The Signal, 1917-5-10, Page 5TNF SIG11A T' GODERICII, ONTARIO Headquarters fqr TIRES Automobile TIRES Ba Baby Carriage TIRES Baby FAST STREET GARAGE' Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER a STYLE AND COMFORT shoe satisfe•tiou is yours if you earn say "How comfort- s, able they feel" air well as ''How trim and stylish they I look." Our shore are not only modish according two the best authorities, but do nut �secriflee comfort for style, because they are made with equal regard for Muth these feature's. fruture. b' Wm. Sharman pltias ` , Ontario OEO. E. KING, e_ a _ r ricto1 461, it av LOCAL. TOPICS � n ilth of 14y. Tb was so wee fall of snow beie early Wedoesdey morning. The Signal Is informed that embody Ave years ago—on the kb of May, 1112— there was • similar light f•of fell snow . Board of Trade General Meeting. The quarterly gantlet meeting of the Board of Trade will be held in the town council chamber on Monday evening nest, 14th inst., et el o'clock. Every merchant, manufacturer and business man in town is invited to be present. Ne Out PriCes. The barters have seised some M their prioew, and a sleeve *ow trigs fifteen cents. George says the new price is Little enough, end Joe says it isn't any too Match. Fred says that with the iocr.esed cost of Toole. the barbers bare W have moire [Honey than before. Alex. doesn't way anything, but he charges the .we es the rest of them. G. C. I. Cadet Inspection. On Monday afternoon the G. C. I. Cadets were inspected at Victor is Park by Capt. A. C. Barclay, of London. The boys made • fine appearance and received high praise from the inspec- tor for the way in which they handled the drill. At the beginning of the year the corps lied fifty-seven mew - ben. but owing to so many of the boys' leaving to go on farms only thirty-five appeared on parade. Fire on Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon the home of Mr. Wm.Str.►cben, Cambria road, was badly damaged ea the result of Are. The blaze started from some wood which Mrs. Strachan had been drying in the oven and had then placed in a back kitchen. The firemen were handi- capped for • time by having poor power, and the tire having made its way into the roof of the house was not easily extinguished. A good deal n( damage was done by water also. The building and contents were in- sured. Donations to Hospital. Following are donations which have been gratefully received by Alexandre hospital this put month : Industrial cooking class -2 jars fruit, 1 chili sauce, 2 pickles, cake tapieco cream. beef kroweskys, bread, spiced buns, caramel pudding, almond custard, Sar strewherriee ; Mo. J. B. Graham. heppardton—:3 dozen eggs : Ahmeek Chapter, Daughters of the Empire— Ice cream freezer, curtains for dining - room ; Maple Leaf Chapter, D. of E. —toilet set ; Mrs. Robinson -1 quart maple syrup. Painting of Major Sale Presented. Mr. J. W. Truaeler has presented to Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F. & A.M., en excellent likeness in oils. painted by himself, of the late Major Chas. E. B ale, who was a past master of the lodge. The presentation took place on Tuesday evening at the regular meeting of Maitland Lodge. Mr. R. J. Megaw, W. M.. and other members of the lodge made suitable acknowledg- �ent. The painting will have a place f honor on the walla of the lodge room and will he treasured as • memento of a eonwade who bravely and nnselfiehly gave his life for the Empire's cause. Public School Board. TheTegular monthly meeting of the public School board was held on Mon- day evening. The principals' reports for.Apri) were received and other rou- tine business transacted. Mise Shar- man, prfndip•l of Central school, re- ported 174\ pupils enrolled -88 boy. and 106 gide ; average atteudence, 156--61 boys and 145 girls. Deposita in pesos bank, 174, amounting to 148.06. Principal Johoiton of Victoria school reported 405 .pupil, on the roll—IL3 buys end 182 girls ; average attend- ance, 340-185 to and 105 girls. De- posits in penny k, 4ti3; Dismount deposited, gltr2.41. The Greyhound Excu ion. Mr. N. F. M'Lwn, city passenger agent of the White Star,! ine. Detroit, ie in town making prrbarations for the annual Greyhound exeursion from Oodericb to Detroit. This will he run this year on Tuesday, June 12th, re- turning on Thursday, the 14th. The rotind.trip tare will 1* $2: ode way, $1.51). Excursionist(' need fear no trouble on account of the new U. S. lmmleration Act. Canadian, going to Detroit on • trip like this are not re- quired to pay • head tax, and immi- gration officer(' will be on board tbe steamer ou the trip to Detroit for the� purpose of passing all excursionists. Model Theatre Notes. The filet inetalrnent of the new serial, "The l eriet Kingdom," was giveu on Monday and Tuesday even- ings at the Model Theatre. This is a strong story and will he followed with unabated interest. Succeeding epi- Isodes will be given weekly, on Monday and Tuesday evenings. A prime att•action on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week will be Marguerite Clark in "Miss George Washington." Mise Clark, whit is perhaps the most popular fig- u•e in the movie world; does some very clever work in this production Usual prices throughout the week. Death of Former Resident. Word was received on Saturday of the death of James Arohibald Miller, formerly of Godericb, which occurred at Saskatoon on Ft iday last. Mr. Miller was for many years a O. T. R. engineer, running between Goderich and Stratford, and moved to Saska- toon with his family Ave yeas ago. H. had been in (idling health for some months end the end was tot unix, pect d. He is survived b his wife (4 sister of Mr. Robert Wilson. town), two sons and two daughters. The eons are Archie and Joe.pb, b• th in the West, and the daughters are Mary. who Is on her we to England as • nurse, and Marguerite. at home. Children's Aid Society. The monthly meeting of the Chit. dren's Aid Rociety was held on Toes. day afternoon. with • good attend. ante. The following donations, re- ceived since the April meeting, were repotted : Wnr. Hart, Brucefield, 12; Miss Washington. Qodertch, 011 ; Geo. Porter, Goderich, lisj �Mrs. ,i/'t. Ait- ken, Goderich, $1. Me. 1*. -M D1lfott, enunty agent of the C. A. R., and Mr. James Mitchell, president of the local Society, are attending the emote/ •ngg of tie. • Provincial Association meeting • Chngrot . d Societies being held ask. The regular at Tor Into this �. 111 he .uepend.d monthly meetings 1. •nths and the during the auoawer Ir► will be eon- bueinares of the Sooieity ducted by the exeotttive. • Death of Mrs. W. L. McLean. The death occurred on Wednesday afternoon. as Alexandra ho.Ptial, of Mary Wri bt, wife ot Mr. William L. McLean. Brddes her husband, ebe leaves three children. one an Infant of • few day.. also her mother, Mrs. Wright, end threetercttbera : Robert, of keno, Nevade ; Frank, of Brant- ford, and Alex„ of Port Arthur. The deceased lady was widely knowu end r.epeeted,and there le much •ytnp•th with the bereve.d Qipw.especially with the husband end young children In their great and unexpected low. The funeral takes plwe tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from the family residence, Palmerston street, to Maitland ceme- tery. Women Elect Officers. The annual meeting ot tbe Goderich branch of the Women's Institute was held on May 3rd, with • good attend- ance. The reports for the year were given, showing that members had not been idle. There were twelve regular meetings, besides • sewing meeting held each week for Red Crow work . The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Mn. Beattie ; vice-president, Mrs. Peter MacEwen ; 2nd vice-president. Mn. Swanson ; secretary sad treasurer, Mies M.E. Salkeld ; board of directors, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Donald McNevin HEART1 ISE S Scoops from "ROYALTY AT RED WING" Second Episode of "THE SECRET KINGDOM" Posturing CHARLES RICHMAN and DOROTHY KELLY A LSO "The Badge of Courage from the story by Cyrus Townsend Brady Wednesday and Thursday THE FILM FAVORITE MARGUERITE CLARK -1� " Miss George Washington This is a very cley-er bit of screen work, fascinating and amusing. EXTRA ATTRACTION ---in addition to the above will be shown a series of views descriptive of the Canadian Military Hospital at Orpington, England. Usual Prices Throughout the Week. is a symptom of Disease. A well -k doctor has said, ' I yet madea post-mortemex tminat ion in aascot death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were at fault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills TIit171BIDAV, MAY 10, 1917 5 and Mrs. A.D. McLean ; district direc- tor*, Mrs. Wiggins, Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, Mrs. McPhee, with president and sec- retary ; substitutes, Mrs. Alex. Me - Nevin, Mrs. Amos Stewart : auditors. Mrs. M. McDonald and Mrs. Charles Young. Death of Mrs. James Jewell. There died in Goderich, on Sunday • highly respected resident of heft, township, in the person of 04:01�s►�rbrooke, beloved wife of Mart w, A. d "hedeosesed was bore Mr. Jewel, w --six yawn ago. in Englaed sev6es, came to ow_ Over forty years agoehe had ada with her husband ee. • since lived in this neighbortro d U9'a Besides her husband three eblldieff left to mourn : gmsaa igoe Jove` tt Fisher), of town ; Kay (Mrs. L rid Warner). of town, and James, ofB�t 'tiller. The funeral, bad on Ttfy afternoon from the home of her sott- in-law, Mr. Joseph Fisher, to Maitland cemetery, war largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. J . E. Ford, the pallbearers being Mews. John Rodgers, John McGibbon, George Lemphr•ey, David Prow*, Ozrnan Walters and Paul Maedel. "Chain Tea" Proceeds Acknowledged. The following letter addressed to Mies B. Hays has come from the Canadian fled Cross tiociety head- quarters in London, England, dated April 10th: Dear Madam,—A copy of your letter to the Canadian Red Crow Society at Toronto as, been forwarded to us. We are very grateful for the 693.02 which you have sent for the benefit of your three men, being the proceeds of a series of chain teas held in Goderich. We are sending a Ss. [parcel weekly W the three following men in your name, and I trust they will acknowledge same direct to you : Pte. Walter Johnston, 1U0419, 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles ; Pte. Wm. J. Robin- son, 1011672, lib Canadian Mounted Rifles ; Pte. Victor M. Bell, 402405, Royal Canadian Regiment. With wany thanks for your kind help, Yours truly, E. R. BI LKELEY. The Late Thomas McEwen. On Friday last Mr. Tbowas McEwen succumbed to an attack of pleuro- posumonia, in his sixty-seventh year, after a week's illness. The deceased was a native of the Province of Que- bec, but had lived in this county neatly all his life. When a young man he took up land -at Jamestown. where he remained for forty years. hree years ago he retired from active ork and came with his wife to Gods- , his son. James J., having been in ems here for some years. There ee other sons : Thomas M., rsley, Sask., Bert A., of Medi- ita., and William C., who town the last six months. ere home for the funeral. \\NcEwen, mother of the g, at the age of nine- ty-two years, at Cloudelee, Algoma. mister, Mrs. Fol . and twobt•otbers. Orman and ltort, also live et Cloudelee, and other s • vi ring brothers are William, of Th on, and An- drew, of Day Mills. ,Algo . a. I'be'uneral took place . • Wednes- 1 (ley of rnoon to Maitland ewetery, Rev. R. '. McDermid conduc •ng tbe services. The pallbearers we Wm. oil bust sire of Kin cine Het, has beep i All the sons Mrs. %Villiant deceased, is livt Weather "Rrobs" Warmer—time to get your new Spring Suit. If yon want something just right,, in style, fit, materials and everything else that goes to make satisfaction, give us acall. If we can't suit you— well, we can't say you hayen't given us a chance, anyway. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, Ooderich. fel ANURIC IN' THE NEWEST 4 DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY This le a reoent discovery of Doetdr Pierte, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. Kxperimente at Doctor Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there ie no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it.. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflam- mation—as backache, scalding urine and freqnent urination, as well ea sedi- ment in the trine or if uric acid in the blood has canted rheumatism, it is simply wonderful how surely "Anuric• acts. The best of remits are always obtained in cases of acute rhenmatiem in the joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accom- pany the disease rapidly disappear. (lo to your neared drag store and simply ask for a lucent package of "Auntie," mannfactnred b77 Dr. Pierce, or send 10 conte to Dr. Pierne few a large trial package. If yon gospel& kidney or bladder trouble send him a *ample of your water and describe symptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist will examine it, then Dr. Pierce will report to you, without tee or charge. Nora : — French scientists affirm that "Anarie• is thirty-seven times mon active than lithia in eliminating trete acid, and is • harmless but reliable ebemic•l compound that may be safe[ given to children, font should be used only by grows -ape who actually with to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously aging ops box —ow more in extreme cases— as "Amine" ( thanks to Doctor Pierce's aehievement) is b far the most perfect kidney and bl der eorreeter ebtiaabt.. b►. 1'1etiws Pellet. an tete llsi Maio Liver Pale. One little Petit • laxative --three for a wheat's. 1 Send Small Sums, by Money Oi'deri hatred by the Vella Ink For amounts up to $50.00 they may be purchased at any Branch of this Bank, and are payable at hill face value at any Chartered Bank in Canada. Yukon excepted, aad In the principal cities to the Unit State*. I Thos are_convenient to segue and Pub. and abaolute)l.&afe. Goderich Brar.Ch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. avenue. The rest of the party ad- journed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1l. Strebl, 206 Boonton avenue, where they spent the afternoon and evening. This wedding is of much interest, se Mies Eller[ was well known in Gode- rich, Kingsbridge and vicinity, and the congratulations of her Mende here are cordially extended. THE GODERICH MARKETS. Tnnaanav, May 111 Wheat, per bush $ 5.10 to t 2.51 Oats, per bush, .70 to Barley. per bueb 1.10 to Peas, per bu.h .. ,100 to Buckwheat, per buri. ..... 1.15t0 r lour, family. per cwt • 150 to ['lour, paftiot, per cwt 7.50 to Bran, per ton ..., 0*00 to Shortaper too .... ....... .,(7 0) to AAlfalfa per Wo ,..••11000 00 to +[raw, !ones, porton 6.00 to Wood, per load6.W to Dalry Butter. per lb .311 10 Creamery Butter .43 to Sano., trawl, per dor 34 to Potato... per bush sees .to Cattle, butcher: choice, per cert. 9.50 to Cattle, butcheni medluw,per ewt 150 to How., Ilvr weight. per cwt. 16 W to Sheep. per cwt . 6.00 to Hides. per lb .16 to f allow, rendered. per la At to BbesuPelts ............. ...sees LW to A. McEwen (Theesalon), broth the deceased ; John Cott and R. Cult, brothere-in-law ; James Hotta Jos. Berton sod John A. Harrison. Board of Trade Activities. A meeting .if the council of the Board of Trade was'held in tbe MPIIP- aetung Canoe Club resoms on Monday evening. Mayor Munnippgs submitted s letter he had received from a mem- ber of the Goderich Drydo and Ship- building Co., asking that a eputation he sent again to Ottawa to ass for a definite undertaking on the pa of the Government to do the work at t • e har- bor necessary in connection wit the Company's project. Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan was cnosen es the delege from the Board of Trade. Mr. Yours son. who was present, said the Com- pany waw prepared to go ahead with tis work at once. provided the required assurance from the Goverruuent wets forthcoming. The Clinton Board of Trade asked that delegates be sent from Goderich to meet the district passenger agent of the G. T., R• at Clinton on 1'hursdat of this week, to urge the improvement of the G. T. H. train service between Goderich and Toronto. it was ar- ranged to send a deputation. A communication from the Guelph Board of Trade asked er.dors•tion of a petition to the Federal Government tot theprohibition of the nee of grain for the manufacture of liquors during war -time. A motion of enddraation wit" passed. The first part of the sleeting was taken up in hearing and disr!uesing, in conjunction with the Greater Produc- tion committee, repot -al from various quarters of the town as to the move- ment for the cultivation of back -yards and vacant lots. The reports indicated a general response to the appeal for increa('ed production. Kienle- .Ellert. The wedding took place on Tuesday morning. May 1st, at 9o'clock, in the Church of the Bleared Sacra- ment,Det mita MissRosehilertand Mr. Herman Kienle, both of Detroit. Rey. Father Hankerd officiated. Mise EI- lert was at tended by her chum, Miss Anne Sullivan, as maid of honor, while Mr. Peter J. Ellert, of Waterloo, Ont., brother of the bride. acted es best man. The bride was neatly at- tired In a gown of champagne crepe de chine over old roses, trimmings of clutters of orange blossoms, with hat to match, wearing a corsage bouquet of lilies of the valley, /tweet peas and white rotes. The bridesmaid was beautifully attired in a spring gown of light blue net, trimmed with rosettes of white satin, wearing a white mllan sailor hat, and • corsage bouquet of sweet peas and pink rows. The groom'. gift to the hride was a heauti- fnl diernond Iaveliere, to the brides- maid a beautiful pearl necklaee and to the roomemen spate of Initialed gold ruff- inks. Arter the weddln g cera :irony the party left, amid a shower of confetti and ries•, for the wedding break feat at the Hotel Pontebeirtraln, Whore they were congratulated and honored by a toast Riven by the brother of the bride. At the close of the festal eeretuop , the happy couple quietly left ire a'trip to Buffalo, New -. York and other Rswtern points, •afuif wbleh they will he at home to their f riends on May 15th at 408 Euclid .75 1.:16 .lpe 1.0 801 4100 5aW 11.W 13 10 8150 .W .40 .t5 .35 5.11) tato ase la 10 7.W .19 fll 1.10 The regular meeting of the General Brough Chapter. • 1. O. D. E., will be held at the court house on Monday, May 14tb, at 4.15 o'clock. Often the Cheapest --- Always the Best W. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Clouse Furnishings The Store of Quality PHONES STORE 89 RES. 197 1 VIRGINIA GIRL Gained la Pounds Dy Taking Visit Norfolk, Va.—"1 suffered from sea vouao.sa, had no appetite and was very this. Nothing i took seamed to heir r uatll one day a friend told me about Vino'. I have now taken sir bottles sad have gained fifteen pounds. hair a geed appetite and can .eat anything."—YaT- nx DrIa1Nii, Norfolk, Va. Viso/ is a constitutional remedy with iia formula on every bottle. le creates as appetite, aids digestion and ttsakw pure, healthy blood. Try it ee our guarantee, H.C. Dynlop, druggist, Goderich. Ont. Also at the best druggists in all Ontario towns, CLIMAX Wall Paper and Kalsomine Cleaner Works wonders on soiled kalsonline and wall paper. Give it a trial. l5catin J. A. Campbell Phm. B. "Central Drug Store" North Street and Siluat.• GOderirh IGLLYS HE PERFECT GUM Let us make yo • acquainted with the new, lu - ious flavour— • r • It's all that the name suggests! Wrigley quality— made where chewing gum making is a science. New three flavours Chew it after every meal Get It wherever confections are sold Sealed Tight — Kept Right! MADE 110 CANADA The Flavour Lasts IiimminnonmenN a