HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-6-7, Page 1Prnung•+ •••••r• •. THE SIGNAL is ready t. handle TOW Mating work, lame at 11,e11, wed give ,.0 a satiatactory job every than Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal r', • to pay yottrsubsc'riptionfor The Signal for W17 P We need the money. and Y you are in at rests would ask you to make payment promptly. 1)0 IT NOW wITT-NINWTH TLH-!N line OODKRIOH, ONTABIO, Y; THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1917 1Hi:.I91liA1:PRINTIN0 oo.. IJllrr&D. 1 uatmeen 0 1 a 0/r4y iio1 "ENE STERLLIZNK OF CANADA SAVE, Because - The habit of saving is the rock foundation of success. emeneeteneet NO1'10E TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO OREDITORB. or me .Arran or TMA KOTara os NM -1W MOLT. tars Or Tee Towm w OooeaJCH. rod TMs COUOTT or Huston, ereaviaa, Comm Junes. DOL'- b. Hellos L herby gives t urot nt to the IRs mi Re - raid atomise. et Ontaria o, IWO, Chapter 141, {tit all creditors aid other ka.ier claims against the east., of the said Philip; Holt. who died on or about the IM.k day of Apra, A. D. 11117, are required, on or betore dayD tb� dof July. A.. .fill ear deliver to the uedendeuod selloltore for the execuaaad .uamnia► addressee sed deisoriptions the full particulars et their elatmw, the mate meet of thou .room and the mature of tie •ssertlies Ili dol . bold them. Ara H STsa T•tts ante that atter sorb loarsentloeed date the sad eset 0111 will ewesed to dttriWy the meets) et W 044 de oeo..d among a he parties entitled tbmrila ha lag retard d only to the dater of wiser they sash thea have aortae. sod that the said eso.tare will test b. IMbl.;Jor the sa44 a or ass pert thereof. ta any paneoo or .uusmse lved by thoee riers at the time ice skof such detrital - "rated Dated at Ooderteb. this ith day of June. A. D. 11117• PROLD).)OT, YII.LORAN & COOKL w st 8etlrtt..s for said Muratori. CARD OF TRAMS. y$[is8 LUOAa DR81RS8 TO AC- K C - maims KNOW wal�ipws��sbr lbdasZiemer,. kswe pf,otlpt „a.,,w. q10 101rsf�.Vsar1.n es the are,( .;r�dieR. 1 O_lPeTif NNYl.-MR WM. G. goL and Ina'a in resent toseavw mat. 117-lt IISHISISMINEHHISIag 1P&RM BOARD WA NTS D.- elooroabnar mood nrseaLake Huron. from amt acid Ile of July to middle of Aulfu.t. Give toll particular am to termer location. eta, �ayndd�7tale If • s.rord lady oould •wren to peeviiedd one room le 000.pleb toma on Om Ooderlek. FOR SAL1 OR RENT.' PUBLIC NOTICR. NOTiCR.-ALL PERSONS ARE herby warned pot a t■laude on the grounded! tie Oederlo11 Poultry Farm. Ven- om are wdeemo 11 they Dome In the right way. but the place 1s nets tkorovidtfare. GODESICH POULTRY FAtilt. FARM MOR BALE. -LOT CON- CESSION 7 (Jolbaves towPshl refloating of one hundred acne el tits beet farm land in the township oast isrobard, plenty of ceder and Nes over . Hood uprise water. never /nee dry la roamer and never overflows in wtstsr. Oa the tamale a good two -.tory red Walt beer. H•{1144. stables and shed. In era ohms i.adltios. For terms shed part Ica lam apply to THOS. BURNS. R.R. No. A Oodertab. Mit AGENT WANTED - RETURNED SOLDIER PREFERRED,- We want a repreeenlative to call oo farmer in the county of Huron In the Interest or tbe beet known ag- ricultural weekly in Canada. Permanent pod.Goo to will lobe given to • me returned moldier. psAea�ssmotorc or bel epte would be an aadovveenntt- TBK lCCANADIAN COUNNTRYMAN PUB- Li$HINO CO .11 !Want BL, Toronto. WANTED. -FAMILY WASHINGS apd plain amine,. to do at home. MRS WM. PRFA.Ontle. Hayfield road. 37.93 NOTICE. -ALL THOSE HAVING seoounta with DR. W. F (:ALLOW ar requested to call at his home .od arrange for the payuaeet of aloe without delay. as be ex pert. to proceed overload In the sou future and wisher to have all aoocuob eitalghteued up before b loaves. 31-11 NOTICE OF COUNT OF REVISION. TOWN OF OODERICH. Take notice that Use Court of Revision of the Town of Goderich will bold its first sitting io the Cotrocil Chamber, Town Hall, iodurias, for the purpose of bearing appeals against the Assess - moot Roll for the Town for the year 1917, on MONDAY. June 181b, 1917, at 8 o'clock in the evening. All parties interested are requested to atteud. L L. KNOX. Town Clerk. Goderich, May 31st, 1917. 66 3t fi10 RENT. -U A F U R N i SHED. 1 apartments aeon Mr. IL. ft Wale's, .tor.. Alen eaters on Hayfield road Apply MRS JAMOI WILSON. North street. NV VOR $ALS --HOURS ANL) TWO 1-. jU' $ r Serie street. Frame home. Dana" rot t care :ono on modern Impr.s meati Nestd~sttrWn aid 000veoleot to0allsel- au Aho ave acres of land/dimmed an tM read, .dtable for markst oardos- teg. and two dote to west end of rrii. dean. able bulldfoa Iota Apply to JOHN V• SALK- LLD fan et. or ISAAC aA KELD, Ma rail, IL 1L No. L Ooderlob. i 0141_ 161UR RALE ATA GENUINE BAR - L` OA IN &I TAKEN AT ONCE d MI A it tog hire dwelling. containing parlor, taps I k0'ttbsa. lsater pt� and and . te �and w ttunder all the booyyoorrtlmm ooaaleeggqf • "ay.sMteroperty ie t to Vie M.1111111600 ahead ewe, 6�� Ittstiwte Priv habsea alt w4ehaeer. Aim sew, amematamparior, . arid Aran= Caftan c.. of susggs� tion will pay spud lour for ;we Ewe Issas beta( ndasaes . basted. ►eve al e0. -.that we •soli the meesr. SUNDRY. 0.asrb BOYS WANTED. -WE CAN GIVE imploymentyDumber of btt at box - Maklae. OODERIOMANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED. WANTED. -A WOMAN TO "TAKE ed an std lady. Apply MR8, H'TKPH YATIB. 8t. Patrick's streeQ Mtf / t1RLS WANTED. -APPLY OODE- LI Ria KNITIINO CO. LOST AND FOUID. 1 OMI. -IN UODERiCH, FOX TER- RIER pup, black-and-tan bead. black ipso on body, •newer to name of Betty. Any- one n - MIfinding her kindly write or 'phoneA�L T SOWN, Ridgewood Park. 'Mom x IHISIC. JUR* WMOOINue. •Asteenc resp tiithart'. At tb.Dome of lino.. and Mrs. AL - of 1 zd�, pnesole of the bride. 'a quiet wedding cere- mony was performed at 6 o'clock on W yJune Otb, when Mine Vial•$ t became tbe bride I Mr. Joseph Armetroog, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobs E. Armstrong, of Ooderioh. Rev. Jambe familtun, of Godericb, unioiated. The bride was hendaninely dressed in navy blue taffeta silk with crepe 'de chine trim- ming., and was unattended. Mr. and Mot. Armstrong will reside in Gode- rich. I�HEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. G. 0., L. w D. C. M., Grolt end Choirmaster of nez Churob. Teacher piano. votoe organ. Papp. precured tor examinations. &tudio- Ne non street, four doors east or Dr. Hunter's. NORA E. HURLEY, L. L U. M. -- Teacher piece and theoretical wort Puplle prepared for examinetlo e. tit tato. St. DavI4Y street. 6791 CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Mkt J. A. Rroli tt ON ala Hsu by public mutton at Mr. Jehnoton's farm, • mile and • half tela[ Grew, on WEDN&RDAY.JUN X (3111. eoeamencteg at 1.311 o'clock Twenty Hood grade Durham cows, newly calved, and net 1e can. SIx chalet Holstein mow., Four geed beef ring heifer. Eleven young mule and calve+. Totes. -All sumo of 810 and under,osab:eveg that amount, dr months' credit will be given r f.approved Joint notes, or a discount at ray d e per cent. per annum allowed for crab on credit amount. J.A. NICHOLSON. T. OUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Mee ANNUAL LIBERAL MEETING. THE LADS IN KHAKI.i twee -4.70 W Alt. At the East street Presbyterian manse on Werd•eeday afternoon. June 6th, Rev. James Hamilton united in ularrlage Miss Margaret Clarissa Cowan. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan. of the 12th conces- sion of Ashfield. and Mr. Charles Robb, of tits' mare township. The bride Wm quietly but gracefully at- tired in her 9r veiling snit of brown broadcloth, wits bat to match. The happy couple lett on the 4.3) C. P. R. train on a trip to Galt, Guelph. Hes- peter and other pointa. On their re- turn they will reside on the groom's fine farm on the 12th concession of Anhfiekt. The Signal joins in the bee rty congratulations and good wishes with which Mr. and Mrs. Robb commence their wedded lite. Hleawr-IANDK MOON. The annual meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association for Provin- cial affairs will be held in the town hall, Wingbarn. on Tuesday. June 19th, commencing at L9) o'clock p.m., for the election of officers and the nomination of a candidate for the Oo- talio Legislature. Prominent lady •ad gentlemen speaker. will be pretreat to •ddrvw the meeting. A. the women of the Province have bees Alvan tate franchise. the women of theReding ars Invitd to attend and take parkin the husiuess of the onset - A hireeneleadreurreef bosh T 7 eted gentlemen is requeeled. • Official word was received on Satur- day that Pte. Joe Mugford, .on of Mr. sod Mrs. Martin Mugford. of Beowil- ler, had rfoeived guoelu.t wounds in the lett 7loulder. Pte. Mugford le nineteen years old. He enlisted in the 161st Battalion at Goderich sod crossed to Fraoce wtth the first draft from the Hurons. A dra Army Service Corps men whM le don yesterday to train at Toronto included the following Ooderich men ; T. E. Sunbury, G. O. Mealwan. H. K. Ross, J. K. Parr and W. J. Carter. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Sanderson, Athert street, on Wednesday, June 6th, a happy event took place in the marriage of their Mgouoeet daughter, Edith Norma, to r. James Bisset, of Saltford Heights. The ceremony was performed at high noon byRev. R. C. McDermid. The bride, ooking very pretty in & gown of whltesilk with bridal veil, and carry- ing a bouquet of bridal roses and valley lilies, eotared.the drawing loom leaning on abs arm of her father. After the customary festivities Iplluw• Mg the ceremony, the happy couple belt amid showers of confetti and good wishes for • brief motor trip to Col- Iingwood and Owen Sound. On :heir returnwill take up their reel - deuce In ttb.� ie home on Victoria street reosntly purchased by the groom Both bride. end gvoom are highly esteemed le *API* oirelht of friends, who uoita IailOOats *WNW UT their happiness ami prreperity. .TswArsfl'-leMIDDLETON. iso Hattie Middle- toe,�of kat. Jobe Middle- �1° Mbi be '«- araetlli.: Mr. Geo. $unwary,- ef Goderick was quietly solemnised is► St. Jame: church, Roderic's township. on Wed- nesday, June etb, at high noon, Rev. W. B. Moulton performing the cere- mony. Mrs. John McNaughton, of Varna. played the Lohengrin wedding march, as the bride entered escorted by her brother, Mr. Fred Middleton. who gave her away. The bride looked extremely well in a smart taupe taffeta suit touched with champagne and blue with hat to match. She carried • bouquet of lily -of -the -valley and orchids. After the ceremony a reception was held at "White Hall" and a dainty luncheon was served, the tables being artistically decorated with roses and ferns. Toasts to the bride, the hostess and the ladies were proposed and appropriately honored. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart k -ft on the after- noon train for Cleveland and other United States pointe, amid showers of confetti and the good wishes of the guests. The following 11. flet of properties which 1 have for tale, and on Investigation prospeaitvs buyer.'.111 find that the prtose are pmt dale where the p.opertiee can be purchased to (make moms money : No. 1. Floe red brick house fully modern. 10 reoew. fru basement, corner Fait and Vittoria street+. This V one of the most drelrble prop. entice In t be town of Goderich. l'rtee Winn Na 'L Fane red Mick home. hilly modem, with hot water heating. 7 ro.rmw full bseement, intuited west aide Victoria street. This Is the bee. buy 1n town. Price 15.110. No. :. New red brink bootie Jut hunt lin& electric light and bath. 7 rooms, two Iota with halt teem and good garden, mord available land If detlre4. dtuated emit aids Huron road. Good buy. Prim/Well No. 4. White brick, Iletery. 7-reom hones, lath and electric light& Gant harp, two Iota with fruit (rase, dilated on 1 he corner of Cam. MOPand Raglan street.. t'rlee Cilia No 5 White brick fteoun hoose• all modern .aevenlenrea. pol. water heating. fireplace In living room and loth.Itnwte4 on the .korner Of Nelson and Cambrtw. Pelee p.6rt). Pio. 1. Frame hoar, 1i story. 1 roams, tau 10WMiler street, trees, gloated Iran on the went aide al No. 7. Frame house, 7 room. and bath, t wo • ith trent trees. elfaated ou Warren street Na R Block of du et the bet garden Iota in learn, situated on the ww.t dde of Huron road. l4Mn 17m No A one of the choicest ittlMlsa lots In pane, situated on the (.rerrnt. Fall dee lot. lieveral other Bethune can he had on emboa- Lien 1t Ura Meow M.mltar of homer te rent vanished and Unfurnished Summer Cab mesh WAast.d to Ret. -Sit homes, wink an conveniesate, at soca J. W. iclittilllgitee. FOR SALE MORE POTATOES FOR SALE. Two carloads arrive this week. Get your order in early. R. R. ELLIOTT. 'Phone 16 r 7 Goderich Rural. Box 871, Goderich P. O. L'OR SALE. -8 5.00 N D -R A N D 1' baby carriage. Apply at SIGNAL. Ur- nCK. 81-41 FOR SALE. -130 -CART, IN FIRST- CLASS condition ; large hood, wood side.R.o baby -walker. Apply MIS. H. T. EDW RICT'IONARY FOR 8 A L R.- 9plendld copy of webater's i.t.rnaliomal Ooeary lover 4.5!41 pages). Owner boa no Aprther p t et tor ft AIme aurid wt11 moll at a bargain. i'OR SALE.-RO WBOAfi. IN GOOD as rendition. Apply at SIGNAL OFFiCL FOR RALE. -ONS AUTO TRUCK. capaolty II tons. Salable for expres el1very or farm work. Ptrmnettc Use In frock rear axle. the Rummell Internal geardrive. Speed. 14 to 30 miles per hour. One Jitney auto oar, eloeed body ; to carry e{ght ssosere. Pneumatic Orem all ronnd. Doth can be seen at oar factory or drop rat a pr.teard for toll particular' and prime of either. TUE PAOET GRAiN DOOR Goderich.LTD.. 1 CARTAGE ()apt. Gordon McNevin has returned home iuvalided after spending over a year in France. His health has given out, and after a short visit to the paternal home here be goes to Mus- koka to recuperate. PLANS FOR DOMINION DAY. A Battery of Artillery and Feasibly as Aircraft Exhtbition for the Celebratioo- The fiftieth anniversary of the Cans- dlan Confederation is to be fittingly celebrated in Goderich on Monday, July 2nd. At a weeting held In the town hall on Friday evening last the program for the day was discussed, committees were appointed, and plans were -laid for the securing of some special attractions to give • military character to the celebration. A oowwit'ee was formed, with Principal Johnston w chairman, and it.cloding the principals of all the schools of the town, to arrange for • patriotic demonstration by the school pupils. This will he one of the out- standing features of the day. It Is expected that one of the bat- teries of artillery now training in this military division will be hare, and an effort is being made to secure the presence of one or more military aero- planes. In addition there will be athletic oonrpetitione, • baby show, TWO SIGNAL BOYS WHO HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. June Session Now in Progress at the Court House. The county council is in session at the rourt house, with the members all present. The communications presented at the opening session on Tuesday afternoon included one from the Clinton Board of Trade asking the council to take action at once for the improvement of the county highways under the Pro- vincial Good Ronde Act. There was also a renewed application from the township of A.htield for the taking over by the county of the Disher bridge near Dungannon. The Farmers' Clubs of Belgrave and Walton asked for the appointment of a district agri- cultural repreoentetivr. A resolution was parsed expreesine gratitude and appreciation of the loyalty and devotion displayed by the ladies of the patriotic and Red Cross encietlee of the countv of Huron In providing comforts for our soldiers at the front which they could not and would not have received from any other .0u1te. A deputation consltting of Sheriff Reynolds and Messrs. W. H Kerr, of Brume's, Comm., of Wingham, Jack- son, of Clinton, Beattie, Greig, Stew- art. Ament and Sutherland, of 8r - forth, waited on the council on Wed- nesday in behalf of the Children's Aid gaelety,and particularly In enpport of the movement for the establishing of a children's shelter for the county. A motion it before the council for • grant of $2,1:00 to the Children's Aid Society for the purchase and mainten- ance of the "8t. Lawrence" property in Roderich as • shelter. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton. president of the Huron War Auxiliary, waited on the council, eeplained the work of the Auxiliary, and coked for a grant of 8109 toward.' its fund.. Mara. Doups and Penhal., of Rte. phen, app.ar.d before the council In advocacy of the appointment of a dis- trict representative. Mr. Hosigarth, representing the Provincial Department of Public Highways, addressed the nnnneil on thei subject ofplod roads. Tide is to be 4lannss.d try the e01n- e dneMg Use present eaadoa. Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Yen to carry on my cartage bwtiness in my absence, and I would respectfnlly solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my absence will he cerefnlly attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE Telephone order to Mr, Veo No. 267. ARE "DOING THEIR BIT." CORP.• ERNE$T A. WARNKR, ftrrnterly assistant editor of The Signal. Corp. Warner and Pte. Bates went overseas PTs. JOHN H. BATES, formerly of the mechanical staff of The Signal. th the 1614 (Huron) Battalion. ANGLICANS GATHER. Mei a Supper Held at Masoatc Tamps Wednesday Ermine. A moat instructive and inspiring ad- dress was delivered by Rev. Canon Tucker, of London, oo Wednesday evening to • gathering of members of the Anglican church in the Masonic Temple. The occasion was a men's supper, the Invitations to which were issued by the rector and wardens of 8t. George's church. About one hun- dred men gathered about the tables at which supper was served by the ladies of the church. At the conclusion of the supper the rector, Rev. A. L. O. Clarke, called upon Rev. Dr. Allan &eager, of Van- couver, B. C., who, introducing him- self as one of the "old-timer:' otGode- rich. gave w brief address, speaking particularly of the Anglican church in the far West beyond the Rocky Moun- tains, and of the strength which unity and sympathy will give to the whole church from Atlantic to Pacific. Canon Tucker then was introduced and after some congratulatory remarks upon the gathering proceeded to an address which gripped the attentlor of his bearers to the last wotd. He sketched the development of British freedom, both in spirituel and in polit- ical matters, from the dito and distant days of the beginnings of English history, and showed how Canada is vitally Interested in the maintenance of the principle. of freedom and right- eousness for which Britain has stood and stands today in the great war. He expressed the hope that the Freak democracies of the world -Britain, France, the United States, and the new Russia -would unite for the Drue i establishment of peace and f throughout the world. An address bythe rector, illust by lantern slies, dealt particularly with the affairs of 8t. George'e. and • resolution was paved pledging the gathering to the support of the rector and dburc►wardens in their work of heildhen ep the church in this com- munity. Another returned war berm arrived Mr. Ben Allen of tow . /ANfbrtngb M has font his right leg from above the knee, Ptd.. Morris looks well ani is Goias cheerful. He is a eon of Mr. and IGtts. B. J. Morris. of Austin, Man., forcer residents of this section, and enlisted at. Winnipeg in February of last year with the 107th Battalioo, ar- riving in "France in Deeewber: On the night of February 3, while Il t- tioned before Vimy Midge, he took part In his first (and last) bombing raid. Atter he and his companions had finished their work in the German trenches a large shell struck him, carrying awayhis foot. He crawled hack to a pnt about • hun- dred yards distant, where he lay until the stretcher-bearers found him about seven hours later. He had since been in hospital, in France and in England, until about three weeks ago. He will be in town for a few days before re- turning to Toronto for further treat- ment. BROU(3HTON-KELLERM AN. The marriage of Ethel May, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman, to Lieut. E. A. Broughton. M. B., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Broughton of Whitby, took place at the home of the bride's parents, Dashwood, on June 2. the Rev. H. A. Kellerman, B. A.. of Niagara, officiating. The bride, who wore ivory duchess satin, with hand -embroidered court train and bridal veil, caught with orange blossoms, entered the drawing -room to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Pearl Wertz. Miss Ethel Broughton was maid of honor, sod wore white silk crepe de chine. Little Miss Florence Moritz, also in white, was ring -hearer, and Miss Oestricher sang. The bride and groom left for Ottawa' and other eastern cities, the former travelling in a grey silk suit. They will be at home after July 1, in Whitby, where Dr. Brough- ton is medical of ser at the military hospital after being overseas with Canadian General Hoepit&l No. 4 at Selonikl . LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. coos floats and dec- orated b1.. Highland dancing, possibly mope spino it as anti. seri other iktetiermrsiat yet erAgpged. Chairmen 'of c+tnnif dos* ap- p4nted as fellows : Band committee -Reeve C.A. Piano. Floral floats and decorated bicycles -O. I. Moore. Baby show -Councillors Nilson and Moser. Oroundsand gate -Councillor Moser. Adult athletics -A. IV Robertson, B.'1'. Rdwarde. • '- ,Highland ,,,Highland dancing -A. D. McLean. Speed tests -Thos. Gundry. Baseball, football and lacrosse -J. B. Nairn. Children's games - flirts, Reeve Nairn ; boys, J. H. McClinton. The executive committee le com- posed of Mayor Mnnniuge and Meters. L L. Knox, Dr. W. F. Clark, T. Gun- dry and W. H. Robertson. Dominion Day Notes. Mr. W. H. Heine., proprietor of the British Exchange hotel, has offered a prize of $5 for the best -looking baby. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edward: 1e pure. Phone 200. KIPPEN. TUaKDAY, June 5. FARM BOLD. -Mr. Wesley French. of the 73rd concession of Tuckerstafth, has sold his farm to Wm. Dougall, of Hensel) from wbom he bought it a fewears ago. The price paid is WOOD sixty acme. Mr. French is to bave this crop and then he and Mrs. French intend to go West for a pro- longed visit. They will be greatly emboli/ Wog DEATH WortuuAN.-Lest week we noticed the serious illness of David Workman with pneumonia. It Is now oursad duty to chronicle his death. wblob occurred last Wednesday morning. Hie sickness was of rather short duration, as he had been some- what run-down owing to • long illness last winter. He was a quiet, honest. industrious and lovable man, thor- oughly respected by • large circle of friends and acquaintances. Besides brothers and sisters he leaves to mourn Isis loss a wife and two small children. The funeral last Friday was very largely attended. haters. -Miss Glazier, of Clinton. visited her friend, Miss McClymoat. this week Mr. and Mn. Alden Jones and daughter, of London, spent the holiday with friends here Mr. John Jarrott is gentling this week ow- ing to the arrival of a little lady who is to make her home with him and Mn. Jarrott Wm. Anderson, who has returned from the West, whither he accompanied hi. daughter, Mrs. Drake, to her new home in Al- berta, thinks though the West may be all right Ontario is good enough ft r him Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reed, of Lucknow, were visitors in our burg last week. Mrs. Reed had been at- tending the ondon branch meeting of the W. M. 8. at Petrolia and Mr. Reed' motored down to Kerwood to meet her wad visit friends. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. W. H. Johnston Mr. Thomas Meths went to Wroxeter last week to attend the funeral of hie mother-in- law, Mn. Vanitooe. a very old wo- man. OFF TO DETROIT. The rommittees w111 meet at the town hall on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Steamer Greyhound Will Give the .A14 most of Ooderich's hesehall play - Popular Annual Trip Next Week. ere ase "btherwiueengaged"at present. Next week is the week of the (grey.it is suggested that a hall game be hound excursion to Detroit. The big arranged istween the town council palatial .feel steamer will leave Gods- and the public school hoard. "Car- palatial Tuesday morning at 9..) o'clock, r'td' arriving at Detroit about C) of clock p. in. Excursionists will have. Tues- day evening, all day Wednesday and Thursday morning In the beautiful City of the Straits, visiting friends and seeing the eights In one of the largest and finest cities on the con- tinent. The Oreyyhound will leave on the return trip on Thursday et 1 clock (noon), arriving at Goderich at a reasonable hour in the evening. There will he.. stop At Port Huron both ways. The round-trip fare is $2, and one-way, including baggage, $l.0). Tile Departmental examinations have commenced at the Collegiate In- stitute. The reenter meeting of the General Brough Chapter. I. 0. D. R., will he held in the usual place on Monday, Jame 11th. at 4.15 p. m. The laying of tarvia on the roadway around the Sgoare was commenced on Monday, but has been no frequently Interrnptod by rain that It is not completed yet. Mr. Howard Sturdy, of Goderich township, was the holder of the lucky number which won elle crochet art made by a member of the Taylor's Corners Patriotle 8oe1ety and for a time nn view in Spahr's grocery rotor. and later at D. Millar R Son's store. The lusty flambee wag 60. The nrMvom Ottawa today is that Sir Wilfrid Laurier bail rejected the proposals oh Mr Robert Seeder' fire the formation of a ee illtdexl Govern- ment. A mineral election le emperted. bet may not be Reid ter two or three How to Secure Permits. It is necessary for all hales between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years taking this trip to secure a per- mit to lea.e Canada. The fotnts issued for this purpose can be had from the nearest postmaster, who will give them to thnes applying in person or will mail copies to those who write for them. Atter securing the blank form and filling it out it is neceesarto have some hank manager, chief of police, clergymen or Government of- ficer endorse it. it should then be signed by the nearest immigration officer. Mr. Hector Hays is the immigration officer for Ooderich, and be will sign all applications presented to him either before or on the date of the excursion. Thom. applying for the forms in good faith will have no difficulty in having them signed and validated. A photo- graph in duplicate Is required also, for p(trposes of identification in connec- tion with the pet miU. 1 t le hoped that all persons who come under these regulations and who Intend taking the trip will have the necessary details attended 10, PO that there may ile no confusion or Ices of time no the dayof the 'Ironton. Mr. R. R. /Sallow* and Mr. J. T. Fell, the Gtderieh photographers, are mak- ing epeeist preparations for the Com- ing net of photnnggrraapha in short order months yet to meet the regulatlone CHURCH NOTES. At Knox church next Sunday morn. ing Rev. R. C. McD.rmid's subject will he : "Christ and Peter." In the evening, "Daniel the Strong Man." Mr. A. M. Robertson, M. A.. will conduct the morning service in North street Methodist church next Sunday. in the evening there will be it service of song conducted by Mr. George H. King. The pulpit of Victoria street Metho- dist church w111 be occupied next Sun- day by Mr. John Elliott, principal of the Mitchell high school. At the morning service his address will be particularly to the boys. Rev. G. M. Holmes will preach next Sunday in the Baptist church at both services. The members of the C.O.F. of this district will be present at the morning service. A cordial welcome to strangers and visitors at all ser- vices. The Logsdon Conference. The London Conference of the Methodist church is in session at the cit of London. The first draft of the stationing com- mittee contains the following changes in Goderich district : Goderich, North streets -Rev. Dr. W. L. Rutledge (from Clinton). Goderich, Victoria street -Rev. 0. Jewett (from Springfield). Clinton. Wesley church -Rev. J. O. Reid (from Wallacebur4). Sylvan -Rev. J. R. Peters (from Maidstone). Granton -Rev. E.G. Robinson (from Watford). Rev. W. K. Hager is appointed to Rtrathroy. Re.. J. R. Ford is apply- ing Inc superannuation. if quality amnia. ltw. Blackstone'• delicious ine cream in bulk or bricks for all nocaaiona. 'Phone NO. AUCTION SALES. WxuSxpn•v. Jane 13 --Auction ante of mileh °owe, young cattle and calves. property of Mr J. A. Nlcholeon, at Mr. Andrew Jehnaton. farm, a mile and w half ret of Carlow, con tneocing at 130 o'clock. THEM GUMvMY, mac. tlooeer. BORN. CARROL .-In:Alexandre ompltal Ooderleh, on May 31. to Mr. and Mr.. George (wrmll•w non. DIED. WE ATRERALII,- At Wawctm, Swot.. on 31wy 1e, Thontaa Wealberld. formerly of Gods. rah. aged 03 year.. HI89ET.-in Goderich. on Sunday June 3, Elisabeth Frances Black. beloved wife of Mr. George Meet. HAWKINR. In Aahfleld townahlp, me Friday. June 1, Sarah Bogle, beloved wife of Wm. O. Hawkins, aged N yearn 1 month. and 4 days. DOUOLASS.-At Toronto. on Monday.June I. Jennett Torrence, widow widow of the lke Jobe Doreglarw, In her 1ti year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 7 Pse. Rupture 8peoiallst J. Y. Elan Baby Carriage for Rale Apply The SignalI Notice to Credltora-Proadtoot, Killoran & Cooks........ ..... .... .... 1 Notice-Ooderleh Poultry 5.1111 Card of Manta -Mat Lune. Board Wanted - H., Rlgnwl o)Nc. 1 flaw eta., for Rale_. A. Aegoltk, Auburn4 Avot.lon Rale -J. A. Nicholeoa t Annual Meeting -North Huron Gland Aare Mallon Reader -0 T. R 4 6 i Peomeraphy--J. T. roll Dog Lost Albert Sown Hen.r tee Pale -T. Gandrf Cud Mylbanks-Mr. Wm. 0. liowklas sad Family Dr. Cbasa, Nerve F.N 9