HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-21, Page 5- BRAND NEW ---
Ladies' Standard Bicycle, Coaster Brake and full ladies'
Sale Price $40
Owned and Operated by a Practical Man
Model Theatre
GEO. E. KING, Proprietor
WEEK OF JUNE 25th, 1917
Monday and Tuesday
is Wife's Good Name"
T he Great Popular Serial
"The Secret Kingdom
l'AL 1'k;JL'1 -
ednesday and Thursday
NN44Mt1 4N4N••44N•..... r444N•N••N4
•••••44t•4444444441M•A�►N• \ 4N4444.4
in `'CAMI E"
The great motion picture star a! heir best.
Hoard of Agriculture.
The annual meeting of the West
Hwuu Hoard of Agriculture will ire
held in the Agricultural Hall, Dun-
gauuun, on Wednesday next, at 1.30
No Nomination at Present.
At the annual meeting of North
Huron Liberals (Provincial) held at
1Vinghatu on Tuesday the selection of
a candidate for the next election was
held over to r later date.
A Business Change.
On Monday next the drug store
hominess now being conducted by Mr.
A. L Caldwell will be taken over by
Mr. J. H. Lauder, of town. Mr.
Lauder recently graduated from the
Ontario College of Pharmacy, secur-
ing, the degree of Phu). B. at Toronto
Uuiversity. Mr. Caldwell expects to
remain in town for some time before
again entering into business.
Pigeon Lost in a Race.
ttegerding the carrier -pigeon men-
tioned in lest week's Signal es having
ieen caught by Mr. Dan Graham, a
letter has been received from the sec-
retary ot the \Vesteri Homing Pigeon
Association, Toronto. indiceting that
the bird probably belongs to that
Awoctatio11 and was lost In Y club
race. On a ring on the pieeen's leg
was engreved "W. H. 11)1-11)141.'•
Hogan -Stahl.
Mr. John Stahl, Detroit, announces
the marriage of his daughter Dorothy
to Mr. Charles Liman, son of Mr. and
Mn.. M. Hogan, of Detroit, formerly of
Goderich. Owing to the recent death
of the hridr'e mother, the wedding
was quietly celebrated Tuesday even-
ing, Jnue 1'2+h, at the Cathedral at
7.:10 by Hey. Fwther -Dempsey. The
bride was attended by Miss Louise
Welling and the grooms was attended
by his brother. Frank Hogan. A wed•
d,og supper was se v ed t , the relatives
at the home of the bride's fath'1 . The
groom isa-nephew of•Mr.. A. C.issidy,
of G.alerieh, who (eft, the plevious
S..tirday to b- present at the wed-
Municipalities Ask Accounting.
Judgweiit seam reserved in the cane
of St ,threw lta. -I •e of the Ont'ri.*
West Sh.orr I4.il ways ve. the Toronto
(irnrral Trusts l+iporation, hrari et
Tot onto last week itefOre Mr. Justus
'4utherlard. '1'ha_lalaiuellL__wh4 acts
tor the municipalities guaranteeing
tile' bunds Mf the - radwey,y a•iks
for an accounting of the money
paid out by , the Trusts C.n-
puratt0n tr tin the penes i1+ of said
bonds. E. D. Armour. K 1,',, had the
cage for the plaintiff. es -1 t -d hY
I fr
One of the most danger-
- and repulsive fonts ot
�th:v Disease isOF:.
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. In 1)rup.y the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
bp, and the water, which
should be 'expelled in the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plug* up the dram.
Restore the Kidney• to
health. There is only one
Kidney Medicine -
The day when you bought'
your glasses "any old place" is
gone. •
Prevent -day intelligence lentil.
permit you to trifle or gamble
on good vision.
if you wend 1glneses you need
the knowletig. and .r reser, which
.should go with the hest.
Here, yo,I get just what you
want -Uleases pillet,
• y'' t.
' 1" "MKT At 'h( Post orrlcE
GL 1 t_nrr. ohs.
,Orl AND MFol
•1r Chas'l'enow 114 1V Pv,adt..,.
K. C.. and 11 r. P.' A. yla'cmoeon. air. leave at 1,35 f hr esus,,.' t ger Nose
'Phos. stouter•, the trurte.'r, Mia the •same say p{�1'o,• 11•, p. in. tf.iii
H. J. A. MacEwen and Mr. L L4Knox, Out ata. yr'3 .e.tlaste• 11 1 .1 10811•111
town clerk, wei' atuoug tt.e witnesses 'riper., su*-e w•
- -
.xeminad. ti. 1'. H. was cuL On; Dote Itieletter-tau little el idren. beetd-s a •.-t•t
0111 have .0 IYtw 11 Mier w�at,l .he Susi , of sties iiete Ihr.e broth.,.
Tommy Says It's true. neat te.u•uinp. Th., Sigs41 hes uu 1Vrsley, on a farm to Call, roe,
I JIIRL recently two smell boys were hesitancy in s.syiu� t bet to llll••-- „••w seg.- Luther, ot G xle•teli, .And Albert, pxs-
standing 'outside Mf the recruiting vice re d..'i;hdiyy vnmatisfattory to the for at Creelivan, Mask. -a. d .a terse
om.ip and casting admiringlances- at perste os f tiottellett. circle of relativeand triertde. Th,
.irret. T Pritchard, and ;wishing .1 sew t-rdl-lnl,ir cons into effect funeral scat largely, attended; .,.o ,,,;
they could don the khaki and help to on the (i. T. H. n so next .tr,.u.tay. those front a ei-,rice bring .11r. 41„1
IA•at th.'Huns. Suddenly one of•the There is 110 rhaoge in the tine of Mis \fins Aplin and fautily from
Isoys noticed the letters P. P. (h L 1. *trivet sled d•-p'uiureof trains, here. •L11rknner ; M,s. Rev 1, of Mitrh-
nn the.ehoulder of the Bergernt's ani- Tor mot• ,in{{ train •wall wake lwtter ell : Mrs. (iso•-ge Rice. 'Of' Toronto ;
form and the following converse' ion time to 1•,•ontn: arriv ng Clete at Hey. A. K. Linfield, of Kv,uls'.011. III.,,
ensued : ,stay, Hill, whet do thous. 11.:3 instead of 12 45 ; and the .train and Mics G,:ace Liuflcl.1, of H :zrrnrn,
Montana. Mr*. Linfield was a unman
of exemplary l;ltristian character, All
earnest .hurrh.tipt•ker, a loving wife
and her an
friend. She will
not only in the hoose
cenl.ot, be tilled, but in
at large where her hal
knidly words were used'
until failing heisith-r.nm
The Ahweek Chapter, i. 4). 0. E.. limit her+elf t ) the nsrr.)wt • circle of
1 Jul "r d th. hums. The sympathy of the eonn-
fat T, PYWN 21, 1917 R
WtnNuoAY, June 24).
Miss E. !Mott is visiting friends at
Mrs. H. Morris, of tloderich, is the
guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Urge.
A load of Liberatep attended the
North Hurcn convents' u at 11 Ingham
on 'Tuesday,
Miss Edith Treleaven h u retur bed
house after spending acouple of weeks
with ft lends at Toronto.
Mr. Myers, of the telephone.. ex-
c1i� Ise, la now the posseswrr of* new
ul.lt0►� :sow
conveyance will
Ise. a speedy tueenr of (op.
ct ying y - • r many distant Isom".
yeyiog hilts Eos
for repair dui tee.
to which he 1s ralbo et the au-
WimeN's I!ierrtrt,re.- .v _lit'
meeting of the Wurut Ii 11..,.
uLe the following Mmcsrs were elected:
President, Mrs. Thos. Btothers ;
president, Mrs. Hull. McKenzie ;
secretary -Arra -user Miss K. Mlliutt ;
ss.istent secretaryZtreasurer, Miss M.
MceourL ; directors, Mee. Brown,
Mie. Cray, Mir. McClure. Mrs. Why -
aid, Mrs. Ross. The regular monthly
meeting of the 1Vome.'s Institute
will be held in the basement of the
Presbyterian church .on 'Thursday,
.lune :Nth, et '-''.:111 o'eloee. It is rt -
quested that ell the' members be pres-
ent, as there is iwpor/aut 1 usiness to
he transacted.
It Was Not Her Fault.
Dr. Black -('suppose, Mn. Brown.
that you have gives the medicine ac-
cording to directions 1
Mrs. Brown -Well, doctah, i done
wy loess' ; you read give Pete one o'
dese lamb pills three times a day Datil
g one, but 'I done 1 un out a pills y istt-
wy an' he baiu't gone, yit. -1 hriruao
Her dd.
infant toe ales. J. P. Lixlrlltt.u.-
'The annmuu,tc•w.te deeply shocked
last week to hear d the sudden dt nth
of Mis. John 1'. Linfield 41•A1rx.indrr.
h splint, (1.d -i- c..ou'Ibutsd'ay night,
Julie 11th, Mrs. Lintleld had slit been
to the beet of health for some time
:sod hitt gone to the ho.pit•el for a
slight operation. hitt her condition
Wool 4101 rnmid.l•ea .rtp)ttm and her
sudden decease was a distiurt .hark to
liar many irirlad'. M1s,,l.natlrld was
rli.,rtt\I11 Colborne tuwui.hi!),1a••i,it the
y gee( tloucbter ot #1 illaw and
Duna ►Ilio. has Iib'^, of cite death of
her tattle, ,.lie- wov,-t with her
liar real ,1'I•er 1u G stretch.' Chi
Christulae $)ty, 11(17: •,hr was mut�t.I
iu tnintirge UrM..`Ja+inri'-Y-iultrlcl•
"t ow nshlp. 'rhe fo.rtwt
wile ...Id Mn M.•iubty ef'ri1(snl time
herr former loon-, to 10...leileh, an 1 the
▪ )'4'. 4 r w*a r,v,d,0- r1 I rot v. ILu•••hi
Widens, of Pal knill, r 1'orruer pAso1- 1,
4..isted by Hey. l.. K.,-2iager. .4
North street 11 nho.l.t chartch, at it
R v.•,1. 1V. Healey, •,1 Nile,. 'lh. 1e•
ntin' were Tot -1r•d in the.('l..II nor
erns, t-•ry. The de.ra-.d ieave: n,
their s •,t I,f+e hi C hn.eatld .1,4,1
Thrift Leads
to Prosperity
via a Savings Account
Check waste on your
farm, In your house or your
shop -cut down your
indulgences—do for yourself those little jobs that run away with
the small change—get full value for every dollar you spend ---
and deposit the savings regularly in th Bakal Baan e1 Canada.
The accumulated results, with I
day mean financial independence.
Branch -47,
e ■ nterest added, will some
letters, P. P. C. L. I., stand for 'r"
"I'm sure 1 don't know, Chiarlr,"- essid
thr other boy. Then a bright smile
stole over the tree of the drat boy.
are vista here at 7,14' p. in. will lessee
Streit rd at a u'cloca, tiitreal minutes
later than .•t prevent.
lel said he, "I've got it, Bill, it Remember the far.w.11 concert to
earls Peatlinte, Popcoan. Candi', he ins en by Mr. end air.. 'tiro, - 11,
urnade and ice-cream. "Lee l" King in North-suee( al ethodlst chearrh
the other boy, •'1 wieb I could o,, lridav evening Mf Doe week An
r army."
in the Columbia University prize photo -play
A gripping story of the days when persons were per-
secuted on the charge of being witches.
Friday and Saturday
Coming the following week : CLARA KIMBALL
Model Theatre
Four a:
ingthe p
Un Fro*
rived with T -,
the Western n
',teenier Glen
1:10,000 bushels
rich Elevator Co.
is an -old wooden
lwPu Onto( service f
Life season. She wise
LILA Caledonia and sa
waters. .
On Sunday, .the area
Came in with Ia.,i100 blithe
O*LM And heiley.
Pits steeruer Jovlend are
Wednesday with 70,0110 bus
wte-*tt, nate and barley for the,
rich Elevator (:n.
The steamer R. P. Fitzgerald is
t tatty with a cargo of coal for th
\Vestern Canada Flour Mills.
• celled at the harbor dor-
he steamer .Graham .ar-
huibels of wheel, for
a Flour Mills. The
es, arrived with
exrrlleot progrein has been err bilged.
Silver collrciett:
a sympathizing
greatly" missed,
here her place
he community
ng hand and
ingly given
Ind her to -
blendin ends hnldtrg a tag (ley on y
s is extended to the 11oreased
in std of Alrxnnd 11 rowpital. slavery hueb+i and two mot belles* clI4idreu
seely will Ile e'xpectrtl t,,,441011 a lug mIn their time of morrow. \
on that day.•
.1en,Ps F. 'I'hntnson ennounees a•rr-
tar the 04`de- ,,,,,vel .ss:e before going it:t., his new
(lien Staples st a,. 44411"ial attruttnn rs dueetwi
which had to the oppo.lanl V ,fi proh:uru,g high-
iwe untd cl.es n••vin,t niachlnrs at b.argein
railed prices. See advertisement on page 4.
B. •
Don't ge c, i' ir.tl when your hose
fella sou t ,'o ,I.itg-. -
The Ldte Mrs. Rees Price.
A well-known end highly -este •rned
resident of Goderich pissed away on 1
Friday, J1111.14, ill the perenn of Mts.
Rees Price. The deceased, whose
u ashen mune tees Harriet A. Demp-
sey, was born in Prince fedwo, l
county, her father, Mej•tt' Dempsey,
having helm a protnigqenc United Em-
Vire Loyalist. Her buebund, the late'
RPP Price, was engaged in Ilugnpas
An Inside Bath
Makes You Look
and Feel Fresh
Says a glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
keeps illness away.
Tile excellent, common-sense
health measure being
adopted by millions.
1VNnsmeoty. June _.I.
The W. -M. S. met East week,at �1lrs:
D. Mcilw eiiI's.
Sever 11 'Weems have, been /kilned .to
eir,atit 2.' the pest week. .
The Soldiene Aid Circle met at
Mrs. Jag. Hayden's law week.
Mr. and Mr*. ,lake Cousins spent the
week -end with r'I'nves at Rtu,tClark.
Mr. and Mra. John Metier spent
Sunday with •Mr. and Mrs. Past Reid,
The Price
of Clothes
Like everything else, taii-
oriug prices have ad -
'tanced somewhat ; but
we are trying to eep
them within reac
distaste, and at the sa
time maintain the scant
and of quality which
marks the clothing turned
out of`our shop. ,
Now would he a good
time for you to order your
minium. snit.
R. j. A•rrnst rong. -
kfEl4('I! I Vr TAILOR. •
South Si.l: "t4,, , i .1 -4 i.•h.
To the i3ride .!
pl. hist .\I,,,I,- I •„
while you're -141 h.
�rtu,11 have-t_tkcu iu J•.0 inol..l
Perhaps Mother tail gather .
not feel So bailif they�uuld ui '
,,n t.chir(' to o, After ' vU h
waY to build up a h
From Home
Officers in the -trenches tell
us that the biggest job the
junior officer has is - lopking
out for the welfare of his
men. When the regimental
mailis distributed the offi-
cers go around to the, boys
who don't receive letters and
t to cheer them -,up. --
rt matter whether it's in
the encheslit camp. or on
ship.'ard. they need the
courage that a letter svill give
them at , .nothis)g will be
appreciate cl more than Ko-
dak pictures from li me.
- Fatliers, i\ others Wives
apd Sweethear 9, sendXodak
pictures_of ho surround-
ings. It will the the ,boys.
\Vest Pot;
Autographic K
KOLllt`I Dealer.
Jas. A.\ampbc11
1'it, •nc :kl
ny 1,. 11 t.;tu is .11.c.,), ,';ht is
Inv -. , n;-aece.
Mist. Olive Myers, of Stratford, has
been the guest of ells+ Evelynl Hayden
the put week.
Mr. -Rani Mrs.'runs.Dickson, Freddie
and Cora iven- week -end visitors at
\ nhurn and Nil'.
\Ir• John McLeod and eon Rector,
of Auburn, visited with friends in the
village last week.
Miss Della McGee, Albert McGee
and Edward Oliver, of this place, took
,'in the Detroit excursion.
Mr. and Mrs. Clove Myers and chil-
dren of, `ttr*tt..rd, spent Sunday in
sir c. ttkge by the like here. •
war Ierture given in Christ's
here was is.Rely attended end
fly 011,0 Mf $:$l was realized.
,d Elm.,' FA1 t'ieh x1111 lime
Sr'Krell halo wet the
Nay Madison over Sim-
many years in (i,deri"h. She is clot
survived by two sous and 1 wo dough- 1 el tbi. gune
tele : Fred l'riee,,of Sault Ste, Marie ; Physicians the world over reeom- .,e•
St. George Prier, of town ; Mee. R. mend the Inside bath, claiming this 1s al*.gu.rit
C. Hays, of town. and Mrs. (Dr.) of vastly more importance than out- guer.L. of Mi
Welter S. Turnbull, of Vancnuv. r, , side cleanlluesa, because the skin day,
B. C. The furor sl took place nn Mon. pores do not absorb impurities Into Lill'-. Nelson, of . ..Thornes, is here on
day, June 11, from the residence of the blood, causing 111 health, while the a v,Mrt,anll is 1h. est .,f hi,, ones..
Mr. R. C. Rev'. The service was j pores In the ten yards of bowels do. end runt, Mi', and a . Harm Hay-
e ducted by 'Rev. W. K. Hager, the 1 Men and women are urged to dnnk den.' -
pwlibeatren being Sheriff Reynn{ds, I each morning, before breakfast a 1 tears. Roy Fritzley nd Victor
r, Caesar, C. (4. Newton, R. J. Ache. ' glass of hot water with a teaspoonful - Green returned to Port A it this
son, J. H. Cnlb.min. and H. E. Hod. of limestone phosphate In 1t, 119 a week after a few worths' y a1
gens. The inurement was in Maitland harmless means of helping to wash Erioan.
cemetery.\ . from the stomach, liver, kidneys and Mr. and Mrs. John Garen and J11se
bowels the previous day's tndlgeetible Firmer spent is day hast week with tile
C. P. 11. rdts'Goderich Too. I material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; l,idv'a uncle, Mr. Henry Campbell
Rev. (4-5%nmm, of Dungannon, has
i4dtrich is FORD ing it hard in the thus cleansing. sweetening and puri -
way of railway ii111e-t. Wien this . - tying the entire alimentary canal be -
mer. Our inl.gnatiem over the rut fore putting more food into the atom -
ting off of th. midday B,Raln sooner Itch -
Don nn the (4. T. R. h N hardly eon! d Juat ex asap and bot water chenille
dnwn before we have to r•esti.lei *„ and freshen the skin, so bot water and
objection to the .'hangs* wnnnmi, i".1 limestone phosphate act on the dim-
ity the 4'. P. R. We have )Nd en eV- Inativo organs.
cellent service art late from the r, putt• Thoee who wake up with bad breath;
and it was hoped it would not he coated tongue, nasty taste or have a
disturbed. tI wever, a new t.irn• -tebie dull, aching bead, sallow complexion,
gees into effete next Monday which 1 acid stomach; others who are aubJect
changes the 'Preis. ennsiderahly Tr 1 to bilious attacka or constipation,
the worse. The mnrnin.r •resit will , should obtain a quarter pound of lime -
leave et 6.4114, toss rad of 7 o'clock. end stone phosphate at the drug store.
the afternoon train at 1 15 p. me in- i This will cost very little' but is mall -
goad of 4.22.1. The noon train art.vea, spent to demonstrate the value of in -
et 12 10 instead of 12.5& and the even- aide bat.hlne Those who continue it
ing train at Y 1i1i Inetoed of ti 46. A each morning art assured of pm-
pnasinger corning to town to do host- I bounced results, both In regard to
nese ht re would arrive at 12111 and health sad appearance.
.creplktl a call to Hlack,.tta:k. 11* will
he very s1ii).'h tittered among Nie peo-
ple of th*Ytrehyterian faith here.
Rev. M,.'Alhson, Mrs. Albano and
cllildeeh, of Dungsndon, sceou,psnied
by Mr...Savage and eon Frank, spent
"u day la't week calling on the prattle
of this pariah.
A lean "uncial will h•• held by the
Co we people Mn the gi oda. of Mr.
11..1 RI die, 6 h ,o* c.s.,on of Ashfield,
on June ?8. AN ere cohlially Minted.
d ti
A gond ie extweLed.
Mr. *ad Mrs. Packen, Mia. Hide,
Mts. McLend and Miss McDnneld
motored torn Wo.id•tick to Port Al -
herr this weak and ere visiting with
Mr. And Mrs. Wm. 0. Gray fur a Mw
a ; 4
Now THREE Flavours
Get a package of the new "JUICY FRUIT” --
See what a joyous, lasting
flavour has been crowded
in to give you a great, BIG
5 cent package of refreshment!
Sealed Tight—
Kept Right I
it after every meal!