HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-21, Page 3THE SIGNAL - GODERiCII ONTARIO TtIE MINA AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON IINARD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL \1L (HEW. HISILEMANN, OSTEO JV ,PATH. specialist In women's and ohll Tran. dlaeaees. acute. :throttle and nervous die sedera eye, ear. no.e and throat, Partial drat rem. lumbago and rbeunaGe oondltions. Ade- erotda removal without the knife. Office at melamine. oorner Nelson and St. Andrew's asLL At borne office Mondays. Thursdays sod Saturdays : any evening by appointment DENTISTRY )It. H. U. MAl:1X)NELL=HONOR Ar Graduate Toronto University. Graduate gga lt,ollege of !ental Surgeon.. 11aooemaor to the late Major Sale. O81ees mer Square and Wert street. Goderich. AUCTIONEER THOMA8 OUNDRY AUCTIONEER; Sax Q. Goderle& AL lustrucUou by mall Or telt at glard mike will be iiirenaptly at d.d 10. Residence telephones 118 LEGAL U. HAYS 11• BARRISTER SOLiCITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC. PTI,. sdllo.-Sterling Bank Block. Hamlltee guest. rdertch. Telephone Id Real Estate 14... and insurance. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN t`COOKE BARRISTERS. SOLICI OR&, NOTARIES PUBLIC, LTC. Oboe oo the Square, seoosd door from Ham - Mrs attest. Goderich. Private Lunda to loss at lowest rates. W. Pane prom. K.C. J. L KILLWPAN H. J. D. Goons taii(i. CAMERON. K. 0.. BAERIS TER. solicitor. Mary puElle. O69oss toe Street. Guderlcb. third door fro IE.r I11 Dann Thursday of each week hi Yee or,Albert blreet occupied by Mr. ��sr ollkc hours Y a.m. to 6 p.m. t;(}ARROW, LLB., BAR - nonuser, solicitor, etc.. Gode own to braid at lemma rates 611 8EAOER, BARRISTER. SOL - $.1. gic ator, (Mitering. M� U1SURANCL, LOANS, ETC. JcK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN 2 8 U R A N C E c0. -Fane sad lydaud property insured. Omohere-Jae. Cogently, Pres., 0oderiob P.O.; 2'twmosvL Hays, Elea esa. sealohorrtk P. 0. Directors -D. F. Jtc iregor. 8.sforth ; John 3. Grieve. Winthrop ; W Mom luno Caoasos; Joan BenneweM, Brodbegeo ; Geo. Rion, dloCartney, S sstortb . Robert Fantle. BIHook ; Malcolm Mato en. Bruosasid. Ammo, : J. W. Yeo. Goderich • Alex. Leitch. t ileum; W Wlam Chesney. aeimrta ; L Bindbley, Seatorth Policy holders can pay emme®era andt their Dards reoulptea at B- J. Morrl.h's Clothing Store. Clinton, R. H. (,`art's Grocery, Kingston street. Goderiob. or J . B head's General Store, Bayfield. o U 1lv�p!`'11 PRIVATE FUNDS TO • oN.rr Balatsr�p slrApplySS6..Bed-eCAY- tok. W R. R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. Fun AND L1eET/11Na t British. Canadian and American. £00 Deer Sicescure AND krPtOTata' Lunn. CCoorporation The wtued. o London. Eng. FinauT7 AND Corporation; BONDS : The U.S. Fidelity and Gua -antes Com piny. Ofaoe at read mos. .ortbesrt oorner of Vlo- Set1a and St_ David's street*. 'Phone 176. Patents, Trati /arks, Designs Secured in A11 Countries. Writs for free book "PATENTS PROTEC TiON. 'fells all about and how to g.t.pat Meta BABCOCK & BONS. established 1117 formerly Patent I Moe Examiner, Maate of Patent Lawn. Registered Patent Attorneys etc.. Aa St. James Street. MontreaL Branches- tstuwa and Washington. RepresentaUvee In all foreign countries. • Brophe3 Bros. GODRRICH 7 ne Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all Lours. night or day. WHAT OTHERS SAY. Canada's Obhgauoo. Yoram. rr.. Pre... Moos the day the first ooatlogsnt sailed from our shores Canada has been under a mural obligation '.o con- tinue la the war until the end no mat- ter what that end may be, and that obi •tloo has Increased as each suc- ceeding battalion has goo. to the rosoe of conflict. To neglect •mythic% that will help to bring the war to an end as speedily se po..ible is nothing short of criminal. Every day the war Is prolonged means greater sacrifice of precious lives. No Gsuadian can shirk his duty in this crisis and escape con- demnation. If conscription is the best way to hasten the war to its con- clusion, we must all support coDaorip- tion. An Anomaiolu Condition bosom Transcript. It should he a truism that home products are cheapest. 'l'he things we buy are luxuries when they come from a distance, and commonplace com- modities, if secured at the source of production. An anomalous condition exists, however, In this respect in the United States, as compared with iiredl Britain, which is enough to give an impetus to the movement for control of food prices in this country. In this hand of great production, consumers are forced to pay prices actually higher than what Englilh purcbaeers give for the 4µ11e products, so many of which come to them from the United Stater. And Great Britain records lower prices ttan we pay ata time when the overseas Ira, nr union conditions are such as to ,rake for exnsedingly high prices it iSngland for everything im- porter'. Th Three Allies. Provldenoe Journal. A11 ',ver this land of ours a new symbt 1 is beginning to make its ap- psarar.- c particularly on the streets of our -.ties. In itseu it is a very -,simple thing - just a flash of color made by three pieces of woolen bunting, each dis- playing the red. white and blue, but in different combinations. It is com- posed of the clustered flski of the United Stabs, Great Br' France. It is the new Tri Understanding. the guarantee mocrscy triumpbant, the beacon of Hope for the world. Why does the heart of the norma undemonstrative man or woman lea at the sight ? Wh7 do the eyes they gaze fill with unbidden but happy tear. ? Because here is an entangling alli- ance of the spirit, a pone and noble pledge (bat the time has arrived, in this year of grace 1917, when these three great nations have clasped hands and started towards • goal. not of conquest. or rapine, or murder ; but of equal rights and the Brotherhood of Mao. For a new vision is born into the world, a vision which spells redemp- tion and proclaims to all the peoples that here is the great and all -sufficient answer to barbarism, the barrier of destruction across the path cf puppets whose crazy assumption of the divine right of kings hu brought the world to the depths of horror. Surely if in some spiritual sphere three millions who, through the ages have died to resist the enslavement of mankind can look down today and see this emblem of grace, they mud be very glad The guarantees of the Spirit are lreater than treaties, greater than the abors of diplomats, the marching of armed troops, the might of money or the thunder of guns. Over the caressing and entwined fold. of the Tricolor, the Union Jack and the Stan and Stripes, rests the benediction of God. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario the xhonbon lbverttecr A11 Mail Editions BP Per Year How to Handle Quebec. Montreal Witness. It seems plain that if we are to have a nation at all something must be done to remove this antagonism between Quebec and Ontario. in the presence of discontent autocracy has very ready methods : force the people to submit, and dragoon their children into loyalty. That is apparently what Twncrede ,Mari) and his army would like, if we may judge from their rage at those who went forth to face the German menace. There are people in the err rld who are unfit for any other treatment, either in church or state. But democracy has do such panacew. It may and must put down rebel) nn when it break" the peace ; but the is paaeenge re, including coitttesy. 67-4ta surgical operation, done at Its o n \\ great cost, .,ne that has no heali g yen a housewife's idea of •brave quality. Democracy's only cure for y sores and lesion', whether it likes it or woman is one who isn't afraid to talk not, is the good old law of love. Good back to the cook. Canadians our fellow -citizens are, in Attractive Dining -car Service. KEALTHIEST ONE L!!!i!!!!!!J IN THE FAMILY 14. Sign Of Dropsy And Kida.y Trouble Rama Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, tint., July 8th, 1915. " We have used " Fruit -a -fives" In our house fur over three years and have always found them a good medicine. Our little girl, !Hattie, was troubled with Kidney !h'sease. The Doctor said she was threatened with Dropsy. Her limbs and body were all swollen and we began to think she could not live. Finally, we decided tv try "Fruit -a -Lives". She began to show improvement all.r we had given herafi:otablets. In a short time, the swelling had all gone down and her flesh began to look more natural. Now she 0 the heal/hiest one in tliefanrtly and has no signs of the old ailment. We can not say too much for "Fruit-a- tives" and would never be without them ". WILLIAM WARREN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receiptof price by Fruit a-tives Limited, Ottawa. lustrated sketch of Alexander Ross, one of the pioneers and leaders in the early life of Selkirk, by Dr. George Bryce ; an article by Lacey Amy on the English farmer's place in the war ; • essay by Alfred Gordon, entitled foments on Canadian Poetry" ; a eke h of Mn. Letitia Youman., the first resident of the NVomen's Cbris- t'ap emperance Union ; "Up the Great kee." a travel sketch by Ran- dolpb Tyle, with drawings by Berths Des Clayes, and a number of clever short stories. ALMOST ANY PERSON I14 ANY PROVINCE Will Tell You of Kidney Troubles Cored by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Janow P.0 , Mao., June 18 (Special). -•'My headache left we, the noise in my ears ceased and I regained my appetite." That's what Jacob Melny- chuk, a well-known settler here, au- swered to the question, "What have Dodd's Kidney Polls done for you r "1 felt tetter after 1 had taken the dirt box," he added. "I am not able to say enough for them. Everybody should use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Thie is just one of the many testi- monials to Dodd's KidneyPi11s that are beard all through the eat. They are no experiment. They cure kidney disease. They have been doing it in all parrs of Canada for over a quarter of s cent- ury. Ask anyone anywhere and he will tell you of some case of backache, dropsy, rheumatism, diabetes, heart disease or Bright's disease Dodd's Kidney Pills have cured. Railway Ticket. JUNE lata Throat. Cattle Market Choice heavy steers .. $11.00toi11.65 10.76 11.00 11.86 10.75 9.76 10.60 9.76 9.25 10.40 9.76 9.60 8.25 8.25 11.60 6.75 126.00 80.00 120.00 16.00 11.60 8.60 7.00 10.60 18.60 Rstah.rs' choice handy . 11.00 do. good 10.26 do. common 1.00 Butchers' balls, cholce10.00 do, good 9.60 do. medium 8.75 Matchers' choice cows 10.00 do medium 1.26 Feeders, 800 to 1,000 lbs. 9.00 do med., 700 to 800. 7.76 Stockers, 700 to 800 lbs. 7.00 do. medium 6.00 Canner . . 5.25 Milkers. good to cholce.90.00 do. corn. and med60.00 Springers .. 60.00 (elves, veal, choice 12.50 do. medium 10.00 do. common 6.00 do. grass 6.00 do. heavy fat 8.00 Spring lambs, cwt. 17.00 *Sheep, yearlings, choice clipped 11.60 12.60 •Sheep, ewes, light, un- clipped .. 8.60 10.00 do. heavy and bucks. 6.00 2.00 do. culls 4.00 6.00 Hogs, fed and watered 15.60 00.00 do. off cars 15.75 00.00 'Clipped sheep are selling $2.60 per cwt. less than wool sheep. . Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesalers are paying: Eggs - Current receipts, cases returnable .. $ .30 to $ .00 Butter - Creamery solids .36 .37 Creamery prints .36Y. .37% Live Poultry -Buying price deliver- ed Toronto. Chickens, spring .... .25-7.35 .40 Hens, under 6 lbs. .20.. .23 Rooster . .14 .16 Ducks .. .20 .00 Turkeys .. .16 .18 Wholesale prices to the retail trade:' Eggs -- Ex -cartons . . $ .36 to 1 .37 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.39 .40 Creamery solids .39 .40 Choice dairy prints .36 .37 Ordinary dairy prints .33 .35 Bakers' .. .29 .30 Cheese --New, large, 23c; twine, 333(,c; old large, 30c to 31c, twins. 31e. Beans -Japanese, hand-picked, bush- el, 17.60 to $8; Canadian. hand picked, bushel. 19.25; prime, 88.76. Peas -Dried. bushel. $4.50 to 85. Toronto Grain Markets Toronto Board el Trade market quo- tations:- Manitoba Wheat -No quotations. Manitoba Oat. -No. 2 t'. W , 79c, track. bay ports, American Corn -No. 3 yellow. $1.82, nominal. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 22 60 to $2.66, according to freights outside; No. 3 winter. $2.68 to 82.63. Ontario Oats -No quotations. Peas -Nominal. Barley -Malting, nominal Rye -No. 2 new, $2, nominal. Manitoba _our First patents, in jute bags, $13.80; second patents, $13.30; strong baker', $12.90. Ontario Flour -Winter, new. track, Toronto. prompt shipment, according to sample. $11.50 to $11.60. Millfeed-Carlota, delivered, Mon- treal freights; Shorts, $39; bran, $32; middling, 243; good feed flour, per bag, $2.80 to $2.90. Hay -Track. Toronto, extra No. $13 to $13.50; mixed, $9 to $11.60. Straw-Qarlote, $9. Dressed Meats-Who!eaate Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef. forequarters $14.60to$16.00 do. hindquarters 18.60 20.00 Carcasses, choice 16.60 18.00 do. common 14.00 16.00 A Canadian Pacific Railway ticket Veal, choice 18.00 does not represent merely s means of do. medium 12.00 transportation between given points. Heavy hogs 17.00 It in addition provides the traveller Shop hogs 19.50 with every comfort and convenience Mutton, light 15.00 developed by modern railway science. do. heavy 12.00 "Safety first," with up-to-date equip- iamhs. yearling 21.00 ment, unexcelled dining service, pal- Spring lambs, each 8.00 atial sleeping cars, in a word, every- thing that a railway Can provide for the comfortable trsnsportr ion of its their own limited sense. The only way to make them good Canadians in Probably nothing helps more to the large sense ie to make friends of make a railway journey really enjoy- ; them, njr,,y- them, to look at things through their able than a visit to the "dining.carl" eyes and do with them and for them especially if it be s Canadian Penal what we would in their place like to dining -car, where the passenger is ac- he done with and for us. There is no people rime appreciative of kindness than they. Against a genuine gush of good -will from Ontario, Bourses^ malignity would not hold its own for many hours. The education question im a difficult one indeed. It cannot he 'volved by standing on technicalities of law. Only by what Sir Wilfrid Laurier called gunny ways, and by what has for ages been known ss the golden rule. if we had been the first to people the country, to bstahlish re- ligion and schools in it, how would we like to have others come and say we must teach our children in another language ? Attachment to one's faith or to one's mother tongue should not be treated am unpatriotic. And, to be practical, no treatment could do more to foster such attachment as to put the old language of the country under disabilities.. Such a course may seem the path of common-sense. but it is not ; it leads to the very opposite re - stilts to those aimed at. Let us learn the lesson of democracy so fervently urged by Mr. Retinue in referring to this matter : "Do not for a moment let your faith tail yon" -your faith. that is, in democracy and Its first law the golden rule. CURRENT LITERATURE. Tun CANADIAN MADAM/ult.-The Canadian Magasine for June enntains an illustrated article on the prominent andel and patriotic women of British Columbia, by Miss Mabel Durham ; an article on "Canada's Featly Pro- duction," by W, L. Edmonds; an 11 - inured of the highest form of efficiently in the culinary art, the choicest pro- visions that the market affords, pre- pared on the scientific principleknown as "dietetic blending." Your fwvorite dish, as you like it, may be enjoyed at reasonable 0x51, amidst ideal surround- ings, while travelling on the Canadian Pacific. 67-4t Wrong Pew. "Scuse me, sir, is this the Press Bureau 2" "Yea, my child. What can 1 do for you T' Mother says oonld you 'ave these troasis done by Ton ay?" -Passing Show. MAKE PERFE:1 c1READ 20.00 14.00 18.00 21.00 17.00 16.00 22.00 11.00 Chicago Live Stock Receipts, 1,000. Market weak. Beeves. $9 to $13.70i stockers and feeders, $7.30 to $10.60; cows and belt - era, $6 to $11.80; calves, $10.50 to 215.50. Hoge -Receipts, 9,000. Mar• ket weak and 6c lower . Light, $14.65 to $15.75; mixed, 115 to $16; heavy, $14.96 to $16.05; rough, $14.90 tp $15.20; pigs. $10.60 to 814.60; bulk of sales, $13.20 to $16.90. Sheep-Re- celpts, 2,000. Market firm. Lambs, native, $10.40 to $16. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 8 cars. Market t y. Hogs -Receipts, 15 ears. Mar• kat igher. Heavy, $16.30 to $16.40; Yorlrers, $16.15 to $16.25; pigs, $14.:0 to 815. -\_Sheep -Receipts, 5 cars. Mar- ket str Spring lambs, $17 to $18; yeariln $16 to $15.50; wethers, $10.50 $fl, ewes, $6.90 to $10. Calves --Recelptst100. Market strong. Choice, $15.76; fair to good. 114 to $16; fed calves, $5 to $7. Montreal Markets Potatoes -Per beg, carlots, $4.25 to $4.60. Dressed hogs- Ahbatolr killed, $23 to $23.60. Pork-Heav yCanada, short mess, eels.. 26 to 46 pieces, 165 to 166; do Canada short cut back, bbls., 46 to 55 pieces. 868 to $64. lard -Compound, wood palls. 30 lbs. net, 20c to 21c; do pure wood palls, 20 lbs. net, 27'tkc to 28c. Hid. Prices at Toronto City Hides -City butcher bides green Oats. 22c; calfskin*, green flat. 27c; veal kip, 29c; hors.hidss, city take -off. $6 to $7; pity lambskins sbeariings and pelts, 30c to 60c; sheep, 12.60 to 82 50. Toronto Hay Market No. 1 hay is selling at $17 to $18 on the Toronto Farmer' Market No. $ hay is quoted at $14 to $16. THURSDAY, JUNK 21, 1917 3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • - • •• • Detroit Sean Market Beans for immediate, prompt and June shipments, $ 9per bushel; Octets sr. 14 limas. 17c per pun* • • •• • •• •• • • • r- Small stock of real hand-knit Shetland Shawls imported direct by us from Shet- • land Isles, in grey and white. They are so soft and warm for the cool evenings. • Prices from $1.5041.. _ MILLAR ElSON CHARMING NEW SILK SWEATERS They'newest creations in rich Silk Sweater Coats that for style and coloring will at once appeal to everybody. Below we mention a few leading numbers. Women's rich black Silk Sweater Women's super -quality, heavy silk, Coats, Monarch knit, close weave, sailorersey knit Monarch Sweaters, extra long, collar, fancy belt. Colors, black and large sailor collar and sash, in colors of white, melon and white, paddy and purple and white, black and white, shell white, gold and white. A very dressy pink and white. The richest Silk garment at $10.00 each Sweaters of the season. Each $15.00 Many other styles of Art Silk and pure Silk Sweaters. From $5.00 upward SPECIAL • • Middies of White Jean, Popularly Priced 0• Women's and Misses' White Jean Women's White Jean Middies, belted • Middies made in plain regulation style, style, pockets, long sleeves, very popular • sailor collar, pockets, short sleeves. All • sizes, $1.00 and $1.25 each styles. All sizes, each $1.50 • • • Splendid Showing of Wash Goods • We are showing an exceptionally large range of Wash Materials in all the newest • designs, weaves and colorings • • F▪ a▪ ncy WhitelVoiles,Great Variety Palm Beach Suiting • "We are showing a very select choice Palm Beach Suiting, the most popular • of Fancy White Voiles in stripes and material of the season for suits, skirts, • checks, in the newest designs. From and dresses, in natural, rose and • 35c to 754per yard Copen. At per yard 45c •• THE:STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST • • • • •• PHONE 56 Millars Scotch Store PHONE 56 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r•• • • • •• • • • • • •• •• • toe •• •• • • - •• • • •• •• • • e • O • • •• •• • YOUR HlLD will not suffer with sunburn or heat rash if you use Zam-Buk. The Superintendent of S. A. Fresh Air Camp at Clarkson's, Ont., says: We always keep a supply of Zam•Buk at our Children's Camp. We nae 1t constantly for sunburn, insect stings and bites, as well aa for cuts, bruises and sores, and be- lieve there is nothing to equal it." Zam•Buk 1s especially suitable for a child's tender skin, owing to Its purity of eomposltlon. It contains absolutely none of the coarse ani- mal fat or harsh mineral drugs found in ordinary ointments, All dealers, 50c. box. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY YS EM Attractive Tr i p s TO MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUiN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round-trip tourist tickets now on sale from ltatiofls in Ontario at very low farce, with liberal stop -overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Reith reservations and full informational. all rirand Trunk ticket nmces or write C. E. MORNING, trimmer Peiserie'r Agent, G.,T. Ry. System. Toronto, Ont P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS • Town Agents Phone 8 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KiNG.STON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE rarelag, rb.misl, cJrtt, M.d,ssb.l art 4 r66ft Rrrgleserlag. HONK EMMY Am. nomes•r esmsloe.n.e . D.gr.. 1.116 megametemestmamm. 11 mewar Sawa N.eis em.r School Jt t rad Atter Ara 1111 ORM IL C161V w. ■.dares GIRLS WANTi'.D.- For Milos work to all W. plaa.a sl men who nave gone se are sober 1. tks front. Young women can renter the country real 'week. by preparing to take positions to banks and Dustuuxe ortice', Special Cour ,s of iralntng In Hook keeping. Shorthand and all other Com- mercial .ubje'is now In Drowse.. Students admitted any time. Illustrated catalogue Ince. Northern Business College, Ltd. OWF:N SOUND. ONT. C. A. FLEMINIG, Principal. • MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Stabs, Mixed Wood. Hemlock and Kindling (Oeldar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 0 residence 212 or 68 New Perfection Oil Stove Why net economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for sale--three-burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and See Them - W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street The Seeks Coal Co. saeoemen, to a ellonagh & Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS POR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, I,itne, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. 3. Satilts' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 No Reason Assigned. Vicar (at village Red Cross conceit) -Miss Jones will ming again -"1 ('an - not Tell You Why." --London Opinion. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BEGINS APRQL 10th, 1917 Von have always intended t6 take a Commercial and Steno. graphic Course some time. Do it now. A course here putts you in a position to command a good incotne whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? We Guarantee Positions to Graduates Write for full information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, .A., M. Accts. Pn(�vr: `'t1X Priecipal