HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-21, Page 8i•" *!t TrltsDAY, Jr -Vat 21. 19117 BOOKS OF TODAY NORT' READING "A Student in A'rrus," . by Donald Hankey (written by a man in the trenches - twenty -four thousand copies sold in one month in Eng- land). Price ...... ....$1.58 "The Battles of the Somtne," by Philip Gibbs, author of "The Soul of the War." Price .,.•....81.50 "My SecoudYearof the Great War,"by Frederick Palmer. Price $1.0 "llp.the Hill and Over," by I saIot1 Ecclestone Mac Kay'. Price; net $1.35 "Bindle," by Herbert Jenkins (Tire immortal mirth -pro- yoking Bindle). Price.$1,25 "'Grape. of Wrath,," by Boyd Cable. ' Price' ..... $1.10 "A, Country Chronicle," by Ctaut q'howetman. $1.0 STOWEES THE RED BARN, t' 11 ST Rite T for Bus., Livery .-and Mack Service 'Buses tweet .11 truiuo4.. Pa.'cn- gc•rs calicd ton a any part of the toN'11., for Otltg'tt11; train. on G. T. R. or 'C. RUPTURE APPLIANCE SPECIALIST HERE Now Inv•ntloe Retains Rapture Without Knife, Deemer er Pala. Old-fashioned gelling, Lipping townies d b �1f,he mall allludrderlmebhowl ofa re we •away wilk ('aaadlae speeboist wh, ha.l devote) roue to 1 Ida ons study IOC. marvelous naw Egan •1*IIATeII$' ' toes t,, taut rr 4•11U .n. rest and s.r let) where others hale (Riled. It prevru.s .•11 Irritation, restores every part W Its natural p..ltiou M W on as It Is us d, and old style Iruo o. are thrown away. Ege:•'s ••('oral. n," Is Intended 1.0 SOMA uluuwn •w.thoUlon ll••op r6n o and a t •eS tune l moan mat Testimonials fowl men, women and passu'. Nothhlg r. 41g11iea,ed . • lurou.81C4, or seul- Oetls.d to v of It 10.tr r� hu ` must n 'ourgto to vrsllgalle. Delays ma) be dan>:, roll. 1 v k1110 dell I lMO to w(1rk. awes your..•II phi slea117 fit for Y Y Tear off compo haw. • tl: de lu t.u1.,d* " J. V. ROAN, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT tl a towns iunuta- paoet of samples. A k .Mat hote,umce for ray route. tie/ • A,.te, Clinton, Normandie Hotel -June 23rd Goderich. Bedford Hotel- (Mcnday afternoon and Dight) (Tuesday all day and night( f 1-2 days only -June 25th and 26th Prompt attention to all ders or, telephone ca11.. Good horses Firtttlw rigs 11 R. STOWE I'frlepllone'•1 Sticcs,ottoT. \i. i1+: When a woman discovers that her hushand'i love has grown roll , she 'goes through his pockets in search of the reason. SIDE Specials at Singer Store Stamped Dresses--Childrzn's Stamped Cushions, Centre- pieces, Table Scarves, Dresser Covers, Combina- tions,. Corset Covers, etc. Sotne Embroidered Centres • and Culihions, also Towels with Crocheted tace. J►iiddirs and Summer Under- ' pear on sale cheat -very cheap. Linen, Pillow Cotton, Towel-. - ling, "Ribbons, Embroidery Silks and ,Crochet Threads. MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE SQUARE ,1, THE SIGNAL - CODERfCH, ONTARIO A GODERICH FATHER WRITES HiS SOLDIER SON. (iodericb, Ont., June 19. DEAR t3oN,-1 have just had a nbat with a couple of fellows who are unde- cided sato whether to enlist with the "flying corps" or the "ar- tillery." Ah 1 Son. they feel that comet iptiou is upon then,. Yes, and it looks as if it were at this lima of writing. Thr big argument 1s going on in the Federal Parliament at full swing, while the mothers, the wives and the sweethearts of those who have gone -and especially of those who Metre gone never to return -are pray- ing that God will speed the day when conscription of wen for the war may he at hand, thet these, the cream and Rower of Canada, may not have died in vain. There is considerable aglta• tion just now, too, as to the conscrip- tion of wealth. Yrs, so far as I aw concerned -which is not very far -in the latter suggestion, I em out for that also. It is very true that just as there have teen those who were slow to offer themselves and theirs in the great cause of liberty and freedom, and thst the highest principles known to mortahl y may predominate in the ages yet to come, so there have leen and ate those today who heeitate a good many tenet) bettors they dig down in their "jeans." It won't do. Son. No ! It simply won't, that's all. The men who have the wealth would not have had it were it net. for the great democracy in which they have lived, do live and prosper. And of it was on Centedian soil that they won their fortune and Canada was and is good enough to live and prosper in, surely jn the face of all that stands for the great banner of liberty they can now afford to spend that • subetane that -the world may be saved. Well, tion, we are having elegant weather and how the garden does grow. The vegatehles-well, you can almost see thew grow, end it Wight be said that the weeds'' are coming along Just about ten times as fast, as anything else. Let me tell you, SOD, Chat the sweat does roll almost in a stream, but it is a noble work, and we at twine are out to show the lads over- seas that if we can help it they shall never wait for food as long as the sit uggle shall last. Yrs, I .rut you a copy of The Signal not' week. By the wry. note Prid• tlsn't "ad.' Pridham the tailor might altno-t. 1w termed the "Wait Mason" of Goderich. Yo(u asked ab nit A. M. Polley -yes: hes 0. K. He is anxious- ly awriting.ths day of the next gen- eral election -just to see how badly tbe Borden Adminjntration will get whipped. Fellow-omeere of the late Lieut. A. (i• Nisbet have written to say how Much hes death was regretted. "Scotty" was a fine n,lrcimeo of man- hood; tion, and will be greatly missed in Goderich in the days to come : but missed as he may be, and while the hours foesthose who knew him best and loved him most may 'deettt like weeks and almost years as they pass, there is the disine consolation, that "(;rester love bath no man than this, that he lay down his life for another." You asked how the subscribers to the various war funds were paying up. \Nell, to be brief, some ere coming to the mark toll right, while others- you know the other kind -the fellow who likes to get his "name down," but who is always "shy" of funds when the call for collection conies, well, "rte' es a trifle slow in settling. Then, too, as you know, we Neve an occasional "bard shell" here who, as Billy Sun- day says, when he puts a dime on the collection plate hums the tune, "God be with you till we meet again." Several cave to town again this year on the steamer Greyhound and likewise did several go to Detroit aboard her. I would have liked to go, too, hut 1 felt that there are thousands in France who would also have appre- ciated the trip -but that couldn't be - so 1 also stayed at house. '1 he talk of the hour is "whatclass 1',are you in 'r" Ther} are ten classes in the proposed conscription bill alto- gether. but it is generally conceded „that the first three will lake all that will be required to put Fritz and his murderers to the wall. Some of the `younger married men are priding themselves that they are aboye the cine for childho.xi ailments. Yhltd class : hut ,Soo, let me tell you Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are enld by candidly, they had trotter not pipe ton laud,`'' l nom ., t be ll The funeral of the late Mrs. John Murphy was held here on Tuesday morning et 9 o'clock. ftcquieni [Hare was celebrated by Rev. Father Mc - (Cormack, who also officiated at the grave. 'the pallbeterere were Wiser*. Timothy McCarthy. Florence McCar- thy, John Myers, Joseph O'Loughlin, Joseph Dineen and John Courtne',. Moo. Murphy 1. survived by her hus- band, one daughter and four sons, all living at home, for whin touch sym- pathy is felt. THE LATS Mas. HOOAN.-The fun- eral of the late Mrs. Hogau, whose death occurred ou the 10th inst., took place here on Tuesday morning of last I week at 10 o'clock. Grand high waw was celebrated by her son, Father Jame. Hogan, a.slited by Fauber John Hogan. another eon. as deacon, and ht r nephew. Farber Dean, as sub- de.con. Father McCormack and Father Young were in the sanctuary. The pallbearer's were her thiee eon', Michael Patrick a d William, and three nepliewP, J. J. 1)e.rt, J. J. Hogan end J. P. Hogan. Mrs. HOK.n waweeveDty- three years of age. Her huihrnd, the late W Wiaw Hogan, predeceased her about fifteen months. She is sur- vived by six (ons and two daughters, also by one brother. Mr. Michael Dean, of this place. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their sad bereave- ment. Your Chance -The WestllCalling. Hotuest•..ket excursions to 1Vestern (;rnadu et low fares via Comedian Pacific each 'l'ue'dey until October 30, ineloeive. Particulars from any Cana - die', Pacific agent; or W. H. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Opt. (17.41. A shots I your w uecereful form'of efficiency con- indudug somebody else to do rk. Grant\rank Railway System. RON$IKIe SERVICE-TINK-TABLE \CII A N(1 gm. Effective Ju e 24th, summer time- table. changes ill be made. Pat- tieu'ars of chang way be obtained fr out ticket 'mentos. BY SIDE with others, we are con' ent "lir shoes will revoai t •ir aupwriorityate glance. fres ionel in the nest bppriortl and up-tn-date style's font' the best quality !entity)•+. our new lines of high and low shoes I.,preecnt the very lest values t. be found anywhi•re. They will give maxinnmt satisfac- ti(m front any angle•-aplwar- anrc, comfort or aycftr. EI Phone 158 Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario rDUNLop()TIRES1�+ A Great Response! Watch " DunlopTires" i in the emergency: There's a wealth of security in that re- sponse to the brake. COLBORN '1'UEeDA . June 19. MAITLAND CONCUSSION ga.-Mr. J . C. Durst and flintily epee Sunda e With Zurich friends MI Essig Fisher spent the week -end un er the I parental r(lof Mr: P. Fish r. sr.. , was down tit• Detroit for a few days ou the Greyhound excur.ion. He re - `le time.... Mr. and of Saltt�fd spent ` orMr. L.B. Sny- Wm. Stevens i e of Mr. Henry ill. on Sun -1 de of she I ng exten- n's Day entertainment to be held in t e near future. ' ports an enjoy Mre, Wm. Haw, Sunday at the ho der Mr. and were guests at the hu Snyder, Goderich town dry The young pe Evangelical church are toot sive preparations for a Child Save Trolfble. A knot in a shoe la cCk� and a�e a to are about the stone tiring, you pull the worse the trl�uble-unlike Pridhe n the Tailor's dottier trouble. L• ittle Worries In the Home. These Bring the Wrinkles and Pallid Faces That flake Women Look Prematurely Old. Altnoet every women et the head of a howe-meets deity marry little writ - rise in her household affair. The care of ber little oars. the wort about the house all contribute to these worries. Most of them may be too small to notice en hour atterwatdi, but they constitute a constant strain that affects the blood and the and wakes women look prematurely old. The effect of three little worries rusty ha noticed i•t sick or nervous beadar•hes, fickle appetite, tiredness atter Blight exe Linn, and the coating of wrinkles which every women dreads. To thoee thus afflicted Dr. \Villiam� Pink Pills offer a speedy cure : a restoration of color to the cheeks, brightness to the eye. a hearty appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness.. Among the many thou- sands of Canadian women who have found new health and strength through these pills is Mrs G. Strasser. Acton West, Ont., who says : "1 am the mother of three children and atter each birth 1 became terribly run down, 1 had weak, thin blood, always felt tired, and unable to do my household work. After the birth of my third child i seemed to be worse. and was very badly run down. f found the greatest benefit from the Pills and soon gained my oldtime strength. indeed after taking them I telt as well as in 'my girlhoad, and could take pleasure in my work. 1 also used Baby's Own Tablets for my Lente ones and have found them a splendid medi- etimes fear that a few of them 'asked her quick (can i that the might escape conscriptioc, should it ver Come to our shores. if so they nhey not escape it yet, as authority &total that 'Bill' is not licked, and so\tte of those who hurried to the preacher may yet get a hurried trip to France. Bye-bye, Son, the blame cow is in the garden. I remain, Your loving DAD. Later -i hope it wont make you feel homesick, but I know how you used to like to see that row of chest - null around the 9gmate In blossom lime. They have been t in full flower for it week or so, and they look se. pretty ass can be. It's eh awful shame that a war in goingon over there when everything los so fine and lovely here. • A. n all dealers in medicine, or you can procure them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.64) front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. BLYTM. TUESDAY. June I9. HEAVY ,STORM• --One of the worst electrical storms, of the season passed over here on Monday night accom- panied by a very heavy rain. The chimney on Mr. A. Bainton'n house was struck and the bolt went through the house, but luckily did no further damage than to destroy the chimne - PfsRRONAL AND GKNRRAL.-Rev. R. J. • cCormick returned home last week from the Methodist Conference. He is twain stationed here Rev, W. B. Hawkins left on Monday morn- ing for London, where he will attend a meeting of the Anglican Synod of lluron. Mr. Metcalf also was to go, but on account of the serious illness of his daughter, Mina Ella, he was un- able to do so. ....The grain in getting almost too much wet weether, espPc- ially in low land, where some of the fields are standing in water. ...Reeve i.Dr. W. (diWarden the meeting gntof ie attending og Huron county council in Goderich to- day in connection with the gond roads movemena former tpastor tof Blyth Methodist ehureh, will preach the special ser- mons in the Methndietchurch here on July let, when it ie expected there will• be a large congregation. When Antiproton was popular with all elapses, nhe o very ppdoubt his old friends will all turn out to hear him again. The members of this con- gregation are making great prepara- tions to receive the 'old toys'back for thin occasion and are decorating the inside of tbe church with etreemers and flags-- The examinations are now taking plare in the continuation school here. The entrance examina- tions e.rmmenre on Wednesday with a large clam Liatnwel's fast base- ball team has been meowed to play the Clinton senior t•am here nn July 2nd and t.hla attraction alone will he well worth the prune of admission, as both theme teams play a batt game of hall. I TI it Is Nome year@ eines. a came of hw- KINOSIIRIDOE. MONDAT, June 1 . Mies Priscilla Dalton is visiting her friends herr. Mr. end Mre. W. J. Foran visited me here la. week. Mies Minnie O'Connor, of Detroit; re visiting her parents. Mr. J. (Dalton is home from Assump tion College, Sandwich. Mime Eleanor Joye is home from Normel School, ie,ndnn. Mian Hattie Young is visiting her many friends Around here. Mr., J. Young, Goderlch, is visiting her sinter, Mee. J. C. Dalton. M r. '1'. Garvey and Wilfred attended the racros at Mitchell last week. Mtge Mary Garvey returned to Tor- onto on Monday after a 'bort visit at home. Mrs. Jamie 0.rvey and Miss Nellie Garvey were passenger. on the steamer Greyhound to Detroit on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. (1. Dalton and sons. Arthur and Alfred. visited in Detroit lest week. Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton anti son., of Goderith, visited at the home of Mr. Maurice Dalton here on Sunday. Mrs, J. Boyle' and Miss Minnie Dean, of St. Augustine, attended the funeral I of their aunt, Mrs. Hogan. here em FUME . FUNERAL or Mae. JOUN MUwJ"RT.- ball was played on the park here and SHOWING NEW WHITE HATS For Summer Wear Saturday and next week we make a special display of new White Hats for strictly Summer wear. They are the lateNew charming styles in and the vFluesanama s. plain straws, etc. The Panamas are particularly good. Many styles in the Panamas specially adapted for misses' and children's wear. Lots of new summery trimmings to go with the Hats. With them there will be shown some new and jaunty outing Hats in felt and cotton. Natty and becoming shapes, just rightto $3 50for wearing with sport coats and summer dresses. Prices range from $1.50 • Bargain Week Upstairs - Special bargain week upstairs, beginning Saturday. Here are a few of the specials. All will save you money. It is not our policy to carry goods in this depart- ment from one season to another. Thais the reason for these bargains shrewd buyers can pick up next week. Sample Wash Skirts Sample \\'ash Skirts ill putties, i-t•pps, etc. A dozen or more good styles. All perfectly new goods. Some tilted a short time as seuIple•s. Clearing next week at at least 1-3 lees than regu- lar prices. New Wash Dresses New and bee ing styles in Wash Iheeees, white ohd h design. Alt ths' trouble le andosst, not lwr worry of a e thn a ng a tip swrorl if yon buy . $5• OO h1 $10. of tht.se-. Prices.. - Silk Dress $21.50 \ ry bend- • (hews of extiuniluality taffeta. -h shade of taupe, sleeves of etlarquisette. An� ex. ot hands $llptolw'ul• $21.50 \\r, ) .lilt, Specie.' bargain-... • Panama Skirts $3.88 all-wss,l f3uupllter •ts 111/%4118. front good -quality, blank pat). r splendid wearing material, will stand mere. 1 usage. Two gieel styles to Choose fromca \: only ._.. - • • I 411.-11• Q •C7C7 Si _ Sdit Selling rsig selling of Suits. 'ng lot divided olio t.s •. gnu'se for easy sellin ' All ed styles, thi..ughly i.e- ble materials and f dye Suit* at t, Seven tits in this. lot to pick s .' o twoalike. Black or avy. Made from all- esol ' and splendid tyles. Regular up 1 5 01.30. Melee of the seven only. 5 Suits at $17.7 lI'hese are standard fi'L4.50 and $'LI.Ol Stilts. They e• in either black or navy all -wool se , guar- anteed fast dye. \Vill ollIwnd no end of write. Cut Scorrect a styles, ergaIn. a silk lor$i s etin re' Special clearing 11nt•,Ixin, an�of theme, Suit» only Brown Silk Suit $21.50 Brown Silk Suit, beautiful quality brown Is•ogal int.. deep rich ehoule. A moist at- $21.50 tractive Suit. size :s . t'tearing at • Holeproof Hose will banish darning day frau your haat. New stock in this vett. Half -prices for Raincoats Ten the ssi*ttA•t• with 1 them at exactly i it.•i f O'e With t11,111-l'i ice. �h.• wear. Just slightly itnlwrfeet. l•'uwn and grey shlihs, Clearing at exactly half original price. Curtain Scrim I254C - Good sit anality ('urtain Scrim, white tit- cream. Yunl wide. Splendid for ,.uullner cur- 121e tains. Per }fust Voiles and Marquisettes 20C, 25c ('niton Voiles and Mal. uisettee for curtains. Plain Or with Isn•tler. 'hitt• lot ecru shrine*. Peryutvl only. 20C and 25c N • Wonderful Hat Bargains Many to Sell at $2.45 tdmel Hats that are worth all the way r to $&ICI to 67.I11I each ge nut next week at $2. Splendid variety for you to pick and clue from. New this season. (i, Rd totnge of Mao s included in the lot. Not one that is not 'worth 11.311. $',(In and up to 1735s, For Is' -catling we give you your chole.. of thews tractive models for lonly $2.45 Vera tab Comfort (let all the fa\st you can lout of your vet. - littlish this n •, ly\ havingg it eiitipjwsl welh (meant., awnings and r having. I an do it in part "r whole at a very mode te ('•r'1 and to your en- tire satisfaction, For Awning or Curtain we ran give you a .tperior-oplality iltittl bon in green or natural shade : ora new worst slat l'u in, which makes one of the best Awning ('notion tri be had : sr regular l'ur•tains made into fancytatriped duck. For Rugs we can give you Japa sssi sur Amer- .• t straw and grass time uof aluowst uy size : nr ('nes 4 Mattings for steps or strips.` Estimates furmshel if desired. Wednesday Closing ('onlmencin We•dneeday, July 11th, the 'tore will elose at 10.(111411 sharp each \'eine ay dining July am ugust. HODGENS EROS. Goderich I Direct Importers ovesitmemaigoevevesairepapopetabalawborommepapabovieempeboommoememeas all who see it will he sure to enjoy it. . Mr. Thos. Kelly is having his rest) - Mr. and Mre.. F. Che.teon are withwon Queen se coot of paint, e..eet ..Mr'. Jack I Visiting with reletives at Cheeley at Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McTaggart and else, to her prreots,sMr. end Mr., W. revent on a children n the 4d to Exeter pn Sunday Quite a ntr(nder of the to spend the day with the fortter's Begley. . parents•.. Messrs. E. Watson & faithful Liberals ate attending the Sons shipped a car of cattle to Tor- North Huron convention et Wing- ham • on Saturday, The *Wavehart) today. • • Rev. Mr. Holmes, A team of Blyth Lodge, 1. 0. 0, hr t'a'nk"r pastor of the Methodistchureh motored ofer to Wroxeter on Thurs- here. occupied the pulpit on Stmdey. day ,to attend s diettict lcdge of in- OBITUARY. -Mer. R. Newcombe, • traction. 1t started right after din- who had been a resident of these perks ner and kept up until 1. a. m. Wing- for a great many years, and who h� ham Lodge conferred the initiatory, Men 'Meted with gangrene for mmel Blyth the first and wecond and See- time, peeped away on Friday st the forth the third, all doing their work advanced site of eighty stx years. She in very good form Mr. John had been living at the home of her Leith, who recently purchased a Ford 1 daughter, Mrs. Thos. Wallowa, for I car, sold the same on Monday to I some time and died there. The fun-' Messrs. Blaekalt & Sone, and [bey in' eral took place from there on tiunday turn sold it the same day to Mr. Thos. and waw very largely attended. Rev. Coulter Quit* a number of the 1t. J. McCormie)k had charge of the erlwporte from here attended the races at f1 innthrelUnione cemetA•ry.wThose ffileft teedo mourn her toes are two sons and two I daughters Mr. Alex. Parker, of East Wawenoeh, peseee1 away on Sunday. after a short lune'', sl the 1 age of sixty-four years. The funeral took place on Tueeday. all pleasdti' see 14r. Len Chalast week and rllesworth' ed s horse win her race. \Ve understand that after winning this race Mr. Charlesworth sold the horse at a fancy figure. She has gond speed and wil likely yet make a mark for herself, CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m..Wednesclays and Satur• days, connecting at Port McNicoll, with Great Lakes Steamships FOR SAULT STE. MARiE, PORT ARTHUR, and FORT WILLIAM Partleolsrs R•en Dansdlae P. toe Tkbwt Am..M, •e W. s. HOWARD. Distelet Pas.o►.m+r Arent, Tor.e.te. Ont WES7ERNi NIVERSITY, London Three mors!\new Professors equal to any in Canada. Students can now obtain as good an education in Art/land Medicine at the Western as anywhere. • 1 "E.E. BRAITHWAiTR, M.A.,1 PRESIDENT A few copies of The G. C.I. Review still on hand and for sale Every former student of the O. C. I. should have a copy of this interestibg publication. PRICE, 25c if mailed, 27c Addres,- F.ditor G. C. 1. Review Or The Signal Printing Co., Limited • netattelleseres