HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-5, Page 44 THURSDAY, jut.v 5, 1917
Men's Palm Beach Suits $12.00
Just the thing for the hot weather that is corning.
Made in a good strong light -weight cloth, will give
several seasons' wear, looks well and will feel com-
fortable. Special $I2.00.
Genuine Panama Hats $4.50
Panamas are very popular this year.We are nearly
sold out but expect another shipment this week.
Star Brand Overalls $1.25
Most Overalls are now selling at $I.75 and $2.00.
We just got a shipment of Star Braid black bib Over -
alis and will sell them at a very close margin of profit.
Special $ I.25.
Phone 57
Printing 0
would like to fill your next
Phone 35
■geti 1111igewo•itioAi1111ilmiii►l eo Wkillmioa 11 ronin■
3 E.
3 E
1 Removal 1
1 E
3 To last for the next few weeks E
3 until we move into our new store F
3 The majority of articles on this list purchased before IFi
3 the rise in prices and now GREATLY REDUCED E
4 E
3 E
3 LOOK ! E
barge bobbins, holding 1C
half a spool of thread. �a F
Owing to the circular 1 E
motion of the rotary / E
3 shuttle this machine is
A high-grade. four and six
drawer Raymond Sewing
Machine for
These Machina are finiah-
J ed in beautiful Oak Cases.
Attachments are the latest
and test. A ten years' guar-
antee with each Machine.
Manufactured by one of
the most reliable companies
in Canada.
By far the best values ever
offered in Sewing Machines
in Goderich.
Rotary White, high speed, Sewing Machine
Runs one-third faster
than' the common type
Sewing Machine. Fine
set of steel attachments.
3 almost noiseless. Reg-
ar price $40. During • - 6-
sale $36. E
1 IF
Empire Song Folio 75c, for floc
Mammoth Song Folio lac, for (IOc E
3 Church and Home Folio 75c, for tlfcIF
Songs without Words $1.00, for OOc
3 Chopin Waltzes 50c, for 35c E
1 Bach's inventions M)c. for 35c �'
First Pieces for Piano 50c, for 35c
3 120 Scotch Songs Olio, for 4fic E
3 Moore's Irish Melodies$1.00, for 75c F
Choice Irish Songs. 75c, for 50c
3 Popular Scotch Songs 75c, for r,oc E
1 Sabbath Echoes fiOc, for 35c
Several hundred Song and Instrumental Folios for 25c each.
3 Presbyterian Hymnals F
320c edition laic 35c edition 25c 40c edition 30c
00c edition 611c 90c edition POc $1.25 edition $L10 IF'
3 Victor Victrolas F
3 We have some choice machines in real Mahogany, also
3 about 2000 records to choose from.
3 Hohner Harmonicas
3 When the war started we were fortunate enough to
3 have a good stock, which we are selling at 30c, 40c, 60c,
3 75c and $1.00. In almost all of the different keys.
3 In addition to the above we have many other lines at
3 reduced prices which we will be pleased to sow you.
WLDNaaDAY, July 4.
Mr. Ra Moore, of the Sterling
Bank staff at Courtrigbt, was home
for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McKie, of Tor-
onto, are spending a week with the
latter'. pereuta, Alf. and Mn. Ww.
TEACHER. -The pupil* of 8. S. No. 2
assembled at the school on Ft iday
morning and presented Mie. Jennie
Mille, the retiring :ea.:her, with a
hwdeotne set of knives and forte.
Miss Mills has taught at Bennsiller
for a year and a -halt and ii a capable
and efficient teacher. She leaves for
her home near Shakespeare this week.
WVEDNtssDAY, July 4.
Mr. Wm. Mutcb, of Clinton, visited
relatives here over Sunday.
Mr. John Ferguson, from Toronto,
spent the holiday at his hove.
Rev. A Laing has received a call
from the Presbyterian congregations
of Fordwich and Borrie.
Our village was quiet on Monday,
moat of the citisene celebrating either
at Blyth or at (iderieb.
Hev. A. Lain was called to Balti-
more, Out., on Tuesday owing to the
serious illness of his father.
Mr. Thos. Putter, of Pickford, is
visi.iug at Mr. W. T. Riddell's and
renewing ecquaiutartee. here.
Mr. damiltou, of Listowel, • former
Sterling Balk clerk here, spent the
holiday neve, vi.iting at Mr. tt. Phil -
Mr. Thiel, of Hamburg, and daugh-
ter, Mr.. John Wright, are spending a
few days here renewiug acqu•iut-
The churches were beautifully dec-
orated on Sabtatb with flowers and
Hags to celebrate the half -century
mark of the Dominion of Canada.
Before leaving for his new charge
at Trowbridge, Rev. W. Conway was
presented by the teachers' training
class of Donnybrook Methodist
church with a set of military brdshes,
and by the Auburn Bible class with a
handsome clubhag, in token of the
esteem in which he is held by the
members of these classes.
Miss Jean Clutton, Miss Huth Shaw
and Miss Ina Willialus are home for
their holiday..
Mr. and Mrs. Blair, of Detroit, mo-
tored up to Dunlop on 'Tuesday and
will spend a month bare.
Mr. A. A. %Vint/ono, who has beeo
working at London the last six
months, spent a tew days at home this
we. k.
A good many from around here took
in the municipal picnic last Saturday.
It was an almost perfect day, the only
day for some time it did not ram.
GaRDEN PASTY. -The ladies of
Leesburg' intend bolding their usual
garden party on Weduesday evening
next, op the grounds of Mr. Archie
Horton. Further particulars will be
found on porter.. As the proceeds
are intended for the church funds, we
hope there will be a good turnout.
old friends and ueighbon of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Oliddon from Sheppard -
tun wet at their home in Dunlop on
Friday night and presented them
each with a chair and an address
Quite a number were present and •
good jpeogratuwas giv en. M rs. Hedley
from Nile presided at the organ ; Mn.
Carey read the address, and Mrs. J.
B. Graham presented the chain.
Aloud midnight a lunch was served
and the guest* departed well pleased
with their eveuing's entertainment.
THE HAINRrORtf.-The heavy rains
of bun:ay morning last did a great
deal of damage in this section. Many
of the culverts. were wished away and
others left in such a condition as to
be unfit tor traffic. The mail car was
unable to get through Leeburn on
Monday, but on Tuesday temporary
bridges were constructed amid traffic
was resumed. Never before in the
memory of even the "oldest in abit-
aot" were such floods seen here.
Many of the fields are still wore or
less under water, and corn, beans and
other late crops will stand a poor
chance, as they are rotting in the
ground. The greater production move-
ment seem* bound to receive a check
when even the weather duan is against
it. He it evidently in league with the
Central powers.
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SiGNAL at Dungannon.
Order. left with him for tub.criptlooe,
advertisemente or job printing will re-
ceive prompt attenUot. Telephone
(Ooderich Rural) lab
ETC., cAa.ruLLv xx.cuTxn AND
Morar $CPP1.raD FOR
Monro aux.
Agent for P7re, Wind and IAN intmrano. In
the beat ComWnl.s only.
Mr. J. R. McNabb is making im-
provements on his barns.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Medd, of Auburn,
were in the village last Sunday.
Miss Myrtle Allen has been engaged
F to teach In 8 8. No. 1, Colborne.
Misses Pearl McKenzie and Ethel
Case are home from Toronto for their
Mrs. J. Medd and little daughter
Mary, of Fergus, visited friends here
gr fast week.
E; Rev. G. Gomm will preach to the
Orangemen on Sunday evening in
E Erskine church.
EC Mr and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, of Elora,
were the guests of their Dungannon
friends last week.
Mr. Robt. Davidson haa sold his
farm on the 4th concession to his
neiphhor, Mr. 8. Roach.
A number of our villagers spent
Dominion Day at Port Alpert, while
Mhrr's took In the sights In (4ndericb.
The garden party on Mr. Jas. David -
son's lawn, under the auspices of the
An .lean church, was fairly well at-
Misses Myrtle Allen and Lillian
-3 t
3 James F. Thomson 1
Removal Sate - C
■omwitimulumumumwmkgi■ Pendana are to be coagrstul.t.d
• •sr
Every IOc
Packet of
Clean to handle. Id by all Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
upon having successfully passed the
Normal School examination.
Rev. I. McKelvey preached • mem-
orlal sermon on Sunday afternoon to
the Methodist church in memory of
Gunner Fred Errington, who died o0
June 8'h from wounds received in
France the previous day. Particulars
will be given next week.
Ttgt Ft 000. -It was the occasion of
surprise and consternation to rove of
the villagers to find on Sunday morn-
ing their garden completely inundated,
and cellars almost full of water. Some
of twentyears' residence here had
not seen the floods at such a high
mere as was observed on Sunday.
Some very good gardens were totally
KEEP Tuts IN MIND. -Don't forget
tba garden party on the manse lawn
Wednesday evening, July 11th. J.
Kelly, of Toronto, comes highly re-
oommeoaed as one of Canada's great-
est enteitaioers. You should hear
bia monologues, readings, songs and
humorous speeches, joke., etc. He
has entertained His Excellency the
Governor-General -why not the
people of Dungannon ?
Mr. Allison, of the Anglican church,
on Friday of last week received a
message from the Militia Department
at Ottawa to report at London, Ont..
on Monday, 2nd inst., to act as chap-
lain for overseas forces. Mr. Allison
immediately resigned his charge,
preached his farewell on Sunday even-
iog, and left on Monday morning for
Loudon. He left there almost im-
mediately for Petawewa. We regret
very much his sudden removal, but
hope he will return again wifely when
his military duties are done.
Why Mr. and Mn. West Recommend
Dodd's Kidney Pans.
St. Jamee, Man., July 2 (Special.) -
That Dodd's Kidney Pills are living up
to their great reputation in the West
is twice proved by Mr. and Mrs. G.
West, well-known and highly re-
spected residents of this place. Let
Mn. Went tell the story :
"My husband suffered from attacks
of lumbago." she stave, "and the doc-
tor did him no good. but 1 can truth-
fully say that since using Uold's Kid-
ney Pilb he is entirely free trove lum-
bago. 1 myself took six boxes of
Dodd'. Kidna Pills d ave just like •
new person. I have next deo pound.
since using them so y Igiends eusi-
pliment use on ►.ww*} wren' '1 look. I
have recommendedS`Dodd's Kidney
Pills to some of toy lady friends who
were complaining of not feeling well,
and they, like myself, speak highly of
Miss Dell Pickard, of Thedford, is
visiting Mr. Fred Pickard, of the Cut
line. -
The councilmen are busy this , eoak
repairing the roads that were dattraged
by tbe big storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B,wen and son,
of Tecumseh. Mich., visited at Mr. W.
J. Patton's last week.
Miss Margaret Yuill, teacher of
Cedar Valley school, Ashfield, is
home for the sutuwer vapation.
Mr. Jas. Johnston, the new mail
courier for rural route No. 1, com-
menced work on Monday, July 2nd.
Mr. Richard McLennan, of the 4th
cnncniision, had a valuable racing mare
killed by lightning In Saturday night's
Large numbers of the young people
took in the patriotic dance at Jas.
Reynolds' new barn on July tad and
report a good time. •
Guard Baby's Health in
the Summer.
The summer months are the most
dangerous to children. The complaints
of that seasogg, which ars cholera in-
fantum,colic, diarrhoea and dysentery,
come on so quickly that often a little
one is beyond aid before the mother
realizes he is ill. The mother moat be
nn her guard to prevent these troubles,
or 1f they do come on suddenly to cure
them. No other medicine i. of such
aid to mothers during hot weather as
is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate
the stomach and bowels and are abso-
lutely safe. !fold by medicine dealers
or by mail at its cents a bot front T, e
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brunk
vine, Ont.
The Coats we carry are pure silk -covered Coats with a light cotton back, but we guarantee
that the cotton will not show through the Coat ; thus making it look like a Coat worth double
the money, These Coats come in yellow, Copenhagen, blue, rose and pink, at $12.50 and $11.
In the plain colors or trimmed with white.
Neat and dainty Voile and Muslin Blouses in all sizes, in pure white, nicely embroidered,
and in a range of styles and different embroidery. Also white Silk Blouses in Habitui or Silk
Crepe de Chine in the newest and best designs and in a ranv of different styles.
We have just put into stock a large range of the very newesfcreations that can be obtained
in Collars. These Collars are bought from a firm who spend their entire time and energy ou the
manufacture of Collars. It is therefore quite reasonable to believe they have the newest. The
Collars are a little larger and are pointed on the shoulder. Fine Muslins for summer wear are
ahead of Georgettes and Silk Crepe de Chines, although a sprinkling of these cloths is still used.
We would be glad to have the opportunity of showing these goods and telling you all about them.
They range in price from 60c to =2.25 each.
We are still receiving every week uew hues of summer Muslim; aid Silks in dress lengths
for the woman or girl who likes to have something different. We have it for you in dresses. Be
sure and see the newest at this store.
Just received a shipment of Hand Towels that were bought some time ago and are just
coming now. They are excellent value today. Pure white Huck Towel, 18x36 inches, with
fancy ends, at 30c a pair. This is a real Towel at a very low price.
This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons at 1 o'clock during July and August
'so J. H. COLBORNE of
bearers. The cerettiony was performed
by Rev. J. Little, of St. Helens, and
was witnewed by the immediate
frienas of the contracting parties.
1'he bride was charmingly gowned in
white .ilk crepe de chine and can ied
a handsome bouquet of roses, lily -of -
the -valley and maidenhair fere. After'
congratulations were extended to the
bride and groom, Miss Myrtle Little
sang "Beloved, It is Morn." Luncheon
was then served, and the evening was
spent in pleasant intercourse and
music. Thursday morning the young
couple left for Bruoefleld, Stratford
and (iuelph,after which they will take
up their reeidenee at their borne near
Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour are both
popular young people, and have the,
good wishes of a large circle of friends
for a happy and prosperous married
TRe asoar. Jul 5.
Wheat, pet bush (:4.Wto$3l*
Oats, per bu.h 1.79
0 10 75
Pc.e, yes ba bah .. 100 two 2.26
Ruokwhe.44 p.r busk........ 1.15 to 1.26
r lour, fateut. pet owl 11.30 10 6.75
vices, p.tent, per cwt 1150 1010
' 00
Bran, per ton 31.00 to 36./1
36.01 to 440)
Hay. per too 10.00 to 11U0
?draw, loo.., porton 6.110 to 6.00
Wood. per load 6.00 to 6.50
Dalry Butter, melt).3) to .36
creamery Butter e' .40 t0 .43
tie, fresh, per do. Sr to .111
Potato.,. per bush 160 to 3.9/
Cattle. butoh.r.' obolo., per cwt9.60 to 1.110
Cattle butchers' medlnm,per own 8.5n to a00
Hoge, live weight. par cwt 1616 to 15.17
Hide.. per Ib .15 to .17
Tallow. rendered, per lb .111 to
Young .hemp. clipped. . 6 SO to 6.50
" uuclllpped 11 110 to 11.01
Shesgkin.. 'L U to 3.9'60)Wool, unwashed. per Ib...... 45 l0 9'
- washed. per Ib. .... .60 to .8.7
Shorts, ear lea
Why use coal oil when
you ran have Electric
Lights that will not cost
you any more and will
give more light and better
We know how to LET
and will cheerfully fur-
nish plans and estimates
for wiring your home.
Just Phone 82 or 193
Robs. Tait
West Street, Next Postoffice
and all kinds of
are right in our line.
Don't delay ordering
necessary work done. It
will pay you to have re-
pairs made promptly.
Orders entrusted to u'
receive expert attention.
le a,edt.e atrs.l
phona ,3
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wood.,
West Wawanowh, at B o'clock on
Wednesdayevening, June 211th, when
their daugter, MaryEdna, was united
in marriage to Mr. Arnold Harbour,
son of Mr. Robert Barbour, of Erin.
Promptly at the hour appointed the
bride, to the strains of the Lohengrin
Bridal Chorus played byMiss Ethel
Me"Pherson, entered the rawing-room,
leaning on the arm of her father, and
took her place beside the groom under
an arch of evergreen and flowers.
Misses Clara and tVlnnifrcd Woods,
straw's of th. herd., acted as ribbon -
or, Tae ete's M.tw.t Nair Restorative.
andr�w �we eel. enswev nefeaded. Pow 1. asses...l r grtrry mt�y r haw re to
..Ay t Mae t} 5s, 555. Wnn Trill r■
M J. A. Ca edeslr. Oren leek
er trs.ee114.dapssi►-•s w
Its Excellence is within
i rocs-de-l.raIR..I.a..
star poles
While the smartness and beauty elf the outer Gray Dort is
in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the loner
Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Here, under
the surface, is beauty of another sort -Phe beauty of sturdi-
ness and efficiency.
All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable for
their unfailing dependability, stmpiicity, aoorsosibility.
This kind of excellence has opened the eyes of thousands of
rnotnrwise men and women -and made them Gray Dort
ewoers. it makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family
can use and enjoy.
With all this quality, with complete gs
� with '
e ? refinements mid -Cl penjt'.alpfl, tL. Gray
Dort is a
moderate priced it is a aes"emely good ear
TUZ G*AT-DO111" 1110 1101111. LIILITIID. Out.
Deafer Godi left Di.tv(butor, tliyth