HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-31, Page 3el t • New THE POONIND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MIiRITB OI IINIDD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL J EL Ggu, Hti1LBMANN, OSTEO PAH. epeetatlst la women's sad chit dummies. acute, *sonic sod terraces die seders, eye, ear, noes and throat. partial deaf lir, lumbago and rheumatic ooUoo. Ade- noids remoret without the knit. Office at e.id.nce. oorner Neon and 8L Andrew's swarm At home otdoe Mondays, Thursdays ..d etaturday.: any evening by apsotota.nt- DENTISTRY NO 11R. H. O. MALDONELL-HONOR Sy Graduate Toronto Univereity. Graduate }}�ga K.oll.ar of Dental nare Boar. aaooeror to the late Meier Sale. Offices neer Square and West street, Ooderlch. Aucrlollm THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIONEER Tim W. Gederich. All instructions by mall lir Ida at Shoal olive will be primed, at waded to. It/widows, Leeptone 119. LEGAL R C. HAYS BARRISTER, W1LICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETc. ,111.e-eterintg Hawk Moak. Hanallt.. LOW. edarlod Telephotos I6. Real grate Leers .ad leemen w q'aOUDFOOT, YILLORAN A 000K.S a1�t1aTER8 SOWCITINtft. PUBLIC, ETC. news ea the Sa n.rs, sewed deer•.. Private fund. to lam at lowest rates. W. Paouurovr. L.O. J. L. Yuacmasi H. J. D. Coosa GGt�CAMERON, K. 0.. HARRIS � .nnotary of.. Street, Godwin. thin door awu.re. At (llntec Thursday of each weak In ��woe we Albert btreet occupied by Mr. fgwoper. Orfioe boon L aa. to a 0.a (`1HARLEB GARROW, LL R.. BAR, 618rE1L attorney, senator, eta. Bede - Mosey to lend at linnet row 1 SKAOER, BARRISTER, SOI. W. latter, Noury PablIe and Cee• 110. -Court Bowe. Oodertck. M'1 INSURANCE LOANS, ae[ILLOP MUTUAL I'IRM IN SvRANCR Co. -Farm sadwslea . property 'neared. oeoere-Jae. Connolly, Pra. oodsrsak P.O.: Js.. even. Vlo.-. Pre. Beechwood P. 0.; Thoma. L hays, 8eo..Tnsa., Seaford' P. G Directors -D. F. McGregor, Seaford' ; John 3.9sieve, Winthrop ; W 111ram Rlno Ca.isoo.: Jed Benneweis, Bradts ren . GeRam. arsfortb ; Robert Farris. Harlonk ; Malcolm aseiw.n. Bruoeasld. ub. J. W. Yeo (loderlcb Atex. CUto CUon : W u1Lm Ch 8e�tord' : i y. Seaford'. Polley -bold•,• can pay asermente and g.t their oards roc ipt d at L J. Morrl.b's Clothing Ston, Clinton. R H. Cold Grocery, Kingston street. Goderich. or J. iL Neirls payers.' Store. Bayfield. PRIVATE FUNDti To leas. Apply to M. a. CA11- 9. terrlwH er amnsso street. oedsrtleb. MOO VYR. ROBERTSON. . INSURANCE AGENT. tams .en LtoerNU,S t British, Canadian and American. arssrpexT Sroges AND a.ras tOra' Liars ITT . Tia The Ooeon Accident .o6 Guaranty Corporation Limited, of London, Eng. IresatJrr MID (I0.ug'rSS Bogor : The U.8. Fidelity and Gs. yaw Company. Oeos at reddens, ortbes.t corner of Vin. Perla and Bt David's streets. Phone 176 Patents, Trade (arks, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEU. TiON. Tells all about and how to get. pat sats. BABCOCK & SONS, established 1117 rormerly Pateot CMoe Examiner, Mante of Patent Law., Registered Patent Attorneys was. m at. James Samba. Montreal. Brsnbes- tMawa and Naihatea. R.pre.entativea 111 all foreign o.satMw. asenalinserrole Brophe3 Bros GODERICH 'Inc Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. The Best Newspaper Value in Western Ontario Che tonbon tis% ertiser All Mall Editions SP Per Year OBITUARY. Masa. THOS. Tommie. There passed away as the borne of bar sun m Nieves' Valls, Out., on Wednesday,' May 18th, Oharlotts Robison, relict of Ibe late Thos. Tun- ney. The vernalns were brought to Blyth and the funeral took plaor from the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Cole, interment being made In West-. field oea»ter . The late Mrs, Tummy war born in North Dumfries, Oxford oou.ty, in the year IIAfJS and was wor- ried to bier late hwbaud in utast W- wanosb, in 1167, and for many years she was a resident of that township. For the past thirteen yrare she bad made her borne at Blyth with her dauebter, Mrs. Cole, abd at the time of her demise she waken • visit to her son at Niagara Walls. titre was much es- teemed In the community in which she resided for so many yearn. She was • life long member of the Presby- terian church. Deceased was the urothrr of a family of eight -five sons and three daughters : Robert, of Clinton ; James, of Westfield ; Mrs. J. H. Clark. Toronto ; Mrs. John Col- burn, beaforth (deceased) ; Mrs. W. A. Cole sod Archie, Blyth ; William, Edgerton, Alta. ; Thomas, Niagara Falls. Three brothers and two sisters survive : Archie Robison, Auburn - Thoatas and William Robison, North Dakota ; Mrs. T. R. Mitchell, Clinton; Mrs. H. Wallace, Lloydmiuster, B. 0. JOHN HOWARD, DRYSDALE. Another of the few remaining pioneers of Hs township, in the person of John Hcward, was called away on Monday. May 210, at the ripe old age of eighty-eight ears and two months. The deceased wag born In Ireland and moved to this country when • young roan. He took an ac- tive part in the clearing up of the dense forest which than covered the land. He was posse/seed of • wonder- fully strong constitution and until of late years, when heart weakness set in, was scarcely ill • day. For over twenty years be drove His Majesty's mail between Drysdale and Kippen. His life -partner, nee Mary McDonald, predeceased him eight years. To them were born eight children, four sons and four daughters : Wm. J. ; Henry, and Mrs. English, at borne ; Mrs. Revell, of Grand Bend ; Mre. Pollock, of Ripley ; Mrs. Porritt, of Rdwonton; Oen. 8., of Zurich, and Jas. 11., of Goderich. 7 be funeral services were conducted by Res. D. Johnston of Varna. The remains were laid to rest in the family plot io Bayfield cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. The pallbearers were : Masers. John A. Manson, Geo. Sparks, Jas. Dins- more, Thos. Johnston, Robt. Turner and Josh. snider. -Zurich Herald. Mr. Jas. R. Howard, of town. was present et the funeral. Cross, Sickly Babies. Sickly babies -those wbo are cross and fretful ; whose little stomach and howeb are out of order ; who suffer from constipation. indigestion, colds or any other of the minor ills of little ones -can be promptly cured by Bvby's Own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs. Jean Paradie, St. Bruno, Que., writes: "My baby was very ill and vomited all his food. He was croa and cried night and day and nothing helped tum till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They *doe set trim right and now he le a fat, healthy boy." The 1'absets area sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 ciente • box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wanted -a Leader. Toronto Saturday Night. Whyu bread selling at twenty-four cents or • three -pound loaf io Canada, whereas for the same amount of money a four -pound loaf can be ob- tained in England, in spite of sub- marines, high freights. insurance and other charges of transportation ? Why is it that calves are Ming slaughtered in this • ountry by the thousands i■ place of allowing them to mature 1 Why is it, tbst lambs only a few weeks old are being killed for the market ? All because the 'now- here of the Dominion Government have been for two years and more teetering about, tint on one foot and then on the other, as efficacious as so many wooden Indians. Blind to the food crisis which was as certain as the day that follows night, we have al- lowed the wheat speculator to get in between us and the grain we need. By the time the Government can take action, if it ever does, the usual peace time proportion of spring Iamb and veal will have been sent to the butcher's block, and we will he abort next season just that much beef and mutton. The wheat situation bee now got so far out of hand that it will be well-nigh impossible to bring in any regulations through a food con- trol board that will relieve the public. It is quite possible that the Federal Government, unaided by the various Provincial Governments, would not have been able to swing effectively food control legislation. On the other hand, it Is scarcely possible that there is a Provincial Government that would not work enthusiastically and with purpose to the same end, if the necesasary leadership had been forth- coming from Ottawa. Co-operation between the Provincial Governments and the Federal Government was all that was required. The people were willing, the industrial arm was ready, but the leaders were nowhere to be found. THE F4GNAL - .GODERICH," O ARID MISERADLE FROM $TOMACH TROUBLE Felt Wretched Until He Started To Take ''Fruit -a -thea" 684 ('saarvte 3r., Mowraut. "For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rhtsesatinw end SlorsecA Ternielr. 1 had frequent Diarry.10.41s, and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered fibre Rheu- matism dreadfully, with paiae in my back and joints, and my hands swollen. A friend idvised "Fruit -a -Hues" and from the outset, they did me good. After Uhe fir•xt box, Uri! I seerrear:ee rasa and I ora truthfully say that "Fruit. -fives" is the only medicine that helped me". LOUIS LAI .IE. 60e. a box, 6 for 12.50, trial sire, 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by FYuit- a-tives Waited. Ottawa. for your conceit. I.y beck, because you're tetchin' these here days about one bone a peck. Why, say, you scabby, sproutin' wart, you make me good and sore, but 1 can mind when folks who ran the corner grocery store would take you every bloomio' time they sent an oil can out, and jam yon, as an ornament. upon the oil can spout. So you don't need to get stuck up, and throw on lou of style, because you've got a start of we that looks most like a mile. For things will change, the; time will come you'll grovel in the mud. and folks once more will snort at you and call you scabby spud. -Ark, in Guelph Mer- cury. Th. Western Fair, t'he dates for the Western Fair, London. Ont., are September 7th to loth this year. Several thousand prize lists, maps, hangers and other advertising material will be mailed from the general office., Dominion Saving. Building, in • few day.. Any person not recelviog a prize list should drop • line to the secretary asking for one, and alai stating the kind of entry form requireJ. If space is required in any of the buildings for an exhibit it should be applied for at once in order that suitable arrangements may be made. The program of attractions will be of a very high order and will be fully announced later. All informa- tion regarding any department of the exhibition will be promptly given on application to the secretary. A. M. Hunt, Domiuion Having. Building, London, Ont. Industrial Bylaws. A bylaw was voted on at Mitchell last week to grant A. Burritt & Co. $400 for a site for a knitting factory and to fix the a..sesment of the prem- ises at 33,1910 !or t -n years. The bylaw carried with a vote of 2H3 to 18. An- other bylaw, authorizing the borrow- ing of 110,000 for the macadamizing of certain streets, also was carried. The ratepayers of Kincardine have a bylaw granting a loan of 0110 to J. 13. Watson to start an- oiherturolture factory in that town. To the Potato. i knew you when i wee a kid and ear unto my voice, for thou above all other things are favored In my choice. i pray thee, ss in dizzy heights thou soerest in the skies. to look upon my humble sell from out thy wondrous eyes. Now don't go hangin' any bluff that you don't know my name, nor nothin' of the village lot from whence 1 sprang and came ; nor don't jou get eo durn stuck up that you won t speak to me, or else i'll get my dander up and shoot harpoons at thee. i knew you when I was a kid and made pies out of mud, and then, by heck, you know right well we used to call you spud. You weren't of much account them days, you weren't so very fine, we ivied to take your little squibs and toss 'em to the swine. And then what'. more, when I'm at the, i'll trim you to a peak, for i don't care a hoot just now It you don't care to speak -1 need to take a poison and quirt It on your hugs, for you was al- ways troubled wit* sows forty ods of bugs. There Mal a bit of rl IMS Drug Store Episode. "I can't sell you whisky without doctor's prescription." "Theo why do you advertise pick. ling materials 2" demanded the irate customer. -Kansas City Journal. Call us up if there is a leak in your house. ;Are will locate the trouble and have it put right. That's part of on: business. We do eavestroughing, plumbing, tinsmithing, etc., and we do it right. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" M.mllton Street Phone 138 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTAIt30 ANTS NEDICINE EDUCATION APPURD SCIENCE Cleft, hisehmiiral ..d DOOM STUDY Awls ter. Dereem ieaasr demi Malsl141.11.. Karol Jstb+d4lnsms oesrw ts.Asrli ff SIM, X MONK aauthatw I user QuoTnnons IAT Nth TermISIVC.ttie Market (soft. heavy,�s rs ...$11.311o312.00 aa. med1ttl�' 10.60 11.26 Bateber: chokes handy 11.26 11 76 de. good 10.76 11.00 da sowmo. 0.80 10.36 B.tabere. ball., choice 10.36 11.00 do. good 9.50 10.30 de.medium 9.00 9.00 Butchers' choice caws. 10.IS 10.76 es. good 9.76 10.26, da medium 9.00 0.60( Feeders, 000 to 1,000 lbs. 9 26 9.76 d.. med., 700 to 300. 8.00 8.76 Stockers, 700 to WO lbs. 7.36 1.76 do. medium 0.60 7.00 Grans tows, 900 t. 1,000 Ibd... 6.60 7.76 Cutters6.26 6.36 Canners . . 6.16 6.76 Milkers, good to choice .65.00 1.10.00 do. cow. and med60.00 80.00 Springers .. bo.00 110 00 Calves, veal, choice 12.50 14 00 do. medium 10.00 11 60 do. oommon 600 6.60 do. grass 6.00 7.00 da heavy tat 7.10 10.00 Sheep, yearlings, choice 14.60 16.00 do. clipped .... 12.60 13.50 do. common, usclfp'd 13.60 14.60 do. culls, unellpped9.60 11.00 *Sheep, ewes, light, cltp- p•d . 10.00 10.50 do. heavy and bucks. 9.00 11.00 do. cult 4.00 7.00 Hogs, fed and watered, choice . . 17.00 00.00 No off can or to b. quotations on bop Issued this week •Unclipped sheep are selling at 13 per cwt. higher than clipped Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesalers are paying: Eggs - Current receipts, cases returnable .. 1 .40 to 1 .00 Butter-- Creamery utter`Creamery solids .41 .41% do. choice dairy .36 .37 Wholesale prices to the retail trade: Egg. - New -laid, cartons do. ex -cartons Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.44 .46 Creamery solids .41 .43 Choice dairy prints .39 .41 Ordinary dairy print.34 .36 Bakers' .30 .31 Cheese -New, large, 26%c to 27c; twtna, 26%c to 275kc; June, large, 30%c; twtna, 31c. Live Poultry -Buying price deliver. ed Toronto. Chickens, milk fed do. ordinary Hens, under 6 lbs do. over • Ibs. Roosters Ducks Turkeys $ .45 10 $ .46 .42 ' .43 .22 .27 .20 .22 .23 .23 .26 .21 .16 .18 .20 .00 .18 .23 Spring chickens .46 .66 Beans. --Japanese, hand-picked, bush- el. 16.60 to 86.76; prime, 86 to 16.25; Canadian, hand-picked, bushel, 17.75; prime, 17.26. Maple Syrup -Pan. 11.66 to 11.76 per imperial gallon. Maple Sugar -16c • lb. Toronto Markets Toronto Board of Trade market quo - Guiana : uatatlona: - Manitoba Wheat -No quotations. Manitoba Oats -No quotations. American Corn -No. 3 yellow, 11.67%, nominal, subject to embargo. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 12.65 to 12.70, according to freights outside; No. 3 winter, 12.63 to 12.68. Ontario Oats (according to freights outside) -No. 2 white, 73c to 76c, nom- inal; No. 3 white, 72c to 74c, nominal. Peas -Nominal. Barley -Malting, nominal. Rye -No. 2 new, $2 to 12.05, nominal. Manitoba ' lour -First patents, in jute bags, 114.50; seconds, to jut ..114; strong bakers'. In jute, 113.60. Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample, 111.60 to 111.60. Mllifeed-Carlota, delivered, Mon. treat freights; Shorts 146; bran 140; middlings, 348; good feed flour, per bag, 13 to 13.10. Hay -Track, Toronto, extra No. 2, 1fi2.60 to 113.50; mixed. 19 to 111.60. Straw -Carlota, 19. Dressed Meats-Whot.sale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as foluws: B3ef, forequarters $16 . 00to117 . 00 do. hindquarters 20.00 22.00 Carcasses, choice 18.00 19.00 do. common 14.00 16.00 Veale, common 11.00 13.00 do. medium 14.00 15.00 do. prime 17.50 18.60 Heavy hogs 17.00 18.00 Shop hogs 22.00 23.00 Mutton, light 16.00 do. heavy 12.00 Lambe yearling 24.00 THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1917 1 _••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • •• •• • • • • •• •• • D;MILLAREtSON Verandah Furnishings For the summer season ahead of us the verandah will be the most popular place in the home. From sunny Japan come these beautiful Rugs, Mats and Mat- tings, that make the ideal verandah floor covering. Heavy Quality Grass Rugs Beautiful stenciled designs, in all sizes from 3x6 feet to 8x10 feet. From $1,50 each. Greek Key Border Grass Matting For verandahs, halls, churches, etc. Will give splendid wear. 36 inches wide. 60c yard. Beautiful Jap Mattings in plain and fancy designs, in all colors, the ideal low- priced covering for bedrooms, verandahs, etc. 36 inches wide. At 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c per yard. Jacquard Jap Mats One of our popular sellers each season, in all colors, sizes 27x54 inches at 35c each, and 3x6 feet at 50c each. Awning Stripes Heavy quality awning stripes in green and white, navy and white, red and white. Now is the time to get your Awnings made and get the benefit of the whole summer. 30 inches wide. 39c yard. Coca Mattings Coca Matting on the steps adds greatly to the appearance of the home at little expense. Best quality only kept, will give several seasons' wear. 22 1-2 inch at 45c. 27 inch at 55c, 36 inch at 65c, and 45 inch at 85c. Measurements taken and estim- ates given. Congoleums Congoleums These beautiful Congoleum Rugs have met with the approval of the public, and all who own one are most enthusiastic about their praises. They come in beautiful rug designs, are suitable for all rooms and will stand all kinds of hard usage. In the following sizes : 2 1-2 x 3 yards 3 x 3 yards 3 x 3 1-2 yards 3 x 4 yards $7.50 $9.00 $ 10.50 $ 12.00 Special Values in Raincoats Women's Poplin Raincoats, English make, in fawn, grey and black. All sizes. Much under present-day prices. Special $5.00. Children's and Misses' Middies Our summer stock of Middies is now complete, and from every indication they will be more popular than ever. Many styles, in white and palm beach, in cotton and silk. From 75c to $2.50. THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 • •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • 3 •• •• •• •• •• • • 30•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ear if you want an estimate on your printing. The Signal is equipped for Phone35 turning out anything from a calling card to a catalogue. t Rally Round the Hoe. We'll rally round the hoe, boys, and join the ranks of toil, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'eni 1" We'll train the crops to grow, boys, as tillers of the soil, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'eni 4" Where there is work to do, boys, we'll gather on the spot, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'em!" To duty we'll be true, boys, and, till the vacant lot, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'em 4" Nature, kind mater, will aid in our need. Down with the tater ; up with the weed ! So we'll rally round the hoe, boys, and train the crops to grow, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'em !"-Milwaukee Even- ing Wisconsin. Can You Beat it ? "Jack, dear, which would you rather lose, me or my money 2" "You, dearest." "Oh, Jack 4" "Hut i would, because, you see. Id have the 18.00 dear, if I lost you I woo 16.00 money to offer a large reward and get 26.00 you back again." Spring lambs, each ... 8.00 10.00 "You darling boy !" Chicago Live Stock Cattle -Receipts, 700; market slow; beeves, 19.40 to 113.60; stockers and feeders, 17.40 to 110.30; cows and hell - ere, 16.50 to 111.40; calves, 110.50 to 115. Hop -Receipts, 8,000; tg,arket weak; light, 114.65 to 115.86; mixed, 115,38 to $18; heavy, 116.16 to 116.10; rough, 115.25 to $16.40; pigs, 110.60 to 114.60; bulk of sales, 116.46 to 116. Sheep - Receipts, 1,600; market steady; lamas. native, 113 to 117.25. Rant Buffalo Cattle Cattle -6 cars, steady. Hoge -10 oars, steady; heavy, 116.80 to 116.90; Yorkers, 116.50 to 116.76; pigs and tights, 114.60 to 111. Sheep --1 ears, steady. Top Iambs, 116.50 to 116.65; yearlings, $13.60 to 116; wetbers, 113.60 to 114; ewes. 512 to 112. Calves -112, steady. Top lambs, 614.11; fair to good, 112 to 613. Fed calves, 16 to 87. Cheese Markets St. Hyacinthe, Que.-76 packages of butter were offered. All sold at 891qa Three hundred boxes of theses were boarded and sold at 22c. ('owaarvtlf., Que.-Fifteen !arteries offered 1,060 boxes of butter. Four- teen hctorles sold at aka One nnsold. London, Ont --Ni boxes were offer- ed ffered No sales. MAIM' was at lir. Belleville, Ont. 2.100 boxes were or- dered. Oos thousand boxes soy at MMo. His Ambitions. Gladys -And what is the height of your ambition ? Dick (after a careful survey of her) -Well, dearie, I should say that it was about Hve feet tbree.-Puck. There is just as much kicking In baseball as there is in football, only it is not so effective. JtarYak Corner Montreal Street and Square HIGH CLASS end SANITARY We serve excellent fronds a la Carts daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen OAMIFUL SesrvICT Otir waa•atsanttn.es Afwaw OPEN 9 A. M. TO IA.M.. MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity beet all Maple Slate, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 98 residence its or 68 GIRLS WANTED For office work to f111 the place. of men who nave gone of are going to the front. Young women c:ail render the country real etre toe by preparing to take positions In bank. and bub nese onkwn. Spci lel ('onr.ee of training In Book kceping, 8ho,l hand and all other 1'om merrlal object- now in progrt.c. Students admitted any l ime. illustrated raWugue tree. Northern Business College, Ltd. OWI;N SOUND. ONT. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. New Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for sale -three -burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and See Them - W. R. PINDER Phone 165 Hamilton Street School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BEGINS A P R I'L 4O6r,4917 Von have always intended to take a Commercial and Steno graphic Course some time. Do \ it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise yoti so great a return ? We Guarantee Positions to Graivates Write for full information. DO IT NOW. t. F. WARD, . A ., M. Accts. P1rnNa 204 Principal 1