HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-24, Page 3THE SIGNAL - GODERICHONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917 e THE OtIOINAL IND ONLY URINE BRIWAR OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON "MOD'S LINMENT MEDIC AL liikt. GEO. liElLEMANN, OSTEO 2J PATH, epeciall.t in womea's and chit area's diseases. acute, 7bronio sod oervouodie Orders, eye, eat, no.e slid throat, partist dad sea, lumbago and rheumathc conditions. Ade- noids retuovel without the Ina.. Office at reideravi, corner Nel.on and St. Andrew'. Warta At home °Moe Monday., Thundayr mid Ilaturdaye: any evening by aPPOintinent. DENTISTRY I)it. H. O. Mat DONELL.-HONOR (Indust.. 'lomat° Colver.ity. Graduate opiil °Urge of Dental Surgeon.. buccessur to the kite Major Sale. °Moos 'vier Square and N est idreet, Gaderkh. AUCTIONRIM * THOMAS OUNDRT AUCTIPNILICR: THE TOWN COUNCIL All the umeabers of the lawn council were on hand for the regular wetting on Friday evening. An linportent matter *hit came be fore the council was that 01 the town's tire protection system. The report of the iospector of the Canadian Fire Underwriters' AseocisAion wee sub- mitted, and it pointed out several seri- ous defects in the town's protective appliances. A copy of tbe report was 'referred to tbe fire cetuinittere of the. council and another copy to the water •nd light POIDIUHISIOU. (A synopsis of the fire inspector's report is given in another column.) A request trout the fire brigade that telephones be placed in the homes of the members of the brigade was re - feet el to the fire committee. Mr. Joseph Fisher applied for the usuel t.eirate of $10 on the licenee fee of $40 for peddlti.g coal oil and gas- oline. The request. was granted. A coututunication from tbe Hydro- electric Railway Association called (be attention of the council to a MIM - I. resolutions missed at the an - meeting of the Association and $sked the support of the council per- il...daily itt connection with theee resit - lotions to be presented to the Domin- ion Governmeet, viz. : rhat the Dominion Oovernment be requeeted to refuse approval of the plans of the T., H. & B. Railway Co., the Canadian Northern Reilway Co.. the Niagara, 8t. Uatherineme& Toronto Railway Co,, or any other privately owned company for the construction of any railway through the district from Toronto through Hamilton to Niagara Valle. Thet the Dominion Governer:lett be Raked to refuge the extension of chart- ers or the granting of new chartere for the construction of elect, lc rail- way• through the, districts now being eerved and reported upon by the Hydro Conumimion ; and that a ilar request be made of the Provincial Goverument. That the Dominion Government be asked to protect the municipalities in their rights as againat certain legiale- tion pa.ved in 1902 granting -extraor- dinary rights" to the Toronto and Niagara Power Company. This matter was referred to the special committee. The repent of the finance committee war red and adopted. It was recom- mended that WO be Paid to the Col- legiate Inetitute board; that the water and light commission be requested to pay the exchange charges incurred in payment of the $54.000 waterworks debeetures for the sinking fund ac - Count; that the Ooderich Organ Co. and the Paget Grain Door Co. be noti- fied to meet payments now in arrears on their respective bonus loans. The report of the special committee wait taken up clause by clause. The first clause waa as follows : "In the nieVer of the request from Mr.. IL Burkholder for a rebate of • por- tion of the taxes on part lot No. 1349 from 1909 to end of 1915, yotir loin- mittee after due consideration do not consider that Mrs. Burkholder bar been unjustly taxed and recorutnend Lha' no action be taken." On motion of Councillors Cutt and Story this clause was referred back to the committee. The second clause, recommending a refused of be Mr. Thornier Sturdy for sewer rental 'paid on lot 075 tor the year 1911. was adopted. The cemetery and parks committee reported that 110 shade trees had been purcbesee. front Mr. fileo. Laithwaito at five tient., each in the bush and that they had. all been plauted on the streets under the direction of the street inspector. The committee re- comudended that some repairs be made at the cemetery sexton's resi- dence atid that the new fence at tbe entrance to the cemetery be painted ; also that the chairman of the commit- tee be empowered to install A drinking fountain in Cobouig street park near the cannon at the foot of Wellesley street. The report was adopted. The public works committee recotn- mended that the old McIver cottage be adveitised for sale by tender, the building to be removed front tbe lot. Adopted. The Reeve made an oral report of the Weld. Shore Railway tneettng at Kincardine. The Iseult.' of this meet- ing have &heady been reported in The A proptual that a part of Gibbons street be plowed up for garden pur- Twas not considered with favor te..:e council. Mr. Voungson was heard with refer- ence to the Goderich_Drydock & Ship- building Co. and sulked that another deputation be vent te Ottawa. The Mayor and Reeve were appointed as members of the deputation represent- ing the council. It having appeared that the milk dealers bad riot all paid their license fees for the past year, it niotion was adopted that hut year'e and this year's fees both be collected. One member remarked that "the tnilk dealer* were getting city prices and they ought to pay their licenses." Discussion of the milk question was cont,inued on a suggestion that • Bab- cock tester should he secured for the inspection by the health officer. Coun- cillor Moser said he was surprised to see milk go up two cents in the spring. Reeve Nairn -"Everybody ought to keep • cow." Councillor Wilson said some citizene were asking if the council was going to get in • ear of potatcree, as was be- ing done in other town.. on a comparison of prices, it ap- ps %red that potatoes were being sold as cheaply in Goderich as in plaices where they had beeo brought in by the authorities, and the council there- fore took no action. • ....The Mayor said that • number of people in his part of the town bad been asking for land on which to grow potatoes and balms, and it had been proposed that Victoria Park4'or • portion of it, be plowed up for this purpose. His Worship thought that such tuition would be warranted. if only for the sake of hawing the ground levelled, but also in coneideration of the needs of the times. ...The suggestion, however, was op - rirtleby some of the memb. re, who uldght plenty of land was available for cultivation. Councillor Cut& said the ground wasn't much good, any- way, and that if it were plowed up it would he difficult to grow grass on it. afterwards. A voter was taken and the proposal -- Rog T. Goderich. All Instruction. by mail. or tett at Signal cMce will be proniptly at seded to. litsaidenee telephone 119 LEGAL 0. HAYS 'ea MUST ICH, et ILICITOR. ni 01 A It Y PUBLIC, lira.. siRies-steriner Hank Block, Hamilton ii-reet, (dutch. Telephoue Mt. kteal Estate Loan. and Infturance. -- PROUDFOOT,YILLORAN &COOKE B ARRISTER& SOLICIVIRS. OTA ILI AM PUBLIC. ETC. Dines on the Square. second door from Ham. O ro Atteilt. Goderich. erivate fund. to loos at lowest rate+ W. P1301.7DrOCrr, K.C. J. L. hiLLoase H. J. D. Count L.G. CA/AKRON, 1.0..HARMS TER, solicitar, notary ptio. OMees too Street. Ovderich. third door fr Suuare At Clinton '1 borsday of each week in °Moe on Albert Istreet occupied by Mr. H ooter. Wino hours 9. a.m. to 6 p.m. . - -- - QA1tLE8 GARROW, LL.B., BA R- RIBTILlt, atteroey, solicitor. etc.. Gode Meaty to lend id, lowest ratim. 0 811A0ER, BARRISTER, SOL - Ms Miter, Notary n ary Public sad Cosivertocer. INSUILUICII. LOAN& NTC. 011ILLOP MUTUAL FIRS 114 DL SUR•NCE CO. -Faroe and Wasted Law a property insured. t Moen -Jag Connolly, Pres., Godesich P.O.: Jos Evan., trice -Pres.. kleechwood P. 0.; Thomas Ham Elea Treas., ISseforth P. O. Directors -D. F. McGregor. Seeforth John 3. Grieve, W inthrop ; W Sham Kinn. Conoton00; lobo lienneweis, lirodhagon ; Cleo. McCartney, Elestfuith ; Robert Ferris, limbs* ; Maloolm Nehmen, ktruostield. Agents: .1. W. Yeo, tioderich ; Alex. LeItCa, Clinton; W111I.m Cheaper, Sesfixtli L. Him bley. beeforth. rolier-itokiers can pay asollainento and got their cards receipted at IL J. 8Iorr5.15'. Clothing Store, Clinton, R. kl. titre tirocem, Kingston .treet. Goderich, or J. II. Bald . Getieral Store. Mayfield. 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO ken. Apply 10 M. 0. CAM. Berri/stet Rainitten street. Goderice. - W ROBERTSON. • INSURANCE AGENT. Fizz AND LIGHTNING i Htitish, Canadian and aloOrkan. YLOOIDAN__„T 81=1 AND ILDITILOTAlle LIA ITT: The Accident and Guarantee CorporatiOn, Limited. of Loudon. Eng. IrIDSLITT AND 0SANANTIIN BONDS : The U.S. Fidelity and ce entee Company. 0Mote at reeidande, ortheast oorner of Vic- toria and St- David'. etreets 'Phone 176. Patents, Trade Narks, Designs THE CHIEF CHARM Of LOVELY WOMAN Soft, Clew, Snoods 5kes Comes Wide The Use Of "FRIJIT-A-TIVES". mARKEr QuounoNs :•••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••••••••410 • M 1 LLAP Ei SON GLOVES HOISI";E.I RY •• Secured in All Countries. Write for tree book "PATENTS PROTEC- TION. 'tells all about and how to get. pat sots. BABCOCK It SONS. established 11/7 lisiemerly Patent CMce Examiner, Manta of Patent Laws, Registered Patent Attorneys SW. Si St. Jamee Street, Montreal. Branches- \iiittewa and Washington. Representative. in am foreign countries. ..-1.- elleelalawallaPsPhe Bropho Bros. OODERIOR lne Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. e HORAN WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 1001, 1913. A beautiful complexion is a handsome womau's chief glory and the euvy of ber less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear skin -glowing wit!! health is only Me xatural re nil of turf Mood. "I was troubled for a considerable time witli a very tor/Akan:xi, disfiguring Rash, 'Ala& eo\ ered my face and for which 1 used applications and remedies without .-elief. After using " Fruit -a - tires" for one week, the rash is com- pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for the relief and in the future, I will not be without "Fruit-a-tives". NORM! WATSON. 50c. a.box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 2.5c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -titres Limited, Ottawa. INF& • V. Termite Cattle Market Choice heavy steers El l MOM. IIS ak do medium 10 50 11.26 liv thatchers' Choice Mindy 10.75 11.60 • do good .... 10.60 10.71 do. common 4.00 9.14 Butchers' Dulls, choice .10.25 11.00 do. good ..... .. 9.80 10.34 do. medium .. . . 9.0060 Butcherschoice rows ..10.36 do. good 9.76 do. medium 9.00 Feeders. 900 to 1,000 18e. 9.26 do. med., 700 to 800. 8.00 Stockers, 100 to POO lbs. 7 26 do. medium 6.60 Grass cows. 800 to 1,000 lbs. 6./4 Cueters 5.25 Canners . 6115 Milkers, good to choice .85 .00 do. com. and med60.00 Springers 60 00 Calves, veal. choice 12.00 do. medium 10.00 do. common 6.00 do. grams 6.00 do. heavy fat 7.10 Spring Iambs. each 5.00 Sheep. yearlings, choice15.60 do. common 13 . 50 do. culls . 9.50 Sheep. ewes, light 12.00 do. heevy and bucks. 9.00 do. culla 4.00 Hogs. fed and watered. choice 17.40 do. medium 17.30 ' do. off cars 17.55\ do. f.o.b. country pts716.50 • 10.49. was defeated. Those in favor of plow- ing up a portion of the Park were Councillors Vi'ilson, Moser end Story. Those opposed were the Reeve. the Deputy Reeve and GoUndillors Wallis, Cult and CliriE"-- Having decided tha\Victoria Park is to be retained as public OAT -- ground, the council concluded that it should be clesq4d up and asked the parks committee to attend to the matter. The setting of a date for the first tatting of the court of revision to deal with the 110 assessment roll was left with the chairman. Thit concluded the business before the council. 5 is 10.26 9.60 9.75 8.75 8.75 7.00 8.00 6.26 6.75 120.00 80.00 120.00 12.25 11.60 8.50 7.00 10.00 9.00 W 17.00 di 14.60 11.00 14.26 11.00 7.00 17.45 17.35 17.70 16.65 Toronto Gm -I-. Markets Toronto Board of Trade ruarket quo- tations:- Manitoba Wbeat-No quotations. Manitoba Oats -No quotations. - American Corn -No. 3 yellow. $1.68, nominal, subJect to embargo. \ • Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter $2.86 to 52.90, according to freights out e - Ontario Oats ',according to freigh al • No. 3 winter, $2.83 to outsidet-No. 2 white, 75c to-re...twin • mai; No. 3 white. 74c to 76c.„ nominaL Peas Nominal. - - Barley -Malting. nominal. Rye -No. 2 new, 52 to $1.05, nominal. Manitoba lour -First patents. In jute bags, 514.50; seconds, in jute, 514; strong bakers', in jute, $13.60. - Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto. prompt shipment, according to sample, *12.50 to $12.60. Milifeed-Carlots, delivered, Mon. treat. freights; Shorts $45; bran $40; rtildditngs, 548; good feed flour, per bag. $3 to $3.10. Hay -Track, Toronto, extra No. 2, 512 to $13; mixed, 59 to 511.50. Straw -Carlots. $9. • • • • sizes. Price per pair • • Hosiery • RADIUM UNDERWEAR WE are the recognized leaders in this district for the best value and best assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear formen, women and children. Our spring shipments, are now stock ready for your inspection. Owing to conditiOns ex* t ng in manufacturing centres it will be impossible to replace many of the lines once sold. G Gloves loves We specialize in "Kayser" guaranteed Silk Canada." They come in black, white and colors, • • • • • • • • • Gloves • Gloves, double -tipped, "made in • and white with black i)oints, all • ' 4.00 • • • • • • • • • • • 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hosiery CROWN PERRIN S Hosiery KAYSER • • We feature these well-known makes which assure you entire satisfaction. • We mention here a few leading lines: Women's Kayser Glove Silk Hose, full lash- • ioned, beautiful quality, for dressy wear. Colors palm beach, emerald, sand, white • and black. Price per pair • Women's Silk Ankle Hose, in black, white an, . all colors, double garter top. ' • and sole seamless. Price per pair 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 Women's black Cotton Hose, with natural woolor balbriggan soles, nice and easy on the feet, Price per pair , . 25c Women's 134ick Cotton Hose, good quality. Special per pair 15c . Boys' and Girls' extra heavy ribbed Hose,. for school wear, all sizesPer 1 . eop ... - 25c Princess.. and Buster Brown's Sister Silk Lisle Hose, for boys 2and c andgiAs ,35in k, white, pink, sky and tan. Price per pair Underwear Underwear \ \ Underwear Cotton, Bal riggan and Silk Vests and Combinations, etc. Perfect Health Due to the Blood. No Girl or Woman Need be Constantly Ailing • . and Unhappy. Nature intended every girl and every woman to be happy, attractive, active and healthy. Yet too tnauy of them find their lives saddened by suf- fering -nearly always beeline@ their blood is to blame. All those unhappy girls and women with colorless cheeks, dull skins and sunken, lustreless eyes are in this condition because they have not enough blood. red blood, in their veins W keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer front depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines torn) under their eyes, their heart palpitates violently after the slightest 'mention, and they are often attacked with fainting spell*. These are only a few of tbe miseries of bloodlesenese. Noth- ing can secure girls aid women from the inevitable decline that follows anaemia except it generous supply of new, rich, red blood, and nothing has ever proved so successful in creating red, good blood es Or. Williams' Pink Pill. for Pale People. Thousands and thouseirds of girls and women owe their good health and charming com- plexion to the use of this medicine. Here is one example of its power to cute. Miss Dorina Bastian, St. Jerome. Qu,'., say. : "For over a year my health was gradually failing. my blood had seemed almost to have turned to water, my cheeks were pale, my lipe blr.oriless, and the slightest exer- tion left HIP breathless. I suffered frequently from severe headache., my appetite failed. and tny friends feared I was going into conetimpti 30. I had been doctoring hut did not derive any benefit, and finally I had te give up my work and return home. It was at thiv stage that a friend he ought HIP a box of !Jr. W imams' Pink Pills and urged me to try them. By the time the box was used 1 thought they were helping me, and decided to continue using the pills. I took • half-dozen boxes more, when my strength bad crunpletely returned. my appetite was restored, my color returned, headaches had disappearrd and I was feeling bet- ter than I had been for year*. I would urge every weak and ailing girl to give Dr. Williams' PIA Pills • fair trrriabl" .ese pills are mold by all insdicine dealers or may he had by mail at 50 cents • box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario the tonbon Rbvertfser All Mail Editions RP Pm- Year . Chicago Live Stock Cattle -Receipts. 600. Market steady. Beeves, $9.60 to 513.70; stockers -and feeders, $7.60 to $10.40; cows and heir. ere, $6.66 to 511.60; calves. $10 to gib Children's 514.75. Hogs -Receipts. 7,000. Mar. m•F ket strong. lAght. 515.15 to $16.30 ; • New W THE Ift bl • • Rbed Cotton -Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Each I 5c • Rib d Lisle Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Each 25c Porou knit Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Each .35c • Fine R • umbrella style. Cotton Combinations, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless, rice per suit 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 er Vests and Jerseys, all 'sizes. At keenest prices. Goods New Coatings New Silks TORE THAT SERVES YOU BST QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KI74GSTOPII ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE IDUCAT1014 APPLIED SCJ1ENCE Wolfs Chemical, C1.41, Illeelsalairol sad liberezioal Iteemeering HOME STUDY ems c.. hy eataleapmeimmn berme emaysitalamatertmer• flamesse &heal Pleelgailea Selma Jaheewill.asewsw assmallter am. A0.11 MID. Y mixed. $15.70 to 516.46; heavy, $15.70 to $16.50; rough, $15.70 to $16.85; Wilt, 510.60 to $14.60; bulk of sales, 515.90 to $16.40. sheep-Reeetuts. 1,000. Market steady. Lambs -Native, $15.60 to $20.40. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle. 10 cars. steady. Hogs. 20 cars, strong; heavy, $16.75 to 517; yorkers, 516.50 to $16.75; pigs. 513.60 to $14. Sheep, 16 cars, strong; top iambs, 516.76 to $16; yearlings, $13.50 to $14.60; wethers. $12.50 to $13; ewes, 512 to 512.60. Calves, 100, strong; top calves, 515; fair to good, $12.50 to $13.60; fed calves, 55 to $7. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesalers are paying: Eggs - Current receipts. cases returnable $ .40 to, .41 Butter - Creamery solids .41 .411,4 Choice dairy prints .36 .37 Wholesale prices to the retail trade: Eggs - New -laid, cartons $ .45t0 $ .46 do. ex -cartons .42 .44 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.44 .45 Crekrnery solids .41 .43 Choice dairy prints .40 .41 Ordinary dairy prints.34 .36 Bakers' .30 .31 Cheese --New, large, 28%c; twins, 28%c; June. large, 291/2c, twins, 30c. Live Poultry -Buying price deliver. ed Toronto. Chickens, Milk fed .22 .21 do. ordinary • .20 .22 Hens, under 6 lbs. .23 .23 do. over 5 lbs. .25 .25 Roosters .16' .19 Ducks . . .20 .00 Turkeys . .18 .23 Wing chickens .46 .55 Beans -Japanese. hand-picked, Minit- el. $6.50 to 56.75; prime, 56 to $6.25; Canadian, handpicked. bushel, 57.75; prime, $7.26. Maple Syrup -Pure, 81.66 to 51.75 per imperial gallon. Maple Sugar -18c° A lb. • • • • ( • • PHONE6 JVIill�is Scotch.Store • PHONE 56 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....wee Dressed Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- Ing to4the trade as folews: Beef. forequarters $15.00to$17.00 do. hindquarters 20.00 22.00 Carcasses. choice 18.00 19.00 do. common 14.00 16.00 Veals, comiuon 11.00 13.00 do. medium 14.00 15.00 do. prime 17.60 18.50 Heavy hogs 17.00 18.00 Shop hogs ..22.00 23.00 Mutton, light 16 00 18.00 do hoer,. 12.00 16.00 Lambs, yearling 24.00 36.00 Spring Iambs. each 9.00 12.00 , if you want an estimate on your printing. The Signal is equipped for Phone:35_ turning out an ni from a calling card to a catalogue. CARLOW. SATURDAY. May 10. RED CROSS WORKERS. -The Col - bottle Red Clore %Yorkers have shipped for the month ending May 15th 73 pairs of socks, 17 day shirts and 13 suits of ,pyjantas. The socks were knit by Mts. McBride. Mips Sheppard, Mrs. S. Potter, 6 pairs each; Mrs. F. Gilder., 5 pairs ; Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. C. McPhee, Mrs. Cleo. Clark, Mrs. Win. Walter, Mrs. Gal- lagbet. Mts. C. A. Robeition. Mrs. Johnstor, Mr.. J. A. Welter, Lily Mc- Phee, Ruby Young, 3 retire each; Mrs. John Young, Mrs, Snell. Gladys Levy, Mildred Young, 2 pairs each Nancy Gilder,. Lt011ieti Snell, Minerv.1 McPhee, Mrs. E. Fisher, Bessie Clot k, Celia Mellwain, Ruth, Young, Mre. H. M. Yining, Isabel Young, Jean Olen, Ruth Potter. Pearl Young, 1 pair isech. The pyjamas were made by : Minerva McPhee, Mrs. E. Fisher. suite each : MI e. Duets, Mrs. Wihou, 2 suite each; Mrs. Geo. Olen, Mr*.. J. A. Walter, Mre. R. M. Young, I 'wit each. The shirts were made by Mimi Tens John- ston, 5 shitts ; Mrs. Henderson, 3 shitte ; Mrs. McBride, Mrs. It. M. Young, Mire. A. Johneton, 2 each ; Mrs. Decree Clark. Mrs. E. higher, MIA. J. A. Walter, 1 each. Tbe Socie- ty thankfully acknowledges the con- tribution of $1 from Mts. T. Hamilton. Mite. E. FistiER, Sec'y. Cheese Markets St- Hyacinthe, Que. -AM packages of butter were offered. All sold at 42c. Three htfttdred boxes of cheese were boarded and sold at 211%c. Cowansville, Que.-14 factories of- fered 825 packages Of butter. All sold a241%0. 1.936 boxes of white offered. All sold at Wee. London. Ont. -5711 white and 710 eol- *red offered. Bales. MO boxes at 22e and 170 at 1314e. x There is no ues in wot,r11n,, but what difference does the fast .••••011..•1••. JtarVafe Corner Montreal Street and Sou•ra HIGH CLASS •nd SANITARY We ....e excellent meals a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKIL OUT modsomml• Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto Ciainitems Always OPLN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Godetich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or l'ine.) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• GIRLS WANTED For office work to fill the places of mrti who nave gone ot are going to the front. Young women eHll render the country real service by preparing to take position0 in hanks and busineas °faces. Special Courses of training in Book- keeping. SbottliAnd and all other Com- mercial 'abject. now In progress Students admit ori any lime. Illustrated catalogue free Northern Business College, Ltd. OWF:N SOUND. ONT. C. A. FLICMINO. Principal. ess44•4144141441•404141411140410414M1 TELEPHONES, office 98 residence ata or 68 0,41.••••••••••••••••••• WM I weleileMWSINWerMealetielleadWil•WWISPeler New Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for sale -three-burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and Ste Them - W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BEGINS A P.It 13. 10th, \111 7 You have always inten to take a Commercial and St no - graphic Course some time. it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest yottr money and kitne in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? We Guarantee Positions to Graduates Write for full information. DO IT NOW. 1 B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. Priacip.1 PRONE 208 • awswelle••••"""*.' aeo.F.