HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-10, Page 44 'ItiouoAY, MAY 10, 1917
� Popular `Pinch -Back'
For Young Men and Boys
We have received this week another shipment of
the season's latest style—the popular "Pinch -Back."
Made in a fine grey hair -line stripe. this makes a very
pretty Suit for young men. Sit*,; 36 to 38.
PRICE $20.00
We have a number of boys' Suits made in plain
double-breasted style, good strong tweeds in greys and
browns, bloomer pants. sizes 26 to 33. Call and get
our prices, we will sell them cheap.
20th Century and Art Clothing
Borsalino Hats
'Phone 57
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now cool. People
coming to town can be served
Hot Coffee, Tea or Cocoa at 6c
Meals also served 36c
Higbeet prices paid for butter and eggs.
The best barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
.mast*. Street OCOERICH
Call us up
if there is a leak in your
house. We will locate
the trouble and have it
put right. That's part
of our business.
We do eavestroughing ,
plumbing, tinsnlithing,
etc., and we do it right.
N. rmiton Street Phone 135
Belgian Relief Fund.
Receipt. for the l3Plgian Relief Fund
for month of April : I)auwhtere of
the Empire. junior branch, $10.
%V. LANK. Laces 'Treasurer .
Like a New Person,"
Mrs. Hamilton.
New Castle, Ind.—" From the time
I was even years olduntil 1 was seven-
teen I suffered each
month sol had to be
in bed. 1•had head-
ache, backache and
such pains I would
cramp double every
month. 1 did not
know what it sou
to he easy a mhrnte.
My health was all
run down and the
doctors did not do
me any good. A
neighbor told my mother about Lydia
L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
1 took it, and now i feel lie a new
parson. i don't suffer any more and I
un regular every month." — Mrs- Hash
IiiAYH.TOM, net South lath St.
When a remedy bas lived ter forty
years, steadity growing ho popularity
sod infio•oes, and thousands woe
ttinaasnd..1 women declare they owe
*sir health to 1t, is it not reasons -
hie to believe float it is an article etf
treat taeRit t
0 you wast special moose writs
do Lydia E. Piakkkars eltfki..
Ow. (ewttMiMtIS Lyrae sties.
Your ;hallo wiil N spetaed, reh4
stats wNtred by a woman and
MY In elrisinesS4ones.
The Saults Coal Co.,
Surn•Mor.. to Mrnoengb At Gledhill
We dal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
Bat lees meat if yon fed Beekaahy air
have Bladder trouble—Wk.i
81e for Kidneys
Meat forma nrie acid which excites
and overworks the kidneys in their efforts
to filter it from the system- Regular eat-
ers of meat must flush the kidneys owe -
atonally. You must relieve them like you
relieve your bowels; removing all the
acids, waste and poison, else you feel a
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back or sick headache. dix-
ziness, your stomach sours, tongue 1.
coated and when the weather is bad you
have rheumatic twinges. The urine fi
cloudy, full of sediment; the ehanneta
often get irritated, obliging yon to get
up two or three times during the night
To neutralize these irritating acids
and flush off the body's urinous waste
get about four ounce. of Jed Salts
froze any pharmacy; take a table-
spoonful in a glaze of water before break-
fast for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine and bladder disorders dis-
appear. This famous malts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com-
bined with littlish, and has been used for
generations to clear] and stimulate eing-
gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation.
,lad Salta is inexpensive; harmless and
makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which milliona of men and
e'enen take now and then, thus avoiding
.erioua kidney and bladder diseases.
r,��..TUESDAY, May 8.
Mrs. C. Gledhill, of (iuderich town-
ship, spent Sunday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L B. Snyder....
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Dunt visited
Goderich township friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Forster spent
the week -end with friends in Gode-
rich .. Mr. Fred Levis is visiting with
his sister, Mrs. E.M. Dunt, this week.
Mr. J. C. Durst has purchased a
Chevrolet car froom Mr. Bart. Levis, of
Clinton ...Of late a couple of mis-
chievous boys have been in the habit
of placing stones, rails, eta, across the
roadway. This is a lawless outland might
easily be the cause of serious accident.
The practice should be stepped at
once before there are any damage. to
be paid. A word to the wise is sufll-
Art. Patton, wbo had been In Tor-
onto since last fall, returned home on
Rev. R. C. McDonald, of Knox
chore., Ooderich, took ebarge of the
service at Union church on Sunday.
The Women's Missionary Society
held Its niont.bly meeting` at the home
of Mrs. Thomas Cox on Wednesday.
Moat of the farmers in this localltr-
have completed seeding, almost a week
sooner than expected, owing to the
.tr.nnous efforta of the students who
are working for their eerUtleatee.
Mrs. A. Bradford, of Edmonton
Mrs. Eloutbcott and Master James
Suutheott, of London, have r.tureed
to their homes after spending a week
with their cousin, Mrs. W. F. Hick,
Ohevtnut Farm.
Want/waneT. Mel 0.
Mr. James McBride diipoeed of MN
tat eattl• last week
Mr. Jos. Connor shipped a carload
*title last Saturday.
Mary Gordon, of Goderich, is
visiting her friend, Mrs. Walter Kings-
Mr. Milton Tyndall, B. A., left uo
Monday fur Anelold, Mask , where he
bas been appoiuted to preach during
the vrestlon
Mrs. Jonathan Miller has returned
tram Detroit, where she spent the
winter, to prepare for her sale, which
is to take pleas on the 18th inst. We
regret very much that Mrs. Miller is
going to leave u,, as ohs is held in
high esteem. Her home in the future
will be at Detroit
Dorms Timm BIT. —Judging from
the report of Mr. Jackman, foremen on
the MacKay farm, even the shorthorn
cattle aro heeding the appeal for
greater production. Within three
menthe two of rho cows on the term
have produoed twin mire., and all are
Rev. Father Dean, of St. Augustine,
visited his home here.
Miss Mary Austin. of Goderich. is
spending • few weeks at her howe
Mr. Joseph Griffin, of Detroit, paid
a flying visit here. Joe enlisted at
Detroit last week. His many friends
were glad to see him.
Mr. Jo...O'Neil and family, of Fanny•
stelle, Men., have returned to Aeb-
tleld and have settled here. We wel-
come them to our midst.
Thankful Mothers.
Mothers who have once used Baby's
Own Tahlets for their little ones are
always strong in their praise of this
medicine. Among them is Mre. Mar-
arcello Boudreau, Mizonette, N. B., who
writes : •'Baty'. Own Tablets are the
hest medicine i know of far little ones.'
1 •m very thankful for what they
have done for my children." The
Tablet* regulate the bowels and stom-
ach; cure constipation and indiges-
tion: break up colds and simple fevers;
in fact, they cure all the minor ills of
little Does. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents • box
from the Dr. Williams: Medicine Co.,
Brocaville, Ont.
Wa uEBDAT. May 9.
JsrrnNog.-Itjtf; Mrs. Robert
Wilson motored oat from (ioderich to
spend Sunday with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mn. J. McGee .Mr. and
Mrs. John Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
McMillan and Mrs. Geo. Green en-
joyed a trip in the former's uetR car
one day last week Mr. and Mrs.
John Bchoenbala, Edward and Olive,
of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr.
ani Mrs. Holzkampp of thisplaae. ....
Mr. sod Mn. W. Boyer and Mr. Al-
bert McGee, of Windsor, are here on
a week's holiday, the guest* of Mr.
and Mrs. J. McGee Mr. and Mn.
Jas. McWbinne spent the week -end
with Mrs. MoWbtaney's parents, Mr.
sed Mrs. Mcilreitten, of Dungannon.
Miss Sadie Cook and Mr. Thomas
Cook, of Zion, and Mr. Peter (;lazier,
of Mafeking, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John McGee We are
pleased to report this week that Mr..
Jas. Quaid is improving nicely after
her serious illness Mrs. Harry
Hayden is spending • couple of weeks'
holidays in town with her mother,
Mn. Yates Pte. Lindsay Burrows,
of London, spent a couple of days in
the village tui. week.
Mr. Benson Long, of the Dental
College, Toronto, visited his parents
for several days this week. He left
this (Wednesday) morning for Leth-
bridge, Alta., where be will occupy
a position as assistant dentist.
Don't forget the "Mother's Dev"
Rervice nett Sunday morning et lost.
There will be special muelc for ten oc-
casi on .
Mr. Hugh Hill sod family have
moved to Goderich and the farm late-
ly occupied by him has been taken
over by his brother, Mr. William Hill,
Carload of potatoes reoelved and for eels
W. T. R:oDar.t. Auburn.
CARO or THANK.. -Mr. Renjamin Witmer
and family wish to expense their mincer.,
thanks to the neighbors and Mende for their
kindness and .ympathy during their sad be-
WILDNEwDAv, May 9.
Howson le Lawson shipped two cars
of lumberla•t week.
Mr. Geo. Dawson, jr., ie critically
i11 with pnetimonia.
Gro. F. Yungblut shipped • car of
cattle to Toronto last week.
Rev. J. Abery, of Londesboro',
will preach in Knox church next Sun-
Mr. Simeon Sarin. does not improve
in health as his many friends would
Mr. Edgar Lawson is wearing a
broad emits. A little girl has conte to
hi. home.
Mr. K. Helwlg had s break in the
steering gear of bis auto on Sunday
and landed in the ditch at J.J. Robert-
son's. Fortunately no one was in-
old resident of this neighborhood
ponied awe on Tuesday, In the person
of Samuel Kerr, wbo died after a brief
illness in his *eventy-ninth year. The
deceased we. horn at Merrinkville.
Ont., but had lived here .ince he was
twenty-one years of age. He i. tour -
i t
vlved by his wife, Sas ser, bloat,, on
the homestead, and Ave dtjughters :
Mrs. Wee. bis a*., of ttkeppardtoo
Mrs, D. McPhee and Mrs. Alex.
Young, of Nile ; Mrs. David Cook, of
Clinton, and Mrs. P. R�se ; of Map'
gammon. Rev. J. W. Medley. pastor
of Nile Methodist oburob, will officiate
at the funeral MeV !Me tomorrow
(Thursday). The interment will be In
Dungannon cemetery.
TOasDAY, May ti
Rev. F. McL Smith, of Heneall,
preached at Leeburo on eluodey last,
Mr. Hamilton taking his pulpit at
Hensall .
The W. M. S. Auxiliary and Red
Oroes Workers will onset at the home
of Mrs. Fred Q,tald on Friday after-
fternoon at 3 u'elloek..e r
Mre. George Midden, of Hamilton,
who had hese visiting friends and rel-
atives here for some weeks, returned
home last week. Shu wasaccompanied
by her two little daughters, Laura and
Seeding is pretty well advanced
bete, but there is little or no growth
owing le tbs cold weather. $e clerk
of the weather tau surely nag be in
sympathy with the greater produc-
tion movement, or why this very
backward season P
The marriage of Miss Dorothy,
daughter of Mrs. A. H. Tierney,
Blyth, to Joseph Arosteio, of New
York. took place quietly In Rt. Jamas
Cathedral, Toronto, on April loth.
A number of the Oddfellows from
Blyth lodge attended the hie night in
one of the Oddfellows' lodges at Lon-
don on Friday night, when the nr,t
degree was exemplified by • Hamilton
degree team.
Everything is going along niece's-
fullyfor the Old Boys' Reunion to Ire
held here on July 1. and strong com-
mittees have been appointed to have
charge of each department of the
day's amusement. As the protease
are to be used for patriotic purppooss�bss
all good citizens are taking hold of it
with a vim and the prospects at pres-
ent are that it will be a day Ipag to be
remembered by all who attend.
OLEAN-CP DAY.—The Women's In-
stitute organised a Dumber of the
men of the town and also some teems
for the purpose of cleaning up some of
the vacant lot* on the front street. A
goodly number turned out and • great
deal of work was done. The vacant
lots have now a more preeentable ap-
pearance. The lots bad considerable
rubbinb, such as old brick, stone, etc.,
which was all taken away, and the
rubbish burned, after which the lou
were levelled up so that now autos
coming to town will not need to stand
on the street, but can go ou these lots
and stand oat of flee road.
$ 100 Reward, $ 100.
Tbe readers of thio paper will be pleased to
learn that Mx re is at least ow dreaded disease
science hes been .hie to cure in all its stages,
and that is catarrh Cataria being greatly in-
fluenced by oonsttuttonal conditions requires'
nonstltutional treatment. ash's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally and acts through the blood
on the muc' us aorfam, of the system. tbmr•by
de+troyl ng the foundstionof the dl-ea.e. giving
the patient strength by building up the oon-
,Utution and assisting nature In doing its
work. The proprietors lure so much Win In
the curative power, of Bail', Catarrh Cu,,
Unit they oller one bund Ion for say ow
that 1t fait to core. sous tar 11-1 of testl-
mon W.
Address: F. J. CHICNIY t CO., Toledo.
Ohio. Bold by all druggist/. 730.
At a meeting of the Asblield Sol-
diers' Aid Society it was decided to
unlike a collection of old papers, maga-
zines and rubbers in the near future.
The Society has decided to make an
effort to get twelve ton., en that $ full
shipment can be made, and ask. all to
give as much as possible and to have it
ready for the collection.
DEATHOP Mite. Hono1748.—Stratford
papers record the death or Mn. Nellie
Hodgins, which occurred at bar son's
residence in Detroit Monday night,
April 10t1, atter a short illness. De-
ceased was born in. Ashfield and was
in her sixtieth year. The late Mr..
Hodgine was a former Stratford girl,
baying lived there for about five years,
while her parent* and family resided
there on Huron street for about forty
Mears. When her parent*, the late
r. and Mrs.. A. Lavelle, moved to
Stratford frorn Aehfleld, the deceased
remained with her grandmother in
(ioderich, a few years later going to
Stratford. After being married she
reproved to Detroit with her husband
and had lived there for thirty years.
Elbe is survived by one son, one bro-
ther and two sisters: M. Harry Hod-
gins, Detroit ; Mr. James Lavelle,
Mtrat ord; Mrs. M. O'Connell, Senora;
Miss . Layette, Stratford.
For nervous people *e recommend
Dr. Browne Myrnp of Hypophos-
phitee. it is a tonic which renews all
of the vital forces. It stimulates nerve
and muscular energy and makes you
feel better in every way. it does this
by increasing appetite, by insuring
tatter assimilation of the food and by
directly supplying the elements that
serve to strengthen the net you,
system. This reconstructive tonic i■
valuable in all run-down conditions of
the system hut especially those
marker by depression and nervous, de-
bility. if you need a tonic take it
now. Dollar a bottle. Bold by E. R.
Wigle, druggist. Goderich.
ance of the play "The Young Village
Doctor" will he given in the Temper-
ance Hall here on Friday evening,
May IRtb, by the Auburn Dramatic
Company, the proceeds to pro too the
Red Crosafnmf. kdmi•sion 26e.
RRTURNR To t,RMal7Rlr. —Our old
friend Jarues Linkleter has found by
experience that "there la no place like
home." After spending over sixty
years on bis farm here he moved to
Goderich a year or an age. Intending
U. enjoy • well-earned rest amid the
pleasures of town life. The home at-
traction has proved ton strong, how-
ever, and he has returned W the old
homestead that had heeome part and
parcel of his very being during the
year. he lived upon It The saes of
otir esteemed friend ie not an uncom-
mon one. After • saes has eruct a
lifetime nn a farm It ie seldom that he
can reeoneile himself to the etriet
ways of a town and Immo.. for the
free and easy manners rat tkl. eountr ,
Ws s•e glad to w.ie,nm. Mr. Link -
later hack to us and we wish him
many happy years amid the surround-
ings he lova,
New, Light Dress Materials
Just arrived, new dress lengths in summer and spring cotton and silk dress materials. Tbe
very choicest in colored stripes and figures. The newest patterns are very LOUD this season, but
they are very pretty also. The lines that have just arrived are the cream from the best houses
in the city.
Do'ot forget that all dresses,bougbt at this store are in dress lengths and that means you
have a dress with a color and patters all to yourself. There is no chance of meeting the sattke
dress on the street on one of your friends. Is it not exceptionally nice to know that your dress
is the only one in town in that particular color and pattern ?
We have in stock a large range of striped Voiles and Silks for waists, the newest that can
be had. Bought only one week ago. When buying your new waist be sure to see our'latest
productions. They are real.
KHAKI KOOL PATTERNS on a heavy Tussah Silk are the newest production for
dresses. This cloth comes at $1.25, 36 inches wide, with fawn and colored grounds in these new
and dainty patterns. These new patterns are strong for this season.
Taffeta, Duchess and Silk Poplins are the best in Silks. For your new suit, dress or skirt
let it be a 36 -inch Silk in one of these popular numbers, at $1.50 or $1.65 a yard.
Do not forget that everything is in dress lengths, which means individuality and a style
for you alone.
vico J. H. COLBORNE locc
The Presbyterian church has ex-
tended • calf to Rev. R. McCallum, of
Tara, Ont.
BrDDas DEAru.—Mr. W. J. Taylor,
one of Lucknow's most prominentriti-
xens, died suddenly on Monday in his
sixty-sixth year. He had been suffer-
ing for some time from Bright's die.
ease. He was found lying semen a
sugar bag in the back shop of his
grocery store. Before engaging in
the grocery business Mr. Taylor was
in partnership with his brother, Mr.
D. C. Taylor, in the hardware buei-
llonieseeiiers' Lx nrsions
Hound trip tickets to points in Manitoba,
Baeketcluwan •nd Alberta via North Bay.
Coobrane and Transcontinental Route. or
yia Chicago, dt. Paul or Duluth. on sale
web Tuesday until Oo(.10 inclusive. at low
TArw,gh Tourist Steeelna Cars
to *INNIKo on above date..
Iaa„ng Toronto 10.45 p.m., no
change or cart, via Transco.,
Oriental Route.
Return limit. two month.. exclusive of
date of sale. Final return limit on an
tickets, December 31x1.
Berth reservations and foil particulars
at.11 Grand Trunk ticket offices or write
District Passenger Agent.
Toronto, Ont
Town Agents Phone 8
Printing? the %t nal
On Saturday we will have a large variety
of Messrs. J. M. Schneider & Son's famous
Fresh Sausage
Ham Sausage
Bacon, , M
Smoked Cooked Hams
We will have this line fresh, each week.
Tea is oontinually advancing. We have a
large stock of Bulk Teas bought, and are in a
position to give good values.
I'tlosg 4:3
Its Excellence is Wit in
11.O.B. Chatham.
p$.' -4s. -I,'. Readeter
ease /rises
While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gri port is
in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the inner
Gray Dort that you should knot thoroughly. Here, under
the surface, is beauty of another sort -the beauty of sturdi-
ness and efficiency.
All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable for
their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accessibility.
This kind of excellence has opened the eyes of thousands of
moterwisse men and women -and made them Gray Dort
owners. It makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family
can use and enjoy.
With all this quality, with complete equipment, with 'big-
ar' refinements and conveniences, the Gray Dart is a
moderate priced car-- rand it is a supremely good car
Dealer Goderich Distributor, Blyth