HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-17, Page 1Printing T** BERNAL le ready IS beadle peer "'Hating sting work, lame • ensall, sad give you a ..tidectary job every tinea, Let as eve rattiest order. Telephone 35 The %MI to pay your subatcrip4+es for The Signal fur 1917 T We need the mosey, and if you err in stews would ask you to Make payment promptly. VO IT NOW SIITT-)1U4 21114i -JN ell 60DBRIQ�. ONTIJUIO. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1917 THK:81ONALPRINTING CO., LIMITED. Pt.rteaga iIE STERUNGBANK] O wA OF • SA)ecauee-- rsrg�J ar4r 17 '- Some day your .. - •o4Jesar,d pork for you instead of you working for them. WANTED.. Lem AND SHOP HELPWANTED IMMEDIATELY' Apply O N T A RI Y RM A TORY. Guelph. Out. SIJ( WANTED AT ONCE. -HANDY nese. with mecbaok•al knowle•dee pro - Speed. Moody wore.GODKKI('H ELI VATGR kTRANteITrCOMPANY. fl it WANII'RD.-MAIDS AND LAUN- DRI8e3aml: wages $18.80 per month. with lo�oomm Laud and laundry. KiddyMATKON. m Me.wood Sanitarium. Guelph. Oat. WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL a7lirwrk. Apply Mlitl. L. IC. DANCEY. salt WANTED. -A CARETAKER FOR Victoria deed Methodblt church. ihrlles iffneeoee June let. Apply to M k..S ORS. HOWARTH. J. H. MILL1AN, or O. M. mO T. Committee. M -1R DOYSWANTED.-WE CAN GIVE D employment to a number of boy. at box sake OODERiCH MANUFACTURING OD..1.IMITKD. • WANTED. -A WOMAN TO CAKE caro of ao old lady. Apply MRS. S TICPHEN YATED, St. Patrick's street- mtf GIRL$ WANTRD.-APPLY(*ODE- lT RICH KNITTING CO. FOR SALE SALE.-OO-CA�RT, IN FIRST- (L.AHet .+ondltloe • rhood, wood ;It 'AAtlo. beim walker. ♦�.pply MRR.IS.?. HICflONARY FOR SAL E. - .LF 'splendid oopy,•f Webater•s Isureelioaal D etiooary lover Late twos) llwn:r- has o farther nee for pane ane t DaeNa Applyat rHE81GNAL. F)R SALE. -ROWBOAT. IN GOOD r eoaeless. Aply*0eIO)$AL vfT)Cg. Ci KED POTATOES. - C A O I C to M :. Delaware elaware pet Leon Salo. WHI pederbh Phone r7. Gse.ridl Ru,1 W FOR SALE OR RENT. OUSE TO RENT. --SMALL HOUSE ow South street, toad barn and chicken • A►p ly to (MO. DUNLOP. East greet, te to SOX 257. • It R SALE. -ONE AUTO TRUCK. capacity 14 torr. Salt ble for express very or farm work. Pu.umal is tires 1n t, rear axle. the Keened) interval geardrive. It to 20 mlk• per boar. Jitney ..meat, dosed body ; to carry ras+eneen. Pasem.Uc tires a0 round. ga can be sere at our footory or drop m a tr fall PelMel wo and prim' of T PAGET OHAI14 DOOR 00.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTiCE TO CREDITORS. 1N THE RATTER OF THE - ESTATE 01, Joao G. K vNre. urs or ren Towersnii or Am- / tEt0. IN TRE COVITY or HURON. WELL - Dalt LER Eu.-Dalt-LEA FOR RALE. -THE PRA7 LINO on Part street fennel Mr. H. Hak. There le also a ha which has a frontoyr[e of 7% feet A ERE YOUNO. Goderlch. F. 11WEL- reicupled by li on the lot. y to ILOH S32t WILL REALIZE ABOUT Surma. O. W. S. Raibwy Material said to On- tario Hydro -Electric Commission. Tenders for the purchase of the rails and other material of the West dhvice Railway were opened et a nesting of representatives of the interested muni- cipalities held yeetetday at Kluane - dine. The reader of the Ontario Hy- dro -electric - dro-elect rc Cnnlmlssion war the high- est and was accepted. For the track (In- cluding raflsh-plates,epikes,etc.i the figure was s gross ton; for the rails at Kincardine and along the right of way, *4b a ton ; for bolts out of tiara'. Iib per cwt. ; for &pikes out of track, 11)0 per short ton ; tor fish -plates out of track, i46 per groes ton : for the structural steel, 5c a pound. The poles and ties were not sold. It is roughly estimated that at these prices about $130.000 will he real- ized from the sale of the tmaterial. The total liability of the municipalities is $400,000, and holders of unguaran- teed ponds (of which au lawe of E200, - WO was authorised) may come in to claim a share in Lite proceeds. doderich was represented at else eeting ye.terday by Mayor Mon- tage. ex -Mayor Heid, Reeve Nairn. FOR RALE. -HOUSE AND TWO l.(Yr$ on Keays street Frame hone.,. containing night room.e,, ail modern tmts'ot•e menlr. nlos ekmtion and convenient toColleei- ate Institute. Al.o gee scree of kod.ltuated on the Hayfield road, suitable for market gardeu Ing. and two lot. In west end of town.-dsir- able building lot. Apply to JUIN W. BALK EMD, phone flit r7, or 18AAC 0ALKILD, tar r2. !i K. No. 6 Goderkb. 62.4t Notice 1. hereby steep. t ursuant to Revised S tatute. of Ontario. Chapter 121. Section 56 teat all creditors and other. bsvtng claims against the estate of the said John 0. Kuntz. who died on or about the 12th day of Janu- ary. 1917, are required on or before the lath dat' of June. 1917. to .end by pn..t prepaid or deliver to tbe tioderulgned n000.40rfor Andrew Mehunucher. the administrator of the said deoea.ed. •hely Christian and ■urneme., ad - deeded and dreorlptione, with full particulars of their elate. and .tatemenl of their ac- counts. or the nature of the emeriti/a- if any. held by them AND FURTHER TATE NOa,cz that after such last mentioned date the mid administrator will proceed to distribute the wee. of the de- emed o-n.*.e t among the periled entitled thereto. hay Ins regard only to the claim. of which they shall thoo have nice. and that he will not be liable for the motto or any pert thereof. to any perenn or persons of whose claims he call not have reeeived notice at the time of mach di,trtbutloo Doted the lith day of dray, A. D.. 1917. A. L BITZIH Kltober. u rl a.lee, el :it Solicitor for the said Administrator. CRAIGIES REAL ESTATE BARGAINS The tollowtae iso list of properties which 1 have for sale, endo. Invretigatioo preepective buyers will find that the prime are put down where the propertle can be parobaaed to make some money: No. 1. Vine rod brick bow.. fully eeodorn. 10 room■. full besement. corner Fist and Victoria streets. The le nae of the most dedrahle prop- ertied ropertie. In the tows of Ooderlcb. Price Elan. ha Y rise red brick house. fully modern. with het water heat lag. 7 ram... hit baaea,ent. situated wet aide V Iattla street. Thi. ie the bee: bey 1n town. Pries 52,291. No. S New rod brick home, Jtt built 1116. electric light sad bath. 7 rooms. two one with fruit trees sad good garden. more available land If 0eslred.sated mat sits Heron road. Prow Geed hey. P 1St No. 4. White brisk. 1i -tory. 7 -mom homes. ba40 and •lsetric llg►te Onod barn. two iota ugh b te,Winow..etta.ted on the corner of Cam- sre01 Eels streets. Price $I.$tu 1.. & ' tikNs Wick 9 -room hose. all mods,, bet water Mattel. dsplace In U*dll� ream alnd fi ttor. alluded on the comer . Pr ice $l.bm. NOTiOR TO CREDITORS. ENTRE ENTATE or MIOHAEr. DALTON, LATE or T115 TOwx.HIP Or AMR►IELD. IN THE COI "ITV o. HURON. Y.osefr. DECEASED. Notice 1. hereby given. porenant to the dente In that. behalf. that all person. having eWm+ agaln.t the state of ;the above named M1ch.e'1 Dalton, who d1.d on the 11th day of 5ebroary, 1917, are regnested to end by t or deliver to the anderderned solicitor for the exerator of his la.t will and teetam•ot. on or before the 4th day of June. 1917, full parUenlare dtheir claims, and. that after the sold 4th day of June nest the odd executor w111 proceed to 4ltribute hie ..Gate amort& the perwone en- t�Md thereto, having regard only t0 the olalms s[7rkleh M then.Wl have modest, natoe, M not be Ilabie for the mad e.tAte, f. to an permit of whose not then any been t.os4ved. b. this 11th day of May, 1917. R. C. HAY . IAA 50110406. for 10. said Es.cster. LOST AND FOUND. RSE FOUND.-OONTAiNiNG ..ma sem of -.easy. Apply et SIONAL RICE. SRL NUM. EO. R. SUNBURY, A. A. G. 0., L. R C M , Oriente wed ('leoirreaster of Cbureh. Teacher plane. voles, ar1an. prepared exams street. four four eers east of Dr. aMter'a pl putt' Reeve Laithwaite and Town Cl rk Knox. pne Thousand Dollars a Week each of six theatres in New ity gave for the privilege of �"The Witching Hour," the rbich is to he shown at the W riotic benefit at the Model n Friday and Saturday of Moue, 11 story. 6 room., two Ida wk0 fault eltaaW ea W wed AM M w1deog straw ce WO. ° V7 se," -reams and bite. two lets belt rest d1Wed .e M'error auwt Ptio. gene. No. 6 Olcrk of 1x of the best garden lets In tow..healed on the west side of Huron road. Pato. $700. No. a One of the. choked building ot. In town. wi uated on the Crowne[. Fun axe lot. Prim Several other listings an be had on applica- tion at the odes. Number of honed to rent. Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot- tages. Wanted to Rent. -Six bosses, with all convearmcse, at once. J. W. CRAIG'S. Insurance and Real OMse bet ween 0. T. R. and C. P. R. et Otiose. Phrased. is w York showi picture good Theatre next week. The cast is headed by C. Aubrey Smith and includes a num- bbr of popular and clever artiste. The theme of "The Witching Hour" ia a taking one and has of late aroused much discussion among people in all walks of life, and deals particularly with the influences of the mind. with- out spoken or written word, oyer the forces of evil and good. It is • beauti- ful preachment and, at the same time. tone of the most wonderful and enter- taining films ever released. The situ- ations in "The Witching Hour" are tense and one can never tell what is to evening received a letter from her son, follow. It. is replete with startling Serge. Malvin. 6 Rhyne., who has innovations and incidents that belie been ill in a heepital in France. He description and, beings a virile, red- had been in the Ing line up to the Wooded drama, hold. the attention of an audience from the flash of the in- troductory title to the fluis. In addition to this picture there will he good comedy features, and every- A letter to the members of the body who attends is assured an enter- Metie .tong Canoe Club from Regi - ',Moment of merit. mental 8ergee►nt-Major Arthur There will be two performances P. Reid. C. A. M. C.. received this each evening -at 7.15 and 9 o clock. I wepk•'�veysgteetisg. to the boys Price 2Lrrc. tl and thanks a parcel sent to him recently by a Club. Mr. Reid is tree if there is anything they can get If quality e-ounte, use Blackstone's I iosed at the military aonvaleeeent for the wounded soldiers. delicious ice cream in bulk or brinks at,�d te Park. Sproat. dor all nocaaMwirc 'Phone 2411. wl�t�Dt►'�e !asks Waged* • of b kind in the British Isles, ac- A t:oseeard has been received bT Pte. W. J. Ca edict Rees threngh there Robinson, whole a prisoner -of -war at after leaving a treatment hospital and Merseburg, Germany. and who writes: before returning to his regimental Dear Friend Hsu, -A few lines to depot, eo that he is always meeting let you know that,1 am well and to �1TORAE.HURiRY,L.L.C.M. Teacher done and tasersUeel work. Pupils piepar.d for exasetastlese Studio. Rt. David's Meset. 54.04 s CARD OF THANKS. THE LADS IN KHAKI. The Dema of Pte. Frederick M. 11oh- srimoo Ennis be added to the sadly In - creaming roll of Oodericb boys who have made the supreme sacrifice "for King and country." on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robert- son, East street, received word by pri- vate letter 01 the death of their sun, who went overseas with the 181.1 Bat- talion and wets drafted to France. Though:be was ktJled April 13th. some- how or other no official announce- ment has yet been received Fred was not quite twenty-two years of age. In March of last year he pave up a good position in the Postal Depart- ment of the civil service at Ottawa and lame bonze to enlist in the Huron Battalion. He bad been three years at Ottawa and before going there had been for a short time on the staff of The Signal as reporter. He was a young man of fine ideals, conscientious and trustworthy, and was held in high regard by his COLD rades. His death is a .evAre blow to his parent+, but they have the proud coosolatiun that he gave bis life to his eouutry and to the cause of humanity .and died nobly with bis face to the foe. rn a letter received from his brother Clarence, who also is in France, it is told how Fred met his death. He had recently been t••aseferred to the 'machine-gun section and wbileon duty with a ration party he was struck on the right side by a piers of a big shell wn,ch landed near them. iI He received prompt at- PTE. D. D. MuOIILLAN. tension front the stretcher-bearers, but died on the way to the battalion The above is u likeness of Pte. David dressing station. The two brothers Duncan McMillan, son of Mr. and had had theirsupper together tbenight Mrs. D. McMillan. Newgate street, before. who was wounded In France about April lith. . Pte. McMillan wee form- erly of the 71st Battalion. r D. R. Bell, urn of Mr. John `Spix Several letters have been received Bell, of town, is reported wounded. from him by hie parents, written in He enlisted at Toronto with a High- the hospital at \Voolwicb,. England. land battalion. but after teaching His injury is a shrapnel wound in the France was transferred to the En- right leg below the knee. He says gineera they had a pretty hot time "over - there." but things were "pretty • much Mrs. us. Rhynes on Wednesday all our way." In spite of the hard- ships be has experienced as a soldier. be says, "I would not have missed what I have w.eu and gone through ; it was worth it all." He says he is very comfortable in hospital and eve, ything poesible is done for him. Private McMillan speaks highly of the Red Cross Society. "The Cana- dian Red Cross." he oars, "maker all Canadians • present of a safety razor, shaving soap, toilet snap, toothbrush end paste, comb and hairbrush. writ- ing pad and pencil." They also come around two or three times r week to 1 ARD OF THANKS. -MISS VAN - V STONE and MR. THOMPSON .od family wish to thank their many Mende for their !Tigre.i kinds... to them in their recent sorrow tre toes of sister and elle. NOTE OF THANKS. -AS IT WiLL not be pamdble for me to Meek Individu- ally all who extended klndoesse, during the time of trouble Met bereft my home. 1 take the mean. d explendne m Amore gratitude to each and all. WILLIAM L. McLEAN. CARTAGE somebody be knows. He mentions that at time of v thing (May 1st) there were several Goderich boys patients in the hospital- Youngblut, McNevin, Hurlbut and White. 'Doc' Platt had been there, but had been transferred to &nether hospital about • mile away, and belied just Dame from seeing him. He says "Doc" Is ••getting along nicely, looking quite fat and lays he wants for nothing." thank you eo much for the kind way you have helped me since i have been ♦ prisoner. Everything you have done has been splendid and l can assure you. Hee, that it has been high- ly appreciated here. Mother wrote and told nie you had sent a suit of clothes, which I am looking forward to. 1 will acknowledge them when they arrive. With best regards. 1 am, Your friend, l'TI. W. J. RottisIo$. Pte. Roy Foster, of the Army Med- ical ('ores. i. Iwwe from Loudon on his last leave trY John Farr, reported last week as having joined the Mechanical Trans- port, was rejected an motet age. • Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 167. time he was take i11. He reports himself as doing well. Mr. W. J. Radford went to London this morning to joie the Forestry Battalion. Word has been reeeived that Major R. S. 11N111, Maps r Vo . J. Hemmen end 1ja�,lIeut. Scott, who went over with the 161ot Battalion, have been 'ejected and will L. replaced by vonnger hien. Tbey will be home about the first of June. On Wednesday word was received that Pte. George Mose. pr„rr- celied a'gunshot wound its the Lace. Pte. Muse is a son of Mr. and Mire. Geo, ge Moss, of Woodstock, far ser residept. of Godetich. He left dode- rich stout seven year* ago apd had since been working at Oehaws, where he enlisted. Ile is a nephew of Mr. James Moss, Nast street. EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATION Given by Pupils of Victoria School on the SCHOOL LAWN WEDNESDAY. MAY 23rd, at 2 o'clock Patriotic Music and Drills, under the dire�etion of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. King Addressing by Judge Dicksnn and Rev. A. L. . Clarke ALL PARENTS AND CiTIZRNS ARE WELCOME A potato sad a couple of beans wit coeneodattog 4,010 patient' Almost Mr.Hector Hays from P go a long way in paying for a wit o clothes at Pridham the Talor's. See The Signal's styles in wedding announcements before placing your order. They are the correct thing. Don't forget the silver medal con- test to beheld in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening. May Itith. at Si o'clock. Good program. Admission l0c and 5c. THE OODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. Hay 17. Wheat, per burgh 8 2.40 to 12.55 Oat, per bush .70 to75 Barley, per bush 1.11 10 1.Ii Peas. per bmb 200 to 2.25 Buckwheat per bush...... . 1.14 to 1.25 .lour, family. perewt 6.50 to 7.00 Flour. patent. per cwt 7.50 to dip Evan, per ton 43.00 to 44.00 Shorts, per too 46 en to 48.09 Hay, per toe 111.00 to 12.00 Straw. loon., per too...( 8.sn to 8.00 Wood. per Toad 6.00 to 6.80 Dalry Butter, pari, T7 to .11 Creamery Rutter .43 to .45 Eggs, fresh, per dos .Nt to .43 Potatod, per bomb 5,111 to 3.75 Cattle. butcheroho400, per cwt. 9.60 to 10.30 Cattle, butcher' medlnm.per ewe 68n to 9.1r1 Hop, live weight, per owl 16.14) to 16.24 Sheep. per ewe em to 7.00 Hides. per lb .18 to .19 Tallow, renderper 11 .06 to 06 Sheep iced,elts .00 to LW PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. -ALL. THOSE HAVING accounts' with DR. W. F. ()ALLOW are reiterated to sill at hie home and arrange for the pe ho payment of dame without delay. Ad he ex pets to proceed oversea. In the near future and w1shes to have all accounts rtrelghteeed up Defogs he leay... 61 t DAN. SCHWANZ ANI) IUS TRACTOR. Mr. D. F. Schwanz, of the Maitland con ion. Colborne township, is one of the progressive farmers of this district. The picttu'e shows him operating his tractor, an 8.16 machine of I. H. C. make. This tractor. which is can by kerosene, will cover eighteen acres in a day with cultivator and harrows. It is need also for plowing, grinding, silo -filling and other jobs, and Mr. Schwanz eoni.tder; it the equivalent of six horwem in capacity for work. Mr. Schwanz, aided by a hired roan, has got his whole farm of over 1110 acres under culti- vation, fifty acres being planted to Inane. A. secretary of the Colborne Farmer!' (Tali, Mr. Sehwanz is taking an active part in the work of that live organization. (Photo by A. W. Kurwchinski.l • IMF No r M S "Any Old Rubbers?" The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. O. D. E., will make a collection of rubber of all kinds on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21. 22 and 23 The articles to be Bold and the proceeds to be used for patriotic purposes. RUBBER OF ANY AND ALL KINDS WANTED Rubber Overshoes Rubber Tires Tennis Shoes Rubber Hose Hot-water Bottles Etc., etc., etc. The articles will be called for on one of the days. Please look over your house and see if you havent something to give. E VER YBOD Y HELP, PLSE I_\ sw ■t z i i NEW SALT PLAITT WORKING. Chemical Works Ras Capacity .f see Barrels Daily with Vacuum System. The new plant of the North Ameri- can Chemical Co. u now in operation and salt u being manufactured by the vacuum proems, the modern system which supersedes the old style of manufacture in "pane." Mr. J. F. Button, of Detroit, who has been identified with the salt business in the United States for many years and has had charge of several of the largest plants, is the resident manager. and under his dilectioo the North Ameri- can Chewicel Co. is entering upon a new, and we doubt not a most wccem- ful, stage of its history. The present capacity of the plant is 500 barrels • day. It u not yet work- ing to capacity, as there still remain a number of changes to be made before everytjting is working to Mr. Button's satistacti�n.' liefor-e long, if present plans are carried Out, additions to the plant will be built which will further increase the capacity to 1,140) barrels a day. A description of the new process of salt mauutactute was intended for publication in The Signal this week. but must be held over for another 1.511e, on Recount of Lhe pt•eseure of other matter. .. 01 re tel GUNNER BRUCE NOBLE IMPORTANT NOTICE. On account of the holiday next week, it will he necessary to close the forms of The Signal earlier than usual, and advertisers desiring to change their advertisements should band in the "copy" not Tater than Monday. Correspondents also will kindly note the necessity of sending in their Midgets as early in the week as possible. THE StoNAL PRINTING Co., LI5fiThn. TO VISIT HURON COUNTY. Roderick MacKenzie, Secretary of die Canadian Council of Agriculture. of M(rheRCondcikanMacoKunnzieo, f ecAgerta- tue. 4. to be its this county next week and w.11 address meetings under the auspices of the Farmers Clubs as fol- lows Walton-Mcnday, May 21. Belgrave--Tueeda , May ZS. 3Cintail-Wednesday, May Et. Beontiller (social evening at Mr. J. N. Kernigharl's)-Thursday, May 24. Orange Hall, Ooderich township, Fri- day, May 26, Mr. MarKeuzie is a native of Ash- field who has takers a very prominent t is tarssgaulaation o 10e farmers oparf Western Canads,and the oppor- tunif y of hsaeislt Me sre6Y assure large auctioneer. Vetch for small hills for further aenouscement. Central School Entertainment. eon of Mr. and MIN. Geri. Noble, of 1 Come to the Victoria Opera House Godrrich, killed in action in France on the evenin of May 2410, to see the April 5th, 1917. It is announced that the Sand Regi- ment will recruit in Huron. Bruce and North Wellington counties. under command of Major G. W. Nelson. who has returned wounded from the front. The recruiting sergeants who will carry on the work are all returned soldiers. An effort is being made to get the returned soldiers of Huron conoty to assist in the work. The headquarters for Huron county will be in doderich. The Natinnal Service cards Will be used es a heals for a can- vass to be made by the recruiters. Mrs. TfiiViff44ston, Gibbons street. has received a letter from Major Camp- bell, tendering on behalf of the offi- cers, N. C. 0.'e and men of the Gode- rich detachment of the 161st Battalion their deep sympathy in her loos by the death of her husband, which, as already recorded, occurred in England on March 250b. The letter speaks of the high regard in which the late Pte. Weston was held by his comrades, •'because of him cheerful disposition and generous heart," and states that he will be greatly milord. Another letter Mrs Weston has rs- •eived in from the ch plain who con- ducted the burial se ce, Hon. Capt. J. C. Wilson. He t Ile of the good care Pte. Weston received in the hos- pital at Bramsbott and describes the funeral service : "We had a good hand and a well-trained firing party. The ptocession was made up as fol- ioev�j Tne firing party. the band, chit fol- Wert the gun carriage, drawn by flvs'bbeeautiful black horses, the casket heing draped with a pig Union Jack, then the pall -bearers end friend*, and his brother-in-law representing you and other relatives. Throughout the line of march the agtlads of men who were nut for drill all suspended their work, standing at attention and salut- ing as we passed. Everything was carried out in an orderly and respect- ful manner, including the service at the grave, where I read from the Lith chapter of 1. Corinthians. He was buried in the churchyard adjoining the Hram.hott parish church, one of the loveliest spots on earth, and in the very heart of the Empire for the de- fence of which he did not hesitate to set apart. his life." Patriotic Concert at Leeburn. A patriotic concert will be held in the Temperance Hall, Leeburn, on Friday, Ma 18, when the Auburn Dramatic Club will present the popu- lar play entitled. 'The Young Village Doctor." Admiw4on--ado is 36c children 20e. Everybody come and help the Red erose. Brownies. F1shies, Wool Nymphs. Gypsies, Owl.. Wee Weer and Swed- ish Lasses. 44 p. m. sharp. Proceeds for benefit of our soldiers. Plan open at Edwards' Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Eat Pun ice Cream and 1000 your ehlldrwn none other. a Edwards' Is pure. Phone 900. To Address Canadian klub. Prof. J. H. Farmer. of McMaster University. Toronto, will address the Canadian Club at noon on Monday nett, on a subject to be chosen b himself. The members of the Club will assemble for luncheon at 12.46. North Huron Liberals. The annual rneetiog of the North Huron Liberal Association will be held in the town hall. tVinghem, on Tuesday, May 20th, at 1.i0 o'clock. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. F. J. Naegle. of Hrus.el., wn. In town o0 Tarsal.). Mlea Violet McDonagh 1. home hoe Tor- onto fora vital Mr. Cie.. Kidd, of Montreal, 1.1 visiting his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kidd. Mr. Gratton Nordette. of Detroit. wad in town for a few deye on a visit to friends. He.. K. 1.. Williams left for Cleveland toiler to attend the meeting of the Synod of Ohio. Mr. J. H. louder Is home from Toronto. whereh. has been attending the School of Phwrrnecy, Kincardine Bellew : Mi... Macleod. of God... rich. Is relieving dim Macintosh at the tele- graph office. Conductor Sullivan. of the (). T. It. has been transferred to the Welland route, running out of Port t'o.borne. Mr,. L. W. Pullin. of ,tlberta,idspend ink the rammer month. with her mother. Mr. John McDonald. Klein avenne. Lt. Col. 1C. N. Lewis was In town Oxley. He I6,4111 acting a. artillery reernitlnSt utfloer, with heedgnarter+at Queen'. Park. louden Mr. and Mr.., W. Bermingham were In town fore few days legit week and on their return to Chatham were acoompanied by Mrs. W. L Horton. who i. m.klne a brief visit with them. DIED. PRLU'tlt'A -in Ooderich. on Tuesday. May 13, William Precious. aged IR year., THOMPSON.-At London. on Vrlday, May11• Lo:yJ. Vendor, beloved wife of William Thomp.on. aged M year. MATTHEW1.-In Anbfield. commotion 1, 1s41 t 12. on Monday, Mai I1.Samuel Matthews, aged 72 years. 6 months wad f day.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 1T. Pose Maid. and Lwundreesee Wanted -Homewood Sanitarium. Guelph 1 Notice to Creditor. John (4. Kuntr-A. L Hitter. Klteh•ner. Ont 1 Houde to Rent -Geo. Dunlop 1 Male Wanted- Mr. L. Donny .. . 1 Caretaker Wanted -Victoria Street Metho- dist Church ..... . 1 Help Wanted--O.tat'to Reformatory. Guelph 1 (Tearing yak -P. T. Dean S. Man Wanted-Goderirk Elevator t Transit (:omp•ny 1 Notice to Clsdltore-R. C. Hays t Card of Thanks -Mho Vaeetdne and Mr Thompson 1 Note of Thanks -William L McLean 1 Rubber Colloetion-Maple. Loaf Chapter.... I (iueena University. $