HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-10, Page 8TxrRSDAY, MAY 10 1917 HEN you require NOTE PAPER, Envelopes,sx.ho0l Books and School Supplies, at the lowest prices and bestivalues, remember Speed Selling Agents for Watermaa's Ideal Fountain Pens (nes self -filler) Price - $2.50 up Waterman's Remex, posi- tively the best value ever offered. Special $ 1.00. Are you taking advantage of our Wall Paper inducements ? Be sure of getting best results by load- ing your camera with Ammo Film. They have chromatic balance that gives correctness of color tones unknown to other film. We guarantee all Anse products to rive absolute satisfaction. Coma in and get a better under - e..._ of the complete Ansco lin metas, 61m, chemicals and Cy o paper -and then you'll get real aausfacti'D In picture snaking. A. L. ALDWELL PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Coderich - Ont. HOMESEE EXCURS i f9 MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY ALL HAIL " - also by ,,THURSDAV'S STEAMER " Great (Ss kes Routes" Neeestien) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prs,r ee have put Western Canada on the map. There are stdl thousands of acres waiting for the man viva wants a Mme and pm+pe..!y. Take advantage of Lew Raga and travel via Canadian Pacific saformstlon f rem Ticket Offices! 141.115 St. James ex, Phone M 8125, Windsor NMnl, Windsor and Place Viper Station.. , VW "VIFTiffr =fit 3+r; THE THE TOWN COUNCIL Proceedings Ealivened bi • Lits Tilt Between Aaeeeeer sad Mr. fbarkbettier. ibe regular meeting of the town council was held oo Friday evening and was attended by all the members except Councillors Stony and (lark. His Worebip Mayor Munuings was in the chair. fhe sexfoo of M•Itland cemetery naked that some repairs be made in toe sexton's dwelling. Referred to , cemetery committee. A communication from the medical health officer asked that someone be engaged for • few days to assist the board of health in getting a c.u.us of outhouses, closets, etc,. and at the i rave time make an inspection of backyards to see tbat all are in • clean and healthy condition. Referred 1 to special committee with power to act. From the secretary of the British i Sailors' Relief Fund in Canada cams I • request for assistance to the fund. I Referred to special committee. A note fro". Mrs. B. Burkholder stated that in November, 1909, she sold to Mrs. White half of lot. 1348, and "by neglect of your assessor and collectot" she bad berupaying taxes on the same up W the end of the year 1915. She claimed • rebate tor the amount overpaid. Mr. Burkholder was present, and was given permission to addles the council. He repeated the statement wade in Mrs. Burkholder's note and said that when be spoke to Mr. Camp- bell about it the latter said that if he (Burkholder) made any kick about it he would raise his assessment 550. Councillor Cutt characterized the • affair as "a piece of rank injustice." Assessor Campbell came into the council chamber at this juncture and said that the matter complained Mt by Mr. Burkholder had been before the court of revision and bad been dis- posed of. A warm altercation ensued between the assessor and Mr. Burkholder. The latter said he bad never had s tax notice, so that be could know what Le was being assessed for. Mr. Campbell gave this statement a fiat contradic- tion. and added that he had never been notified that the prop'rty bad teen gold. Some decidedly uncompli- mentary remarks were passed between the two disputant*', and the Mayor had to call both of them down. Mr. Campbell', explanation was under- stood to be that the sale of the small piece of land was not sufficient to af- fect the assesentent. The property was aeeessed at $350 and was well worth it, Mrs. Burkholder's complaint wasre- ferred to the special ct.mmittee. Mr. Thomas Sturdy asked for the refund of a sewer rate wrongfully charged to him. Referred to special committee. A letter from the National Ship- building Co. intimated the Company's assent to the conditions upon which the eounlil agreed to an alteration in the Company's plant. Reports of the finance, public works and epeeist committees were adopted. The finance committee recommended the pay tuent of a large number of account', and repotted that the pay- ment of 5100.53 due May 1st by the National Shipbuilding Co. had been made according to agreement ; that the town solicitor was taking the necessary legal steps to foreclose the Kensington Furniture ( ". mortgage and to collect any Wane". and that the auditors' report for 1910 bad been printed et a cost of 1135.N The com- mittee recommended that no action be taken on the request from the Sal- vation Army for a grant. and that the sum of 95 be sent to the Hydro -electric Railway Association se balance in full of membership fee for this year. The public works committee recom: mended that • Champion No. 1 A two -hone hickory -fibre -broom street - sweeper be purchased from the Do- minion Road Machinery C3. for the sum of *100 ; and that the committee be empowered to rent or purchase apparatus to apply'oil on the street,. The committee reported that some of the private grates on the town side- walks are in poor condition and the tenants and owners bave neglected to make the necessary repair.. and the committee recommended that in fu - dsre, when any grate becomes broken out of repair, and is not repaired at price to the satisfaction of the street ins, ctor, it be removed and the walk inn ately filled in. Th P. ial committee recommended that s 1st celebration be held in Goderi c • . meheurate with the oc- casion a d t, t Ott Mayor call a pub- lic meet' ' o he citizens to make ar- rangemen in connect onw h the laet-named report Reeve, Nairstated tbat Mr. Sunbury had Offered . arrange, with the co-operation of the ubljc schools, a choral moment as a ' tote of the Dominion Day celebratio On the euggeaition of ougeillor Wallis, the parks notnrnittee sun em- pow(•red to purchase • nu ..r of shade trees for planting on thea pets. >e••w.1(perr"" SIGNAL - GODERICH; ONTARIO Annual White Star Line Excursion GODERICH TO DETROIT AND RETURN BY FAST STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND Leave Goderich Tuesday, June 12th, 9.30 a.m. Leave Detroit on return trip Thursday. June 14th, 1 p.m. ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY $1.50 Only opportunity for people of this district to visit Detroit by boat this year. as there will be no regular steamer service ont of Goderich this season. - Singer Store - ECRU SCRIM for CURTAINS And Thread to match for crocheted insertion. Beautiful patterns of Inser. tions for copying. Baby's Bonnets and Dresses for spring wear. Children's Stamped Dresses, 25c to $1.25. Stamped Goods of every kind. MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE - SQUARE Councillor Moser said he had looked over the house at the lake bank be- longing to the town and found it in bad shape. He thought it would be impossible to fumigate it, as there were too many air -holes. He thought the building should be sold and re- moved and the land converted into park. Mayor Stunning, still thought the place should be fumigated, for sani- tary reasons, and the public works committee was asked to repot t. The fence around the property is to be sold. The council adjourned shortly be- fore 9 o'clock. THE HURON COUNTY SHELTER. The proposed establishment of a Children's Shelter for Huron county (an option having been secured on the well-known St. Lawrence property adjoining the public library in Gode- rich) is a step the importance of which is perhaps not sufficiently well ap- preciated throughout the county, at (east by those who are not familiar with the work being done by the Children's Aid Society. While figures de not give an adequate Idea of the extent of the work, it is interesting to note that there are 114 wards of the Society placed out in homes in tbis county, besides fifty Huron county wards in homes in other counties. In many cases where children are taken charge of it is of the utmost importance that they be taken to a proper home, such as a Shelter. and kept there for • few weeks till they are physically cared foe and a proper estimate is made of their temperament and mental re- quirements. This is absolutely es- sential to allow of securing homes for which they would be suited, or in which care would be taken to meet their deficiencies and secure their well-being. At present the only facil- ity for this very necessary prelimin- ary woo k is to send them to a Shelter in another county. such as at Strat- ford, Brantford. London. etc., which of course deprives the county agent and the officials here of the personal knowledge they would have if the child were placed in our own Shelter. Within the past few weexsa case in- volving five children is proving • very anzioue problem, which could be more easily and effectively bandied if the home Shelter were available. Indeed, the universal experience in every town and county having $ Shelter is OM the work could not be properly done without it. As le matter of cost, the expense of sending the children to outside Shel- ters would all be saved and go far towards maintaining a borne 8belter. Then there ia the work of looking after and placing in homes in this county the wards of other Societies, which is often asked, the work of the Societies being interchangeable in this way. At present there is no place where such a child can be kept till a suitable home is found and the necessary ar- rangements made for its placing. This would be a much easier matter if a home Shelter were establisbed here. As • child cannot be eommitted to jail 'it is sometimes necessary to have a detention home so that unruly chil- dren hitdren can be deal] with, and a room in the Shelter can be adapted for such use. 1f it is desired to have aJuvenile Court in Huron county, such a place of detention must be provided before the Juvenile Court could be pro- claimed. An appeal is to be made to the county council at ita June session for a grant towards the establishment of this much-needed addition to the work of the County Society, and it is hoped that the matter will be looked at from the standpoint of the great benefits such • Shelter would add to the splen- did work the Society is doing. There le not a dissenting voice in the county regarding the wisdom and business settee proved by the establishment of theenunty house of refuge at Clinton, and 'with the establishment and equip- ment `qf a Children's Shelter we are confldettt the first year's experience would show equally mood results. versary of the Baptist church. Dr. Fat mar, of lacklaster University. will Preach and lecture. Mr. Albert B. cireenlaw, the papular Detroit basso, will sing at all service". The ',object of the Monday events lecture will be, "How we should think of the war." The Goderich district convention of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist cburcb will be held In the Loudaaboro' Methodist church on Tuesday. May Mid. The afternoon session will oommenes at 2 o'clock and the evening lesion at 7 o'clock. In addition to local speakers, Mrs, (cor- don Wright. of Loudon, will address abs gonvendon, and there will be a musical program for each eseiou. Mrs. 5. B. Hick, of (iodericb• is the district organizer. Rev. A. L. (i. Clarke, rectot of St. George'', church, attended the meeting of the Rona Deanery Chapter of Hur- on held in fit. Paula church, t.linton, on Monday last. At this meetlag 'evered problems of vital importance to the wellbeing of the Anglican church in the county were discussed and plass made for future work. In &II Anglican churches in the county special servicer will be held nett Sunda in response to the appeal of the Bishop in his ro- gation -tide pastoral and in accord- ance with the teaching of the church to invoke God's blessing upon the fruits of the earth, and a special ap- peal will be made to the several con- gregations to assist .n averting the impending world famine by saving and producing food. "St. George's Church. Sunday, May 13 -Rogation Sunday. Holy CommuoiooS a. m.; matins and litany, 11 a. o., with special reference to food shortage ; Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p m. ; evensong at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 15 -Rogation service, 7.30 p. to. Thursday, May 17 -Feast of the As- cension. Holy Communion at 9.90 a. m. ; evensong at 7'90 p. m. Rogation -tide is the season which, in the old usage of the church for cen- turies past,is chosen for special prayers and intercession for blessing of the Al- mighty on the crops of the field and garden, and this time -honoree prac- tice appeals with peculiar emphasis to us at this period when the shortage of food is the great question agitating the public mind. Referring to the logs sustained by the congregation of St. Oeoree's by the death of Pte. Bruce Noble. the rector on Sunday drew attention to the dowers decorating the altar, the offering of his mother to show ber conviction in the belie( that although absent from us the spirit of the young soldier was with the communicalete ; the colors of the beautiful flowers were symbolic. I) Cron that hfteet up my head. I dare needy from thee. 1 lay in dost We's glory dead. And toes the around there blo.aoa,. red Life that shall endless be. Directions for preserving eggs. -To one pound of water glass add one gal- lon of boiled water. stir until the water glass is all dissolved, when cold solution is ready for use. Wood or earthenware vessels .hould be used as • container. We have just received a fresh supply of water glass. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. PERSONAL MENTION. • Mtn H. Math•re. of Leeknow. visited Mends In town tiffs weak. Minn Annie Stoddart has returned from • visit to friend. at Detroit. Mrs. Arehlheld. of Hamilton. Is vklting at the home of her brother. Kertstru ('oats. MW Lazle Feed. of Holmesvllle• attended the funeral of her noesis the late Thomas Me-. Ewen. Mies Mabel Strang has returned from • vl.lt to her sister, Mrs. V. H. Hewson, at New Lis- keard. - Mr,. Neltoor and children. of Chicago, are vt.tung at the bons. of the former'.. sister, Mrs A. G. N Whet. Mr. R V. Lawson has returned from the Ag- rionitural Collects Guelph. and is at his howl Lansdowne Farm. Mrs. Deacon. of Kidgetown, and Mrs. Nel- son. of St. Thomas, have been visiting their mother. Mr. Yates. Mr. and Mee. Fred Shephard have returned to their home at Preston atter a week'* vId with relatives in town. MWm. Tighe returned on Monday from a .!:firs -or 1 .evenl nronths to her sou, Mr. J ohn P, Tighe. at Milwaukee. Wii. Mr. E. B. Hale. of Stretford. eve lo town on Friday spending the day with his mother. Mrv. H. Hale. It happened to be his birthday. and he enjoyed th.• opportunity of visiting the old home in which be first ventured upon this world. Clinton News.Reoord : Mr. J. R. Went bee rented his house to Mr. R. Walton. of Gode- rich. Po,aa,,ioa will he given next week 1M r. Walton was until a few months ago a citizen of Clinton. and ofd Mends here will weloomn the family back to tows Capt. (lir.) J. R. LeTouael. of the medical staff at military headquarters. London, wan In town for the week -slid. accompanied by Mr.. LeTouzel, They vbit.d the Captain's parrots, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. LeTouael, and Aldo Lt. -Col. and Mrs V areae at CaHow. CIWRCH NOTES. The Methodist district meeting will be held at Varna an May 24th, with a tmimaterial lesion Oft the 23rd. Rev. F. McL. Smith, of Hensel!. will occupy the pulpit )Trent church nett Sunday. Rev. RMcDermid will be at Henson 01U^ .esbytery duties. The subject for altocumuli od' at the Men's Sunday Club at, North^ street Methodlet church next Sunday Asoro- ing at 10 o'clock will be : '•i. it cow- ardly to be afraid Y' , At North street Methodist church next Sunday morning Rev. W. K. Ilager's subject will be : "Mother's Day -Parente in the Lord." Keening auhjeet : "The Burden of Brotherly Love." Mother's Day servlees In the Baptist church nett Sunday : 10 a. nn. -Mande aehnol. 11 a. m. -'Th. Ideal Home." 7 p. in. -"Mother's (4uiding Rand." Remember May 90 and 21 as mini - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, The regular meeting of the W.C.T. U. will be held in the Temperance Hall on Monday, May 14th. A special pro- gram will commence at 3 o'clock. All members art- requested to be present. Visitors welcome. Dr, W. J R. 11'lmeut, county treas- urer, who was off duty for over a week as the result of a shaking -up he re- ceived while riding in an automobile et Tornio o, is at his office in the court house today, feelteg much better. Tea will be served in the patriotic ten room on Nature •y afternoon and evening. A special feature will be • candy booth. Proceeds will be do- nated to the Byron sanitarium for sick soldiers at London. The W. C. T. II. will hold a silver medal contest in ' h• Temperance Hall on Friday evening, May loth. This will be e.•nee t •Tents eight little girls of 9 to 11 yea a of age. Admits - .Inn 10. 1a. t obil.•reo, 6 ma Yarn for knell.. R• -d Cruse socks will be given not on Tneedays and Saturday., hettl..idee Tuesday. May 16th. A prurn there le • quantity of gond yarn of different brands and knitters •re urgently needed to maks it into stoke Ramer.. her the annual entertain- ment of the Matesillivray Mleefon Band, to it-- given in be lecture room of Know ehareh an Friday evebing. A mad p ^gram •i ' '- given by the Band. Ad...lesion 16e T'he•s will also he s cacti p t. -fie. At Clinton y ledge Magistrate And•ew•• 1• • II of 100 and cress (1110 upP.t n� Thomas O'Oonnor her It Wing seht.aey "'el the hip" in Rau hen 0 rrtbatsare 1101 .4. Tb. inform- ation wee laid Mir ibepaota Tomos. c s7,tD .• HALF-PRICE SALE OF RAINCOATS HERE is a Raincoat Special. Twenty Raincoats to sell at exactly half the actual value. These Coats are slightly imperfect but not in any way that will affect their wear. They will wear just as well as if you paid full price for them. Absolutely rain -proof, sewn seams, stylish, attractive garments. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Reg- ular up to $ 12.50. Clearing, commencing Saturday morning, at exactly Half-price Girls' Rain Capes New shipment of children's Rain Capes anti Coats just received. High-grade totalities that will turn the rain and stand any amount of wear. One line we particularly emphasize because of its exceptional quality. Can be had in navy blue or red. All sins up to 10 years. at each 63.26 Four Axminster Rugs at Bargain Prices We have four Axminster Rugs to sell that are slight) imperfect. but not to any way that will affect the wear. The imperfection is scarcely noticeable but will be pointed out to you when looking at the Rug. These Rugs are in a nice green pattern. small deeign, extret heavy, thick, close pile. They are linglioh made, imported by ourselves, afid will give al - moat endless wear. There are two sizes: 3x3 jt. yards and 3:4 yards. The 3:39; are worth 6411.00 regular. You can have either of these for 626.60 The 3x4 are worth =16.00 regular. You can buy either for *31.50 Qualities such ae these are hard to get today, and the Rugs will wear as long as if they &are absolutely perfect. Pretty Scrim Curtains Very pretty Scrim Curtains in white. ivory and ecru shades. Half-dozen or more designs and qualities. Plain centres with handsome lace insertion border. Decidedly new and give a very pleasing effect when hung. Price per pair 61.76 to *4.25 Curtain Scrim aoc Novelty Scrim for Curtails, white or ecru shades, nice line quality. Make'. inexpensive and attractive curtains. Per yard, oniy....20o Pretty Chintz 45c Very pretty Chintz, designs and qualities suitable for hangings and furniture coverings. single fold. Some of the eightlieet patterns we have shown for a long time. Special value at, per yard 46,1 Heavy Chintz These are reversible designs. double fold. suit- able for upholstery coverings or hangings. , ' There are some of the handsomest patterns we hare ever shown in stock today. There are exceedingly scarce and hard to get. an be had at per yard 61.76, $1.20, $2.25 Furniture Upholstered If you have furniture you want upholstered, let us give you a price for doing it. We can give you a first-class job, have a splendid as- sortment of coverings in chintz, tapestry or plain materials to select from. We will lw glad to give you an estimate of price for doing the work at any time. Special Sport Coats $7.5o Sport Coats in plain or fancy checks. good qualities, no two alike. These Coate are extra gond value at the price $7.60 Pretty Silk and Crepe Blouses Pretty silk and crepe Hltntses opened up this week. These Blotter,. e in t'eeani, bla.•L and novelty shades. The styles are right up to the minute. Prices tun from 6376 W $.50 HODGENS BROS. Direct Importers We re-cover umbrellas We make Window Shades to order We make and put up Awnings Goderich of all kinds as the result of a raid by Constables Pellow, McMillan and Welsh. Mr. C. F. Bielinan, jr., general pass- enger agent of the White Star Line, Detroit, who has visited Goderich on several occasions oo business in con- nection with the annual (greyhound exoureion, in at present taking the officers' training course at Fort Sheri- dan with the expectation of securing a commission in Uncle Sant'+ army for service overseas. CENTRAL $TRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by midsummer. During July and August of last year we received calls for Over 200 .&fke assistants we could not supply. Our graduates are in demand. Write for our free Catalogue. D. A. Mc MAN, AN. Principal. MacEwen Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON. COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 9S resdenre 212 Or 6* New Perfection Oil Stove Why -toot--iseaneetize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for sale -three-burner and four -burner Stoves. -Call and See Them - W. R1-PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street ..J The New Series CHEVROLET Garage Next Door to Bank of Commerce Geo. Johnston, • District Agent Also Agent for Simplex Four -wheeled Trailer. Bicycle and General Repairing a