HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-7-5, Page 1Pnnting TRH 6IGNAI, Is ready to handle your Printing work, large or .mall, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your neat order. Telephone 35 The Signal RZTY.NINSTH T An--$. e71 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 5. 1917 Iona. Have You Forgotten to pay yoursubrrcriptiva for The Signal for 1917 ? We need the money, and if you are in tureen+ would ask you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW ?HZ SIGNAL:PRINTING CO., LIMITIID, Penman' THE STERLIWI. C OF CANADA lr SAVE, Because -- It only needs one dollar to lay the founda- I n of your profit -reserve. Each dollar builds it up. FOR SALE OR 911117. IIIc RENT.--NINE-ROOMKD HOUSK em Keep. street, baa all modern 000- sEalwoow oleo stable on lot. for partioularss stfr\.zry to J. W. BALK ELL. IL R. No. 2. Gods - Phase No. 1111V r 7 It pi OUSE TO RKNT.-MODRRN Slitireo Gloucester ,Terrao.. Applyto H GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 70 -ti 1, ARM FOR SALIL-LOT 6. CON - or 4lON 7. Colborne township. oona/eting Woo hundred scrap oft he best fearer land In wns f♦ hi Cloud orchard. rat Of mad some other boat. Good spring wets mover goer dry in .aomer and never overdoses L winter. 0u the farm 1. • good two -.tory rad brisk house. Herne. Kahle. rid sheds in arat- dar. roi.dition. Two-thit ds of purchase mooeg asay remain on mortgage at ave per cent. Ap. ply to THOS. BURNS, H.R. No. S. Uodsrich. tat -it CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS The following is a Bet of properties which I have for sale. and on Investigation prospective buyers w ill end that the price. are put dose where the ;newels.. can be purchased to make some money ; No. L pine ted Itrlck bows., fully modern. 111 dome. t.11 oasemwrt. corner East and Victoria streets. This 4 Doe of the snort desdrablerop- erttes. In the town of Godwieh. Price sae�:t No. " Fine red Mirk house, fully modern, with hot water heating./ ensu., full basement, dtsaird west side Victoria street. This 1s the bar: buy in town. Pirko >/t.Mttt. No.3. New red brick house. Just built 1916, centric light and barb. 7 nem., two los with fruit trees and good nerviest. more avallable laud K desired. squared east side Rurou road. Uo.d bay. Poe* etc un' No. 4. Whits brink. I3.(ory, 7 -room house. bath .ad electro, aorta. Good barn, two lets with fruit trees. situated cm nisi gored of Oren - woo and Magian rtrertm. Price $haul Na 5. WMt� brisk froom bow, all loaderscoseverdeeesa water hesitant heslaos Ia nal.s mom varier slt.a ed ea the oared at Nelsen and Casabrla. Pies SM No. 6. Frame Your, l4 dory. 6 rowed two lobs with trait trees, alluded on the west side of •Viddw street. Price 5710. No. 7. Frame honed 7 room" end bath, t wo Intoe IWth ufoit trees. situated orsWarren street. No. It Block of dx of the beet garden lots in mit weed on the west side of Huron road. ria, No. 9. the of the. choicest building lots In :own, situated oat .the Crescent Full a1.. lot. Price forst, Several other listing. can be had on applica- tion at the waft. Nnmberef houses to rent.. Poriisd Yd Unfurnished suns ►Cele tames. Wanted to Rent. -Six houses, with all conveniences, at once. J. W. CRA101E, ineuraoceand Real Estate. car mew O. T R. and C. P. R. Ticket WANTEII. WANTKD.-000D HORSE FOR g.Deral teamlmg,'yps about dx yy•aam, weft 1110 pounds. NATIONAL dHIP- 111 LDI)oIO CO.. LIMITED. - WANTED. -PROPERLY QUALI- FIED teacher for 8. 8. No. 0. Colborne township. Dudes to commence aret of Sep- Webber. epPWebbe. 1917. Apply .to C. A. ROBERTSON. 8serst.ary, R, R. No. s. Ooderiob. 71-tf BACHIIR WANTED.-8EOOND- CLASS professional for rohool section No. AabaNd. Unties to ooermence September ire. State sale and experience. Apply to MM W. KERR, R. R. No. 7. Luoknow 71 41 WANTED. -GIRL 7'O HELP WITH housework. Must be ford of children. Cleed home for respectable glrL Apply BOX , MK 4S-tf L'A RM BOAR WA N T R D.- 8inrgle lady to hoard at good farm hour on near ke Huron, from abont wild 11e o 0 dee of August. (Jive full partleularsas to terms. location, -eta, and state if a *.turd lady could also be taken ppr1oovlled eine room Y occupied. Addre ut H.. ?i goal on . oedemas. Y8 WANTED. -WE CAN GIVE .1)'Aomori to a number of boys at box- Wahl OW/BRION MANUFACTURING CO.. i. !TED. WAN ED. -A WOMAN TO TAKE 87'EPHN T�f4T et. . Paattrlok',Asttest. lettt 0' RSWMD.C-0 .A PPLYGODE- FOR SALE FOR SALL.-811C0N0.11AND �C� baby carriage. Apply at SIGNAL or• 67 -it OR BALE. -00 -CART, IN FIRST - CLAYS candltbs ; large hood, wood es. Also a baby walker. apply Meet. R. T WARDS. DS. m-tf ICT10NAR Y FOR SAL E.- 7pisrdld Dopy of Webster'. Intercet iovial D1ciJOmary lover SLdw ingest Owner ha. no further we for same and will well at a bargain. I Apply at rif E SIO N AL. FOR SALE. -ROWBOAT, IN GOOD a oomdIUon. A poly at SION AL OFFICE. OR or At:TO TRUCK, capacity 14 tons. Suitable for expresso ellvery or farm work. Pneumatic tire-. in (root, rear axle. the Russell internal geardrive. Speed, 12 to a) miles per hour. Ore Jitney acts car. closed body ; to carry eight pamMager,. Pneumatic tires all round. Both Dan be seen at our factory or drop u+ a pontoard foe full paruculats and pricem of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD.. 56-11 Goderich. Ont. • PUELIC RILTICE. pus COUNCIL OP 9'HE TOWN - 1 SHIP OF COLBORNE wnlisttb-tollowingJOIN on FRIDAY, JULY 131W 11117: Gravelling at Beumiller Hill at t o'clock p m. Graveuher and gleaning ditch at Krantz Hill at 113) o'dock P. Da rentals bag cleaning ditch et Dunlop's Hilttet 130 o'ciodk p m. GORDON YOUNG, R--YtJLWAIN Bare& Clerk. NOTICE. -OW INO TO INABILITY tsseen,* oc..e tido service, it ha. been decided to eaocel t,bsyropo..d Twelfth of Jail celebration lis Uoderick this year. L'J. CARTER. W. M., L O. L. No. 1&. UEO. E. SYMONIIS, Secretary. NOTICE. -ALL THOSE HAVING accounts with DR. W. F. °ALLOW are requested to call at Ala home and •mange for the payment of same without delay... he ex. poets to proceed overseas in the near future and wishes to have all a000uuta straightened up before he leaves. 61.1 f ■U3 - THEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. (1. 0., I. D. C. M., organist end ('hoirmawter of ot Church Teacher piano, voice, organ. Pupils prepared for ezan,inationa Studio - Nation street, four doors east of Dr. Hunter's. NORA E. HURLEY, L. L. U. M. Teacher piano and theoretical work. Pupils Prepared for examinations. Studio. St. David's street. 57-21 CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephoie orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 167. A • Required gtantities of SCRAP IRON Terms- Cash on delivery to The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limned I 1 ( DOMINION DAY SERMONS. Rev. R. C. McDermid. Preaching in Knox church on Sun- day morning the pastor, Rev. R. C. McDermid, selecGd ae the bates of his firman on "The Jubilee of Confeder- ation," Deuteronomy 8: 2 -•►.Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy (sod ked then theme forty years." He pointedout that Moses in this valedictory regarded the Exodus an the birth of the nation. In a pars - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTION TO CREDITORS. IN rag MATTE( Or THE KO -TATE Or ADAM Nteams 1..a .Or inc TOWN or OooRMlcH, IN THE COUNTY Or HURON, I:AaP.NTCM, DgcxAaED. Notice 1. hereby given, pursuant to Staltoe 1 Oeo. S. chap. L6, rec. Sri, that all persona b.ving etairus against the estate of the late Adam Nichol. deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of June, 1917, aro requested to rend by p 0, prepaid, or deliver to the utalers ued so- llcit.os for Adam Nichol, the ex& utor of the said estate. at his oMoe, Hamilton street, (Jode- rtcb, on or before the 21.t dry of July.1917, their name. and nddtesaes and descrptions mid • fun .taten.e'-t of the particulars of their claims and the nature of the secure[ (if any) held by them. duly certified to. and that after the said date the executor w.il proofed to dis- tribute the ass . et of the deceased c .std am the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he .hall then have notice, and that he will not be Mable for the estate eo distributed or any putt thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. 11. G. C.1M EKON, Solicitor for the axecntur. Dated this 30tb day or Jura A. D. 11117. 71-31 I NOTICE TO ORICDITORB. IN THE KaTATcOF DuiCAN MCLEOD, LAYS Or I inc Tows or OotxntcH, IN THR COUNTY or HtrwoN, MIoCHANIC, DRCCAaRD. Notelets hereby given, pnrao•nt to the eta tuts In that be t, that all person. having any cl,lms against i)uncan Mcleod who died on the arch March. 1917. aro required, on or before 2.1th July. 1917. to send by poet or deliver to the uncle signed, solicitors for Norman K. Mo - Loud, of Clinton, Ont., administrator of the estate of the said deceased.full particulars of their claims ; and that after the said 'lith July. 1917. the said administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the peraoe enUtled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then Ware had patios. aid that the said administrator will not be daWe for the said asset', or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated 3rd July, 1917. PRU t: Del err, K ILLORAN a; ^(JUKE. 71-3f Solicitors for the Admt� tHcni. NO:'iCK TO ORRDITOR8. Im 'f7O. lwravc err Jatas. W. ,140 1(111111. tint or Inc Tow.elne. or WAWANOAR, IN inc COUNTY Or HURON, YEOMAN, DECEAgcD. Notice Ie hereby given. pur.uant to the statute In that behalf, that all persons having claims against the estate of the above-named James W. Jackman. who died on or about the 1st day of June, 1917. are requested to end by post or deliver to Mrs. Era Kerr and William A. Fiolg.n. Nile P. 0., the executrix and exe- cutor of hi. last will and testament. on or be- fore the lath day of July. 1917, hill particulars of their claim.. and that after the maid 16th day of July next the sold executrix and executor will proceed to distribute hes estate among the person -t entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which the then shall have re- wired notice. add that they will not be liable. for the maid estate or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been reoelved. Dated at Goderich, the teth day of June, 1917. R. C. RAYS. 70 -St Solicitor for the said Executors. NOTiCII TO CREDITORS. ite omit ESTATE OF Et•PIICM!A MACKAY, LATE or TH9 TOWNSHIP or ANnrtEr.h, IN THE CO V NTT Or H CRO.Y, WIDOW, DECEASED Noire N hereby given, rnr,nant to R S. 0. chapter 121. section 51, that all perons having clef ms against the estate of the said Iuphemla MacKay, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Aprl), 1917. are required to send or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Dooeld Alexander MacDonald. executor of the said estate of the meld dreea"ed, 011 or before the Sieh day of July, 1917, heir Christian and Romanies, addresses and desoriptiooa, the bitrt eco x out 1 M of their calms, a mate - went of their accounts and the nature of the stouritlee (if any) held by them. AND VUIITHRR TAKE Nam's: that after such last-mentioned date said executor will pro- ceed to distribnta the .usets of the de. ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claim, of which he shall then have received notice- and that the executor will not be liable for the Bald asset., or any part thereof- to any person or persons of whose claims notice .hull not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- tion tinted the ffind day of June. 1917. CHARLES OARROW, Ooderfch Ont., Solicitor for Donald A. MaoDonal,I, Executor, 70-31 R. It No. 6,'1uoknow, Ont. NOTICE TO WATER TAKERS. Payment@ for Water Rate! are now due, and on all payments of rate! from July bit, 1917, to Decem- ber 31st. 1917. 10 per rent. will be allowed if paid during this month. Thoee in arrears were advised some time ago and if ea -rearm are not paid during this month steps will he. taken to collect. W. T. Marney, A. Straiten; Chairman. Collector. SPECIAL FiSH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY AT tiO. British Escha jje Hotel W. H. HAMER, Proprietor. !lel sense the oonfederation of the Canadian proving -ea signified Canada', awakening to national cuneciousneas. It was recognised that political con- ditions, artsiisY from the situation beyond our is,tderi, and the deadlcs•k between the governing bodies within, wade the consunwatiou of the union inippeeratige. Today. after fifty years, cer'Tain important streets have accrued. The spirit of nationh<sel within the Empire has becoma well defined- We have all the ate: rtfhtes of a nation - freedom of government. healthy as- piratione, great national twalHIFCCs, and a strong sense of our privileges and obligations. 91'e have developed a certain healthy and robust tyre of ebaracter. W4 have cultivated d the institutions of freedom, learning and benevolence. The speaker clotted by pointing out the important Nervier rendered by the Christian' church throughout this important period of our history. Rev. J. H. Osterhout: On Sunday evening Rev. J. H. Oster- html. the new pastor of Victoria street Methodist th ultst chute Y, dealt with the Hftieth anniversary of the Dominion. In a clear and cotei'b.t• manner he con- trasted the Canada of 1t617 with the 1 ( at ala of 1917, 17, Blowing the remark- able growth and aehievenient of the fifty years of eonfetleratiun. He dwelt on the remarkable resources; of 'the Dominion and the place Canada meet take in the fatale reeongtnlrtion of world conditions ale the ch.s<' of the war. Rut. said lie, material things alone cannot make a nation great. A nation is great only in the manhood and womanhood it piTdueeo. Jesus Christ in the heart and life of the in- dividual'tneans Christ :n the town, city. council chamber, Pitrliantent and nation. "Righteousnei. exalteth a nation," was Her text of the sermon (Proverbs 14 : 31). Rev. G. M. Holmes. :.Taking for his text Pealiti 72: 8 - "lie shall have dutninion also from sea to sea and hien the river unto the ends of the earth"-ilev, Gordon M. Holmes preached a Dominion Day sermon 1n the Baptist church Wit Sun- day evening. At some length the material proplreat ut Canada during the past fifty yeehe was reviewed. We have a country in natural re- sources, nal opportunities. and also in gconrageNnls man - rd and. Nreesthrrc . w evidenced *ids terrine, war. Tim tmat p ei se out that He (('hrist) NhaJl have dominion from tura It, sea, and f • the river unto the ends of the earth ; and this Seriptwuw was the inspiration of the naming of the Douftniun of Canada. since thil country does reach from sea to sea (the Atlantic to the Pacific), and from the river unto the ends of the earth (the River Ht, Iawrenee-aartrl the Great Lakes systeni to the North Peter. How far short have we fallen from this hope? Not in all parte of Canada are churches to be found. The percentage ut nominal (:Itrietiamc in -Csi tyada is not large; and touch smaller is the per- centage of three who are devoutly and earnestly displaying the dominion of Christ in their lives. Few take much time with- Hint in secret and family devotion. To, Many wholly neglect the prayer services of the churches : and even the public services of wor- •hip on Sunday are disgracefully! THS CELEBRATION. The Lord's. Day is desecrated Political, business, social and individ- ual life of our Dominion is largely corrupt. The soveswignty of Christ ie not euihasized. A Lisa g to Christ in confession and humble player is urged by (1) the warnings of God's Word, (2) the g<xllessne-s of ' the present time, (3) the serious nature of the present world struggle, and (4) the sarneet request of eminent spiritual leaders itt ('amula as well as by her statesmen in the call recently issued by our Governor-General. Rev. Dr. Rutledge. On Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge, the new pastor of North street Methodist church, delivered • Domin- ion Day sermon, taking as his text the words from Exodus 20 : 1.2 -"The land which the L< rd thy God giveth thee." He declared that the very existence of Canada se a Dation today was a miracle of history. Britain held itre North American colonies cheaply, land it was through lbs pro- vidence of God thr+t people of Brii ish connections today have a piece of their own on this contnent. The na- tion. however, was something more Than the land; the people, too, were the gift of God. Though there was 0 e me dieeppointment disappointmentthat the growth of population had not been more rapid. the question should be, rat how inane, hut what s rt. to a counties have greater number thanrn Carrdabi but not the Irma vitality, mentally and worldly, as our people preemie. The speaker paid a glowing tribute to the pioneers who had laid the foundat' of this country and declared that it was the duty of Canadians of the preeent day to continue their work of opbuilding and to wake of Canada the freest and the truest land beneath the sun, . Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. Rev. A. L. 0. Clarke. rector of St. George's church, preached on Sunday from the text No TAD liveth to him- self" (Rotnawc 14 : 7), and reviewed the history of tete Canadian confeder- ation movement. This moose.}*, be pointed out, had been groiring for many years before it actually took shape. hut in addition to the physical difficulties which stood In its way there were the selfish interests of the various Provinces and the rrluctauee t0 resign sectional interests to the hands of a central governing body. Finally, however, it was found im- possible to go on in the old way and the union of the Provinces resulted, with great advantage to the country. As the events of fifty years ago eh�wed that not lentil men aatd 41arYea subordinated their ipalviduat imaris eo to the common' good could progress be made, en today Cenad:ane niuet real- ize that"00 wan berth to hintxlf " Any person or party that in the prrs- rut crier shirks duly or seeks selfish tends 1. acting a traitorous part. '•Let us. in 1917. after fifty years of union, 1a true Canadians. remembering in the strength of our determination against the great enemy of freedom the virtue of the great political cow - : promise of ISM. As we give thanes j to God that after many years He guided our state.men in their work for union and for His many blessings to 118 since, let us vat Him to keep um today from reverting to old ideas of selfishness, and to guide us to take our full part in the Empire, for the good of the Empite and of mankind, in the spirit of the Apoetle's words : 'No man berth to himself,' " To the Citizens of Goderich. Again we lay before you the necessities of another stressful call, This time it is France. Brave, courageous France is in need, alid though she makes no appeal on her own behalf, she is brave enough to (10 so on behalf of her wounded soldiers. Supplies in Prance after Clearly three years of war are almost exhausted. Just one concrete case, though many [night be given. In little Poietieres fifteen hospitals are trying to sup- port their wounded on thirty-five cents,35c, a day per mean. In peace this would be inadequate, with war prices it is piti- able. Coal is $50.00 a ton, and food brings famine prices, and one nurse says pathetically : "Could you send food to our wounded ? We have 175 beds, many of the men severely wounded coming right from the front, and we are so poor." The executive committee of the Canadian Red Cross Society has received an urgent appeal from the London, England, Committee of the Fernch Red Cross, to take part in an Empire -wide appeal for assistance for the sick and wounded soldiers of the French nation and also for their prisoners of war, This appeal has been endorsed and commended by our own Canadian Red Cross Society and the 14th of July hay been chosen as a fitting time for France's Day. "Ile gives twice who gives quickly." We confidently count on you not only to help this fnnd by your own contributions but also to stimulate and enthuse everyone readily reached in your district. LRT YOUNG .4JV D OLD JOIN ICY ONR S UPREMA: £FF'ORT FOR FRerlJVCA'S WOUNDED AND IM- PRISONED REM -SONS. Miss E. Millar, of the Scotch Store,will act as treasurer and will receive contributions, Goderich's Dominion Day Program Car- ried Out Successfully. In spite of wany unfavorable con- ditions, Goderich's Dominion Day celebration on Monday last was the most successful for several years. The townspeople turned out in full force to take part in the doings, and from outside of town people came in large numbers to see the sights. The pro- gram of the day was carried tnrough without an accident, and everybody seemed to be well pleased with the proceeding'., The program opened with a parade, which was not a large one but had strum excellent features. The proses- ' was headed by autos containing the members of tile Lown council and the returned oldies. Then came the hand, followed y the fire brigade with its equipment then a company, \. mostly juvenile, o Highland costume, with a juvenile Highland band 0t pipers and drum* en, and tautly the decorated care an bicycle. -a very pietty array. The prizes fpr d ted cars were awarded at.n f 10 I ws : let Mies '« Ms f rel Fraser ; 2nd, MINS Or Pinder; Std, Mrs. Frank Saunders ; 1 b, J. G. Rein- hart ; 5th. Harold Kaitt g (for decor- ated dog and 1 wagon). . ' For decorated bicycles the prize- winners were: 1st, Hilda allbauk ; 2ud, -Olive Craigia ; 3rd, Fern umber. Children's Games. The children's gaiuee on the Square, which followed the parade, were, as usual, keenly contested, the results be- ing as follows ; rums. l's. 50 yards trace, 7 years and under Donald IdcKry, Billy Webster, Jac %Voods. 50 yards race, 8 years and under 10 -Roy Walters, Eg. Armstrong, Geo. McK,, I W yay.ards , 10 yuan and under 12 -RRHarold Mur , Jas. Ryan, Fred obinson. 1M) yards reeve)! ears and under 14 -Hector Ward. Willie Mountain, Sid- ney Donaldson. Boot race. 100 yards, 12 year. and under -Fred Robinson, John Kendall, Donald Mcleod, ' Running broad jump, 14 years and under -Hector Ward, Carman Arm- strong, John Pinder. Running high jump, 14 years and under -Jahn tinder, Ted Johnston, Henry Aitchison. Vsult.ing with pole, 1(1 years and wilder-'Pvsd Jehnst•em, Prager Newell, Hector Ward. Three-legged rare, 50 garde, 15 years end under -Fraser Newell sad Cor- n/All Armeumtg, Ted Johnston and Martin Prime, Hector Ward and Willie McDonald. Bicycle race, once around Snare, 11 year. and under-Heury Aitchison, Ernest McCreath. (111(1,S. 54) yards race, 0 years and under - Vera Bates, Ohs. McAllister, Evelyn Walters. Boot meth aft yarie, fi • year and under -Edith Bryant, Lydia Mingo, Doris Chapman. 50 yards race, 10 years And under - Verna Snellgrove, Violet (toss, Ade- line Nevins. Open race! 100 yards -Augusta Hun- falvy, Avert' Mawhinney, Thelma Mc- Allister. 1(5) yards race, 12 years and under - Laura Jeffrey, Violet Rose, Violet Thompson. 1(10 yards race, 14 years and under - Catherine Hays, Mamie Smith, Worthy Black. Bicycle race, once around Square, 14 years end under -Gladys `Varner,. Doris Andrews, Olive Craigie. Boot race, 100 yards, 12 years and under -Mary Gordon, Emily Hun- falvy, Florence Robinson. Three-legged race, 60 yards. 11 years and under -Worthy Black and Norma McDonald, Agnes McDonald and Elsie Stancotnbe, Beatrice Arncld and Mamie Smith. The Prise Babies. About twoscore bidden (we didn't count them) were exhibited by prood mothers, and the judge, had no easy task in awarding the prize.. The special prize of $5 given by Mr. W. H. Haines, of the British Exchange hotel, for the bast -looking haby wee awarded to one of Mn. James Phelan'm twin babies. The other prizes were given as follows : Six months to one year old -1st, MrH. B. Churchill, Mc0aw, for her Your Help Requested. I ant a candidate in The Lon- don Advertiser's great Nisbet -rip - Mon contest and should like all my friends to help me win one of the prizes. if you are not taking The Ad-, vertiecr, you ran help the by handing the a muttttcription, ae each subscription Rent in by me counts for a number of settee. if you are now getting The Advertiser, yon ran help me by cutting out the compete in each kms(te and handing it to raw. Subscribers to The Signal ran here The Advertimer at the dubbing rate and can still give me the benefit of their votes. Hoping everybody will give me their a.ai.tance in thin eon- tertQ Yount vary truly, Manta WARREIriR, Hamilton etreet, Goderich. baby Norene ; 2nd, Mrs. Malcolm Mo• Lean. for her baby boy Billy. Six mouths and under -1st. Mrs, Wieland ; 241d, Mrs. Reg. Sturdy. Afternoon Program. In the afternoon a procession of several bundred school children marched from the Squats to Agricul- tural Park, Most of the children car- ried Hags and the array of bright and smiling youth was A pleaaant thing to ser. Arrived at the grounds, where a large crowd soon gathered, the chil- dren gave the first pat t of the pro- gram, in the form of & eerie. of patriotic songs rendeted under the direction of Mia Sharman. A very appropriate selection given by a num- irrr of school -girls represented the various Provinces of Canada as they joined to make up the Dominion. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, rector oI St. George's, gave an address in which he sketched its brief f the planner it which the confederation of Canada was brought about and suggested some of the lessons to be learned by Canadians today from the events of fifty years ago. For the remainder of the afternoon a'tention wan divided among hone races, hasehell and Highland dancing. Although the (reek, owing to the recent heavy rains, watt not in the hent condition, the raced were keenly conte,ted and pioved {,rood sport. The r..sulte were : Fere-fur-all- I'hillis Admiral 1C. Batarrrteettt Parkhlln..2 1 12 1 Freddrir \lac ►Roy Matson, Claade- boyer 1 9 Y >t Lady Grattan (Frank Reeder, Park- niul 3 19 3 T1mu-2:G, LJL 3.21, 2.24. 2.111 else,- - . Royal l)u.deei W. 514Lean.Uoderlch)....1 1 1 I•:vat/11RM IJt,. M. -Manz eW .Oerich)...Y 4 l Singer <C. turret►, Patkhfn)_ 4 4 3 Roy Urattan I1'hos. Yearley. Crediton) 1 3 3 Herney t W w. 11M;tnre, Unnganne"1. 1 5 Joe M.iThoa Corrigan, Lucknow)5 Sdr Time -Lill, 1 041. Leel. Dan. Marlyn brought on a notable array of dancers, including Francis Beechle'r, Cat.ha, in« and ('brintina artyn, Maitland Marryn, Jean Mc- Lean, Mai greet Sproul, Rhoda • Mc - Nevin, Catherine Graham and Gordon Salting, Mr. Geo. Sutherland, of Galt, was the piper. The performances were excellent and drew many rounds of applause. Baseball. Two geniis of baseball was played. The first, between the Collegiate In- stitute and Victoria school, was won by the latter, with a score of 11 to 7. The .ec,ud genie, between the Old- timers arida Lenin emote up of players who are .till .apposed to be in the baseball arena, was won by the 01d - timers, 1'he prizes14to o3.Rereel by a "Huron Old Ary" were won as follows : Poe blase - running, Ted Johnston ; for bunting the hall, Jack Doyle. The Goderich bras,. band did good service during, the day, and in the ev g weighting • concert on the Square when It . mmenced to rain. 'nes put a stop the program. and Another Dominic. y celebration was at an end, 5100 REWA7�. This reward will be giv . foi,in- ve€y Of the persons concerned in the . t robbery of chickens from the Gode rich Poultry Farni. The name of the informant will not be divulged. G. • M. KiDD. Beef, iron and Wine. -An ideal warm -weather tonic. it is a valu- able remedy for anyone who is debit - kettle!, but we recommend it especially for pale, nervous worsen and children who lack color and muscular energy. Dr. Brown's Beef, Iron and Wine is Made from a superior quality of sherry wine and pare citrate of iron with extract of beef. It eu plies iron for the blood, fibrin(' a albumen for the nerves and muscles and it is a harmless stimulant to aid digestion. Large tattle for a dollar. Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist, (loderieb. formation leading to the d' and the successful prosecutio Lady touribt�Is it true that you sailors have a girl in every port ? - Sailor --i would hardl.,-say. that. There are several places we don't touch on our cruise -but we stop at Goderich to get our clothes from Prid- ham the Tailor. if quality counts, use Blackstone's delirious ie,' cream in bulk or bricks for all °eras' 'Phone240. Morningstar's gardens open after- noon and evening. Ice cream, confec. tions and cut Bowen, plants and bulbs. Eat Pura Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwards is pure. Phone 200, BORN. DEP11UDRY.-0 n Thursday, Jess SN, to Mr. and dire. Leon 1'. IlePeudry. a daughter (.011 borne. DIEO. DRPEUDRY.-0n Friday. June 20, Nettle Elisabeth 11e11. beloved wife M Leon V. Do. Pendry, aged 29 years and 9 months. NiCHOiBON.-At Toledo, Ohio. on Tuesday. July 3. Frances Mary OoodimnRg wife of Dr. M. Nloholson, formerly of ooderleb. NEW '+ADVERTISEMENTS --July 6. Pars Notice to Creditors -M. 0. Cameron ..... . Teacher Wentet -41. S. No. 9. A.haeld.. . 1 Notice to creditors -Proudest. Killian t Cooke... 1 Teacher Wanted --9, 8. No. 3, Colborne 1 $nS Reward -0. M. Kidd 1 Nouns to Water Taken -Water and Light Commendon. 1 Heinteman & Co. Art Plano -Junes F, Thomsen 1 House to Rest -J. W. I(alkeM ... ... Reader -N. Morningstar.. 1 inti. to let-TewiImtp of amberss ..... .., 1 Horse Wanted -National 11111rpbs9dlllg Ca, Limited. 1 Your Help Wanted -Min Mads Wenstiter, 1 A