HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-31, Page 5Mr. J. W. lruseler, photographer, has *old his business to Mr. J. T. Fell, of Meaforth. who takes possession nut Monday. Mr Truseler hu not de- cided just what hi. plans for the fu- Lure will be. Or. Caesar Honorary President. At the annual convention of the Ontario Dental Association, held at Toronto last week, Dr. G. 8. Caesar, of Oodericb, was elected b000rary president of the Association. Dr. MacDonell and Dr. Mabee, of town, were in attendeoae at the convention. The Gambling ease. On Monday morning Magistrate Kelly gave his decision in the charge against John Bedford of keeping • gaming house, Boding against the defendant and imposing • tins of $10 and cast* (115 in all). The other cares in eonfeouon with the same mattet were adjourned to next Monday morn- ing. of f11m lying oD the floor of the opera- tor's room and before the flames could be -extinguished several reels were de- stroyed. When the operator, Mr. Josh. Thomas, saw the first reel burn- ing, be pluckily pinked it up, regard- less of the t.Dses, ad carried it te the street. By the time- be returned several other reelswwpprrse on fire and the chemical exUnKuisbere belonging to the theatre were thens, o quench the ReneThe plaree.eeddw well filled at the time, but by making use of the side exits alRot out with- out any trouble. The prviecting ma- chine was only ►lightly damaged, and thesbnw was running again on Mon- day night as usual, Confirmation at St. Pets. At St. Peter's church this morning, His Lordship Biebop F•lluu, t f Lon- don, administered the rite of confirm- ation to a clues of twenty-eight can- didates. A largeooegregatioo was present to witneea the ceremony. The members of the confirmation class were : Helen Chisholm, Mary Webb, Genevieve Spahr, Helen Mc- Kay, Mary Weiss, Valerie Jeffrey, Jean Lynn. Annie Carney, Kathleen Clearmont, Annie Moser, Eileen Fellows, Hazel Robinson, Laura Jef- frey, Helen Lynn, Clara Foley. Nor- man Cleat moot, Joseph Webb, Thomas McCarthy, Willard (travail's, Ernest Jeffrey, John Fellows, Theo- dore BullaJack Kidd. Charles Buechler, Michael Bowler. William Carney, James Ryan, Edwin Buechler. Central School Entertainment. Victoria Opera Hoose was filled on Thurdey evening for the annual en At the Harbor. The following were the arrivals for the week at the Goderich Elevator and 'Transit Company's elevator : On Friday,steawer (ilenlivet, with 198.000 bushels of Data ; on Monday, weenier Edmonton, with 106,000 bushels of wheat and oat., and steamer Mariska. with 111.,0110 bushels of wheat ; on Tuesday. steamer George A. Graham, with 136,000 bushels of wheat and oats, and steamer J. H. Wade, with 198,1.100 bushels of oats. Fred Oavis a Candidate. The Calgary Herald publishes the address of Mr. Fred Davis (formerly of berth cel to the electors of the Al- DO D D'S berth Provincial conetiWency of (ileichen, in which be is • candidate for the Legislature. Accompanying the add.*** is a very good likeness of Mr. Davis. Our former t rwnsman announces himself en independent Conservative candidate and makes a s' rong bid for the support of the Oe7 Pills re farmers of the constituency. Theelec- a iso: at all Dodd's Kid a ll tome take plane June 7th. Benefit Repeated. The Tittle fire at the Model Theatre Friday evening interrupted the patri- otic heneflt performance under the auspices of the General Brough Chap- ter, 1. 0. D. E., and in order to make up for this Mr. King, the proprietor of the Model, has kindly arranged to give the Friday and Saturday shows this week as a benefit under the same auspices& 'l'bere will be • good pro - grate. Admission 25c (no war tax). Ticketa for last week's benefit will be accepted. Owth of James Johnston. A telegram was received this morn- ing conveying intelligence of the death yesterday (Wednesday) at Eston. Sank., of James Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johnston, Blgin av- enue. The deceased, who formerly lived at Cleveland, had been in the West for three years and bad been in poor health for • long time. The funeral takes place at Eaton next Saturday. The deceased is survived by hi. wife, who was formerly Mies Mabel Hennings. Sirs. (Dr.) Gallow, Mrs. H. Videan and Mr. Rod. John- ston, of town ; Mr Donly Johnston, of Piest 1n ; Mrs. C. J. Shepherd, of Paris, Ont.. and Mn. D. Kyle, of Lon- don, Ont., are brothers and sisters. Small Firs at Model Theatre. On Friday evening, as a result of • fuse wire blowing out, a small blaze occurred at the Model The sire. A spark from the wire set fire to a reel tertalnusent of Central school, and the evening was a thoroughly suo- oes dui one. The first part of the pro - ram was of • miscellaneous character, Including choruses, physical reorders, folk songs and daimon, recitation& eta. The wooed part was entitled "The Brownies' flay," and introduoed many pretty and animated eceneepss* in wood nympfairieshs end othelrsdelightful wood D)mp end romantic creatures appeared in woodland scenes. The youthful well- formers all took their par showing very careful and tapable tratniug on the pert of Prlo�l Sharman end her assistants e musical accompanist of the evening was Miss Lassie Elliott. The reputa- tion of Centra) school for high-class and novel entertainment was fully maintained tbrougbout the evening. • RIQRIGHT'SDISEASE is the dead/legit and most painful malady to which mankind is subject. Dodd's Kidney Pins will cure any case of Bright's Piers... They have never,failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills—pill, box and name—tut irrita- tions are dangerous. The original and on) Fenuine cure for Bright's Ducase is KIDNEY li PILLS fifty cents druggists. Special Meeting of Town Council. A special meeting of the town coon - ail was held on Saturday evening, all the members being present except Councillors !Meer and Cutt. A resolu- tion was palmed authorizing the sale of the 0. W. S. Railway material by the trustee. A number of accounts for lawyer's fees, advertising, etc., in connection with 0. W. S. affairs were Another resolution adopted reque.ted the trustee to take supe to guard against the presentation of the unguaranteed bonds of the railway for • share in the proceeds of the sale of the asset.. The change in the 0, T. R. tlnte- table was discussed, and it was lett to the Mayor to take such action as he deems fit. The question of the disposal of the Wheel Rigs plant was discussed, and something along this line may develop sborUy. Boswell -Reid –Howard. Mrs. Lena Elizabeth Howard. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMurchy, of Oodericb, was Married May 2)th at Greenwich. Connecticut. to Harold de Boivville Boswell -Reid, of London, England, youngest son of the late Brigade Surgeon Lieut. -Col. David Boswell -Reid. The bride looked charming In an afternoon gown of navy blue chiffon and satin over beige charweuse, a flays marin hat and Russian sables, and carried • small Lancret bouquet. She was attended by her daughter, Miss Helen Elizabeth Howard, who wore navy blue taffeta silk with Marie Antoinette Hchu and manchettes and white satin hat. The bridegroom was attended by his friends, Commander nde Ve Richard er, of the Russian navy, Vitolo, the bridegrooms partner from London, England. The bridegroom is the designer and builder of armored motor care now inenneraluse the t Russian army, and has engaged in this special war work since the commencement of the war. A recep- tion was held at Rye, the seaside hums of Mr. Maurice Skvorizotf, a member of the Russian commission. The happy couple left on a short rnotor tour and will reside temporarily in New York, returning to make their home in Lon- don, England, in the autumn. TBUESDAV, MAY 31, 1917 5 i War bonds and other attractive Investments OV CANADA are open to the man who systematically saves Hs money. Such an Investment represents ane what the thrtftkss men spends In unnecessary titles. Open a savtngs account In the Union Beek of C...4.- A great help to thrift. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. Circles and Bands. A duet by Mrs. Trewin and Mrs. Lindsay, of Constance, wee enjoyed by all prevent. An address on "The Influence of Mother in the Home- was very in- structive. A selection entitled, "Help to Carry the Good News On," was de- lightfully o-Iightfully rendered by four ladies of Blyth Auxiliary. The convention was highly favored in .being privileged to heir Mrs. Gor- don Wright, of London, who spoke of ''The Prayer -Life in conjunction with the Women's Missionary Soci- ety." The Blyth quartette again favored the convention with • 'elec- tion. A banquet wee prepared by the ladies of Londeeboru', • pleasing SIGNAL : (GDERtCI1 ONTARIO la 1 C S A new shipment of "Brantford Red Bird" and "Standard" r Bicycles have just arrived, and you had better get - busy if you want that wheel this year,as they are hard to get. EAST . STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by -a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER THAT SMART LOOK Phone 138 which is so essential to a well dressed woman's appeeranee in obtained by women of fashion who buy their foot- wear from us. Hew, they know, only the latent and smartest things in women's shoes are to be had at all Limes and at prices which make shoe -buying a genuine pleasure. Wm. Sharman Goderieh, Ontario LOCAL TOPICS The 'musty council meet• Tueedff next, June btb. The JUDO ,,..lore of the County Court opens on Tuesday, the 1201. W. H. Harrison Selling Out Mr. W. H. Harrison has decided to go out of the jewelry business and will dispose of his stock by • series of auction sales, as advertised In this week's Signal. Just in Time. Mr. R. S. Dale, representative of the Patterson Mfg Co., Toronto, waken of carets, arrived in town this morn- ing to superintend the laying of the (Alton the streets. Sells Photo Business. Model Theatre OEO. E. KINO, Proprietor WEEK OF JUNE 4th, 1917 Monday and Tuesday May Robson in "A NIGHT OUT" A five-part Vitagsaph feature. ALSO The Great Serial Story "The Secret Kingdom" 4- P w fr Scene from "CARRIAGE CALL NO. 101" Fifth Episode of "THE SECRET KINGDOM" Featuring CHARLES RICHMAN and DOROTHY KELLY Wednesday and Thursday EDITH TALIAFERRO, JACK SHERRILL and 2000 others in Booth Tarkington's adventurous romance "THE CONQUEST of CANAAN" Six superb dramatic acts. A big production at usual prices. Friday and Saturday Leonore Ulrich Raid to Love" ioveyrn 1.1 *hAS >, ," tt11'0a ALL WUIL lav: Weather.' «Probes4!4.4 Warmer—tithe to get your new Spring Suit. If you want something just right, in style, fit, materials and everything else that goes to make satisfaction, gite us a call. If we can't suit you— well, we can't say you haven't given us a chance, anyway. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, ootlerich. The Best Trip of the Season EXCURSION BY STEAMER GREYHOUND GODERICH TO DETROIT JUNE 12-14 11 •w.vw..«« st Iter, Leave Goderich Tuesday, June 12th, 9.30 a.m. Leave Detroit on return trip Thursday. June 14th, 1 p.m., ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY $1.50 Only opportunity for people of this district to visit Detroit by boat this year. as there will be no regular steamer service out of Goderich this season. NO TROUBLE ON ACCOUNT OF THE NEW IMMIGRATION LAW. Canadians going to Detroit for a temporary stay are not re- qnired to pay a head tax or make a deposit. Immigration officers will be en board steamer on the trip to Detroit for the purpose of palming all excursionists. WHITE STAR UNE, DETROIT feature of which was • birthday cake decorated with candles In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the con- vention. Silver anniversary badges also were prepared. A solo by Miss Manning, "The Story so Precious," was listened to with pleasure. The organizer's report was very en- couraging, the amount raised i❑ the district being $1,752, an increase over last year. In the evening Mcs. Wright gave a very encouraging and inspiring ad- dress on "Our Work in War Time,'' followed by a duet, "On Christ the Solid Rock." The singing of the National Anthem brought a very *ucoe.sful and profit- able convention to a close. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The band is practising for the Grey- hound "moonlight" excursion on June 11th. The weather has at last become springlike and same of the trees are in blossom. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pellow have taken up their residence on South street, In the hones recently purchased from Mrs. D, Mclvor. The proceeds of the tea to be given in the patriotic tea room on Saturday next will be donated towards the cost of renovating the Alexandra hospital. The regular month) meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Howiie on Thursday, June 7th, at 11 o. on. A large attnndanee is de- sired. Visitor a always welcome. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. W. J, Daniels has gone to La Vallee. New Ontario. Mho Mary Phillip+ we* at her home at Bel- ted ettad for the nollday la+t week. Mr. R. W. ('ralgie. of the railway mall *or, vice. London. was 1n town Oda week. MI*. Jean Nairn returned home from Toronto le.t week and will mend the summer here. Mr Henry Humber 'f Red Deer, Alberta. ta. 1 visiting hi. brother. MI+. Ida Hodg,.on. of Toronto. le wielding at the home of her uncle, Mr. W. R. Robertemi. Victoria .trect, Mri (1. Andrews has returned home from Rantilton, accompanied by her .iter, Mrs - J. W. Clifton. Mrs. 'Jame. Willis, of Kxeter, wa• in town on Sunday+ on a vlait to her brother, Mr. John A. Itobertn, East street. Luckngw Sentinel: Mies Leah Smith haw returned home from (ioderlch, where she has been for some time. Seafortb Expositor: MIs. Little. of (:aderich. sang a solo very acceptably In the Presbyterian church mi Sunday evening la.t. Mrs. J. H. Colborne and Mr.. S. E. Hick are at Petrolle et•ending the meeting of tha Wo- man's Missionary Society of the London Con- ference. Mr*. Wm. Rrindley. of Port Albert, and Mrs. E. Jones, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mr*. Colclongh. of Ooderich. motored out to Mr. M. Schweni, Colborne. on Sunda last. MIs Cora Weehinitton,of Chicago, le vlslting her aunt. Mire Weahington, Kant +trent. She return* to Chinas° next week to take her graduation ata nurse at. Wortley hospital, Mr*, Harriet Middleton, of "White Hall." Goderich towoehlp, annosnees the engagement of her daughter Nettle to Mr merge Rtewart. of (indartoh. the mart loge to take place early in Jane. Rrueole Poets MIw Rlcharde and Mi.. Cu(.hbertsnn and eon (Jordon, Ooderleh have WPM rlslting In Cuthbert son ItIs a et seas doing R1ahaMa. Mr. duty for hi. King. Kincardine Review: Mrs. R. Collins, Vic- toria street. hes returned from Ooderlch, where Me has been visiting Mend,. Mrs. +Meer Cole- town, and MI.. Verne Hicks. Durham rose, are vldtioa friends In Ooderieh. Major and Mr.. Joseph Rook, of Toronto. formerly of Owlet -UM, *re on a trip to the Pacific west, vl.Iting frtsrd* en routs et Win. riper and other pointe. Mr. Ruck gor- (0 Vancouver ane a delegate of the Dsnghter. of the Empire. Mr. John T. Dickman. of Toronto, formerly of Ooderlch, and him soh, Lieut_ John Dickson. who le attached to an artliNry omit at King- on. Mr. Diokaon''e onlyves in:town a other son. Jame*.r dis with theRrlueh forma in Mesopotamia. W. M. S. CONVENTION. Anneal District Gathering at Lendesbero' Last Welt a Successful Event. The twesty-fifth annual convention of the (knderich district Woman** Mkeinoary Society was held in the Qteihodlat church, Lontlesbnro'. May lend. Mrs. Ptak, of (inderieh, district organtizer. presided. The devotional ex- esektil+trere eooducted by Miss Porter. of moron. • very concis and enenevaelni sa ports were given by the Anxillarie►. KoddkFilm The Film that gives all the results. Be sure you load yousk Kodak or Camera with this ilm James A. Campbell Phm. B. CENTRAL DRUG STORE North street and Square Goderich GL Now .THREE Flavours Get a package of the new "JUICY FRUIT" See what a joyous, lasting flavour has been crowded in to give you a great, BIG 5 cent package of refreshment! P,i„ata leek eeerd. Ma reed MADE 1N CANADA Sealed Tight— Kept Right! oil yPe�iw,..GLL.• S� E`�t �p1i .."'--W11 GY FRU 1���y'- i1 Ht Gt,� 3rail l. 1.... .,/ ��r, AI C. Q: ASPS / ...THE FLAVOUR LASTS — 1 Chew ft after every meal IT t!