HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-7, Page 3'tt '71,LT,IfIEW•177.7. a • 4,, 111101,1111111 Ire . Tim hielip= nee et We w t to the special peesesittio. A request for midterm snits foe the members al She polies tome was seat Prinbrittr. • The refirfterr sorlisti et the tows soma eit' hider womb& *ORAN she hibishire Is stlahrlitses; essommelbstlia bees -tie elty et Obstirppi tenttwael • gloom - Thee the vetaisson:01•1161;aheritaree re14= I Was ever the sestrel et se bellstolte ; Shot pr. seism be sires to the swiseportstibn et balite* os mimeo Wimp% Ord that the use et. ellb la the SOLD ON ras MSUITS OD mars MEN! NEDICJI.L • a. OEU. BMW:MANX Tiasteribilis le mesas tr math isaimel;ad at a=re weak* DENTISTRY hit ti-ltscDOPIELL-11uNOB 6.eatestirszreal 8Uolvermay. headsets r 10 tmt, Mu aterr"Litaie 0.,sneer HeUer0uws sae west mesa. Ooderiels. AMIN= THOMAS OUNDDY Aucnolizia: telepases U. HAYB .4=meiumbetitaj LEGAL sea& lbw* -Loses IPIPAIGDPOOT.M ,CRIL NOTARY seesses Sash MABBISTRBB. OOLICITu PUBLIC. Ogee ea Me equate. sessed Oars attest. Oederiek raver& team to ism 11. 105.1 W. Paounevor. K.C. J. 61. J. D. coons it OANNILON, 1.0,, L to the sine somshise. An applies**. bees Jos. Bona tor • restate en his Essues fee for ped- dling oil. se he le going out of the business. was referred the spittle! committee. A 1.11., from the Uoderich Dry- dock ak Shipbuilding 0o., selling that the council request the Government to Rive nret consideration to the (Joni - patsy's plans over any other proposed work at the harbor, waa referred to the harbor committee for Immediate action. There were two eommunk from the National Elblphitildin one enchain' s cheque foe .98 as the third payment on the purehme of the Mont, and the other stat- ing the amount of payments to Mr. Moore In connection with the plant, said payment& totalling $186.64. The finance committee recommended the payment of a number of aft:bunts, iocluding amount, 01 $1,2e144 to the water and light Ooniesimion for three scionthif street lighting ; elm the pay - moot of $100 to the public library board and *LOW to the Collegiate In • Akins board from their respective The special committee again recom- mended no action on the complaint of Mrs. B. Burkholder in regard to bee t axe'. The fire committee recommended that the reqmst from the tire brigade for free telephones be left over for future mosideration ; and that. with regard to the report of the inspector of the Canadian Fir. Underwriters' Association, the chairman of the com- mittee look into the cost of installing au electric hemmer on the meet house --Thew reports, were all adopted. The disposal of junk at the Wheal Rigs plant to the beet possible advent. gger was left In the hands of ()mealier oser. chairman of the public works committee. An offer for the rental of the town *Tavel pit for pasturage we. left with the cemetery and parks committee. no Mayor reported what, be had dose sod proposed to do in connection with the recent change In the G. T. R • 11s -table. Mr. 0. U. las waited on the council aad submitted a proposal for Weenie - toe the Hotel Summit in which he =pro- aerto the finance own - that the town take a share• wes refred mess& The soundi then adjourned. -Perfect Atedieloe for -ArritLIttleillsoit 0111.....L1 0 • own Tablets is the . Mint kir fielboses They rerptIste sal eleasashe -brisk OP isonstipatime and sadism - worms and make Waking are guaranteed to be ab- be= injurious demand to the youngest child et • Concerning them 1, Mission Oily. B.O.. used Baby's Own Tab - Rale ones and have Medicine a mother res." The Tablets itarArner ENRON. street. Gedisilse. PlUVAT11 PUNDO TO .vvy fees. Awls le IL e. Cha- n' R. ROBaRTSON. VT • 4.011121T. Cum Ana Lesierenis IMP" Omagh& ea Alimetirsoinmas atm Lusa Ossas Aersideat Lana. a .wt Goner et Tie. aim qameme aed eats, Vans. sad et. David's streets. 'Phew la ts, True Narks, Designs Seitured in all Countries. WOO ter free book "PATZ14111 PROTBC. • 1. Iriloall skeet asel bow is gareat !BABCOCK a sorts. erreasseil Nan patmerty Patera Dees Foresdarm *Me • a t Laws, Pala ANweeps Mo.. et et. Awes Material lissatItio- Ulises *ad w liepraistasiver le 05 esentrise. Bro OODILRI011 4111111mmenimmemowesswinaggewousemegs erallallessW TheOlest Newspaper Value Wettern Ontitio the tonbon libvertiser Niliutedwag.paTipo ' sults may be with Mrs. .M„ writes : is lora for my found ass We oats glee ber are sold by med no dealers or by meal at 26 cents a hoz from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LitHistory and fdatimatir.s. axles bowman, chief\Liberal whip In the Legislature, and Isie friend Net - eon Parliament, member 'for Prince Edward county, have avid fly been reading some history Uy and doing some nothenstis& 1 the reeeot LibsrsIgus)4.Wecus ilton Mr. Bowman, who shared Lbw edit with Mr. Pedlars'/A, brought rib a breadoew story on Govern tit House, and one which probe aroused more Interest than any mit individual incident at the gathering. Its outline. were as follows :- 1. Total cost of Government House, 111,(118,8614.62. 2. Al what time would a man have bed to begin setting aside the sum of $500 yearly, without Interest, to reach Ibis total ? IL fa) Would It have been at the thee of the battle of Waterloo? Be- fore that. (b) Wbsp Oolembee discovered Aeric*? Before that. (c) When nem Alfred burnt the Nikes f Before What. (4) The bestialities of the Chris- tian era 1 Before that. 4. It would have been MO 5. 41this period in Roman history it was twentryeare before the epeeist of the Carthaginian wars. In Greek history it Was shortly sifter the death of Alexander the Great. In Egyptian history it was the age a Ptolemy II. - 230 before tlimpotra. 7 OLD -T I E MOW /TIM. Copihe tif Seems Pesters Heed in the Tile 06 1)4. Napoleonic Wan. "Tour King and Country need you ie the sal to&y. In the daye el the le wen they hed she same 10 asks to the arsabial Br& 1106.ifte lure wee pot in s 411141111•1 at were =F:=1 ow beim Mower. sr woo es-lizt WHAT MO !i . NO ft T suctmi 1 0 (ROYAL lit ov 1140840 ar • alisba et ogreart: r istirve is Teem wens Ilesfinost et h? 10thr whose Norte hest atii et Os soulif el the Deus, awl whip haessre rek.1". Sh. t RS Tavaseat /ARV tit reemsemseiseeeeieeetsieoteeessemeompeeett TORTURE lbw UM lb Teilr - • 0,111i116614SVILIP _ ALIten'T Yemen Bucklaghsun, Que., May Ord, 1915. For seven years, I suffered terrthly from Severe Headaches cad ledArestioe. I had belching gas from the stomach, bitter stuff would tiome up into my mouth after eating, while at times I had nausea and vomiting, and had chronic Conetipation. I went to several doctors and wrote to a specialist in Boston but without benefit. I tried many remedies but nothing did me good. FiseW a friend advised "Fruit-a-tivesE. I took tha grand fruit medicine *04 1* made me. well. I am grateful to "Fruita- lives", and to everyone who has mise- rable health with Constipation and Indi- gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take "Fruit-a-tives", and you will get well ". ,ALBERT VARNER. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.80, trial sise, At dealers orient postpaid on receipt a prim by Fruit -a -Svcs Limited, Ottawa. tpay, and good quarters. Now reirtritinienay lads, step forth, the war will soon be over, ; consider youra2vsnt.opli, elvintaW„ to Jers Then free in any Town in Ms Dominions, to- gether with your wives and children, enjoy the pleasufes of military life, only perhaps for • few months. Con- sider, my Bucks. What a Liberal Bounty you'll receive merely to go on a party of Pleasure 11 I God State the King. 11U2ilk 1 Huzza! Hums ! (Royal Avenel R. Two yearsWage. Advanced or revisit? Guineas for a Day's Pay. Lincolnshire Heroee having away. been remarkable for zealously outmost- ing their King and Country, they are now presented with a glorious and never returning opportunity of dis- tinguishing themselves in the Loyal Lincolnshire •. 0KG Of Fart b47 Oolonel Letbertand Now Miaowed at the douciablog Olty ot Lleettle. Let an Mom who delight in the honorable poeseesion 06 anus and disdain the DRUDOERY OF SERVITUDE, repair without loss 06time to Mudge Gibber of the above Regiment, At his rendetetios, the Blatt Swan, Newark. where they may exchange their whips and smocks for Laced Coats and Silver Hilted Swords. Spirited lade of size. character and qualifications may acquit tbenmelves of air women laboring with child and young children, and enter into direct rood to Honor and Preferment. Upwards of Forty Sergeant& are yet wanted to complete the Regiment. N. B. -Recruits who enlist their comrades shall receive Two Guineas Reward. 000 SAVE THE K INd (And Damn the Enemy) "Hagipinass." His first love and hie first shave are two episodes In every young man's career, and with one of Pridham the Tailor's suits on he is appy. 1\ An easy lemon in bookkeeping :I Don't lend them. A active Trips TO M SKOKA LAKES A e SWIM PARK Mite NETAWAN RIVER LAK OP BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN SAY Round-trip to sale from at very low f 0E0 t tickets now on one in Ontario at with liberal IN ADVANCS GET Y0111 TICK • Re.Oretwe, emote, faferesatioe et write Ames, 0. T. LAWRRNCR & SONS Town Argenta Phase 8 • • - MINI eth , Teresa brit* liliwket ' Ibis hiker Moire :..$11.4Sto413.is othear « helmu 11... limpsny11.76 12.00 da geed , 111.711 11.35 as. amensos 11.66 10.21 litheerlearki. MaIes10.36 11.4$ 0.00 10.30 4h ir 0.10 2.0 lausdisrstalerw saws ..10 .211 10.71 411. seat 9.76 10.30 do. asedliss 6.06 1.00 Peelers, be to 1.004 lbs9.26 0.76 de. med.. 70010 0000.00 0.76 Illookers, 700 00 000 lbs7.25 0.75 ile. medium 4.50 7.00 Cadman . 6.50 6.36 =kers. good to choice$5 . 00 120.00 do. own. and nied50. 06 80.00 OPrind•rs . 40.00 1,20.00 Calves, veal. choice ... 13.60 14.00 do. medium 10.00 11.50 do. common 6.00 8.50 do. grass 6.00 7.04 do. heavy fat 7.40 10.00 SWAP. Yearlings, choice 14.60 16.60 do. clipped 13.60 13.50 40. common. uncleed 13.60 14.60 do. culls, uncapped9.60 11.00 *Sheep, ewes, light. un- clipped 1200 13 . 50 do. heavy anll bucks9.00 11.00 do. culls 4.00 7.00 Bogs. fed and watered 16.50 00.00 to $3 per cwt. higher than clipped. •Unclipped ahem are selling at 02.60 le • • • • • • • Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesalers are paying: Cti= receipts, cases returnable . .$ .34 to $ .33 Butter - Creamery, solidsCreamery. Creamery. prints do. dairy 35 .34 Wholesale prices tp the retail trade: Kets-- New -laid, cartons .411to Ad do. agoartoni .43 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.43 .44 Creamery solids- .41 .43 CLoice dairy prints . :it .40 'Ordinary dairy prate .34 .36 Rakers' .30 .31 Cbeese-New, large, Ile to 26t; twins, tilitc to tiliqa- June. large, 304c; tering. Ole. Live Poeltry-Buying price deliver- ed -Toronto. Chickens. milk fed .22 de. *Maori 20 liens. ander 6 lbs. .23 do. over 6 110. .26 Roosters . ' .16 Ducks 20 Turkeys . - . . .18 Spring chicka.t* - :46 Beans --Japanese, hand-picked, bush- el. UAW to it; Canadian, hanctoicked, Miami. $8.76; prime, 19.26. Maple Syrup -Pure. 11;65 to 11.75 per imperial gallon. Maple Sugar -17c to 18c a pound. 37 .28 .31 .39 .27 .22 .23 .25 .18 .00 .23 .66 Toronto Ori. '-• Markets Toronto Board of Trade market quo- tations:- Manitoba Wbsat-dlo quotanosa iLar= Manitoba asstathine. *- Ontario wheat -4: 2 winter, 13744 to $2.60, according to freiglits outsidm. No. 3 winter. $3.43 to 13.43. Outsets OM. --No- quotation.. Peas --Nominal. Bey-Maiting. nominal. R'. -..No. 2 new, $0.95, nominal. Manitoba our -First patents. 3050 bola 013; seconds, tn lute, $12.50-; strong bakers', in jute. *12.10. Ontario Flour -Winter, now, track. Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample, $10.75 to 310.86. Millfeed--Carlots, delivered, Mon- treal freights; Shorts, $41; bran, $36; middling, $46; good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to 22.80. 48.y -4 -Track. Toronto, extra Na 3. int to $14; mixed, $9 to 31110. Straw '-Carlota, $9. Dred Mesta--Wholssal• Toronto wholesale houses are quot. Ing to the trade as fol..,ws: Ebel, forequarters 116.00to$17.00 do. hindquarters 20.00 22.00 Carcasses, choice 18.00 19.00 do. common • r 14.00 16 . 00 Veals, common 11.00 13.00 do. medium 14. 00 16 . 00 do prime . 18.50 Heavy hogs .., 17.00 18.00 Shop hogs .,.... 21.00 22.00 Mutton, light 16.00 18.00 do. heavy ..... r12.00 16.00 Lambs, yearling 24.00 25.00 Spring lambs. each 8.00 10.00 Chicago Live Stook Cattle--Recelpts, 2,000; market steady; beeves, $9.25 to 812.70; stock- ers and feeders. $7.40 to $10.60; tows and heifers, $6.25 to 111.76; calves, 29.50 to $14. Hogs--Recelpts, 8,000; market unsettled, shade higher; light, 314.85 to 216.90; mixed. $15.40 to 316; heavy, 216.36 to $16.10; rough. 315.35 to $16.10; pigs, 310.60 to *14.75; bulk of sales, $16.60 to $16. Sheep ---Re. cams, 4,000; market weak; iambs, native, 810.56 to 216. Rest tuffele Cattle Cattle -Rees! ts. 6 cars. Market steady. Hogs- eceats, 26 cars. Mar. strong. Heavy, $16.40 to 1116.601 York - as. 016 to 316.80; pigs and lights, 114.10 to $16. Sbeep-Receipts, 6 cars. Market lower. Top Iambs, 616 to $15.25; yearlings, 111 to $14; weth. era, 112.76 to 313; ewes, 111 to 111.26. Calves - Receipts. 1,300, Market strong. Top calve., $15.60; fair to good, $12.05 to $13.10; fed calves, $I to $7. Chews' Marione ciowanealle, Que.-Flame rectorial offered 1371 packages of butter, MOM fastories mid at 1179fic, three betorlee sold at 3714o, sad ems mow& =ty bozo of .dieses wore hoarded. MYMIllthe. Qms.--At the Chores Dowd 411 looses were offered. sq sad at 10 1141e. illitty-fivs swamis IS Wit sell at 11116e. 0111-1.41 bases sRerelf HI Mt Ne 001.5. Wi $I54 • wore sibs *Us INN; se - %WO home ft hay as sibs. hews white' EATS FOR . THE JUNE BRIDES Linens make the most appreciated gift for the bride. Our stock is now complete, showing the best Irish and Scotch makes, and at prices much less than *hat we would pay for same quality if buying today. A bargain in pure Scotch Linen Damask Sets in choice designs. Cloth 2z2 1-2 rods and one dozen Napkins. Per set $8.00. ' Soollepeci and hemstitched Table Cloths in rich designs. One of these m- ilks 4 ere useful gift. At $2.25 to $5.00 each. Exceptional value in "Old Bleach'. Huckaback Bedroom Towels, guaranteed all pure linen with wide damask borders. These are.old values and not many of any pat- tern is left. Special at each 75c and $1.00. I New Silks and Crepe de Chine • Special Japanese Habutai Silks, will give unexcelled wear, all pure silk, in all • popular shades, 36 inches wide. $1.25 per yard. Crepe de Chine, beautiful lustrous quality, %ill wash splendidly. In all new colors : in maize, melon. Nile, sky, pink, old rose, black and white. 40 inches wide. • $1.30 ger yard. _ - • Infants, Headwear Pram Covers • • Infants' trOinetar and Hata, in cotton and silk, beautifully embroidered, in the • cutest of styles; and a great variety to select from, 25c up. • Infanta' Pram Covers, white pique, scalloped edges, from 75c up. 411. 411 Irish Huckaback Bedroom Towels 0. 0.. 0 - Special ShoWin\g of Silk Sweat_er! _ _ _ _ : • • Fashion • Sweatersjr summer weer. • with the best insortthent we have ever -shown, in all the • Sweaters must be seen to be appreciated. Prices from $06.00 to 518.00. • • THE STORE THAT. SERVES YOU BEST • • • • • • PHON E " Scoic Store ..nmEN •-siumurpAc EAST WA WANO8H. Council alert ea May Ifith .0$ court of revision on the assessment roll. Members all present. No appeals against areessmente wire received, a couple of changes of names from notirmidins end one dog struck oft being the extent of the coot t ot revision for 1917. Mr. Currie then moved, seconded by Mr. Irwin, that the court of revision be now closed and the roll as now revised with; them ohanges be the assessment roll for the current year. Carried. Council rammed and ordinary business fir7e:geaaad weed. The engineer'sdd ed with. Mof inute* last meet. report on the Kelly drain was then read and provisionally adopted. Tend- ers for the construction of the Wash drain were received from Mawr.. Logan, Haliahan. Stalker and Marsh- all. :The tender of Mr. Logan at $1,140 was accepted, being the lowest. The usual bylaw for the borrowing of money to meet the ordinary township expenditure was reed and pealed. Four accounts were ordered to be paid, as follows: C. O. F., hall rent, $30 W. Wightman, salary se sumemor, *70; C. A. Jones, engineer's fees on the Walsh drain, $74.20 , A. Porter- field. bylaws and clerk's fees nn the Walsh drain, $30.50. Next meeting of the council will be held on Monday. June 25tb. A. Posertittrimm, Clerk. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Luca. County, ay. V111111 J. (:honey make. oat h that he Iv 'under partner of the firm of F. J. it here), It doing butane... In the Ulty of Tokdo, county and Otate aformald, and that Paid fit MI Win pfty the *tn 04 0110 hundred dollar.. fonerv'h and every oamr of catarrh the, menet be cored by the are of Hall', Catarrh Care. I. RANK j. CHNNEY. Sworn to before me and subset 'bed In my presence. this nth day of Ikceintrer. A U. A. W. HLItAtION, Mesh Nelary Public. 01111 Catarrh Cure in taken Internally and sots through the blood on the morons vurfacee of the ayntem. Vend for tent 'monist*. free. J CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druirgIrtv. e. Hall's Family Mlle for oonatipatlon. Don't judge a mud by his coat or ham by its canvas cover. • , • Great Lakes Steamship Serviee. The Canadian Aldine Railway will, commencing Saturday, June 2od, op- erate Great Lakes steamship express) trials between Toronto and Port. Mc - Nicoll on the following schedule, with first-clase coach and parlor ear run- ning through without local stops. nonTionounD. Leave Toronto 2 p.as.. arrive Port MoNleoll 6.15 p. eachWedneeday and Saturday. connecting with the palatial U. P. R. Grist Lake steam. ships leaving Port McNieoll on above days at 6.46 p.m., for Sault Ike. Marie, Pert Arthur and Fort William. 1100T111110UND. Leave Pnrt McNitioll Monda_ye mid Friday* 6.60 IL es., arriving In Tormith 11.46 a. w. Resat Lakes ~rive ilia °WW1 11= Is now in op/raise. toba leaving Owen Semed Thursday for Seib Os Arthur mod Pert W trillesir1/1". iL Nowset, Dastrfet boo oar V. Agentaorooto, Ont., 112-1/4 , • . vr:...,' • • GIRLS WANT'S Fes ales week to 511 as pleas =000 rs I,.,_1(trang leo= moat count* real service by take pcsettlaan la banks and °Moss. Special Causes et training In Book - keep! . shorthand and all other con.saw men ses. Student& ragresdear tie, Illostrated oataloproe Sr... ?farther' Business College, Ltd. owlet; SOUND, ONT. C. A; FLNMI140. PrincdraL • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••i" llacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRAM A for qderIch and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) T• ELEPHONES, °Mai 90 residence ata or de Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them feir sale -three -burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and Sae 77tam - PINDER rwhia 4,1f" Tire Coal Co. • Gledhill Exeuisxv AGENTS FOR A LEHICH1 vALLev • THE COM. THAT SATiSFIR3 We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Nall! Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W. Saults' Residence 202 HaAng produced a stialaw twain, nature usually tries to even AWN* up by supplementing it with a fluent tongue. School' of Commerce 'CLI/ft011, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BECRIS APRJL114,-,1,1 You have always intended to take a Commercial and Steno- graphic Course some time, Do it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your money and time it any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? Csarastie realises te Graduates Writd for full information. DO IT NOW. eveveastss, R. V. WAlt D, .A., Pitown108 • L1/ •