HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-5-10, Page 3• TIIE SIGNAL - GODERICHI ONTARIO THE 0111f1NIL IND ONLY jp DENUINE BEWARE OF IMITs- TION8 SOLD ON THE MISHITS OF IIN/RD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL i1R. GEO. IllelLEMANN, IMMO L PATH..pseldlat in woes••'• and Obit ■ dtesaws, mats, Amato and sere die eyes ear, sow and Omskatle deet rids tsrwesosvvoel 1.k... °Moe it sesta. At % i lemlesaa. Thursdays eelB.terd ye:say mvellesr by Ie506"1aat. DENTISTRY . \H. H. O. MACDONKLL.-HONOR 11 lindu.te Toronto Uulvenlly. Oredu.le nye IColtegs of al Major .Pale. Mea 11611011,1.0•01.116110111611011,1.0•01.to thehe late MN rover Square and West street. Oodettch. AUCTION= THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTTUNILR; Box 67, Oodericb. AU instructions byfm.i1 Err to. Residence tekpbodam v011 w L19 promptly a L LEGAL C. HAYS ARHI13THli. SOLICITOR, NOTARY Y BLit;, ETI. Akoe-8t•rllBonk Block. Hamilton 6,rset. Meriob. To tepsose AL . Reel Notate Leans and insurance. PROUDFOOT,KILLORAN & COOKE aA&HI8TIRB. SOLICITuK1S, NOTAILIBS PUBLIC, LTC. Oeoe Olt the Struve, wooed door from Ham Blre .treat, tloderloh. Private funds to bait at lowest rotes. W. P•ounroor. Q.C. J. 1.. Qluga.M H. J. D. Coosa G. CAMERON, R. C. BARRIS T solicitor, notary magic Oaoss Street. Oodsriek, third -doer fro EoAt ClThursdayo. Thursday of each week In n Adhere beret occupied by Mr. flaks ban a a.m. to a p.m. - LLRLES (JARROW, LL.B.. BAR - Walla, ettoruey, aollcltor. etc.. God. Hooey to tend at lowest rates et BEAORR, BARRISTER, SOL- ‘,/ 1.isr, Notary Public and Ceove actor. Overt Hoose Oed.Ach. glaifti INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC, MOklLLOP- MUTUAL ?ME IN eVHANCI LO. -Fares and trotted peen prsesrty 166616d. Odors -Jas. Connolly, Pres.. Ooderlcb P.O.; Jac Evan., Vice -Prow, Beechwood P. 0.; r.... L. }lay Seo. -Trees., Seatorth P. 0. IMnctore-L. F. ]toUre 0r. beetorth ; John i, Grieve. W bidden ; Witham Kinn Constance: Jobe Benneweia, Brodh.geo ; ileo. Kinn, Ss.forth , Robert Ferris, Harlot*: Malcolm McLwen. Brooeasld. Agenuo J. W. Yeo. (Joel, rich • Alex. Liana, Clinton; William Cbe.ne , 8siforth; bile bier. S.sforth. Polley -holders Tiny easmme.te and get Wear cards renal at IL J. Morrrb'. Clothing Store, Chinos, H. C.U.'drapery, kina.tom street. Oodrtob,r J. H. Meld. Oeveeal Store, Hayfield. LoLof000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO moo baa.' Apply to M. O. CAM,N. Barrister Hamilton street, Oodsrtoh. R. ROBERTSOt.\ ST INBVRANCI AGENT. f'u. ARID 14..10109 I Bridal, C.oedlan and American. aoosn•0T 8nlawgae •00 a.rLOTaw' LIARIL ITT : The (bean Accident and (guarantee Corporation Limited. of London, Eng. ilDMILJTY trio (jU•RANTak HONDO . The U.S. Malley and Gro -.ntee Commas. Oaks at residence, .orthe.,t corner of Vie - Sena and 8t. David's street. 'Phone 176. Patents, Trade Marks, Designs OURO TAWALEITER ***NO** Iv M F GaOssTe444044.41 Ottawa, May S. -Corridor gossip oc- cupies Itself With atr•ahge matters these days. No doubt much et it te wild speculation. but, on the other baud. there is •o doubt that the wild- est apeoulatloo h.. • substratum of fact. Most of the gossip is basad o0 hints which Faye appeared from time to time in the Tory press no to what the Borden Government might do if the Opposition squeezed it too hard. One of the tble•te is a reconstrurted Government. Reconstructions are al- ways great 'pert for the reconstruc- tor. and this one is no exception to the rule. Every reconetructiou that fano Can suggest bas been put for• ward by the Cabinet-makers during the last two weeks. Most of the re- constructions let Premier Borden out. Sir Robert is to become Canadian law lord on the Judicial Committee of the Imperial Privy Council -that is to say, the Cabinet-makers have picked out that job for him. Some of the more liberal -minded Conservative ray that Sir Robert put his foot in it in hi. Maocbsster speech, io which he out- lined a sort of preferential trade among the Entente Allies -in shot t, the pro- grm drafted at the trade conference in Paris. The chief trouble with this is that the United States has since come into the war as an ally, and no readjustment could contemplate keep- ingUncle Sam out. nother statesman who is booked by the rumormongers for retirement is the Horl. Bob Rogers -that is to say, if he will let biruself be retired. As he is said to beer tbe Federal cam- prigu fund in his own name he may take • lot of convincing. There is a brisk division of opinion in the party in regard to the Hon. Bob's possible withdrawal front the *Heirs of the Government. Some say that If Bob goes he takes all the "pep" with him. Others say that if he goes • heavy load goes. Meanwhile Bob's own party newer papers rrfrean from defending him, and his name le not put forward in the campaign literature. St r a ng e I y enough,the person who is mentioned as his successor in the affections of the West is Arthur Meighen, at present Solicitor General. One would think that Arthur would be shout as pop- ular in the V est as a dozen lemons. but there's Do accounting for taste.. The Hon. Bob is by way of being real folks, but Arthur is a knife-edge. In fact., Arthur lets the hair-split- ting habit run away with him. Hir latest feat of overplaying • fine point was when he rrgued that the Govern- ment couldn't get out of its Row rifle contract, when, at the very wine time. Sir Charles Rose we. prat ii that he didn't want to stick to any con- tract that was not beneficial to the Empire. Such is Arthur Meigbeo, who is hooked by the Cabinet reconstructor. to fill Bob's shoes in the West. Arthur is to become Minister of Justice, vire Doherty, resigned --R. B. Bennett be- ing dated for Solicitor -General. The Hon. Bob ip to he High Commis- sioner at London, if he will take it. it is felt that be could do work over there, handling the ballots which are now stacked up in the High Commis- sioner's onto. against the day the British Oevernment will permit • Canadian general election at the bat- tle front. If an election distracts the attention of the fighting mac from his real job It might be possible to mark the hallo[. in London, and save the soldiers the trouble. Rumor has also picked out the Hon. Frank Cochrane for the seclusion of private life. The Hon. Fraok is no addition to the debating strength of the Government -in fat, he is as dumb as an oyster -and the paity is kicking because this office Napoleon has no gift of eloqueoce. With a thing as hard as hi. connection with the Nickel Trust Lo explain it is felt that Mr. Cochrane ought to cut loo.e and explain or get out. Sir Henry Dray- ton, chairman of the Railway Com- mission, is said to be the party choice for the portfolio of Railways and Canals. It is said that Dr. Roche would be willing to quit if he could get a place in the Senate, and he will probably get his wish, 'because the Conservative majority of two in the Senate is just now very precarious. •Only twat week two Conservative Senators died and the majority di.a pealed. More Sena- tors must be appointed if this off - again -on -again habit of the Cottaerva. tive major sty in the Red Chamber is to be overcome. The Hon. Mr. Burrell 1p willing to quit, too. All he wants filo be post- master at Ottawa. Ile Tikes the so- ciety here, the golfing and the tango teas, and would trade ambition for s pleasant life almost any day. Rumor does not say who would take his place from British Columbia -perhaps Mr. Green, who is known to fame se the man who Inks like Sir William Mac- kenzie. The Cabinet reconstructor• also intimate that Mr. Crotbers would maks, a good High Court judge and that a real labor man as Minister of Labor would do better work In that department and inspire greater con- fidence in the meager than a corpora- tion lawyer. But if Premier Borden drops out, who ? Well, the wise once say, Sir Thomas White, with perhaps Mr. J.W. Flavelle, his fidus Achates, a. Minister of Finance. Can you heat it? Im- agine how the high epic of lining would moan with Mr. Flavelle arrang- ing the tariff t The Nwtionslist *M- ance faith be maintained. Not only maintained but strengthened. The Gov- ernment believes that, it has e, prodigy In young Mr. Sevigny-an infant phenomenon not second even to Vin- cent Crummles. Another story, which shows how desperately the wind blows for the Borden Government, is to the effect that alien enemies In Canada who cannot read or write are to be de- naturalized and deprived of their votes. This is to be an ofeet against the four hundred thousand brave men who are overseas fighting for our free- dom, and who.e rotes the Borden Government haa now discovered can- not be taken, becau.e three quarter. of them would be twat against the Government of a thousand scandals. This measure, so the gossips say, will he put through. If nec..l.ry, ander cloture. This story is hardly worth crediting, Secured in All Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PROTLC T1UN. Tells all .bout and how to get. pa enta. BABCOCK & SONS, a.tabli.hed 411 formerly Patent Ulm, Examiner. Moate of Patent Law., Registered Patent Attorney* etc, 078t. James Street. Montreal. Branches - Ottawa and Washington. Representatives In all foreign countries. Brophe3 Bros. GODERiCH 1110 Leading Funeral Directors and Imers Orders carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. The Beat Newspaper Value in Western Ontario Che tonbon Rbverttser All Mall Editions S' Per Year THE BLESSING OF' A KEALTHY BODY Hae Net Had A. He is Sickness Skase Tobias " FRUIT-A-TIVEI ". ' MR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th, 1915. "I think it my duty to tell you what "Fruit -s -tires" ha. done for me. Three years ago, I began to feel run- down and tired, and suffered very much from Liver sad Kidney Trouble. Having read of " Fruit-a-tives ", I thought I would try them. The result was surprising. During the 3i years past, I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything. /bate not hod ore 6owr's si€lsess since I com- menced ming "F'ruit-a-tives", and I know now what I haven't known for a good many years- that is, the blessing of a health)- body and clear thinking brain". WALTER J. MARRIOTT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. becauce'any such measure of disfran• chisement would wipe out what little there is left of thi Conservative party io Manitoba, Alberta and Saakatche- wan. it is ooly mentioned here to show 'what sad, bad, mad thoughts get Into the heads of people when tbey are shying defeat in tire face. Gossip revolves about a third matter, -extension. Will the Government accept the counsel of some of its more pig-headed advisers and try, to defl- snce of; the British North America Act, custom, precedent. good taste and common decency, to extend its own life by Risking use of its majority of forty-seven in the House of Com- mons and its present majority of one in the Senate, or will it take its medi- cine at •general election ? The latter. I tbink. A Oove'oment cannot pro- long its own life indefinitely. Sooner or later it has to get hack to demo- cratic principles -the people bare got to vote. Even in Great Britain the latest extension takes the Government only to November. The Borden Gov- ernment baa so, eatenaion which es valid until October. Sotne of its hest friend. are saying that that ought to be long enough. Its profiteering friends will have got all there is out of the war by that time. Why, then, linger superfluous? H. F. GADaitY. WAS A NERVOUS WRECK. What Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for Alberta Woman. Junkinr. Alberta, May 7 (Special). - "1 wase nervous wreck before I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills," says Mies E. M. Shannon. living near here. "My trouble started from s strain. and i suffered for years. I had cramps •in the muscles, my joints were stiff and I could not deep well. My appetite was fitful. i was alwaya tired. my eves were puffed and swollen and bad da tk circles under them. I was depressed and low-spirited. There was a heavy dragging sensation across my loins and my skin itched and burned at night. When rheumatism and neu- ralgia were added to my l i oul,les I consulted a doctor, but got no lasting relief. I took three and -a -half boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pill.. i cannot speak too highly of what they have done for me." Every one of Miss Shannon's ills was a symptom of kidney t.rouhle. That's why she got such quick results from Dodd's Sidney Pills. GIRLS WANTED Por office work to f111 the placer of men who nal e gone m are going to the front. Young women can render the country real .cry ice by preparing to take positions In bank, and bu. nese omce.. Special Cour.e, of training In Book- keeping. Shorthand and ail other Osm- merclal .ugject, now In orosr.a Student/. admit ted any i Ime. illustrated oatalogne free. Northern Easiness College, Ltd. UWEN SOUND. ONT. C. FLKMING. Principal. • MAIN QUOTATIONS MAY 7th Termite Cattle Markel• Choice heave, steers ... $11 .get 0112.00 1 • Ito. medium 10.50 11.15 • Butceeri choice handy 10.75 11.60 do. Coed 10.25 10.50 • 8 do. medium .50 9 • GLovEs 5.79912: 6 10.50 • WOOF, .".. AI, ._.r_..._......, ...,_...... THURSDAY. MA}' 10, 1917 8 D:_lam[ I LLA 12 Et SON docommon . niches•' bully, c�olce.. 8.7 H 111 do. good .... 8.00 8.`60 ' I do. medium ..ego- 7 00 Butchers' choice cows9.50 10 35 .do. good 8.26 9.00 • do. medians 7.26 8.00 • Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 9.25 10.26 do. med., 700 to 800. 8.26 550 • Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs. 7 35 8.60 do. medium 9.50 7.00 Grass cows. 800 to 1,000 lbs. .. 6.75 7.60 Cutters 6.25 6.25 Canners . 6.25 6.75 Milkerd, good to choice70.00 95.00 do. com. and med50.00- Springers 66 _00 Calves, veal, choice 11 .50 13.60 do. m6dlam 10.00 11.00 do. cellinmon 6.00 8.60 do. grass 6.00 7.00 do. heavy fat 7.50 10.00 Lambe, yearlings. choice 15.50 16.50 do. medium 12.50 14.60 do. culls 9.50 11.00 do. spring Iambs, each 8.00 13.00 Sheep, ewes, light 11.50 14.00 do. heavy and bucks. 9.00 11.00 do. culls 4.00 1.00 Hogs, ted and watered, • choice .. 17.00 00.00 do. common 16.76 16.90 do. off cars 17.26 00.00 do. f.o.b. country pts. 16.00 16.25 tara1e Corner Montreal Street end Square HIGH-CLASS end SANITARY We serve excellent meals' a la Carte daily PiLS TO TAKL OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL S$RVICE Our Motto-QI•antin•le Alweye OPFN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. • • •• • 86.00 • • • •• We specialize in "Kayser" guaranteed Silk Gloves, double -tipped, "made in • Canada." They come in black, white and colors, and white with black points, all • sizes. Price per pair $ i .00 Toronto 0r..t - Markets Toronto Board of Trade market quo- tatlons:- Manitoba Wheat -No quotatlpns. Manitoba Oats -All -rail, delivered, No. C. W., 87%c; No. 3 C. W., 87c. American Corn -No. 3 yellow, 11.6G, nominal, subject to embargo. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 12.87 to 12.88, 'according to freights outside; No. 3 winter, $2.85 to $2.87. Ontario Oats (according to freights outside) -No. 2 white, 74c to 76c. nom - 'nal; No. 3 white, 73c to 75c, nominal. Peas -Nominal. Barley -Malting, 11.36 to 11.37, nom- inal. Rye -No. 2. new, $1.88 to 11.90. Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute bags. 116; seconds, In jute, 114.60; strong bakers', In jute, $14.10. Ontario Flout --Winter, new, track, Toronto. prompt shipment, according to sample, 112 to $12.10. Millfeed- arlots, delivered. Mon- tre freights; Shorts, 145; bran: $42; middlings. 348; good feed flour, per bag. $3 to $3.10. Hay -Track. Toronto, extra No. 2, $11.50 to $12.50; mixed, 18.50 to 111. Straw-7Carlota. ?3.50 to 19. `Chicago Live Stock Cattle-K.celpts, 400. Market stead). Beeves, 19 to $13.40; stocker* and feeders, 17.15 to 19.90; cows and heir. ere, 16.25 to 111.15; calves, 18.75 to $13.25. Hoge--Recelpte. 10.000. Mar- ket weak and 5C, to 10c lower. Light, 814.65 to 115.7Q; mixed. 116.25 to 115.8e; heavy, to $15.85; rough, 116.20 to 915.40, Ss, 110 to $13.75; bulk of sales, 815.50 to 115.10. Sheep -Receipts. 2,000. Market steady. Lambs, native, 113.50 to 117.65. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -5 cars; steady. Hogs -15 cars; slow; heavy, 116.15 to 116.35; Yorkers, 116 to 116.10; pigs and lights, $13.50 oto $14.60. Sheep -15 car.'; steady; top lambs, 414.25 to $14.50; yearlings. 111 to 812; wether•, 111 to 211.25; ewes, $10 to $10.50. Calver -- 1.300; stmng; tops. 813.75; fair to good, 810.60 to 111.50; fed calves, $6.50 to 87.00. HOSIERY UNDERWEAR WE are the recognized leaders in this district for the best value and best assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear for women, men and children. Our spring shipments are now all in stock ready for your inspection. Owing to conditions existing in manufacturing centres it will be impossible to replace many of the lines once sold. Gloves Gloves Gloves Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Eggs -- New -laid, cartons 1 .42 to; .43 do. ex -cartons .40 .00 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.44 .45 Creamery prints, storage .42 .43 Creamery, solids .41 . .42 Choice dairy prints .39 .40 Ordinary dairy prints.34 .36 Bakers' .30 .31 Cheese -New, large, 28%c; twins, 28%c; June. large, 29%c; twins. 300. Live Poultry -Buying price delivered Toronto. Wholesale price to the trade is two cents higher. Chickens. fat ..20 .22 Fowl fat .21 .23 Chickens. ordinary .22 .00 Fowl, ordinary .20 .22 Beane -Japanese. hand-picked. bush- el, 16.50 to $6.75; prime, $6 to 16.25; Canadian, hand-picked, bushel, $7.75; prifne. $7.25. Honey -Tins, 2% -lb. tins. 15c -a lb.; 6-1h. tine. 14%c Ib.; 10 -Ib. tins, 14c a lb.; 604b. tins clover 13c to 13%c a ib. Comb honey -Selects, 12.40 to 12.75; No. 2, 12 to $2.15. Buckwheat honey, 60 -Ib. tins, 10'ysc to 11c a Ib. Maple Syrup -Pure, 11.65 to 11.75 per imperial gallon. • • RADIUM CROWN PERRIN'S KAYSER • • We feature these well-known makes which assure you entire satisfaction. • We mention here a few leading lines : Women's Kayser Glove Silk Hose, full fash- • ioned, beautiful quality, for dressy wear. Colors palm beach, erriei'ald, sand, white • and black. Price perlputir $2.U0 • Women's Silk Ankle Hose, in black, white and all colors, double garter top, • and sole seamless. Price per pair, 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 • Women's black Cotton Hose, with natural wool or balbriggan soles, nice and • • • •• •• •• •• • •• • • Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Dressed Meats -Wholesale ' Toronto wholesale houses are quot. Ing to the trade as foluws: Beef, forequarters $16.00to$17.01) do. hindquarters 19.00 21.00 Carcases, choice 17.50 19.00 do, common .. 13.00 13.50 Veal., common 9.60 11.60 do. medium 12.60 14.60 do. prime • 18.50 20.00 Heavy hogs 15.00 17.00 Shop hogs 20.60 21.60 Abattoir hogs 21.50 22.60 Mutton, heavy 10.00 12.00 do. light 16.00 17.00 Lambs, lb. 0.21 0.23 do. spring 111.00 14.00 Cheese Markets Napanee-1,100 boxes were boarded. No bids. No sale.. London --456 boxes were offered. 211/2c being bid. No sales. Cowansville--P'ltteen factories offer. ed 912 packages of butter. All sold at 41%c. Belleville --194 white were offered. 20c being bid. No sales. St. Hyacinthe-- 120 packages of but. ler ware offered. All sold at 424 easy on the feet. Price per pair 5 • • • 25c Women's black Cotton Hose, good quality. Special per pair .-15c Boys' and Girls' extra heavy ribbed Hose, for school weal; all sizes. Per pair 25c Princess and Buster Brown's Sister Silk Lisle Hose, for boys and girls, in black, white, pink, sky and tan. Price per pair , 25L' and 35c ' Underwear Underwear Underwear Cotton, Balbriggstl dud Silk Vests and Combinations, etc. Ribbedtton Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Each.... \ Inc Ribbed Lisle Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Each 25c Porous -in ii Vests, low neck ort sleeves or sleeveless. Each..... a 35C Fine Ribbed' Cotton Com tions, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. umbrella style. Price per suit 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 • Children's summer Vests and Jerseys, all sizes. At keenest prices. • • New Wash Goods New Coatings New Silks • • THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST • •• • • • •• • •• • • •• •• •• • •• • ab • • •• • • • •• • •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • Millar Scotch Store PHONE 56 • PHONE 56 56 • • •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••err Phone 35 if you want an estimate on your printing. The Signal is equipped for turning out anything from calling card to a catalogue. tirr•••- Are You Coins West Thiie Spring ? If ro, hear in mind tb.t the Cana- dian Pacific offer* especially gond train service, with the finest possible equipment, Including standard and touri.t sleeping care and dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, by one of the most picturesque routes in the world. if a trip is contemplated, apply to any C. P. R. agent for full particulars or write W. 11. Howard. District Passenger Agent, Toromo, Ont. 2 t. "Although I Had Little Faith in Them Ile That is the (riling of hundreds w1e levo been helped by kiln Pins. They ad- mit atter the cure that when they a.•d oln Pills It did not seem possible tbs., such • simple remedy eould relieve suck suffering. TM line above, tor tn. stance, is from the latter of Mr. E. ?. Norbert, Pteeri.Ttlle, recommending He •aye, fa Part. "I suffered from Kidney trouble tar several years. I have tried eemsre a remedies aad used medical pr..ertptisas widest having rummest t.I1t• try sf, pWit .msP113. bNagsltbo.( ebra he IM d•eYRIOle" I ►ad rank fa them. The Ant d..e gave ms ✓ ow. mase, I have takes tear tremor •t thew fills sad I 8d went eemplesdy eared.' eeialetsrnt hers •., rmm r emerryy t� fssesmmes.� grevol, rheumatism. rmsker Mr. E.Aers'd • xpertme• and try ou P1us. At an &sextet.--l0a a beg. r 5 begat far 95.50. aemembr .o pearssew •f s.tl.tawlw er seer mssq leek. Wrfs. fr . free ample le Madera Drag & C1saleal CO. 4 card.. LOm.,issa Teresa*, O O. tat Main Sl. Negate, N.Y. M 1 • livery Town Has Them. -- Every town has soma one stere where loafers congregate to regulJlte the universe. s ' Every town has a postofllce and iR lot of folks wbo call fox mail every day'. and never get any. Every town has a horrible example. He gets drunk, won't work, but his wife supports him and loves him with a dog -like fidelity no decent man can ever hope to receive. Every town has its own skinflint, who discounts notes, buys up land, dresses like a tramp and won't get his wife a new stove. lively town has a bad boy that his Valente hold in horror, and everybody else liter. Every town has its champion liar,, who lies for practice when he can't Hnd anything to lie about. Every town has its. vicious -tongued woman who 'mikes trouble as the sparks Hy upwards. Every town has its village atheist. IOvery town ha. its arguer, who will challenge any statement your make, and prove it's not so. Every town has its giggling gide, who go over to the railway station about the time No. Six is due and walk up and down tbe platforms with their arms about each otber. Every town has its large -mouthed citizen who can't talk without waking a noise likes megaphone. Every tow n has it. leading citizen who heeds every committee and al- ways has a seat on the platform when there is anything going on. Every town has its nice speak-easy, hand -shaking creature. who tries to be nopular with evetyl ody and nobody Itke.. Every town ha. its grouch -face, who trmtfatfagty confident that the worst iset to come. Every town has a group of men who know that the town i. morally the worst in the Province. Every town he. • man who never wear. a collar, and a dude who pastes down tie hair and wears a pink -striped shirt. .t Every town has its An particular brand of big fool. Every town carries its own peculiar type of religious cranks. Every town has a man who laughs like an idiot at his own wit. Every town has its bully, wbo is afraid to death of his own wife. Every town ham men and women who hate the place and are always wishing they lived somewhere else. in outer words, every town is as chock -NH of human nature as every other town. MI 1r - . Wby move? One today is wotth an eternity o yesterdays. Many so-called . hair tonics raise more hopes than hair. ATENTg ik ti 41111:1J.� In ett'l cnuntrlrs. A•k for our'1NYEN- TOIA'd .A IIVISER,wl,lch w111 be sent tree, 81.111ION $ MAR:ON. SII\4 University ht.. Mentrlels School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Von have alway intended to take a Commerciale Steno- graphic Course soiAe ,time. Do it now. A course hirtputs you in a position to comma a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can younvest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything [haf v►ilt romi3e yett-so gyca return ? We Guarantee Positions to Graduates Write for hill information. DO IT NOV'. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. PHONE 208 Neaps!