
Special slue in English heeting, in plain and' twill, 72 inches wide, 25c to
50c per yard. I inches wide, 35c to 60c per yard.
High -grad Anchor Brand Pillow Cotton, 40 inches, 39c yd. 45 inches, 45c yd.
Special value in Ca dian and English Cottons, full 36. inches wide, ,12 I -2c to 30c yard.
Specs Showing of Horroclaes' Celebrated Cottons
Wa h Goods of Rare Beauty
July is the Wash Goods month. Nlany new lines just opened up. The
nattiest designs we have ever shown.
Palm beach and Panama Suitings
Palm Beach and Panama,Suitings,,in all plain colors, fancy stripes and novelty
designs, 36 inches to 40 inches 'de, 45c to 60cyard.
Voiles in the daintiest of
patterns, double width, from 2,5c to
signs, in stripes, checks, plaids and fancy
5c yard.
Special White Goods fo
Gabardines 50c and 75c
Repps 25c to 39c
Piques 20c to 45c
Drills I 5 to 25c
Separate Skirts, Middies, Etc.
Indian Head 20c to 30c
Middy Twill 25c
Crown Twill 30t
Bedford Cords 25c to 35c
Our store will close Wednesdays
u g fuly and August at 1 p. m.
• • o
PHONE 56 JVlillars Sotc ' Store PHONE 56•
Three more sew Professors L
equal to any is Canada.
Students can now',obtain as.
good an education in Arts and
Medicine at the Western as
The Cruel Thing.
"The floorwalker called me down for
being lute this mtrnin'."
•'Ice's gut a nerve e•xp.ctin' me girls
to danee till 3 in the tetanal' mai get
here at 8."-Hrowning'e Magazine.
Ontario Women.
Chatham, Ont. -"Some time ago I hat
• general breakdown. It terminated it
quite a bad cane
Dr. Pierce's Favor.
ite Preecription wan
recommended to
me by a friend who
used it and received
much benefit. I be-
gan taking it and in
six months I was
completely cured of
my ailment and
have never had any
return of same. 1
• ran recommend this
medicine as being good, if one will give it
a fair trial." -Moa. Joule Acesa.:, 87
Edgar Si,•Chatham, Ont.
At the first symptoms of any derange-
ment at any period of life the one safe
really helpful remedy i. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
Thousands of women In Canada have
taken it with unfailing success.
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription is s
true friend to women in times of trial.
For headache, backache, bot flambee,
mental depression, dizziness, fainting
epeIls, lassitude and exhaustion, women
r1J never fail to take this tried and
true woman's medicine.
Prepared from nature's [roots and
herbs, it contains no alcohol or narcotic,
nor any harmful ingredient. In either
tablet or liquid form. Write Dr. Pierce,
lnvalidte Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. to -day for
free medical advice.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets not only
the original hut the best Lads Liver Pills,
fir',' put up aper 40 years ago, by Dr. R. V.
Piercebave been reek imitated but asps
thou/sands attest.
pt y vegetable,beinRg m•deup of yeon-
eentrated and refined medicinal prin-
eiples extracted fmm the rrew. of American
plait.. I)o not gripe. One or two for
�hbaoo. 6pgrective, thins 41e Ism lag
For once work to fill the pl.di•e of
men who navb gone or are going to the
front. Yining women can render the
.'ountry real servios by preparing to
t.ke potations in books and business
special Courw. of training In' (took.
keeping, .Short hand and all other Com-
, nraeial object.. now to program
Student. admitted any time. Illustrated
catalogue free.
Northern Business College, Ltd.
C. A. FLEMING, Principal.
The Saults Coal Co.
Sorcewor. to Mclron.gh R Gledhill
We della p Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, edgaient, Fire Brisk, Fire
Clay, alai Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple alit Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh iclrs of Lime and
CemeIlt just received.
OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75
B. ). Sanits' Residence 275
W. W Sanits' Residence's 202
MacEwen Estate
cl'usive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Every Monday till October 29th.
Albreda . , . 964.00
Athabasca 46.60
Edmonton . , 47.00
etettl.r , 47.00
Canova . 211.76
North •sttiaford e.,....,...: 43.75
Resin' . , , 40.60
Forward .. , 40.26
Saskatoon .. 42.25
Dauphin ....,.• .,.... 37.75
Lucerne .. ..w. •w93.00
Calgary .. a ....... .. w47.00
C.mr.M • v..... 46.75
Hanna ....... 46.00
Rosetewn .......... - 41.30
Vorkton .. ..,.e•,w.., 36.65
Moos. Jaw ,,,.ss,.,, 41.00
Prince Albert ..••.e.v 43.50
grandee .. s esess•asse•97.00
wlnalpeg . ■. pw iadira16.00
!For Tickets. Reseelt•re*�tlnns. Lj�ahr.
tare `n.1 t ntornratlon. apklly toe
(, ft, lies,ran.e, ((kkukllor-
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Any quantity ilest al
Slabs, Mixed Wood, He
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.
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• 11
Many a man's wife dresses Stylishly
became -his ereditore can aft.,rd it.
Take a glare of Salta if your Back hurts
or Bladder bothers you -Drink
more water.
1f you must have our meat every day,
eat it, tint flush your kidneys with salts
oreasionally, pays a noted authority who
tells its that .nest forms uric acid which
slmoat paralyzed the kidneys in tneir ef-
forts to expel it from the blood. They
brume sluggish and weaken, then yea
suffer with a dull misery in the kidney
region, sharp pains in the heck or sick
headache, dizziness, your stomach sours,
,tongue is coated and when the weather
is had you have rheumatic twinges. Tke
urine Beta cloudy, full of sediment, tbs
channels often get sore and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
time during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get torr ounces ea
Jail Salta from any pharmacy herep
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before,hreakfaat for a few days
and your kidneys will then act boa This
famous salts is nude from the acid of
grapes and lemon Jules, combined with
ithia, and hsa been used for gensrratione
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys.
aim to neutralise the wide in urine,
so it sl( Iongwr irritates, thus ending
bladder weakness.
.tad Salts is ineTpensi.e: cannot la -
jure. and makes a delightful ederveaes a
'thio -water drink.