HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-14, Page 5BRAND' NEW ONE ONLT Ladies' Standard Bicycle, Coaster Brake and full ladies' equipment. Sale Price $40 AT EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER 7 s BIDE BY SIDE Phone 138 with others, we are confident our shoes will reveal their superiority ata glance. Faah- loued in the utast approved and up -to -Hairstyles from the beet quality leather's, our new liner of high and tow shoes represent the very heat valuer to be found anywhere. They will give maximum satisfac- tion from any angko—appear- ance, comfort or wear. Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario 1 A few copies of TheG.C.I. Review still on hand and for sale Every former student of tbe G. C. I. should have a copy of this interesting publication. PRICE, 25C if mailed, 27c Address Editor G. C. I. Review Or The Signal Printing Co., Limited • Headache, Nervousness, Dizziness, indigestion and rent ..thea chowders are svmpt m. of trouble caused be weak or defectis' eyes. WE RELIEVE THESE TROUBLES by means of glasses which remove the s'.rain from the eyes and nervous system. Your eyes will be fitted here to remove any trouble which they may cause. WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES Model Theatre GBO. E. kINQ. Proprietor THE HOME OF REFINED PHOTO PLAYS Three good programs for the coming week 'al Features to be ittnnounced friodel Theatre TAE &IGN.4 • QODERICII ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS E. V. Lawson, e. 8. A. Mr. R. V. Lawson, of Dunlop, has suooesafully completed his course at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, sad Is now the bearer of the degree of B. 8. A. (be' bolo' of the science of agriculture). Fred Davis Elected. Oongrstulattons ars due Mr. Fred Davis., of lrricana, Alberta, forarerly proprietor of tbe Hotel Bedford, Gode- rich, on his election to a scalls the Alberta Legislature. Mr. Davis ran in the tiding of Olelcheu as en iode- pendeot Conservative. Farewell Concert. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. King will give • farewell concert, sesleted by the choir, in North street Methodist church on Friday evening, June ?Ind. There should be • large audience, In Lion of tbe services Mr. and rqq King have residered during their reeideoa+ in Goderieb. A Slight Delay. We pride ourselves on the fact that we live in the days of rapid transit, but an occurrence this week demon- strates that we have still a few Rip Van Winkles left. A postcard ad- dressed to a citizen of town from Orangeville, Ont., a:.d bearing tbe date March 29, 1911, has this; week reached Its destination. It has taken lust six years to conte • very short distance. The Royal Postal Air Ser- vice cannot come too anon. Sentence Suspended. J. McGuire, W. Thompson and Sid- ney Saunders, tbe three men charged with being present in a common gain- ing house, which charge was preferred against them after John Bedford had been found guilty of keeping a gambl- ing house, pleaded guilty to the charge on Monday and were allowed to go on suspended sentence by Magistrate Kelly. His Worship remarked that be thought the offence would not he re- peated and that what had been done to stop the practice would be sufficient. Subject for Court -Martial. George Letson, an absentee from No. 1 Special Service Company since 1 February last, was arrested in Gude- , rich on Monday evening and was held ' on • charge of being drunk and dis- otderly. He appeared before Magis- trate Kelly on Tuesday morning and was remanded for • week. The mili- tary authorities at London were ad- vised of Lesson's arrest and an officer arrived on Tuesday evening to take him to the Forest Cit y. where he will be dealt with by court-martial. No July 12th Celebration. .y Owing to the refusal of tbe railways to give a special train service for the Twelfth of July, the celebration pro- posed to be held in Uodeneh this year has been cancelled. The local Orange- men will go to Stratford, where tbey can spend the wbole day and use only the regular trains. The understand- ing is that next year's celebration is to be held in Gudericb, and that. Strat- ford and other Perth county lodges will join in It. General Brough Chapter. The secretary of the General Brough Chapter, I. O. D. K. reports that the proceeds of the pstriotie tam ala . Sat. urday last amounted W 1118.50. At the regular meeting of the Chap- ter on Monday $10 was voted towards improvements at the local hooklike! (a sum equal eo that recently given by the Chapter to the Byron sanitarium at London) and $25 to the Queen Mary Needlework timid for comforts foe wounded soldiers.. G. C. 1. Trustee Board. At the regular monthly meeting of the Collegiate Institute trustee board, held on Thursday last, a motion was passed instructing that, in case of a pupil asking for a refund of fey. the refund ,if any) should be taken from the fee for future attendance, the same to he wholly at the option of the principal. It was decided that the town be asked to levy 86,000 for In- stitute purposes for 1917. The report of the Prjvincirl inspector of high schools was received. it reported favor- ahly upon the teaching staff, but owned severe strictures upon the building and the accommodations in various respects. Did It Carry a Message 'i while Mr. Dan Graham was about twenty miles out in Lek. Huron on Monday in his fishing tug, the Flor- ence Graham, a carrier -pigeon flew into the wheelhouse of the boat. It was very much exhausted and was so hungry tbat it devoured the food that was offered it in s way that indicated that it had not had anything to eat for some tune. On the pigeon's right leg was a silver ring with "W. H. 194- 1918" engraved oo it.. On the left leg was a plain gold ring. Both rings were quite hose, which fact might indicate that they were used to attach mes- sages to the hind to he carried to it. destination. Mr. Graham now has the pigeon at hi. home on E`tlex street. Where the hard name from can only be conjectured. Some give credence to the suggestion that some enemy sympathizers were using It as a means of communication between distant points. Women's Institute District Meeting. The twentieth annual district con- vention of the Women's institute of West Huron was held at Blyth on Tuesday. The following officers were elected for the comingear : Presi- dent. Mrs. A. M. Kirke, Dungannon ; let vice-president. Mrs. Geo. Cruick- shank*, Wingharn; 2nd vine -president, Mrv. Harvey Oldie?. Blyth ; secretary - treasurer. Mr.. Chas. K. Young, Geode - rich ; auditory, Miss M. R. Salkeld and Mrs. Alex. McNevin, Ooderich. The report of the senretery-t reeeiner *bowed tA•t from the nine branches in the district there had hien relent $6,00'7 88, M which 114,827.88 had been ezpended In aid of the following : Red Crow, British Red Cr,ws, Belgian re- lief, Byron hospital, fire sufferers, Hurnn County Children's Aid, besides donating Chrietrnas boles and sock. for the shower for the Harem Bat- talion abtalion boys. There b a haleness In the tegasury of 8801.90 with which to start the year's work. Tb. following from Goderirh at. twstbd the ennventlen Mrs. Beattie, Mrs. Jos Salkeld, Mies M. K. NaikeM, Mr's. S. Yonne Mrs. Al.-.. Me - Nevis. lyssa Melkea are simply kidney disorders. The kidneys filter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The bkwd passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. 1f the kidneys do their wort no impurity or lanes of disorder can reinain in the circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of'ortler your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in used of atimulatioa. strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do an three, the finest and moat imitated blood medicine there 1. Dodd's Sidney Pills The Price of Clothes Like everything else, tail- oring prices have ad- vanced somewhat ; but we are trying to keep them within reaching distance, and at the same time maintain the stand- ard of quality which marks the.elothing turned out of our shop. Now would be a good time for you to order your summer suit. R. J. A rmstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Hide Square, Goderieh. - SINGER STORE - CLEARING SALE OF GOODS All lines to be sold at once Newstock—best material possible in each line Do not make the mistake of misting therm Fancy Goods, Dry Goods and Underwear Specials for This Week bies' Summer Bonnets es' Corset Covers Ladies' 1 Collars, and Collar and Cuff Sots Girls' and Ladies' Middies "ALI, VERY CHEAP MRS\TAPE SINGERSTORK SQUARE G. C. 1. Students Successful. Among those who have passed their University examinations are the fol- lowing students of (lode'ich Collegiate Institute ' Arthur J. Royce passed his final year in medicine and the examinations of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. W. Howard Welter secured hi third year in law, pawing the tests a both Osgoode Hall and Toronto Uni versify. H. U. Jones secured his fourth -yea standing in medicine with the excep- tion of clinical medicine. J. H. Lauder passed his examina- tions at the Ontario College of Pharm acy, securing the degree of Phila. 13 at Toronto University. Mise Augusta McLeod obtained he B. A. degree at Qeteen's Universit with honors in ecienoe and atandin as interim specialist in science at th Faculty of Rducetion. Edgar Swart• pawed his third yea in medicine at (weenie University. Miss Mary I. Tom paced her second bper at Trinity College in the con- ined si ti and medical course, stand- ing .ec and in her year. Miss Florence A. Smith took first plans le eM-claw boners in model ■ history and modern leagues.* at Vic- toria Onllege, winning the Biggar scholarship in modern history. IOW Meted A. Oilkinson, Mies Amy Wart and J. M. (Jeremy have seemed interim Ent -claw certificate* at the Faculty of Educatbo, Toronto. The Ursrhoune Trip. The annual Oreybound excur.ion from Detroit so Goderich this week proved to be as popular as in any re- oent year. On the trip to Ooderich on Monday 240 paesenges were aboard and on the return trip to Detroit on Tuesday morning upwards of 80) people from town and vicinity took advantage of the ideal weather con- ditions to enjoy the trip downs.tb lake to United Meuse' "Fourth City." The moonlight excursion on Winder evening was well patronized, 720 tick- ets being sold for the trip. Os Saturday word was received from Ottawa that the regulations re- garding the securing of passports to all men of military age who wished to leave Canada on the steamer Orey- hound would be modified for the oc- casion. s.casion. The regulation requiring a photograph in duplicate was rescinded and the new order was to the effect that an identification card signed by an huaalgration officer would be satis- factory. As this announcement did not reach Ooderich until Saturday there wee practically no opportunity to inform the people in the surround- ing country. Undoubtedly, if the change in the regulations had been announced earlier there would have been a much larger patronage of the trip to Detroit this week. The Greyhound on this trip is in command of Captain W. G. Aden's. This was Capt. Adams' time visit to Ooderich, and be expressed himself to The Signal as aurprised and deligbted at the appe.mance of the town. The harbor accommodations, too, were much beyond his expectation. The Cap- tain is an Orangeville "old boy"—but not a very old one yet. Oapt. Thea. Meiklethem, whom Ooderich people had been accustomed to see in charge of the Greyhound, is detained in De- troit by the demands of him coal busi- ness, which in other years he had been able to leave in other hands daring the navigation season. OBITUARY. THOM AH N'BATH BRAI.D. The announcement of the death of Mr. Tbourss Weatherald, which took place on Wednesday, May It)th, at the home of his son Charles at Wawota, Sask., baa been received with rest et In Ooderich, wbere the deceased was for many years • well-known and highly -esteemed resident. Mr. Wea- therald was in his eighty-fourth year. He was the eldret son of the tete Thomas Weathe raid. hanker, of Mick- ley, England. In 1843 he came trom iingland with his parents and settled at Hamilton, where be received his education under the tutorship of Pro- fessor Osborne. Afterwards he studied for the profession of Provincial lan,1 surveyor and civil engineer and after parsing bis examinations at Toronto went into partnership with the late Nepean Molesworth, of that city, in as-ociation with whom be laid out. the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railwayy, St. J.ieeph's island, the town of Godericb, Maitland cemetery, and other laces Nof spit iia was littarfi.d ' ri'a church cathedral, in DM, by a v. Dean Geddes, to Marie Simpson, daughter of the late J. Sinipeon, a well-known contractor of the city. Coming to Goderich, Mr. :and Mrs. Weatherald resided beret for forty- seven years. The deceaeed was • man of genial and courLoe us manner and was held in high regard by a large circle of friends, He was a member of Ht. George'. (Anglican) chmrcb and acted as warden for several years. Mr. aad Mrs. Weatherald moved in lain to Woodstock, making their borne with their daughter Mrs. Rex. Mr. Weatherald enjoyed good health until the spring of 1915; when he had a sev- ere illness.--iia-recovered sufficiently to take a trip to the West. where he visited his sons and enjoyed compare - Lively good health until the Kande of life ran out and be passed peacefully away at noon on tbe day above statedl He is survived by his wife, four eons and three daughtere. MRN. JOHN DODRLABB. An esteemed lady for many years resident in Godericb passed away at Toronto on Monday, June 4th, in the person of Mrs. I).nrglasa, widow of the late John Douglass. The deceamed was in her eighty-ninth year. having been born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in the yeitr 1828. In 1848 she came to • ()amidst with her feather, ther, John Tor - ranee. After residing for some years _ in Goderich township, she canoe to town nearly forty years ago and con- tinued to reside here until her removal r to Toronto six months ago to live with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doty, the latter being her granddaughter, She was ill only a few days before the end of her long and well -spent life. A • funeral service war conducted at the ✓ home of Mr. Doty at Toronto by Rev. Geo. McLeod, minimum. of Deer Park R Presbyterian chureb. The remain. e were brought to Goderich and the funeral took place on Wednesday frown the home of Mrs. Chas. Simons, St. ✓ D.vht'e rt -ret, the services being con- ducted by Rev. It. U. Mclh'rmid of Knox church. The interment was in Maitland cemetery, the pallbearer* being Messrs. Jas. Buchanan, H. J. Fisher, Peter MacItwan and R. R. Sallow.. Mr. and Mr Cham. Doty accompanied the remains from Toron- to and were in attendance at the fun- eral. MRs. M. (' ('AMRRON. On yundsy last Janet Hiddlestoh Mr -Lean, widow of the late Hoe. M. 0. Cameron,.uccumbed to the frailties of old age, her death taking place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Galt, Nelson street, with who.. rhe had made her home fir some time past. Mrs. Cameron was • daughter of the late Dr. John McLean, • sur- geon of the Royal Navy, and • native of Dumfries, Scotland, who •rttled at Perth, ianark county, Ontario, shalt eighty-eight were ago. it was there that the subject of this notine wee born over eighty-threwrs ago. $be was rine of a family ofsisix children, the others being : Dr. Thome* Me - Lean Ide•waeed) ; ArnblbeM B. Mo - Lean. of Nmlth's Palle ; CharM. Mor Lean (deceased)' Mrs. Hamer (de - missed), and William Joha 1Meteen, of Perth. When shim was twenty-one of age, she nee married to Mr. N. p. (Marren, who was at that time 4 STARTED WORK AGAIN AFTER 60 st. Rsskrl, 0.8. "Test rears ass. 1 1.4 ns. NW. ta n■r bask tae 1 rW set wee*. 1 read easel eta Pals sad ems ter • .•re1..04 soil %bow ma Mad tam seise were waviest M ..d tar 1 was teems bMate. user 1 AM tads rd. WIMP boor .f • KIDOSEVII 1il'".t Waite - lreY 1., ec sow et .Il. AN 418440•14 Oda Ms M INK • bas, of • the H.N. 4MR i ase /Stir 'r vi Lv, jU2Tk 14, I)" mir Maim O8 CkP'ADA A Savings Accord Creaks Capital To rise above depen- dence on the daily earnings, Capital is essential, and the surest means of accumulating Capital is through a Savings acceurd. Face the facts as they are, figure where you Calk, economize, and save money systematically, Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. a brilliant young barrister jurat begin- ning the practice of law in Ooderich. Mr. Cameron had an eventful public career, being a prominent member of the Canadian House of Commons during several terms and at the time of his death, in September, 1898, being Lieutenant -Governor of the Northwest Territories. After her marriage Mrs. Cameron spent practically all her life , io Ooderich, of late years making a B omber of extended visits to Florida. Of a family of eight children six sur- vive. They are : Malcolm Oraewe, Mrs. John (salt and Mrs. (Dr.) Hunter, all of Ooderich ; Mrs. J. D. Wilson and Mrs. R. A. Bayley, both of Lon- . don ; and Allan N. Cameron, of Flori- 1 da. John Archibald Cameron and Mrs. H. M. Lay died several years ago. The funeral took place on Tumidity afternoon to Maitland cemetery, the services being conducted at the house and graveside byRev. R. 0 McDer- mid, pastor of nox church. The pallbearers were : Meters. D. Mac- donald, C. Seeger, R. G. Reynolds, Chas. Darrow, O. F. Carey, and W. Proudfoot, M. P. P. Among those from adist ince in attendance at the funeral were : Mr. W. J. McLean and Miss Mary McLean, brother and niece. both of Peith : Mr. H. M. Lay, otWalkerton, i(nd Mr. and Mrs. Bay- ley and MI -1. Wilson, all of London. To the Bride ! - D0 YOU KNOW that the last picture Mother eau ever have of you while you're still "here' is the one you'll have taken in your bridal gown ' Perhaps Mother and Father would not feel so had if they could only see you before them, after you have gone away to build up a home of your owns J. T. FELL Photographer SUCCESSOR TO J. W. TRUSSLER. Kodak Pictures From Home Officers the trenches tell us that the biggest job the junior officer has is looking out for the welfare of his men. When the regimental mail is distributed the offi- cers go around to the boys who don't receive letters and .try to cheer them up. No matter whether it's in the trenches, in camp, or on shipboard, they need the courage that a letter will give them and nothing will be appreciated more than Ko- dak pictures from home. Fathers, Mothers, Wives and Sweethearts, send Kodak pictures of home surround- ings. It will cheer the boys. Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak 7.00 Kodak Dealer Jas. A. Campbell Central Drug Store )'hone DO )ntario Goderich IGL[YS THE PERFECT WIN' • Let us make you acquainted _ with the new, luscious flavour— It's lavour— It's all that the name suggests! Wrigley quality— made where chewing gum making is a science. Noir► throe flavours Cham 11 after every meal Get it wherever eosfeetione are sold Sealed Tight— Kept Right! MADS DI CANADA The Flavour Lasts 4 se