HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL - GO 1, RICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, JONi 7, 1 9175 w shipment of "Brantford Red Bird" and "Standard" Bicycles have just arrived. and you had better get busy if you want that wheel this year.aa they are hard to get. (CYCLES EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER 11 Phone IS8 SIDE with others, we are confident our shots will reveal their superiority ata glance. Fash- ioned in the mutt approved and up-to-date styles from the best quality leathers, our new lines of high sod tow shoes represent the very best values to be found anywhere. They will give maximum satisfac- tion from any angle --appear- ance, comfort or wear. Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario - TOMORROW - Might Be Too Late How many times have you thought of visiting the photographer ? Yes, and then overlooked the matter in the press of other affairs. THIS TIME YALE IT CERTAIN Come in for a sitting today J. T. FELL SUCCESSOR TO J. W. TRUSSLER. LAra TOPICS —r— Dr. MacFarland's Death. Word bias been received of the death of Dr. F. H. MaoI•rland. which oc- curred at Philadelphia May 110th. Dr. MacFerland for sons. yea's spent part of the summer at his place en the Hayfield road. but last summer. pot being very well he omitted the usual visit to Oodericb. The final illness was of only • few days' duration. Harbor Notes. Therewere three arrivals at the har- bor this week. On Tuesday the steamer H. J. Fitagerald arrived with 3.000 tons of coal for the Western Canada Flour Mills. On the same daily. the steamer Morioka came in with 1110400 bushels of Wheat for the Ooderich Elevator Co. The steamer Graham arrived tint evening with • cargo of wheat and oats. Remember the "Moonlight." The steamer (r bound will arrive from Detroit on Mondaynd in the evening. at 8 o'clocs, wilatake out an excursion under the auspices of the tioderich Musical Society. The band has hero practising for this event and with good wether Were should be a large crowd and an enjoyable three hours' sail on the lake. The Bible Society. Rev. W. ,E. Hassard. of Toronto, secretary of the Canadian Bible So- ciety gave very interesting addresses in behalf of the Society nn Sunday and Monday, end as a result of bis visit to Goderich the Society will receive stronger support here. Al the meet- ing on Monday evening local officers were chosen as follows : President, Mr. A. M. Robertson ; vice-presidents, the local clergymen ; secrrtery. Mr. J. P. Hume ; treasurer, Mr. W. F. Mattel . Look Who's Here 1 A welcome visitor to town this week is Mr. Chas E. Compton. of Ot- tawa, who a few years ago was assist- ant editor of The Signal and wielded a lively pen under the pseudonym of "The Hawk." Mr. Cotnpton is now the editor and publisher of "The Mirror," a monthly publication at the Dominion capital which is making rapid headway under the impetus of the publisher's irresistible vigor and enthusiasm. Mr. Compton ban been looking up his old friends and is being warmly greeted after an absence of three years He return' east tomor- row. Going to Peterboro'.. - PERSONAL MENTION, Lot We. Young. d(ochraasf•t leg him relative* In Colborne town.blp. Mrs. D Steddsrt len on Tuesday a whet lt H her sou, Herbert. at Morden. Man. Mir Ida L Vanstooe len Wadne-day[ for a =oath'. visit with frisods at Chicago. Mr. K. R. WIgle t. at Toronto attending a =swung of the oosnct' .f LM C,tUege of Phar mosey. Mr. rhea. Girths le attending the London Methodist Conference am a repreeeotat iso of North street church. altar µa ei Elliott a la York since bet return from Knslattd. Row. Gordon M HOODS. Ie at Walkerton this walk attending the the igsetite�o es ot dela Mrs, A. Q. Macdonald tett on Tuesday morn Ing to wooed the esatmer at the home of her non. Mr. Gorse Macdonald. at Waldeck. Seek. T. Currie of Wingha, es --Warden of Huron county, 1.1n m n tpwn today end 1• westing old frie-d. et Um court 'b ur., where the county council L In extra. Alio Mary Miller. of dsekstoon. was In town for the week-eod with her a nt . Mrs. before and Mr.. Oeorys Asdre leaving for duty 1n the ho.pitale overseen. Mr. V. J Tomer. who ha.. been imminent superintendent for the Prudential Inectwoe Cs IntOoderlch. attar a reosr.l [rear of ...or* L mevtnx tblm week to Toronto to follow the sacro work In the ammo taverna. Pte. t It. Hoeb fid. of Toronto. le wishing his r Mr. .ed M -a J. R. Rombsll. Pte. wo mow be and me womband n'nded *1 55o haute . la gramme for toftVtee., 1 Ho ha. been hems co furlough sad expecte to return to the frost to August. entre NO, Proprietor WEEK OF JUNE llth, '1917 Monday and Tuesday Mr. Robert Edeson, in "For a Woman's Fair Name" A five-part Vitagraph feature. ALSO The Great Serial Story "The Secret Kingdom" Wednesday' and Thursday Blanche Sweet, in "UNPROTECTED" dal Friday and Saturday A BIG SPECIAL FEATURE The Heir to Hoora" USUAL PRICES ALL WEEK WALLACE REID and CLEO RIDGLEY, in "The Yellow Pawn" Dodd's are the only fus.il;urw [kat Kidney se :j Pills curable until Dodds Kidney Pills cured it. Docters themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Pins tare the first n.edeMhe that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations --box, name pill, are advertised to do but the medicine that air curs iabotos is Dodd's Kadoey Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggrsta. 1 Mi. Geo. H. King, who has been organist and cboirmest•r of North street Methodist cburob for the past seven years, has tendered his resigna- tion, hewing been appointed to • sm- ilax position in the First Methodist church at Peterboro'. We understand the appointment includes the engage - meet of Mrs. King as.oprano soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Hing will leave Gods - rich at the end of this month. This announcement will doubtless be read with regret, not only by the people of North street Methodist church, but by many others. Mr. King bee given good and faithful service. and :Mrs. King is one of the most popular singers that Goderich baa had In many years. The new appointment, however, will provide • larger scope for their skill and talent as ru.lcianu. A Mysterious Disappearance. A strange story comes from Detroit of the disappearance of a young man who formerly wan a reriideot of (lode - rich. Two weeks ago last Tuesday morning, about l o'clock, Mr. Arthur Hopkins left his home in I hat city.to go to the factoryln which baba -Wen working in order to get his tools, hav- ing secured employment at another place nearer his home. He reached the factory and procured his tools, and that is the last that is known of his movement's He has in some way dropped completely out of sight. Mr. Hopkins is twenty-eight years of age, and has a wife and two children. His mother, Mrs. Hopkins, lives in Gode- rich. He is a machinist and for some time worked with the Road Machinery Co. here. The polioe have been work- ing on the case, but so tar without tangible result. The Price of Clothes Like everything else, tail- oring prices have ad- anced somewhat ; but — we are trying to keep them within reaching distance, and at the same time maintain the stand- ard of quality which marks the clothing turned out of our shop. Now would be a good time for you to order your summer suit. R. 1. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, Goderich. north. The agitation locally is said to be growing• The fruit wholesalers are especially bitter, as tbeir ship- ments by express have been heavy to these posol. lb LH. peat, and now the reoeut change bee amide it almost utterly iwpoesibw 1.0 ship perishable goods to this dueotioo at all. The amenity/ express, which leaves the local depot at 10.111, and which former- ly arrived at Oodericb at 1.10 in the sfternoon, now doe* not move at the Irks post mita 7.10 in the evening, too late for the delivery. The other ex piss leaves here' at 8,16 p. w., and arrive, at Goderich at 11.46 p. we In this case also the goods must lie in the car or sheds ell night. The trans- portation committee- proudest to give Use twitter all due consideration, and should who's be deemed adv[.. b' the same will be taken at the earliest possible moment. Public School Board. The monthly alerting of the public school board waft held on Monday. Principal Sharinen, Central school, re- ported on the toll lib boys and 1011 girls, to'.al 174 ; average attendance 61 boys and tin girls, total 166. Amount deposited in the Penny Bank during the month, $48.118. Principal Johnston, Victoria school, reported on the roll 'at boys and 181 girls, total 4114 ; average attendance 186 boys and 155 girls, total 300. Amount deposited in the Penny Beak during the month, $101,41. The secretary reported the following payments : Signal Print- ing Co., $3; Fred Hunt, supplies. $LHi ; war stamps, $2 ; J. J. McRwen, $73.&4 ; 0. F. Carey. Northern Insur- ance Co., $14 ; W. R. Robertson, Al- liance Insurance Co.. $6.1111 ; pity sheet for month, $87.48. Total SO:N.12. Previously reported, $3,8090'1. Total to date. $4738 00. The following reso- lution was adopted : "That in future no teethe[ s shell absent themselves ex- cept is Mae of personal or family ill- ness. If absent -for any other cause they shall provide • substitute at their own expense." The question of coal supply was referred to the chairman of the board and contingent committee to report when definite arrangements can be made for supply of coal. Mr. Acheson gave notice of. a motion to come up at the next meeting that no entertainment in connection with the public schools be held iu the ()pep House until pawed by the board. s - SINGER STORE - CLEARING SALE OF GOODS A11" lines to be sold at once New stock—best material possible in each line Do not make the mistake of missing theseyj ncy Goods, Dry Goods and underwear Specials for ThisWeek Babies' Summer Bonnets Ladies' Corset Covers- •- Ladies' Collars, and Lollar and Cuff Sets Girls' and Ladies' Middies ALL VERY CHEAP MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE — OBITUARY. MRS. oaOMOtt BISHkT. Vl, iib much regret the people of Goderich learned of the death of Mrs George Bisset, East street, which oc- curred on Sunday, at the age of fifty- four years. The deceased had lived here ell her life. Besides Ger husband, she leaves an aged mother, M res. Blank, of Elgin avenue, and a sister in De- troit. Mrs. Bisset was a woman of large sympathies, and was active in many good works, and especial) took a prominent and useful part in the ac- tivities of the Women's institute. Her husband has been in very poor health for some time, and there is much sym- patby for him in his loss. The funeral took place to Maitland cemetery on Tuesday afternoon and was largely a tended. The services were con- ducted by Rev. R. C. McDetmid, and the pallbearers were Messrs. Con, Charles and Roy Bisset and Wm. Moore. JAMBS WAwANOOM JACKMAN. There died et Alexandra hospital on Friday last James Wawanoeh Jana - man, an old and well-known resident of West Wawanoeh. The deceased was born near Nile seventy six years ago, being the first white child born in the township of Wawaposb. He spent all hie life until about a year&go at the place of his birth. For the last few months he bad been living with his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert, Sym - da, of Saltford, from whose resi- dence the funeral took place to Mait- land cemetery on Sunday. The funer- al services were conducted by Rev. W. K. Hager, and the pallbearers were Mayor Munnings, Charles Oil - vin, John Dustow, R. Ryan, C. G. SQUARE Newton and James Holland. Mr, Jackman is survived by three sons and three daughters : ltd., of Winni- peg ; Oeorgr, of Dungannon : Ernest, BANIIS OP CANADA. The Problem' of Funds when Travelling Is most satisfactorily sorted by carrying them In the form of Letters 11 Credit se Travellers' Chews issued by the Union tank el Canada. You can draw against them practically anywhere, In Canada or abroad, and uo cos' else cat& realize on them- Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. It. TAKING A HOLIDAY? Then don't forget you will Deed some Zam-Buk. Nothing stove the plea of sunburn and draws out the soreoew sn quickly. Zans-Buk al[or ends dstthe Irritation rashes,tender blistered eyed uito (ftes eet, and is equally good stiffness and aching muscles. As a "first aid.' Zamhuk is invaluable. lfappited Immediately an Injury is sustained there 1s no danger of festering. All druggists and stores Sac. boa. AMUK 00THING AN a HEALIN Rev, Mr. Powell's New Position. Mr. Peter Cole. of Goderich town+hip. For the last f( ur years he has resided The Committea of One Hundred, at Seattle, where he' holds a good which circulated the petitions for position, owns a house and lot, and taxies prohibition Iasi year, baa deciddeedd has taken out his first papers to he - ti continue ire existence for a while come a United States citizen. Three longer and to exercise some super- months ago be cause to Ontario on • vision of the enforcement of the On- tari(t Temperance Act. In looking visit, his wife, who also is a Oanedian, being with hi A few days ago they stout for a man to direct this work iu went to To toen route t i their Scotland, on August Loth. 18:M1, an Western Ontario, the Committee Western home, but the immigration name to Caned. In 1857, rt the age of found that Rev. E. G. Powell. Held authorities absolutely refuted to avant twenty-one yeah, He first settled in secretary for Huron sand Parch, leu the necr'erry passport, t6nugh in• Galt, where so many of the Scottish the beet man available, and t6• local formed of the circumstwn^es. A visit pioneers wade their Met, home in this executive was asked to release was made to the United Stat consul. podotry, and where he continued to him. He will now be rtrtiooed .t with no more •success. After Mr, Uub I reside tor a number of years., In 1870 London ard will have charge of the had spent nearly a week in a vain en- he moved to H+ber ofn, where he re- mained enforcement work of the Com- deavor to get back t i Seattle, a friend a mo for Glx yearn, when he came mitten of One Hundred in Western suggested that he telegraph the Super- to Seaforth, which has continued to Ontario, including Huron and Perth. intendant of Immigration at Ottawa, be his horse for the past forty-one The county temperance organization giving the circuwetances and asking yesra. For a number of yearn be was enforcing the C. T. Act. Mr. Pelrw will, however, continue its work in his help. This saes dune, and Mr, engaged in the produce business of Oole was relieved of further worry by Mr. 1). D. Wilsaa, later engaging in remains as county officer and a new • message le *tine that proper papers the same business for himself, which Held tecretaIy will ptob•bly be ap- should bre Isonal him at once. he carried on until a few year. ego, pointed and the work *o well begun will be carrion on vigorowiy. Agitation .t Brantford. .ince which time he had lived retired. Empire Day Program. , The H. to:tford Expositor says : For 1.6e peat year or more he had been biding, his m A pretty and animated scene was presented on the grounds of Victoria school on Friday afternoon. when the Empire Day program, postponed from May Med, was carried nut. The sun shone warmly on the lawn, where a temporary platform had been ar- ranged, around which the pupils and A large number of adults were gathered to take part in the proceed- ing. or to see and hear them. Tia _ - prostateincluded songs, drills ., recite - tions, a Mayei Maypole dance. • verypre, ty "Japanese chorus," and other In ele- ing features, which were all carried 1 out, most successfully under the direc- tion of Principal Johnston and the r assistant rasher.. Rev. R. O. Mc - Det mid acted as chairman and ..d - dresses appropriate to the occasion were given ity Roy.. A. I. G. Clarke and Mr. J. B. Toe. Mr. O. H. Ring and Miss Del. Nairn gave valued ae- sNr tanoe as piano aonipantsta.s Had His Own Trouble When the new law relating to ('ana- dlans;ming to the Ptatrs went into effect last weak. some of the Imesltrrr Ural officer* hardl knew what its pro- visions meant, with Um . result t.het 1 they wort,very th ystrict and arbit Bors is Keandan Geis L the youngest soO et of Carlow ; Alice, of 'Toronto ; Mrs. H. J. Kerr, of Nile, and Mrs. W. J. Powell, of town. ^• JOHN )irNAH1t, SEAFORTH. The death occurred at his home at Seaforth on Wednesday, May Lird, of John McNabb, in his eighty-first year. The following reference is made by The Seaforth Expositor : The late Mr. McNabb was torn In Kirkoswald, The Gra nano. talion "on►mittee of the Board ,ei Trod. is slated to meet in the near future to discuss the matter o.ce the rent changes in the timetehie a the Grand Trunk System, threat change. in the service affecting the t'av-llingg public and the wholesale's south aMt, *tford, in the way of trav- elling or shipping tan Mitchell, Sea - forth, Clinton, Goderich and pointe ain trouble being its affliction of the limbs, which prevented to a great extent his getting about, hut otherwise he was endowed with a remarkably robust constitution and had been up in the house on the Mon- day previous to his death. He wits a genial, whole -smiled man, who hod many old friends amen his large business asqu.intancee, all of who' will sincetely regret his death. In politics he was a staunch Liberal and in religion a Presbyterian. in 1863 Mr. McNabb was united in marriage in Harriston to Miss Katharine Moore, who with two daughter*, Mise Belle and Miss Helen. at home, and one son, John R. McNabb, of Dungannon. I. left to mourn his demise, Mr. Mc- Nabh was the Inst survivor of • family of sixteen, thirteen hos and three girls. The funeral service wee eon - ducted (sons his late realdenoe on Fri- day. the remains being laid to rest in Maftlandbank cemetery. Mr. J. T. Fell, Tate of ' Reafnr• h, tlllf hes eueceeded Mr. J. W.1•rue►ler {a the photographic bovine... has taken p.tsewaaion of the studio and asks • .bare of the bu.Ine.s in his line. His annrtw,scetuettt avower' in Use saver - done wieners .f The Signal thi. *ask. Kodak Film The Film that gives all the results. Be sure you load your Kodak or Camera with this Film James A. Campbell Phm. B. CENTRAL DRUG STORE North street and Square Goderich WRIGLEY'S AsTevrand Tempting Taste: Three of a kind Keep thou In iniad As tooth as the n implies. DeliciottS,long- lasting. The third' of the Wrigley trio of refreshing confections. Good for teeth, breath, appe- tite, digestion. Sealed rigid -- Kept Right! Chew N after every meal \ 'M.&0l M CANADA ON SAM artaarvaa coarec11ON5 All SOLD The Flavour Lastsf.„