HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-14, Page 1_ -a.oecz6e ; yew ' - TAB SIGNAI, r ready to handle your Prbting work, large or small, sad give yea a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next artier. Telephone 35 The Signal BIITY-NINSTR TaAN-Jin Have You Forget len i nTI Ys to pay your wtbsoeiption for The Signal for 1917 P We need the money, and if you are in arrears would ask you to make payment ProIn-y- 'DO IT NOW OF CANADA The hardships of today are less severe to the man who cultivated the savings habit in the past. 110110E TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CRBDITORt3. 1M 7111 MaT7nit OF Tai VOTATB or PHII.Ir HOLT, I.3T1 OF TMs TOWN OF GODaUIUH, us Tea COUNTY Oar WHOM. Itspclas, Worry Jroa1. onosesan. Notice is Denbyiveo tunuant to the Re wired dtatetea of Guthrie, 1911. Chapter 111, that ell creditors zed other. Davin}' claims ogaioat the net ate of the .aid Philip; Holt, wbq died ea or about the 18th day of April, L 1917. rue required, on or before the 1.t day of July. A.D. 1917.10 send b poet, prepaid, or daliver to the vodenigned soliciWn for fes oaeeotor. of the sold deos.ed, 'heir l;"mistier ear .uroame.,- addressees and deaorlpllons the full particulars of their Mains., the state- smen of tb.lr accounts end for nature of the Of &Hy) heir' by them. Aa0 Uvroza TAKE Nortcg that after *sob Irt-meoti000d date the rid executors win peered to distribute the earl. of the said de - among the parties entitled thereto, lav te grrd only to the Maims of which they . ball thea have nab. end that e said n e cutore will not be Noblthe e]or the raid aeerte, o r soy parr thereof. to any per YOU or pareoa e F wMoe dolma ootbs shall not have been r.oetved by them at the tits of such dfetrlbe- tion. Dates at Ooderich, this 4111 day of June, A. D.1917. PROLDFUOT. KILLOItAN & (AOKL, W.% SeYNten torr said EaecuLort W ANTED. - ARM HOARD WANTED.- tail mete ked geed form o. aar M et eke Mures, teem &boot mid at Joky to of Augur. Give toll partleularsas toIOWW, lawet lee ,aeta. sad dote • ,le.me second H.. nlgs&!t Oft S ee. poderiMi. WAANNndTdID.-wFmANILY WASHINGS WJL Pltstpl Nle. YayaiW sed. AomeN RRS FOR SALE OR RENT. WARM N'OR $ALE. -WT d, CON- 1. CESSION 7, Colborne town.hlp, ooeal.Uug of one hundred acres of the best farm land to the tow treble. Gond orchard. Monty ofoedar arid some other bob. (Mod spring water, never goer dry M anomer and never ovwaow. In winterOn she farm la a good Lwo-ctory, rod brick house. Horne, stabler sed shed. In drst- era. condition. Two- third. of poroha.e money ma) remain on mortgage at eve per ant. Ap ply to THOS. BURNS, R.N. No. 5. Goderich. Rett HOUSE FOR BALE. -A81 AM heaving Ooderieb. I wLh to veil my house on Brock street. Terms and other p.rticulare on applloat ion. Also for sale three stover rod a tee articles of furniture. Apply u onoa, as vs leave Goderfok this sest1, CEO, B. EMI!. hip. f♦tt TORENT.-UA FUItNI8H0D. apartments akevo Mr. L R Wigle'. store. Also oo(tege on Bafleld road. Aptly MRS JAMES WILSON. North W*et. ea.tt FOR BALI. -HOUSE ANI) TWO on Reay. street. Frame house. co Ing eight an modern improve - ore otos Nitration cad convenient toCollett ate lnatltots. Aro are ecus of Iandaltu.tsd oe the Hayfield road, meltabl. for west. garden- ing, rind two Iota in wast end of town, deslr- oW b°bion iota Apply to JORN W. 8ALKLLD ahem - 91s r'JE R R Ne, t rt ISAAC tsA1C4t FOR BALE AT A GENUINE BAR- GAIN IF TAMIL'S ATONCL A timer, triune deadline. eestaldag parlor, din kit_tf , pantry. three bedroom.. both. amt, raolsta tights, hot zed cord water a taps la AM aod b&lbroom, and a arate4•ae1. UlI.II tbted ostler with ttlaa- wat Soon under 11 the rm. sa _ . flaw r NW K rthe propertyr Convenient to Vto- te Inatltote. Prise to nit toeo0.ser sennas, parlor oirit r co.. I. MATED. - A WAN'rRD.-A WOMAN TO FAKE are of as old lad Apply MR y1TLPHEN YATAR. St. Petr H. 's street. Alf lRLS WANTED. -APPLY (11ODE- lid 1UCH KNiTTING CO. AUCTION SALES. (1LKARING AUCTION BALE OF 8088LR 8, HANEaB, WAGONS AND U0O I L8. THE RIVER VALLEY CREAMER 00. will eetl by public auction at the Salinity prop- erty. west of Dunganoon, eel W EDN ESDA Y. JUNE 90th, 000mmencing at 0 o'clock .harp : Hoariest -Hal. chestnut hon., rell&bls and • food horse for women and children ; Dick. hay horse reit afraid of autos ; Jack. brown home, weeld be good third horse on farm; HUI, brown berm will work at anything ; Jack, black illta godd driver. urneal-One hese set of double harper, 1 heavy set of double hareem (good as newt. 1 medium set doable harne e. W1ooes.-1 heavy delivery wagon with platform soder*. apaolty 4.000 1ba ; 1 heavy delivery wagon. `apring.; 1 medium delivery wagon. 3 springs ; i light wagon with pole sod .hafts. I light wagon with pole, 1 boggy. Also et 111311 time Mr. Chas. Brown will sell : One lounge. 1 bedmhead. 1 floor barrel, 1 gal- vadr.d dnb, one kitchen table, kitchen uten ono ; 1 aged leneral prima.. house, I set single harness, 1 set plow harness, and other articles. Taws. -All sums of 00. end uncle...oath:over that amount. six months' dredltwtll be given on turnl.hlug approved joint rioter, or a distrust at rate of it per n.el. per Annum allowed ter cash on cm edit amonnts. Everything advertleed will honk'vely be sold, am the Company U using auto 1*ooka. A. P. D1r4HER, T. GUNORY, IRanswer. sotfone.r. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE MAINS The following 1a a list of properties which i Iters for sale. and oo Invent ration prospective bowers Afll find that the prior are pot' down where the properties can be purohaed to Make come money Na L Fine red brick hours folly modern, 10 mesa fall basement. corner East and VI whets. This M mon of the modesirable ertr. In the town of Goderich. Inc.'ie.9, Na 1. Fine rod brick hones, hilly modern, wet, hot water heating, 7 rnnrN, full b•aornent, 'Heated west side Victoria street This le the bee; buy In town. Price 04,210. No. 3, New red brick hour, jaat built 1019. electric Hight and Math, 7 roans. tbo Iota with frith tree and good "anion, more &milord. land 1f desired. situated earside Harm road. (food buy. Prtoe12,100. Na 4. White brick, leotory, 7 -room house. bath baand electric Solite. Mod harp, two lots with fruit tree., ettneted on the isomer of Cam- e ron and Raglan steveta. Price 01,A0n. No. 5 White brink 9 -room hoase, all modern essvenleneen, hot water heating, fireplace In living room and parlor. elta&ted on the corner of Nelms and /:amber. Price &Una No. R. Frame hones, 1istory. a rooms two iota with trait trees sita4ted on the west ride we of Widder set. ?'ries [7M. No 7. Frame house, 7 room.. and batt, two lets with frnit trees, a*tn.Gd on Warren street. Prkw OMs. No. R. Block of ode et Use herr garden ladle teen, steward ea lbs moa dd.01 Huron road N.. A One of the. ehol.eat bnj411ne Iota In rrteated oo •the Crescent. Full else lot. 071. Several other hiring. sen be had on &ppWiw- ties at ►he otaas N.mber of honor to rent. Pttreisbed and Unfurniabed SammieCot- tag'es. Wasted to Rent. - Six homes, with all coa'"'obeecea, at Odea sewssp gyp .1 W, Id. Phaasll. !. RSM 0 e kr ear two large beet tv,Mesees, asa ledatmd' rave ad oo1vsorna .. that wt its 1. doll vena die newsy. 87.01 1(ao8, GUNDRT. uodertah. JLYi►4 H RO. E. tIUNBURY, A. A. G. 0., L Joos Q Cr M., rewash_ soy , Tata* -ia of Ooze Lbneeh. Teacher_ gins•. vete prepared for examinations, ("radio-- etrect, four doors eat of Dr. Hunter's. NORA Ii~ HURLEY, L 1a U. M. Tesoker plaoo and theistical work. POpW prepared for examination+. Studio, 8t. David's street. 6191 FOR SALE MORE POTATOES FOR SALE Two carloads arrive this week. Get your orler in early. R. R. ELLIOTT. 'Phone 16 r 7 Goderich Rural. ;Box 371, Goderich P. O. VOR SALE.-SECOND-HANIl • baby carriage. Apply at SIGNAL OF- FiCE. 87-41 rFOR SALE. -O0 -DART, iN FIRST- CLASS condition ; large hood, wood Ade.AI..o • baby walker. Apply MRS.. m. H. T. ID IIiCT1ONARY FOR S A L E.- Splendid Dopy of Webster's international Ddoraary lover LPG ywgse1. Owner hwa no tber we for .ams and w sen at a barrels. Apply et rH it SIGNAL. LIIOR BALE. -ROWBOAT IN GOOD iL'' condition. Apply at SIGNAL utile& FOR HALE.-ON,R AUTO TRUCK, t' capacity 1i tons. Suitable tar exposer silvery er term work. Pneumatic tine trent, rear axle, the Rum.ell Internet geardrive. Speed. 19 tole miles per hour Y One Jitney auto ar, domed body ; to carry eprMt passenger.. Pneumatic Urea all round. f th an be mean at our taotory or drop um a poateeed for fall particulars and pries. Of eltber. THE PAOJCT GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD., 661.1 Holerich. One. CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battlllion for active Ser- vice overseas, I`have made arrange- ments wits MI', Nelson Yeo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of tbeir valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any bnsinese entrnsted to Mr. Veo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr, Yeo, No. IC. ., GODERIOH. ONTARJ THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917 PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTIt)E.-WE, THE U N D E R - SIGNED OROCEIUI of the town of (lode - nob. agree to Mese ear .tone co Wedueeday afternoons at 1 oalook during the months of Jaw. July sod Anger. R. R. Curr Deur Bees. 'tonewrouse a; MAIN JOHN drama J. clean JOHN Corr Ju. Leach J. H Pres W. J. au W. lima NOTICE. -OWING TO INABILITY to arum peeper talo serer.. It has been decided .0 motel the proposed Twelfth e1 July celebration to Ooderich this year. it.."). CARTER W. M..yyUL.Ne. *. GEO. If. SYMONDS. Secretary. NOTiCR.-ALL PERSONS ARE aerobe warned not to intrude on the grounds et the Uoderish Poultry Farm. V lalt- pi are *Mown If they oome In the right way, but the placer Oat a thoroughfare. OODERICH POULTRY FARM. NOTIOK.-ALL THOSE HAVING accounts with DR W. F. ("ALLOW are r /tussled to call at h(e qms aatp)4 annals for the payment of manse 7r.fiartaoiay, se he .1- re/tussled to proceed overran in the near future and wisher to hem all eccouMte .ural hteued up before he leaven. fll-tf NOTICE OF COUti:T OF, VISION. TOWN OF GODERIC \ ttse Take notice that 0.. Oouetof Heebien of the Town of Goderieh will bold its first bitting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, liodericb, for the purpose of hearing appeals against the Assess- ment Holl for the Town for the year 1917, on MONDAY, June l8tb, 1917, at 8 o'clock in the evening. All parties interested are requested to attend. L. L. KNOX. Town Clerk. Goderich, May Slate 1917. ee-ss TINDERS WANTED. TOWNSHIP OF WLBORNE. Tinders will be received by the under gond moil Jane 9D tar tho huddle' of two roma .hotmeot. at the Pfrimmer bridge at BeomU- Ier. Plana and .paollboatiooa son be seen at the clerk'. adios. Tb. lowest or nay tender not necewrrlly accepted. R llcILWAIN, Clerk. NW, Jas 11, iYl7. Et ANNUAL LIBERAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Nortb Huron Liberal Association for Provin- eial 'disks will be Lead In tb.two: liseedisy411 tii;'os sweilsg at 1.Wo Y p.m.. for the election of of leor. and the nomtna ton of a candidate for tbe On- tario Legislature. Prominent lady sod gentlemen speakeriallij be present to address the meeting. • A. the women of tbe Province have been given the franchisee, the worsen of the riding are invited to attend and take part in the business of the meet- ing. A large attendance of both ladies and gentlemen is requested, 1 SPECIAL FISH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY AT T111•. British Exchange Hotel ■ W. H. HAINES, Proprietor. ■ ♦ • RUPTURE IS CURABLE. Results Not Influenced by Age or Lt of Time Standing, Reports Expect. Rupture ie not a tear or breach in the abdominal wall, as commonly supposed, but it is a stretching or dilation of a natural opening, say" J, Y. Egan of Toronto, the noted rupture appliance specialist who will visit Goderich, Bedford hotel, nn Monday and Tuesday, Juue 25th and 28th. The "Curatrus" as now used and approved will not only retain any cue. of rup- ture perfectly, affording immediate and complete comfort, but Is intended to awist nature bo close the opening In the shortest time known without, an operation. This appliance has re- ceived highest awards wherever shown, producing results without harmful injections or other aid.. Mr. began has testimonials from our own section for inspection. If interested, call ; he will be pleased to show you same without ^barge. 2 t The grocers are commencing the Wednesday half -holiday for the stag- son, including the months of June, July and Anous. Mr. Wm. Lane, lnna l treasurer for the Belgian Relief Fund, reports one contribution in Nay ; Kea. Jas. Clark. proceeds of euchre tarty, $8.00. The Ahmeek Chapter i.O.D.E., will hold its regular monthl meeting In the court holies, on Monday afternoon, June 18, at 4 o'clock. A large attend' anew is requested, Am special horsiness will be traneacted. The sane of Rtothere vs. the Toronto Osmond Treats Corporation is Rolan on at Toronto dile week. This is the action taken on Mikan of taw mtmi- nLpsIlties guseant sing the bonds of the O. W. 8. Railway and involves a Imre masa d t1rOMy. JUNE WEDDINGS. beton s regular suiuwer visitor here. He and hie bride will make their sum - 1 1'sAtrfieits-Y17CH aet- Mr. Sennas btfrpughaa, sort of Mr. mid Mrs. Wm.'SSttr_•ugbar, of lieu - miller, was wedded at Brantford on Wednesday, June 6th, and The Braot- ford Expositor ahruuicles the happy event as follows : One of the prettiest of June wed- dlug. took place'et 4 o'clock oo \Ved- needsy after000e at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Dufferin avenue, when Blair third daughter, Grace Winnifred, became the charm- ing bride of Besiton Straughan of Minneapolis, Mi n., late of Goderich. Rev. Llewellyn Bi own,for of the First Baptist 0Orch, of which the bride was ar, officiated. Th. sweet-lookiMK wee gowned in white organdie, with the customary veil, and carried a bouquet of white rotes and Illy-oetbe-valley. 8be was assisted by her mist r, Miss Heler, in white organdie and carrying • large bouquet of Richaoond roans. The groom was attended by Reginald Beattie as beet Dean. Following the ceremony • dain'.y luncbeon was served, the guests being the immed- iate relatives of the contracting parties. The happy couple afterwards left for • honeymoon trip to Montreal and other eastern pointe before tak- ing up their residence in Minneapolis. The groom's gift to the bride was • string of pearls ; to the bridesmaid, a gold Irrsc,.lst, and to the erootesman, a pearl pin. Among the out-of-town guest. were Mr. and Mrs. Straughsn, sr., of Ooderich, the parents of the groom; Mr. and Met. 8traugh•n, jr., of (:oderieb, the former being the groom's brother; Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Kay. of Toronto, the latter the room's sister, and Mrs. Rodgers of the bride's sister. CHISHOL11-A OtTlN. Wednreday, June tali, at 9 detoek. St. Joseph's church, Kings- bridge, was the scene of • very pretty wedding, Miss Mery Elisabeth Austin, eldest deugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Austin, of Kingsbridge, being united In matrimony to Mr. Jobs A. Chis- holm, of Goderleb. the beide entered the churcb Ieanilg on the arm of her father, by erboailsise was given away. 8be lookedirlisb sod pretty in a gown of white silk ere s -de -chin. trimmed with georgette crepe and silver tassels and we•rnin • bridal veli caught up by a wreetb et orange bleesoola. She carried • beautiful bouquet of bridal roses. She sea• attended ley ber sister, Miss Violet. ail Detroit, wino wore pink silk draped with oqt, end white Net to Match, end 04afs.ed plpk cernatlYns iC . Wats. w , uia?' the ceswn oy, kb 7Das reformed by Rev. Pat wM.Oirnasek, the party drove to the home of the bride's par- ents, where a bountiful repast wee par- taken of by about seventy friends and relatives of the happy couple. Touts were given by Rev, Father Mc- Cormack, Rev.Fatber McRae of Gode- rich, and Rev. Father Moran of Strat- ford. After dinner had been served, the young couple drove 1.0 Goderich, to take the 2.30 train for a brief honey- moon trip to Toronto end Niagara Falb, carrying with theft a bountiful shower of confetti. The bride travel- led in • blue taffeta suit with white hat. The happy young couple were the recipients of numerous costo and handsome gifts, among them being some substantial cheques. The groom's gilt to the bridesmaid. was a cameo ring and to the groomsman gold cuff -links. Among those from a distance who were present at the wed- ding were ilr. Albert Sutter, of Detroit : Mrs. Simon McDonald, of St. Marys ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Stratford. REVELL-HENRY. An exceedingly pretty house wed- ding took place at 2 o'clock Satgqrday afternoon, June 2nd, in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. Revell, Victoria ave., Windsor, when their daughter, Alice Lillian, and Stewart M. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, Victoria avenue, Windsor, spoke thea vows in the presence of relatives and boat intimate friends. Rev. Arthur Carlisle, rector of All Saints' churcb, officiated. The drawing -room, where the wedding party stood, was decor. ated with a profusion of white lilacs, pink roses and white snapdragon.' in hanker.* bowed with pink tulle. Bas- kets of white lilacs bowed with white tulle ribbon edotned the living room. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Miss Marion Smith as the bridal part took their places'. The bride; who who given in marriage by her father, looked girlish and at- tractive in a gown of ivor c armeuse made with overskirt and bddjce of silk net, the regulation tulle veil:held in place by a coronet of orange 'blcs- some, and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia rosea, lilies of the valley and maidenhair ferns. Her sinter, Miss Gertrude Revell, attended her as maid of honor. Her gown was fashioned of maize Georgette crepe trimined with hands of satin of the same shade, and with it she wore • hat to match trimmed with yellow roses and black Why by r hhon. She carried a bouquet of pale pink sweet peas dotted with pink roses. Dr. Harry Smith of Windsor was best man. Following the ceremony a small reception was held. in the re .riving line, besides the bridal party, were Mrs. Howell, in navy blue crepe de chine and georg- ette, and Mrs. Henry, the groom's mother, wearing black silk. with touches of white. The dining -room was pink, • large hasket of white roam, white en• rations and pink sweet peas cent. the table. Mr. and Mrs. Henry left Immediately after- ward* on a wedding trip, the bride travelling in • navybine taffeta suit and black hat Tbride was the re cipf.nt of many ('0045.1.1 sifts. 'Mgeooaais well known 1. (4oderieb, mer home in Goderich thio year, having taken • cottage for the season. A GALLANT SOLDIER. -- Fellow-officers of the Late Lieut. A. G. Nisbet Pay Tributes to His Memory. Lettere regarding the death of her husband, the late Lieut A. G. Nisbet, have been received by Mrs. Nisbet from officers of the battalion to which be wan attached in France. He was killed instantly on the 111.11 of April during the attack on the Vimy Ridge in which the Canadian troops won such • glorious success. As Lieut. Nisbet wee un* of the best-known and most )ocular of the men who form Oodencbs noble contingent in the roll of the Canadian troops, The Sig- nal hes asked permission to publish some portions of the letters received Irum his fellow-offioers. The tinker commanding the battalion write., in pert, as follows : "I write with deep regret regarding the death of your husband, Lieut. Nisbet, -- oanadiaus. 'Phis oc- curred on the l ltb Apt it and during the live days' actou that has just taken place. Your huebend was in command of his men in that action and was doing splendid work when he was hit and instantly killed. Hee body was buried cu the Held, hut I have directed that it be moved to the military cemetery at Yellers -au -Bois, so that the grave can be properly marked and cared for. "Your husband has been directly connected witb this B..t,slion since coming to France, but bas been with us for only the past two months. But during that time he won general es- teem and his lows was • grief to all." The chaplain of the battalion writes : "You have my warmest sympathy in the heroic death of your beloved husband, Lieut. A. G. Nisbet, -- Oanedian Infantry Battalion. He was in.t•ntly killed while in action on April 11th, 1917, tied shares in the glory of the capture of the fatuous Vimy Ridge. He was buried by me in the Villers-eu-Bois military ceme- tery end his grave is No. 9, row A. plot 10. It will he marked by • neat wooden cross suitably inscribed. "He did ,his duty both nobly and well, and we all share with you in the loss of such 0 true and brave fellow. \Ve feel deeply for you in your pet- sonal bereavement, but it is the sad, sad lot of so many wive. these terrible days. Yet you can justly feel proud of your gallant husbend. History will one day ring with the praises of the many valiant deeds of our owe eediadian boys, and riglitly sp." Lives of btssthrs oft taesied w That success owner not by ehaese Bost Mese who win do not have "rear- ward" - Shiny places on their pants. \ - Get s hustle to "Pe idham the Tailor's: ised elsewhere in thi$ paper, Soc boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, also sample boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment, will be given away FREE at the store of J. A.CAMPBELL, druggist, Goderich, on FRIDAY of this week. Call and get samples of these famous medicines. THE NIUNAIZPRINTINO CO., 1I/11TM). Pt/sumacs THE LADS IN KHAKL There is • vacancy in town as bank messenger for • returned soldier. Further information may be had from `4ergt. T. Pritchard et the recruiting often in the Horton block. Sinus last week's issue there hes been but one enlistment at the local recruiting depot, Mr. J. C. Taylor, son of Mr. John W. Taylor, engineer at the Western Canada Flour Mills, who enlisted for the artillery, but was re- jected. A despatch from Galt announces that Nursing Sister Madeline F. Jaf- fray has been awarded the Cross de Guerre. She was recently wounded in the foot with shrapnel while Derv. Ing with the French Nursing Corps. Miss Jaffray has been overseas since shortly after the war broke out. She is a daughter of Mr. J. P. Jaffrey, Canadian Government agent at Phila- delphia, and s cousin of Mrs. C. A. Nairn, of Goderich. Gunner William McCamus, son of Rev. D. N. McCamus, put -president of the London Methodist Confereuce,is re- ported seriously wounded. He was prin- cipal of the Leamington Collegiate In- stitute when he enlisted. Mrs. Mc - Cannes, his mother. was formerly Miss Kate Jamieson, of Ooderich. Pte. Allen ARpdin, of Toronto, is in town this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Saunders. Pte. Aspdin is returned soldier, having been taken down with diphtheria while in Eng- land, resulting in • partial paralysis. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. 0. M. Holmes, pastor of 18. Baptist church, was elected moderator of the Walkerton Association of Bap- tist cburches at the annual meeting held at Walkerton last week. The Presbyterian General Assembly, meeting at Montreal, hits adopted • motion deferring all discussion of church union until the second Assem- bly alter the war. The resolution was passed without • dissenting voice. The pastor of the Baptist church, Rev. Gordon M. Holmes, announces the Sunday eervices as follows : 10 a. m.-Suteday school and Bible classes ; 11 a. m. -Preaching service by the pastor.il p. m. -Gospel ser- vice by leg pita or. The •mitral Sower Sunday will be bole l e ,iE a (Apish next Sabbath vked. . s sg.rltlar 1e-. Ji. t. McDeelofd's sent )wet')1{araagye.iela tb. Flowers." Weirdo* o* oah011e t : +`>• Peo- plea Response to Leadership." The final draft of stations in the London Conference of the Metbodiet church makes a number of important whangea. As announced Peat week, Kiev. 14r. RutJ.dge, now of . Clint4o. comes to North street Methodist church, Goderich. Re.. W. K. Hager goes to Aylmer. Rev, J. H. Osterhout, of Thedford, comes to Victoria street Methodist church, Rev. J. E. Ford be- ing placed on the superannuated list. Rev A. E. Jones, frotu Strathroy, goes to Wesleycburch,Clinton. Heb • form- er Auburn paster. Rev. W. Conway, now of Auburn, goes to 'Trowbridge and is succeeded by Rev. F. 8. O'Kell. Rev. W. R. -Darling is stationed at Bayfield, succeeding Rev. J. E. Jones, who goes to Verna. 1f quality counts, time Blackstone's (Ielis' ire cream "in bulk ur bricks for all occasions. 'Phone240. THE THE HUN MUST BE BEATEN le - There is only one way out. -New York Tribune. va.,MMapa,...- '" R/M11,M7.e111111i,e`w.twew, --)5o 0.-'H. T't"..s,n'J -, +srterase scialek ,s a Eke ri rates r. •, ,. -e' t0 DOMINION DAY NOTES. The agents of the Ford car will give a special prize of a dollar for (he beet - decorated Ford car on parade ; the agent of tbe Gray -Dort car will do likewise for the beet -decorated Gray - Dort car ; and probably other dealer* will make similar offer*. These will be in addition to the prizes offered by the celebration committee. The speeding events at the Agricul- tural Park in the afternoon will be a great attraction. There will be two races : Free-for-all, purse i*250. and 2 40 class, puree $150. These should make two good events. A junior bauebeell match will be • feature of the afternoon program. An artillery drill by a battery frcm either Guelph or London will be some- what of a novelty in Goderich. The ladies have kindly offered to billet the men during their stay in town. DUNGANNON. WEDNESDAY, JuNL 13. Mr. Donald McKenzie of 8oekatcb- ewen, is visiting his brother, Mr. It. A. McKenzie. Mr. end Mrs, J. R. McNabb and fancily and Mr. Wm. Mole motored to Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. W. J. Treleaven, from the West, ere visiting relatives here. Mr. J. R. McNabhand him son, Jobo, med. a trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. Thompson, of Woodstock, is the guest of ber daughter, Mrs. G. Layne,. Mrs, Robt. Treleaven has returned from Toronto, where she had been spending a week with friends. Mr. John Elliott has bought the Smith property near the Presbyterian church and will move to it. Miss ida Whyard has returned from New York and is at present at the dome of her brother, Mr. N. F. \Vhy- ard. Me. sod Mrs. Neegle, of 8t. Augus- tine, eve moved into the village and are occupying the house vacated by Mr. Jae. Row. Misses Myrtle Allen and Lillian Pentland have returned from Strat- ford after oompletiog a course in the Normal School. We wish tbem suc- cee.. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robb, of Loch - wish, called on friends here at the end of last week, on their return from Guelph and other points. Rev. G. Gomm, of Erskine church, has received s call from the Presby- terian congregation of 3lackstock, Durham county. We are sorry to report Irene lien - ill for the last two weeks. It Is most unfortunate, a, it will interfere with her examinations. The foliewleg eagdktates hem Dees snrt 8., wheat will write on the jeflIniftraduation examination nett wieir A. 111c Laaete, 1. ■eSel- very, N. Gomm, M. Peedand, 0. Fin- nigan, M. Orator, J. Risher, A. Cald- well, B. Errington and I. Carr. The Presbyterian congregation has decided to hold • lawn social on the manse lawn on the evening of July lith, Farther particulars wilt be an- nounced later. Word has been received this (Wed- nesday) evening by Mr. and Mrs. D. Errington of the death of their eon Frederick, who was dangerously wounded on June 5th. Dungannon mourns with the bereaved parents the death of their heroic son. BAZAAR. -The ladies .rt the bazaar committee, Mrs. R. Higgins and hire. J. Feagan, would like everyone inter- ested in the work for the soldiers to donate something for the bazaar which will be held in connection with the lawn social on the grounds of W. H. Maize. 4th concession of AehfleH, on July 4th. Donations should be sent in as soon as possible to the ladies of the committee. Among the vbitore to Goderich on the steamer lieeybound ere the fol- lowing : Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Green and Miss Annie Green, M and Mrs. George W. Cato, Mrs. J. . Powell, Mr. Logan, the MissesMutherlend and M. \'Vii Sutherland, Mr. Hart y Tut - ford, Mhos Jean Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. \Vatter Sharnieu, Mise Nina Sharman, Mre. (Dr.) Duggan, Mrs. Bert Harland end daughter, Mr. Roy shim man, Mr. F. H.Martin, Dr. Wes- ley Reid, Mr. Herb Reid, Mr. George Brophey, Mr. sod Mrs. \\-illinn' Hinck*, Mr. and Mrs. Alllert Hinck.., Miss Edna and Master Charlet. Hinck., Mrs. Burdett* end Miss Maxine Rur- dette, Mrs. Bartell and Master Fred Bartell, Mise Det'tudry, Mr, Nor -man McAuley, Mr. and Mrs. Will Strechan and daughter, Mrs. Murdoch McLeod, Mr. and Mts. Shipman. all of Detroit ; Mrs. (leo. Horner and Mre, Alfred Goodrich, Pontiac, Mich ; Jenles R. Degan, Sarnia ; ;Mr. 'Phonies Nairn, \Velketville ; Mr. end Mrs. Ed. Bates, Cleveland ; b(re, Russell, of Walker- vllle ; Mise Eva Jones), of Detroit, Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwards' is pure. Phone 230. AUCTION SALES. WienNrianAY. Jane 00. Clearing erection sale Of home., wagona and boggier, property of the River Valley Creamery ('n,, at the Swarthy property. 1)ungsnnon. A. 1'. 111en1., manager. T- 0u'vnar, auctioneer. DIED. ;ewe. -In Nnderteh, on Frldwy, Jnne 8, Har Droopier, A. IMmpr, widow of the late Ree. Prior. CAMLRON.-in Goderich. nn Seedily, Jnne 10. Janet Riddlertton Mclean. redid at the late Hon. M. C. 'Jasmines. In her OM year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 14 Pare Hesse for Sale ---Oso. H. /flee 1 Notice re Wednesday Morn( -Ti. Gremlin 1 Notice --L. 0. L. 1! 1 Tendon' Wanted-TowerNd et Odborns1 Aaetlon )MN-PJvwr vatry Creasers Co... 1 ' "