HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-31, Page 1Pnnting ?R 031At 1. ready I " handle emir Priatlwg west, large or .mall, mad give yon a .atielaotory job ever? that Let us have your neat order. Telephone 35 The Signal Have You Forgotten' S11<I'Y-MINETa TWt.-1M X The favorable outcome of the present crisis depends in part upon your economy. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Statement of the Result of the Rattiness of tke Bank for the Year Ending 30th of Apra, 1917, Given at the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders Held at the Head Office, Tor- onto, ma Tuesday, 15th of lla7, 1917. PROFIT AND LOSS ACOOUIIT. Balance of Prost and 1.o-.. Stith April. 1918 ... .. ... ..... ... ........... $ 6t736.ge Profit. for the year ending 70th April, 1917, atter dodo ekes oh.rmes of man- &newest[, rebate of lateme. •tc. Making • total of tri , A proprtated as teu.w.. vedeal Ijomith November, per cant 13th Angus(, luta. 6a•.11aT4 ridded 1{ per omit 14tOre. ... . 17.17877 Mimed 11 per at. 13th February. 1917 K 4YRIE Ir Dividend I S •r eewc 13ti May. 191 ..... ... I7.486.tp - i72.31E319 Transferred to Centineent Account tot deem:defies et ri1J 91. 11.04.0) K'ar 'fax on Ctreula.la. .. . .... Prowl neat Government Taxes OKK& $ 20011.n6 Balance of Peeks carried forwied.. .._. a0.719.04 . 11214.416- 49 s•MINIZ II=SUVS FOND. H@L.ce erougb t forward...... ...• ......., . gao.nn n Comparative General Statement For Tait IMAM pa Aden. slat est mar- Nl g pith April, Ivry. LISAILiTISS. feta 191x. Nom ef M. Bask 1. eireelarioa. $ t.16miss.s. 9 Liam e1 yrlwfr.aeelsamtet eiiss tot ee.t &period talitar{Dpas•eta.ald 41111141111111111 1141"1431 3aut773 Salaam. Aaneether f.oka to C&sada.s-r.....s.... 17196 115,91eel Acceptances under Letters of Creat. ...... ........ • 944.40 7,43441 Total Liabilities to the Pub14s $ tIMd7➢4 6112.186 972. es Capital Stock paid up 1,906.21444 1.712.173.08 Reeve Ford. 1n'.060.00 30ernii.nt Dividends Declare and U.p.td. WWII 20,910.3a Balance of Prat and Lase Account carded forward6.776.29 60.820.e4 {1.744.816.06 913,768037.27 ABBtrB. 49Rt 1917. r'urreed Coin held by tee Hank 1 43,919 $ 31.981.37 Dominion Notes &8 1.391.9[7.25 1.421.353.75 Deposit with the Minister ter the purpose the Circulation Fend 56.900.13) 36.017.00 Notes of ether Bunke 162.44340) 173.140.01 Cheques on other Banks 367,297.34 565.719,01 Bale ores due byther Banks 11 Canada .. . .. .. ....... 144,312.17 5,0094 Balances due o ... ... y Banks and Banking Correspondents else- where than to Caned& 530,007.31 467.91.6\ Dominion and Provincial Ooverament8ecuritis. not exceed- ing market value 1.322.40659 Canadian Municipal 8eouritiee. and BretlakForeign .od Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian........ 923.103.90 5,(71.4419.86 Railway and other Bonds. Debentures and Stocks. not ex. ceeding market value 547,4C6 70 619,301.07 Coll and Shot tot exceeding thirty day) Loans In Canada 0o Bond-. Debentures and Steokm......... 445.357.15 173.645 38 $ 4.619,943.81 $ 6,1429018 09 Other Current Loans and INeoonnte In Canada flees rebate of Interest 1 5.912,940 77 4.431041119 Overdue Debts (estimated lora provided for) 17.144.37 17..0004 Hank Premises. •t not more than cosi. less amounts written off. . .. .. 2734.31.65 27472.`41 ilahlliU« of (u tomen under Lstiere of Credit ursper metre 914.40 2.4114.u6 Other Asset" not included In the fareteing 70,060.16 90.161.10 1e741.313.96 $12.7*887.117 Toronto. April Seth. 19171, G. T. BOMER4, PRIBIDENT. A. H. WALKER, General Manager. AUDITOR'S REPORT. This statement has been duly vouched by comparing all entries with the hooka at the Chief Office and certified Return. how the Branches. and in m7 opinion la properly drawn up iso ss to exhibit a oorrect view of the condition of the hank. Cash and *mullet lea have been (honked at the chief Omoe at 3leh April. IUD, as well seal another time during the yoke, ur regnired by Section 56 of the Bank Act. i have obtained all the Information and explanations required, and atm of the opinion that the transact ions of the Bank wbich have oome ander my notice have been within the powereof the Hank. eHIRMAN E. TOWNSEND. C. A., Auditor. 6I0DRBJOH. ONT I THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1917 Tlag;B'GNAIZPRIN'ImN0 CO.. LIMIT1LG. Poste/OM NOMIUTIVCRIDIT0113= NOT SA kACTORY. NOTION TO CREDITORS. IN Tag NATTER 011 TH1 LaTAT$ or Joss 0. Kuser& Lara or mg Tuweextr tor due rump, se Tag COUNTY OF Resole W ci.t. DRIU.$ t Norio. la hereby gives. 1 ursu.nt to Revised Statutes et oaterio, Chapter lin. Section 56. test all aredlier* and others laying claim, .galeet the estate of the weld John O Kuntz. who died on or about the I7t1 day of Janu- ary. IW7, are required on or before the tate da of June. 1917. t ,.os by pt pereeld or deliver to the uuders soUe.ter for antlerw 8cbueutcher, the administrator of the said d. ceased. `Mir Christian and surname, ad dr.-.. . and demeiptlous. with tall particulars of their deism rad statement of [belt .o count" oe the nature of the mourners, U any. heN by them. AMD innersole TAKI Nu-rlc. that after suets 1.rteseatlaieed date the raid .dminlstr&tor w411 proceed to distribute Die resets of the de moved among the ponies eat tried thereto, hav- ing regard Doty to the claluu, of welch they shall lhm have notice rod that he will not be liable for tbe meets, or any part themo.t. to any poem or pereout et whose chins he shall not hare received notice at the tope of such dbtri but ton Dated the lith day of May. A. D.. 1917. A. L HITZER, Kitohawer, (lea 64 u Solicitor for the raid Adm/dLtralor. Change in G. T. R. Time-tableloser- I friss.lab Sdata Comedies. oa'ebo s d haze -table took effect l,pe Q, T. x. on Monday, and the Beet train 11 anew arrives at 11.45 •.ve.The.i,mii fremBuffelo formerly arriving atF p. m. now watt. at Stratford 1{b and again waits at Clinton for London connection, arriving breast 7.10 p. m. The new tom, gement is all right so tar as Use Yatpteo connection Is con- cerned, .rt4 people are pleased to Ret the city pipers an hour and a -half earlier ; bur the vatting off of the midday Buffalo connection, which Ooderich has had for a great runny years, is a more serious thing, aid fir outweighs Isby advantage from the earlier Toronto c-uneclion. Pa..- .engem ar-engem from Toronto ruuld better be delayed en Mau and a -half than pas- senger from Buffalo six hours. In the summer -bale especially there is considerable traffic frow stations be- low Stratford. end this would be ger- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN Till Ner•r. or M[cNAC. DALTON. 1•111 or 1111 TOw'N.HIP OF A114,1g1.D. IN TH1 '0U NTT or H1210N. Y106A1. D1c4Aaau. Notice L hereby given. porsnvt to the strata* in that behalf. that all persons having claims .galo.t the estate of .the above named Michael Dalton, who died on ' h• flee day of February, 1917, are requested to send by port or deliver to the uuderegoed eolloltor for the e xecutor of kis last will and testament. o0 or before the 4th day of June. 1917, full particulars of their elaluus. and. tbat after the ,old it day of J uw next the said executor will proceed to distribute bis estate among the peninss en- titled thereto, having regard only to the dales of which be then .hall have received notloe, .od that be will sot be liable for the said estate. or any pat thereof. to an on of .hese calm Mail not tamhameson been receival. Dated at Oo.erieb. this lltk day of May, M7. R.C. HA fa, 54-31 8o41clter for the said Executor. FOR SAL1 off RENT. FARM FOR SALE. -IAT Q CON- ClBBION 7. Colborne township csae4s9og of one hundred acnee of the best fns land Ia the tow sable. Good orchard. plenty et ceder and some otter bush. Good striae wear, never goes dry in Sommer and never overflow* in winter. On the farm Is . hood two -.tory red brink bourse. 4.res, stable. and sheds In f4w4 clams rondU400. For term, .r.d par Mears apply to THOS. BURNS. KR. No. 3. Goderich. 00.41 ioosly (tscon venieneed ; and besides I THE LADS IN KHAKI. FOR DOMINION DAY. the passenger traffic there is the ex- press business in fruit and other com- modities. Another consideration &t- ractiog Owlet -kb is that the new ar- rangement will mean the removal of six or eiebt families to Stratford. as it will be more convenient for the train- men to make that point their head- quartere, The new timetable le the result of a conferen^e held with 0. T. R. officials at Clinton a few weeks ego. So far as Ooderich is concerned. the desire is for a longer period between the arri- val of the first train and the depart- ure of the last one. if the 5 o'clock train out could be restored Goderich could get along very well with the 1 10 incoming train. With the last train leaving at 2.30, however. there should be • train arriving In the morn- ing, but the Buffalo connection sbould not be disturbed. This is the way Ooderich feels about it. It is hoped that the summer time- table to be issued in June will correct the present arrangement. At Brantford tbere is considerable feeling over the Butting off of the con- nection between that city and point* north of Stratford. The Brantford Ezporltor says : "Local wholesalers when inter- viewed on the matter today expressed the opinion that this is the worst slap that the Grand Trunk his given the wholesale dealers of Brantford and Hamilton In some years. They have through this chane, they say, made it almost impossible to ship perish- able goods to the points north of Stratford, se if the same be shipped from bere by express at 10.19 a. m. they will have to lay over at Stratford a period of four hours. sod if shipped at night will have to lay in the ex- press sheds till some time the next morning. Locally. the wholesalers are real 'hot' on the question, and state tbat last year the lame rood pulled off something of the same na- ture when they made • cut In service north of Palmerston, thus favoring the wholesalers of London and Tor- onto. and placing •'serious stumbling block in the way of Brantford and Hamilton." Wanted A YOUNG MAN FOR CANVASSING and COLLECTING This position offers excellent opportunities for advancement to a man of ability. Apply to J. M. STEW ART, Prudential Insurance Co. Masonic Temple, Goderich. TORENT.-V A FURNISHED. apartment, above Mr. 4. R. Wigle'. s4ere. Aloe eotlue on Hayfield road. Apply MRS J AMES WILSON, North street. Ott VIOR RALE. -HOUSE AND TWO JO IA)Tl! on Keay. street. Frame beam. containing eight rocme, all modem Improvs- meati• nice dtaatlon sod conveneest bl:eaegf- ate Institute. Ahem flee acres of land.ituatedes the Barfield read. suitable ter market gavial - Ing, .ad two Ida is west end et time. bspllpdolaoeg Ida Apply to J N w 94; .2) i0 6t. N Y 17, 0t+eI44AAC BAL - b. ORAIOIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Liberals, Attention The joint Annual Meeting of South Huron 1,iberal Associations will be held in Hensnll Public Hall, on Tuesday, June 5th at 1 o'clock p.m. Addre+aes will be delivered byThou. MrMillan, 'South Huron Liberacandi- date ; Wm. McDonald, M. P. P.. North Bruce, and others. All friends of Liberalism are invited to come and bring their friends and neigh- bors. A very cordial invitation is extended to the ladies. T. G, AHtu.rNC.i.Aw, Iowa ir.MSRV, S. G. SRLrMoo, HAMMY SMITH, Secretaries. President,. WANTIll. WANTED. -SMALL ROOM WITH Apply at THZ MMORAL. with ter without board. The following la • lint of properties which 1 have for sale, and on Inveatigatioo prospective buyer'. w111 find that tri prices are pat down where the properties can be purchased to make some money : No. 1. Flue led brick hour tally modern, 10 East moms. fall basement. corner and Victoria streets. The; la one of the most desirable prop sties in Ibe town of Goderich. Price 93.800. No. 2. Fine red brick house. frilly modern, with hot water heating. 7 roma. toll beaems& situated weer side Victoria street. This is the beet buy In town. Price 9'2.150. No. 3. New rod brink house• just built 1916, electric light and bath. 7 rooms, two Mee with fruit treat and good garden. more available land if desired. situated east side Huron road. Good buy. Pnoetktl'0. No. 4. White brick, ll -story, 7 -room house. bath and electric llghte. Good bop. two Ida with fruit trees. situated on the corner of Cam- eron sod Raglan streets. Price 91,600. No. 5 White brick 9 -room houee, all modern conveniences, hot water heating. enrolees in living room end parlor, situated on tri corner of Nelaoe and Cambria. Ptioe 93.4.10. No. 6. Frame house, It story, 6 rooms, two lobe with trait trees stunted on the west aide of Widder street. Price 9710. Na 7. Frame house, 7 rooms end bath, two lots with fruit trees, situated on Warren street. Price $800. No, 34 Bleck of mix of the beet garden lots in town. eltueted on the west side of Huron road. Price Tarn No. 9. One of the. cholceat building Iota In town, agents(' ou .l he Crescent. Full size lot. Prim Several other listings ran be had on applies. tion •t Lite once. Number of houses to rent. Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot - ages. Wanted to Rent. -Sax houses. with all conveniences, at once. J. W. CRAIOI4. Insaranceand Real gnats. Omer between O. T. It, and C. P. R. Ticket (Mloes. I'hone 24. AGENT WANTED - RETURNED SOLDIER PREFERRED. -We want a repreeentlUve to cell on farmers In the Bounty of Huron 1n the Interest of the bad -known .g riealtnral weekly In Canada. Permanent posi- tion to right man and good Income guaranteed. Preference will be given to a returned moldier. A motorcycle or bicycle would he an Meant - Write for full particulars to Manager, &7 H.YUAN LIBHiNONAIACOU('1) .441PUR- 6:Ca n 04. Toronto. ANTED. -FAMILY WASHINGS sed plain amine, to do kt home. MRS. w . PRECIOUS. Bayfield road. 16.91 ARM ANP SHOP HRLP WANTED 11.DIAT Y. al, ONTARIO ATOMY6eslphwTent. 64i BOYO WANTRD.-WR CAN GIVE enp►oyniegt_a a_etuoher of beta at box takew. O IC MANUFACTURINGOI). W Y IT*DI UJANTRD.e-As WOMAN' TSO TARR e'f EPY=NI minx in x P. tI .A.fee.t IIIRLts WANTED. -APPLY GODM- U SIOS IIJ!IYNI iNPC*h .. •.41.4•4vM4b1 .111 a. ....n .r • A e etiser. -w • .. s. .4 +f .'. • „ PUBLIC NOTICE. • ■ SPlitIAL FISH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY ♦T THY. British Exchange Hotel Pwpr•ietar. The following offered themselves tor service at the local recruiting office during the past week : Harry Bu- chanan. F. G. Weir, H. K. Ross, H. L. Sproul. H. D. Robinson. G. G. Mc - Swan, W. Carter, J. B. Simpson, M. D. Willis. Of these, the first two were rejected. Messrs. Roes and Sproul, who are from Dungannon, are joining the Army Service Corps, and Messrs. McEwen and Carter the Me- chanical Transport. 3 NOTICE. -ALL THOSE HAVING accounts wltb DR. W. F. OALLOW ars regneeted to call at him home and serenest for the p.yment of acne without delay, as he ex- peots to proceed oversee. In the near future and wlahes to have all .eoou1a straightened up before Ise leaves. 81 tf NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION. --- TOWN OF GODRRiCH. FOR SALE MORE POTATOES FOR SALE. Two carloads arrive this week_ . Get your order in early. R. R. ELLIOTT. 'Phone 16 r 7 Goderich Rural. Box 371, Goderich P. O. FOR SALE. -GO -DART, IN FIRST- CLASS condition • large hood. wood Mem Alm a baby -walks. Apply MRS. H. T. sow -ARDS. Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Town of Goderich will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ilodorich, for the purpose of hearing appeals against she Assess- ment Roll for the Town for the year 1917, on MONDAY, June 18th, 1917, at 8 o'clock in (b• evening. All parties interested are requested to attend. t-' L.L. KNOX. Town Cloak. °ode -rich, May gist, 1917. 9$-31 DICTIONARY FOR SAL IL - Splendid copy of Webster. 19ern.ttonal Dictlon.ri (over 2.310 pages). Owner has no furtber one for same and w(11 sell et a bargain. Apply at THE SIGNAL. MEETINGS. FOR SALE: -ROWBOAT IN GOOD condition. Apply at SIGNAL °FMK. FFOR RALE. -ONE AUTO TRUCK, capaciegoismpacity li tone. Suitable for egoism or fom work. Pneumatic tires In front, reer axle, the Respell Internal gear -drive. Speed. 12 to 20 miles per hour. One Jitney auto car. closed body : to carry eight paseenstera. Pneumatic tires all round. Roth cart be seen at our factory or drop um a poeto.rd for full pertloulers and prima of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD.. (htf Goderich. Ont. MEETING 08 HURON OOUNTY ILL COUNC[i..n. ot the a eMt M f Asa ii opaline] meet to aL4Megeg t rlatbier, le of aeon will , le y the town of Godet(ef of inns, at 7 d leek. (9u k. Dated rises milkin" .. Mee MUSIC. NORTH HURON LIBERALS. Mr. T. E. Sunbury has joined the Mechanical Transport branch of the Army Service Corps, sod is . now in uniform. He leaves next week for London. We understand his duties as organist and choirmaster of Knox church will be taken'3ver, for a Uwe at least, by Mrs. Sunbury. Mr. Wilton Elliott. son of Mr, John Elliott. prirctpal of, this Mitchell high .chool• well known in Godericb, has enlisted in a cyclist corps at London. Well -attended Meeting. at Wingham Hears Vigorous Speeches,. The annual meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association was held in the town ball, Wingham, on Tues- day last, and. oonsidering the busy season on the farms, bad an excellent attendance. neatly all parte of the riding being represented. LHLHBO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. G. 0., L. D. C. M., (Hoofer end Choirmaster of . Church. Teacher piano, voice, argot Pupils prepared for ezamin$tione. Studio -- Nelson street.. four doors e..t of 1)r. Hunter's. • liieserel Committee Appel Mr4 -T. Ment Friday E,edem. A meeting called by Mayor Mun- ningsp to mage preparations for the oelebration of Dowiniou Day In tiode- riob was held at the town hall on Wednesday .veniog. An orgaoiiation was effected as follows : t:bairwan-Mayor Mooning,. Secretary -L. L. Knox. Treasurer -Wm. Lane. General ooulmittee-J. P. Hua. W. H. Robertson, T. Oundry, J. W. Craig's W. T. M uroey, J. H. McClin- ton, R3. J. McOreatb, W . f?', Netts!. C. A. Reid, J . H. Johnston, A. M. Robertson. Mia• Sharinan, J. B. Nairn. W. E. Kelly. E. G. Colborne, C. L. Moore. Geo. Porter, Alex. Saunders, R. (i. 1(eynoids, A. D. McLean, An- drew Porter, James Connolly, Geo. Stewart, A. J. Peltridge. the members of the town council and town officials, and three to be nominated by the Colborne Telephone System. Mr. Gordon Lamb. president of the Colborne Telephone System, was present and expressed a desire to avoid • conflict of dater between the Goderich celebration and the annual Colborne township picnic. Mr. Lamb's remarks were hears with appreciation and through him the Colborne Tele- phone System was invited to appoint three members to act on the general committee for the celebration in town, in which it .is hoped the Colborne people will take part. The committee is to meet on Friday night of this week, at 8.91) o'clock, at the town hall, to arrange • program. appoint sub-cowm•tters, etc. The celehrattoo is to be held on Monday, July god. A card dated May 6. received by Mr. J. B. Nairn, of The Signal, from Corp. Hairy Watson, formerly of the 161st Battalion hand, now at Westrn- hanger. Kent, England. says : "Re- ceived Signals dated April 12, which is ahead of any letters to date. I guess you must have a special delivery. However, keep up the good work. as the boys appreciate them. The unit has been sending large drafts to France lately. and is pretty well cleaned up. but expect more drafts from Canada soon.' The oflieer. of Wt year were re- elected, as folhrws : Preedent, W. W Robertson, Goderich ; glee -presi- dents, John Gillespie. Whitechurcb ; John Henneburg, Corrie ; Joseph Dalton, Kingsbridge ; secretary. Jas. MaMurchie, Blyth ; treasurer, A. B. Carr, Blyth ; auditor, W. Isbister, W Ingham. Chairmen of the municipalities were appointed as follows : Howick, James Hunter ; Turoherry, 12. S. Muir ; Grey, Amos Smith; Morris, John Mc - Anew ; Ashfield, .Chas. Stewart ; Col- borne, R. M. Young ; West ♦Vawa- no.b, J.H. McNabb ; East Wawanosb, John 8biells ; Brussels, P. Scott ; Blyth, R. H. McGowan ; Goderich, C. A. Nairn ; Winghane Richard Clegg ; Wronger, John Douglas. The tweeting was addressed by Aid. Ramsden, of Toronto, who re- viewed some of the important ques- tions of the day. In his opinion con- scription wouid not be necessary if the Government had done its duty in - Amid of playing politics. In Quebec the Government had played for Que- bec votes, and had mace an alliance with the Nationalists who had been talking against giving help to Britain. When war bloke out no proper step' were taken to encourage recruiting in Quebec. At the time nt the Boer war Bouraesa had quarreled with Mir %ViI- lrid Limier on the question of send- ing Canadian troops to South Africa, and ever since that time Sir Wilfrid bad never sought. Bourasesi s counsel. On the other band, the Conservatives had sought the aid of Bowmen and his friends to placeand maintain them- selves in power. These were some of tbe causes of the present situation. If conscription was nereseary in the in- terests of the Empire, he (the speaker) declared himself ready to support it. Speaking of Hun. Robe.t Ro ere, the speaker declared that he could be dispensed with without any great loss to Canada or to the Empire. Mr. Ramsden also spoke of the fl - medal record of the Government, its apathy io the face of the increased coat of living, its leniency towards grafters. and other failures in admin. ist ration. Mr. M. O. Cameron. K. C. of Gods- rich, od♦ rich, gave an admirable address on the political issues of the day. He ad- mitted that conserip ' was an ugly word ; but the war must be won, and so far as the Liberal leader was con- cerned he believed that Sir Wilfrid would take the patriotic stand. Mr. A. Hislop, the Liberal candidate in North Huron, declared that Sir Robert Horden in keeping Hon. Rob- ert Rogers as bis rnmpanion and con- fidential adviser was insulting the people of Canada. Mr. Hislop con- demned Government extravagance and the handing nut to party friends of greet sums in contracts, etc., while the poor people were being asked to glue their last eve cents for patriotie prep woe He. too, believed that if the Government had done 1ta duty there would he no need of conscription. Ho far there was no infot matron as to the details of the Government's con- seription proposals. and until more was known of the principles and de - hila of the measure be did not care to NORAE.HURLEY, 1..LC.M. Tea.her piano and theoretical work. Pupils prepared for examinations. Studio. 8t. Uavtd'. street. 87.21 CARTAGE ('apt. Sloan, who has returned trent France on furlough after spending some tient• in hospital, was in town Having enlisted with the 161st (Hilton) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr, Yeo, say eery much about It. No. 1617. Mr. W. C. Ran, ortanlser for the CAPT. R. R. SLOAN, Blyth. thio *ea Visiting ilia N erlley- Vi'alter. Meter, Mrs. Hugh Anderson,oungest eon of the late Rev. Jas. A. Anderson and of Mrs. Anderson, Ottawa, has enlisted fot overseas service with tot Queen's Ambulance Corps. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edward.' is pure. Phone 200. THE G. C. I. REVIEW. This week the third annual num- her of The G. C. 1. Review makes Its bow to the public. This interest- ing book. published by the G. C. I. Literary Society. coo.ir.ts this year of about fifty pager, full of interest for everyone. The history of the Collegiate Insti- tute. by Dr.. I. Strang, begun in the 1916 number. is continued and will be read with interest by studenta past and present. Mditary affairs occupy an important place. The school's honor roll, in- cluding 130 names, is published and appropriate mention is made of the ex-etudenta who have died for their country. There are portraits of four G. C. I. boys : Lieut. M. P. Lane, Lieut LsoAlalot and Pte. Bruce Noble. wbo b. ...en killed et the Mont, and Lieut. Wm. Proudfoot. letters from two graduates of the school. Mr. R. Cockburn Hays, and "a Cana- dian nursing sister" -a a well-known Goderich young lady -gave a vivid idea of two phases of military lite. A number of pages are devoted to the doings of the students and ex -students. jokes. etc. Altogether The Review is quite up to the high standard of other years and we feel sure it will have s good reception. The proceeds of the sale of the publication are used to maintain • G. C. 1. bed in the military hospital et. Cllveden. England, and it is hoped that the circulation will he quite large. The price of The Review is 25 cent*. or 27 cents if mailed. Copies may be obtained from any • member of the executive or at the Signal once. Yesterday morning Mr. George Morrow. of town, received word that on May 21st hie son, Pte. Thomas Henry Morrow, had received gunshot wounds in his right shoulder and right arm. Mr. John A. Robertson received the official notification Monday morning of the death of his eon, Pte. Fred Robertson, in France. He was killed April 15th, as had already been known for two weeks through letters sent by his brother. Of course. with so Targe a number of casualties to he attended to, it. is not surprising that occasion- ally the official notice is not received promptly. Special 01.76 Optical Sale of we[ ranted extra good -quality, gold- filled, rimmed spectacles and eye - glassless, with best -quality white cry- stal spherical lenses. Regular $4.00 value for only $1.75. A genuine bar- gain. Eyes examined most carefully free by our well-known and pains- taking specialist, Mr. Hughson, form- erly optical expert for Kent's jewelry store, Toronbo. Two days only. Fri- day and Saturday. June 8th and 9th, Come early. SMITH'. ART STORE, Oodericb. The lazy feeling which ',omen over us in the spring is often joked /shout, but the condition which cusses it is a serious [natter. It indicate* is de- rangement of the blood and nervous system. People can't help feeling lazy end worn out when impure blood poieons the system and paralyzes ac- tivity. Even when the tired feeling isn't very perceptible it la well to take a good eyeing renr.dy. E. R. Wigle druggist, Goderich, sells all the good blond remedies, tonics, etc. The right remedy used at this time will con- tribute to your good health tbrough- ont the warm months to come:' An advertiser in The Signal in pay- ing his bill this week expressed sur- prise at the wide circulation of The Signal, his advertisement having brought him business from moat un- expected and wid.ly separated quar- ters. Up-to-date business men are more and more realizing the value of newspaper publicity. Provincial Liberal party, also ad- dressed the gathering. Resolutions were adoptee) express - Ing continued confidence in the Fed- eral and Provincial leaders, Sir Wil- frid Laurier and Mr. N. W. Rowell ; tendering sympathy to Mr. Richard Clegg, of Wingham, in his illness; and endorsing proposal@ submitted by the Farmer Club of Walton in favor of free trade to farm implementa and a reduction of the tariff on the neces- saries of ufe. "Patriotic." For sale -song. for the benefit of automobile owners without homes. it you would buy your clothes from Pridham the tailor It would help some to buy a home. if quality colmta, use Blackst4ne's delit'inus ice cream in bulk or bricks for all oeeo.Mions. 'Phone 210. The clearing sale at P. T. Dean's still continues, Watch for ad. next week and announcement of special bargkins. See The Signal's styles in wedding announcements before placing your order. They are the correct thing. With the exception of some of the gold mines offered for aisle by promot- ere, there isn't numb left on earth to discover. MARRIED. SHEARWWN-MURRAY.-At Crediton. on Thnradass May 94, by Rev. C. W. Baker. Fleswle 13e.trieo danrhter of the late Wil- liam and Mrs. Itfnrra)). of Embro. to Samuel Shoardown. of Ooderich. DIED. HOWARD.- At Dryelale, on Monday. May 34 John Howard. .Sed M loan. and 2 months. JOHNSTON.-At Eaton, Seek• on Wednesday May In James Johnston. n of Mr. end Mrs. Also Alex. Johnston. of Goderich. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 81. Pan Farre for Fate- T4s. Reim-. I A net Ion eels.- W. H. Harrison 6 Anneal Statement -Sterling Rank of ('.vada 1 Agent Wanted --eke Canadian Countryman PnbtishingCo„ Toronto . . t Optical S&1.-Jlmith'a Art Store 1 Man Wanted -J. M. 'Stewart I Agreement* and Coiled, to RMt-Mrs. Jen wnaen I Cost of Revlden-Town el 0oderle l 1 Smell Ream Wanted - Apply at The 8140.1t Special Sandy D10ser-BrBM goeflams Rotel 1 w