HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL - GODERTCH ONTARIO Tavuit64v, JULY 5, 1917 r BICYCLES A new shipment just arrived— SEE THEM EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER :.0 GREAT FILM SENSATION. ••The Masque of Life" at Model Theatre July so and at. •a'l'bs Masque of Life," one of the ireatestfilnasucceraee ever produced, s 10 be shown at the Model Theatre Friday and Saturday. July 2uth and 210. Marguerite Clark, the great Mw Mar, says : " The Masque of Life' is the greatest thrill picture I have ever seen. It fa wondrous." Daniel Frohtuan, dean of America's theatrical managers, says of it : "One of t i" nu,+ 1hri(liny eyiup ithr•lie illd •.ptwai.ng Lear, 'IOI Pa 1 h,/Ve seer witoP+v,l—a great pi. 1u. e." New Y rt. moo Telegraph : ''Most lope, isemlar and in+resting It will appeal because of it. novelty. The pb"togrtphilg is admirable, the vE OLDS ( FIRMS "1 have never heard its equal" This rsserk bas bees made by score, of the greatest artists sad critics sad by hundreds sod thou- sands of musicians sad music lovers wises referr- ing to the i4,tnt3man & Qin. Art Diann Oast hue wale to boar sad exam's* this great Cau- da@ piano to realize Its remarkable musical and artistic pro-miseacs, and staderntaad its woasderful popularity amosa dlscrim- lasting peoMe James F.Thomson Music Dealer Goderich :-: Ontario tinting and coloring masterly ; the decorations of the titles unusually artistic. To the general public it will appeal because of its novelty and the universality of Its theme."' Chicago Evening American : "Macy thillb—a corking fire scene with wild animals dashing about—exceptionally clever spertaculer pantowitue—thrills aplenty, Chicago Examiner : '• 'Tbe Marque of Life' as a rare good entertainment. 11 holds the audience yawnless and squlrtnleee for ninety minutes. It. has something for everybody in it." Seats fur this great special per - fn. -manse only on sale at the M 'del Theatre. W. sure to get your seek early. Remember the dates—Friday and Saturday, July 30th and 21 t. Mr. and Mr . Allan Wildon, of Car- low, received word this week That their son, Pte. Frank \Nilson, is on. proving at Brighton hospital, Eng- land, where be is receiving treatment fur a wound in the face caused by a machine-gun accident. Pte. Wil -on enlisted at Hamilton with the 206th Battalion. The Rebekah Lodge intends holding e picnic next Wednesday at Mr. Phillips'—the old Hillier property on the river bank in Goderich township. The 0ddfellows with their families will join in the event. A bandwagon will leave the (kidfellows' Hall at I n clock for the accommodation of any who wish to be conveyed to the picnic grounds. 1 Save Your Eyes. To neglect the eyes is to take chwoes with yds& tnost precious bodily possession. Good glasses accurately fitted may be just the thing you need to tone up the system and increase the effect- iveness of your work. Have your eyesight cor- rected before it injures your health. "NMI /o!/! GUELPH, ()NTS • eTJ 1 r Mode/ Theatre ' CEO. E. KING, Proprietor WEEK OF JULY 9th, 1917 Monday and Tuesday well -loved favorite AIM STEWART IN "The Daring of Diana" ALSO The Great Popular Serial "The Secret Kingdom" Wednesday and Thursday House Peters --IN-- "The Rail Ride" . torn .the story by Edgar Franklin frill and Saturday GOOD TURES–WATCH FOR THEM Az P'PJCBS ALL WEEK —i Model Theatre AterceNee LOCAL TOPICS Save Your Rubbers. The Maple Leat Chapter, 1. 0. D. IC.. wish to thank all who eo kindly helped with their rubber collect' the proceeds of which were $38.lEt. Will all who can kindly save rubbery for the next collection ? Tag Day Results. The Ahmrek Chapter, I. 0. D. It, had a "tag dag" on Dominion Day for the benefit of Alexandra hospital and realized the sub-tantial sum of $221.36. The duenihets of the Chapter desire to thank all who contributed. Customs Returns. The customs returns at the pot t of Goderich for the month of June were $19,130, as compared with $14.732.30 for the same month last year. The returns for the tint quarter of the flacal year, ended June 30th. are g51,- 641.99, as compared with $41,4118.87 for the same period last year. W. C. T. U. Convention. Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, president of the Dominion W. C.T.U., last evening gave an able address in Knox church on "Woman's Work in Wartime," and was bears by a large and appreciative audience. The meet- ing was in connection with the county W. C. T. U. convention, which was beld on Wednesday and Thursday in Knox church. A report of the con- vention will be given nett week. The Barn Dance. A great crowd attended the barn dance on Monday night at. Mr. 1. B. Reynolds', Huron road, under the auspices of the Patriotic Society of Goderich township. In spite of the "Mower in the evening, the people flocked to the place from all direc- tion., and several autos were kept busy for hours carrying people out flow town and bringing them back again. The refreshment booths and the fortuoe-teller,' tenta were wrll petronizasd, bnt the greet attraction was tbe dance the fine new barn, and the metryikotkers kept the tun going until long after midnight. The affair realized a h*,idsoms amount for tqe funds of the Patriotic Society. The Late Adam Nichol The death of Mr. Adam Nichol, which occurred on Thursday of last week at Alexandra hospital, followed an illness of several weeks' duration, the immediate comae of death being inflammatory rhemnat.ism. The de- ceased was forty-nine years of age and leaves • widow end one son, Kenneth. A service was held at the family reel - deuce on Thursday evening by Rev. R. C. McDermid and the remains were taken to Parkhill for interment., the tuoeral taking place on Saturdayfrom the residence of Mr. John ichol. brother of tete deceased. Mr. Nichol had been a resident of Goderich about eight years. Wholesale Thieving. Mr. G. M. Kidd, of the Goderich Poultry Farm. bas lost nearly the whole of his large flock of chickens through the operations of thieves. About • month ago some 400 birds were taken end on Thursday night of last week the robbers made a second visit and pretty neatly cleaned out the place, leaving sixty-seven chickens out of • flocs of one thousand. The loss is • serious one for Mr. Kidd, as there is not only the direct loss Out also the lou of a year's time, as the flock can- not now be replaced. If the nervy thieves can be detected they 'mould be severely dealt with, so that such a dastardly trick tusy not he retested for • long time. Mr. Kidd offers • reward of =100 fur the discovery of the robbers. An Old Resident Departs. The death occurred at Toledo. Ohio, on Tuesday last of Mrs. Nicholson, wife of Or. M. Nicholson, formerly of Goderich. The deceased was a native of Goderich, • daughter of the late Jasper Gooding, one of the earliest residents of this town. She lived in Goderich all her life until her removal to Toledo last year. Besides ber bus band, she leaves two sons and two daughters : Malcolm, of Buffalo, N. Y., Jasper and the Misses Mary and Kate, all of Toledo. The remains were brought to Goderich by the noon G. T. R. train today (Thursday) and were interred in Maitland cemetery. In the absence of the rector of St. George's church, of which M.•s. Nic- holson was • lifelong memher, the burial service was conducted by Rev, R. C. •McDermid, and the pallbearers were 0. G. Newton, J. W. Venetter, Dr. L. M. Mabee and P. L Walton. The members of the family who were here for the funeral were Dr, Nichol- son, Miss Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Malcjnlm Nicholson. Suicide in Goderich Township. A tragic event occurred in Goderich township some time during Wednes- day night, when Charles R. Warcup, of the Bayfield road, about, three wiles from town, shot hitn.elf fatally. Mr. Warcup had been living alone, and he was found dose oh Thursday morning with a revolver near his left hand and • ghastly wound in his forehead. The authorities were notifled and after an investigation C .toner Hunter decided that an inquest was unneces- sary. Mr. Warcup left a note which clearly indicated that the case was one of suicide. in it he complained of sleeplessness and worries, the war being one of the things that troubled his mind. Mr. Warcup was about sixty yearn of age, • quiet. reserved man, and unmarried. An unmarried slater lives in the township. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from the re.idenc. of Mn. Wm. Bichan, Bayfield road, to Mait- land cemetery. and will he private. Former Goderich Boy Killed. In • act -amble for wild strawberries, Harry Flllmot e, the thb teen -ear -old son of Thos. Fillmore, of 14 Edward street, London, formerly of Goderich, was accidentally shot through the back of the head and Instantly killed on Tuesday last A London paper give. the following pattdculers : The Fill- more lad, aerornpanied by other boys, was playing near Roue s swimming pool, west. of Manor Park, just beyond the eitylimits, off the Wharnelife mad, wn they discovered • patch of tnrtistr. Boyllke, they naked for the trent and in the acr, Ms • 22ealibre rifle whleh Elgin Alperin, .nn of Chalks Hearin, of 49 Ma emend avenue, was carrying, was dbeba,gsd. .SJds Clearing sale of Goods at the SINGER STORE Specials this week Children's Vests anti Drawers 10c, fife and t.s Wotnen's Underwear, 1:ic,25c and 50c Large size Knitted Combina- tions, 50c Fine Nightgowns,55c, 85c, 81 Stamped Gowns, 75c, $1,$1.15 Stamped goads of all kinds, Linens, Ribbons, Crochet Threads, Embroidery Silks, Notions Baby's Wear,Ladies' Middies, Ladies' Neckwear MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE — SQUARE bullet entered the boy's head ju..t behind the left ser. Mr. Thomas Fill- more, father of the dead boy, was on the scene a short time afterwards and was satisfied that the shooting had been accidental. Coroner Dr. Robert Ferguson was 'summoned and con- cluded that an inquest ii unnecessary. Mr. Fillmore, the father, who came to London from Goderich, has bed bis share of affliction, this being the second.tragedy in his home. The dead lad's mother was burned to death a few years ago, while the family were living at Ewbro, North Oxford. Mr. William Blake, of town, grand- father of the victim of the accident, left for London on receiving word of the sad event. St. George. church Woman's Guild intends holding garden party on tbe afternoon and evening of Thursday, July 38t13. Feather particulars later. An interesting patriotic service was given in the Saltford union Sunday school one Sunday afternoon in ob- servance of the fiftieth anniversary of the Dominion. In addition, to a special and appropriate order of ser- vice, addresses were given by Mies Strang and Rev. J. E. Ford. and the superintendent, Mr. Peter MacEwen, read the hone r roll of the school, con- taining the names of fifteen young' men who have gone forth to fight for freedom and ju-tine. Two of them. Arthur McMatb and William Palmer, have given their lives for the eauee .and their me•uoriee are cherished in the school which they once attended. I [Nilibago is Rheumatism of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would he no Uric Acid and - no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills National Service The need of the country demands trained women to take men's places in banks, wholesale houses, railway and all types of business offices. Are You Ready to do Your Share ? This is what you can do. You can take a man's place in the business world and earn for yourself a good income at the same time. The more you know the more you can do. If you are interested in "doing your bit," we shall be pleased to give full particulars of our course by metlps of which you can fit yourself to render efficient service to Canada in her time of need. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. PHONE 208 Prtacipal School Opeaa Toes., Sept. 4, 1917. ORIIAT DAY AT GLEN M .LAND Amsted Picnic of Colborne Telephone System a Fuse Success. After a week of heavy rain 01d Sol's glorious rays came with a thous- and welcomes on Saturday to help slake the picnic of the Colborne Telephone System a great success. • large crowd gathered at the chosen point, a pleasant spot on the bank of Use Maitland River adjoining the farm of Mr. G. L. Lamb. This place up to Saturday last had been without' a urine, but hereafter it is to be known as "Glen Maitland," and it promises to become a popular picnic grouod. The various committees appointed in preparation for the picnic bad all done their woik well, and evet ything passed off without a hitch. The ar- raugewents were complete, even in- cluding a telephone line especially in- stalled. Mr. Limb and Yr. J. N. Kernigbeu, president and secretary respectively of the Telephone Systeol, Reeve Youug, Mr. R. M. Young and others worked saeiduously to wake the occasion pleasaut and entertaining for all. One of the events of the afternoon was a programs of races, the wieners being as follows : Obis under tl—Hildred James, Lizzie Hardy, Leola Snyder. Boys under ' fl—Douglas Urethan), Dougal Mortis, Edgar Blake. Girls tF to 8—Grace Hedley, Bessie Mreahe, Mildred 'AMC tiny. 6 to 8 --Wilfred Graham, John- nie Fart isb, Franklin Mitchell. Girls 8 to 10—Irene Jame'', Jean Morris, Beulah Fisher. Boys 8 to 10—Wilfred Graham, Clifford Allen, Arthur Maekell. Girls 311 to 12—Julia Young, Iola Fowler, Jean Farrel:. Boys 10 to 13—Logan Murney, Rose Fisher, John Rondo. Girls 12 Lo 15—Julia Young, Iola Fowler. Annie Sheardown. Boys 12 to 15—Hector Ward, Thorn - by Louth, Frank Clark. Girls over 15—Rem Levy, Eunice Lamb, Ella Rol.ertson. Boys over 15—,Bill Donaldson, Hec- tor Wad, Hamilton Clutton, Married men—Will Medd, Fletcher Fisher, John Farrisb. Boys' three-legged race—E. Blake and L Allen, H. Ward and W. Mac- Donald, R. Fisher and It. Fisher, Girls' three-legged race—Ella Rob- ertson and !tete, Levy, Mrs. Medd and Mrs. Lamb. rho men's tug-of-war was rather tame. The teams were captwined by John Young and Arthur Fisher, the former wweing two out of three pulls. The trig -of -war for boys under ail. teen was more exciting, several min- utes being ne•eessary for • decision on each pull. The captains were James Adams and John Robertson, the tote seer winning two straight. polls. A baseball game was played with the following line-up : (1) (2) L Murney c, W. Hicks J. Bowler p. W. Medd H. Ward 1 b. L. Young M. Bradley 2 b. J. Hick. E. Nilson 3 h. H. Montgomery A. Laitbwaite r f. J. Kernighan R. patter c f. W. Me"llr.nald A. Lamb 1 f. L. Rodgers Umpire—J. Tufford. Team (1) won the game by the score of7to2. There were pony rides for the little cbildren, Mr. W. B. Forster having brought along a pair of Shetland p. Dire. There being apparenUy no limit to the good nature either of the ponies or of their owner, the young - eters had a Brest time taking turns at rides on the 1 asks of the sturdy little animals. A refreahmeot booth under the management of Messrs. Levi Snyder and E. H• Walters did a lively hied - nee. About Piety entries were made in the competition for the naming of the picnic ground.. Some fifty different names were integrated, and the judges had a bard trek slaking a choice. Finally they gave their decision in favor of "Glen Maitland," the name handed in by Mre. R. M. Young. Mr. R. R. Mellows wan on hand and took • number of photug apphs, includ- ing one of the (i•,odwill Bride class of Benmiller church. After supper there was a short musical program, converting of vocal solos by Miss Marion filen and Rev. P. 8. Hanes, and Hfe solo. by Mr. J. B. Cox. Mee. J. B. Cox acted ate ac- companist for all. On account of the height of the river it was impossible to Hud a suit- able place for the demonstration of life-saving by Mr. N:. V. ',swoon and this was cancelled. t PERSONAL MENTION. MIw (trace Johnston. of Toronto. spent the week -end its town. Mr. Reg. Sharman was a vls(tor at Guelph and Galt this week. Ni+s Margaret Strang was home from Tor onto over the week -end. Mr. H. F'rent.dn Strang was home from Barrie to eyelid Dominion Lar. r Rev. Dr. Patterson. of Brantford. Is spending holidays at Mencsetuog Park Mrs. Richard Jaffrey and the Misses Jaffray, of Galt, ars at Mene,etuug Park. Rev. Dr. Dickie and fatally, of Montreal, have arrived al their cottage at. Metiesetung Park. Mia Peterson, of Montreal. and Miss J. F. Maoduneld, of Ottawa. are at the Hotel Sunset this week. Mr.. than. Simone, Bt David's street, has returned from a visit to friends •tt (Tinton and Bruceeeid. Max W, J. MoCreath and children and Mrs. Wet. Young left Wednesday morning on a two weeds' rlait to Detroit_ Mr. William Blrachan left last iieturday tor Bernie, where he . ook the atewner Noronic for • ridl to Sault Ste. Marie, Mick, Dr. L. J. Carter, wife and son, of Hendon, Nan., visited the Doctor's brother, Mr. W.J. Carts.. bouth street. the past week. Mn. Herbert Keats and little son Bobble of P ort William. are visiting at the horse of �Ir. and Mrs. J H. Jobnaton, Hrtrannie road. Mrs. 0. W. Rhynes WWI Master Phillip, of Hr•nt.ford. are visiting at the home of their auto. Mn. C. Pimple. et. David's street. Mr. A. I. Caldwell ie eneaging in business at Slur•gaon Fells and he and N n, t'aldwell was. on Friday of this weak for their new hams Mr John Payne and daughter. Mrs. L W. Telford. and children and Mi... Phyllis Payee. eI Toronto, are 'nests M .Yrs. Meek, atria avenue. Mr. D. W. Orman. late of California. who upset the last four month. visiting his rola thee at nbopp.nu' n. Ian on tlatarN. for Vancouver. IL t:. Mr. and Mia (:. M. Runes. of DetroH, ar rived a few days ago and opened tb. Ir now dente Mn for tae euwiner. Yr. Runes ass etnne retorises to haven. Mia Tem, of New York City. and MIN, Jean To.., wile kali teturaed from aurora. N Y., ase beiad rpe.dimer aye et Lae ae sf their e ntente, Mr. and Mrs. J. IC. Era. Neuer Here d Measssle left os Tuesday UMW REK OF CANADA The Foundation of Fortunes —the ready cash which first enabled the envied possessors to grasp financial opportunity —in the great majority of cases Is found to have been a Savings Bank Balance. Shrewdness and good sense commend the opening and fostering of a Savings Account in the URI'S bilk 11 Caaada. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, for Port Colborne. where he will meet the steadier Yorkton and take a trip to ('batham, New liruoswlck, with his talber, chief en - (Mow of the Yorkton. Hunger Harold Ramsay. of Toronto, who recentlyreturned sounded from France. spt tete holiay In town, thq guest of Mr. .,pd lero. J. M. Tom. Gunner hamaay war a cheat ut Donner Archie l'ow to Preece. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRAES. Mr. E. R. Wigle,,of town, has been re-elected by acclionetion as a Member of the council of the Ontario College of Pharmacy. He represents the district comprising the counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey. A garden party will be beld at the home of Mr. Archie Horton, Leebutn, on the evening of \Veduesday,July 11. The Goderich bared will be i n atteod- soce. Supper will be served from 0 to 8. Admission 2 ,c and :roc. Mr, J. H. Leech was called to Till- sonburg this week by the death Saturday evening of his mother, Mo. Horace Weather wax, an old resident of that town. The funeral took place at Tillsonburg on Tuesday, - ASHFIELD. The regular monthly tweeting of the. AsbIield Soldiers' Aid Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Wni. Mothers. 9th concession, on Tuesday. July 10th. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to everyone who is interested in the work. PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing AND— Printing Jas. A. Campbell Central Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich Ontario Manager. NOTICE Films developed and prink' Mail or leave your filets with ns, then you won't be disappointed. Wily Not Have Sone sf Your Best Pictures Enlarges? J. T. FELL Photographer UCCESSOR TO '1•RI'SSLER. Like everyt ' ng else, t.ul - oring prices have iti - canced somew t ; but we are trying keep them within tea ing distance, and at the sauna time -maintain the stank and of quality which\ marks the clothing turned out of our shop. t ow would 1* a good t for yon to order your su •• mer snit. R. J. A rmsirong MERCHANT TAILOR - South Side Square. (i, i.'i it h. A Little Stick of IGLEY'S Makes the Whole World Kin! This famous chewing gum aids appetite and di- gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. No wonder WRIGLENS is used around the world, when- ever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. ON SALE EVERYWHERE The Flavour Lasts SOLOlIeS 1N CUR JM'IINe r G,01$ .N W1n0 la_, 4 i 46.V CCP Woof a IN AeSntlICM Sealed Tleht Kept Mat After every meal"Camila Maki to `