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T*vzaDAv, Arms 14, 1917
Warm Weather
Wearabies F°r_"'e°
NOW is the time to change from Spring
Wearing Apparel to Summer Goods.
We are well prepared to supply your
wants in everything that is new and
Men's Shirts. $1.25 and up to $3.50
The best we have ever shown
Men's Underwear. 1.00 to 2.50
Combination Style
All the leading styles in
Straw Hats, 1.00 to 3.00
Nobby shapes in
Panamas, 4.50 to 7.00
20th Century and Art Clothing
Borsalino Hats Phone 57 Headlight Overalls
► .
SOME motorists think
they have tires which
are making great mileage
records•- ter these motor-
ists meet users of Dunlop
Tires. Then they get a n e w
conception of what is pos-
sible in tire mileage.
A. 7t
One of the Hydro pole* at the foot
of Lighthonae street was b• taken off on
Mondey evening by impact with .oto,
solid lIuhatance, probably an automo-
bile. The d*mwge was noticed and re-
paired before any wire. were broken.
end all kinds of
are right in our line.
Ion't delay ordering
necessary work done. It
will pay yon to have re-
pairs made promptly.
Orders entrusted to us
receive expert attention.
tsseses.., aY..t M.._. tis
Rev. P. H. Bailee reporta a very suc-
cessful and inspiring meeting of the
Methodist C-nferenc. at Dundas
Centre Methodist church, London.
The underlying keynote of the con-
ference wa. "Kvengelt.m."
Special services will he held -on Ben -
miller circuit next Sunday in the in.
terese of the Huron County Temper-
ance Association. Interesting ad-
dress will be delivered by Mr. A: 1'.
Cooper, of Clinton, at Benuriller, 11
a. in. ; Zion, 2.30 p. tn., and Bethel, 7
p. In.
childhood Constipation.
Constipation in children can be
lmmptly cured by Baby's Own Tab.
ets. They are a gentle but effective
laxative which thoroughly regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach
and thus drive out all childhood ail-
ment.. Concerning;them Mrs. J. B.
Tauffenbach, Richer, Mao.. writes :
"i hare need Baby's Own Tablet. and
have found them an excellent medi-
cine for constipation." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents • box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville,
Taoasosv. June It.
Wheat. per hush.. ....t 7.10 to 10
Oats, per bn.h
M1416per M,sh 1.10 to 1.16
Runk shoat. per beak i t6 to ES6
Flour. family. per awl tea to 7.10
ploer. patent. per ewt 160 t. 1.00
Stan, pot tett ESM is 1E10
MMI.. ptan
Wel a /tea
!tray.. truas,. per ten
Weed. potload
Dairy SaNr
t, 7�rlh'
Ana, sea. rare
t>•ttle. teres r Melee. parasom
tie taloa ease .mp.r cwt
r. vwlakt. ser ewt.
• rendered. ear N ..
Y.ay .bb•sr. ellaVe , ... ...
lea te
11.1111 to 12
fa 1e
UM to a.76
Ilea to MN
ARS In l0
.16 to .17
15 le .11
• es a east.
15.0 1. 11.0
Rb.pskla.. aa to a
WaDNEIMAaY, June 13.
Mit. Jean Young has returned boom
from Stratford Normal School.
Mr. Joe. O'Connor has moved to
McGaw and is staying with Mr. Allies.
We understand that Mr. Thos. Ham-
iltoo has sold his farm to Mr. Mo-
Lsri y.
Mr. Alex Barnby, of Toronto. spent
Sunday at the beaus of Mrs. Thos. Mc -
Pb -e.
Mrs. Small, of Toronto, is spending
a sew weeks with bee friend, Mrs.
John Walter.
Mrs. Hogan. accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Aiebeter, of De-
troit, came on the steamer Greyhound
and they are spending • few days at
the home of Mr. RobL Olen.
Smith's Hill church was filled to the
utmost capacity last Sabbath, when
Rev. R. C. McDermid, of Kock
church, Ooderich, delivered a very
able address to the Masons. The ser-
vice wee conducted entirely by the
Madrona Mr. G. H. Hing, of Gode-
rich, presided at the organ.
WgDNasDAY, June 13.
Mr. David Bogie raised his barn last
Mr. Leonard' Mcllwain visited
friends at Loudon L.et week.
Miss Alice Sheppard is not improv.
ing as rapidly as her friends would
A number of the young people took
in the moonlight excursion on the
steamer Greyhound.
Rev. J. W. Hedley and Mr. Wm.
Bailie attended the Methodist Confer.
ence at London last week.
Mr. Stanley Riven is home from
Owen Sound, the Collegiate there
being closed till September.
Mts. J. 11. Pentland and Mrs. Lewis
Taylor attended the annual meeting
of the Wowen'a Institute of this dis-
trict, held at Blytb on Tuesday after-
TUESDAY, June 12.
NoTES.-Wesley Vanderburg spent
a few days at Toronto last week, at-
tending the Grand Lodge of the
C. O. C. F Rev. Mr. Fortner
called on a few of his old friends Sat-
urday evening Mrs. Caulfield,
Misses Ruth and Nina Tichborne re-
turned to their home at Chicago this
week .. Mr. O. W. Potter and fam-
ily spent Sunday in Colborne
Murray McDougall and Harold Ens -
mention are working at Baechler's fac-
tory in Goderich George Lindsay
and bride. of H•ep ler, visited at Mrs.
Lindsay's last week.
TUESDAY. June 12.
DOMINION DAT Pttooa.M.-Those
who have the First of July sports in
charge .fter a great deal of trouble
were able to secure two good baseball
teams. Clinton and Listowel, to play
a game here on the big day and now
they have everything reedy for • most
successful celebration. All indica-
tions are that it will be the greatest
day's sports ever pulled off in one day
in these parts. The fun will start at
10 is. m. in the morning and will con-
clude with • grand concert in Industry
Hall In the evening, and as the day is
all for the Red Cross there lino doubt
there will be an immense crowd.
TAYLOR--LirAFroRD.-A very pretty
home wedding took place at she resi-
dence of Mrs. M. Spafford on Monday
afternoon, when her second daughter.
May, was united in marriage to Mr.
Roland Taylor, despatcher on the
C. P. R. at London. The home was
beautifully decorated for the occasion
With flowers. While Mrs. Hawkins
played the wedding march, the bride
entered the parlor leaning on the arm
of her mother, and took her place be-
side the groom under • canopy of
\fl.hwere. Phe carried a beautiful bou-
quet of Atuerican Beauty mase. The
bride woo assisted by Mi.s Ella Met-
calf as bri wmaid, end the groom by
Mr. Austin Spafford, brother of the
hide, and h two sisters M+bel and
Mary act;d a ,flower -girls. The nup-
tial knot was tied by Rev. W. B.
Hawkins, •sire by Rev. T. H. Farr,
of Kincardine. fter the ceremony
the guests sat do to • bount-nus
repast. The happy oup le Zeit on the
5 o'cloc C. P. R. teal for a wedding
trip to tern cities. Macompanied by
the hest idles of a host of friends.
lison, who is with the Archy Medical
Corps at F.Indon, and who tan been
expecting f some considerable time
to go overarms, visited with friends
here and at belgrave over the week-
end. He woe accompanied by his
wife Mr. Sod Mrs. 0. 111, Metes-
c1' ggars and family visited with Mend.
et Clinton on thinday,.,,...Mr. and
Mn. Luxton Hill and family pend
Goderich friends a visit on Saturday.
Mr. W. Crittenden is having
made to hie reel -
5 will make a
..The howlers
pwling on the
ve n very sue -
great improvemen
dente in town, wh
great difference to it
brave started again at
green and expect to h
ceasful year .. The degree team of
the 1. Cl. O. F. is goingjo Wroxeter
on Thursday. when the dlstrict meet-
ing will he held in the morning ; then
after dinner • lodge of inshWetton will
he held, with Worshaming the
initiation,Myth the first an second
and Seaforth the third. Deputy
Grand Master Mann, of Hamilton.
and Past Grand Master Coupland, of
Ht. Marys, will he in attendance....
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Douglass and
family. of Hamilton, are retreating
acquaintance. In Blyth and viniety.
.Rev. and Mr.. T. H. Farr, t
Kinc.rline, were visitors in Blyb
this week. Their many friends here
ate always glad to see them. They
are all figuring on homing to *prod
July 1st here Mass Annie White,
of Woodstock, visited with her sister,
Mrs. Apaffnr4, this week.
DEATH DoIMoe.-Blythand vicinity
were vi*iced by death In three homes
this week. The float to nom away was
Mr. John .Rtewert, who had been siek
only about two weeks. He caught Bold
while workl.g at hos rem.nt hnoin•w,
and it turned into pneumonia, with
the revolt that be passed away on
Friday . The funeral took place no
Sunday under the maniere of the C.
O. F. There was a large turnout fir
tricrOs The remains were ennv.Zed
to i nears ery, Hullmtt. Ta.
deeeeeed leaves a tastily of two
deughM,r., Mn. Goodall .ed Mn.
Piers., of Bothwell, and .aa son,
Robert, of Toronto. The nest to pass
r -. _.apt ,
v - �....,4"'"^"..,4110 e• alrr.'ees.,,
away was Mr. W. Orono. who had
baso ailing for soseapsidetebiatile i
ea Friday nft.raewt de►tb soinoss
him. The funeral took place on Mon-
day with Masonic honors trim the
residence of Ills aro Isaac in Blyth. Mr.
Brown leaves four s and one dwugh-
ter. On Pinto afternoon afternoon Mr.' J.
Coombs, en oid'avstarw who had
reached the woo we of eighty-six
year., passed ass y. The deceased
up to • year ago been a very ac-
tive wan, WO nothing pleased bins
Miter tban a game of lawn bowling,
at which be was quite proficient.
Last summer he did not appear on the
green staying most of the time at
borne. He had • great many friends
in the town, who will all be sorry that
be Is taken to the (creat Beyond, He
(raves to mourn his de entre •
daughter,Mrs.J..Cntt, In Blyth, with
whom he had made his home for a
great many yeas, and another
daughter, Mrs. McDonald of Strat-
ford, and one son wbo is in Saskatch-
State of Ohio, City of Toledo.
Luca. County, re,
Frank J. ('hooey takes oath that hats senior
partner of the firm of F..1 Cheney R ('o. doing
budoe-s In the City of Toledo, count, and
State atoreeald, and that said film wlll pay the
sum of one hundred dollar. tortes. h •ad
care of oatarrk ilia. moot be oared by the use
of Han'. Catarrh Cure. FRANK .1. C YNEY.
Sworn to before me .ubso.lbed in m
presumes, this tits ce
day oe Dember A D. Ito
(Seal) Notary Pa bar.
Hall'. Catarrh Care M taken b.ternally and
act.. through the blood on the mono•41 surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHeNKY it CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all drPIRA f ,, 7� Jeal
Halt'sFamily P1W11.r
TUESDAY, June 12.
Mr. Jas. and Mos. G, Oreavee,visited
Mr. Vim. Donnelly lest week.
Miss 1. McCllochy. of Blyth, is
visiting ber sister, Ms. Ch•*. Robin-
Mr. Wm. Davidson, of Wingbam, is
busy drilling • well at Chas. Robin-
son's at present.
Mr. and Mn. W. J. and Mrs. John
Thompson are visiting Toronto and
Whitby friends at present.
Quite • number of the member* of
the Institute hes alt ended the annual
meeting of the Wo. men's Institute in
Blyth on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland and
son Morley, Meru,. Roy and Gordon
Keeys, of Tesewater, and Mr. and Mrs.
M•►rtln, of Lucknow, visited at 1Vm.
Wilson's on Sunday.
One aloe of Western oat. and one rat of seed
wheat will arrive le about week. Erna.
11.11 chop and none Wimp on hand.
Mr. Geo. Denotedt is tie.ting the
Sterling Bank to • omit of paint.
Mr. John Fluker has bought from
Mr. R. Medd the fifty acres north of
his farm. ---
Mr. and Muir Matthews and Mrs.
Herb. Govier motored to Palmerston
on Saturday.
Dr. sod Mrs. Weir are on a trip to
visit the Doctor's mother in Stratbroy
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Manning are
taking • drive through the country
and visiting Stratford relative*.
Mr. Milton Pfeffer occupied the
Methodist pulpit on Swnday evening
In the absence of Bev, W. Conway at
The play, "Lodgers taken In, to
be given by the B•Itrave Dramatic
Club in the Foresters Hall ben, in
aid of the Red Cross funds, has been
postponed to Tuesday, 19th inst. This
play has been very 'successfully given
at Windham and other places and
should draw a big house,
Mr. Melville Sturdy loot a valuable
four-year-old mere last week.
Miss Violet Laithwaite returned
home last week from Walkerton.
Les. McMillan left last week and
joined the crew of the steamer Mario -
We are sorry to hear that Corp. W.
Johnston ("Scottie"), formerly of the
71.1 Battalion, is laid up with a
sprained ankle.
TUESDAY, June 12.
MAITLAND CONcassIoN Norse.• -Mr..
Wm. Obler has returned from an ex-
tended visit with her daughter at
Mrs.Sheidon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene-
fit. Finally Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound.
Englewood, I11. -- " W h i le going
through the Change of Life 1 suffered
with headachse,ner-
°usn•sa, flashes of
heat, and I suffered
so much I did not
know what I was
ng at times. 1
t 11900 on doe -
ton and not one did
ms any good. One
day a lady called at
y house and said
had been as sok
I was at one times
Lydia X Pink-
's Veg•tabl•
made her wdl,ee 1 took It sad
em ju.t as well es 1 ever was. I
t understand v-hy women don't
see how mneb pain and .nff.rrfieegg otb�i
I uld pe by taklag ra.dfda..
proles It for it saved
my life and kept wee the lamas
Hospital." -Mrs E. Attetl►ow, INef S.
Halsted St., Matiewormi. 111.
Physicians tusolostbtally did desk hest.
battled with this ease steadily and maid
do nobotttment Is rootftaen the mo•t.el.ntli•
propthe medicinal
erties of the geered d old fashioned
rate and herb. contained M Lydi B
Tiekha.'• Vg.eskis(i.sp.hsd.if any indska It
r2 to
ymist 'tab.sipeetal
Never before have we shown such values in Silk Sweater Coats. Pure silk top coats in
the newest shades-reseda, rose, Copenhagen, yellow. They come in plain colors or trimmed
with white, with belt, pockets and large full collar. Beautifully made by one of the best manu-
facturers in the trade, and we stand behind these Coats and guarantee satisfaction in every degree.
They are the newest, and the price is $12.50.
New Middy Blouses and Silk ana Cotton Waists
We are ever receiving for stock new Blouses of the newest designs, which at this time of
the season are very serviceable. Jap Silk Blouses in the best creations of Dame Fashion, in a
large range of designs. 12.50 to 15.00,
Middy Blouses in plain white or trimmed with a color, in short and long sleeves. We can
give these Middies in all sizes, either for young girls or ladies. 75c to $1.50 each.
To make Middies we have twilled middy cloth, repp, pique or Indian head, all 36 inches
wide, at from 25c to 35c a yard.
For dresses we have a very large assortment of the best clouts in the very latest designs,
and only one of each design and color. We feel that we have made a big step forward when we
made it possible for a lady to have a dress that would not be duplicated in Goderich, and the
great number of ladies who have taken advantage of this plan of selling have given us hearty
support in our undertaking by encouraging us along this line to continue the good work.
Every few days brings new cloths and patterns. Under the old way of buying a whole
piece, it was impossible for us to carry as large an assortment or as new cloths as we are doing
this season. Before deciding on your new dress we would be pleased to show these new dress
lengths and help you select your dress, and pattern for same.
viol J. H. COLBORNE ea
stebringville Miss Wagner, of
Zurich. is visiting at the home of J. C.
Duro this week Mr. and Mrs. O.
R. Forster have returned from a
week's visit in Toronto and vicinity.
The "moonlight" excursion on
Monday evening was • greet drawling'
card for the young peons -in this
vicinity Mr. D. F. someone
purchased a new Chevrolet car
Mr. Vi. Prouse had the misfortune to
lose • fine hone lest week Mee.
R. Clendennind. of Detroit, is spending
w fbw days at the house of Mr. W. B.
Forster this week.
Manus and Mn. Hamilton, 115 each
for the Red Crows Society ; Mrs. Miller;
blinds, 510 ; clerk, pert salary. 150 ;
, Michael Pfriwmer, repairing road, 12;
15. Q Bolton, engineering and blue
i prioft, for Pfrinrmer bridge. 527.
owed by Messrs. Snyder and Fisher
t we adjourn to meet on Wednes-
day.July 1th. •t 1.30p. as. R. Wit
WAIN, ToW .hip Clerk.
Bosoms, safety razors, @trope, tether
brushes, shaving muggss, toilet watery.
shaving ansae, oowders and creator,
talcum powder, bay rum, witch hazel
-we sell them. S.H. Wigle„ druggi.t,
Municipal council of the township
of Colborne met in the township hall.
June 12. Mem hers all present. Min-
ute. of last meeting read and adopted,
on motion of Messrs McCann and
Snyder. Moved by Messrs. Currey and
McCann that we pay Mr". Miller the
Ruin of 110 for window blinds and thea
the clerk procure four new blinds for
the hall. Cat rigid. Moved by Messrs.
McCann and Currey that the clerk
write Engineer Bolton in regard to
baying the Goldthorpe drain finished
up. Carried. Moved by Mears.
Currey and McCann that we build the
bridge at Primmer's mill this year and
that the clerk advertise for tenders
for cement work. Carried. The fol-
lowing accounts were passed and or-
dered paid : The clerk. rent paid
C. P. R. fns weigh scales @its, 115, and
for insurance on new hall, $2.50 ; Mrs
R. M. Young, Mts. J. Long, Miss Mc -
In 25c, 35c,
75c, $1.25
Here's Groter'y
We make TEA and
COFFEE a specialty.
Owing to greatly advanced
prices we can give you
extra value in TEAS.
Prepare for the fruit
season by getting your
Berry Boxes, Fruit Baskets,
and Berry Crates. We
have a good supply.
Neal's Alofa Bread
W. HERN "`
hike Save for the Family"' Qoard ab's parr
teabkind we makwith•
Sold by J. A. Campbell, Goder;c` ` w511.,yarnhealthggi.t, Goderirhand.
Its Excellence is Within
1 o
F.O.B. Madman;
soar wise
While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is
in complete keeping with its excellence witkia. it is the inner
Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Here, under
the surface, is beauty of another sort --the beauty of sturdi-
ness and efficiency.
All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable cog
their unfailing dependability, stimplicity, soceinailih.
This kind of excellence has opened the ryes of thousands of
motorwise men and women ---and made them Gray Dort
owner. It makes the Gray Data car that the whole family
can use and enjoy.
With all this quality, with complete equipment.
with %ig-
eau' rests and Ct veareooes. tbeDart
moderate priced car .,,resod it is a sapremay good ear
TIM GRAY -DOLT WOTORS,t Ll MM. Caatbans fibril•
Ostler Goderich
Distributor, Blyth
1. se's.. tw•veMga no tr.,? • se 5' . ,.IC.
l .t.,.,, - r, -r