HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-24, Page 8* TEIIRSDAV, MAY 24, 1917
-11r-liirPgrepirtlenlperlegs:rvarrer- '17 7sweetessers. -r
-41..m•.•11•• •••••••
The Correct Way
to Select Wall
In setecting Wall Paptis do
not overlook the fact that
you have to live face to face
with them, and that simple,
gnaceful designs, combined
with a restful blending of
colors,will add to the refining
influence of any home.
We make a specialty of the
newest and best in Wall Paper
and beg to remind you of the
fact that our large stock of
Paper was purchased before
prices were advanced ; con-
sequently our customers get
the advantage of extremely
low prices this season.
Prices from 8c te 50c per rell.
New Hotel Man at Clinton.
Alex. McKinnon. of Oekville, has
rented the Rettenbury hotel. Clinton,
for oue year, witb the option egbuying
at the end of Ihlb terns
"The Rem enbut y" is one of the beet -
known hotels in Western Obtario, and
with the exeeptit n of • couple of years
has been tun I.y • member of the
Rattenbui y family as for back as the
time when the place was known as
Hattenbury's Corners.
MraleKinnon takes posseseion June
1, and Ike Rattenbury, who has been
managing the bOtel *Mee the death of
hie father, Joseph Rat tenhut y. intends
to go onto some other line of business'.
UnderwritersImpactor Says Fire Pro-
tectstio System Is Very Useatidatiory.
In submitting to the town oouocil
the report of tbs iuspeetor for the
Canadian Fire Underwriters' Assoc-
ietion. the secretary of the Aseociation
writes :
"The report, as many preceding ones
have been, is of anything tut • favoi-
able character. We have on several
occasions drawn the attention of the
Mayor and courted to the serious de-
ficiencies in your general pi otection
appliance*. lout entirely without
effect, and 1 cannot but heir that ou
some Occasion you may have • very
rude awakening. -
The report is based on an inepect ion
made March 213th Mat An alarm was
sounded from the fire hall at 10.N
a. an. The team arrived 10.13i. Water
was thrown through 300 feet of hose
front a hydrant at the oorner of East
',tree' and the Square at 10.151. Re-
sults of the pressure tests are given in
Atuong the deficiencies mentioned,
speciel attention is called to the neces-
sity of a duplicate supply mate. The
present tuain is 10 inches in diameter,
and the inspector says the duplicate
main should be not less than 12 -inch.
It is aleo strongly urged that street
tueins should be not les* than six
inches in diameter. He suggests that
the existing lout -inch Mains in and
around the busiumis portion be re-
placed by mains of larger diameter.
He suggests the placing of several ad-
ditionel hydrant* end urges thatell
nydrante should be carefully exam-
ined In view of the low pressures
obtained, he says there should be e.
new lire eneine, the old one being
very unreliable. The number of play -
pipes 'Mould be increaeed, a modern
hook and ladder tniek and t-quipment
provided, a new and more commodious
tire bell built, the be los& increased,
and several ter the men should sleep at
night at the the hall.
The prnient al,iin system he de-
scribes as very unsatiefactory. . "A
!agenda -ref -fire Alarm- telegraph system
is an absolute neceseit y. and Mould be
initnediately Metalled. with a suffi-
cient number of street bootee, having
keys under glase, in connection with
15 -inch gongs in fire ball and pump
house. it taut a six-inch gmg in the
coal shed adjoining the powerbouee
Matchless May Economies
will be incomplete with-
out a camera. Come
in now and we will show you
the ANSCO, the amateur camera
of professional quality, and tell
you how to make your vacation
pictures a success. We sell Ansco
Speedex Film, Cyko Paper, Ansco
Chemicals -everything you need
to take with you on your trip.
Goderich Ont.
HERE is a list of real economies for the last days of May.
They go on sale Saturday morning and there is not
one of the list that is not a real bargain. We cannot
advise you too strongly to take advantage of them, for prices
like these will not be duplicated for many a long day to come.
Girls' Middies 98c
Girl,' Middles, made from good miality middy
cloth, sizes 12, 14 and 16 years. Heal $1.25
value. Special *so
House Dreads 98C
Mote House Dresses to sell at Wk. Extra good
quality print, guild etyle, fast colon', all *me«.
F.ach only
Voile Waists $1.15
New Voile Waists. Half-dozen good styles,
fresh front the factory this week All sizes
up to 4E Each. special
Roman Satin Underskirts $I69
These come th colons only, roar, blue and
green. Materials high-grade Roman matte,
which is really 'an extra fine quality mercer-
ized sateen. Regular $150. Special, each
only si.se
Misses' and Girls' Underwear
Special sale of white cotton Underwear. Skirts
and gowns fir girls 1 0 to 14 yeam A bag
special lot at clearing prices for May -day selling.
Jap. Silk Waists $1.39
Real Jap. Silk W.aists. extra quality. Cut in
one of the season's hest styles. _ Will wash
and wear well. Special May sellieg... .111.38
High-grade Corsets $2.95
We are clearing out a lot of our high-grade
Corsets. Moot of theni are the famous "Nemo"
make. There are, three or filar styles in this
bargain lot. Sizes from 19 to 32, but not all
poises in any one style. They are lines that
sold at 1$3.50, /41.110. 1115.00 and $5.50. As we
maid helms., snoet are the famous"Netno" makes
Special each .. WOO
Ladies' Sample Cotton Gowns
Twelve or fifteen fine Cotton Gowns, no two
alike. All travellers' samples. Some are
beautifully trimmed with lace or embroidery.
All clearing et, or lem-than, factory prices.
Dress Skirts $3.88
More of these fine all -wool panama Skirts at
irt./-04. All good styles. brand new. Pure -wool
panama. Worth a 0.00 bill easily. Special
a rld
ottid suitable gongs in the dwelling' of
all firemen, \ whether sleeping in the
fire station r not ; they should also
be connect to the general .term
bells eesh bo when pulled should re-
peat the mw 1 three times on etsch
of the above conga and alarm bell.
The necessity or this has been re-
marked upon 1 several piers, but no
attempt has n made to do any-
thing in the mat I."
The inspector concludes his report
With the istatetu nt that “the whole
proteetion of the town is uneatisfac-
There is no use itt worrying, but
what difference d that wake?
The New Series
Garage Next Door to Bank of Commerce
eo. Johnston,
District Agent
Also Agent for Simplex Four -wheeled Trailer.
Bicycle and General Repairing
- ---
TUitsDAY, May Z?..
Reid Torrance purchased • new
Chevrolet car last week.
The old neighbors of Mrs. Frank
Hillock are sorry to hear of her Ri-
Special services will be held in Zion
church on Sunday evening. May 27th.
by Rev. W. II. Caumbeli.
Miss Olive Cox left on Friday last
for Hamilton, where she his taken a
position ea • graduate nurse in the
new Mountain hospital tor returned
Wedneeday evening. May Ititb, there
passed away in the prone of life one of
our most highly esteemed young
ladies', in the person of Miss Luella
Ticbborne. The deceased was of up-
right character and kindly disposition,
and a faithful worker in the church.
She taught school for a number of
year. in different sections of thee town-
ship, also for a short time a few tudee
out of Winnipeg. On her return
home from Winnipeg, she took charge
of her home school (Porter's Hill) for
two yearb, then giving up on account
of ill -health. In each place she won
the goodwill of the section. WS was
shown by the large attendance at the
funeral on Sunday afternoon and by
the beautiful wreaths sent in memory
of the deceased and sympathy for the
bereaved family. Rev. Mr. Jones, of
Bethel church, conducted the funeral
services at het home on the 603 comae-
sion. Miss Tichborne leaves to mount
their loss her w -Aber, Mira. A. Cau-
field, of Chicago tour deters, Ruth
and Nina, of Chicago, Mrs. E. John-
ston, of the 4th conmesionand Pay, at
home; two brothers. Oliver, in Winni-
peg, and Arthur, at home. The pall-
bearers were Ooldie Newton, Wile-
man Johnston, Bert Cox, Richard
MelLennan, Ben Lindsay and Forrest
WIMPS:MAY, May 23.
The Farmers' (Sub will meet on
Monday evening next. th inst.
The sewing meeting which was to
be held on Wednesday of this week at.
the home of Mr. J. W. Salkeld has
n postponed, owing to. the bad
eather, to Thuraday, May 31st, when
t e ladies are asked to meet at the
e place.
r. Roderick McKenzie, of Winni-
, secretary of the Canadian Coun-
cil f Agriculture, visited the Farmers'
Ciut ligit evening and gave an int.r-
estirlg address. Unfortunately the
everter was very unfavorshie and the
atten ance svae uot as large as it
would have been under other circum-
•••••••••, 4•••11•••••••••••••.3•••••••••••• will iitt
• tat chu
• • Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
• • is • 0 ' Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
• pound,says rs.Kurtzweg.
Goderich, No. 32, C. 0. F.,
nd divine service in the Bap -
h on Sunday moroing, June
Patriotic Benefit YOUG WOMEN
Raincoats $4.95
An extra good Ittincoat. Nice dark grey
mixture. sewn abaolutely shower -proof.
All sizes, each *4.95
Black Habutai Silk 89c
Mack lialnitni Silk, full yard wide., superior
I Will "'taint it, eut1 of hard wear.
Very per yard *Do
Remnants of Black Dress Goods
Fifteen or twenty teninauta Black Dress
Gooda.. light and heavy materials. Some suit -
*bit. fur waists, souie for skirte. All clearing
at prices that are decidedly looney -saving.
Curtain Scrims and
Marquisettes 25c
t'urtain Serinet and Marquisettes, plain or
with border, cream and ecru Amides. Per
yard only.. 26o
Clearing Wools. 3 skeins for 20C
Big clearance of tVieils, differentshades,bla,k
included in the lot. Shetland Floss, 7.ephyrs
etc. Ilegular Ilk. and 121e. All on a table itt
your choice 3 for 200
Pearl Buttons 5c
Two or four -hole real Ocean Pearl Buttons.
Sizes suitable for underwear. dresses. et
Special per dozen 50
Vestings 19c
White Cotton Vest ings, half -denten gond pat-
terns. Will wear and launder beautifully.
Exceptionally good for waist:. Special per
yard 1 90
Blinds 39c
If you want an odd Blind or two here is your
chance. Clearing lot, good quality cloth.
mOutited on strong spring rollerSpecial
clearing price 390
Curtains 48c
Lace Curtains, 21 yards long. neat and attra4 -
tive patterns. Special iwr pair 48c
Extra Special Curtain $1.15
. Lace Curtains. white m. cream shade*, 3 yards",
long. Neat attiactive mate:lb Special per '
pair $115
Corset Cover Embroidery 25C
Very fine patterns Corset Cover Embroidery on
either camhrics or muslins. Half-dozen or more
patterns to choose from. Per yard 211ie
Black and White Checked
Dress Goods 35c
Nice quality black and white checked Dress
Goods, suitable for childreu's wear. ewparate
*kin", etc. Double fold. Per yard sao
Trimmed Hats $3-45
:Special millinery bargain to w:nd up May
Trimmed Hats, all new this sermon,
ly prepared. All worth up to $5.00 and
E 33.45
Embroidery Ends 25C
Special May selling
24 yarde in each
Thirty or forty ends Swipe Etobroideriee. Neat
and attractive patterns, imitable for flouncing%
or general trin .... ing purpoees. Widths 5
inches to 10 inches. 21 yards in each end.
Per end 250
Lace Insertions ic
Nearly 1000 yards Torehon and Valenciennee
Lace Insertions. y4 -inch to 1 -inch wide. No
lace to tuateh. Values up to Se and 10c.
Clearing at per yard 10
Embroideries 5c
Hundreds of yards of Swiss "Embmideriee,
neat dainty little patterns on nainsooke and
eambries. Also an odd lot of Insertions, winie
patterns to match. All at oee price. per
yard id
Lisle Gloves 25c
Ladies' Lisle Gloves, white only, sizes 6 to 74.
Very special value. at per pair... ...... 25o
Black Serge 45c
Black Merpure-wool, splendid material for
summer irts, will shed the Iltd t and give
satisfactory wear. Special per yard 45o
n ayan atur ay, ay..)-- an
By the kind permission of Mr. Geo. E. King.
proprietor of the Model Theatre. a grand patriotic
benefit under the auspices of THE GENERAL
BROUGH CHAPTER, 1.0. D. E., will be given on
the above-mentioned dates, when a program of great
interest will be presented.
• Buffalo,
• picture is herewith,
Ribbed Cotton Hose 20C
Children's Ribbed Cotton Home, t,tack only.
Strongly woven, double heel. Alt sizes, per
pair .20e
Pillow Cases 15c
White Cotton Pillow Cases. soft and free from
dressing 100 pairo at this price. 40 -inch to 42 -
inch, at each only Sec
Bath Towels 25c
ciood quality Bath Towels. Full size, heavy mesh.
A good strong Towel at each only........... .25o
Beautiful Waisting Silks Si .50
Beautiful Wanting Silks, new and exclusive de-
signs. Not more than one or two lengths alike.
White ground with colored stripe or over check.
Per yard $1.50
Cashmerino Hose 25C
Ladies' Cashmerino Hose, soft strong, service-
able Hose for early spring wear. Special per
pair 25o
• Silk Ankle Hose 35c
Ladies' Silk Ankle Hose, superior quality, rich
lustrous finish, white or black. Per pair .350
One Axminster Rug at 526.50
One handsome Axminster Rug, seamless, English
make,. Slightly imperfect Worth $33 to 140
The imperfection will not interfere with the wear
or the appearance of the Rug. Special ..$215.50
Small Ends of Linoleum
We have atom la or 20 short ends of Linoleum
or Oil Cloth. They will do for pantries or any
place where you want to use a short end. These
will be all measured up and on the floor in the
basement. Clearing Saturday and next week at
prices away below regular.
Nice Umbrella $1.25
Ladies' Umbrellas, good quality, fast•colored top
that will not cut. Attractive handles. Extra
good value. at each 111.25
and other brilliant players in the internationally
famous drama
"The Witching Hour"
Adapted from the stage play, written by Augustus
Thomas. that created a sensation
throughout the country.
Two performances each evening 7.15 and 9 o'clock
Admission 25c
Let there be a GOOD audience W see a GOOD program in a GOOD cause
y daughter, whose
as much troubled
th pains in her
k and sides every
m th and they
woald sometimes be
so Mid that it would
seent like acute in-
flamdiation of some
o r g azi She read
your vertisement
In the \ newspapers
and tzii Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vega -
Its use.
, 629
•She praises it highly as she
go relieved of all these pains
d i All mothers should know of this
Akw and all young girls who guff
W try it ''- MM. MATILDA KO*
• High St-, Buffalo, N. Y.
di Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
ir heartache, dragging -cloven serwatiens,
• fainting spells or indiffmtkeki
ai take Lydia E IFInkharn's Vg.
111. Comnound. Thousands have been re-
• norad to health by this root and herb
Direct Importers
gig If you knew of any young wo-
Y. man who Is sick and neede
▪ ful advise, asik bee to write to the
gh Lydia B. Pinkimant Medicine Co,
Ity Lynn. MAAS. Only women will
• receive her letter. sod It will he
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• beig in s""andteme*
Every cheerful thought points the
way to another.
Girls who can't cook ehould look be-
fore they leap into the matrimonial
frying -pan.
nomeseekers' Excursions
Round trtp Holten. to points In Manitoba.
Hoak al elotwon • nd Alberto via North Bay.
Cochrsns and Transcontinental Rootsor
eta hIcalre, St Paul or Duluth, on gala
nowh Tuesday until Oot. laaboslreat. low
Throne. Tourist Illosplars Cars
to wiNillotO on &bow doers,
;wring Toronto l0.46 wrn no
rilltotOo O. cam Ida Transom.
tInontal Routs
Return omit two months, eselweve of
date of win Wirth reservation@ and tall
partImilar• at all tram, Trunk WikoWenolmt
or writs
C. It. 1401401140.
Markt PassitalrerentOtt
Town Agent,. Phase $
Great Lakes Plan Your
Steamship Service Vacation Trip Now
leaves Owen Sound at midnight
each THURSDAY (connecting
train leaves Toronto 6.26 p. m•)
for Sault Ste. Marie,Port Arthur
and Fort 'William.
are delightful resorta and easily
reached via C.P.R.
Partievemes teem Omeeme Parefie TIMM aeont• 5.
11.140WARD. CletrIrt Prowanior Agent. Toronto. Ont