HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-14, Page 3„ , ,.n,_d'A'"'„. G1.. ;.".`F THE SIGNAL • GODERTCH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNI 14, 1817 3 • THE OIIIINAL AND ONLY OENOINE BEWARE GIP IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Or WINARD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL (IEO. H1s1LEMANN, OSTEO PATH. .peclaliat In women's and obll . drawee., acute, :hronlo and n.rvouedle s., mada e. ear, no.e sod throat,rUrl deaf err, lumbago and rheumatic oonditioea Ade- .iMe return el without the kolts. Offloe at reddens, corner Nelson and SL Andrew'. WHOA. At hoose office Monday., Thursdays t.ad ltitude,.: any evening by appolotm.oL DENTISTRY DitH. G. MAcDONELL-BUNOR ereduate Toronto Cnlvenity.Onduate aRM)ss• of Dental burgeon.. roar to the late Major tale. °move and Wag .taMt, Ood ekh. AUCTIO$RU MOMAB GUNDRY AUCTIONEER; R, eederk . All Inatructl.os by wall as Menai .face will be promptly et Residence telephone 11SI. LEGAL jj U. HAYS ES, tSrlLl('ITUR, NOTA'1R? Pl. SLR ', ETI. 4Sila-8terling Bank Block. Hamtltoo L z.st, edericb. Telephone tn. Haat prat. Loan. and Insurance. PROU DFUOT, KILI.ORAN A COOKE BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. (elane on the Square. sewed door train Ham. Sirs attest. Goderich. Private fund. to Inas at lowest rates. W. Pinoco,00T. K.C. J. L. KILLOaLsi H. J. D. Coosa L.G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS TYIL solicitor. notary pry -bib- Oakes ton Street. Gedertek. Caird door frc Scow.. At Clinton Thuralay or each week le trpe or Albert Street eepled by Ma ,� r. 1 Mhos Merya COI. 1.0 pet /�HARLIiii ()ARROW, LL.B., BAR- �,/_ KIBTtIL. ettsreey. selletter. ere.. Bode. use. Mowy to Mod at lowers rates d I SEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL - J. Maar. Notary I'ubno and (oovelsaeer, .bee -Coors Hones der(ob. 6P1� IIK3URUiCE, LOUIS, 1LfobILLOP MUTIIAL FIRM 174 ai 1111 li AN C E CO. -Tarin aM lesfielst6 t n.% progeny inured. -- OloenrJ.a. Cowpony, Pas.. Galeria" P.O.; lea. Iveoe Vim -Pres.. Beechwood P. 0.; Rocas L. Bays, 8.o. -Tress.. lt.afortb P. 0. Directors -U. F. McUraryor. 8eatorth ; John 1. Grieve. Winthrop i Witham Mon, Constance; jobs Hsutl..w.M, Brodbeg.s ' Geo. McCartney, Bea,tu, tb ; Robert Perris. Hariock ; Malcolm Yckwen, Brumfield. Agents: J. W. Yeo• Oodert-h ; Alex. lint k. Clinton ; William Chsney. Sentortb ; k. hlnchler. Seafottb. Polley -bolder. oaapey Gree eewte and stet their oards r.oeipted at K. J. Marriott'. Clothing Store, Clinton, R. H. l pit's Grocery, Kingston street. God.rtob, or J. H. Reid's Geo.ral Store, Bayfield. EONB�L,ro°° PRIVATE FUNDt4TO Map. Apply w M G. • N. Harriet/sr Hamilton street. W R. ROBERTSON. • INSURANCE AGENT. Iran AND IJewrinee, British. Canadian sed American. LOOIDONT Swaim* AND arPLOraae' LiA T ITT : hlc The Omen Aooldent and uuersntee Corporation Limited. of London. Ewa. ilo*LITT AND (IVpA:ANTaa BoNDe : The U.I. Fidelity and Goa ante. Company (soros at rsideet*, ortbear, oorner of Via. Soria ao0 84 I/avid's streets. Phone 176. Patents, Trade Narks, Designs Secured in Ali Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC- TION. 'falls all about and how to get, pat ants. BABCOCK & 80N8. established 1677 formerly Patent Isms Examiner, Maate of Patent law.. Regl.tered t'atent Attorneys etc., 19 8t. James Street. Montreal. Branohes- Utuwa and Washington. RepreeentatIves In all foreign countries. Brophe) Bros. OO1)RR1('H 1 ne Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. The Beat Newspaper Value in Western Ontario the 'bonbon Etavertiser An Mail Editions SP Pee Year BELGIAN RELIEF WORK. To the Editor of the Signal. DEAN Hits,- In vlew of the recent statement Issued by Mr. Hoover, chairman of the Commission for Re- lief in Belgium, which points out the impo•elblllty at pteieot of obtaining the oeoeasary shipping tonnage to for- ward onward to Belgium the food supplies in the same quantities as in the past, and also draws attention to the fact that the United States Government bra wade arrangements t0 loan t0 the Belgian Government the sum of $46,- 000,000. -payable to the Commission for Relief in Belgiuw in- sin monthly Instalments -which sum will cover the Dost of such food supplies as can be shipped In that time by the limited number of ships available to the Cont- wteelon, the central executive com- mittee of the Belgian Itelief Fund in Canada finds it unneceseary for the preseot to maks appeal to theoner- ously disposed people of Canada on the ploy of the urgency of support in order to stave off etarvation. The Deeds of Belgium continue, how- ever, as premising as in the past„ and the situation may be considered as be- ing even more pitiable. as, through the forced decrease in' imports, Bel- gium will be compelled to fall lack on her Isst native resources already so denuded. In order to maintain that so limited ration that has been doled out in the past it will be necessary W encroach upon the country's stock of milk cattle which has been re.erved to maintain a supply of fresh milk fur th. children. In the hope, however, that the re- cent swiftly developed shortage in the world's shipping -the cruse of this new departure of the relief work - way not permanently endure ; in the hope -that the necessary funds may be available should any emergency of special ocvarion arise, and in view of the fact that in any event relief in 'natty forme will be required after the war, the committee hopes that all the generous supporters of the fund in the part and all those who have pledged thewselves for future payments will continue to support the fund and thus continue to show their sympathy with the people who gays their all for the cause of humanity. All such donations received after the 15th of June will be disposed of to the best advantage of this stricken people, according to the wish that may be expressed by any donor or according to the actual or more press- ing needs of any of the already or- ganized channels of relief work, such 0*: ”Help to the Childs en removed from Belgian Front." "Queens Fund for the Wounded Soldiers." "Home for the Belgian Soldiers." "Relief for Belgian Prisoners in Germany." "Anglo -Belgian Committee of the Belgian Iced Urovm." "Relief for Belgian Children suffer- ing front tuberculosis and rickets." "Belgian Orphan Fund." "Belgian National Relief Fund fes War ()rebuts, etc." All donations received prior to the 16th of June will be bold at the die- posol of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, for the purchase in Canada of Canadian produce, aocording to our previous pledges. The *entail ezeetttt4M committee Will issue in the Immediate future a report covering the whole of its opera - dons up to the 16th of June. Thanking you for publishing the above, we remain, - e• Yours taut , A. Ida JARDIN, Hon. Secretesy-Treasurer. Montreal, June 2, 1917. Attractive Dining car Service. Probably nothing helps more to make a railway journey really enjoy- able than a visit to the "dining -car," especially if it be a Canadian Pacific dining -car, where the passenger is as- sured of the highest form of efficiency in the culinary art, the choicest pro- visions that the market afford", pre- pared on the scientific principle known "dietetic blending." Your favorite h, as you like it, may be enjoyed at reasonable cost, amidst ideal surround- ings, while travelling on the Canadian Pacific,, (17.41 -\ EXETER. The 'Marriage took plaice at Hamilton last week ol Mitts Elia O'Brien, daugh- ter of Mrs, J. T. O'Brien. to Harry Rendle, of Spokane, Wash„ all former resident.' of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs Rendle wilts visit Eleter on their honeymoon. The death occurred on the 31d iret. of Mrs. Harriet Hammond of town, in her eighty-third year. Three sons and two daughters survive. On Wednesday of last week MIN. Roulston, mother of Dr. Roulston;at tcwn, passed away in her sixty.flfth Vier. Mr.. Roulston had come from Milverton to visit her eon and keep house while Dr. acid Mr.. Roulston at- tended the dental convention at Tor onto, but she was taken til with pneu- monia and passed away after a shaft illness. The remains were taken to Milverton for interment. The executive of the South Huron Conservative Association met at Hen - sail and dealt with the matter of a successor to the late Edward Christie, postmaster of Exeter. W. J. Darling, of Brighton, and formerly of Exeter, was the choice. A petition was cir- culated around town and largely signed favoring Pte. Wm. Rowell, a returned soldier. An impressive memorial service was held in the Thames Road Presbyterian church on June 3rd in memory of Aergt. R. D. Turnbull, who geve his life at the battle of Vimy Ridge nn April 9th. The service was conducted hy Rev, Dr. Fletcher and Dr. Gandier, principal et Knox College, Toronto. Bergt. Turnbull enlisted with twenty - Ave other young mop from Knnz Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pakenham, of Toronto, announce the engagement of their daughters Electra Mary Strong, to Dr. William Edwin i esmp.ter, of Exeter, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of June. ' SEA FORTH. Thomas Pullman met with a .very serious accident on ,Monday of last week. He was pumping air Into the tank of s gaenlinel torch in the tin - shop in connection with H. Edged hardware store, when the rap blew off, allowing the biasing gasoline to rue NIS HEART BADLY riitr�iiiTiiiiPS] AFFECTED "Fruit -a -tires" Soon Relieved This Dangerous Condition 632 GaaaaaD Sr. EAer, TORONTO. "For two years, I was a victim of Acute Indigestion and Gm In The Stomach. It afterwards allautrd ray Henri and I had pains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. I tried all kinds of Medicine but none of them did me any good. At last, I decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". I bought the first box laat June, and now I am well, eller suitor only Urge bo -res. I recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to anyone suffering from Indigestion". FRED J. CAVEEN. 60c. a box, 6 for $250, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - a -fives Limited, Ottawa. GRAND TRUNK SY'S EM Attractive Trips TO MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES C GEORGIAN BAY Round -'r p tr'uri..t tickets now on sale flow .1 .Baan. in Ontario at very low la, es, 01.(5 liberal stop -flyers. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Borth re.ert at? •n- and full In format ion at MI Oren 1 Trunk ticket odic.- o• w rite C. HOnINO, �.. II,Hct Pe -...,ger Agent, a T. R Nes *velem, T.r**to. Ont • P. F. LAWRENCE Si SONS Town Agents Phone 8 Na a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water hays a ptass of hot water and phosphate prevents llln.. and keeps w fit. Just as coal, when it barns, leaves behind a certain amount of incom- bustible material in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day after day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain amount of indigestible ma- terial, which, 11 Got cawpletly al1mten. ted from the system each day, be- comes food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowels. From this mass of leftover waste, toxins and ptomain -like poisons are formed and sucked into the blood. Men and women who can't get feet - Ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of itme- stone phosphate in It to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keep the entire alimen- tary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head- ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff- ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and begin practicing Internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on the subject. Remember inside bathing 1s more Important than outside bathing, be- cause the skin pores do not absorb ltflpurttles Into the blood, causing poor health, ,while the bowel pores do. !Just as•aoap and bot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water, and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidney. and bowels.' -- ova r his face and chest, inflicting very serious it:jutie.. in fact. If it h..d not hien fur I be prompt act ion of Chastest Brodie, who was in the shop at the time nod who succeeded In smothering the ferries, the at'.ident would un- dcubtedly have proved Patel• Thir,for- tnnlitety, bowrver, was not the case, althortah 11 will be a considerable time before Mr. Pullman is fully recovsr.1 from the hurtle. At a recent meeting of the Soeforth Collegiate institute hoard considera- tion r Was 've r w 1. n . he wry a R ( r'e 1.r itement of the present te'acbing stet! for next year. and in appreciA,tion of their .1? rte increases in .relery, ranging from $50 to *KILL par antrum, were given to rhe yart.ru+ teacher., Miss Ha riot 1Vit.on, of New York, .fonts few (ley* recently 'with her parents, G.I. and Mre. W1leori, et the Qoeen'e hotel, b fore leaving fun' *iver- sea•. JUNE llth Toronto Cattle Market Choice heavy steers .. $11.6Uto$12.00 do. good 11.25 11.76 lifutcher' choice handy 11.50 11.81 do. good 10.75 11.26 do. common 9.60 10.26 Butchery' bulls, choice 10 26 11.00 do. good 9.80 10.80 do. medium 9.00 9.60 Butcher,' choice cows10.25 10.76 do. food $.76 10.76 do. medium 6.00 9.60 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs9.60 10.26 do, med., 700 to 8008.00 8.76 Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs7.25 8.75 do. medium 6.60 7.00 Canner . . 6.60 6.25 Milkers, good to cholce90.00 125.00 do. corn. and med60.00 80.00 Springers .. 60.00 126.00 Calves, veal, choice 12.60 14.26 do. medium 10.00 11.50 do. common 6.00 8.50 do. grass 6.00 7.011 do. heavy fat 8.00 10.50 *Sheep, yearlings, choice clipped . 12.00 13.00 *Sheep, ewes, light, un- clipped . . 12.00 13.00 do. heavy and bucks9.00 11.00 do. culls .. 4.00 7.00 Hogs, fed and watered 16.00 00.00 *Clipped sheep are selling $2.50 per cwt. lees than wool sheep. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesalers ere paying: Eggs - Current receipts, cases returnable .. $ .33 to $ .34 Butter - Creamery solids .36 .37 Creamery prints .36% .37% Wholesale prices to the retail trade:. Eggs - Ex -cartons .. $ .40 to $ .41 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.40 .41 Creamery solids .40 .41 Choice dairy prints .37 .38 Ordinary dairy prints .33 .35 Bakers' .. .29 .30 Cheese -New, large, 23c to 23%c; twins, 23trec to 23%c; old, large, 30ryc; twins, 31c. Live Poultry -Buying price deliver- ed Toronto. Chickens, milk fed .00 .27 do. ordinary .22 .24 Hens, under 5 lbs. .23 .2S do. over 6 lbs. .25 .2S Rooster .16 .13 Ducks .. .20 .00 Turkeys .16 .13 Spring chickens .40 .50 Beans -Japanese, hand-picked, bunts. el, 17.60 to $8; Canadian, hand-picked, bushel, $9.25; prime, 88.76. Peas -Dried, bushel, 84.60 to $5. Maple Sugar -17c to 18c it pJnnd. Toronto Gr.:•• Markets Toronto Board of Trade market quo• tations:- Manitoba Wheat -No quotations. Manitoba Oats -No quotations. American Cool➢ --No. 3 yellow, 11.87, nominal. Ontario Whapt!-So. 2 winter, 12.55 to $2.60, Recordl0p_gg (P frelgyts outside; No. 3 winter, $2.6$ td 22.63. Ontario Oats -No quotations. Peas -Nominal. Barley-Maltta&. tsomtnal. Rye -No. 2 new, $2, nominal. Manitoba 7 'our-Vfratt�enis, in jutebags, $12.40; second patents, $12.90; strong bakers', $12.50. Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample, '$11.25 to $11'36. to sample, $10.7rto 410.85. Millfeed-CIrlots, delivered, Mon- treal freights; 'Shorts. $40; bran, $33;, middling. $44; good feed flour, per hag, $2.80 to $2.90. Hay -Track, Toronto, . extra No. 2, 813 50 to 114; mixed, $9 to $12. Straw -Carlota, 89. Dressed Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef, forequarters $15.00to$17 00 do. hindquarters 20.00 21110 ('arcassea, choice 17.00 19.00 do. comnion 14.00 16.00 Veal, choice 18.00 20.00 do. medium 12.00 14.00 Heavy hogs 17.00 18.00 Shop hogs 21.00 22.00 \Mutton, light 15.00 17.00 do. heavy 12.00 76'.00 Lambs, yearling 22.00 24.00 Spring lambs, each .. 8.00 11.00 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 6 ears. Market steady. Hogs -Receipts, 15 cars. Mar. ket steady. Heavy, $16.25 to $16.40; Yorkers, $16 to $16,20; pigs and lights, $14.50 to $15.25. Sheep -Receipts, 5 cars. Market steady. Spring lambs, $17 to $13; yearlings, $14 to $15; weth. ere, $11 to $11.25; ewes, $10 to $10.50. Calves -Receipts, 700. Market strong. Top Iambs, $15.75; fair to good, $13 to $14; fed calves, $5 Io $7. Chicago Live Stock Chicago, June 9.-Cattle-Recelpte, 1,000; market steady; beeves, $9.20 to stockers and t $13.75; ceders, $7.10 to $10.60; cows and heifers, $6.25 to $11.75; calves, $9.75 to $14.50. Hogs - Receipts, 9,000; market weak, mostly lee to 15c lower; light, $14.50 to $15.40; mixed, $14.85 to 816.70; heavy, $14.90 to $16.80; rough, $14.90 to $16.10; pigs, 110.25 to $14.25; bulk of sale., $15 to $15.60. Sheep-Recelpte, 2,000; man ken steady; lambs, native, $950 to $14.60. Cheese Markets Be11eNAe, Ont. -- 8,400 boxes of white were offered, 510 selling at 210 and the balance at 20%c. 8t. Hyacinthe, Que.-850 beim were offered. All Sold at 2014c. Seventy - Ave packages of butter sold at 37%c. $.opdgn, Ont. ---Fourteen faetories of- feMrd 1,842 holes. Bidding, 190 to 20%c. No sales. ♦Mnto MdN Market Prices delivered, Toronto CRT o ontoC1ty Bides- 4itt,y butcher hides, griEM auk, 12o; caraltsae. grata. rat. 27c; veal kj$I. Ole; hermit/des, Alda takeoff. tis to $f; city. iattkahla<. *hearings and pelta• 10e to boo; ehee., 82.60 1.b, 12.60. .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6I$ • ig1 • `� 111 D MILLAR > SON �i��f';11 111 i t•"rte .� • w • • • • -= • FOR• THE J UNE • • • • LINENS•BRIDES •• • • Linens make the most appreciated gift for the bride. Our • 0 • stock is now complete, showing the best Irish and Scotch • • makes, and at prices much less than what we would pay for • • samelquality if buying today. • • • • • A bargain in pure Scotch Linen Damask Sets in Choice designs. Cloth 2x2 1-2 • • yards and one dozen Napkins. Per set $8.00. • • • Scalloped and hemstitched Table Cloths in rich designs. One of these will make • • a most useful gift. At $2.25 to $SMO each. • • Irish Huckaback Bedroom Towels • • • Exceptional value in "Old Bleach" Huckaback Bedroom Towels, guaranteed all • • pure linen with wide damask borders. These are old values and not many of any pat- • • tern is left. Special at each 75c and $1.00. • • •• S • •• •• • • • •• •• •• •• • • • New Silks and Crepe de Chine Special Japanese Habutai Silks, will give unexcelled wear, all pure popular shades, 36 inches wide. $1.25 per yard. Crepe de Chine, beautiful lustrous quality, will wash splendidly. In all new colors: in maize, melon, Nile, oky, pink, old rose, black and white. 40 inches wide. $1.50 per yard. Infants, Headwear Pram Covers Infants' Bonnets and Hats, in cotton and silk, beautifully embroidered, in the cutest of styles. and a great variety to select from, 25c up. Infants' Pram Covewhite pique, scalloped edges, from 75c up. Special howing of Silk Sweaters Fashion predicts Silk Sweaters for summer wear. Osw stock, is now complete with the best assortment we have ever shown, in all the new rich colorings. These Sweaters must be seen to be appreciated. Prices from $6.00 to $15.00. THE STOR>E?'1 THAT SERVES YOU BEST silk, in all • • PHONE 56 •• •••,•••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • •• • ills Scotch Store PHONE 56 ••••••••••••••••••••••••..•i Railway Ticket. A Canadian Paciflc Railway ticket does not represeut merely a means of transportation between given point.. It in addition provides the traveller with every comfort and convenience developed by modern railway sclebds. "Safety first," with up-to-date equip- ment, unexcelled dining service, pal, atial sleeping cars, in a word, every- thing that a railway can provide for the comfortable transportation of its passengers, including courtesy. 67.4t During courtship lovers overlook each other's faults, but after their marriage they spend much of their time looking over each other's faults. He who kiseee a wand knees a miss, and he who kisees another man's wife kisses amiss ; so the only thing left for s man is widows. Stick to your business with the glue of industry. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS.- GODERIOH TVWNSHIP. Ooderich township council met in Ilolmes' hall, Holmes ille, May 26, ae a court of revi,ion, with all members present ; Reeve Lobb in the chair. There were no adpeals against the as- sessment, hut three doge ware ordered to 1.•e taken off, the owners claiming they had died since the assessor shade hie rotuide. Several changes were made on the roll, some of the rate- payers selling and others renting 'since the property wee assessed. Moved by Councillor Vanderburg, recouded by Councillor Ginn, that the roll as read be accepted. Carried. Anilines.; Meeting. Minutes of lent meeting read and confirmed. Moved hy Councillor Holland, seconded hy Councillor Ginn. that bylaw No. 4, authorising the reeve andr t t es,, trer.to borrow money for township purposes. as now read, be peeped. Cat Tied. Moved by Coun- cillor (iinn, seconded by Councillor Holland that the following accounts be paid : H. H. Lindsay, aaseeming titwnship, salary 1All : 13. H. Lindsay, postage and stationery, 123. On mo- tion nr Councillors Lindsay and Hol- land council adjourned to meet Mon- day, June 18, at 1.S0 p. m. ADAM CANTSLON, Clerk. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS IIRDICINE RDUCATION APPI.MD 9CIF16CE mess& C7.walpilt CI.Itrkserael=e7h•.1 .sd �■iirtt0*i N� STUDY „ems resew 1.'r atwyo.dew. Meares ISM p$...o sel►.eI «- -.1MeeregAssese 5 -'- ee'Atd 0* Y. tlGDwn. Redeemer -__I____ -...... GIRLS WANTED For eiee work to W the piaaes of men who nave Rune el sr. Relaaya be the rant. Young women can reteler 1 he country tealvice by prep/,,a . 1 taste positionalbanksand bumnees oMees.- tldeeiel Coursed of training In Book. keen .g. Shorthaad and n11 other t'mn- merciaeyt .uhWecte' now In progress Students Ad mit tetany time. Illustrated catalogue free. Nortbert Business College, Ltd. owl.:N SOUND. ONT. C. A. FLEMING. Principal. The Soffits Coal Co. MacEw ate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity beet all Maple Slats., Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling iCedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 08 residence 212 or 68 New Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. ' We have them for sale -three -burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and See Them - W. R. PINDER Phone 165 Hamilton Street .. -.+alta •+ •oewaros to>isOMssa • 01sekm -Exvtvsiv! Aoxzna von - 1E1110 THE COAL THAT 'SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs, Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just recei'ed. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 7., B. ) . Saults' Residence 27.5 W. W Saults' Residence 2112 Life after all is a big bundle of little things. • Give your tongue more holidays than you give your brain,,. col of Commerce \CLINTON, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BEGINS A P R Oth,__ 1917 You have alwa) intended to take a Comtnercial and. Steno graphic Course me ra hie our. so me. Do it now. A course here uts y on in a position to command good income whenever and as lo you want it. Can You in%st your money and time in anj. stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? a., We Guarantee Positions to Graduates Write for frill information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, .A., M. Accts. Pttomt 208 Priscipsl "1 4