HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-7, Page 81 '1411V1.9DA4, Jtmlt 7, 1917
s'3!o Vis.., ..,.,"r
The Correct Way
to Select Wall
.In selecting Wall Papers do
not overlook the fact that
you have to live face to face
with them, and that simple,
graceful designs, combined
with a restful blending of
colors,will add to the refining
influence of any home.
We make a specialty of the
newest and best in Wall Paper
d beg to remind you of the
ictthat o01e1arge stock of
aper was purchased before
prices were advanced ; con-
sequently our customers get
the advantage of extremely
,r pricesprthis season.
mo iris Se lith Jvc per roll.
\ L'
Vareos and others retarding the road
at the foot o1 the hill at Mr. nem -
s1 -
log's, chiming that Mr. Fleming
had his fence no the township read.
Moved by Messrs. McCano and Currey
that the Reeve and clerk be a commit-
tee to investigate the same, and report
at next meeting. Carried. Moved by
Messrs Snyder and McCann that we
refund to the county treasurer
$100.70 on the Heeuey property wrong-
fully assessed and told for taxes as
being in block 0 Instead of In block
C. Carried. Moved by Messrs Sny-
der and Fisher Chet George Currey
see about having the McPhee pond
fenced. Carried. Moved by Messrs.
Currey and Fisher that the council do
hereby sanction the action of Reeve
Young in buying the Miller property
for township purposes- Carried. The
following aocouote were passed and
ordered paid : Alden Allen, sheep
killed by dogs, $26 ; Mee. S. Allen,
hoard for Engineer Bolton, $1.50 ;
Ross McNee. repair culvert, 50c.; J. R.
Holmes, refund Heaney property.
$10.70 ; C. C. McNeil, salary, X00 •
postage, 112 ; map Meneeetnng Park.
$1.60 ; register search, $1.54--$65.
Moved by Messrs. Fisher and Currey
that we adjourn to meet on June 12 at
2w. Carried. H. ltft'ILWAIN,
See The Signal's styles in wedding
announcements before placing your
order. They are the correct thing.
Delicious Vegetables for Noma Oar
Celery is a vegetable which is wily
grown, although most people have an
idea that it requires a greet deal of
waterlog and ouch specie! attentloo.
This Is a militate. If the ground Is
well fertilised or tweet' manured,
very little or no watering �s necessary.
A great deal of celery can be grown in
a small space by putting two rows
about 8 inches apart, placing the
plants in the two rows directly oppo-
site one another. In this way both
space and labor are economised,
eepeciall when, it la to be billed up.
Hy putting the plants from 0 to 8
inches apart In the row, and two rows
together, ILMI heads can be pptented In
about thirty feet. IL can be kept for
winter use by putting It in shallow
boxes, le.vin the roots a and water-
ing the roots ust when the I ops wilt
a little. In this way it will keep for
three or four months. Cauliflower is
another delicious vegetable that takes
little space and is as easily grown as
cabbage, but is often not found io our
home gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thompson. "Pioneer
Perm, Goderich township. announce the en
gageumut of their eldest daughter, Ruth M..
to Mr. B. H. Willing". of Torontoson of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Puck. In, of Pickering, 0,t.,
the weddlug to Lake place the last week in
New Ieventlee ketal.. Ibote►o
Wlpewt Kola", Danger et Pala.
aalsaes Lantos, allppio vussee and
man order mations are •war with
wonderful Invention • Canadian
t wtm has devoted )ears to this one
leiTimmarvelous sew Igoe 'WRATatlf"
lsslaat reteouoo, rest ase security where
errs hares tolled. It prevents all irritation,
restores every part wits tyre
Spun soas It V used, sad old4 style
thrown away. Egsn's "rurstrus" la e.1
tu assist astute to close the opeala�� ly�t tae short -
era time known without a ops�fgsa end at
small nest Testimonials fmet NNW wears and
preste. $.thing complicated. Ne
sass err toils et time, but Just a natural w
.level It costs you nothing W in WO.
Delays may be Montero'''. oNow Is the to
mate yourself physically et for your dally work.
Tear oa coupon now "Made In Canada"
. Y. NAlt, SPICIA1. T, WILL VISIT the towae
below. Pres demonstration and examina-
tion of samples. Ask at hotel omce for my
room. )tote dates.
Cltntoo, Normandie Hotel—June 23rd
Goderich, Bedford Hotel—
(Monday afternoon and night)
(Tuesday all day and night)
r is days only—June 25th and 26th
t •
Prey phons Here
insures their being filled faithfully
and accurately. It insures the
exact carrying out of the physician's
ideas and plans. It insures free-
dom from any possibility of error
in compounding. It insures re-
lief to the sufferer if medicine will
do it.
A. L. Caldwell
(itderich - Ontario
Enthusiastic Gathering at llama . en
Hensel!, June C.—Tbt
ing of the Liberal Associations for the
"tooth riding of Huron, both Federal
and Provincial, was held here today
and was a rousing and enthusiastic
one. Thomas McMillan, of Hallett,
Federal candidate, and Charles Bow-
man, M. P. P., addressed the meeting,
which was most representative. Mrs.
Hyslop, of Toronto, the women's or•
ganizer, also spoke.
The election of officers was one of
the most important matters before the
gathering. Three honorary presidents
were elected : Thomas Fraser of
Brucefield. Fred Hp.. of Zurich and
Alex. Mustard of Brucefleld.
For the Federal section the officers
are : President, H. Smith, Hay town
ship ; first vice-preeident, Don
McInnis, Exeter ; second vice- '-
dent, William Murdie, fie orth ;
third vice-president, J. Porte,
The Provincial office,* for the flat
tante include a women. They are :
President, W. Ftiyrty, U.bnrne : first
vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Madman,
Exeter ; secoptt vice-president, Jacob
Kellerman,Dashwood ; third vice-
president: Robert McKay, Tucker -
smith ; treasurer,_ John Pepper,
7.1%144; auditors, I)r. Alex. Moir,
Oen tall ; Dr. McKinnon, Zurich.
zz 1 he chairmen of muniripelities are :
Stephen township, T. Collins, Credi-
ton ; Hay township, Chu. Fritz,
Zurich ; Stanley township, David
Anderson ; Onderich township, E.
Wise ; Bayfield, William Thomson ;
Tuckeremith, William Black : Hen -
sell, Dr. H. O. Malloy ; Exeter. Charles
The election of Mn. Madman typi-
fied the new era in Provincial politics,
through "votes for women," and is an
innovation that is expected. to bring
forth great results. The speakers of
the afternoon paid their compliments
to the graft and profiteering of the
present administration and touched
on the questions of the day. The
need of greater production was
hrought home by the speakers, who
pointed out its naxesity.
Nineteenth Annual Excursion
to Detroit
Fast Steel Steamer
The municipal council of the town-
ship of Colborne met in the township
hall May 211. Members all present.
There were twn appeals against the
•e.eedntent roll, namely : The Canada
Company, a. being assessed too high,
and James McBride, as being aase..ed
too high. After due con.ideration it
was moved by Messy.. McCann and
Currey that no action be taken in re-
gard to the Canada Company's appeal;
and nn motion of Messrs. Snyder and
Mc()ann James McBride'. aseea•ment
we. reduced $loo. It was then moved
by Messrs Fieher and Snyder that the
court he clotted and the a.eeeoment
roll aces ted ea rnrreet ae finally re-
vised. (ferried. Council then opened
under general business. Minutes of
last meeting read and adopted on mo-
tion of Ma..r. McCann and Snyder.
A petition was dashed from J. A. S.
IF '=
:liattia ` rinli:u•-aikrulsaaasaz .-sagas
IA:-'S:.F'� ro•--rMur�s �+ �T trzliit/.. pi;
w*'r' _ • aA�. 4:4* *4 __r�1fUlt!11111Mf1
w7lwiwlll ���. 'titer L rn.s—.i t t
TIii Steamer Greyhound
Steamer �
Returning, leave DETROIT
for DETR
Arrive Goderich 9 p. m.
Arrive Detroit 5 p. m.
All Day Wednesday and DETROIT
Thursday Morning in
List Trip to Detroit ---Leave Goderich Friday, June 15th, 8.30 a.m.
This will be your only opportunity to visit Detroit by boat during the
coming summer, as there will be no regular steamer
service out of Goderich this season.
Canadians coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a head
tax or make a deposit. immigration officers will be on board steamer on the trip to
Detroit for the purpose of passing all excursionists.
Band Moonlight Excursion
Monday Evening, June 11, 8 p.m.
White Star Line
- - - Detroit, Mich.
New Scotch Linoteums
We have just opened up a big shipment of Scotch Linoleum'
right from the mills in Scotland. These goods are on
account of contracts made many months ago when prices
were considerably lower than they are today. They are our
famous "Wear Ever" and "Wear Hard" qualities that are un-
equalled for downright hard wear. The patterns are new
and exceedingly attractive. They come in 2, 3 and 4 -yard
widths. For rooms that will receive a lot of wear we cannot
recommend them too strongly. The advice from the mill is
that there are no prospects of lower prices for some t ne to -
come. If you have any idea of buying Linoleum we strongly
recommend you to take advantage of this chance to lay in a
supply before our present stock is exhausted.
Attractive designs — Unequalled for wear
New Nemo Corsets
A full stock of all sizes in the popular Nemo
styles now in stock. Nemo Corsets are unrivalled
for their 6t, their comfort and their wearing qualities.
They are in a class by themselves and are well
termed "Americas' Foremost Corset." There is a
Nemo style for every figure and we have it in stock.
Verandah Comfort
This is a good time to get your Verandah and
Awnings fixed up. We make new Awnings to 6t
any window or any verandah. repair and put up old
ones, and our charges are very moderate. Estimates
gladly furnished.
The Eureka Electric Vacuum
Po you know what a real saver of labor the
Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner is ?. It practically
banishes sweeping day hos the home with all its
---hard tabor, dust and annoyance. Ask any of the
satisfied users of this wonderful labor-saving machine
est what it means to them to have it in the home.
will gladly send one and demonstrate it for you
if you wish. The manufacturers have arranged for a
special trial offer this month. We will demonstrate
the machine for you in your home, let you try it out
yourself, and if you decide to keep it you may pay for
it in easy monthly instalments if you desire to do so.
Sheer Hose for Summer Wear
\ Splendid assortment of Lisle;, entre good value
in sheer Hose for summer wear, Fine I,isle, artificial
silk o real silk, in black, whiter, and practically
every anted color. Prices run from 26c fog good
Lisle H. e, with better qualities at 35c and 45c in
Lisle an. ilk ankle, up toll 50 for the real silk.
Ex - Good Stocking at 25c
We are bowing an exceptionally gond Stock-
ing for ladies at 26c per pair. These are strong,
serviceable, d. ble.spliced where the hardest wear
comes. Cannot • repeated at this price. White or
black, all sizes, a • per pair 25.
Child n's Hose 2oc
Exceptionally • .. wearing qualities in child-
ren's ribbed Hose. leas feet, fast dye, all sizes.
Per pair 20.
Summer Millinery
Special showing of sutsimer Millinery every
day this week. New shapes\ and models right
from the centres of fashion. cot ectly trimmed for
summer wear. Come and see t em whether you
wish to purchase or not \
Habutai Silk, black or
white, yard wide. excep-
tionally gond wearing
quality. Per yard $L(10.
White, not quite so good,
eft per yard 99c and 9Uc.
Direct Importers Goderich
Nerves Weak
Had Hysterics.
Orillia Lady Tells of tier
Pitiable Condition When
the Nerves Gave Way
and She Became
Sleepless, Irrit-
able and Ex-
Colitis., Ont. June 7.—There is an
abundance of proof found right here
in Orillia that Ur. Chase's Nerve Food
is unrivalled se • means of forming
new, rich blood and building up the
exhausted nervous system.
At this season almost everybody
feels the need of restorative, tonic
treatment to keep up vitality and
ward off the tired, languid feelings.
This letter will give you some ides of
the splendid results to be obtained by
using this great food cure :
Mrs. Percy Moulding, 28 West
street, Orillia. Ont.. writes :
"Home years ago my nerves got the
better of we. I became so had that on
one occasion, during a thunderstorm,
I had a severe attack of hysterics.
Then I became anxious about my con-
dition. it was sleeplessness and n. r-
ectos debility that were my trouble.
Some nights it would be 1 o'clock be-
fore 1 could get to sleep. Knowing
the good results obtained from the
use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, I com-
menced a treatment. I took about
seven boxer, and gradually I could
feel my nerves becoming steaand
my appetite returning. I couldsleep
well, and stay alone without anydiffi-
culty. Some little time ago I com-
menced losing in weight, and I begar
using the Nerve Food again as a tonic;.
I used only two boxes, and recovered
the weight I bad lost. i cannot e�k
too highly of Dr. Chase'Nerve food,
and when 1 see anyone looking ill or
nervous 1 say, 'Get busy and use
some Nerve Food.' "
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a
box, • full treatment of 6 bones for
$2.50, at all dealers, or Edntansnn,
Rates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do
not be talked into accepting • substi-
tute. Imitations onlv disappoint.
The monthly meeting of the Red
Oroes Society took place in the jury
room of the court bonse on the even-
ing of Monday, May28th, with Presi-
dent Reynolds in the e chair.
The reports of the committees were
e. follows : Yarn committer—ezpend-
iture $134.40 ; shipment, 904 pain of
cooks, value $204 Sowing committee
—expenditure $184.65 ; shipment, 98
bathrobes, 11 day shirts, 4 suits
pyjamas, 2 pars bed Docks, value
$101.48. Maple Leaf Ohapter--expend-
µun•, $30 90 : shipment. 14 sheets, 10
Turkish towels, M towels, 89 pillow.
ini value $02.80. Tuftal expenditure
.04 : total value of shipments
The secretary's report was es fol.
lows : Balance from last month,
$285.152. Receipt.—Mr.. Field $o,
Mrs. Roberts $6, Miss Kate Wataion
V. Mr. Million Se : ward collections
—St. Patrick's $60.73, 8t. George's
$32.04. St. David's $35.20. St. Andrew's
$50.25, W. C. F. M. employees $28.15 ;
total ward collections $211.27, and
total receipts $223.52. Expenditures,
$350.04. *stance available for next
month, $149.50.
Purchaser to the following amounts
were authorized : Sewing committee,
1175: yarn committee, $50 ; Maple
Leaf Chapter, $25.
It was suggested that, in view of the
shortage of funds, and declining ward
collections, the collectors be requested
to make collections regularly, and to
hand the Red Cross money directly to
Mr. Robertson if the ward treasurer
should be absent. Mies Allen re-
ported that the total Red Cross ship.
ment from the Goderich centre for last
month was valued at $1,484.35. as
compared with a value of $1,842.00 for
the previous month. Since the meet-
ing the following additional amounts
have been received, and are acknowl-
edged with thanks: Miss Bertha
Trainer, $25 ; Dr. Holmes, $10 ; Miss
Caroline Cox, $2 : dancing cease, 30c ;
Mn. Charley Black. $6.55.
The Society thankfully acknowledges
the following contributions of socks :
Mise Sherry, Mrs. James Gordon, 5
pairs each ; Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Mee.
Lane, Mn. W. L. Horton, 4 pain each;
Miss McPherson, Mrs. Hillier, Mrs.
Jane Millian, Mrs. Reynolds, sr., Mn.
McDougall. Mrs. Will Carey, Mre.
Challen, Mre. Geo. Woods, 3 pairs
earth ; Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs, James
Clark, Mrs. Doolittle, Miss Sharman,
Mrs. Goldthorpe, sr., Mn. H. J. A.
MacEwan, Mn. Joan Sim dy, Miss
Farrow, Mre. Rohl. Sharman, Miss
Whitely, Miss LeTouzel, Mre. Hinck,,,
Mn. Jennie McMath, Mts. Wm.
Waite, No Name, 2 pain each ; Mrs.
Harry Hunt, Mrs. Oray (Port Albert),
Mrs. Geo. Thurlow, Mrs. Wm. Young,
Mn. Yeo, Mrs! Geo. Rhyme. Miss M.
Dark, Miss B. Porter, Mrs. Hwaffield,
Mts. Burritt, Miss Burritt, Miss M. A.
Burritt, Mrs. Foster, Mn. Wilson,
Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Yatee, Miss Arm-
strong, Mrs. Weller, Mrs. Moore, Alis.
Helen Cook, Mr.. R. H. Johnston,
Miss Nona Craig. Miss Gladys Haulte,
Mrs. 0. Nairn, 1 pair each.
So many imperfect "Kitchener" toes
are being made that we hope to pub-
lish in the local papers an accurate de-
.cription of a perfect one. We would
advise those snaking the round toe
perfectly to continue to do .o ; how-
ever, directions for a proper,K I tchener
toe may he had at any time at the Red
Cross knitting department in Hod-
gen. Brte.' store.
Will all those having finished socks
kindly return them a8 .von as possible,
as it is feared the June .hipmen will i
not he as large a. had been hoped ?
The need was greater. Will
knitters kindly remember thin 'r
Hie first Inc. and hie first shave are
two episodes in every young man's
saner. and with one of Pridham the
Tailor's bulls on be iabappy•
1 Isor mosiorisamoope—moia
hens fibs wit
West folks forget that the kidneys.
like the bowels, get sluggish and slogged
and need • flushing occasionally, else we.
have backache and dull misery in the
kidney region., severe headaches, rheu-
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis-
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or piin in the kidn.y
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salta from any good drug store here.
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for • few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the weld of
grapes and lemon juiee, combined with
Lithia, and in harmless to flush clogged i
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralises the acids '
is the trine so it no longer irritates.
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inerpensive;
maker a delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which everybody should talcs
now and then to keep their kidneys (leas,
Mus avoiding serious complications.
A well-known local druggist says be
sells Iota of Jad Salts to folks who believe
la overcoming kidney trouble while it y
only trouble.
dam- �--- • —
Taking Chances
with old glasses, other people's
glasses, twenty-five rent, gleams,
mail order glasses, or no glasses
im a riak that cannot be ignored.
One may take chances on the
fit of a shoe and late money
only. Rut taking chantee with
your eyes may cost you both
money and what is still harder
to replace—your Eyesight.
Take advantage of our fifteen
yearn of Optical experience.