HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-17, Page 4oasDAY, /AAA 17, 1917 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH
i+ Popular `Pinch -Back'
For Young Men and Boys
We have received this week another shipment of
the season's latest style -the popular "Pinch -Back. -
Made in a fine grey hair -line stripe, this makes a very
pretty Suit for young men. Sizes 36 to 38.
PRICE $20.00
We have a number of boys' Suits made in plain
double-breasted style, good strong tweeds in greys and
browns, bloomer pants, sizes 26 to 33. Call and get
our prices, we will sell them cheap.
20th Century and Art Clothing
Borsalino Hats 'Phone 57
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now cool. People
coming to town can be served
Hot Coffee, Tea or Cocoa at 6c
Meals also served 36c
Hfshise prices paid for butter and emu.
The best barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
I( ...talon Street 000EnICel
86ers' Excursion
Round trip tickets to points Its Maenads.
8aakatehewan end Alberta via North Pay,
Cochrane and Transcontinental Route. or
Via Chicago. 3t, Paul or Duluth, on sale
each Tuesday until Oct, 5 tadodve, at tow
Through Tourist Bleeping Cars
t. WINNIPEG on above dates,
Navin( Toronto 10.45 P.m . no
chant* of un. v.a Transcon-
tmental Route,
Return limit. two months. exclusive of
date of sale Herth re•.rvwtiuns and full
particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket odice.
or writs
District Passenger Agent.
Toronto. Ont.
Town Agents Phone 8
Call us up
if there is a leak in your
house. We will locate
the trouble and have it
put right. That &.part
of our business.
We do eavestroughing
plumbing, tinsmithing,
etc., and we do it right.
Nesenteii Street Phone las
- MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
----- for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity hot all Maple
Blahs, Mixed Vinod, Hesloek
and Kindling (Cedar or Play.)
TELEPHONES. after( eg
• Htttidsgtee sift r El
The Saults Coal Co.
6.onsesora to McDoayth & Wedeln
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHoA-E - - - ;:I
H. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Saabs' Residence 202
Fort Coutonge, Qttebee--' I am happy
le tell you that your medicine did ms
1 was trots led
with weakness and
I tried wins and
other things but
received very little
benefit. I was
young at the time
and knew very lit -
Ne about medicines
till a lady friend
came to me with
a bottle of 1».
Pierre's Favorite
Prescription. 1 became strong and a
year afterward had twin.,. "-Mas. J.
BRADT, Yort Coulonge, Quebec.
Thousand( of women right here in
Canada who are now blessed with robust
health cannot understand why thouaande
of other women continue to worry and
suffer when they can obtain for a trifling
sum Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription
which will surely and Quickly banish all
pun, distress and misery and restore the
womanly health.
Young mothers who preserve the
charms of face and figure in spite of an
increasing family and the care of rowrny
children are always to be envied. Favor-
ite Prescription" gives the strength and
health upon which happy motherhood
depends. It enables the mother to nour-
ish the infant life depending on her, and
seijoy the happiness of watching the do-
vebpment of a perfectly healthy child.
Over a million copies of the "The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser"
are now in the hands of the people. It is
a book that everyone should have and read
in nue of accident or.ieknees.
Send fifty eenta (or Stamps) for mailing
charges to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' hotel.
Buffalo, N. Y., and enclose this notice�r W.
and you will receive by return mail,
charges and customs duty prepaid. Blit
valuable book,
MONDAY, May 14.
John Chisholm, of tioder.ch, and
Frank Austin, of [Oval, visited on
:sundsy at the home of Peter Austin.
Despite the inclemen.'y of the
weather most of the fernier. in this
vicinity have tintshed seeding. Owing
to lest autumn being ro favorable for
plowing there 1e a larger acreage un-
der crop this year than last, and. --de
hope for a much hetter yield.
WILn-000es ve, WU.D-1onet: EAT -
E RF, -(Not Walt Madsen). -Just hold
on a minute, wy pen's broken inose.
to tell you a-eiory about a wild-goose.
Last Wednesdaymorning this beauti-
ful bird was flying along when his
loud "squawk" was heard by a couple
of farmere with nothing to do. so they
Baffled their shot -guns and altar him
flew. "All wild -geese are crafty,- has
often been said; but this fellow wasn't,
so now be is dead. He thought by the
looks of the guys they were .low. and
so he was careless' and flew rather
low. A true shot was find by a man
io the cheese and • curious boding
came over the fees of that beautiful
ereaWre up there in the sky • and filet
from that motneet be started to di..
He didn't fail then, though be wasn't
so strong -like a "Lizzie" nn In a -gear
be ramM.d ahong. The lade knew
hid fall, so melt shouldered bis gun
and away through the plowed gmnnd
they started to run. The Dramatic
Uitvetar grew weary of tbet, so be hit
for Me'stableend Welled up "old
Hat_" 1107 followed the srwGurw for
over • mile. H. dropped.The belt'•
ggoott ?Ite and say 1 did they einem
Y1•e awa to ebe neighbors libel
drove at. full speed. caillsg, "Orme
boys, oogall on, and well give yon •
feed. We kiUed • wild-goose, 'twee
tie largest on eartb, and soon 'twill be
fried up so brown sn.00r beset)."
That night to their dwelling some gen-
tlemen crawled to eat up Ib. great
meat for which they were called.
They played wide • little to ase who
would twat ; when the goose was deed
ripe then they started to eat. 'Twizt
the grunt n from delight and the grunta
from great pain, they'd clean up a
plrte. then they'd reach out again ;
and after the sup -ser, 'twee Helly like
*Moder, some said' 'twos a goose and
others • gander. Elderly Jim warbled,
"I've bad enough, that goose was near
ninet] for heavens ! 'twins tough."
Jim Maurice exclaimed, midst • loud
haw, haw, haw, that "the son-of-a-rse
had Men wintered on straw." Jimmie,
the fat num, remarked, for a lark,
that chi goose once resided oo jld
Noah's ark. Jim John, at the head
of the table, just sashed, saying. "He
was so old be was nu longer wild."
Some other Jim asked if 'twas Bd.
shotthe bird. Jim Skumle sat still and
said aevr • wora. Apart from the
fact that tbe.geose was ecoid, 'teras a
ripping good 'supper, and several told
me nett day that nett time they pick
off • goose, they hope they will give 1t
again for our use. \ M. 1'. HEAD.
Baby's Own Tablets of
Great Value.
Mrs. J. A. Lagace, Ste. Pet petue,
Que., writes : -Baby'. Own Tablets
have hero of great value to me and 1
would strongly recommend them to
other Mother., Thousands of other
mothers ray the same thing. They
have become convinced through actual
use of the Tablets tbat nothing can
equal them in regulating the bowels
and stomach ; driving out constipa-
tion and indigestion ; breaking up
colds, and simple 1 - expelling
worms and curing colic. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by mall
at 26 cents • box from the Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ube
tVEDNI SDAY, May 18.
Carload of potatoes received and for sal.,
W. T. ItOqDELL. Auburn,
Mr. 14. Lockhart reeeived his cattle
f,.r the grass on Monday.
Mr. Jas. tarter is laid up the past
week suffering from rheumatism.
Rev. J. Abery, of Loodeaboro',
preached in Knox church on Sunday.
Geo. F. Yungblut shipped a car of
hogs to Toronto on Thursday, paying
the framers 1118 per cwt.
Mother's Day was observed in the
Baptist church on Babtwth. The sing-
ing was led by a Male choir.
Mr. and Mrs.Jas. Arwstrongsed Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Richapde, of Brussels,
spent Sunday visiting Mr. O. Sarins,
The Auburn Drawstic Club presenta
the play "The Young Village Doctor"
at Leeburn on Friday night of this
week and at Dungaon,n next Monday
night in aid of the Red Cross.
The playgiven oo Friday. 'The
Young Vlage Doctor," drew a full
house and the performance watt much
enjoyed by those present. The char-
acters were all good, without excep-
tion, and every part of the program
was carried out well. The proceeds,
over 8141, go to the Red Crow funds.
the last meeting of the official board
of the Methodist church of the Auburn
circuit, e cordial invitation was give*
to Rev. W. A. Conway to return as
pastor for the fouith year. it is
hoped the stetiortfng committee may
ties its way clear to honor this in wits -
Lion, as Mr. Co away is very highly
Art Patton purchased a fine sorrel
driver from John Rodgers last week.
Miss Margaret McLeod, of Seltford,
spent Sunday with her friend, Mies
Margaret Yuill,
The Farmer' Club will meet in the
Orange Hall on T'uesdsy. May tied.
A large attendance is requested.
We are pleased to hear that Corp.
Alex. Chisholm has sufficiently re.
covered front trench fever and rheu-
matism to be again on light duty in
PAPER CoLLRCr1ON.-Taylor's Cor-
ner Patriotic Society will hold a sewing
meeting at the home of Mn. William
Driver on Wednesday. May 23rd. The
Society wishes to thank everyone who
gave papers, etc., for sbipwent. Some
who did not have them reedy at time
of collection have sold there since and
handed in the money. The Society
realized $14.13. MRH. O. GINN, secre-
tary -treasurer.
Ve ednesday afternoon, May Zird, •
sewing will be held at the home of
Mr. J. W. Salkeld. Bayfield toad. A
cordial invitation is extended to all
the ladies and • large attendance is
desired. The Is►t shipment of goods
was eighty pairs of sacks and
thirty-six pyjama suits, showing that
lees sewing had been done than in
other months. Now that the real
busy time is past could not each mem-
ber spare one afternoon a week for
sewing or knitting at home for the
soldier boys P brei -out garments are
always on band, also yarn and sock
WxDNEADA T. May 18.
Meagre. Chris. Ward and Rnbt. Pen -
hale last week motored to 9t. Thomas.
where they purchased • load of melees,
Messrs. T. Snowden and C. Camp-
bell have recently purchased new Ford
care and are busy learning to operate
the same.
Needing is almost completed in the
' pti': •r r: M, a(U•'
neighborhood now and 'ligneous is
hoping for wean weather testate Abe
grain growing
Rev.•►. keel r
.4 MN.td, Ms.. JAI
aad ss. James motored to Clii
Mond* to attend ► seeming of tb•
MWiese' ial Aaeoiedion,
HOOD PISRINu.-Tbe fishing at Bay-
field is bettor this speiag filen it has
been for many years and perob. which
were formerly throw• out because
there was no market for them, bane
DOW a reedy sale at tit Dena or mors
per damn, or about eight Dents a
pound ; and as the perch are secured
in the shallow waters near the shore
the fishingis quite peoetable. The
tiout &s6 is also ezosedingly good
and Mr. Aldridge, of Port Smoky. bought the tits belongiagt to 11
F. Merner, hid splendid resuhs in se-
curing trout last week. There are
also a number of motorboats and sail-
boats engaged Mashing, and all report
arse haute.
Dr. and Mr*. Allison were visitors
in town during the week. Tbe Doctor
expecte to go oversees very soon.
Rev. T. H. Farr, of Kincardine,
formerly rector of Blyth, was in town
for • few hours on Friday afternoon.
Old friends were glad to see him,
The Women's Institute bas elected
officers as follows : President, Mr..
R. Richwood ; first vice -provident,
Mrs. 8. (,lidls ; second vice-preeideot,
Mrs. S. Poplestone : secretary-tretlr
urer, Mrs. 13. Gidley.
On Sunday evening there was un-
veiled in Trinity church a roll of honor
bearing the names of the following
who have otiemed tbeir lives in defence
of their countz y : Pte. Wm. R. Copp,
Lance -Corp. Francis Biggin, Pte.
Austin Spafford, Lance -Corp. Arthur
Tierney, Pte. Bart Barr, Mien Aunie
lipatfptd, N. S.
$ IOO Reward, $100.
l'hs readers of this caber will be pleased to
learn that there 1. at lean one dreaded disease
soievos has been able to tore to ail Its stases,
and that ie catarrh. l'rritbeftgreatly In-
fluenced by ootwUtuttooal oondltfoat requires
000sUtutiooal uvatn'sot Haas's Catarrh Care
b, taken internally and seta Unwise; the blood
on the mucous surface. of the system, thorn's,
deauoyrng the foundaUonof t.be dis., giving
the patiwt etren.tb by building up the can
slit utloo and assisting nae ore 1n doing its
work. The proprietors have so much frith In
the curative powers of Halls Catarrh Cure
tbat the offer one hundred dollars for any ca
that It fw
ails to ours, trend for lid 01 testi-
Address - F. J. CHCNEY a: CO., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by all druggists. Tac.
MOIIDAY, May 14.
REDCRoes WOalt.-The last month-
ly meeting of the Beotniller branch of
the 1). R. 0. S. was held on May 9th.
The Society is indebted to the follow-
ing ladies for socks : Mr.. W. Gled-
hill Mrs. P. Waiters, 1 pair each ;
MTs. C. Walters, Mrs. J. Arlin, Mrr.
J. Wiliam, Mrs, J. McClure, 2 pairs
each ; Mrs. P. Banes, Mrs. Ed. Wel-
ters, Mrs. C. Fisher, Dirs. J, J. Moore.
3 Penn each ; Mrs. 14. MUgf ord, 4
pain : Mrs. G. VaMtone, Mrs. J.
Long. Mrs. T. Clark, 6 pain each ;
No Name, 1 pair.
The sewing ono doge by the fame.
lug : Mrs. Blake. Mao- M. Mugford.
Mn. E. Mitchell, Mrs. C, Oke andellre
Pelagian. 1 suit pyjeames each ; Mrs. 0.
Walters, Mrs. W. (itedhfll and Mew.
C. Allan, 11 suits tush ; Mrs. M Mug-
ford, 2 Suite pyjamas ; Mn. W
Straughan, 3 suite Pyjamas ; Mn, J.
Loog, ij suite pyj)awaa; Mrs. Mitchell,
6 sheets ; Mrs. W. Long, 3 sheets ;
Mn. H. Arlin, Mrs. C. Breckuw, Mrs.
A. Fisher, 2 sheets each ; No Name,
1 sheet ; Miss Lottie Walters. Miss
Edna Walters, Mire Gertie Gledhill,
Miss Irene Long. 1 dos towels ; Mrs.
A. Fisher, j don. t'wels,
Mite. W. GLEDHILL, Secretary.
Tbe "Mother.' Day" service. on
Sunday on the circuit were largely
About flttr people gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mn. Michael Pfrim-
rner on Tuesday evening to hid fare-
well to two old residente of the vici-
nity, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mew. The
evening was spent in songs and games
and lunch was served about midnight.
The occasion was taken t present
Mr. and Mn. Mew with a purse con-
teloiog a substantial .um of money,
showing the high esteem in which
they ars held in the neighoorbood.
The old couple have lived in this dis-
trict neatly ever since they came from
England over forty yeah ago. They
are leaving this week for Guelph Junc-
tion, wit re they will jolo their son,
Walter, who is on the Ler. R. staff
Blame Nor tETr AugRT.-Rev. W.
B. Has.ard, district secretary of the
Bible Society, will give his annual ad-
dress in St. Andrew's church, Port
Albert, on the evening of June 6th,
and along with his address he will give
"chalk talk" and conduct. • Round
'Teble conference.
1 OKUDAY, May 111,
DIED AT C' u•Auo.-There died at.
Chicago yeste a former resident
of Wingham, se Haynes. The
body arrived today, the tuner al pro-
ceeding to' the Wit.ghate cemetery.
The deceased was one of Wingham's
pioneers, coming here'ln the sixties.
For a number of years he ran a sash
cud door factory, afterwards remov-
ing to Chicago. His wife predeceased
him • number of years ego. He was
about eighty years of age.
best portion of Wioghaw wait en-
dangered by firs today at noo6, when
flames broke out in the barn of George
McKenzie, on Josephine street. TM
building is set in behind the large
Krick and cement block of Wilson
1lcBenzie, The hart is surrounded
by • number of wooden buildings. The
ammo. responded quickly, and the
blaze was soon eztinguisheo. Shortly
afterwards, however1 d tae roof the big
Mock was discovereel to be on fire, un-
doubtedly from a spark from the flue
at the born. The Hemmen were soon
oti the some again, however. and the
Maze wee quickly extinguished- rhe
lees entehitty eneeti i by laeurwes;
New 1PcrronT.- The ,rhrtlnsm titer
here suet last eight at 7.1i), at the
opsseteg of the I.iltby knittleg factory.
A few mastitis after A_ H . Wilford,
ilouse-Cleaning Time.
Now is the time when you are doing the house-cleaning to change your rooms around and
get new Floor Coverings and new Window Curtains to brighten your home. Perhaps you need
a new Door Mat. We have them in rubber at 41.50, or in rn41 ing at $1.25.
the bedroom. It can be limbed and brightens up like new. They come in all sizes from mats
JAP MATS are just the thing for an inexpensive` Boor covering for
Uo large Arse 3x4 yards,ND
CONGOLEUIL This is the coming universal floor covering. Start using it now. Beautiful
colored patterns in the latest designs and in all sizes from I xl to 3x4 yards. We Lave a large
variety of patterns for you to choose from and it is a pleasure to show these beautiful floor
WOOL RUGS that have been bought for some time and can be had at prices that are not as
high as the wholesale price today. In all sizes, and in a large variety of patterns and colorings.
Let us show these values to you before making a choice.
Curtains and Curtain Muslins
Dainty Cretonnes and Sateens for side curtains, in all the newest and daintiest patterns and
colorings- Just what is needed to brighten up your room. Curtain materials by the yard, at a
range of prices, in Scrim and Madras. Lace curtains, from the low-priced ones for kitchens to
the more expensive lines for parlor or dining -room.
It is a pleasure to show these goods
produce dealer, pressed the button,
which started the factory's machinery
in motion.
When a man has leached the point
where he awn see no good on this earth
it is time for him to get off.
wiellS41 CI"
NAY $til TO OCTOBER 30th
"ALL RAIL" - also by
"Great Lakes Routes"
(rises. Nsy.rien)
War Future Is In t • West
The arta prairies hove put Western
Carona on the mar- There we still
Mourn& .e sera welling for 0,. nun
who wares a hee,s and peesp.r*y. Take
eew4ge of tow lbw and tram, via
Canadian Pacific
District Passenger Agent,
T. rears, Ord.
Annual White Star Line Excursion
Leave Goderich Tuesday, June 12th, 9.30 a.m. -
Leave Detroit on return trip Thursday. June 14th, 1 p.m.
ONE WAY $1.50
Only opportunity for people of this district to visit Detroit by
boat this.year, as there will be, no regularrsteatnef-
service out of Goderich this season,
Canadians going to Detroit for a temporary stay are not re-
quired t6 pay a head tax or make a deposit. Immigration
officers will be on board steamer on the trip to Detroit .for the' ✓
purpose of passing allexcursiouists.
Its Excellence is Within
F.O.B. Chatham.
Herd -de -Lys Roadster
mese price
While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is
in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the inner
Oray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Herer under
the surface, is beauty of another sort -the beauty of sturdi-
ness and efficiency.
All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable for
their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accssibility.
This kind of excellence has opened the eyes of thousands of
motorwise men and women -and made them Gray Dort
owners. it makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family
ran use and enjoy.
With all this quality, with complete egn•
r' refinements and conveniences t5e Gray Dort
moderate priced err-' -strd it is a supremely good car
1 Dealer Goderich Distributor, ttlyth